meble-do-salonu · 2 years
Regał Ashme - skandynawski design w Twoim wnętrzu
Ashme to nowatorski design łączący w sobie styl skandynawski i nowoczesny. Jego minimalizm doskonale sprawdzi się w każdym wnętrzu. Firma Ragaba oferuje odbiory w wybranym przez klienta kolorze. Dzięki temu regał drabina doskonale wkomponuje się w każde otoczenie. Regał Ashme, bo o nim mowa, jest dostępny w dwóch szerokościach. Regał jest długi na 180 cm i szeroki na 45 lub 85 cm. Ponadto głębokość wynosi 35 cm. Regał wykonany jest z naturalnego jesionowego drewna, co nadaje mu dodatkowo wyrazistości. Produkty Ragaby tworzone są na indywidualne zamówienie, dlatego też nie ma możliwości odstąpienia od umowy kupna-sprzedaży czy też zwrotu. Firma Ragaba powstała w 2008 roku i od tego czasu tworzy designerskie meble i akcesoria do domu zgodne z najnowszymi trendami. W jej ofercie znajdują się kolekcje mebli i oświetlenia, które idealnie wpisują się w nowoczesne wnętrza. W produkcji wykorzystywane są naturalne materiały takie jak jesionowe drewno oraz metal, które świetnie wyglądają w połączeniu z modnymi tkaninami. Ragaba to przede wszystkim jakość, która pozostaje w idealnym połączeniu z najnowszymi trendami. Firma stawia na nowoczesne technologie, dzięki czemu może zapewnić klientom jakość i precyzję w wykonaniu każdego produktu. Wszystkie meble i oświetlenie tworzone są przez doświadczonych rzemieślników, którzy gwarantują trwałość i niezawodność zamówionych produktów. Regał Ashme to idealne uzupełnienie wspomnianej kolekcji. Dzięki niemu będziesz mieć wyjątkowe wnętrze wypełnione luksusem i elegancją. Minimalistyczna forma doskonale sprawdzi się we wnętrzach skandynawskich oraz nowoczesnych. Ponadto regał dostępny jest w kilku kolorach do wyboru, co pozwoli Ci jeszcze bardziej podkreślić swój indywidualizm. Wybierz styl i kolor, a my zapewnimy Ci wymarzone wnętrze.
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jessicalprice · 2 years
all hail her excellent braids
Christians: omg first century Judaism was soooo misogynistic but Jesus was like the first feminist because he treated women like people
Jews: what
Christians: like, Jewish men would cross to the other side of the street to avoid having to be too close to women
Jews: hang on do you think there were, like, sidewalks in first-century Jerusalem?
Christians: and Jewish women weren't supposed to be seen in public
Jews: that's not how--
Christians: and men weren't even supposed to talk to women, but Jesus had female followers <3
Jews: first-century Jewish women owned their own businesses and represented themselves in court and, like, how are you imagining business got done if they weren't allowed to talk?
President Jimmy fucking Carter: first century Jews were basically the Taliban
A bazillion seminary textbooks: yup, the Pharisees were obsessed with ritual purity and viewed women as inherently unclean and Jesus upended all that Pharisaic hatred of women and that's why they wanted him dead
Shlomtzion, aka Salome Alexandra, has entered the chat.
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Ahem, let me tell you about the Pharisee Queen.
So back in the day, the Pharisees were a tiny, persecuted movement because the King of Judah, Alexander Jannaeus hated them. He straight-up massacred 6,000 of them when they pelted him with fruit after he mocked them by performing a Sukkot ritual incorrectly, which kicked off a whole civil war. He won the war, and slaughtered the wives and children of 800 of the surviving Pharisees as entertainment at his victory feast before crucifying the men. The remaining Pharisees went into hiding.
Just a charming dude.
Alexander Jannaeus was married to Salome Alexandra (Shlomtzion, in Hebrew).
Her brother was Shimon ben Shetach, the leader of the Pharisees. (If you're getting Esther vibes here, that's probably not accidental.
She doesn't seem to have had much power while Alexander Jannaeus was alive, but she managed to help hide and protect the surviving Pharisees.
This doesn't seem to have negatively impacted her relationship with her husband, because he named her--rather than any of his sons--his heir while he was on his deathbed.
He was in the middle of conducting a siege of Ragaba when he died, so like the incredible badass she was, became queen--and would be both only the second queen regnant of Judah and the last sovereign Jewish monarch--on the battlefield, in the midst of hostilities.
She had to conceal her husband's death until she'd won the day.
As soon as she made his death public, she reached out to the Pharisees to make peace between them and the throne, avoiding a popular uprising at his funeral. The funeral went off smoothly, and she immediately began settling other political disputes and enmities.
She also hung out and studied with the Pharisees. We know this because Josephus, an ardent misogynist, absolutely hated that she did this, just like he absolutely hated that she had ruled Judah, and wrote about it.
Josephus had been a Sadducee (main opposing party to the Pharisees), but switched to the Pharisees later in life for political expediency. He never seemed to actually like them, though.
He tells on himself so much.
"Oh, people love the Pharisees because they are humane and flexible interpreters of the law and practice what they preach and this is a BAD THING!"
Literally, on Shlomtzion: "Woman though she was, she established her authority by her reputation for piety."
Like, everyone respected her and did what she said because she actually gave a shit about ethics and somehow this is a BAD thing.
She averted war with Egypt by buddying up to Cleopatra (I am so headcanoning them as pen pals, writing each other to vent about all the men they have to deal with) and somehow this is a BAD thing.
So she takes the throne and manages to keep things running pretty smoothly in a precarious time because she's good at organizing AND military strategy AND diplomacy and here's Josephus on her relationship with the Pharisees:
"She paid too great heed to them, and they, availing themselves more and more of the simplicity of the woman, ended by becoming the effective rulers of the state... "
Ah yes, FlavJo, she sounds very "simple," what with the incredible military and diplomatic skills.
While she wasn't averse to fighting when she needed to, she mostly averted possible battles by fortifying and provisioning cities so well that neighboring monarchs opted not to attack them, so she was also just slaying at project management. She ended a bunch of the foreign wars her asshole husband started, and scrupulously kept to the terms of any treaties Judah was party to.
Her reign was possibly the most prosperous and peaceful period in Judah's history.
She gave the Sadducees (her husband's party) their own fortified cities so they'd stop feuding with the Pharisees, and took the Pharisees from a small, persecuted populist movement in hiding to one of the major political parties.
She set up a system of universal public education, putting the responsibility for educating the kids on the government, not families, to make sure it wasn't just rich kids getting a solid education. She re-established the Sanhedrin (the Supreme Court, basically) and made sure every town under her rule had access to judges.
And then one of her asshole sons, who apparently took after his asshole dad, decided HE would be a better ruler than she was, and DECLARED WAR ON HIS OWN MOM. She died, apparently of an illness, in her 70s.
She died as the last free Jewish ruler.
So then that asshole son went after the other asshole son, and they turned to the Romans for help.
(You want to get occupied? This is how you get occupied.)
Yes, that's right, they committed one of the classic blunders: inviting the Romans in.
Anyway, we all know how THAT turned out.
In rabbinic literature, she's almost a fertility goddess figure, or a personification the land itself, or a monarch beloved by G-d possibly moreso than any other, since the rest of them all screwed up and the Jews got punished with war or exile or famine or disease: legend claims that during her reign, rain only fell on Shabbat, so people didn't have to work in the rain. Grains of wheat grew to the size of kidneys, and lentils were the size of gold denarii. The people knew joy like we've never known since and were healthy and prosperous and at peace.
She was praised by contemporaries such as Josephus as having greater intelligence, political skill, and military acumen than the men around her (although Josephus, an ardent misogynist, later decided that it was inappropriate for her to rule), and the stories of Esther, Judith, and Susanna may have been written (or in the case of Esther, edited and codified) in her honor. 
​Anyway, the Pharisees' teachings remained especially popular among women, and the person who saved them (and thus, by extension, Judaism, when they were the ones to preserve it in exile) and brought them to power and was their beloved patron was a woman, and maaaaaaybe Christians don't know the first thing about women in first-century Judaea or the Pharisees and women and should shut up, idk.
All hail Shlomtzion and her most excellent braids.
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homegirllondon · 4 years
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Leno Ladder Shelf Desk: Minimal white desk with two drawers and shelves made from MDF with varnished ash wood legs, £173.28 from Ragaba at EtsyUK affiliate partner
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goenrico · 5 years
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Dressing table scandinavian bedroom ragaba monstera dream catcher avocado flower… https://ift.tt/2Ls0SxK
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polanditis-blog · 7 years
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Polish design, Ragaba
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wildyoungboy · 7 years
[Groupees] The Pizza Bundle; $1.25 for The Adventures of Fatman ALEA RaGaBa Pushgo; $2.50 for Pizza Connection Macbat 64 Permute The Abomination by Eclipsing Binary Ben the Exorcist
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pufal · 7 years
Lampa Ragaba - tańsza o 15% do końca miesiąca!
Lampa Ragaba – tańsza o 15% do końca miesiąca!
Lampa Ragaba – tańsza o 15% do końca miesiąca!
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uunanay · 7 years
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Pastel Decor by marionmeyer featuring folding furniture ❤ liked on Polyvore
Modern table lamp / Jay Import colored light, 533.000 IDR / Bluebellgray pink lamp shade, 1.452.130 IDR / AF Lighting plug in hanging lamp, 2.520.315 IDR / Battery clock, 250.375 IDR / Newgate battery operated clock, 427.095 IDR / Muuto vase, 1.342.480 IDR / Holiday throw pillow, 217.825 IDR / Floral throw pillow, 256.260 IDR / Bitossi round candle, 456.390 IDR / Herman Miller plastic furniture, 6.920.865 IDR / Walker Edison space saving furniture, 1.106.140 IDR / Folding furniture, 495.430 IDR / Yellow chair, 1.186.680 IDR / The Wallpaper Company 56 sq. ft. Pink Pastel Acorn Trellis Wallpaper, 727.560 IDR / RAGABA UFO coffee table MEDIUM Dusky Pink, 1.617.575 IDR
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Group Contest "Pretty Pink" Home Decor by calamity-jane-always featuring pink wall art ❤ liked on Polyvore
Pink light, 6,430 PHP / Pink bowl / Pink wall art, 3,465 PHP / Savio Firmino antique white mirror, 143,790 PHP / Silk flower stem, 3,960 PHP / Rodeo Home throw pillow, 990 PHP / Serena Lily wall mounted mirror, 49,370 PHP / Pink home decor, 2,300 PHP / Orchid planter, 1,535 PHP / Lene Bjerre sunburst mirror, 24,710 PHP / Pink accent pillow, 1,550 PHP / Baccarat red home decor, 18,800 PHP / Hightide Devon fragrance candle, 1,635 PHP / Mid century couch, 123,575 PHP / Pink furniture, 139,755 PHP / Square table, 94,635 PHP / RAGABA UFO coffee table MEDIUM Dusky Pink, 5,945 PHP
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especialpage · 7 years
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RAGABA UFO coffee table LOW Yellow ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more yellow side tables)
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lovely-lifestyles · 8 years
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RAGABA UFO coffee table LOW Yellow ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more yellow side tables)
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pampire13 · 8 years
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RAGABA UFO coffee table LOW Yellow ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more modern home furniture)
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t-bone-game-blog · 8 years
Just published my first game, available on itch.io and Google Play :)
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polanditis-blog · 7 years
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Polish design, Ragaba
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pufal · 8 years
Promocji na lampy RAGABA - obniżka cen!
Promocji na lampy RAGABA – obniżka cen!
Promocji na lampy RAGABA – obniżka cen! 
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