#Rafe ; Caradoc
contrarymuses · 7 years
Rafe didn’t work well with others.
It was a pretty common fact in the photography world, as well as the print world where he was from. But his nomadic nature caused him to stumble into this city in search of new opportunities and chances. Having no success in booking appointments, Rafe was forced to be hired out by this newspaper to assist one of their writers and to, of course take pictures.
He was just thrilled.
Rafe stood as he was gestured into the office, now standing opposite the writer he was going to be working with for the time being. Rafe managed a smile and offered a hand, being polite despite his unease and irritation at having to be around so many people.
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“Rafael Tatum, but I just go by Rafe. Rafe works great.”
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breaniebree · 5 years
List of ASC Original Characters
Question from fanfiction.net from DetroitNate -- Thanks for this story, it is one of my top five hands down. Also, I agree with you about blvnk, that has always been how I've seen Harry and Ginny. Thanks for a refresher course on Zee's parents sometimes it is difficult to remember who is who, which brings up another questionis there somewhere that I could see a list of your OCs, kind of like your brief explanation of Misha and Sorcha? Either thanks for the story it continues to be wonderful.
Thank you!  I do have a lot of original people I have introduced, in passing or to give characters to them.  I literally have an entire document saved ASC Character Lists to help me keep track.  I will post it here the way I have it written.  It’s a LONG LIST!  Most may have just been mentioned, but it helps me keep track in case I have to go back and like oh right, that person did this!
Zahira Zelena Zacarias (Zee) - 9th April, 1964:
Zee’s family is as follows:
The Jacksons:
Colten (Muggle) and Florence (Pureblood witch) Jackson, Grandma and Grandpa
Daughter Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (deceased) married to Michael (Misha) Zacarias with one daughter: Zahira Zelena Zacarias
The Zacarias’:
Ivan and Anya Zacarias Baba & Deda (Muggles - Ivan was the soldier in WWII with the motorbike) 
1. Michael (Misha) m. Magnolia Jackson Zacarias (d) m. Sorcha Brown Zacarias, Papa and Grandmama
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias
2. Olga Zacarias Petrov m. Dimtri Petrov
(a) Mikhail Petrov m. Ana Ivanov
(i) Yuri Petrov
(b) Mila Petrov Sokolov m. Nicholas Sokolov
(i) Nastasia Sokolov
(ii) Dinara Sokolov
3. Sasha Zacarias Blok m. Yerik Blok
(a) Tanya Blok Fedorov m. Alek Fedorov
(i) Eva and Irina (twin girls identical)
(b) Tatiana Blok eng. Iosif Kuznetsov
The Browns:
Callum and Fiona Brown
Brian Brown m. Jocasta Fitzgibbons
(a) Dougal Brown m. Ellen Smith
(i) Jenny Brown
(ii) Ian Brown
Sorcha Brown m. Misha Zacarias
(a) Zahira Zelena Zacarias
The Weasley family tree
Arthur’s parents — Septimus and Cedrella nee Black Weasley
Bilius Weasley m. Lucretia NLN
(a) Septimus Weasley eng. Bianca Sousa
(b) Gaius Weasley m. Jillian Kinders 
(c) Marcus Weasley
(d) Tiberius Weasley
Alphard Weasley m. Maureen NLN
(a) Caradoc Weasley m. Holly Gibbons
(i) Jeffrey Weasley
(b) Valerius Weasley
(c) Gabriel Weasley eng. Susan Appleby
(d) Maximus Weasley
(e) Marius Weasley
Arthur Weasley m. Molly Prewett
(a) William Arthur Weasley
(b) Charles Septimus Weasley
(c) Percival Ignatius Weasley
(d) Frederick Fabian Weasley
(e) George Gideon Weasley
(f) Ronald Bilius Weasley
(g) Ginevra Molly Weasley
Althea & Xander Papakonstantinou:
(a) Niko Alexander & Nilo Alexander Papakonstantinou
(b) Phoenix Nikolas Papakonstantinou
(c) Basil Kai and Bryony Iliana Papakonstantinou
(d) Calla Gallina Papakonstantinou
Apollo & Medea Castellanos 
(a) Daphne Grace Castellanos
(b) Circe Althea Castellanos
(c) Cassandra Medea Castellanos  
Lady Lucrectia Dettweiler
Lord Marcus Bulstrode
Lord Tiberius Ogden
Lord Aaron Mackelbee
CWM Norton
CWM Anderson
CWM Himmler
Adrian Roberts (Alpha of Southwestern England)
Echo Simpson (Alpha of Northwestern England)
Ethan Simpson (son of Echo)
Maia Roberts (wife of Adrian)
Hawk Roberts
Emily Roberts
Nikita Roberts
Odin Roberts
Rafe Roberts
Clara Roberts (deceased)
Conan NLN
Volk NLN
Ivory NLN
Cami NLN
Daimon NLN (Alpha of Southeastern in England)
Rune NLN (Alpha of Northeastern in England)
Romeo NLN
Summer NLN
Other Random Mentioned Characters:
George & Margaret Morrison - Sirius’ next door neighbours (Zee’s cottage)
Persephone - name of Sirius’ owl
Greta Catchlove - Sirius’ ex in school
Glenda Chittock - Sirius’ ex in school
Sarah Anderson - Sirius’ ex in school
Darcy Floras - Wizengamot Administrative Office
Professor Dragomir - Durmstrang Dark Arts professor (Althea’s old prof & confidant)
Robyn NLN - ex lover of Remus
Annalise Zuszack Davies - ex lover of Sirius
Veronica Riley - ex lover of Remus, Accidental Magical Reversal Squad
Persephone NLN - bridesmaid at Althea’s wedding, ex lover of Sirius
Connor McGee - Tonks’ ex boyfriend
Amanda NLN- ex lover of Remus
Carolos Santorini - head of dragon reserve in Sicily
Sareena Sahadi, curse breaker in Roman catacombs 
Jonathon Pepper - Tonks’ ex boyfriend and lover
Jennifer Berry - real estate agent who sold Zee her cottage, ex lover of Sirius
Phillipe Montgomery - professor on werewolf mythology
Ava Montgomery - wife of Phillippe Montgomery and werewolf
Ferryweather - ex member of Hogwarts Board of Governors (who Sirius replaces)
Tripp Forrester - Agent of the DRCMC
Brandon NLN - 7th year Hufflepuff student in Harry’s second year
Will Matthews - Seamus’ first boyfriend
Maggie Cumberland - woman who speaks and outs Lockhart on stealing memories
Na’eemah Hickey - Egyptian Mind Healer who helps Ginny
Mary Raffigan - historian in the Department of History; professor of History of Magic at Hogwarts
Agent Minnow - Being Division of DRCMC
Kata Novak - Croatian pureblood kidnapped by DE’s
Harley Mills - Harry’s ex girlfriend
Tucker - ranch hand on Colt and Flo’s ranch
Calvin - ranch hand on Colt and Flo’s ranch
Trotsky NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Aims NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Santana NFN - dragon handler on Romanian reserve
Juliette Léandre - Département de Coopération Magique Internationale 
Madame Simone Richelieu - President of the Ministère des Affaires Magiques del la France
Jericho Jones - International Confederation of Wizards
Katherine Thomas - International Magical Office of Law
LiMei Lee - Ambassador to Hong Kong Mófǎ bù
Liam O’Kelly - journalist for Irish Prophet
Leonoardo Fanucci - Rome’s famous fashion designer
Dimo Radkov - best friend of Viktor Krum
Andrei Ankov - best friend of Viktor Krum
Professor Penkov - Durmstrang history professor
Iglika Krum - Viktor’s younger sister
Desislava Krum - Viktor’s younger sister
Boyana Krum - Viktor’s mother
Kosta Krum - Viktor’s father
Danny Evangeline - editor of the Daily Prophet
Princess Sapphira - Mermaid from Greece
Agent Barrow NFN - beast division of DRCMC
Elizabeth Walters - werewolf support services
King Taliesin of the Fae
William Clovenfield of the Vampire Confederacy of Europe
Henry Jacks, personal assistant of Ludo Bagman
Tripp Forrester, Agent of DRCMC
Bura Visnjic - magical creature reserve near Fiordland National Park in New Zealand
Abioye NLN - magizoologist from the reserve
Zhang NFN - magizoologist from the reserve
Henry Richardson - Head of the Department of Education
Dmitri Horvat - Balkan Auror, friend of Dumbledore
Miranda Jameson - Head of the Department of Magical Cooperation
Board of Governors:
Sirius Black
Lucius Malfoy - ARRESTED - replaced with Richard Macmillan
Marcus Bulstrode - ARRESTED - replaced with Charlotte Ogden
Julius Abbot
John Matthias
Josephine Fawley
Bernice Caulder
Octavius Greengrass
Augusta Longbottom
Castor Parkinson
Elphias Doge
Lucretia Dettweiler
Crann Bethadh Cabinet (Tree of Life Cabinet aka CBC):
Amelia Bones (Minister)
Albus Dumbledore (ICW rep)
Zahira Zacarias (DRCMC rep)
Walter Barrow (DRCMC rep)
Adrian Roberts (Wolf rep)
Echo Simpson (Wolf rep)
Rune Rogers (Wolf rep)
Daimon Adams (Wolf rep)
William Clovenfield (Vampire rep)
Alice Langdon (Vampire rep)
Jericho Jones (ICW rep)
Katherine Thomas (magical law rep)
King Taliesan (Fae rep)
Brigit (Fae rep)
Colleen Sanders (Veela rep)
Hugh Arnett A3
Natalie Atwell A3
Gregson NFN - deceased
Bishop NFN - deceased
Lewis NFN - deceased
Davis NFN - deceased
Jane NFN - A2
Campbell NFN - A2
Leonard NFN - A2
Higgins NFN - A1, Tonks’ partner
Hogwarts Students in Harry’s Year:
Gryffindor Girls - Sophie Roper, Natalia Monroe
Slytherin Girls - Ophelia Rowle
Students in Ginny’s year:
Gryffindor Girls - Maisie Wendall, Imogen Landers, Katherine Joy Alcott (KJ), Freya Sloane
Gryffindor Boys - David Gunderson 
Hufflepuff Girls - Edith Carlyle, Francesca Wood (Oliver’s cousin)
Ravenclaw Girls - Chloe Cunningham, Morag Campbell, Dinah Fox, Bettina Addersworth
Third Year Students in 1995:
Hufflepuff - Mr NFN Donovan, Miss NFN Payne
Ravenclaw - Mr NFN Sahni, Miss NFN Jameson
New Students 1995-1996 school year:
Slytherin Boys - Julian Norton
Slytherin Girls - Mila St James - half-vampire, Ciara Casey - half-fae
Ravenclaw Girls - Sari Danson - wolf
Gryffindor Boys - Maximus O’Ryan - wolf, Jack Wolf - wolf 
Hufflepuff Girls - Tara Brady - half-fae
Bellarosa Zabini Husbands:
Signore Antonio Zabini, Baron of Sardinia
Siegneur Tristian Beauchamp, Comte de Marseille
Lord Stephen Barkley, Earl of Suffolk
Sir David Sanders
Lord Jason Stanford, Earl of Kent
Hope this helps!  
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