#Ram MohanK In Arunachala
shinymoonbird · 11 months
 # 1. AANAAYAR - Musical Periya Puranam of Kesava Mudaliar 🕉️
🌟 Ram MohanK In Arunachala - @RamMohanABvideos  🌟
🌟 In search of Sri Ramana and Arunachala Grace 🌟
Periya Puranam - The Lives of the Sixty-Three Saivite Saints
The Periya Puranam in Tamil and Siva-bhakta Vilasam in Sanskrit are great devotional and spiritual classics which attract many aspirants, right from the 12th century Basavanna of karnataka and saints like Ramalinga vallalar and Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi of recent times.  Countless spiritual seekers are inspired by these scriptures.
In the past 1000 years, apart from numerous prose works on the lives of the 63 Saints based on the Periya Puranam, many poets have also composed melodious poems.
Of these, Kesava Mudaliar’s simple composition covering the core incidents of the 63 Saints’ lives, is being presented in these videos. An English gist of the poems is also added to convey the meaning of the poems. The Tamil verses from Kesava Mudaliyar's original print (published in 1865) is also reproduced as it is in the videos.
All songs have been rendered in their original musical notes (Raagam & Taalam), with great devotion and dedication by Ms.Mylai Divya Sundar of Chennai.  
It is intended to post 2 or 3 videos per week (a video for each of the 63 Saints). Therefore, the whole project may last a few months (with in-between breaks for other videos that may come up). 
Finally and most importantly, these video are the dedicated hard work of a co-bhakta of Bhagavan Ramana, who compiled all the ingredients of the videos AND of Ms. Mylai Divya Sundar for her devoted renditions. I have only put the skin, so to speak, over the real flesh and bones! Hope viewers will derive immense devotional benefit from this Series.
Audio: Aanaayar from Tiru Thondar Puranam rendered by Ms. Mylai Divya Sundar.
Aanayar, a siva bhakta tended his cows feeding them with Panchak-shari* playing on his flute. Once he saw a bunch of Kondrai flowers that reminded him of the Lord Parama-siva. He played his flute with due melody and Nature itself melted with that music, Parama-siva and Parvathy too melted and fell in his net of devotion.
Aanayar was blessed by Lord Siva praised by Kesava**, to play the music in Kailas.
The Panchakshari* Mantra (or the "five-syllable" mantra  referring to the five syllables of na, ma, śi, vā, and ya. It is associated with Shiva's mantra, Om Namah Shivaya, which also contains these syllables.
Kesava** - the name of the author of the poem is mentioned, at the end of all poems.
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