#Raph x Elasia OC
elasianstar · 6 years
Becoming Human part 2
Authors Note: HEY GUYS! I know ive been gone a while, college has been hell, ive actually been working on my next several postings since August, bit by bit as inspiration hits. it may not be written the best, just give me a chance to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for reading -Jazz
“Hey Alex, yeah its Elasia. Yeah i need a little help if you're up to it? Yeah i finished a masking serum for the guys and we’re going out tonight. Even if it's just for Mikey i could use another chaperone. I can pay your way, i just need help making sure they don't get into any massive trouble. You can? Great, meet us at the lair in 10 minutes. Yeah you can bring your camera. Awesome see you then.”
“Boom!! Who’s ready to PAR-TAY!!”
To say Mikey looked interesting was an understatement, he was wearing orange striped basketball shorts, and a too big t-shirt that looked like a crazy bowling alley carpet. Finally his reddish blonde curls were pulled into a faux hawk and decorated with rainbow shutter shades.
“I personally don't think we’re ready for this, what happens if there's an attack on the city while we’re like this and we can't fight?”
“Well at least this could prove an adequate test of balance and focus under extreme motion.”
“And you look totally awesome Bro!”
Fitted dark blue jeans and a dusty grey and blue plaid shirt cuffed at the elbows gave leo a classy East meets West look when paired with his high ponytail and thin pencil bangs. All he needed was a nice belt buckle and some boots, but some sneakers borrowed from Raph’s collection would do.
Don had gone simple, his usual cargo pants tied with some cordage from the lab, fitted black tee, (where and why he had a shirt that small I don't know it didn't come from my stash of my brother’s clothes) and his usual seashell necklace.
“Now where’d Raph go?”
“Dude! You better not have messed up those heads! You know how long it takes to scrap a fully functioning drum kit??? And don't even get me started if you scratched my sick paint job!”
“Get off my back Mikey! I was tryin to do a back-flip off the landing and mis-judged the strength it would take to get over there. These tiny muscles won't work right.”
“You're human Raph, that means your muscles will only work at human capacity. You're still pretty damn strong but don't go trying to throw any shipping containers or jumping off high rises any time soon.”
“Yeah figured that one out already, now come get me out of this thing will ya?”
“Man not my Base!!! I almost had that tuned perfectly bro!!!”
Raph was stuck legs first into the bass drum from the front, apparently having slid into Mikey’s drum set. The New York skyline painted on the decorative head ruined, much to Mikey's horror.
“I spent a week painting that!!”
“Sorry Mike, I'll help you find a new one.”
“Knock Knock! Is anyone here?”
Mikey’s eyes went as wide as saucers as his precious drum set was forgotten and he took off toward his room for me to snag his collar.
“Oh no you aren't going anywhere.”
“Let go i can't let Alex see me like this!”
“Mikey they’re a shifter, i doubt they care what you look like.”
“Doubt i care what who looks like? This adorable redhead you’ve got hanging by his collar?”
“Alleycat!! Don't look...wait, adorable?”
Gosh the blush on their cheeks was so cute.
“Yeah. can I?”
That camera never left their neck and they  were quick to get a shot before Mikey had the chance to start hamming it up.
“Too late, gotcha. Want to see Mickey?
“Come on let's give the lovebirds a minute, letem get all the sickly sweet outta their systems.”
The sound of the whining Polaroid and giggles faded to Leo and Don’s nervous chattering as Leo tried to talk Don out of this.
“Seriously D, we can't be this reckless already, i mean an amusement park? That many adrenaline fueled people in a close packed environment is just asking for trouble. We don't even know if this potion is even stable, what happens if we revert mid ride and can't escape, or if it causes a technical issue and people get hurt?”
“Leo you forget the world of mythics is a lot larger than what you're used to, there are safeguards and protocols in place in case of a critical failure. If the masking serum fails there’s a 20 minute window before the mist gives way and humans actually notice the change. That’d be more than enough time to escape. And if by some miraculous circumstance we can't manage escape there are teams that can be dispatched to tamper with the social consciousness to erase our presence to no more than urban legend. We’ll be fine, live a little.”
“Plus we will be in an entirely different state thanks to the port stones so there’s even less possibility that anything could happen if we were seen. If my calculations are correct that leaves a 10% chance of serum failure and a 0.001% chance of catastrophic circumstance, given i fully understand all the variables at play.”
Raph grabbed his elder brother’s shoulder and looked him straight in the eye, the only parts of them that were physically unchanged. He still towered over the elder, but the gap between the two had closed significantly under human restriction.
“We’ve wanted this our whole lives Leo, Don't go letting Mominardo go and fuck it up. We’re human for a night, i don't really feel like wasting that opportunity.”
“Welcome Back to The Midwest Boys!! The home of the most unobservant humans in America, and the central hub of mystic life. Next stop Worlds of Fun!!”
Mikey and Raph were hooping and hollering from the bed of the truck as it sped down the highway toward the tops of the roller-coasters in the distance. Hell even Leo looked like he was enjoying the feeling of the wind in his new hair as he almost stuck his head out the back passenger window, bobbing along with Donnie's techno music over the speakers. When the old dodge settled to a stop in the parking lot it was like an explosion as the four burst from the truck, taking off for the front gate with the excitement of children. People were giving them odd looks, brushed off moments later as the antics of young men.
Leo was the first to freeze, Don and Raph tripping over him to land flat on their faces as Mikey vaulted deftly over the pile.
Oh that did it, Alex's voice was ice and it stopped Mikey in his tracks, peeking over his shoulder with a meek grin as he gave us time to catch up.
“I know you're excited, but part of appearing human is acting correctly, while running and jumping is more accepted at an amusement park you have to be courteous to the other patrons. No running or flipping over people, and no climbing any of the trees or structures unless you want to get us kicked out…”
“Now tell mom you're sorry…”
I gave Alex a dirty look, but I couldn't hold it, the 6 of us bursting into a fit of laughter. Mikey threw his arm over Alex's shoulder, playing with her matching ruddy blonde hair, and Raph grabbed my hand to pull me toward the ticket booth.
“Go on lead the way ma.”
Well great, what now.
The security guards were waving their wand metal detectors over Leo when they started going off near his belt. Reaching in to the waistband of his jeans out came a stack of three shuriken.
“You can't bring weapons into the park son…”
When they tried to take the intricately designed weapons Leo went to reach for where his katana would usually be on his shell. Luckily Don was close enough to stop him before he got too far.
“Sorry officer, we'll take them back to the truck. Hey E, get our tickets for us k?”
He knocked Leo upside the head as they turned back for the parking lot.
“What the SHELL is wrong with you?”
While i was buying the tickets i noticed Leo and Donnie re-approaching the gate, only to get a full pat-down before they were allowed to enter, oh i love my idiots, i love my idiots…. Now people were staring…
“Lets get out of here, COME ON GUYS!”
Raph knocked leo upside the head as well when they re-joined the group, grabbing him by the hair as a low grumble rolled through his chest, both their eyes widening.
“The hell…”
“We can't churr Raph, we no longer have the equipment to create or interpret such subsonic sounds.”
“Yeah i figured that out Don, just stop being a dumb-ass Leo. Bringin weapons to a park, what the hell were you thinking?”
Leo just shouldered his way past, nose in the air.
“I don't have to explain myself to you.”
Raph moved to start a fight but i grabbed his shoulder, pulling him down to whisper in his ear.
“He's just feeling a little exposed, too many people, a strange place, you guys don't even have the protection of your shells, cut him a break.”
Mikey took off running, jumping into a flip to snag Leo by the shoulders like he had hundreds of time before, flinging him into a flip, only to land on his ass, mikey bouncing along on his rump a few meters ahead.
“I think your center of balance is a little off Mike!”
That got the big blue grump laughing again, thanks Mikey.
Alex ran past laughing, snagging Mikey by the collar.
“Come on Mickey! Lets try the Fjord Fjarlane!! I call outer seat!!!”
Alex drug Mikey to his feet, towing the poor boy toward the first ride still limping from his less than stellar landing, Raph and Donnie taking off soon after leaving me behind with Leo.
“Hey i told Red to back off, i get that your feeling off, but it'll be fine.”
“How do you know.”
“Because i do, now you just have to trust me, do we have a deal Brother?”
I held out my hand with the spirit spiral mark on it and after a second of deliberation he met my gesture with his own.
“Come on let's go have some fun, Sis.”
By the time we had ridden the Fjord Fjarlane, the  Finnish Fling, The Scandi Scrambler, and the Viking voyager spirits were high again. Even Leo was smiling like a goof and we still had 4 sections of the park left to get through, it was going to be a good night and we were all buzzing with excitement.
“Hey hot-stuff, wanna go find a nice dark corner with me?”
The feeling of a hand gripping my hind end had me spinning, grabbing some greasy asshole’s wrist and twisting it until he was buckling under the strain before the guys could even react.
“There anything wrong babe?”
At the sight of Raphs towering form glaring down at him from over my shoulder the creep paled. Jerking to get out of my grip on his arm as i squeezed just enough to threaten breaking it.
“No i think i've got this Raphie Bear, go have fun with your brothers… I’ll take care of the trash.”
When i looked back down at the guy my eyes were golden, fangs bared, and crest raised. “You touch any woman against her will again and you'll be seeing me, and i promise they won’t find you.”
I threw him down on the ground, watching as he scrambled away backwards, knocking over a couple little kids before taking off. God damn doing that felt good.  
When i made it back to the guys Mikey was sinking basket after basket on one of those trick carnival games. his enhanced strength and aim, though lesser in this form, were plenty to crush the hopes of the carnie running the booth’s hopes for a quick buck. Destroying the high score soon Mikey was holding a giant sea turtle plushie, using it as a puppet to tease Alex. I felt Raph’s hand on my lower back, his extra fingers held together to make it feel more like his natural form’s hands. Probably so i wouldn't freak out and break his wrist.
“Pick a prize Tweeter.”
“Raph you don't have to do that….”
“How many days can i win my girl a carnival prize without being carted off to a freak show? Now pick something E.”
I scanned over the disgustingly pastel prizes until my eyes landed on the perfect little stuffie. It was a black dragon made of faux leather with a fluffy red belly and gold wing membranes, horns, and spikes.
“That one, in the dart booth. The Dragon.” “That tiny thing, come on, give me a challenge girl.”
“You told me to pick Red.”
“Fine, let me show you how it's done.”
Handing over a dollar bill the carnie passed over 3 red darts.
“Pop three gold balloons for the dragon.”
Raph’s face scrunched up as he searched for the targets the carnie indicated.
“What’s the ploy here, those balloons are barely inflated at all! The dragon is one of the smallest prizes here, you trying to cheat me carnie?”
“You wanted a challenge big guy.”
He just gave the carnie a dirty look, weighing the dart in his hand before pinching the tip between his first two fingers, the other two tucked tightly to his palm as he stared down his target.
“Damn darts aren't even sharp.”
I ran my hands over his free arm, focusing on the balloons almost as hard as Raph was.
One gold balloon started lazily dripping paint down the board. The carnie gave Raph a look at utter disbelief, only to be met with a smirk as Raph readied one dart in each hand.
Three spots of gold paint stained the board where balloons had once hung and Raph was preening, head and shoulders thrown back, chest puffed out as he pulled me tight to his side.
“I think you owe my girl here a stuffed dragon.”
“I'm going to name him Lucius. He’s so cute!!”
The tiny stuffed dragon was barely 4 inches tall, just big enough to tuck in a pocket, but the stitch work on him was absolutely exquisite, gold embroidery outlining glittering scales along the tiny little body.
“Glad you like him babe.”
I was a lot more ecstatic than i thought i would be, jumping up to throw my arms around Raph’s neck and making lots of happy chirping noises as he supported my weight in his arms and pressed his forehead to my own. Our laughter mixed in a bubbly fountain mixed with chirps and low growling pseudo-churrs as he spun me around in his arms before i let go and just let myself hang upside down limply from his grip.
“Ok i'm dead, you killed me with cute fluffy romantic crud. You've gone and done it, speak of my greatness in my eulogy….”
“Get a room you two.”
Raph flipped Leo off, a self satisfied smirk at actually being able to do so pulling at his lips as i popped back upright. I stuck my own tongue out at Leo before grabbing Raph’s slightly stubbled jaw and pulling him in for a kiss. It was different but it was still completely Raphael, teeth scraping at my bottom lip before i pulled back, only for him to follow until i put a hand against his throat.
“We’re still in public babe, later i promise.”
He rolled his eyes as he let me back down, another low growl rumbling through him as he whispered in my ear.
“Fine, but don't expect me to play nice.”
His hand traveled down my back to cup my rear as we moved to catch up with the guys as they ran off toward the fury of the Nile. he started chuckling when i removed it, slipping it back a few times before i swatted him.
“Make me.”
Raph, Mikey, Alex, and I squeezed together in one boat as Donnie and leo hopped in the next one only to be joined by two college girls in swimsuits cut off from their own parties. I couldn't help but grin like a proud mother as the two fumbled through trying to talk to the two bombshell beauties that had been practically dropped in their laps. It wasn't long though before i heard laughter coming from the boat behind us as we were shoved off down the artificial white water rapids.  I quickly forgot about that however as we crashed into the first bouncer and a wave of green dyed water sloshed over us and into the boat.
“EEEEEEEEE! Oh god it smells!” Mikey couldn't help but laugh, throwing an arm around Alex.
“Smells better than the waterslides back home, you don't seem to mind those babe.”
Another wave crashed over the boat, this time on Mikey’s side, plastering his poofy curls to his face and washing those god awful shutter shades into the river. The shape of the wave however… a nearly transparent water dragon leapt over the edge of the boat and slipped back below the surface. Back in the boat behind us Mizu was perched on leo’s forearm like a hawk, the two girls in the boat sporting glittering fey’s wings barely visible in the shadowy tunnel. Mikey screwed up his face and a gust of wind blew over his form before cutting a deep trough in the surface of the water, shaking the boat and making Leo fall back into the blue fairy’s lap. My eyes went gold and i could see both elemental beasts play fighting at the surface of the water. A raven’s caw stilled them both, sending them back to their masters before we exited the tunnel.
“Good going bonehead.”
A spark of flame jumped from Raph’s fingertips to bite at Mikey’s face before being extinguished in a puff of air.
“What about incognito don't you understand?”
“Have a little fun babe, no one saw us.”
I tugged on Raph’s soul and made him slap himself in the face.
“You're right, this is fun.”
“Point made, now stop that shit, its creepy.”
“Yeah, and? I'm creepy.”
“And that’s why we love you jazzy cakes.”
By sundown we had ridden every ride at the park at least 3 times. Mikey’s favorite was the Patriot roller coaster, Leo loved the detonator, and Donnie rode the cyclone sam an extra 5 times on his own after the rest of us couldn't handle it anymore.
“What did you say your favorite ride was Red?”
The lights had come on in the park with the setting sun, illuminating the one ride we hadn't tried yet, a tall spire that took swinging seats up to its top for a scenic view of the west Missouri countryside and nearby Kansas City. The pulsing lights flickered in his eyes as he watched the pairs of seats spin lazily 300 feet above our heads.
“I didn't say Tweeter. But how about we try that one out.”
Mikey had just shown up at the bench with armloads of food so Raph was able to drag me off without the others noticing. He hadn't seemed this excited all day and i couldn't help but wonder exactly what was going on in that head of his as he hoisted me up into one of the swinging seats of the steel hawk. The ride wasn't one of the most exciting yet his hand was practically vibrating as we slowly rose up into the air.
“Hey Elasia?”
“Yeah Raph?”
He turned in his seat to face me, scanning over the burning horizon as the moon peeked up over the lights of the distant city.
“Remember that dream you told me about?”
“Huh? You mean the one where peeps were taking over the world?”
He looked at me like i was the greatest treasure in the world and i found myself unable to look away as he spoke.
“No, the other one. With the raven and the phoenix doing the hawk thing you told me about.”
Before i could bring the specific dream to mind he leaned across the gap between our seats, fire burning in his eyes as he kissed me. I could see it now, two birds, talons clasped as they spun, falling from high in the air. I barely felt something stir between us before i was overtaken by the melding of our souls suspended 300 ft in the air. Fire licked across my skin, biting crackling heat that dared not burn, as molten gold peeled back the haze of mist hiding my beloved from me. God why couldn't i get any closer, i needed to get closer, to find more of this delicious adrenaline fueled heat, to have more of him.
We were jarred out of it by the jolt of the ride locking in at ground level, eyes opening in a drugged haze.
“Um Red?”
Three fingers carded through my hair before freezing in shock. Yeah we should run. “LEO CODE GREEN, CODE GREEN, MOVE MOVE MOVE!”
Who knew how long we had until the last of the mist wore off, the guys already looked like turtles to me again, luckily no one else was noticing the four giant mutants as they tore through the park toward the gates. I couldn't help but think we got back to the truck just in time, heart thundering with a new type of adrenaline as i put the pedal to the floor and we sped back to the portstone to NYC.
“WHOOOOO THAT WAS SICK!!! We gotta do that again E, tell me we’re doing that again.”
“Sure Mikey, at least we know how long the masking serum lasts now.”
“It does feel good to be a turtle again.’
“It's strange that the reverse transformation didn't hurt as badly as the initial one, just a few muscle aches.”
“That’s because its easier for structures to retain their native form than to be molded into a new one Don. Don't worry though, the transformation into human form gets easier with practice.”
It did feel good to have my boys back to normal, Mikey and Alex took off down the tunnel to do god knows what, and Leo drug Donnie off to the dojo.
“Come on Donnie, lets spar, i need to feel like myself again.”
“Sounds like a good idea Leo. You guys coming?”
It was hard to keep a straight face when i felt a familiar three-fingered hand weave through the bases of my wings along my spine, i could practically feel the evil little smirk on Raph’s face.
“N-no Donnie, We’ll catch up later.”
They both gave Raph a strange look before disappearing toward the dojo. As soon as they were gone however i turned on the red clad brute, eyes narrowing in scorn as i grabbed his mask tails to yank him down to my level.
“You are in so much trouble mister.”
“What are you going to do about it.”
By god i loved the feeling of his fire along my skin.
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