#can anyone tell I miss Micheal
snirtsnirkarts · 1 year
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Babysitting is great!
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devine-fem · 1 year
i am BEGGING you to make that jondami ship guide. not because i need anything to make me ship them more than i already do but because they deserve to have their good moments highlighted
Jondami/Damijon shipping guide.
A collective guide to any cute moment between Jon and Damian in DC comics or motion pictures. Any moment that could make a reader like them more as a ship will be put all here in one Tumblr post.
• Superman (2016) Issues #10-#11
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This is the first time they meet each other and they immediately knock heads. Jon’s lighter than life personality clashes with Damian’s cold personality and they don’t seem to get along but you can tell there’s something growing behind the eye rolling and tongue clicking… a friendship?
• Superman (2016) Issue #20, #21, #25, #26 (mentioned), and #43.
• Super Sons (2017)
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This is the first of the Super Sons series, the series is really short but gold nonetheless. No Super Sons comic that I don’t like but this one is my favorite. They still are knocking heads and refuse to call each other partners but they grow and learn to be heroes together.
• Adventures of the Super Sons (2018)
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They slowly start to get used to each other and this comic shows that Damian isn’t just straight up mean but is starting to somewhat ‘like’ Jon.
• Challenge of the Super Sons (2020)
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The last main Super Sons comics. This one is fine but I love the others so much. These comics are essential to know Jon and Damian period, it’s the main comics of each others story and in a way they are important to each others development.
• Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons (2022)
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Now after all that reading treat yourself to a movie because Jon and Damian got their own movie. This is what started Jon and Damian for a lot of people and this is probably where a lot of you are from. This movie is great and fun. They made Damian wayyy nicer than in the comics and their friendship easier.
• DC Rebirth Holiday Special (2016)
Please find and read this. It’s so cute. I love it so much.
• Dark Nights: Metal issue #3 (2017 -2018)
They make a rock band in the beginning, its so cute.
• DCeased (2019)
• DCeased: The Unkillables (2020)
• DCeased: Hope at World’s End (2020)
• DCeased: Dead Planet (2020)
• DCeased: War of the Undead Gods (2022)
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This is such a good series, and story in general please read it. DC peaked with this one and its so angsty. I don’t care what comphet was happening, Jon was there for Damian like no one else. I think Damian ends up with Cassie which is weird to me because Damian has never shown interest in anyone before but I excuse it since it’s not really gonna happen again since they were in a relationship just for the story to be more high stakes and sad. Jon and Damian’s relationship was at the forefront and for comic book readers DCeased made people see the potential in Jondami.
• DC’s Terror Through Time (2022)
This is so cute, please read this. It’s a halloween special and they switch uniforms <3!!
• DC Saved by the Belle Reve (2022)
They help a nonbinary person navigate school and it’s so damn cute.
• The age up incident.
(Disclaimer: You can pretend this never happens and I wouldn’t blame you for doing that.) A writer named Brain Micheal Bendis comes into the writers room for DC and ages up Jon in short. The story is that Superman goes missing (He travels to War World and gets stuck there) and Jor-El comes back to meet Jon and he takes him on a trip to explore space, then they get trapped in a wormhole, Jon gets stuck on Earth-3 and has to fight Ultraman. He’s stuck in a volcano for five or six years and becomes seventeen (we think) when he comes back. This was sad to me because it took away all the potential interactions for Jon and our ability to see him grow up, it was rushed and purposely so. Jon takes up the title of Superman somehow and starts to date some guy named “Jay Nakamura.”
• Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Issues: #1, #6, #14, and #15.
He does get a boyfriend here and I think it’s amazing the fact he simply gets a boyfriend but no one really likes his bf so… and the are real reasons why Jay as a character is problematic BUT if you just don't want to see him with someone else than every time you see a pink haired twink, quickly skip.
• Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent
• Super Sons (2017) Special
This is them reuniting after the age up and it shows how Damian reacts to it. I can’t actually find this and if anyone can please let me know where it is. I can only find bits and pieces of it scattered across the internet. All you need to know is that he doesn’t like the age up anymore than us since he says “I miss my friend.” which is really sad to me because the age up ultimately really hurts what people like about their dynamic as well as tarnish Jon’s character almost completely.
UPDATE: found it, it got attached to
• Dark Crisis (2022) till Issue #5
This is fine, after issue four Jon and Damian are not there anymore and if you read half the story just for jon and damian you might as well finish it.
• Green Lantern: Blackstars (2019) issue #2
They hug here. You’re welcome.
• Action Comics (2016) issue #1030
This is the best thing to come from the age up. This is so cute of them.
• Teen Titans (2016) Issue #43, #45, and #46
i didnt really like this, im not gonna lie but it has some damian and jon interaction worth noting with jon being protective over damian.
• Flash (2016) Issue #797
jon defending damian. this is such a cute moment for them. jon talks damian up and says how hes the strongest person he knows and how hes misunderstood.
• Legion of Super Heroes (2019) Issue #2 & #3
dont read this. its rlly bad but this is full of jon being the number one damian apologist, quality jondsmi moments over quantity. worth mentioning • Trinity Special: World’s Finest literally them raising a child together but their ages are a bit wonkey, i still dont personally know what age either of them are supposed to be there...
DC MEETS HANNA-BARBERA - Super Sons x Dynomutt
I’d say they aren’t exactly written right, well over all they are but their personalities are more relaxed and they care about each other a lot and will go out of their way to make sure the other is okay and protect them from danger, make them laugh etc, theres nothing wrong with this, its really cute but you can tell its not the typical jon and damian writers is all. I like it.
• Dark Crisis: The Dark Academy (2023)
• Wonder Woman (2016) Issue #800
- Fandom
Artist that draw Jon and Damian:
(I don’t know any of these accounts intimately so if they’re problematic in any way than I am sorry in advance)
Sheiya Vlad
Justice Lords Animation
Japanese Animation
Super Sons Meme Animation
- Fanfics
Trust fall by Ididloveyou_once
Those Who Wait by InsaneTrollLogic
moving in stereo by TheResurrectionist
Reasons to Not Fall in Love by nanami
Growing Pains
These are fics I read and liked, I don’t have much. I don’t read a lot of Jondami fan fiction so I insist that you recommend your own fanfiction in the comments. (Don’t hate me for the self promo)
- Music (A silly lil playlist I made for them)
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doe-eyed-fool · 3 months
Fear Of The Known
Lucifer x Fem!Angel!Reader
|Chapter Eleven|
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The hotel was restored, practically better than before. Y/n stayed to help out where she was needed, and shared the pride of a job well done along with the others. Charlie seemed happier than before, marveling at the new look of her hotel.
She thanked everyone over and over for their hard work. And of course, she thanked Y/n for saving her during the battle. As much as Y/n told her she didn’t mind, Charlie just could help but express her gratitude.
She really was a nice person. Her friends weren’t too bad either. Flawed, sure. But who isn’t? A part of her was going to miss them. But there was no doubt that she would miss Lucifer the most.
Before she left, she asked if Lucifer could talk in private, which he agreed to.
“So…I guess this is goodbye.” Y/n starts, already feel her heart breaking. “It was so nice to see you again Lucifer. I’m…I’m really going to miss you.” She says, voice breaking.
Lucifer’s expression fell. “Yeah. I’m going to miss you too…” Lucifer, with arms outstretched, started to move towards her, but hesitated. Y/n met him half way and pulled him into a tight hug.
Lucifer wrapped his arms around her, feeling the tremble in her shoulders. He shut his eyes tightly, taking in this moment as much as he could. After a while, the two parted.
Y/n wiped away a tear, and forced a smile. “Take care of yourself. Ok?”
Lucifer nods. “I’ll try my best.”
Y/n stared at him for a second before turning away and reaching her arms out. She exhaled, and within seconds, the portal back to Heaven opened up.
Y/n looked back to Lucifer, and she waved her hand with a small smile. Lucifer waved his as well, trying his best to return the grin.
Y/n turned back and walked through the portal. She could hear it close behind her as she stepped further into her home. She wasn’t here even a minute, and already she was longing to be with Lucifer again.
Deep down, she wanted so badly to go back. She wanted to go back and stay with Lucifer, never to leave him again. She would be in Hell, but at least she would be in Hell with him.
Y/n was alerted by the sound of knocking. She looked ahead, at her front door. It sounded urgent. Y/n hurried to the door and opened it.
It was Michael, and he looked very distraught. Before Y/n could get a word out, Michael pulled her close to him in an embrace. “There you are! Where have you been!?” He pulls back slightly to look at her.
“I was looking everywhere for you! I felt horrible after our last talk, and I came here to try and make things right, but you weren’t here! You weren’t anywhere!” He goes on. “I didn’t think you’d just disappear like that! I was worried sick!”
“Micheal.” Y/n holds his hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry like that. I just…” She trailed off. “Needed some time alone.”
Michael sighed heavily. “Oh, Y/n. I’m so sorry. I never meant to upset you.” Y/n was reminded of their last talk. She was upset. She still is. But not with Michael.
She shook her head. “It’s alright. You didn’t upset me, Michael. The decision that was made, upset me.”
Michael felt guilty, but he pushed it back as he asked his next question. “Where were you? I looked in every possible place, and you weren’t there. It’s like you vanished into thin air.”
Y/n froze, she had to say something. She hated to lie, but if she were to tell him the truth. Where she had been, what she was doing, who she had been with…
It would not end well...
“I went to Earth for a while.” She finally said. “No humans saw me, I promise. Like I said, I just needed some time alone.”
Michael sighed. “Y/n.”
“I know. You wanted to be there with me. But I told you, I can take care of myself.” Y/n tried to reassure him. When in reality, she couldn’t be further off. She nearly got herself killed just hours ago.
But Michael didn’t have to know that. He didn’t have to know about any of it, and neither did anyone else. Y/n knew she could never breath a word about what she had done to anyone.
However, telling from how angry Lute was…Y/n might not be able to keep this secret for much longer.
“I’ll make sure you know when I do it next time.” Said Y/n.
“Good. I’d hate for something bad happen to you because I wasn't there. Seriously, Y/n, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
“Angels can’t have heart attacks.” Y/n teases. Michael raised an eyebrow, clearly unamused. “Ok, ok.” Y/n giggles. “Sorry. Message received.” Michael sighed and pulled her into a hug again.
"Lute reported back. Adam is dead."
Y/n waited for more, but Michael remained silent. Which confused Y/n. Wouldn't Lute tell everyone that she was there in Hell? Not only that, but defending Lucifer and his daughter.
"I-I know." Y/n murmurs. She decided not to say much more after that. "What will happen now?"
"Well, for starters, this news can not reach the civilians of Heaven." Michael began. "If they knew that Lucifer killed him, it would only spark panic. So, for now, no one can know about his demise."
Y/n was tempted to tell Michael that it wasn't Lucifer who killed him, but instead, a tiny demon who only wielded a simple blade. However that would lead to questions Y/n could not answer, unless she wanted to land herself into deep trouble.
Y/n pulled away. "Do you really wish for these exterminations to continue, even after what's happened?"
"Y/n, I don't wish for it to happen. It is out of my control." Michael tries. "But we do have to think of Heaven's safety, and the safety of the people who inhabit it. Especially now that Lucifer is involved." Michael's brows furrowed.
"He's been uninterested before. But now I suppose after his daughter's life was at risk, he would step in. Stronger forces will be needed to assure another loss like Adam is prevented."
"I still don't believe this is the right course of action." Y/n tells him. She knew it was out of her control. She was there to speak of the future, but the decisions made to alter or allow the future to pass, was not hers to make.
There were many people above her, and if she could not convince one of them, she would never convince all of them.
And she has yet to speak to God. If she could only talk to him for just a minute. Maybe she can get him to change his mind. Then finally all of this bloodshed will come to an end.
And the future that leads to war, will never exist.
"Like I said, it's out of my control." Said Michael.
"And you are certain I can not speak to God?" Y/n asks. "It will be tough." Michael shakes his head. "Especially after what happened to Adam."
Y/n sighs. "Then, I suppose there is nothing I can do but wait."
But the future would not wait, Y/n knew that better than anyone. She couldn't allow herself to do nothing while war grew closer and closer with every passing day.
There had to be something she could do. And she would not rest until she finds out what.
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Y/n stood in her living room, staring at the wall as her heart thumped wildly in her chest. Her stomach twisted with anxiety and no matter how many times she wiped her hands, her palms were still moist with sweat.
She exhaled shakily as she considered what she was about to do.
Y/n looked into the future, but not for an important or dangerous event. Instead, she looked for when the person she needed to see most would be completely alone. Where they'd be, how long they'd be alone, how much time she'd have to speak to them.
This evening, God would finally have some alone time to think about recent events. It was the chance Y/n needed. And thankfully, she'd have more than enough time to speak to him.
An uneven exhale left Y/n, the twisting feeling intensifying.
However, she would be intruding and risk irritating God with her questioning. But the future was steadily moving onward, war was upon Heaven and Hell. Y/n could not be swayed by upsetting someone, even if it was God.
Y/n raises her arms, and outstretches them in front of her. It was now or never.
The portal swirled to life, Y/n braced herself as she walked through. And just like that, she was inside of God's throne room. The air was thick with silence, as Y/n stared across the room. God had his back turned to her as he faced the window that looked down upon his kingdom.
Y/n opened her mouth to let herself be known, but God spoke first.
"I had a feeling you'd come here." Y/n tensed at the sound of his voice. His tone was unreadable, calm and clear, and yet she could not tell what emotion lay within his voice. "Even when others tried to keep you away."
Y/n clenched her fists tightly. "Your heavenly grace...I've had a vision of the future. One very grim, one that could alter life for Heaven and Hell as we know it." She says firmly. "I do apologize for intruding. But I could not wait any longer."
God, still not facing her, motions his hand for her to continue.
"I see war in our future."
"War? Do tell, what causes this war you speak of?" Asked God.
Y/n sighs. "I'm sure you know Adam was killed during the recent extermination. Lucifer's daughter defended herself and her friends with angelic weaponry, provided by Carmilla Carmine, one of Hell's Overlords. You would have called for an attack on Carmilla in attempts to cease production of angelic weapons. The attack is...successful and Carmilla will be killed. The other Overlords will see that as a threat, and will fight back. Eventually, it will become an all out war."
"I see...Do you know whether Heaven or Hell will be victorious?"
"I...I do not." Y/n mutters. "Do not lie to me, Y/n." God said firmly. Y/n looks downward, closing her eyes and waiting a few moments. What she saw nearly took her breath away.
"Heaven..." Y/n says shakily.
But there was so much bloodshed. Unnecessary bloodshed. So many angels were killed along with demons. Even some civilians were caught up in the middle. How was that a victory?
God hums.
"B-But! There will be deaths will be from both sides! We will loose so many of our angels! Civilians lives will be at risk! And Michael...he..." Y/n felt as if her chest would break open upon saying that last part. The idea that Michael will be killed...it made her sick to think about.
"Please!" Y/n clasps her hands together. "I beg of you, do not allow this future to come true! There must be another way!"
God finally turned to face her, she could still not tell what or how he was feeling. "I will not risk anymore death, than there already has been. Adam's death will spark panic throughout Heaven. I will not have another important figure die next to cause more fear. And I will most certainly not have my own son's life taken away..." God's voice broke slightly. But he inhaled, calming himself.
"But, how do you suppose we should deal with demons using our own weapons against us?"
"I-I assumed they started making them because of the exterminations. To defend themselves..." Y/n answers. "I am in no position to tell you what to do, but, if we call the exterminations off, maybe they will feel less threatened."
"And if there is an uprising?"
"I will let you know." Y/n answers. "But for now, there will be no uprising."
God stares at her for a moment before turning around to face the window once again. "Then so be it." Y/n felt a wave of relief wash over her. "There will be no more exterminations. However, if those demons decide to get bold...I will do everything in my power to keep my kingdom and my people safe."
This was a start. The future of war has now been altered. The exterminations are over and done with.
Heaven was safe once more.
Y/n nods. "Understood."
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tidbit-fanfic · 2 months
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A/N: WOW did this take forever. Did you think I’d honestly leave Forever & Always as it was? Here’s your fix-it-fic, part two to Forever & Always, but of course you don’t have to read this if you don’t want to fix things. That’s fine.
TW: 18+ Smut, protected sex (wrap your willy silly), car sex, blood, cannon level violence, angsty angst, the l-word, Micheal, mention of castration, spanking, makeup/angry sex?, fluffy fluff
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No one ever said breakups were easy. Months passed before I could even look Dean in the eye again, and more passed until we returned to how we were before the relationship had ever happened. We formed a close bond and worked together on case after case. I accompanied Castiel and Kelly when the Winchesters were arrested, and I became a major support during Kelly’s pregnancy, within the limits set by Cas. When they busted out to raise more hell? I was there to help clean up after them. 
Things became rocky when Dean began lashing out towards Jack. I slammed my fist into his jaw one time. I don’t regret it, and I don’t think I ever will. He left in a huff after, ignoring me, as Sam and I tried to make sense of everything. A whirlwind of catastrophic events later, Dean stepped forward, doing the one thing he promised he never would: let Micheal in. 
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“Anyone find anything?” 
“Sam, we’ve been searching for weeks, and every time you ask that question, what’s the answer?”
The younger Winchester pushes his hand through his hair, a deep sigh leaving his lungs. “Just hoping for something.”
“I know. You miss him, but we’re working overtime to scrounge up anything on him. Have you even slept in the past twenty-four hours?” I stand from the rickety chair I’d been sitting in for the past hour, looking into Sam’s eyes. His face quickly switched to one of guilt, a shy, school-boyish look taking over his features. My hands found their place on my hips, taking on a motherly stance. “Go. Sleep. Now.”
“Now, Samuel.” He runs off to his room to get some sleep, hopefully. I turn back to my small team of five people. They all shake their heads, a couple returning their eyes to the screen sitting before them. With no sign of Dean, Sam and Mary have become overly stressed, constantly checking in on any form of a lead. Meanwhile, Jack and Cas are out doing their own little thing, leaving me to manage this small team, checking sources daily. Micheal must be covering his tracks extremely well because our facial scanners have reported back nothing about Dean, or any unnatural glitching. 
I walk my way into the kitchen, searching for a distraction. These past few weeks, I organized and reorganized the kitchen at least three times. It’s become my solitude after losing Dean yet again. I pulled out some ingredients and began cooking dinner for everyone in the bunker, hoping that by keeping my hands busy, I could distract my mind. 
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“So, you’re going to follow this lead alone?” I cross my arms, narrowed eyes sizing up the Winchester standing in front of me, resulting in Sam shaking his head.
“I’m meeting up with mom and Bobby on the way.”
“Fine,” I say, pushing off of the table, watching as he goes to turn. “And Sam?”
“Bring him back.”
Sam looks at me, a hint of remorse playing in his eyes. He goes to open his mouth before I wave him off, making my way to Jack’s room. I raise my hand and knock, waiting for Jack’s response. The door creaks as I open it, revealing the young male who has been living with us for some time. 
“Hey, buddy. How’s it going?”
“I mean, better now. Cas is finally beginning to see that I can help on hunts.”
I nod, sitting at the foot of his bed. “Did Sam tell you…”
“He did.” 
“Oh,” I state, racking my brain for ways to keep the conversation flowing when the blonde pipes up.
“You still care for him. Don’t you?”
My eyes snap up to Jack’s. “Jack. It’s difficult.”
“It’s not though. You should tell him when he’s back.”
“I can’t do that, he’s…it's…complicated.”
The male tilts his head, eyes searching my face for an explanation. I sigh, “I, well, he was the one who messed up, and I just took it. I accepted he didn’t like me enough to work through it. Then I fell apart, Jack, and I can’t live through that again.” 
“Is that truly how you feel?”
“There is no other way. We can’t, he can’t change what he did. I can’t forgive him for making me a second choice.”
Jack reached forward, resting a hand on mine, the other to wipe away the tears that fell. “But you still love him.”
“Yes,” I whisper. “But I can’t have him.”
“Y/N, I know I may not have been on this earth for long, but I’ve seen enough to say this: if you love him, give Dean a second chance. You never know how things might go this time around.”
I stand, wiping my face. “No Jack, I can’t” 
I leave his room, returning to the main part of the bunker, not before grabbing a glass of alcohol to numb the pain. I join the research team in the library, sitting in one of the few comfy chairs while Jack’s words echo through my head. “Give him a second chance. You never know how things might go this time around.”
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 Heavy footsteps resonate through the bunker, Cas re-entering from Jack’s room, a look of shock crossing his features. “Dean?”
I watch as Cas wraps Dean into a hug, setting my glass on a nearby table as Dean’s voice rings out. “Hey, Cas.”
One of the few extra hunters walks up to Sam, running him through the information we collected since his departure. Meanwhile, Dean looks around at all the new bodies occupying the bunker. I turn my head away, beginning to make my way towards my room to avoid interaction with him, but it seems as if fate has other plans, with one of my subordinates stepping into my field of vision. “Cap? We have a couple of updates on that nest you asked about?”
“Show me what you have.” I look down at the tablet, littered with pins displaying the nest’s pattern of migration. I listen as they explain the situation, ignoring the presence creeping in from behind me. 
“Okay, send out a small group, maybe five? Check in with Sam to get it approved and run a couple of facial scans to ensure that they are where you’re predicting. Good work.”
“On it Captain.” 
“Captain? That’s an interesting nickname.” Jumping at the rough voice, I turn to meet a pair of forest green eyes I used to call home. I look him up and down, taking in the state of him, and maybe, just maybe, appreciating the archangel’s fashion taste, paired with Dean’s attempt at making it comfortable. As I meet his eyes, I can't help but force a smile, refusing to reveal my emotions.
“Dean! It’s so great to see you in one piece. Sam had us searching everywhere for you.”
“Sam did? It wasn’t you?” 
“He was driving himself sick.”
He nods, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. “Look, Y/N, I know we—”
“Captain?” Another voice cuts through his sentence, and I turn to see Charlie holding out a tablet, nodding to Dean before redirecting her attention to me. 
“The reports you wanted just came back. Our predictions were right. Ketch’s team is nearby, just a couple of miles down the way. We’re sending them the info on the nest right now.” 
“Thank you, Charlie. And it’s really great to see you back, Dean. Especially in one piece.” I turn, heading back to my room, this time without interruptions. I close the door behind me, sliding down against it before rubbing my temples. Breakups aren’t easy, and living in the same space as your ex just makes it worse. 
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The next morning, I’m up before everyone else, starting coffee and breakfast for the bunker. A sweaty Sam enters the kitchen, grabs a glass of water, and then presumably leaves to take a shower before the hustle of the bunker begins. I relax into the routine I’ve put myself into since Dean left, mundane tasks I easily get lost in. Breakfast is finished before I return to my room, a notification lighting up my phone’s screen from Sam. I flip my phone over, opting for a couple more hours of sleep before dealing with him. 
The sound of knocking wakes me up, as my door moves slightly with the action. I open it, coming face-to-face with Sam. Taking a step back, I rush to smooth down my hair while Sam lets out a low whistle. “And I thought my bedhead was bad.”
I throw a middle finger at him, glaring as he chuckles. “What do you want?”
“Just got a case in.” He walks in, taking a seat at my desk, opening his laptop to reveal a newspaper article. Man Reported Missing By Girlfriend: Claims A Giant Woman-Bird Took Him. 
“Are we sure she’s not just crazy?”
“Yes, multiple police reports of missing men in the area have a claim of ‘giant woman-birds’ taking them. Seems like an us problem.”
I look over his shoulder at the reports, showing drawn portraits of the attackers. “Jesus, those look like harpies. Tricky little buggers, but should be a ‌simple case. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready.”
“Good, see you then.”
Ten minutes later, I cross the threshold to the garage, eyes scanning it for the younger Winchester. The passenger side window of the Impala rolls down, revealing Dean, sitting in the driver’s seat. “C’mon, we don’t have all day. If Sam’s right about the feeding patterns, they’re gonna strike again tonight.” 
I look over my shoulder to the door of the garage. “Speaking of Sam, where is he? I thought it was just going to be us on this hunt?”
“Nope. Just me and you, princess.”
“Don’t call me that.” I open the door, tossing my bag into the backseat before climbing in, staying as far away from Dean as possible. He grumbles something under his breath, throwing Baby into drive and leaving the bunker. This was going to be a long hunt. 
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Blood hit my face as my knife sliced through a harpy’s wing. The creature let out a screech before turning to me, its teeth elongating as it prepared to attack. I raised an arm to push back when a gunshot rang through the air. She fell to the ground, revealing a blood-covered Dean standing behind her. I dropped my arm, huffing and kicking at the dead body of the woman. We had destroyed the nest,and all the harpies within it, leaving only one last step before we could head to a hotel and get cleaned up. I looked at Dean, whose eyes remained locked on me with worry. “You ready to burn these bitches?”
A smirk broke out on his face. “You know it.”
I giggled beneath my breath, grabbing a container of gasoline before returning to the building. I poured it on top of the bodies, as well as the makeshift nests, before returning to Baby. Dean pulled a zippo from his pocket, striking it before throwing it into the door. We both leaned back onto the vehicle, watching as the building went up in flames, the adrenaline slowly beginning to leave our systems. 
I turn, looking at the man beside me. While checking him over for any wounds, noticing his shoulder bleeding. Claw marks from where the harpy attempted to take him. I reach out, pulling the torn fabric from the wound for a closer look. “Crap, Dean, this looks like it hurts.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” He shrugs, tensing as my hands work over his wound. “First aid is in the backseat.”
I nod, going to get it, ready to be done with the hunt. “Alcohol incoming.”
After I ensure he won't get an infection, I thread a fishing line into place, starting the first stitch, causing a hiss to rip from his mouth. Stitch after stitch, I tend to the injury, patching over it with some hydrocolloid bandages before stepping back. 
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My eyes flutter open, revealing unfamiliar scenery. Dean looks up from his phone. “All good. Just taking a pit stop. Showers are over there.”
“I thought we were going to a motel?” I rub my eyes, reaching over the seat for my bag. 
“I thought it’d be pretty stupid, considering we’re only five hours from home. I was just gonna clean up and nap a bit before finishing the drive.”
I nod leaving the Impala and making my way to the shower building, clutching my pocket knife in my right hand as a safety precaution. I knew Dean had parked in an area where he could see the entrance, but it never hurt to be a little extra cautious. I entered the station, locking myself into one stall and starting the shower. Peeling my crusty clothes from off, I rinsed them in the water, hoping to remove some of the blood. I climbed into the shower, scrubbing away the gore painted on my body. My mind wandered to our situation. 
I had slept in the Impala with Dean many times, mostly when the motel was out of vacancies, leaving us to find a station similar to this. Sam would stretch out in the backseat while I cuddled up to Dean, safe in his arms. Back when I trusted him with my life. Now, I can’t trust him as far as I could throw him. ‘Give him a second chance.’ If only it were that easy.
I return to the Impala, devoid of monster blood. Dean’s head was lolled back, resting against the seat. I knocked on the window before opening my door, ensuring he wouldn’t shoot me. He opened his eyes, a strained smile covering his features when he saw me. I climbed in and curled up against the door, hoping to catch a little more sleep. Minutes passed before his deep timbre echoed through the car. “I know you’re still up.”
“Not the point Dean. I’m trying to sleep, what you should be doing.”
“I can’t.”
I opened my eyes, turning to him. “Why not?”
“It’s,” he swallowed. “Nothing. Sorry.”
“No, it’s not nothing. What’s wrong?”
He scrubbed his hand down his face, looking out his window. “Micheal fucked with my head.”
“I thought you couldn’t remember anything?”
“I lied somewhat. He was awful Y/N. Showing me the things he would do if I didn’t obey. I—I can’t get the images out of my head.” His voice became tight with emotion.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. He’s gone now.” 
“That’s not the point. Micheal threatened Sam, mom, Cas, Jack, but the worst? He threatened you. God, Y/N, if you saw half of what he was going to do to you, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere near me.”
“Dean. He’s gone. We’ll find him, kill him and you’ll be fine.”
“Damn it Y/N, you don’t get it do you?”
“I don’t get what?”
“I love you! That’s why he threatened you.” I look into his forest-green eyes, studying the pain and anguish hidden behind them. 
“You don’t get to say that.”
“And why not?” 
I rest my back against the door, as far from him as possible. “You dumped me, remember? For a one-month-old? Not to mention how much of an asshole you were during the whole Amara situation.”
“No Dean. You hurt me. You showed me just how little you care about me. You wouldn’t have even thought about her twice if you actually loved me. When Micheal convinced you to say yes, and you disappeared, I knew there was no fixing this. One day you're gonna find someone else and leave me just like you did the first time. I can’t go through that again. It would kill me.” I look at him, tears threatening to break through. “I love you. But I can’t do this to myself again”
“I won’t do it again, baby. Forever & al—”
“No!” My sob catches in my throat as I hug myself. “Forever doesn’t exist. Always means occasionally to you Dean.”
“Stop.” I close my eyes, the pain slowly turning into anger. “I don’t want to hear it.”
Silence envelopes the space between us, leaving an awkward feeling between us.  
A sigh echoes from him, his hand running through his hair. “I know I fucked up. The Mark made me an absolute asshole, and I knew you deserved better. I tried real hard to bottle up those emotions I had for Amara, knowing they were only because of some weird mark-magic shit. After the whole demon ordeal, I knew you deserved better, so I quit trying. I had to hurt you to get you to leave me. I couldn’t run the risk of hurting you again.”
“Dean, that's not your discussion to make.”
“Isn’t it? I’m the one who was going to hurt you. It was me who took the Mark.”
“You don’t think I would’ve done the same to save the world? You’re really fucking dense if you can’t see I would’ve done the exact same thing. The only difference between you and me? I wouldn't have pushed you away for some random creature. Especially a baby!”
“Damnit Y/N. You don’t get it.”
“Then help me understand.” 
His eyes flicker from mine to my lips. “I love you so goddamn much, that hurting you would be hell all over again. And this time, not even Chuck could pull me out.”
My breath caught in my chest. “You don’t mean that.”
“Evey fucking word.”
I look out the window, mulling over his words. “Dean. I—”
“Fuck it.” Dean undoes his seatbelt, grabbing my jaw and forcing his lips to mine. Gasping, I open for his tongue, our saliva mixing into an intoxicating elixir. I throw my arms over his shoulders, pulling on the hairs at the nape of his neck. He pulls back exposing his neck, as I kiss along his jawline. I nip and suck beautiful bruises into his skin, pulling at the neckline of his shirt to reveal more of his skin. His hands go to grip my ass, pulling me over to straddle him. I lean back, making contact with his lust-darkened eyes and swollen lips. My hips grind down, a familiar ache developing in my lower stomach. Dean bites his lip, watching my hips as I rock against the zipper of his jeans, his erection pulling the fabric taut. I bring my lips to his again, small pecks while his hand rests around my throat,wringing a whine from me. “Princess, get your ass to the backseat now.”
I climbed into the back of the Impala, Dean following right on my tail, grinding his clothed cock against my ass as the door shut behind us. I went to turn around, stopped only by the sting of his hand meeting the meat of my ass. “Nuh uh, pretty girl, hands and knees.” 
“Asshole.” A crack rings through the air, his hand meeting my butt once again. 
“What was that again? Couldn't hear it over your bratty attitude.”
I lean my head on my arms, biting my lip to keep from saying anything else. Dean played with the waistband of my leggings, pulling the band just to let it snap against my skin. I push back into him, needing him urgently. Finally, he pulls my leggings and panties down, leaving them tangled up in my knees. Hands trace up my thighs, thumbs spreading my lower lips apart. “Jesus. Why’d I give this up? Such a pretty pussy, just begging for attention” 
“Don’t tease.”
“‘M not baby, just enjoying the view.” He trails his fingers through my folds, fingertips catching on my clit with each drag. Returning to my entrance, he slips his ring finger into me, curling it upward before he adds another. Suddenly, he pulls away, the sounds of his belt being undone sending a rush of anticipation through me. Dean slides his cock along my cunt, coating himself in the wetness fund there. “Wait, wait.”
“What’s wrong?” He leans back, removing his hands from my body. 
“Right, right, shit.” Dean climbs over the seat, popping open the glove box to get the needed protection. His jeans and boxers sit on his thighs, cock bobbing as he rolls the condom over it. “Good?”
“Good. Now get in here, cowboy.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He breaches my entrance, pushing into my heat, causing a whimper to leave my lips, shaped into his name. The cool metal of his belt buckle presses against the back of my thigh when he bottoms out, his groan vibrating against my back. “Dean, move.”
He tucks his head into my shoulder, a deep groan releasing from his chest. “Sweetheart, if I move, I’m gonna cum like a goddamn pre-teen. Give me a second.”
Rocking my hips back onto him, I earn myself another breathy moan. “Please, Dean?”
“Shit. You’re gonna be the death of me, baby.” He pulls back, my pussy encouraging him to return home. His hips snap to mine, balls tapping at my clit. I arch my back, panting as I meet each of his thrusts. He sits back, hands finding their place on my hips, dragging me back. “Look at you, such a perfect slut for me, aren’t ya? All for me.”
I moan as his hips speed up, the tip hitting the spongy spot inside me. Dean lands another slap on my ass, leaning forward to kiss the place under my ear. “You’re dripping, soaking my cock so well. And you said you didn’t miss this.”
He grinds into me, the icy feeling of the buckle pressing deep into the heat of my thigh. Baby’s windows fog up, our breaths intertwining in ecstasy as he speeds up, going harder, faster, deeper. Dean’s hand slides up my back, knotting into my hair, pulling me up to my knees, without slowing down. “God baby, your pussy is the closest thing to heaven I’ve ever felt. Fuck. Such a good girl for, shit, for me.” 
  I clench around his cock, my orgasm within reach. “Dean, I, I need—”
“I know, princess, I know.” His other hand wraps around the front of my waist, slipping between my folds as he finds my clit, circling it with the right amount of pressure. My head falls onto his shoulder, shameless moans exchanged between us as my climax comes closer and closer. “Dean.”
“C’mon babydoll, cum fr’me.” With that, I reach the heavens, Dean following close behind with a couple of thrusts before he spills into the condom. We lay there, breaths intermingling as he tucks his head into my neck again, pressing soft kisses to the skin there. I pull him away, looking into those enchanting green eyes of his. 
“Fuck you, Dean Winchester.”
He laughs, pressing a kiss to my lips. “You just did, sweetheart.”
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After cleaning up, again, I curl up on his chest in the back seat, satisfied and secure, as Dean traces patterns along my back, his breath evening out. 
“Dean.” He hums. “I meant what I said earlier. I truly love you.”
“I love you too sweet—”
“But if you break my heart this time, I will cut off your dick.”
“Fair. Now can you go to sleep? I fuckin’ exhausted.”
I giggle at his wording, snuggling into his chest again. Breakups are hard, but when you’re hopelessly in love, it’s hard to remember the pain. Unfortunately, I fell in love with Dean Winchester, and by fate’s design, he fell in love with me. 
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Dark But Just a Game
Lottie Matthews x Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
sypnosis: A former Yellowjacket with a vendetta against the team and anyone associated with them targets you during gym class dodgeball. Your girlfriends take their revenge.
a/n: this literally sucks but oh well i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: CRINGEY AS HELL, literal assault lol, swearing, injury, tell me if i missed anything!!
You have spent far too much time in the Wiskayok gym.
You’re there for every girls soccer practice, every pep rally and assembly, and they still force you to play dodgeball in this poorly lit, sweaty place.
Soon, the walls are going to start greeting you.
You look towards Laura Lee, smiling, watching as she rolls her eyes.
“I didn’t mean to get out!” you shout, knowing you had every opportunity to move before the ball hit your leg.
“Sure,” she smiles, having more integrity than you, and you make your way over to the bleachers.
While you’re not a member of the star soccer team, Lottie and Nat are on it, and most of your friends are- so you feel a duty to come as much as you can.
You enjoy watching them run around, groaning and shouting, and you like driving home with Lottie and Nat each night, stopping at the trailer park parking lot to smoke whatever Natalie had brought today, watching her walk to her house, and Lottie’s hand on your thigh for the rest of the drive.
All of your lives were so intwined that you couldn’t imagine anything different. You would have to take the bus without Lottie. You would get home earlier if you didn’t stay for their practice. Your entire life would be uprooted.
You lean back into the metal and tap your fingers against it, watching Laura Lee dodge whatever’s coming at her only to shoot them right back. You silently cheer her on until Marsha, a former Yellowjacket, finally got her out.
She didn’t seem to mind. And you didn’t either, not until you noticed the way Laura Lee was limping over to you, and the way her thigh had turned red with the imprint of the rubber ball.
“Oh my gosh,” you breathe as she sits down next to you. She pulls up the end of your shorts so you can both see it. “Oh, Laura Lee,” you murmur, staring at the red skin.
You glare over towards the other team, where Marsha sends the two of you a glare.
“Oh, she’s just so damn bitter, isn’t she?” you huff.
Laura Lee seems a little guilty when she nods.
“I prayed for her to get her grades up!” she says like she’s explaining it straight to God.
Marsha had gotten kicked off the team months ago because her grades were so poor. You faintly remember Jackie even giving her the copied answers for their French class, but still. And to this day, she hates every Yellowjacket. And you, by extension.
You sigh and turn back to Laura Lee.
“Does it hurt bad? Wanna go to the nurse?”
“No,” she says, kicking her feet. “It doesn’t hurt bad.”
“You sure?” you ask, but when you look back down at her leg, the redness has already started to fade- if only slightly. “Oh, well, okay,” you mumble.
The first game ends, and the teacher blows his whistle, so you both stand up, whispering about how Micheal was so rude to Mrs. Stock second period.
Everyone goes to the opposite sides of the gym. Another sharp whistle, and everyone takes off for the balls lined up in the middle. You and Laura Lee stay behind, walking slowly, still finishing up your conversation.
You look away from the court, watching as Laura Lee walks away to pick up a ball.
“I couldn’t believe that he said that, you know? I mean, he has to have a little respect, right?”
Laura Lee straightens and shakes her head. “And he goes to church every Sunday.”
She looks up at you. “Y/N!” she shouts, dropping the ball, pointing towards something in front of you, and you turn to see it, something slamming into your face.
You hear this horrible, stomach-churning crack, then quick build up of pressure, and then a swift release as blood start pouring from your nose.
Yours and Laura Lee’s screams melt into one.
“I have a really bad headache.”
“And I have a really bad stomachache. Can I just lay down for a few minutes?”
“Yeah, and can I get some ice?”
You can hear their voices, and you almost want to cry more. Your nose aches horribly, the ice doing nothing to help you, but at least keeping your head tilted back like this has stopped the bleeding. It’s still sticky and half-dried, running down your chest and shirt, mixing with your salty tears.
“Sure,” the nurse says. “I just have to go to the staff room, we’re out of ice in here unfortunately. Sit in those two beds. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” Lottie says.
“Mhm. Mhm, thank you,” Natalie says.
You can hear the nurse’s footsteps fade away.
“Natalie? Lottie?” you ask, sure it’s them, but just wanting to hear their voices more.
“Hey,” Nat says, leaning over you, brushing hair from your face. Lottie grabs your free hand and smiles softly.
“My nose really fucking hurts,” you whisper, laughing slightly, tears rolling down your face.
“C’mere,” Natalie says, her hand cupping yours, helping you pull the ice away from your face. “You’re alright- oh, Jesus fucking Christ.”
Your eyes widen.
“Is it that bad?” you ask, wincing at the air hitting your nose. Nat’s eyes widen, and she grimaces, trying to be good to you, but you can feel it.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Lottie coos, her thumb brushing against the back of your palm.
You take a deep breath, Natalie pressing the ice back to your face, and you just stare at the ceiling, trying not to cry more.
“It was fuckin’ Marsha,” you say after a moment. You had understood her anger before, but after this you just feel bitter resentment and… rage towards her.
What have you done to her besides date two Yellowjackets?
“God, I can’t believe her,” you continue, sniffling.
“Hold on, what?” Nat asks. Your look towards her, her brows furrowed together, her jaw clenched. “It was fuckin’ Marsha?”
“Marsha.” Lottie hisses, her usually kind and sweet voice filled with such violence.
“She’s gonna look like a marsh when I’m done with her.”
You laugh, and even Natalie and Lottie smile a bit, even though all of you know a part of Nat is serious.
“Okay,” you chuckle. “Don’t go all fuckin’ Joker on us, or whatever.” Lottie smiles against your hand as she kisses your knuckles.
Natalie just smiles softly, brushing your hair back one more time, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Your parents graciously let you spend the next day at home, your nose still throbbing and having been reset by a doctor- you were miserable. Lottie and Nat had swung by your house on their way to school, waking you up with sweet touches and sweet words, before promising they would come after practice.
Practice ended at 5pm, and it only took about 15 minutes for them to pack up and get to your house. So, at 5:15, you had dimmed the lights in the living room, set the remote and a bowl of popcorn out on the coffee table, blankets carefully wrapped around you.
They usually just barged into your house without any warning, and this time was no different. Your face was puffy and your nose was swollen, but they still smiled so sweetly when they saw you.
Lottie threw her backpack to the floor and jumped onto your couch, wrapping her arms around your neck.
She placed her hand on your face, frowning at your nose, a scab already starting to form near the top.
“Feeling any better?” she coos, and you nod, maybe a bit too fast, just excited to spend time with them and forget about your throbbing nose and the embarrassment.
“You’re gonna give her a double broken nose jumping on her like that,” Natalie laughs, setting her backpack down much more carefully. She bends over and you look at her light grey jean shorts.
You giggle slightly.
“What the hells on your ass?”
It was dark blue, dried, obviously something that happened much earlier in the day. You imagined her sitting in history class, only for some spilled ink to be on her seat.
Lottie straightens and pulls away from you.
“You didn’t check your clothes?!” she hisses to Natalie, her mouth immediately clamping shut after she realized what she said.
“Wait, what happened today?” you ask, laughing until Natalie sits down next to you, looking a little sheepish. Your smile falls. “What?”
You’re a little scared for their answer.
Natalie and Lottie shoot each other a look.
“Well…” Lottie starts. “I may have accidentally bought a pack of balloons from the party store yesterday. And then I accidentally blew it up this morning, and accidentally put a bunch of ink from some pens in it, and I may have written something on it with Sharpie. And…. maybe I gave it to Marsha…”
“And then we accidentally walked in front of Marsha while she chased after us, and I accidentally spilled some water, and she accidentally slipped and fell on the balloon… accidentally getting ink all over herself.”
Both of them cringe and look away, waiting for your reaction.
You mouth drops open in shock.
“Some of it must have accidentally splashed on me…” Nat trails off.
Lottie hits her slightly. “Even though I told her to make sure there wasn’t any on her!”
“How am I supposed to see my ass, Lottie?”
You start laughing like you haven’t in years. A laugh straight from your stomach, from the deepest happiest parts of you, a laugh that makes them start laughing too.
“You’re not, like, really mad at us?” Lottie whispers when you’ve all quieted down.
“Well… thanks for avenging my honor?”
Natalie chuckles and kisses your cheek. “Anytime.”
“Unrelated, but we won’t be at lunch for the next week.”
“Oh,” you hum, placing the popcorn in your lap and leaning back. “So, you totally don’t have lunch detention, right?”
“Totally,” Lottie affirms, kissing your forehead, relaxed, because she knows she can do it again and again.
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ryeriy · 6 months
dancing queen | carlos sainz
-> summary: having the time of your life's dancing at your sister's wedding with an oddly familiar face
-> pairings: carlos sainz x fem!reader
-> a/n: this is my first official piece of my mamma mia series and I'm really excited! Thank you guys for all of your support and enjoy! The italics are the song lyrics!
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It was a long night of drinking, dancing, singing, and more. Well, at least for most of the people at Elle and Micheal's wedding. Elle's sister, y/n, seemed to be one of the only people to not be recklessly drinking and partying. Elle noticed y/n sitting down at chair looking alone and bored. "You alright sis?"
"I'm fine," she looked up at Elle smiling softly.
"Sis, it's my wedding day and you look miserable!" Elle exclaims and practically forces her off her feet. "I'll ask the DJ to play some ABBA!" Y/n was never much of a big party person but since it was her sister's wedding, she decided to.
"Fine, only because you're my sister..." y/n sighed and Elle smiled. Elle dragged her sister up to the DJ booth requesting 'Dancing Queen by ABBA' and dragged her back out to the dance floor.
"Micheal knows the perfect person you can dance with just wait here!" Elle enthusiastically says and goes over to her newlywed husband, Micheal to go grab the guy. Y/n let out a sigh as she saw her sister and her brother-in-law grab a guy.
Elle comes back with a face. A face that looks oddly familiar. "Oh my god!" Y/n said looking shocked at the guy in front of her. It was no other than Carlos Sainz.
It wasn't a shock that he was a famous driver, it was the fact he was my ex-boyfriend.
"You two know each other?" Elle asked as she seemed happy I knew him already.
"You could say that..." Carlos said as he looked at him. Y/n couldn't tell if he was happy, sad, angry, or feeling any emotions at all.
"I'll leave you two to it then!" Elle smiled and patted her sister on the back then walked away smiling.
Carlos and y/n were never public with anyone. They only dated for two months but that was the best two months of both of their lives. Both Carlos and Y/n decided to call it off due to their work being chaotic. Y/n didn't want to travel all the time for his races and Carlos was gone all the time to visit her. Even though the pair weren't together long, it felt like they knew each other for years.
Friday nights and the lights are low
"So, do you want to...dance?" Carlos asked as he looked around the room and noticed the lights were dimmed as the music started to play.
"You know I was never a dancer." I looked at him and my lips slightly moved my lips into a smile.
He playfully swayed back and forth and snapped while smiling at her. "Come on, this is your favorite part!" Carlos exclaimed as his smile widened. Y/n couldn't help but smile too as she heard the chorus come up. Her too started to sway a bit with him. "Ready for it?" He asked her.
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen, dancing queen
By the end end of the song, they were both dancing and singing along to the song. Elle and Micheal were looking from afar and noticed how much fun Carlos and Y/n were having.
"Digging the dancing!" Carlos and Y/n both were singing as they laughed and danced with each other. Her hands were around his neck and his on her waist. Both of their eyes look at each others like how they used to when they used to date.
That song reminded y/n of all the times she and Carlos danced together to that song at parties, in the kitchen, sang it in the car, and now danced at a wedding. It was their song. Not everyone could say that a song in their relationship was Dancing Queen by ABBA but that's what made it better. It was unique.
"Oh my, that was fun..." y/n looked up at Carlos' dark brown eyes and got lost in his gaze.
"You know, I missed you," he spoke, "I never wanted to let you go...do you think we could make it work if we tried?"
"You'd really want to?"
"Of course I would! You're always in my head! When I wake up, when I'm driving, when I'm looking at my text messages, before I sleep! It all leads back to you!" He said as he looked at her smiling.
Having the time of your life
Y/n sighed as she looked up at Carlos again. "You know, it wouldn't hurt to try, right?" Without any hesitation, Carlos leaned in to kiss her. The song was fading in the background as they shared this moment with each other.
"I'm so glad I found you again..." He admitted.
"Me too," she smiled at him.
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windrsr · 2 years
How would your OCs react to receiving a love letter from their darling? Especially a lovey dovey one~
Male Yandere OCs x Gender Neutral Reader
Tw: Stockholm Syndrome
•Henry (Doll Maker) - He smiles as he reads the letter. He's entertained and amused by this letter, and he appreciates your efforts. In return, he makes a little doll that looks exactly like you for to keep. "One day, you will know just how much I love you," he murmurs.
•Micheal (Scientist) - Surprisingly, he chuckles at the letter and keeps it in a locked place. Usually when you show him any kind of affection, he pushes you away. You figure that he was in a good mood, since he didn't throw away the letter like he was expected to. He comes to you and lifts you by your chin, "oh, my little pet. You've grown deeply attached to your owner, haven't you?"
•Miru (Living Doll) - He can't even finish reading it because he's blushing so much. He tries to write you a love letter, but it looks like a book rather than just a one page letter...He gives it to you and he tells you he's happy that you return his feelings.
•Ryan (Test Subejct) - He reads it twice; is this really happening? He thinks. Tears form in his eyes, and he smiles at the letter before holding it close to his chest. He doesn't know how to tell you how much he appreciates this, because at the same time, he thinks he doesn't deserve such a wonderful letter.
Aaron (Best Friend) - He's surprised but delighted; he wasn't expecting you to love him more than a good, best friend! Regardless, he knows that you want to be with him, and only him, and he won't miss this chance to finally claim you as his now that you love him more than a friend. When he's in a bad mood, he takes out the letter and reads it as a reminder that he is "loved".
•Loki (Creature) - He reads it in silence, and then stares at you when he's done. He rubs his scent all over you, but not in a "I love you too" type of way, it's more of a "since you love me, you're stuck with me forever" type of way.
•Samuel (Fatherly) - He smiles gently and he's flattered. But he's also feels so appreciated. He wasn't expecting anything in return, but this is all he needs to feel loved by you. He hugs you and tells you just how much he appreciates you.
•Tyler (Bounty Hunter) - He doesn't know what to feel or say, besides feeling awkward about it. He doesn't mean this in a rejection type of way, but in a "Oh my god, I never experienced this before" type of way. But he knows the letter has a special place in his heart.
•Liam (Submissive/Darling) - Finally, you responded to the hundreds of love letters he sent you over the last few months! He's absolutely delighted, beyond excited. He reads the letter everyday, over and over again, and keeps it in a safe place where it can never be touched by anyone else. As soon as he sees you, he tackles you with a hug and kisses you all over your face.
•Asher (Singer) - He blushes and feels a strange warmth in his heart; this is totally different from all the love letters he receives from his fans. When he gets love letters from his fans, he sighs like it's nothing new. But coming from you, it feels like a special gift. In return, he makes a "love" song about you, and sings it to you in private.
•Unknown (Secret Admirer) - He's pleasantly surprised. He wasn't expecting you to even send him a love letter back after all the gifts, text messages, and voice mails he's sent you. After all, you've been ignoring him for so long. You will communicate using love letters from now on, he decided.
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frenchfrywrites · 11 months
Lights out
Warnings: dom top amab gn reader, sub bottom Michael Myers, shower sex, piss!, unmasked mikey, spit and soap as lube, (reader has hair.. I usually try to avoid defining physical features but yeah..)
Anyone else may have assumed their power had gone out if the lights suddenly turned off while they were in the shower. Anyone else may have screamed- or worse, slipped- but for you the occurrence is a signal of sorts.
You wait with bated breath as you hear shuffling coming from the other side of the shower curtain. A dark shadow grows against the fabric as a figure nears and pauses, then suddenly the screeching of metal reverberates throughout the room as the curtain is pulled back.
You exhale slowly as the figure enters the shower with you.
“Hi Michael,” you wrap your hands around his waist and he leans back into you easily. In the dark, facing away from you, is the only way that he’ll let you be around him with his mask off. You kiss his neck, taking advantage of the now exposed skin that’s normally covered.
He lets you hold him for a moment, warming up in the water before he takes your hands in his. Michael, never the one to beat around the bush, guides one of your hands to his crotch, where you find that he’s fully erect.
“Oh? Did you come find me because you want me to take care of this?” you ask teasingly, circling your hand around his length and squeezing him affectionately. Micheal nods, rubbing his ass against you. “You’re so cute,” you coo, letting go of his waist to run your hand up his slick body, and he scoffs out a soft laugh at your words.
You pause at his nipple, squeezing and pulling on it. He arches into your touch, silently telling you he wants more. He shows his appreciation by moaning when you rub your thumb along his tip. “Feels good?” Michael nods, and you reward him with a gentle nip against his neck. “So eager you couldn’t even wait for me to finish my shower,” you muse lightheartedly. He nods at that too, like it was a question.
In the bathroom, every noise echos. Though the sound of the shower water covers some of them, you’re able to hear more of Michael's soft moans and whimpers as you stroke his cock and mindlessly play with his chest.
It’s not long before he tenses against you, and you think that he’s cumming. A choked sound comes from his mouth, and your hand is coated with a liquid that’s hotter than the shower water and feels undeniably different from the cum you were expecting. You peek over his shoulder to find that Michael is pissing.
“Oh baby,” you coo, stroking him as his stream wets both your hand and his groin. Michael covers his face with his hands, and you can feel his skin heat against your body, letting you know he’s blushing.
“Fuck,” you breathe as his stream dies down, Michael whines softly behind his hands, and if you weren’t paying such close attention to him, you’d miss it.
“That feel good too?” you gently tease, but he grunts roughly, pushing you away. “Hey, woah,” you reach out, touching him gently, “I was just teasing Mikey, I’m sorry,” he looms over you in the dark, but you’re not afraid for a second. “I thought it was hot,” you tell him honestly, “I liked you…” and what you want to say is “being vulnerable” but you imagine that Michael won’t respond great to that, so instead you finish with, “letting go like that.”
Michael doesn’t move, but relaxes under your touch. “I want to continue, if you want to,” you try, giving him an out even though you’re so wound up you think you’d cry a bit if he left.
Of course, he pauses for a moment, tilting his head as he considers your words. Each second that passes feels like hours. It’s times like these where you really wish you could read Michael’s mind. Finally he nods once, then returns to your personal space, resuming the position you were in earlier.
“Feel how much I liked it?” you ask, rubbing your cock against his ass. Michael’s breath hitches, and he slowly nods, like he’s still unsure if you’re being serious or not. You return to stroking his dick, frotting yourself against him, “the way you tensed under me and got all embarrassed was so hot,” you praise, “I wanna see you do it again.” Michael lets out a heavy breath, grinding himself back against you.
“Do you want to do it again? Let me watch as you piss?” He lets out a choked sound, and once again tenses under you. This time he really does cum, dirtying the shower wall and jerking his hips roughly into your hold, chasing his pleasure. You help him through it, your dick throbbing because you know he’s clenching and fluttering around nothing, when he could be around your cock.
“Can I eat you out?” you ask breathlessly when he goes flaccid and still in your arms. He chokes, then whines, grinding back against your hard cock. You groan, sinking to your knees.
Michael steps his legs open wider, making room for you. You take his ass into your hands, pulling his cheeks apart to reveal his hole. Squeezing his flesh in your palms, Michael’s breath hitches, and he steadies himself by putting his arms on the shower wall.
You press your face forward and lick at his hole, reveling in the way that Michael moans quietly, and twitches under you. It’s hard not to dig right in, but you don’t want to overstimulate him, so you run your tongue over and circle his hole until he takes matters into his own hands– literally. Getting fed up with the teasing, Michael turns his body enough so he can press his hand against the back of your skull, and give you a not-so-subtle push.
Taking the hint, you press your tongue inside of him, wiggling it around so you can stretch him open. Michael’s grip on your head softens as he melts from the pleasure, a low rumbling groan leaving his body and echoing against the walls.
One of your hands eventually drifts from his ass, reaching around and finding that he’s hard again already. You give him a couple good strokes before leaving him aching. Instead, your hand goes to meet your mouth, where you press a finger in his ass, alongside your tongue. Michael very nearly keens, but stops you from hearing the sound by covering his mouth.
With Michael's hand gone from your head, you’re able to pull back a bit, and get a second finger inside of him. He opens up so well for you.
“Your body is so easy for me tonight,” you muse softly; so softly that if you weren’t sure that he’d cling to any and every sound you make, you’d worry he wouldn’t hear you over the sound of the shower water. “Want more than my tongue? More than my fingers?” he nods, jerking his hips. You moan, “could fuck you right now with how loose you are, slip in with no lube, and use you,” your dirty talk has Michael clenching hard around you. “Maybe another night,” you hum, “wouldn’t want you bitching about the soreness in the morning,” he lets out a grunt at that, and you laugh.
He’s relaxed from the hot water soothing his muscles, and with the help of your spit it’s not long before you’re able to easily slip a third finger into his hole. It’s good that he’s nearly ready for you, because he’s getting worryingly impatient. Michael squeezes around your fingers, his hands curling into fists where they’re stationed on the shower wall.
You bite into the meat of his ass, and Michael moans, clenching like a vice around you. The bite mark throbs and stings, distracting him as you slip your fingers from his hole. You spit on his entrance, getting him wet again, before you rise to your feet.
Luckily, you have some scent free liquid soap that will have to pass as lube. Squirting some onto your cock, you then hold onto Michael’s hips, pressing your skin flush against him.
You kiss his shoulder lovingly as you line your dick up with his hole. You rub it against him teasingly, until he reaches back and tugs your hair roughly.
“Ow! Jesus Mikey, all you had to do was say please,” you goof, pressing your hips forward. Michael inhales sharply when your cock head pushes into his hole, his hand dropping from your head. “Oh I know darling, I know,” the mix of spit and soap are helping, but they certainly do not compare to lube. “You’re taking me so well, let me know if it hurts too much,” you don’t doubt that he won’t.
It takes some time, with you obsessively monitoring Michael’s reactions, for you to fully press your dick within him. You refuse to let him rush you, so you pause for an agonizingly long time for him to adjust to the intrusion.
It’s not until Michael tries his best to hump your dick that you start to move. “God, you’re so needy,” you coo, squeezing his hips. Michael grunts quietly, resting his forehead against the shower wall as he lets you slowly fuck into him.
You’d like to take it slow and sweet, and you do for a minute or two, but you didn’t get the release that Michael did earlier, and you’re starting to feel particularly on edge. Again, you listen and look for any sign of discomfort from him as you begin to pick up the pace. You’re rewarded with a small high pitched keen.
“Shit, feels good huh?” You murmur as you begin to fuck him deep and hard, pushing him up against the wall. “Ah, sweet thing, such a cockslut,” he clenches hard around you, one of his hands dropping down to meet where yours are holding onto his hips. He holds onto your wrist, clenching hard. You love how clingy he gets when you fuck him, it’s like he can’t get off unless he’s holding or clinging onto you.
Michael’s breathing grows ragged and heavy, echoing against the shower wall. With every soft moan that escapes his lips between his breaths, your climax gets closer and closer.
“I’m close, baby,” Michael’s breath hitches at your warning, knocking his hips back roughly against yours. “Want me to fill you up? Fu-uh-ck you full then clean you out?” he nods, squeezing around you. You let your hand move from his hip to his dick, jerking him off in time with your thrusts. “I’ll eat your sloppy hole out again, ngh, get you out of this shower and take you to the bed, make you- hah- sit on my face,” you ramble. Michael’s length throbs and twitches in your hold, and you know he’s close.
He cums first, jerking his hips violently and erratically as you abuse his prostate. You follow, nearly immediately after you hear a whisper of your name between Michael’s gasping breaths. You keep your promise, fucking his ass full of your cum as you pound him into the shower wall.
Michael’s knees nearly buckle once the adrenaline wears off, but he quickly regains his footing. You kiss his neck tenderly, giving him a moment to recollect himself, before you pull out.
In the end, you don’t eat him out, and instead finger your cum out of him, getting him properly clean in the– surprisingly– still warm shower water.
Once he’s squeaky clean, Michael covers your eyes aggressively, and pushes his lips against yours sloppily, his best try at a kiss. And then without a word he’s gone. He leaves the shower, and you can hear him drying off before you’re left with silence. Smiling, you give him a head start, and then follow him out of the shower. Your water bill is going to be abysmal this month, but you can’t find it within yourself to care when the reward is a kiss from Haddonfield’s Boogeyman.
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Do u do sister!reader and then brother!slasher? Or parent!slasher and daughter/child!reader? If yes then May I request this? 🧍‍♀️
Alr so the reader’s a teen (15-16) and is helping her family w/ the killing. While the slashers are chasing someone the victim somehow manages to steal the weapon from them and manages to stab/shoot the reader with it, somehow reader survives (it’s a god damn miracle) but is in crucial condition and needs stitches but they can’t go under anaesthesia bc then they’ll die. Can we get the slasher reaction to their weapon being used to hurt reader and also them helping reader when it comes to the stitches? 🧍‍♀️
(I’m very awkward sorry)
Also can it be Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, The Sinclair brothers, Micheal Myers (if u write him) and Jason Voorhees?
Here you go, hope you like it!
The slashers helping their little sibling stitch themself up after they got wounded with the slasher's weapon
Jason Voorhees
He has been a bit hesitant to let you get in on the whole killing campers thing, and this is exactly why. When he finds you on the ground, stabbed with his own machete, he is terrified for you. You are the only family he has left, he can't let you die… His mother would be so disappointed in him for letting his little sibling get hurt. Luckily, Jason has at least a bit of first aid knowledge; he gained most of it through trial and error on himself, but it is knowledge nonetheless. And every time people try to reopen the camp, they luckily also restock all of the first aid kits. So he finds the nearest kit, sits you down in the little cabin you two share, and gets to stitching. Luckily, the blade missed any major organs, but you are still bleeding quite a bit and getting weaker by the minute. Jason gives you an apologetic look as you let out a pained yelp every time the needle pierces your skin. He really doesn't like hurting you, but it's necessary. Just bear with him, it'll be done soon. Once the wound is sutured and desinfected, Jason tucks you into bed and goes off to find some food for you. After that blood loss, you need to eat properly. Jason feels responsible for you getting hurt, so he will do everything to make up for it by being the best big brother/nurse he can be.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba panics when he sees his meat cleaver buried in your shoulder. He has tried to tell Drayton that you are too young to get in on the family business, be he wouldn't listen, and now look what happened. Bubba knows how to sew masks, but normal sewing and surgical stitches are two different beasts alltogether. Plus, you are bleeding so much… Luckily, in this case, Chop Top comes to the rescue. While he wasn't a field medic himself, he did learn a thing or two about stitching people back together during his time in the army. Not as much as a proper surgeon would, mind, but he can do at least enough stitches to keep you alive until they can convince Drayton to drive you to an actual hospital. Bubba tries to keep you as calm as he can while Chop works, but it's very clear that you're in a ton of pain. Once it's done, they help carry you into Drayton's truck. And while you're en route to the hospital, you get quite an earful from your eldest brother about wasting the family's money and being reckless. And Bubba is gonna get a similar lecture later on for letting his tools lay around where anyone can grab them.
Thomas Hewitt
Terror. Thomas sees his own weapon turned against you and only feels fear. He has been too sure of himself, and now you're hurt. Even worse, hurt by his own damn weapon! Though he feels like the guilt will eat him alive, he knows that there is no time for self pity right now. He dispatches the victim that hurt you as quickly as he can and then carries you inside the house. He does not hesitate before trying to patch you up, though he knows next to nothing about first aid and certainly not about stitching wounds either. You groan and cry in pain, and every sound escaping you makes him wince. Hoyt has to hold you down while Thomas works, and half tries to soothe you and half lectures you on getting yourself hurt. By the time Thomas has managed to stop the bleeding, you are passed out from the pain. Once it's 100% sure that you're not bleeding anymore, Thomas carries you into your room and tucks you into bed so you can recover.
The Sinclair brothers
Vincent, Bo and Lester have told you time and time again to hide in your room whenever there are strangers in town. But you want to help, to be part of what your older brothers are doing. You're not a baby anymore, dammit! So when there are once again future wax figures in town, you sneak out of your room… and promptly get hurt. One of them has stolen Vincent's carving knifes and had blindly slashes at you when you tried to grab them, leaving you with a nasty gash across your stomach. Vincent and Bo have been in direct pursuit of that person, who now finds themself with a nasty case of "bullet through the skull". When Bo sees the state you're in, he mutters every expletive he can think of under his breath. Vincent runs to your house to get his supplies for suturing, and Bo kneels down next to you, rips the dead victim's shirt of their corpe and presses it onto the bleeding wound. He tries to keep you calm and comfortable, though with every passing second, he gets more frazzled. Finally, Vincent comes back with everything he needs; a surgical needle, thread, desinfectant and, in case you thrash around too much, a syringe of a less potent dose of the paralytic agent he usually uses to keep still-alive victims compliant. He immediately gets to work, and while he sews you back up, his head is spinning. If only he hadn't let his guard down, this wouldn't have happened… Once the bleeding stopped, he breathes an audible sigh of relief and helps Bo carry you home.
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re-re-redline · 2 months
-General Headcanons: Constantine- 1st Addendum
No Spoilers For Traum
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Foreword: Looking back on it now, I feel as though there wasn’t that much meat on the bone when it came to the original general headcanons, so I decided to make an addendum. I don’t want to call this the General Headcanons 2, ‘cause A. that’s pretty dry and B. there isn’t enough here to warrant labelling this a sequel per se to the original. Plus I won’t feel odd making more of these when the mood strikes me! So without further ado… Let’s jump into it.
Had this shit in my back pocket while I was writing that long ass (but absolutely worth it) fic, so it’s nice to set this free while I write my internal character bible for Micheal and Mehmed as well as working on the other things on my to-do list. So I do hope you all will accept this bite-sized (by my standards) offering while I do that ‘cause I can’t keep anything short to save my life, good grief.
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The best gift you could ever give Constantine is a pair of bluetooth noise cancelling headphones. Seriously. We know this guy hates too much noise and that’s why you’re most oft to find him in quieter places in Chaldea, but if you gave him these? Dude. You’re a lifesaver, genuinely. Now Micheal doesn’t have to psych himself up to pass through certain areas or have to leave a room he was comfortably chilling in. It’s great. You’ll see him with those on his neck all the time and he’ll even have the charging cable on him and the wire for when it dies and he can’t charge it. Just, uh, don’t be too mad when you have to put effort into getting his attention sometimes, ‘kay?
I sorta mentioned it in passing within previous posts, but Constantine is cold to the touch. He’s so cold that he can just hold an ice cube in his hand until it fully melts without squirming or even feeling it for that matter. Now that’s not to say that he NEVER gets cold, but it takes quite a bit to get him to shiver. The first Lostbelt is the obvious example. The reason why our man is so GODDAMN COLD is because of the legend that floated about after his death that he’s a marble statue in a cave under the Golden Gate of Constantinople. Statues get cold and underground caves are really cold, hence how low this man’s temperature is on main. He never really noticed it until you held his bare hand for the first time and felt that you were really warm. He mistakenly took it as you being sick but he quickly found out that your hand isn’t really warm because you have a fever or something, he’s just cold. Man’s not sure what to think of this since he doesn’t remember anyone telling him in life that he was frigid to the touch. Strange.
So let’s say, hypothetically in a Normal!HGW AU, that you both win and things are cool and good. The lesser grail manifests and over the course of the grail war, you and Micheal have gotten kinda close (romantic or platonic, doesn’t matter.) If you say, oh I dunno, casually mention in passing that he’d be a pretty cool dude to exist with and that you’re gonna miss him a lot when the war ends, then our emperor might be compelled to wish on the grail to be a person again. You know, like a certain Grand Caster we all knew and loved. And that’s like, a segue into a whole other list of headcanons about your life with him and all the stuff you’d do together. So I’ll, uh, clip that there.
He’s no prude, but he’s not the type to frequent those kinds of places or sleep around. He doesn’t feel comfortable baring himself out to others so easily and will only do so if you’ve known him for a long time. While the likelihood of it is low considering how much Constantine masks his issues or is in complete denial of them, there is a chance that he would accept an offer to be friends with benefits. The only caveat is that you don’t tell anybody about it. Y’know for the sake of his rep. …And because he’s slightly embarrassed to admit that he has those kinds of needs.
Just like with concerts, parties aren’t really his scene either. The noise level is already bad enough, but being jammed into a room with a bunch of people AND very loud music? Get him outta there, he’s not going to last! Well, he is. But he’ll be in a sour mood afterwards. Another reason why Constantine doesn’t really enjoy parties all that much is…well, what’s he gonna do? Dance? The only dancing Micheal knows is waltz and that ballroom shit he was forced to learn when he was younger. There’s no way you’re going to see him bust a move, not even when he’s drunk. He’ll be standing with you in the corner of the room holding a red cup of punch and’ll talk with you the whole time until it ends. If you’re honestly gonna call Micheal to go to a party with you, it’d probably be as a bodyguard or a chaperone. It’s what he excels at and he’d be more comfortable that way since he’d have a defined objective instead of the very vague “have fun” that implicitly comes with being invited to be a partygoer.
Speaking of drinking, how does the last emperor of Rome hold his liquor? Quite well actually despite not drinking that much on his own time. You can thank his pops for that (headcanon). He can out do a fair few people before getting tipsy himself and even then he can can drink with the best of them…until either his self-restraint kicks in or you and Johanna drag him out that is. That being said, he won’t get into too many drinking competitions. Just a few to let everyone know that he’s no lightweight, he’s learned his lesson from fucking around (not literally) in his youth with George. Now that we know his abilities, one has to wonder what kind of drunk he is. Does he laugh? Cry? Talk nonstop? Maybe get…saucy? No, no, no, and no. It’s so much worse than that. Constantine is a philosophical drunk, but not the ‘lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake’ kind. I’m talking the psychologically damaging kind. That man will make you question your belief system and your reality if you make the mistake of indulging in conversation with a drunk Constantine. He will deadass rewrite your principals and grill you about folding so quick as to let him do this. If you start to weep, he’ll just sling an arm over your shoulder…and continue lowering your sanity by talking some more. If you record the conversation with him in that state and show post-hangover Constantine he’ll flush beet red and put his head in his hands, groaning. He’ll apologize to you and kindly ask you to delete the recording. He’ll tell you to not take any of what he said to heart, those are a drunk man’s words after all. Can’t trust what them drunk people say. And, uh, maybe don’t talk with him when he’s like that? Please? …With some of the things he says, you can’t help but question his mental health. Can you really say he’s okay when he’s calmly going off like this without even stuttering or pausing to think? Is this really just a drunk haze or is it a peek into the mind of your good friend Micheal? Who knows.
Note: Sober Mehmed and drunk Constantine are a crossover that the world just isn’t ready for. So maybe you should prevent this from occurring as best you can. These two could theoretically go on and on for days if Constantine doesn’t sober up or pass out and Mehmed has his schedule cleared. I’m dead serious. Micheal has a ton of shit on his mind that he never gets to talk about because George isn’t here and the alcohol has hoisted that treasure trove of opinions and thoughts to the surface. Mehmed fucking lives on not only talking (or yapping as the youth say) and debating his ideas and beliefs but also this is the golden opportunity to talk with Constantine without him writing him off and ya boi is going to milk the everliving shit out of it because it may never happen again. For the sultan, this is going to be a very interesting and enlightening conversation and for Micheal… well, he’s drunk so who knows what he’s getting out of this. And don’t worry about Mehmed’s sanity, he’s resistant to pale damage seen and heard some shit in his day, so he’ll be fine. You should really worry about yourself and not listen too hard into the conversation… or you might hear something you wish you didn’t.
If you give Constantine a bouquet of flowers, he will take at least one—usually a few—and press them near the time that he receives them. Y’know so that they’ll always look as pristine as they did when he received them. He has a nice set of acrylic tiles on a wall in his room that’s just a bunch of flowers he’s pressed in the past. He’ll smile when you point at one and he’ll happily explain how he got the flowers in the tile. Hell, he’ll be glad to explain every last one of them to you if you’d like. If not a tile then he’ll press them into a bookmark he uses. Man’s got a rotation going and a specific set per genre for his bookmarks so that they all get used equally. He might one day, if you show enough interest in this small hobby of his, press some flowers into a tile or a bookmark for you. The kinds of flowers one should expect are…The red rose, the aster, the white carnation, the anemone, the calendula, the echinacea, and lavender. One can also expect this for any bouquets he might give you—eh? Some of those flowers have a romantic connotation? Pfft, no! The red rose symbolizes Rome! Of course Constantine is gonna give you some of those and, uh, don’t worry about the other ones. They just…look nice, yeah. ANYWAYS, he has seen those videos of people making beautiful custom chess/checker boards with acrylic and he 100% wants to make one himself. He’s just stumped on what the aesthetic should be. Like, should it have a Roman aesthetic? Or should it be more focused on flowers since that’s what most of his acrylic doodads are about? Maybe he should try something new and make it like a beach? So many choices…
Note: He’d be so thrilled to receive anything like that from you, even if it looks and functions like ass. Oh, the bookmark has jagged edges that cut up the pages and his fingers? Nah, it’s fine. He’s learned how to finesse it to where it doesn’t happen anymore. Please ignore the band-aids on his fingers, they came from elsewhere. No, he refuses to elaborate. Stop asking.
Another Note: People do, in fact, commission him to make bookmarks and acrylic stands. The first time it happened was when Osakabehime came to him with a piece of printer paper and asked him to make a stand of the character on the sheet. Apparently, the stand in question was a Comiket 55 exclusive and the ones on the eBay run for about…600 to 1,000 dollars. After seeing the sheer despair on her face, he took the paper and made a stand. Batty was so happy with results that she told her friends, then they told their friends. And that, my friends, is how Constantine ended up with a side hustle making acrylic stands and bookmarks. It does decently well as a business if he does say so himself.
Constantine, to an extent, knows how to do small architectural repairs on a building. To explain this, allow me to give you a watered down history lesson.
In the year 1204, the 4th Crusade happened. Stay with me on this. Previously, Jerusalem was taken over by the Ayyubids after the 1187 siege along with a ton of crusader land; the 3rd Crusade took back most of it except for—you guessed it—Jerusalem. And that’s motive for crusade number 4. After the gang gathered their forces and had gone through some financial disputes with each other, they set off to Zara to get some moola to pay off a debt via taking the city. They took the city and stayed the winter in Zara. Now, the gang decided to go Constantinople—their fellow Christian country—because the son of the recently deposed and subsequently blinded ex-emperor, Alexios IV Angelos sweet talked the crusaders into going there to overthrow Alexios III Angelos for cool shit like: money to pay the debt, tons of troops, their navy—fuckin’ you name it, he’d give it. The broke crusader army gleefully accepted and then they did that and Alexios IV was emperor, yay. Turns out that keeping ridiculous and frankly desperate promises is very hard and often leads to having to make serious and embarrassing concessions which then leads to bad things happening as a consequence, who knew! Thanks to rebellions caused by his subjects, Alexios IV was killed and replaced by the leader of the anti-crusader gang in Constantinople, Alexios Doukas (How many of them are there?). Anywho, the crusaders were pissed that their guy was killed and ‘politely asked’ the new guy to uphold the deal and ya boi told them to fuck off. War happens and the cards just weren’t in Byzantium’s favor leading to the city of Constantinople getting sacked for three days. The destruction was on another level my friends, it was so bad that it never fully recovered under the Byzantine Empire and the 57 year long Latin occupation really didn’t help either. I’m pretty sure you can see where I’m going with this.
In Constantine’s bond 5 profile, third paragraph, it states that Constantine lived ‘in a small, only barely habitable section” of the palace. It also states that they—Constantine and his family—were powerless to stop it from crumbling. Now, it’d be quite sad and perhaps a bit silly to believe that they didn’t at least TRY to stop their home from falling apart, and that’s where this headcanon comes from. In his youth and the times when he was home away from the Morea, Constantine pitched in as much as he could to make the palace better to live in, not only for himself but for his family too. Thus a young Constantine would sometimes be found—either with George or his brothers and sisters—clearing out dirt from collapsed sections or reinforcing the little supports to keep another hall from caving in during his free time. Of course a bunch of kids and teens trying to keep a building up with zero knowledge of how architecture actually works is a recipe for failure. And while I’m pretty sure that Constantine was smart enough to realize that himself, I still think he took it hard when that hall caves in despite his best efforts. No one blames him for it; he gets a few pats on the back from his two sisters for at least trying, his brothers tell him that they just have to do better next time, his dad shrugs it by saying that there’s more important things to be worrying about and his mom tries giving Constantine hope by saying that someday things will get better and they’ll be able to build a brand new and big palace on top of this old one. That all this Ottoman business will blow over someday and everything will be fine. He just has to have faith.
Later, when Constantine would be emperor and the nightmare scenario is unfolding right in front of his eyes, I’d like to think that Constantine was there—whenever he could be—to help fix the holes in the Theodosian Walls. As we know, despite the might of the Ottoman’s artillery, their reload time betwixt volleys was absolute ass. It was so ass that it allowed the Byzantines to reliably patch as many holes in the wall as they could before the next rain shower, hence why this siege lasted for as long as it did. It was a phenomenal effort to be sure, an effort that would go down in history, no doubt but as we know, the walls did come down in the end.
In Chaldea, or more specifically out on rayshift, if you’re camping out in an abandoned building then you’ll find Micheal patching holes in the roof and walls as best he can. If asked why then he’ll tell you that it’s to keep everyone from getting sick thanks to the draft and the elements. It’s best not to go digging too deep into this line of questioning as the roots of it all are deeply personal and riddled with the loathing of his believed personal failings. So just let your buddy do a lil’ housework—hell, maybe pitch in! I’m sure he’d appreciate the help.
Note: I feel like Constantine might have had a small childhood fear of the roof coming down on him while he sleeps. Like, a stone just slipping out of place and icing him while he’s snoozing or the whole ass roof, either scenario kept him awake at night some of the time. And, while that fear has mostly fallen to the wayside thanks to the wonderful losses he experienced in life, he does once in a blue moon wake up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare of his noggin getting rocked. And worse yet? He has a nasty headache when he wakes up.
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And that’s the first addendum to the General Headcanons. As you can see, it’s most just me spitballing and adding fun and not fun little bits to his character. While I did want to keep it relatively light, it’s kinda hard when you have a man as drenched and marinated in tragedy as Constantine XI. It’s like: “*Gently pats the Micheal* This boi can fit so much trauma, depression and overall tragedy in him!” So it just kinda writes itself. He’s such a sad individual and has ensnared me, heart and soul, into his solemn existence and I am living it like a possum in the ceiling of a government building from 1999. It’s stuff like this that really makes me wish that Lasengle would go in deep and just rip his character to shreds and make him bleed narratively. I want the deepest of cuts on this man’s life and I want an autopsy for all to see on why this man is one of the least okay individuals in Chaldea and I want everyone to come together and help Constantine resolve his issues one step at a time and show him that everything is okay now and that he doesn’t have to suffer alone and that he’s a greater man than he thinks he is. GOD what I would give for a canon interaction between Romulus and Constantine. Just Romulus patting him on the head saying that he did his best with what he had and he let Rome go down with a bang and that’s all Romulus could’ve asked for. That shit would do wonders for Micheal’s self-esteem.
But a gal can dream.
And write fanfiction.
My lamentations aside… In small Redline news, I’m feeling a lot better and thankfully I had most of this written before I got sick so props to past Redline. I got Angra Mainiiu to bond level 10 a few days ago, Constantine is almost to bond 9 with 53k-ish to go, Douman is halfway to bond 10 with 204k-ish to go, Koyayaya of Light is bond 9 and my Hajime-chan is 361k away from bond 12. Okuu Rerun and Traum definitely pushed Constantine and Angra to where they are now but ultimately… Triple bond CE Bloodfort grinding on dead weeks with Douman and Van Gogh always crosses the finish line, so to speak. That’s how the last of my pre-Lostbelt 6 crack team got to bond 10! I’ll be grinding 90++ with the same team (Koyayaya, Support Castoria and Proto-Merlin) and having Constantine soak up that juicy ≈1.3k bond until the event ends.
P.S: Apologies if the history lesson on the 4th Crusade was a slog to read through. I just felt like historical context was needed to best understand the headcanon and it wouldn’t have hit as hard—or perhaps at all, had I not placed it there and I tried keeping it as short as I could.
Anywho, I’ll be getting back into the swing of things. So I leave you with this humble offering and have a nice day, everyone.
—Redline, over and out!
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 9 months
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Words: 2284 (chapter 43)
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43. my world was falling apart
"I said I will figure this out, Micheal, and I did. With some help, of course." Your lips twitch into a half-smile, and you shake hands with Teneke outside the hearing room in the corridor. His grip is strong and confident, matching yours. The accountant, almost turned criminal, just hours ago, but you managed to save him. His smile was your second-best reward, first, obviously being money.
"I'm still holding onto that favor, you know." Teneke's hand slips out of your grasp and he fixes his jacket. 
"I've already done the paperwork, you can return home now." You start walking with Teneke matching your step. Glancing back, you notice Dex and Ray speaking in the doorway of the room you've just left.
"I'm sure Kelly missed me these days, it's been a bit tough when we got to know... I shouldn't say this."
"What? What's been tough?" You fix the strap of your briefcase, preventing it from sliding down your shoulder, and look at Teneke, he's suddenly flustered.
"I promised Kelly not to tell anyone, since it's still so early, but you just saved my ass..." His shoulders slump forward, but the smile doesn't leave his face, "We're having a baby! I know that it's not our age to have kids, but-"
"Hey, Kelly is a strong woman, you two will be great parents, age is just what's written in your passport," you two go outside and the cold wind messes your hair. Teneke stands on the sidewalk, stopping in front of you. You slightly poke his chest with your finger, "it's more important what's here, in your heart."
"Not only the best lawyer in the state, but also the one with the best advice. Thank you, y/n, truly." Teneke opens his arms, going in for a hug. 
You welcome the hug, feeling Teneke's hands firmly on your back but then a sound deafens you for a moment... A shot. Teneke's hands loosen, his smile fades and you watch in shock as his body slumps on the sidewalk, just outside the FBI building. You notice the blood patch on your coat, blood from Teneke's chest, and a red pool surrounding the non-responsive body of your client.
The time seems to slow down, perhaps you'd think that it stopped completely, if it wasn't for the gloved hands grabbing you by your shoulders, yanking your briefcase to the ground and pushing you inside a car, quickly driving off.
You can feel the wetness on your cheeks, since the cold hits it with more ferocity. Have you been crying this whole time? But how long have you been in this car? You couldn't tell because the world has been blurry from your tears ever since Teneke slipped out of your grasp.
"You think you can talk about us to feds?"  The guy in front of you swings his gun before your face, trying to make you scared. And it works. You finally regain your senses and notice the men in the car. Thick Russian accent. "Teneke deserved that for snitching. You're gonna get your share too."
The SUV hits the curb and the one with a gun sends a glare to the driver. Two other men continue to look straight ahead, sandwiching you in the backseat. They were unpredictable, you didn't know what to expect when you'll finally reach the 'base' and what will the 'boss' say? Is he going to kill you? Drown you? Cut you open while you're still alive? Poison you and pretend that you overdosed? You could only imagine the variety of headlines in tomorrow's Bulletin. Will Urich write about you? Will he be satisfied that his story will become a success? Everyone loves a good murder... And a good suicide. So which one is it going to be for you?
He's here. The Devil. Appeared out of nowhere in... red suit? Well that's an upgrade since you last had to deal with him.
"He's here!" One of the kidnappers shouts, pushing you back onto the backseat with less strength than he used before, but you still hurt your wrist. Long hours spent locked in the car while waiting for the darkness to fall on Hell's Kitchen, you felt cold in every bone in your bone, making you stiff as a stick.
You watch in shock how he knocks out ten men and stands straight again, as if nothing had happened. As if it wasn't the battle that he, heavily outnumbered, was supposed to lose. You quickly look around and notice the lying gun next to you, and instinctively, grab it. "Don't come any closer!" You load the gun, pointing it at the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Matt doesn't need eyesight to know that your hands are shaking terribly, that you're taking short breaths, not getting enough oxygen in your lungs. He knows you're scared, terrified.
"Put the gun down." Matt takes a step towards you.
"I said, don't come closer." You step back, making the distance the same as it was before.
"I don't want to hurt you, y/n." Matt risks another step, hearing how a drop of sweat rolls down your forehead. He can smell your anxiety, Teneke's dried blood on your light coat, ruining it for forever, and your dried, salty tears.
"Oh yeah, as if I'm going to believe a guy dressed like that, who's been stalking me since God knows when!" You support your right hand with your left, feeling the gun getting heavier with each second. Having your father teach you a little bit of how to use a gun, you believed that you could use it now, maybe not kill the devil, but seriously hurt him.
"You're gonna hurt yourself, please, put it down." Matt risks two steps, you take a deep breath and fire a shot to the right, hitting a concrete wall, Matt ducks down, not expecting such an aggressive move from you.
"I'm not kidding, asshole!" You step over a body, visibly shaking like a leaf.
"You don't wanna do this-"
"Why are you here? WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS HERE?"
Your voice rings painfully loud in the building, and in Matt's ears, he doesn't remember you ever behaving like that. Maybe that's what it felt like having a wild animal pushed into a corner.
"Answer me!" You shout again.
"I want to protect you." Matt says deeply, thinking over his possibilities. He could knock the gun out of your hand, but this may break your fingers, and he doesn't want to do it. He could just run at you, and hope you don't shoot him, but something in his gut was telling him, that you would not hesitate to do it.
"I don't need protection." You rasp out, firing another shot, now to the left, Matt ducks again, "I don't need anyone!" You say, feeling how tears were running down your cheeks, you were lying, you desperately needed Matt, the only one who shared something similar with you. "And especially, I don't need you!" You aim right at him, and pull the trigger, closing your eyes, but only hear a faint click.
Matt exhales loudly and hurries towards you, catching you just in time, before your knees hit the floor, you cry into his shoulder, involuntarily catching the smell of sweat and blood, that has soaked into his new costume.
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay." Matt gently rocks you, pressing you harder into his chest, when your cries become louder. "You're safe now."
You thought of yourself lesser than the trash bag, lying in Hell's Kitchen, but someone, Matthew Murdock, thought the world of you, but you had yet to understand it. 
"They killed him." You sob, gripping him by his broad shoulders, feeling the rough material of the costume, the empty gun slides out of your grasp. "I held his dead body in my arms." You come to your senses, pulling yourself away from the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. 
"Y/n..." He begins, but you're shaking your head like crazy.
"This... this is all your plan, right? You work with them. You work with him, right? Fisk? You're his puppet?" You take a big step back, and Matt feels as if you're rejecting him, not the city's vigilante. 
"What are you talking about?"
"You're here to 'save me' so you could take me to him or just kill me on your way? You know what I did, of course, if Wesley knew, he told you too." You blabber, making more distance between the two of you. The only way out was... The was no way out of here. At least you didn't see any open doors or corridors.
"What Wesley knew, y/n?" Matt tries to come closer to you again, silently cursing himself for letting you out of his grasp earlier.
"Don't act like you don't know, Devil of Hell's Kitchen." You say the name with venom in your voice. "You're the problem of this city. You all are. Crazy rich men thinking they could just come here and destroy everything. And you-" 
"Y/n-" Matt slowly slides towards you, holding his arms up, trying to reason with you.
"You're the worst of them all! You cost me that job-"
"He was gonna frame you! Benowitz didn't give a shit about your career, he was throwing you into the fire!"
"How did you know? Why do you care so much about me? I'm no one, I'm not the President, I'm not the city's Major." You hug yourself, hoping that your ruined coat could still make you warm.
"Just because you're not high in power, it doesn't make you unimportant." 
"No, it does. In this city, everything is done with power and money. I think you know it better than anyone else." He's just a step away. He could grip your shoulder and lock you in his arms, and shake those crazy thoughts away. But he lets you talk. "Why did you bring me back to my flat? How did you know where I live? Are you stalking me?"
"No, I was after the Russians." Matt's voice is firm and deep.
"Sure, you can say all you want because at the end of the day, I'm just another crazy woman that you've saved. Great, enjoy your first page in tomorrow's newspaper, devil." You spit, turning your head to look for an exit once more, but then Matt grabs your elbow and harshly yanks you into his body. 
"I'm here not to hurt you, trust me. Can you trust me, y/n?" He rasps out, listening to your racing heartbeat.
"You think you're above the law, but you're not," you try to look him into the eyes, but only see the red glass built into the helmet, "when the truth comes out, and you'll be behind bars, I'll be the first one to visit you, just so I could look in your eyes and say that you got what you deserved." Your breathing is erratic, you try to distance yourself with your palms pressed on his chest as much as possible, but his grasp on you is too strong. He hesitates for a moment before he dives to meet your lips, in a single, yet bruising kiss. The edge of his helmet, especially the nose, is pressing into your cheek, scraping your skin. You squirm, trying to deny his kiss, but vigilante's tongue still manages to make way into your mouth-
But then you step onto his foot with your high heel, finally freeing yourself, and slap his cheek, hurting your hand when it collides with his helmet, yet the impact with his skin is made, as the Devil grabs his cheek.
"You, stay away from me!  Or I'll call the cops on you!" You make way towards one of the doors, pulling them, yet they don't open. Matt stands still, listening to you furiously trying to open one door after another, breathing heavily as panic engulfs you again, until, at last, you open the doors and disappear outside the building, your heels scraping the asphalt loudly. One guy groans, waking up after the harsh treatment from the Devil, but Matt throws a billy club at his head, knocking him out once again.
What has gotten into him? Why did he try to kiss you by force? The devil has truly possessed his mind; he's never been this reckless. Not with the suit on. Sure, getting rejected as Matt Murdock hurt, but getting rejected by a woman he loves... Love. Was this feeling in his chest, love? Is that what made him go through fire and blood to save you... Just to be someone you lash out on? And the thing you said... What have you done? What was so bad that you thought Fisk has sent the devil to kill you? 
Matt now understood just how little he knew about you and how much he had to learn as both - devil and Matt Murdock. But now he had to go and be there for you. Without the mask.
"Y/n? Y/n!" Dex's voice brings you back to reality, causing you to lift your eyes from the ground. Only now you understood that you've been walking near the dock, counting your steps to calm yourself down. You finally notice him, wearing a bulletproof vest, and he runs up to you, almost out of breath.
You don't respond, you just physically can't force yourself to say a single word, so you welcome his arms, they engulf you like a shelter, protecting you from the strong wind, tightly pushing you against his bulletproof vest, and you feel him resting his chin on your head, leaving an air-kiss to your hair. "Come on, now, you're safe. I'm with you now. I'm here."
The sirens should deafen you again, but you don't hear them, don't see the flashing lights behind Dex, only see the darkness of Dex's jacket and the mint smell fills your senses, erasing today's horrors. At least for a moment. 
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dannystheone · 1 year
Hope it's okay to send this when your requests are closed, I just read your tickling isn't goth fic and my God that was so cute 🥺 is there any chance we could get a fic of Michael messing around with Pete only for Pete to remember Michael admitted he's ticklish so he retaliates?
Yes absolutely! So um I know what I said but
lol I had an idea I'M THE WORST
I've actually had this idea before but I wanted to wait until I could articulate it properly if that makes sense
I hope you enjoy :0
WARNINGS: cursing! mentions of satan and other imagery. also a lot of band references so if it's confusing I'm sorry lol
I'm More Goth Than YOU! (Lee Micheal/ Ler Pete)
This takes place during the 'Basic Cable' episode (Season 23 Episode 9). After finding out that Micheal has already talked to the new girl Sophie, Pete finds himself wanting to discuss a few things with his friend...
"-So we just sat around and listened to Bauhaus when System of a Down came on after that. I was like, what the fuck am I listening to, you know. And they skipped the song like when it came on and it switched to another goth band but that's when I knew they were just another poser." Micheal rambled Pete's ear off while they were watching a scary movie together.
Pete was at Micheal's house as it was the start of the weekend and October, so naturally they had to kick it off right. However, watching scary movies was a year-round activity, so tonight was a bit basic by their standards. The movie of choice was Hereditary, but they've seen it so many times that they could talk and watch at the same time and not miss any beats.
Pete was zoning out if he were being honest. He had his mind set on a girl he had talked to earlier that day. Sophie Gray. She was really pretty and she seemed really cool, not unlike anyone else that went to their school. Even though she was new and Pete didn't really know her yet, he could tell that she was different. Pete laid his cheek on his fist while he thoughtlessly said the first thing that came to mind.
"I don't mind System of a Down if I'm in the right mood," Pete said honestly. Micheal turned to Pete with a look of disgust. Pete was laying on his side on the couch with his left leg bent at the knee and his right leg laid over Micheal's thigh. Micheal pushed Pete's leg off of him and crossed his arms with a sneer on his face.
"God, that's how I know you're a fucking poser," Micheal growled. That got Pete's attention. Pete looked up from the television and set his jaw in anger.
"What did you say?" Pete asked, testing Micheal. There was no way his friend would utter something like that again to his face.
"I'm just saying that no real child of darkness would be listening to something so mainstream. I've heard cheerleaders listen to Chop Suey before." Micheal said with venom in his tone.
"Oh yeah? Then how do you know a single song from the band anyway? You're a hypocrite, Micheal. Op- foreshadowing." Pete pointed to the TV where a hidden Easter egg was shown in the movie.
"Nice catch." Micheal relaxed after that. Micheal allowed Pete to put his leg back up to rest on his thigh so it wasn't hanging off the couch. It seemed like Micheal didn't want to be caught being a poser or a conformist in any way, shape, or form. Pete wondered why that was.
"So uh... that new girl at school. Sophie Gray? Talk to her yet?" Pete tested the waters with Micheal. Sophie had revealed that Micheal had already spoken to her before Pete had, and Gods knows what Micheal was saying about the people at the school. To save his own skin, Pete threw Micheal under the bus and called him a total poser. Because let's face it, no one was more goth than Pete was.
Micheal perked up at her name. "Yeah, she's pretty cool. I offered to show her around campus sometime and she started talking about Skinny Puppy. Can you believe it? She's not a conformist dickhole like every other new kid in South Park." Micheal carded his fingers through his curly hair while Pete stared back at the TV.
"Well, too bad she already accepted my invitation to show her around the school. She even said she wanted to talk later. Guess she's only into real goths." Pete was poking the bear on that one. Micheal turned to Pete with a look of thinly veiled shock.
"What? You talked to her? No way." He asked. Pete shrugged nonchalantly with a small smirk on his face.
"Yeah. She said she's not into posers. Her words." Micheal furrowed his brows at Pete's words.
"Well, I'm not a poser!" Micheal said defensively. Pete's smile only grew as he looked over his shoulder to meet Micheal's eyes.
"Then why would she say something like that? She said she doesn't like guys who try too hard." Pete's smile could be heard in his voice. Michael gave Pete an incredulous look and grabbed onto Pete's calve resting on his thigh.
"Did she actually say that Pete?" Micheal asked. Pete threw up his shoulders and turned his attention back to the TV.
"Are... Are you lying? Pete. Answer me." Pete kept a smug little grin on his face when he felt a hand squeezing the in-between spot of his knee and his thigh. Pete let out a shocked cry as he shook off the hand.
"Ah-hah! What are you doing creeper?!" Pete yelled, fighting to take his leg back. Micheal held onto his leg in a tight grip as he defended himself.
"I want you to answer me about Sophie Gray, dork! I'm not doing this 'cause I like it! Are you lying about what you said?" Micheal pressed.
Now one thing about Pete: He was a TERRIBLE liar. He could make stuff up on the spot about a story that was already established, but coming up with stuff out of thin air under pressure? He began to stutter and jerk his leg in Micheal's grip.
"I- I don't know! It's just what she said! Why do you-" Pete and Micheal both looked at the TV at the same time. The main character had passed by another Easter egg.
"Foreshadowing." They said at the same time.
They turned back to look at each other one more time before Micheal squished the inner part of Pete's knee, creeping into his inner thigh. Pete gave an inward squeak as he began giggling and kicking his leg.
"M-Mihihicheal! Stohohop! You're a weheheirdo!" Pete struggled and snickered while squirming all over Micheal's couch. Micheal hadn't heard Pete's ticklish laugh, or any laugh for that matter, since the tickling ritual at Henrietta's place a few months back. They don't really talk about that day, and for good reason.
"What, are you gonna call me a creep next? You're so mainstream it hurts, Pete. I don't know why Sophie would choose you to hang out with. If she should be hanging out with any goth at the school it should definitely be me." Micheal admitted. Pete managed an eye-roll in the midst of his tickle attack which Micheal definitely caught.
"Sounds like you're je-hehealous! Get off mehehe!" Pete snickered with Micheal grabbing both his lower thighs and squishing into the muscle. Through sheer luck (and some determination) Pete managed to sit up in a different position on the couch and grabbed Micheal by his jacket. Their small tussle took them to the floor of the living room in a bundle of pillows and blankets.
Pete thrust a hand out while blind in the flurry of objects surrounding them and just started to squish his hand over and over. Pete didn't really know why he shot his arm out to retaliate, but something in the back of his mind told him it would work.
His intuition seemed to be right as he felt the random body part he had grabbed start to shake with laughter. Pete forced himself out of the small blanket fort that had fallen on top of them and kept squeezing the body part he had in his hand.
He had Micheal's ribs in his grip, which he held onto for dear life. Satan, Micheal was a squirmer. It was like he was being electrocuted.
"Call me mainstream again, Micheal. Do it. I dare y-" Pete egged on Micheal, but he had never seen this expression on his face before. Micheal's eyes were screwed shut as he laughed out from the small amount of squeezes Pete was administering. Had Pete landed on his death spot by accident?
"Pehehete! Gehehe- *hick!* Gehehehet ohohoff- *hick!* ahahasshole! *hick!*" The sound of Micheal's hiccupy laughter filled the living room. Pete was dumbfounded. He had no idea how to react rather than to keep squeezing. Pete shoved both his hands on either side of Micheal's ribcage and scribbled his fingers into Micheal's bony frame. Micheal burst out into a fresh peal of laughter as he tried tucking his knees into his chest for protection.
"I'm gonna put you in your grave for calling me a poser, Micheal. I should record this and show it to Sophie to prove to her that you're just a ticklish conformist. I bet she'd get a real laugh out of that one. What do you think?" Pete was sure talking big words for someone who was ticklish himself. Micheal could do nothing as his head lay on the carpeted floor and laughed out.
Micheal tried fighting Pete's hands back, but that just raised his arm up and out of the way. Pete took the opportunity and shoved his hand into Micheal's armpit and simply moved his fingers in the space before Micheal snorted and squirmed underneath his friend.
"Gohohohod! Yohohohou- *hick!* yohohohou suhuhuhuhuck! *hick!* Screhehehew ohohohohoff! *hick!*" Despite his words, Pete had it hard taking Micheal seriously, seeing as he had a huge grin on his face and giggled out all of his threatening words. It didn't deter Pete of course, he's heard this all before.
"What did you say? You said I suck? You calling me a vamp kid now, Micheal?" Pete tossed his hair out of his eyes just as Micheal had managed to flip himself onto his belly and started clawing himself away from the situation. Pete launched into action as he grabbed his friend's right arm and barred it into his back.
"L-Let go of me! Sophie Gray knows I'm more goth than you, conformist! This is pointless!" Micheal shouted. Pete let out a disgusted groan as he jammed his fingers into Micheal's side, just underneath his lowest rib. If Pete thought he found Micheal's death spot before, he was dead wrong. Micheal immediately started fighting him and trying to hold back his immense giggles.
"Stahahahap! *hick!* Yohohou're fuhuhucking lahahame- *hick!* Pehehehete!" Micheal's face buried into the carpet of the living room while his shoulders jumped with laughter. Pete was a little shocked for words at how well he was taking control of the situation.
"Oh yeah, I'm lame, Micheal? I'm not the one laughing like a preppy straight-A cheerleader right now. If only Sophie were here, she could see how much of a princess you actually are." Pete had no idea where these fighting words were coming from, especially directed at someone who's always been more commonly revered among the goths AND older than him. Micheal struggled at that last remark but crumbled when he felt Pete finding the divet in his side. That was the spot right there.
"Fuhuhuhuck ohohohohoff! Yohohou- *hick!* Yohohohou're thehehe wohohohohorst! *hick!* Micheal tried lying on the side that was being tickled and swung with his free arm, but Pete was quick to grab the arm and stuff it by the other one and kept both his wrists behind his back in a vice grip. Now Pete alternated between tickling one side and switching to the other randomly.
That was cause for disaster. The randomness of the tickles in Micheal's worst spot kept him laughing as his brain was surprised at every turn where Pete would strike next. Not to mention with his increased laughter, his hiccups increased as well.
Pete could feel Micheal's legs bending at the knee and shooting out behind him over and over again as he sat on his hips. He felt all of his struggling underneath him, but his laugh was what intrigued him most. It was hiccupy yes but it was deeper than his speaking voice, and it had the same rasp to it. It would be more of a romantic laugh if it wasn't infested by those goofy hiccups.
"How much more of this do you wanna take, Micheal? You know what you have to say to get out of this. You have to say you're sorry for calling me a poser, you have to say I'm more goth than you, and you have to say Sophie Gray would prefer me over you showing her around the school cause you're a goddamn dorky ticklish conformist." Pete laid all this out while Micheal immediately started shaking his head.
"Nohohoho wahahahay!! I cahahahan't! *hick!* Ihihihihit's- *hick!* Ihihihihit's toohohohoo muhuhuhuch! *hick!*" Micheal's voice was getting weaker, maybe since he'd gotten tickled a lot longer than Pete was tickled just a moment ago. Pete decided to give Micheal a little boost. Pete let go of Micheal's hands behind his back just for Pete to grab both of his sides and scratch his blunt nails through the thin material of his blouse. Micheal let out a surprised noise as he fell back onto the carpet with his eyes screwed shut in laughter.
"Then I guess we'll stay here a while, Micheal. Say hi to Cthulu for me when you cross into the Ether." Pete flipped his hair out of his eyes while he watched Micheal manage a quick bird-flipping motion with his right hand. Pete groaned audibly as he shoved his fingers into Micheal's armpit, which made Micheal laugh hard.
"Just say you like it-" Pete was about to say before his phone chirped a notification sound. Pete looked back at his phone and decided to give Michael a break. Pete unlatched himself from Micheal's hips as he walked on his knees to read the notification. With Micheal's freedom, Micheal rolled onto his back and gulped in greedy amounts of air with a hand over his beating heart.
"You're a fucking dickhole, Pete... I swear to-" Micheal started, but Pete interrupted him.
"Oh shit. Sophie just invited me to her house. She said she wants to watch something." Pete looked over to Micheal, who was sitting up with a pained expression on his face. It was then that Micheal's phone chirped as well. Micheal pulled his phone out of his pocket and read out the message he received.
"I got an invitation too," Micheal said simply.
"What should we do?" Pete asked. Micheal started typing and sent back a message.
"I asked her what we'll watch," Micheal replied. Pete nodded and flipped his hair out of his eyes before sending the same question to Sophie.
A moment passed before both of their phones chirped at the same time.
"Mandalorian?" They both said out loud in an equally disgusted tone.
"She has a Disney Plus account?" Pete asked.
"Fucking conformist," Micheal said, displeased.
"Nope." Pete and Micheal said in unison before shutting down her invitation.
"Welp, so much for that. What should we do now?" It was then that the main character screamed from the television, grabbing both Micheal and Pete's attention.
Pete and Micheal decided to make up and spend the rest of the night watching cheesy horror movies. None of what they said they actually meant, and they really felt that way. Besides, no way a conformist could actually change the way two REAL goths thought about each other.
Pete did have some interesting stories to tell the rest of the group while Micheal wasn't around, however...
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augustvandyne · 7 months
Petra x reader
Just cute fluff Jane trying to get them together and their first couple dates
oh myyy! my love for petra is honestly so much and i love her. although i do apologize because i haven’t watched jtv in a while, so bare with me!
jane the wingwoman
Jane was the only person you even told about your crush on Petra.
You have to admit that you’ve had an ongoing crush on Petra for a long, long time. At least since your first day at the Marbella. Probably even before that - the day of your interview.
You didn’t know what it was about the blonde, but you were drawn to her.
In your first week or so at the hotel, you were still getting used to everything, and so you got lost at least once or twice.
At one point you’d stumbled right into Petra.. literally. She’d caught you and grabbed onto your elbows to stabilize you.
You apologized what had to have been at least ten times before she assured you it was okay.
Petra had been falsely advertised to you, to say the least. You’d been informed that she was cruel and downright disrespectful to everyone and anyone in her path, but she was just the opposite to you.
She was nothing but kind.
You quickly became friends with Jane and Lina, and you were quickly introduced to all the drama. Which also meant you quickly let them in on your little infatuation with Petra.
They were nothing but happy that you’d found a work crush - more Lina than Jane - that you could fond over.
But Jane definitely made it her mission to help set the two of you up together.
Petra noticed how close the two of you had gotten after a few months, and she’d tried to split the two of you up, but you always ended up back together.
She couldn’t really tell you why it bothered her that you were so close with Jane, but it did.
Jane eventually approached her and confronted her about it, and Petra broke. She told Jane everything, but made her swear to secrecy.
And she had, because you still had no idea.
Ever since Jane and Petra’s conversation, she’d been trying to get the two of you to go out, but every time she put in a good word to either one of you about the other, it went a different direction.
Jane eyes Petra as she makes her way to the hotel bar. You and her were supposed to be together for the rest of the shift, but as she sees the blonde make her way towards the two of you, she sees this as an opportunity.
��Hey, uh, it’s slow..” Jane rushes out.
“Oh, yeah,” You shrug. “Go.”
You want nothing more than to get out of this stupid uniform, but you knew how tired she was with Mateo and Micheal, so if it meant you had to work a little harder for your friend, you’d do it.
Jane slips into the back as Petra takes a seat at the bar on the far side.
She stays in the back, hidden, although she can still slightly see the two of you.
“Tough day?” You look at her with sympathy. Her eyes are tired and her hair is disheveled. Most likely from her running her hands through it.
“You wouldn’t believe it,” Petra chuckles.
“I’m always free to listen,” You smile, leaning against the bar table. “But first could I get you something?”
“That would be wonderful.”
Petra watches you as you pour her drink. She focuses in on your tongue as you stick it out between your lips, focusing intently on what you were doing.
“You wanna talk about it?” You come around the bar to sit beside her, snapping her out of her thoughts.
It was pretty late in the evening, so not many people were coming to get a liquor, but you’d wait around for a while just in case.
Petra sighs, “It’s hard, you know? Partly owning the Marbella.”
“No, I don’t know,” You joke, placing your hand on her knee. “But I’ll pretend that I do, just for you.”
Petra gives a breathless laugh, her lips moving up into a slight smile. Her eyes sparkle in the crappy lighting, and it’s a sight to see.
You dart your tongue out between your lips, wetting them. You don’t miss the way Petra’s eyes watch the movement.
Petra tilts her head and you lean forward slightly, just now realizing how close the two of you were.
You’re suddenly cut off as her soft lips are placed on yours.
At first you don’t kiss back, being caught by surprise, but then you’re kissing back and it’s like fireworks. Her hands find the sides of your face, and it’s evident that it’s been wanted by the both of you for a long time.
You continue to lean towards her, your hand that is on her leg holding you up as you run your other hand down her neck.
Jane does a silent fist pump in the back, glad her plan finally worked.
After you and Petra shared your moment in the bar, you tried to make sure you ran into Petra whenever you could.
Your shared kiss only put a big impact on your already existing crush on the woman.
It was your lunch by now, and you knew Petra rarely ate lunch while she was working, so you took your time to order her favorite from the kitchen and to personally deliver it to her.
You also ordered yourself something to eat, and made your way up to your office, not missing the way Jane smiles at you.
When you softly knock on the office door, Petra immediately dismisses her assistant.
“Well, where am I supposed to go?” She asks timidly, unsure if she’ll get nice Petra or angry Petra.
“I don’t care,” Petra narrows her eyes. “Just somewhere else.”
You place the bag of food on Petra’s desk, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of her space.
Petra gives you a small smile, “You didn’t have to, you know?”
“I know,” You shrug nonchalantly. “I wanted to, though. I know you don’t eat while you’re here. Which is almost always. So it’s the least I could do.”
“Thank you, love.”
The nickname slips from her mouth without a thought, but your cheeks flame for a second after.
“Yep,” You scratch the back of your neck nervously. “Hey, so we should talk—“
“Yeah,” Petra agrees, mouth full of food.
“I..” You bite your lip, not knowing where to start.
“I’ve had a crush on you for a while,” Petra shrugs. “If you haven’t, and that was just a heat of the moment thing, that’s fine. We’ll just—“
“I’m going to have to stop you right there,” You say, your blood slightly boiling. “I would want nothing more than to pursue something with you.”
“Oh?” Petra draws her chin back in surprise, as if she didn’t think you’d ever want something with her.
“What? Is it that hard to believe?”
“Well.. I mean I guess,” Petra bites the inside of her cheek. “I just.. I’ve liked you since I’ve met you and I never thought—“
“Shh,” You shake your head, a little anger boiling in your stomach. “Petra.. you are gorgeous. And just so you know, I’ve had a crush on you since I met you too, I mean, what’s there not to like about you? Trust me, I’ve talked about you probably eighty percent of the time I’ve been in Jane’s presence.”
You watch as Petra slightly rolls her eyes at the mention of Jane’s name.
“Hey, she’s my friend!” You point.
“Then I will try to be okay with her,” Petra puts her hands up, crossing her legs.
“Thank you,” The anger fading away.
“Well, now that that’s squared away,” Petra stands to dispose of her trash and comes to stand in front of you. “I would love to take you to dinner. Preferably somewhere outside of the Marbella.”
“And I would love that,” You smirk, standing to be face to face with Petra.
She softly grabs your jaw in her palm, and pulls your mouth towards hers.
You can barely contain your anxiety as you wait by the bar, talking with Jane.
“Are you excited?” Jane asks, trying not to laugh at you. You were basically jumping up and down.
You had your hair curled, a beautiful skintight dress hugged your figure. It was your favorite color, and you looked amazing in it. At least that’s what Jane told you.
“Yes!” You smile ear to ear.
Eventually Jane has to tell you to take a seat and grabs you a water.
“I know you really like her,” Jane gives you an upside down smile, happy to see that you’re finally doing something for yourself, rather than for others.
“I do,” You rest your head in your palms, a lovestruck expression taking over your face.
“And.. here she comes,” Jane locks eyes with Petra, taking care of the water that would just be left sat in front of you. “I’ll see you later. Call me. I want details!”
You laugh at her antics, but as you turn around, your breath is suddenly caught in your throat.
Petra catches your eyes after you look her up and down, and you have the feeling she was doing the same thing just seconds before.
“Hey,” You take her in, grasping onto your bag so you don’t start playing with your hands nervously.
“You clean up nicely,” Petra jokes, looking at your dress again. “You look amazing in that color.”
“Thank you,” You push a piece of curled hair behind your ear.
She has her hair pulled back into a ponytail, a slight wave to the blonde locks in the back of her head.
And her dress! The lighter pink color dress hugs her figure perfectly, leaving nothing to the imagination.
“You look amazing,” You let out a breathy laugh.
“We should be going, we don’t want to be late,” Petra places her hand on the small of your back.
It takes everything in you to keep your legs from giving out on you. You’d never been close to Petra for a long period of time until the past two days.
Once you were sat at the restaurant, an awkward tension took over the table. You didn’t know what to talk about. And you were out of your mind nervous.
“So.. how was—“
“Let’s not talk about work,” Petra establishes. “I just feel like we should keep our work and personal lives separate. That was one thing Rafael and I did not do, and it put a strain on our relationship. I don’t want that with you. I want to do this right, because, well, I really do like you.”
“I really like you too,” You reach across the table to grab her hand, the tension gone all of the sudden.
“Good,” Petra sips on her drink. “Because I’ve already planned our next date.”
“Oh?” You perk up. “Have you?”
“You’re not gonna get it out of me, love,” Petra smirks.
You sigh in defeat, your cheeks once again heating at the nickname.
“You’re no fair!”
Petra shrugs, “Yet you came out with me anyway.”
“Yes, yes I did,” You smiled.
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taytrashmouth · 1 year
Prompts and requests!!!
Okay so requests are open so keep sending them in!!! Here are some prompts, and characters I write for, let me know what you want to see next.
you can send in original ideas too!
Send requests with the prompt and the character you want to see it with.
1. “You’re being all cute and sweet and it’s making me want to kiss you.”
2. “You said you liked _____, like a month ago so I bought it for you.”
3. “Can I braid your hair!?” “Absolutely not.” “Pleeeeeassse” ends up braiding their hair.
4. “Who did this to you?”
5. “You don’t deserve someone like that.”
6. “Are you jealous?”
7. Reunited after a war
8. Taking care of each other when they’re sick
9. “Please don’t cry.”
10. “Did you just lick me?”
11. “Say the words and I’m yours.”
12. “Do you ever miss us?”
13. “Just….please, h-hold my hand for a bit. I’m scared.”
14. Slow dancing by a fire.
15. “If even half that blood is yours, you need to sit down.”
16. Trying to study but they keep distracting you
17. Cuddling on the couch for the first time, every touch is electric, it’s awkward it’s new, etc.
18. Person B discovering person A has been abused in the past.
19. Person B is insecure about their scars, person A makes them feel better about this.
20. Sunshine x black cat
21. “I trust you.”
22. “You’re staring!”
23. “I like seeing you happy.”
24. They kiss “I’ve been waiting to do that for ____ years.”
25. “Are you nervous?”
26. “Are you cold?” “No.” Gives them their jacket anyway.
27. “You are everything to me! Don’t you see that!?”
28. “You told me you were okay! You promised!”
29. “Where did you get those bruises?”
30. “You should’ve been here! With me!”
31. “I love you!”
32. “Wait!…..stay.”
33. “I want to stop loving you but I can’t! I close my eyes and all I dream about is you!”
34. “As you wish.”
35. “Goodbye.” They whisper with tears in their eyes and a cracking voice.
36. “Are you up?”
38. Watches their lover die
39. “You’re more than a one night stand….you know that.”
40. “Why can’t you just love me back?!”
41. “Letting you go was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.”
42. “Can’t you see that I’m trying?”
43. “How long?”
44. “Look me in the eye and tell me you never loved me…say it!”
45. “You still have sleepy stuff in your eyes.”
46. “Okay sleeping beauty it’s bedtime, I’ve got you.”
47. “You smell nice.”
48. Tickling each other
49. “If I could hold you in public I don’t think I’d ever let go.”
50. “God here- just hold my hand.”
51. Person A “Well you could-“
Person B “if you suggest I sit in your lap I’ll hit you.”
Franchises I write for:
Stranger things
Game of thrones
The summer I turned pretty
Harry Potter
The last of us
I am not okay with this
Outer banks
That 70s show
The hunger games
Buffy the vampire slayer
(I will write for any character from the above franchises)
Characters I love to write:
(To give you some ideas)
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Max mayfield
Robin Buckley
Robb stark
Jon snow
Chandler Bing
Jeremiah fisher
Harry Potter
Hermione granger
The Weasley twins
Richie Tozier
Beverly marsh
Joel miller
Ellie Williams
Captain America
Peter Parker/ Spider-Man
Peter quill
Stanley barber
JJ Maybank
Nick Nelson
Eric foreman
Micheal kelso
Steven Hyde
Peeta Mellark
Feel free to send in requests without prompts too!
I am open to writing for ships within those franchises too!!
Can’t wait to write!!!!! Send in those requests!!!!
Love to anyone who reads my work❤️
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
Okay, lemme start off by saying; if there was a button to make all of “Chicago’s kindest” an internationally famous fic, I would’ve pressed it as soon as I was half way done with the first chapter. It took me 6 ish? hours, quite literally 1 am till 7 am to catch up to the most recent chapter. and Oh my God; what a damn rollercoaster on a vibrating seat. I was BUZZZINGGGGG. When I say I’ve read mostly all of the Carmy fics there are; I would be lying cause my life was so incomplete without this fic and now, with whole one night of sleep missing, I can say it was so worth it.
I was giggling, and crying and laughing and I am pretty sure I’ve never disturbed my household more in a night than I did last night, you are such an amazing writer and this fic is just so right. It fits so well with what my brain thinks when it thinks of a ‘Bear fic. The pacing, the dialogue, the CHARACTERS- Tony- damn even Micheal fucking Berzatto. You got every moment, every emotion, every punctuation to a T. And I am so proud to say that you are probably one of my favourite writers on here now. Please please please never ever stop writing. And you bet your fine ass I’m gonna be reblogging each chapter (after re reading it all cause why the fuck not?) once it’s finished.
thank you so much for saying i have a fine ass. it means a lot. the other stuff too but mostly the ass.
But really, oh my goodness, internationally famous is wild-- I'm SORRY I FUCKING SHATTERED YOUR SLEEPING SCHEDULE THOUGH JESUS CHRIST TALK ABOUT A FUCKING NIGHT SHIFT. Thank you for loving it so! I'm so glad you liked it enough to ruin your fucking morning LMAO.
My apologies to your household, let them know it was mb i take full responsibility. It really means a lot to hear this is hitting all the notes for you!! I really wrote this series quite honestly for me so the fact that anyone fucking likes it and thinks I'm doing good really means da world. I have no idea what I will write for the bear after this series is over-- Other than spin offs. Cause this is just the canon I live in now. Tony is actually just centimeters off screen to the left in all of S3 if you didn't know actually, that's real and that's true and that's factual.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the next chapter when it comes out! It's long as fuck I am sure I will once again ruin your sleep schedule please again tell your family: mb.
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@thetheatergremlin's boyf riends week day 3
Jeremy had been having a crappy day for no apparent reason and it was horrible.
It was a Saturday! He had all the time in the world to do whatever he wanted! But no, he was just sitting in his bed reading shitty fan fiction and feeling unbelievably stuck.
He was utterly numb, since he woke up he'd gone downstairs about once to eat breakfast and that was it. Now he was just sitting, music on full blast through his earbuds but still feeling absolutely nothing.
He checked the time, 1 pm. Three hours since he woke up and two since he'd eaten breakfast. Wasn't he supposed to meet up with Michael today?
Whatever, Jeremy thought, It's not like anyone notices when this happens.
The more rational part of his brain tells him, People do care! Michael does, Christine does, all of your friends do! But Jeremy wasn't in the mood to be rational. Instead, he shut his laptop and laid onto his bed, unable to sit up again.
After what felt like five minutes he checked the time on his phone 2:30, huh, longer than I thought. He noted, ignoring the multiple missed text and just laying there, music still on full blast.
A knock came from downstairs. Was his dad going to answer it? Wait, no. His dad was switching groups in his job and had to attend an orientation.
The door opened. At least Jeremy didn't have to get the door.
Wait! What if it's a robber! Jeremy panicked, What if I get murdered?!
"Jeremy!" Michael's familiar voice called.
So not a robber then. Just Michael.
Jeremy heard footsteps and soon enough Michael was standing at his doorway. Jeremy just stared at him, too stuck to say anything.
Michael's eyes scanned over Jeremy, assessing him for something. "It's one of those days?" He asked, worry clouding his eyes.
Jeremy nodded, not moving from his spot on his bed. Michael nodded.
"Be right back!" He said, rushing downstairs.
Oh well, guess I'll stay here, waiting.
Jeremy didn't know what he was waiting for. Was it Michael? The ability to feel? He didn't know.
In hours or seconds, Micheal reappeared at his doorway, holding something in his hand.
"Look what I got you!"
Jeremy looked at what was in Michael's outstretched hand. It was a little plush dragon. It was light blue and sparkly. Jeremy took it slowly. It was soft, and kinda heckin' adorable. He slowly nodded, still looking at the plush and not Michael.
Michael went to sit on the edge of Jeremy's bed, making sure not to crowd him. "Are you gonna name it something?"
Jeremy thought for a bit, "Francis," He croaked out, voice rough with disuse. He smiled, not because he was happy per say, but because he felt he could actually be happy, that he was a little unstuck.
Michael nodded in relief, "Francis the Dragon, a mighty name for a mighty stuffed animal,"
Jeremy nodded and turned his head to Michael, "Do you have a matching red one?"
Michael shook his head, "You up for coming with me to get one?" He asked.
Jeremy thought for a bit, "I can get in the car, not a store,"
"Okay then, you'll stay in the car with my phone for music while I get myself a dragon,"
Jeremy nodded, standing up to go downstairs, cradling Francis in his arms.
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