cameronspecial · 5 months
can you write rafe with pregnant reader 💕
Lifting My Weight
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.4K
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Y/N loves being pregnant. The idea of bringing a little Rafe and Y/N into the world causes her heart to flip. Their bundle of joy is a product of their love after all. One thing she does hate though is the added weight to the front of her stomach. It feels as though she is walking around with a bowling ball on her stomach. It especially annoys her that the bump stops her from picking stuff up off the floor unless she gets down on her hands and knees like an animal. Rafe can see the discomfort the bump is causing his girlfriend. Her hand always rests on her back with a look of pain and it absolutely kills him that he can’t take it on for himself. So, when he finds a video that helps solve the problem for a bit, he is quick to carry it out to help her. Y/N gets home from brunch with Sarah and finds Rafe standing by the front door with a massive grin. “What are you doing?” she snips, not having energy because she can’t drink coffee and the baby was kicking her all night. He steps forward and rests a hand on his belly, “I know that I did my part for the baby-making part, but I know I can lift more of my own weight in the process. Will you let me try?”
“Fine,” she sighs. All she wants to do is take a nap and maybe have some popcorn with mayo, but she understands how important it is for Rafe to aid her with the pregnancy. This isn’t the first thing he has tried and while the others haven’t worked, she is hopeful this will because she needs a break. He steps forward and places his palm at the bottom of her belly. “What are you-?” Her questioning is interrupted by the instant relief provided by him lifting her belly. She sighs. They stay like this for a few minutes until the position gets uncomfortable and he has to step back. The weight is returned to her, but it is nice to not deal with it for a second. Her arms wrap around his neck the best way that they can and she smoothers his face with kisses. “Thank you so much. That really helped me,” she informs. His smile beams impossibly bright, “I’m so glad it did, Princess. I’m going to add it to our nighttime routine.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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ipetite69 · 7 months
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·̩͙ ₊ ᨦ ♡ ᨩ ໋₊ ·̩͙
a sneak peak into the summer life of rafe's kook girlfriend pt 2.
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maybankiara · 10 months
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rafe cameron x reader summary: her restraint falls apart when rafe pulls her close during a bonfire. a/n: the only rafe fluff i’ll probably ever do. masterlist | tag list
sarah cameron’s brother is off limits. she watches him from afar, admiring the angle of his cheekbones, the sharpness of his mouth -- and his tongue. he’s her best friend’s brother, too, and she knows fair well that she’s off limits. he should be off limits.
she should know.
but she finds herself next to him, anyway, and there’s a bottle of beer in her hands. the bonfire warms them enough, but rafe still pulls her closer, his palm spread wide at her side. 
topper says nothing and neither does kelce, but she bites her lip to stop from smiling.
the one night sarah isn’t here. the one night she’s away with john b. 
that’s when the resistance slips and the orange-red light of the fire dances on rafe’s cheeks. there’s beer passing between them, and joints, and she’s laughing like never before. she leans into him, just a little bit.
just a little.
it means nothing.
rafe’s hand is now around her shoulders, and soon enough kelce and topper are away to get more drinks, and rafe’s hand is cupping the back of her shorts.
‘we can’t do this,’ she whispers.
rafe kisses her on the corner of her lips, teasing. ‘says who?’
‘sarah doesn’t care,’ he says, and kisses her on the other corner. ‘you’re your own person.’
she is, and maybe it’s the alcohol or the lighting or just rafe, but her hands grasp his face and she’s kissing him like he’s air to a drowning man. he reciprocates, and his hands are the only thing holding her together. 
kelce and topper come back, carrying two six-packs, and rafe’s hand never leaves the exposed skin on her side, thumb reaching just underneath her top. it feels like something. it feels like she should tell sarah, or hide it, or leave it for another day. 
she leans into rafe. she doesn’t know where this leads---if anywhere---but she feels excitement bubbling in the bottom of her stomach. so when, at the end of the night, he says ‘you’re coming home with me,’ she finds herself willing to go.
wherever he’ll take her.
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stxrslut · 2 months
I know rafe is volunteer tribute for D1 in your AU, but if we went back in time he would totally take the role of young snow or am I tripping?? Like they both would do crazy, unhinged stuff to get to the top and live up to their last name, maybe even be greater than the ones before them? Bring glory to the family vibe?
The big question is who would be Rafe’s Sejanus?
Im yapping, I apologize <3
literally don’t apologise. yap all you want. I love it.
but yes there are definitely lots of correlations between Rafe and young snow.
Rafe is definitely easily corrupted early in life. he is raised similarly to canon. always pushed aside as ward favours Sarah. all he ever wants to do is impress his father and live up to his big name, this being even more true considering the cameron name would be famed among panem due to ward’s previous win.
when he volunteers for the hunger games he’s sure that that will earn his fathers approval. and of course it does, but only momentarily before he’s pushed aside again.
but now let’s look back at canon. Rafe wasn’t particularly violent, sure he got into brawls but it was nothing out of the ordinary for someone like him. but after the peterkin incident, he grows to have much less regard to life, and he is much more willing to kill.
this would also stand in the hunger games. Like jj in this universe, he’s not particularly bad until after the games.
but what makes him different from jj is that he’s aware of how he is. he’s always high and he knows he has a problem (cough cough, just like canon). though whenever he reaches out for help he’s always just told to man up and eventually he just develops the belief that he’s wrong and he needs to shut up and deal (cough cough cough)
I’d loveee to talk more about Rafe in this au! as we’ve only really covered jj so far. I think it would also be very interesting to see how jj and Rafe interact here.
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ravencromwell · 8 months
Finally decided to indulge in the Siuan/Moiraine meta I've been wanting to write for ages now, musing on the differences in psychology ensuing from their significantly different arcs within the book and show and why Siuan's actions at season 2's apex are entirely in psychological sync with her show portrayal, even if they swerve wildly from the books.
Let's start with some Siuan back-story context. In the books, Tear was undeniably an unfriendly city for those with the One Power. But that translated, in practical terms, to Aes Sedai keeping their stays there brief, and girls who could touch The Source being quickly bustled off to the Tower. There were no Aes Sedai advisers, as in other kingdoms etc., but neither was there the virulent hostility of the show.
Siuan left Tear quickly in the books—the first day she was discovered to have the Power, but only because a sister was traveling through and didn't wish to delay returning to The Tower for such pesky things as sentimental goodbyes. Was that harsh? Absolutely. But the world of the books is exceedingly harsh in some respects, giving girls little to no choice about becoming Sisters, should they be discovered harboring abilities. (Much of Nynaeve's back-story involved hiding her powers precisely because she didn't fancy being ripped from The Two Rivers.)
Siuan faces a much different harshness in the show. The show doesn't do a great job explaining this, but The Dragon's Fang, which is etched onto Siuan's door before her house is unceremoniously torched, is a sign of immense contempt for Dark Friends. Within show Tear, a wary mistrust of Aes Sedai has curdled into something much more dangerous. All use of The Power is suspect, because if men's half was tainted, there's nothing to say women won't go suddenly mad, too.
It's worth remembering as well here that book Siuan was roughly fifteen when she went to The Tower. Now, I'm totally blind, and audio description doesn't give me an age for tiny show-Siuan, but if she's anywhere near puberty, I'll eat my metaphorical hat. And instead of being shepherded to The Tower, she had to flee for her life.
In her family's only means of support, I might ad. Book Siuan was by no means well-to-do, but she was firmly in the middling ranks of the working poor. Show Siuan's family are on the fucking destitution brink y'all. And she took her father's livelihood. Dying destitute ain’t fuckin pretty.
Siuan is not a stupid kid, and she clearly adores the shit out of her papa. The first thing that little girl did the millisecond she got any privileges? Wrote to her papa.
And more than likely, Berden never wrote back. It wouldn't take her long to figure out what'd happened. Moiraine is at great pains to tell Alana Jenny was not "her" support dog, and we laugh it off as oh, look at Moiraine being all adorably prim. Which in one sense, it totally is. But I'd almost guarantee you there's a deeper layer there: it wasn't "hers"; it was "theirs" because once Siuan found out her beloved papa was dead, they both needed something to cuddle.
This may seem like somewhat of a digression, but I'm maundering on because in the books yes, Dark Friends are evil. But they're evil because they caused a terrible cataclysm many thousands of years ago that killed lots of people, and they wanna do it again. There's no personal skin in the game for our beloved ladies, except they get thrust into the job through a convergence of some very complicated circumstances—I'd recommend any show-only watchers read "New Spring" because while I love almost all the changes the show has made ferociously, the way Siuan and Moiraine undertake the search is vastly more plausible as presented by Jordan there.
For Siuan in the show, by contrast, Dark Friend has _very personal ramifications. Dark Friends caused the corrosive mistrust that got her papa _killed! And Moiraine, better than _anyone, knows how that broke her.
And she _knows full well she could be deposed simply for having a relationship with Moiraine. The sensible thing to keep all the awful people from committing terrible crimes that will reverberate down the centuries to impact a little girl just as she was impacted would be to keep both their noses clean. And yet, she loves Moiraine so much that she'll take that risk to maintain not only an alliance about Rand, but a romantic relationship which could, realistically, be discovered much more easily.
And now, Moiraine, the woman who parroted back her beloved father's words of farewell about how Siuan was as clever as a pike and strong as the tides seemingly willfully lied; seemingly became a _Dark _Friend. Even her admonition that Lanfear is "too strong" must bring up so many awful questions: just how long have they been working together for her to know that? Because from Siuan's perspective, what it looks like is Lanfear coming in, guns blazing, to save her accomplice, Moiraine.
When Siuan says that there are rules and they have to abide by them, it's reflecting profoundly deep fears—not only about what Rand could do, but the kind of hatred toward those with The Power it could foster. For twenty years, she's put those fears aside. And now it appears that her going against Tower Law has lost her Moiraine to the Forsaken, and made terrible outcomes nigh on inevitable. And people are really confused about why she looks beaten?
Hell, from her perspective, forget Lanfear's entrance. The very fact Moiraine seemingly lied to her and is now talking about love must seem such a cruel mockery: laughing at Siuan's weakness; just as, perhaps, she was laughing at her with that parting comment in The Tower: an Amyrlin Seat still so swayed by what her papa told her so many years ago. (Yeah, we know it was as close as she could come to an I love you, but how the hell is Siuan supposed to know that, given everything?) This was not willful emotional abuse on someone she knew to be acting in good faith, but a reaction to the person she loved enough to risk the fucking Amyrlin Seat for becoming a monster!
Do I wish they'd picked _any other direction for their relationship? Yes, yes I damn well do. There was plenty to play with for angst factor by having the coup go down as it does in the books: Moiraine not being there to save her when all Siuan wanted was more time together, for one thing. Moiraine needlessly obfuscating in front of Siuan and  the other Sisters in S1, when Leandrin already knew! about the Two Rivers folk. Thinking she was being canny, when all she did was get herself pointlessly exiled so she couldn't protect Siuan? Quite enough of an angst sandwich, thanks ever so, without this new development. But! if they were going to include this, Siuan reacted precisely as I would expect her to, given the context I've outlined above, not in some madly ooc fashion worthy of the tags descending into emotional abuse discourse.
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2tarbell · 3 months
cramping rn… just need rafe to make it better </3
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themacabrebarbie · 1 month
@susurruslux sent "give me everything you've got, i'll take what i can get." - Rafe to Dani
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answered memes !
There was a devilish smile on her lips as he spoke, her head nodded along with. Anyone else speaking these words, maybe she wouldn't be so keen to them. But the way she saw Rafe's mind work, especially against her own, brought a sort of satisfaction she couldn't put into words. She enjoyed Rafe's company, more than she would ever let on in her own desire to be in charge of herself..
"That's a bit selfish, isn't it?" Dani let out a short laugh, teeth dug into her bottom. Her hands ran against his chest, fingertips felt the beating of his heart as she glanced upward towards him. The best she could use was her own actions against his to showcase just where her thoughts laid. "Lucky for you, I'm a bit selfish myself. An eye for an eye," Dani's fingertips toyed with his shirt. "You able to give that to me?"
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jaydaaasworld · 7 months
Hey guys I have a flight tomorrow and need wattpad recommendations that I can save to offline for it
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years
A wild Victoria spots her prey!
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Encouraged by her packmate Electra, she gathers her courage and slinks in to striking range.
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Thighs must be fondled. Biscuits must be made.
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(oh no, the prey is aware of them. also Carbuckety is Grinning in the background. despite all Munkustrap's attempts to preserve his innocence.)
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... touching the butt is for amateurs. Just. Get right in there, girls.
Taiwan tour, early 2022. Will Richardson as Tugger, Tyler Lotzof as Victoria, Anina Pletscher as Electra, Amy Everett as Jemima, Dominique Hamilton as Rumpelteazer, Mukeni Nel as Carbuckety, and Rafe Watts as Munkustrap('s chastity paws). From the press day before opening: 9 February 2022 (x).
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cynical-sprite · 2 years
After watching MIB International, one thought lives in my head rent free; I wanna be the middle/filling to an Agent C and Agent H sandwich🤤
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reiiofsunshine · 1 year
Location: Fig beach Status: Closed @rafelix
Reign was enjoying the reception, taking a break from socializing with people, and heading to the drink table. Pouring herself a glass of wine, she heard someone come up next to her, the familiar smell of cologne indicating Rafe. "Oh Hey." She said softly as she sipped on the glass. Things were now weird between them. He saved her life but she knew Jorrdan would not approve, hate her for anything that happened between them. "This isn't the best time, I'm here with Jordan."
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thebrandxnharris · 1 year
Brandon might have had a bit too much to drink as he stood in the bar, swaying slightly from side to side, vision going in and out of focus. He couldn't recall drinking enough to cause this, but he always couldn't tell anyone exactly how much he had had to drink, so maybe this was of his own doing. Though, he was perfectly aware of who it was that his eyes landed on, looking the criminal up and down. He had been the person to find Sasha. Maybe he'd been the one to kill her, for all he knew. "People st-- people s-still say it was you, y'know... Th-that killed S-Sash..."
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maybankiara · 10 months
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rafe cameron x reader summary: all that's left from the person rafe loved is the traces of her perfume. a/n: not sure where this one came from.  masterlist | tag list
rafe walked into the biggest mistake of his life with his hands in his pockets, the cap backwards on his head, and a cigarette lolling in the corner of his mouth. the words rolled off his tongue with as much ease as all the lies before them, and he didn't watch her fall apart -- he just turned his back to her and walked away.
he always walked away.
but now, his head is in a haze when his eyes open in the mornings, and his hands still reach for the shape of her. he's washed his pillows more times than he can count, but he can still smell her perfume. her hairs wedged themselves between the stitches of his couch, of his rug, of his sweaters.
bits and pieces of her, collected of the years, remain. no matter how hard he tries. it all remains.
but not her.
rafe fucked that one up.
he watches her, instead, from a distance. never close. never near enough to hear her voice, to smell that perfume again. he doesn't need to. it's still everywhere he goes. her body is still a familiar shape under his palm, and her name is written on his walls.
she's all he sees when he closes his eyes. she's all he hears when he's strung out on coke and his heart aches for the one thing he'd given up.
she's moved on, though. she holds the hands of this boy and that boy, she laughs and smiles and rafe catches only glimpses of her, but they're enough. she's in a better place.
without him.
while he wakes up every morning, and washes the sheets, and airs the room, but none of it matters. at the end of the day, he'll still spray the perfume on the pillow that used to be hers, and for a moment, pretend that he's not all alone.
one day, he'll run out of the perfume.
one day, she'll be gone forever.
but not now.
not tonight.
rafe sprays the perfume, finishes the beer, and lies down. closes his eyes. pictures her next to him, looking at him with those eyes glazed with love, like she once used to.
and he smiles.
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honeyedblossom · 2 years
closed starter for @wickedthiswaycomes ( rhys )
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"Are you sure you still have what it takes?" Rafe asked Rhys, a taunting in his tone as he stared stacking up his barbells on the bench press. "I don't want to have to call an ambulance on your ass, if you can't do it."
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hi luv, i have a request
reader gets badly hurt by rafe or put in danger because of his addiction. that’s like her last straw and she tells rafe she cant be with him if he keeps using. he begs n pleads but reader needs space
over a few days rafe acts crazy, sending her messages n shit saying how he’s gonna make it right bc he “loves” her. reader ignores him for a bit and then once she is ready, goes over to his to talk to him abt the relationship. when she gets there though she overhears rafe talking shit about how reader is the bad person for leaving him + invalidating the severity of the danger he put her in + is literally high on coke while going on this rant
she tells him off, he doesn’t let her leave, idk abt the rest i just see a lot of angst and possessive rafe💌
Of Bullets and Wounds:
Warning: There are some intense, nonconsensual sexual themes in this story, also domestic abuse, and injury. MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. MINORS DNI.
Thoughts and Opinions are Welcome
You didn't understand how you let things get this severe or allowed Rafe to push things as far as he did despite your reluctance.
You probably figured things always worked out and you would be fine.
Unfortunately, that kind of thinking had you keeled over in immeasurable pain and panic as you held on to your injured arm for dear life.
Due to some incident that Topper had with JJ, Rafe, and his little trio, and had recently stumbled upon a firearm, courtesy of Barry. You didn't understand what happened, but something told you Topper had started it.
You couldn't say that to Rafe because admitting the pogues were anything, but guilty would ruin his little fantasy of them being the bad guys.
He lured you out of the comfort of your room for a date night, and somehow you ended up at the beach with the dream team, high and impulsive while playfully handling a dangerous firearm.
You were tired, you had been tired for a while now, and at this point in your lives, you were wondering when Rafe was going to grow the fuck up.
You sat beside a makeshift bonfire as they tampered with the weapon, mostly Rafe, consistently telling them that this was a bad idea and that maybe they should put the gun away and go home.
In fact, your statement made Rafe a bit more rebellious, and he seemed to get a bit more reckless with it.
Shooting out rounds to the ocean, laughing and trying to reassure you. You weren't having fun, not that the night had been a gaggle of laughs, but when the pit of your stomach began to churn, you felt that you needed to get out of the situation as soon as possible.
Rafe noticed as you got up and began to gather your things, and in his hurry to stop you, a bullet shot off in your direction.
Rafe had shot you.
It wasn't on purpose, but you couldn't help but think you wouldn't be in this situation if he had listened to you from the beginning.
The pain was unbearable, and it was all you could focus on as he carried you to the jeep and had Topper drive you out to the hospital.
"Let me see," he says
"Don't touch me," you cringe on the other end of the backseat, doing your best to get as far away from him as possible.
"Baby, I'm so sorry, but please let me see it," he begs.
You desperately shake your head. "No,"
"Just let me fucking see it," he was no longer gentle, and as his patience wore thin, he grabbed your injured arm and taking a look at the wound.
"It hurts," you start hitting him, hoping it would get him to stop pulling on your arm.
But that makes him angrier, as he takes hold of your neck, threatening you with a squeeze. "Stay fucking still," he growls.
You stop, the fear in your belly was spreading to your chest. He goes into his back pocket and pulls out his phone, turning on the flash to get a better view of your injury.
"It looks like a graze," he says.
You take a peek at the open wound, the skin ripped open as blood seeped out, but it didn't look like a hole.
"You're gonna tell them we were playing around at the beach, and you fell on a bunch of rocks."
You're taken aback as the lie flows effortlessly through his lips.
Once you get to the hospital, you tell them precisely what Rafe told you, and you feel like an idiot. He was by your side the entire time, acting as moral support while you got your stitches.
Topper took you back to the beach to pick up Rafe's truck, and Rafe took you home.
Before he can turn off his truck, you let it all go.
"I don't think this is working," you stare at your hands to avoid looking him in the eyes.
"What?" his voice deep and clear. He must be off his high.
"I'm not saying it should be forever, but I think we should take a long break," if you were being honest, you'd been thinking about it for a while and didn't think you'd ever return.
Before he could finish his statement, you jumped out of the truck, rushing to your front door.
"Wait!" he shouts, grabbing your injured arm.
You let out a strangled cry, emphasizing your pain.
"Look, if it's about the whole gun thing, I said I was sorry."
He didn't get it, and frankly, you weren't surprised. Rafe was incapable of thinking about any perspectives outside of his own.
"It's not just the gun, Rafe. It's the fact that every time you get high, you find trouble, and somehow I get dragged along for the ride. It was fun when we first started dating, but now I'm scared and tired." you heave a heavy sigh getting everything off your chest.
"Look, I promise to be better, just don't do this," he whispers, sounding desperate.
"No, we can't be together if you're going to keep using and acting out like this."
"We're adults now, Rafe," you open your door.
"Please don't do this to us," he tries to push his way in, and despite going up against his strength, you manage to hold your own.
"Look, I just need some space, I'll see you later,"
Despite the struggle, you lock the door before pushing your back against it.
"What the fuck."
You really didn't want to see Rafe ever again. The night at the beach put things into perspective as you considered him a future partner.
In conclusion, he was very unfit.
Unfortunately, Rafe didn't seem to understand the concept of 'space' since that night. Either that, or he didn't respect you enough to give it to you.
He was constantly messaging you with love bombs, and I'm sorry's, With the last message alluding to him making things right and you effectively having him blocked since.
But that didn't stop Rafe.
He delivered flowers and chocolates to your home, even getting your mother to talk to you about how good your relationship was and that you shouldn't destroy it over a little spat.
He clearly didn't tell her what happened, and you had half a mind to expose his sorry ass.
You let the situation stew for about two weeks before finally deciding to talk to him.
You unblock him and ask to meet up, and he responds by saying anytime and that you knew where to find him.
As you walk up the steps to his mansion, you hear someone making noise by the pool in the backyard and decide to check it out.
When you get closer, you hear your name on what sounds like Rafe's lips.
"She's being such a bitch about the whole thing. It was a fucking accident. She's acting like I held the gun to her fucking face and pulled the trigger on purpose,"
When you look over, he's moving back and forth on the pool's edge, gun in hand, with agitated movements. He was very animated with the occasional tick, and as soon as you heard him sniffle and go to wipe his nose, you knew he was still using.
This bastard and his audacity, before you could walk away, he spots you calling out your name and quickly hanging up with whoever he had on the line.
"What that was-" as soon as he grabs your arm, you push him off and decide to face the Devil.
"Fuck you, Rafe. You're gonna grow to be a miserable old man, stuck to this fucking island, except you won't have daddy's money to ease the pain."
You get in his face, anger slowly building in your chest as you get louder.
"What's worse is that you won't be a kook. No, you'll live on the cut just like the pogues you hate so fucking much, you miserable cokehead,"
You huff as you try to walk away, but he grabs your waist.
"Where the fuck are you going?" he says, irritation laced in his tone.
"I'm going home, let go," you try to push him off, but his hold gets tighter.
"You're not going anywhere,"
You feel a cold heavy metal pushed up against your neck, and still.
"That's my good girl," he says, pulling you into the house and throwing you on the couch, with the gun still in his hand and facing your direction.
"No, I gave you the space you needed, you're done, and you're coming back to me." he sits next to you, gun still pointed your way. "Babe, you don't understand just how much I need you in my life. You can't just walk away from me."
He tries to pull you into a kiss, and in the midst of you pushing him away, he clumsily drops the gun.
Feeling a chance come up, you rush for it, but Rafe is faster and stronger as he slams you against the couch.
Your lungs struggle to breathe at the impact, and he takes this opportunity to lift your skirt and rip off your thong.
Pushing his fingers deep into your cunt, roughly fondling you as you try to fight back.
"Rafe, Stop. Please,"
He chuckles as if he thought of something funny. He flips you over without so much of a struggle on his end.
You hear his movement as he adjusts his shorts to pull his cock out.
He massages your ass, giving it a harsh smack. "This is all mine," he gives it another one. "Don't you ever forget that,"
He pulls your cheeks apart as wide as you can handle, and you feel the head of his cock poking into your entrance.
He feels so much larger as your pussy stretches around him. A thought then occurs to you.
"Condom," you say
"Don't worry about that. I wanna be the only thing on your mind," he quickly forces the rest of his cock inside you.
All it takes is a few pumps for him to catch a rhythm, hovering over you as he rolls your clit between his fingers.
You were so wet and didn't understand why. But Rafe didn't care, his enjoyment of the situation evident as his grunts became rabid.
"Fuck" he says as he flips you around so that you're facing him. Pushing himself back into your body. Exhausted by the situation, you just let it happen and let your eyes close as you felt the sensations.
" Look at me," he says. "I wanna see your face when I cum inside you,"
Your eyes open at his suggestion.
"Rafe, no!" you put your hands against his pelvis as you try to push him off. He just grabs them and pulls them over your head as he fucked you with more vigor than before. His other hand plays with your clit as you're forced into an orgasm, toes curled and back arched, with him following close behind. Filling you with his seed, a creampie forms as you feel it leaking out.
"You're gonna be stuck with me forever, bitch."
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ggblasts · 6 days
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Spotted: Rafe Cameron, the bad boy from North Carolina, back in NYC and causing waves wherever he goes. It seems like the city can’t get enough of the Kook-turned-rogue, and neither can the ladies. First, we saw him with Elise—brief but intense, as all his entanglements seem to be. Then, without warning, he disappears, leaving poor Elise in the dust. But now, Rafe has returned, and he’s wasted no time sinking his claws into a new romantic prospect, Maeve. The question on everyone's mind: Is this just another fleeting fling, or does Rafe have deeper plans brewing beneath the surface?
Word around town says Rafe’s sudden reappearance has more to do with family ties than romance. We’ve seen him lurking around Sarah Cameron’s usual haunts, keeping a close eye on his younger sister. Is Rafe here to play the overprotective big brother, or is he simply trying to worm his way into her inner circle? Whatever his intentions, it’s clear Rafe has no problem making his presence felt, and one has to wonder how Sarah feels about her brother’s constant shadowing. Something tells me sibling dynamics won’t be the only drama stirring this fall.
Of course, it wouldn’t be a Rafe Cameron story without whispers of something darker. His troubled past in the Outer Banks isn’t exactly a secret, and some sources say Rafe’s back in the city for more than just socializing. Could there be a more sinister motive behind his return? Rumors of shady dealings have followed him from North Carolina to NYC, and with every move he makes, speculation grows. One thing’s for sure: Rafe isn’t someone to cross, and if he’s up to no good, we’ll be the first to know.
And what of his new flame, Maeve? The two have been spotted around town looking cozy, but Rafe’s track record with relationships leaves much to be desired. Is Maeve just another name on his list of conquests, or is she the one who can tame the wild Cameron? The city is buzzing with speculation, and while Maeve may be smitten now, she might want to watch her back. After all, Elise probably thought she had Rafe locked down too, and we all know how that turned out.
The only thing more unpredictable than Rafe’s love life is his next move. From fancy dinners on the Upper East Side to late-night strolls in Central Park, he seems to be everywhere at once, leaving a trail of whispers in his wake. The stakes are high, and with Rafe involved, nothing is ever as it seems. Is he here for a fresh start, or does he have a hidden agenda no one’s caught wind of yet? Keep your eyes peeled, Upper East Siders, because when Rafe Cameron’s around, you never know what might happen next.
Whatever the reason for his return, Rafe is sure to keep us all on edge. Whether he’s stirring up trouble for Sarah and her friends or pursuing something more dangerous, it’s clear he’s not just here for a quiet visit. So buckle up, NYC. With Rafe Cameron back on the scene, things are bound to get wild.
XOXO, Gossip Girl
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