#Raphael will regret that he challenged Atem!
gaaralover55 · 1 month
Yu-Gi-Oh Seal of Orichalcos AU
I was rewatching Yu-Gi-Oh yesterday. And when I was at the Orichalcos arc, after Atem lost the duel against Raphael and Yugi sacrifices himself to save Atem from being taken by the seal. I thought. Damn it would be so cool and make the stakes higher if Atem started to slowly revert himself back into his season 0 self. Without Yugi, his guiding light, he starts to lose himself into the darkness once again.
He becomes more introverted, he starting to smile that scares the shit out of everyone, his hair wilder and eyes is no longer human. They are now filled with purple flames from the darkest path of underworld.
During his battle against Wevil. He had secretly started a shadow game when Wevil lied about having Yugi's soul! And was this close to tearing Wevil soul apart with berserker soul as punishment if it werent for Thea stopping him.
And this is when she saw what was happening to Atem.
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