#Ranboo pay me for babysitting your kid
snirtsnirkarts · 1 year
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Babysitting is great!
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Chapter 8
Let me know if you wanna get tagged when I post new chapters in “These Streets Are Made For Walking”. @sleepysnails.
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It’s the next Wednesday when the Foster Bitch climbed the stairs up to Techno’s room. Knocking on the doorframe twice, she entered without waiting for an answer.
“Tommy hasn’t been to school all week, and the school called about unexcused absences.” She frowned at him. “You share a room with him, and don’t you drive him to school? Where is he?”
Techno threw his earbuds on his bedside table. “No idea Ma’am. I haven’t seen him since you sent him to pick me up from the station last Thursday. He woke up early and took the bus. I figured he was mad at me and at Tubbo’s. Dream’s been suspended for the incident, so I couldn’t exactly ask him.”
“Don’t you have his number?” she asked in an accusatory tone.
“Yes. But you confiscated his phone two weeks ago.”
“Oh.” She seemed to be taken aback for a second. “Shouldn’t you have Dream’s?”
“That’s for work. Like I said, I thought Tommy was at Tubbo’s. I didn’t think anything was wrong.”
“Mr. Richmon is in the kitchen.”
Ranboo’s dad. “Oh fuck.” Techno rolled out of his bed. He honestly would rather stay on his phone, but she was clearly offloading this on him, and Techno was going to make sure Tommy still had friends. Going to Ranboo’s was the best dinner Tommy ever gets. He doesn’t eat that much when he’s over, because he’ll just vomit it up, but the leftovers he takes back last the two of them a good week. Tommy may not want to be a bother and use up their resources, but Techno knows that he thinks of those leftovers as paying Techno back for everything he does.
Techno rushed down the stairs, jumping two at a time. The old stairs creaked as his feet hit their tops, the planks bending under his weight. In a moment of hesitation Techno stopped suddenly, sliding a little on his socks. He took a moment to collect himself, before making his way into the kitchen.
“Mr. Richmon,” greeted the Foster Bitch appearing next to him. “This is Techno, he’s probably the closest person to your son as Tommy hasn’t been around lately.”
“We’ve crossed paths,” Techno said, straightening his tee-shirt collar.
“Parent teacher interviews, was it?” Mr. Richmon asked, sending a little glare to the Foster Bitch and offering Techno his hand.
His grip was firm, but Techno’s was comparable. “What brings you here?”
“I haven’t seen my son since Friday.”
“I’ve been calling him in absent for a prolonged family issue, but I am well aware of the company he keeps.” Mr. Richmon kept his tone light, but the accusation is heard loud and clear as he pulls out a chair for himself.
Techno tips his head in understanding. “His friends aren’t that bad,” he defends. “But I understand your concern with Tubbo and Purpled’s brothers.”
Mr. Richmon gestures to Techno, “And Tommy’s.”
“I’m not Tommy’s brother. This is a group home. We aren’t related,” he dismissed immediately. “The other guys are blood though.”
Both the Foster Bitch and Mr. Richmon gave him weird looks at his comment.
Techno took them in stride. So what? He knows he’s lying to himself more than he’s trying to convince them. “I can ask Dream and Punz if they know anything,” Techno suggested. “I assume you don’t want to be seen with them?”
Mr. Richmon nodded. “Of course not. This place is dingy enough.”
The Foster Bitch looks affronted, but Techno shushed her with a look. “I’ll try to find your son, but might I recommend going to the police.”
“The less the police know the better,” Mr. Richmon said like it was a mantra of his.
Techno nodded, already trying to figure out how he was going to deal with this. He was the getaway driver who did his homework. Sure he knew a few things, but he didn’t have any street skills. He remembered the purple hoodie at the gas station; he might have wanted to stay oblivious, but he knew who he saw.
Techno and Mr. Richmon left the house at the same time. They got into their respective cars and they drove in opposite directions. Techno headed to Punz’s place--might as well check if they were there. Techno honestly doesn’t know why he had Punz’s key on his lanyard, but due to it he didn’t bother needing to knock.
“Techno’s here!” he shouted; can’t ever be too careful at the mercenary’s house. He doesn’t hear anything back, and since anyone who could possibly be here would shout back in greeting, he assumed that the place was empty. But it doesn’t hurt to check around.
The thing about Punz and his profession is that he had to keep tabs on his targets, and the way he practiced and kept his skills sharp was by keeping tabs on his close associates. Therefore, he normally knows when people plan to stop by.
Techno walked into the living room and found a sticky note on the family computer. “Initiation collateral. Alive,” he reads.
Techno moved the mouse and the screen opened up to an article on one of the dark web sites. “New Las Nevadas Member: Merc. Punz’s Baby Bro.” He quickly scrolled down to the cover photo: open white van doors with Purpled and Tommy grappling on the ground, Ranboo and Tubbo nowhere to be seen. “Shit.”
As he skims the article he pulls out his phone and calls Dream.
He picked up on the second ring. “Hello?”
“Tommy’s for sure not sleeping at your place is he?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.
“For sure? Is everything okay?”
“No. Is Tommy there?” Techno pressed.
“No, and Tubbo hasn’t checked in with me for a while.”
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Techno lifted his shoulder, trapping the phone there so that both of his hands were free. He scrolled back up to see the picture again, confirmation that it was, in fact, real. He let out an unsteady breath, and shook out his hands.
“Why? What happened?” Dream’s voice picked up anxiously. “Did you hear something?”
“Yeah. So did Punz.” Techno took a deep breath. “Did he tell you anything?”
“I haven’t spoken to Punz in about a month,” Dream said.
“Mr. Richmon came by the home asking for his son.”
“The kids aren’t at Ranboo’s?” Dream asked, concern hardening his tone.
“Nope. Purpled’s on the news. The way that you’re on the news.”
The line was silent. “Fuck.” The sound of something breaking echoed down the line. “That’s. Bad.”
“Hope its ransom.”
There was a rustle on Dream’s end of the line, as if he was moving something. “Fuck. I’ll look into it. What did Purp get into?”
“Las Nevadas.”
“Fuck. Purpled. Why? What did Mr. Richmon say?”
“That Ranboo was missing and that he came to me because you and Punz live in too much of a shithole for him to visit.”
“I don’t live in a shithole!”
“This place is dingy enough, were his exact words.”
It’s been a week. Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy were thrown into the same room. It’s objectively a nice room, but a prison is still a prison no matter how lavish the cell. The beds were really comfortable, but it was barren besides them.
They don’t see Purpled again, instead Fundy Soot is the one to bring them their three meals a day. You’d think that one could never get sick of pizza, but eventually--especially with the mood so sour--there comes a breaking point.
“Did someone order a meat-lovers?” The door opens and Fundy is inside the room with three cardboard plates, two slices on each. “Your dinner is here.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Tommy said digging into his slices.
“No, I don’t think I will.” Fundy smiles vindictively. Sue him, he hates babysitting duty. “Who’s gonna shut me up? Your brother?” he asks, looking at Tubbo. “That little amateur couldn’t do anything. Petty thieving is the highest form of sin you know?” Fundy said like he was reciting something.
“Shut the fuck up,” Tommy repeated, noticing how Tubbo froze.
“You too? What’s your brother going to do? He’s just the fucking getaway driver. He can’t help you. Big Brother Techno Blade isn’t as strong as you think he is, little Tommy.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Tommy shouted. “Techno may be friends with Dream, but he’s not doing that shit.”
“Didn’t you pick him up from the station? You’re lying to yourself. You know that Techno is in with Dream.”
“No he’s not! And don’t you have something better to do with your time? College or some shit?”
Fundy chuckled humourlessly. “The faster you eat, the faster I’m out of your room.”
Tommy glared and shoved a whole slice into his mouth.
“No one’s coming to save you,” he taunted.
“Shut up.”
“Don’t speak with your mouth full. We sent the ransom video,” he said moving onwards. “Instead Mr. Richmon hired Techno and Dream for free. Seems Daddy doesn’t care about his son enough to save you immediately.”
That’s the point that Tubbo broke. Tubbo could take a verbal bashing; Tommy would be pissed if he attacked on his behalf; but Ranboo? Ranboo was the most innocent here and didn’t need familial jabs.
Tubbo lurched from his bed and swung at Fundy Soot, sending him down to the floor. “Where the fuck is your big brother? He fucking failed you if you had to get dragged in the life style to survive.” Tubbo punched Fundy again after he was down. “Where is he huh? At least my brother managed to keep me out of this shit.”
Tommy rushes over to pull Tubbo back. “Shh. Shh. We can’t afford this. He's top dog here.”
Fundy laid on the floor, arms out and protecting his face.
“We’re done eating,” Tommy growls. “Get out.”
Ranboo, thoroughly shaken, picks up the plates and puts them in Fundy’s hands, standing in between the two groups so Fundy couldn’t retaliate. If any of them needed to come out of this looking pretty it’s him: the rich boy.
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