#Rational Oven Dealer
oldmilfenjoyer · 4 years
time to rewrite tma eps based off celeb goss I guess.
please don’t take this seriously I didn’t touch t*yl*r sw*ft goss for a reason
mag 6 squirm: as the only horny tma ep it gets the timothee chalamet/sprouse twins/eddie redmayne chlamydia saga 
mag 7 the piper: mitskis dad is a cia agent and probs def a war criminal
mag 32 hive: obviously the jameela jamil bee story
mag 34 anatomy class: this isn’t gossip. please look at a time lapse of ariana grandes eyebrows WHERES she putting her forehead.
mag 50 foundations: george clooney married amal clooney to get a leg up in eventually running for president. also they’re lowkey divorced.
mag 53 crusader: angelina jolie being v vocal about pegging her bf
mag 58 trail rations: the catering of the new power rangers movie being just “a pile of coke w a little spoon” to quote
mag 69 thought for the day: shakira evading spanish taxes.
may 77 the kind mother: whatever tf yolanda hadid is doing w gigi and bella in like general.
mag 84 possessive: this isn’t a conspiracy the queen definitely orchestrated princess diana’s death. also meghan and harry leaving the royal family for a netflix or amazon deal that’s going to get them $$$$$$$$$.
mag 97 we all ignore the pit: the jameela jamil munchausen theories (I’m so sorry miss jamil please know I love you pero also like the cancer thing)
mag 102 nesting instinct: jessica biel’s gay and specifically the photo of a woman grabbing jessica biel’s ass while justin timberlake is standing next to her but not looking
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mag 112 thrill of the chase: ok…did john hamm haze a dude to death. did lady Gaga kill that chick and steal her identity. how involved were the Olsen twins (coke dealer) in heath ledger dying in Mary Kate’s apartment. Jonny depp absolutely killed joaquin phoenixs brother.
mag 113 breathing room: beyonce and jay z had separate security teams in the met gala 2014 elevator
mag 118 masquerade: brie larson staging whole foods paparazzi pics w her (fake) bf. honestly anyone staging whole foods/ trader joes pap pics.
mag 124 left hanging: bella thorne getting carded when she didn’t have her ID, asking the bartender “don’t you recognize me”, him saying no, her exiting stage left
mag 134 time of revelation: the influencer who’s dog shit on her bed before a party and instead of cleaning it up she put the sheets in her OVEN. idk who u r but Caroline Calloway u have the money for laundry detergent.
mag 136 the puppeteer: I lied I’m bringing Taylor in. I’m not a swiftie and I refuse to get involved w swift discourse. but taylor in 50 years will be remembered for being The Beard for fake dating closeted gay celebs (ex tom hiddleston, joe alwyn, joe jonas, I cant remember who else) and also for giving everyone involved hella publicity
mag 153 love bombing: so many celebs have lyme disease despite not living on the east coast but we’re specifying yolanda + bella + anwar hadid bc yolanda wrote a whole ass book abt it. also j biebs.
mag 159 the last: billie eilish’s parents were gentrifiers and got fucked up by the 2008 housing crisis HA (also they helped commit money laundry)
mag 160 the eye opens: please I just want to know what’s going on with the danai gurira/lupita nyongo/tessa thompson/janelle monae love quadrangle
posted in celebration of Megan Fox leaving her husband good for her!!!!
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this-is-freeridge · 5 years
The Air Between Us
Chapter Five: Geny tells Mari some hard truths and Mari finds solace at a Santos party.
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Warning: this fic deals with dark themes, including but not limited to teen pregnancy, rape, drug abuse, murder, abortion, underage drinking and underage sex.
Find all chapters here
Mari had just about finished cooking. Ruben was still at work, but he would be home soon so Mariana had been cooking all day to ensure everything was ready by the time he got home. Tonight, she wanted everything to finally run smoothly.
Life with the Martinez family had been hectic, but she was slowly adjusting. After that first day with Ruby and Jamal, the younger boy didn’t seem to have a problem letting her in (maybe that was just because he has a tendency to overshare, but Mari was trying to remain positive).
She hadn’t spent too much time with Mario. A few passing hellos and the occasional “how’s your day been” here and there. He was mostly out with his girlfriend, Angelica. When he was home, he was in his room or doing something that he claimed he didn’t want to be disturbed for. She had tried to ask him about the book he was reading once, but he didn’t seem interested in a conversation.
She had even spent some time watching re-runs of soaps with Abuelita. The person she had yet to spend quality time with was Ruben. It was funny, she couldn’t help but feel that she spoke to him more frequently when they were just exchanging emails. He worked a lot, taking on more overtime now that there was another mouth to feed. When he got home, he had to spend time with his wife and the twins, not too long after that he was in bed for the night, ready to do it all again the next day. That’s why this dinner was so important to her. That, and her relationship with Geny.
Things were still on thin ice with Geny. Mari helped her with cleaning after meals in the evening and she even helped get the twins ready every morning; they didn’t really know what was going on, but they seemed to like her enough and that earned her some brownie points with Geny. They were by no means best friends, they were still barely on speaking terms, but it was progress enough that Geny was letting Mari into her personal space as it is. Despite that progress though, Geny was behaving extra cold today.
Mari was just taking the roast vegetables out of the oven when Geny walked through the kitchen, washing basket balanced expertly on her hip. Geny didn’t say anything as she passed, didn’t even spare a glance. Mari switched off the stovetop as the last of the food finished up and then covered it so it didn’t go cold. Hesitantly, she stepped into the living room where Geny was silently folding clothes.
“Can I help?” Mari asked as she approached. Geny still didn’t meet her eyes, but she nodded nonetheless.
Mariana took a seat on an armchair near the sofa Geny was on. It was a bit of a stretch to reach the laundry from where she was, but the older lady was a ticking time bomb and Mari didn’t want to set her off.
They folded silently for a while. No one made any move to speak or clear the air. Mariana just wanted to know what happened. They were making progress; they were almost having conversations and occasionally traded tight smiles. So why was it like all of a sudden? What did she do?
Shoving all impulse control out the window, Mari asked.
“Geny,” she started, continuing to fold, “if I’ve done something...please tell me,”
Geny’s face contorted into a look of “what could you have done?” but she didn’t say anything, so the teen continued.
“I understand that you don’t want me here. I know that my entire existence is a hinderance to your life here, so please tell me what I can do to make it any easier. Okay? You hate me, I get it, but I don’t hate you and I want to be a part of your life, if you’ll let me,”
There was a pregnant pause, and then Geny inhaled slowly, setting aside the unfolded button-up and placing her hands calmly in her lap. She may have looked placid, but Mari expected this was just the calm before the storm and braced herself for the hurricane.
For the first time today, Geny looked at Mari. If looks could kill, Mari thought, she would be dead ten times over.
“Your existence,” Geny spat, and then took a deep breath as though to calm herself, “is a living reminder of one of the darkest times in my life. Ruben and I split up because parenthood was hard and I was suffering from untreated postnatal depression. So while I was taking care of our son and getting help for myself, Ruben was off with your mother. But I don’t hate you.
“You’re a part of our family now. Yes, it’s hard for me to forget that time when you’re around, but you that’s now why I’ve been...behaving like this. It’s because there’s more to the story than you know about. And Ruben is a great, loving man, but he’s soft. There’s something he hasn’t told you, we both haven’t told you, because he doesn’t want to hurt you. I’ve wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to betray Ruben. That’s why I’ve been so distant to you. We’ve known about you, mija. A lot longer than you think,”
Mari’s breath caught in her throat. For months she was so happy she finally found him, so proud of herself and so thankful he accepted her.
A million thoughts raced through her mind; the whole time, he knew? How long? Why didn’t he look for her? Did he know what her mother was doing? Did he care?
“We found out about you not long after you were born,” Geny continued. “when your mother ordered a restraining order against Ruben and started demanding child support. He paid it, he only stopped when you contacted him and he realised those payments were supporting your mother’s drug habit. He felt so guilty for not finding you sooner, but you have to understand she wouldn’t let him near you, he had no way of knowing where you were,
“He truly thought you were having a good life and he didn’t want to get in the middle of that. If he had known what was happening in that house any sooner, we would have got you out of there a lot sooner,”
Mari bit her cheek to stop the tears she could feel welling in her eyes. She wasn’t angry at Geny, or even at Ruben, but she couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal. He had known. He had sat idly by while she defended him and told his children that he didn’t lie to them, that he didn’t know better. He had sat by, with his beautiful wife and beautiful children in their beautiful house, while she didn’t know when the power would be cut off or when she would get her next meal or when her mother would wake up from her drug-induced haze or when her mother’s dealer-turned-boyfriend would come onto her when no one was around. Geny said he didn’t know how to find her and maybe that was the truth. But, she couldn’t help but think, he had almost eighteen years and Mari only needed four months to find him, so maybe the truth was that he didn’t really want to try.
“Why are you telling me this?” The words came out in a whisper, as though her body itself didn’t believe what she was hearing.
“Because you deserve to know,” Geny was whispering too because she didn’t want to make Mari run, as though she were a scared rabbit.
It was too late though. Geny reached out a hand to gently touch Mari’s shoulder, hoping that some of the maternal intimacy she missed out on all her life would be enough to help process the situation. Mari was standing before Geny got the chance.
“I need to get some air,” she said, “food’s done, by the way,”
She was out the front door before Geny could stop her.
Mari didn’t realise she was crying until she was halfway down the street. The hot air made her tears feel sticky and she hastily wiped at them with her hands. She didn’t know where she was going, not consciously, but her feet led her to the only other place she knew. They led her to Spooky.
The front door was closed, but there were a few cholos hanging around the front yard. Feeling fearless, she approached one of them (one of the smaller, less intimidating ones).
“Is Spooky here?” She asked.
The guy stepped to her. “He might be out back. Why you wanna know, hyna?”
“He invited me yesterday. I said I couldn’t make it but plans change so here I am,”
The guy looked her up and down, but not in the sort of wanting way that she had become accustomed to since moving here, more so as though he was sizing her up, figuring her out. After a few only slightly awkward moments he nodded and gestured to the house. Taking that as her invitation, she entered.
She could hear the loud bass blasting through the walls from the back yard. All the doors she could see were closed, most had smoke leaking out the bottom. The hall she walked through was thick with smoke and smelled strongly of weed, but she followed the sound of the speakers and soon enough was outside.
She scanned the crowd but she didn’t see him. That disappointed feeling inside her grew; first, she found out about Ruben and now Oscar wasn’t at a party that he invited her to? Sure, she said she couldn’t go but she was hurting so, really, who could expect her to be rational at a time like this?
Right now, Mari just wanted something to numb the pain and the bottles of tequila she could see across the yard seemed like a good place to start. Though Spooky was her in, he wasn’t here to show her the ropes so she helped herself to a red solo cup full of the clear liquid, carelessly dropping a lime wedge in there for good measure.
Standing and drinking alone, unsurprisingly, wasn’t as fun as it seemed though the alcohol was getting to her head and she began caring less and less. A group of girls sat on a sofa in the yard a few metres away. Feeling a bit giddy and full of liquid courage, Mari made her way over. Just as she got there, a couple of Santos approached them. Three of the girls left with them, leaving Mari alone with one blonde who looked only half-conscious.
“Hey!” The blonde girl slurred as her body swayed just slightly. She looked pale, and maybe it was just a mix of moonlight and smoke, but she was starting to look a little green. The blonde girl opened her mouth to speak again but immediately bought a hand to cover it.
The blonde girl hunched over, head between her legs and hair in her face. Mari jumped over with a cry of “oh, girl!” and pulled the girl’s hair in a ponytail held together by her fist as she chucked all over the floor and promptly passed out.
Mari the blonde’s hair with a groan and slumped on the seat.
“So much for making friends my own age,” she muttered to herself and downed the rest of her drink. Her throat burned, but that last mouthful seemed to do the trick. Her thoughts no longer made sense, the party seemed to kick up a notch and the guy standing at the makeshift bar giving her those bedroom eyes was starting to look pretty damn fine.
Hopping up from the sofa she made her way over, keeping his gaze the whole time. He was taller than her, but not as tall as Spooky. He wore cut off denim shorts, long black socks and a black wife-beater, a look she had recently discovered she was into, but she couldn’t help but notice how the style didn’t quite suit him the way it looked so naturally good on Oscar. She wondered again briefly where he was, but it was out of sight out of mind when the man spoke.
“Hey mami,” he greeted. It didn’t give her the same sort of tingle she got when Oscar called her that (even by text) but she didn’t mind the attention, “can I get you a drink?”
Mari glanced at her recently emptied cup, and then at the swarm of bodies that were swaying and grinding to the almost too loud music.
“I wanna dance!” She said, shouting a little over the volume.
“Ay, we can do that,” he nodded, placing a hand on her lower back. The touch jolted her a little. She wasn’t used to that kind of physicality - did she really want to go and grind on a guy she didn’t know in front of a bunch of strangers? Yes. She did. “One sec!”
Turning to the ‘bar’, she took four of the disposable shot glasses and lined them up. She poured the tequila over them all until they were full and took two for herself. She downed them, one after the other, and the guy chuckled.
“Damn, bitch,” he said, grabbing the other two glasses, “I like the way you think,”
“Uh-uh!” Mari exclaimed and took one of the shots back, “only one of those was for you, compa!”
She flashed him a smile and took her shot before grabbing his hand and dragging him into the crowd. His hands easily found her hips and she swayed, gently at first, keeping a bit of a distance between them.
“What’s your name,” he asked, leaning into her so that she could hear him.
She gripped his shoulders to keep herself steady as she stood on her toes to reach his ear as she replied, “Mari!”
As she slipped back down, she lost her balance and fell into him. He caught her with a smile and kept his arms comfortably around her waist. She snaked her arms around his neck and smiled up at him as he said.
“I’m Sad Eyes,” She wanted to roll her eyes at the nickname, but she thought that might be disrespectful so she said nothing. “You, uh, you got something on your top,”
He pointed to her shoulder, right above her left boob. She looked down and honestly, couldn’t tell whether it was the sauce she had been cooking earlier or blonde girl’s vomit. She didn’t care either way as she shrugged, lifted her shirt above her head and threw it into the slew of people.
Sad Eyes’s smile widened and he bought her in closer, his body pressed firmly against her chest clad in only a lilac bra.
She didn’t know how long they danced for, only that time was passing and she wasn’t thinking. His hands weren’t warm against her skin like she’d hoped they would be, but the warmth she got from the tequila helped her forget about that. They danced until her feet hurt, and as she glanced around beginning to tire, she spotted what she wanted to do next.
The table that acted as the bar had been cleared and on it lay a woman with her shirt pushed up to her bra, a line of salt on her abdomen and a lime wedge in her mouth.
“Look fun, mami?” Sad Eyes asked.
Mari nodded and pulled him over, getting ready to go next. The crowd cheered as the cholo finished the shot, Mari joined in. She didn’t know exactly why she was cheering, but the atmosphere was electric and she seemed welcome here, she felt comfortable and included for the first time in a long time.
When it was her turn, Sad Eyes helped her onto the table. He handed her a shot of tequila and a lime wedge, which she promptly placed between her lips, and then licked a stripe down from the bottom of her ribcage to the spot just above the rose gold jewellery piercing her bellybutton. He poured the salt along her abdomen where his tongue had been and flashed her a cheeky smile. He pressed a hand to her knee and she could feel it where her black jeans were ripped, but despite how much he had touched her tonight, it wasn’t familiar like she knew some simple touches could be.
As he leaned back down to lick the salt off her tan skin, time seemed to move in slow motion. There was a heat pooling inside her and for just a moment she let the feeling take over and she closed her eyes. The face she saw behind her eyelids didn’t belong to Sad Eyes, it belonged to Oscar and the thought jolted her so much so that she immediately opened her eyes again.
Just before his tongue could touch her skin for the second time, he was yanked away and suddenly Oscar was looming over her.
His eyebrows were knitted together and his nostrils were flared; she had never seen him so furious.
“Get up,” he ordered.
Mari took the lime out of her mouth and held the shot out to him.
“Oh, come on Mr. Spoilsport,” she slurred, “you can at least take the shot!”
He glared but soon enough the Santos and all their hynas were chanting for Spooky to take the shot. He did so, hastily grabbing the glass from her hand and downing the drink before he angrily swiped at the salt on her stomach. His hand caught the metal bar and accidentally tugging at the piercing.
Mari let out a small yelp of pain and Spooky’s eyes softened to a point she didn’t expect. He almost looked guilty.
“Shit, Mari,” he muttered so low only she could hear, “I’m sorry. Just, please get up,”
Hearing him plead like that broke her resolve. She didn’t know what his problem was but how could she care when he was looking at her with those eyes?
She got off the table and he immediately wrapped an arm around her bare torso. There was the warmth she had been missing all night, the casual intimacy and the tingles it caused. He led her back into the house, arm gently tucked around her waist the whole time, through the foggy halls and into a room at the far end of the hall.
Walking into Spooky’s room was like entering a whole new world. It felt so personal, like he was opening up and really letting her in. It was organised chaos, just like him. The bed was made but there were piles of clothes on it. The furniture was neat but mismatched. There were CD’s on his dresser but haphazardly piled up in a sort of leaning tower, and there was one single framed photo of him and Cesar. They looked younger in the photo, and happy. Mari hoped that she could make Oscar smile like that one day.
He closed the door behind them and set her down on the bed. He didn’t say anything as he headed to the dresser and took out a white t-shirt and handed it to Mari. He ran a hand exasperatedly over his face as she slid on the shirt. It was at least two sizes too big and hung off her small frame like a tent.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked. His arms were crossed over his chest like a shield but Mari could see his vulnerability; he was worried.
“No, it only hurt for a second,” she assured and then gestured to the photo on the dresser. “Cesar your brother?”
Oscar nodded and then Mari remembered something Ruby had said about Cesar’s brother getting out of jail.
“You were in prison?” She asked.
“Yeah,” he replied, “that scare you?”
“No,” she answered honestly. Anything he had done, she was sure it couldn’t be as bad as the things she had experienced living with her mom.
He heaved a sigh and the bed sank when he sat beside her.
“Well it should,” There was a sincerity in his eyes that made her want to be afraid, for him, but she wasn’t, “what are you doing here?”
Mari shrugged. “You invited me,”
“You said you couldn’t make it,”
“And then I could. What’s the problem,”
“The problem is you should be with your family, not hanging around here with a bunch of cholos!” ‘Without me’ is what he didn’t say.
He was getting riled up again, that much was easy to tell, but that didn’t stop Mari. As far as she was concerned, he had no right to police where she was or what she did.
“You invited me!” She repeated, raising her voice as much as he had. “What does it matter if I’m here with or without you?”
“Because I’ll protect you!” He sucked in a deep breath. He didn’t mean to say that, but he also needed to calm down - now wasn’t the time to bite her head off. “You know, Mari. You know that no matter what, Prophet$, Santos, anything, I’ll keep you safe. I can’t say that for the rest of them. They don’t know you. Fuck, you’re new here; they don’t care. I care, so don’t you fuck around like that when I’m not around,”
Mari stared into his eyes, unsure of what to say. She didn’t realise he cared - she didn’t know she mattered that much. His admission overwhelmed her in the best way. It made her think that, maybe, she wasn’t alone in this whatever she was feeling for him. She replied the only way she felt she could truly express how she felt about him.
In one fell swoop, she hooked swung her leg across his lap, turning her body into him so that she was straddling his lap. Both hands found the back of his neck and with all the strength and tequila-induced-bravery she could muster, she pressed her body against his and kissed him.
She closed her eyes, melting into him as she swore he kissed her back. It only lasted a second though, because then his hands were on her shoulders and he was pulling away. He lifted her from his lap and set her down on the bed. She cursed herself for the way she liked being manhandled by him.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Mariana,” he said.
Any other time she would’ve loved the way he said her name, but hearing it at the butt end of a rejection just...hurt.
She didn’t have a chance to reply because there was a knock at the door. He shot her a glance before heading over to open it. Standing there, on the opposite side of the threshold, was Ruben.
Please comment because it makes me feel good and I spend a lot of time writing this!
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canalstreetbaker · 6 years
🖊 🖊 🖊 Dealer’s choice.
So then, I will give you a background blurb, a fact, and a story all about one character in particular - and his name is Neil.  
The background:  Neil Terrance Noman, as I will post when I finish, publish, and then record this shit as an audio drama (because I’m dabbling into that shit now, it’s amazeballs) was an employee of The Corporation, where he and about 399 people in his section march to the train every morning in synced step, arrive at their department surveillance terminals, and proceed to watch trucks get loaded for the next ten hours without moving. Breaks are only for department standup meetings which are like any meeting you’ve ever attended, and will occasionally have coffee nozzles that descend from the ceiling when Management thinks they may need some wake-up juice.  Life is stable, but unpleasant.  
The rest of it will show up later. 
The fact:  Neil’s story has been laid out via the Nuyen Tree tarot reading from the Sixth World Tarot deck.  It’s a 20-card spread in two stages where the first 10 reads the past to the present, the 10th card then becomes the foundation for the second reading, and the following nine cards tell his future.   
Suffice to say it ends well.  
The story:
Day 1
Corporate Apartment #44712
44th Floor, Arcology 2
4:45 AM
Four forty-five.  The Apartment’s cheery voice reminded Neil that his shift began in forty-five minutes, but the settings he had painstakingly entered a month after he moved in had glitched.  Instead of a warm, Eastern European female voice greeting him in the Slavic-accented English that set his heart aflame (courtesy of the Svetlana 2.1 upgrade he’d spent so much of his hard-earned credit on), it was a discordant cacophony not out of place in the old flatvid entertainments of the early 21st century.
“GooD MoRnInG -#4 4 7 1 2 - YoUR bReaKFaSt IS rEaDY.”
Neil blinked awake, stretching just far enough to not overtip the recliner that The Corporation graciously called a bed.  The thin blanket that did more to protect what sleep he earned from the changes in the airflow than it did keeping anyone warm slid to the floor atop a small wheeled drone that beeped and began rolling towards the combination oven/refrigerator/pantry/trideo projector that dominated one of the walls of his apartment.  Augmented reality overlays changed the slate gray concrete of his walls into picturesque vistas of other parts of the world, places that he would likely never see.
This morning’s sun, recorded seven hours prior, was rising over a facsimile of the hills of Naples, Italy.  Neil knew it was Naples, because Apartment said it was.
Stumbling, the man stood from his recliner and took a step toward the opposite wall, his feet stepping upon the raised tiles that denoted he was standing in his shower.  A quick blast of water, a quicker one of heat, and in accordance with policy, Neil was clean.
The insistent buzz of his sink reminded Neil (along with the overlay tag) that he would have to shave this morning to comply with Human Resources Dictation #74-B: All Employees Are To Maintain Clean-Shaven Hygiene Standards.  Neil knew that he could skip a day if Management wasn’t inspecting, but it had been too long since the last one and he wasn’t interested in a demerit due to poor hygiene standards.  It wouldn’t take long, anyway.
The tired man looked in the mirror, glancing at sunken circles beneath lifeless eyes for only a moment before the silvered reflection switched to the morning info bulletins pertinent to his important position with The Corporation.
Neil T., #44712 - Personnel shortages in your area may cause a security breach
Neil T., #44712 - Operations estimates 412 trucks to monitor in your area today
Neil T., #44712 - Approved Vending Areas are undergoing maintenance
Shit, Neil thought.  Working another double with no lunch or dinner.  I’d better request a triple breakfast.
He turned from the screen, razor still buzzing in his hand.  
“Apartment,” he started.  “Rescind meals #2 and 3.  Divert daily ration to breakfast.”
“DeNIEd,” responded the dispossessed voice.  “INSufFiCieNT~”
“Apartment,” Neil interrupted, “Mute voice, fuckin’ broken th-Forget it.  Mute voice, AR overlays only.  Transmit directly to infoscreens and glasses display.”
The tag popped up just as quickly as the voice rescinded into the background hum of his main appliance unit.
Neil T., #44712 - Access Denied.  Insufficient Credit.  A credit will be issued for uneaten meals only after designated mealtime has passed.
Neil pinched the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger.  Payday wasn’t for another two shifts, and while costs were automatically deducted from his account (and groceries so ordered), it didn’t leave much for him to splurge on the finer things that The Corporation had to offer.
Neil T., #44712 - Breakfast is ready.  Please announce the desired flavoring.
“Bacon,” Neil said.  He always said bacon.
Access Denied.  Insufficient Credit.
Unfortunately, Apartment always had the same answer.
“Random,” he announced.  He already knew what random would be - whatever flavoring had tested least well with the focus groups in Marketing(always fuckin’ Marketing, Neil thought), but supplies had already been ordered and the Corporation was running an unsellable surplus.
Banana Kiwi Passionfruit flavoring applied.  Enjoy your meal!
A slot in the appliance unit opened to admit the blanket-clad drone even as another pushed out a small grain-like bar with a saccharine-sweet odor.  The top of the bar would originally be colored with a swirl of yellow, green, and a violet to denote the components of the syrup-infused soymeal that Neil was about to partake.  Instead, the distribution nozzle spat out a brackish, brownish substance that allegedly had the same components, but instead looked like the Marketing department had taken the loosest of shits upon his breakfast.
Which, Neil reflected as he replaced his razor and took the bar, would not be a lie.
A second buzz from the same area heralded the arrival of this morning’s clothing, his pressed and cleaned uniform from the day before.  Neil knew he had two, but Apartment only ever provided the standard duty outfit that he wore day in and day out.  Personal clothing, Neil knew, was just a waste of his resources.  Any time he had to himself he spent in the recliner, though he had been on double shifts long enough that Neil had forgotten what a ‘day off’ truly was.
He took the outfit from the shelf that extended from the wall, and dressed.  It would not do to be late.
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onefatfrog · 6 years
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One Fat Frog is mostly known as a supplier of restaurant equipment, but we have a lot more than that. Did you know we're one of the leading dealers of bakery equipment? If you are opening a new bakery, or donut shop or donuts concession trailers or expanding an existing one, you need to stop by the Frog and check out our great bakery equipment selection. Not only that, but we build custom CONCESSION TRAILERS, for you to reach out to your customers with your freshest product. First of all, every bakery needs a good convection oven for your baking. One Fat Frog has one of the largest selections of convection ovens in the state of Florida. We have single stack convection ovens and double stack ovens, gas ovens and electric. We sell Vulcan, Blodgett, Rational and more. Mixers are also an important part of any bakery and we sell Hobart mixers in a number of sizes. We currently have Hobart mixers in 20 quart 30 quart and 40 quart sizes, though our inventory changes daily so if you need one you better come get it now! You also need a good bakery case to display your food so you should check out the Frog's selection of refrigerated display cases and dry bakery cases. We also have on our inventory: Refrigerated Display Case Dry Bakery Case Prep Tables Bread Proofing Tables Countertop Warmers Refrigerators 3 Compartment Sinks Soda Fountains, and lots more! Basically, we're your one stop shop for bakery equipment and concession trailers. One Fat Frog offers financing on all of our new and used bakery equipment, so you can get your equipment and use it to make money while you pay it off. ☛ 2416 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32809 ☏ (407) 480-3409 ❂ Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM ❂ Sat: 10AM - 3PM www.onefatfrog.com www.facebook.com/OneFatFrogRestaurantEquipment/ www.instagram.com/onefatfrog/ - One Fat Frog es principalmente conocido como proveedor de equipos para restaurantes, pero tenemos mucho más que eso. ¿Sabías que somos uno de los principales distribuidores de equipos de panadería? Si está abriendo una nueva panadería, o tienda o carrito de donas o expandiendo una existente, debe pasar por el Sapo y ver nuestra gran selección de equipos de panadería. No solo eso, sino que también construimos Trailers de Donas, personalizados para que usted pueda alcanzar con sus clientes y deleitarlos con los productos más frescos. En primer lugar, cada panadería necesita un buen horno de convección para hornear. One Fat Frog tiene una de las selecciones más grandes de hornos de convección en el estado de Florida. Disponemos de hornos de convección de una sola pila y hornos de doble pila, hornos de gas y eléctricos. Vendemos Vulcan, Blodgett, Rational y más. Los mezcladores también son una parte importante de cualquier panadería y vendemos los mezcladores Hobart en varios tamaños. Actualmente tenemos mezcladoras Hobart en tamaños de 20 cuartos de galón y 30 cuartos de galón, aunque nuestro inventario cambia diariamente, por lo que si necesita uno, ¡venga a buscarlo ahora! También necesita un buen estuche de panadería para exhibir sus alimentos, por lo que debe revisar la selección de vitrinas refrigeradas y estuches de panadería secos de Frog. También tenemos en nuestro inventario: Vitrina refrigerada (Refrigerated Display Case) Vitrina de panadería seca (Dry Bakery Case) Mesas de preparación (Prep Tables) Mesas de prueba de pan (Bread Proofing Tables) Calentadores de encimera (Countertop Warmers) Refrigeradores (Refrigerators) Fregaderos de 3 compartimientos (3 Compartment Sinks) Fuentes de soda (Soda Fountains), y mucho más! Básicamente, somos su única tienda para el equipo de su carrito de donas. One Fat Frog ofrece financiamiento para todos nuestros equipos de panadería nuevos y usados, para que pueda obtener su equipo y usarlo para ganar dinero mientras lo paga. ☛ 2416 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32809 ☏ (407)480-3409 WhatsApp en español: (407)520-6731 ó (321)315-5537 ❂ Lun - Vie: 9AM - 5PM ❂ Sab: 10AM - 3PM www.onefatfrog.com www.facebook.com/unsapogordo/ www.facebook.com/OneFatFrogRestaurantEquipment/ www.instagram.com/onefatfrog/
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hackerindia · 3 years
These organizational ideas will help you to keep your kitchen clean and arranged
Most people opt for modular kitchens because they are easier to clean, maintain and arrange than other traditional kitchens. Even with the additional storage options and modular kitchen layout, your kitchen can become disorganized if it is not maintained regularly. After installing one from the modular kitchen manufacturers in Patna, you also need to follow these organizational tips to ensure that your kitchen remains clean and systematically arranged.
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Try out these organizational tips to arrange your modular kitchen
● Single out the trash and dispose of it properly: The first thing when it comes to organizing your modular kitchen is to get rid of the trash. Go through your storage, look for expired or stale food ingredients, single out the unrepairable kitchen accessories and then collect all these for proper disposal.
● Start deep cleaning your kitchen appliances: The modular kitchen manufacturers in Patna can install various modules to house your kitchen appliances. To ensure that these last long, you should also occasionally deep clean your kitchen appliances. Otherwise your refrigerator, oven, sink, dishwasher etc. can get faulty and damaged quickly. Still, you should ensure that you follow proper guidelines when it comes to cleaning them.
● Have a separate storage drawer for cutlery and other small kitchen accessories: The most misplaced items in any modular kitchen are the cutlery and small kitchen accessories. Most of the time we forget where we put them. Thus ask your modular kitchen manufacturers in Patna to install a separate storage drawer that can contain all your cutlery and small kitchen accessories.
● Install drying racks and hooks: In many Indian households, you will not find a dishwasher. Thus most families wash their dishes in the sink and let them dry on the countertop. It can make your modular kitchen look more cluttered and you should ask your provider of modular kitchens Kolkata to leave some space for installing hooks and drying racks. This will allow you to dry utensils without occupying other areas in the modular kitchen.
● Buy a cutting board that can be put up on the sink: If you have a small kitchen space, your provider of modular kitchens Kolkata may have to skip the countertop to install other crucial components. In such a situation, you can buy a cutting board that can fit over your kitchen sink. This can act as a makeshift countertop for your modular kitchen.
● Install a separate spice rack for your modular kitchen: In Indian cuisine, spices are the magic ingredient of our dishes. Thus every Indian household has a lot of spice jars in their kitchen. You should get separate spice racks to store these jars so that they do not mix up with other food ingredients.
● Get baskets and bins for your modular kitchen: You can have storage space for fruits and vegetables outside your kitchen cabinets. Get some baskets to store your fruits and dry vegetables in the modular kitchen. You can also get some separate bins that can be used to store trash or other rations in the kitchen.
● Add dividers in your cabinet storage modules: When your dealer of modular kitchens in Bangalore installs storage modules, you can ask them to also provide dividers so that it is easier to store different types of utensils and accessories in an arranged manner. You can also get them at a cheap price at various stores.
● Convert your cabinet doors into storage items: When your provider of modular kitchens in Bangalore installs a new cabinet storage module, you can make it more functional by adding hooks and small hanging racks on the cabinet door. This can be used to store small kitchen accessories, cutting boards, etc.
These are some of the tips that can help you to organize your modular kitchen more effectively.
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total-food-service · 4 years
RATIONAL Launches Pair of Innovative Cooking Solutions for Foodservice Professionals
RATIONAL Launches Pair of Innovative Cooking Solutions for Foodservice Professionals
RATIONAL, the market leader in combi oven technology, recently announced the launch of the iCombi Pro and the iVario product lines in the United States. This next-generation family of combi ovens is now available from RATIONAL dealers nationwide. 
The market leader with a 60% share of the North American combi oven market, RATIONAL raises the bar on kitchen equipment intelligence, power,…
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kitchenrama · 5 years
Kitchenrama is one of the key suppliers, manufacturers, dealers of Commercial combi ovens. Get full details, demo, and best price. Book your demo in live kitchen now!
Combi Ovens
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pstweb · 4 years
Kitchen Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers in Delhi - Techmate Equipment
Present day commercial restaurant kitchen equipment and supplies discover a spot in lodging, pastry kitchen, confectionary and friendliness enterprises. Actually, restaurant kitchen equipment producers come out with a variety of howdy tech commercial kitchen machines nowadays. A commercial kitchen gourmet expert would require a choice of equipment including Chappati Machine, Cooking Equipment, Dishwasher, Fryers, Griddles and Kebab Machines, Juice and Coffee Machines, Masala Grinders, Meat Processing Machines, Ovens, Processing Machines, Rotisseries and Multisseries, Toasters and Holding Cabinets and Vegetable Processing Machine.
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Techmate Equipment are one of the best commercial kitchens equipment suppliers in Delhi in the market. The unrivaled quality items show the long periods of experience and aptitude the organization has gathered after some time. The items are very much structured remembering polish clubbed with a one of a kind look and common sense. Along these lines, presently you realize for what reason to decide on Venus as your commercial kitchen equipment suppliers. Since you contribute only a single time, so make it insightful.
Some of the products manufactures and Suppliers by Techmate Equipment are -
Unox Oven Dealer
Rational Oven
Stainless Steel Dishwashers
Electrolux Kitchens Equipment
Whirlpool Kitchen Equipment
Spar Mixer
Pentolo was introduced in India by Hitech Innovations
Sinmag Kitchen Equipment
Wood Fire Pizza Oven
For any kind of Kitchen Equipment like oven, mixer, blender in Delhi NCR, we are offering kitchen equipments range in Stainless Steel Automatic & Semi-Automatic, For Commercial and Industrial use in Delhi NCR India. You may contact our sales team.
We are one of the best Kitchen Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers in Delhi-NCR India.
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getmarketresearch · 6 years
This report studies the Bakery Processing Equipment market, the bakery processing equipment is the equipment, which is used to produce pastry, it mainly includes the mixer and ovens. Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Bakery Processing Equipment in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application. Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers Middleby Corporation Welbilt ITW Food Equipment Group Markel Food Group JBT Corporation Rheon MIWE Sinmag Wiesheu WP Bakery Buhler RATIONAL GEA Group Ali Group Rademaker Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.) Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) Market Segment by Type, covers Ovens Mixers Dividers Molders Other Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Bread Cakes & Pastries Pizza Crusts Cookies & Biscuits Other There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Bakery Processing Equipment market. Chapter 1, to describe Bakery Processing Equipment Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Bakery Processing Equipment, with sales, revenue, and price of Bakery Processing Equipment, in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Bakery Processing Equipment, for each region, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions; Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 12, Bakery Processing Equipment market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Bakery Processing Equipment sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source
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emarawork2015 · 7 years
Why Look For A Quality Reflow Soldering Oven
By Shirley Fox
As a professional, try to have some pride, particularly, when it goes to your work. They are yours. If you think that your customers only care about the appeal of the material, you are quite wrong with that. Of course, it matters too, particularly, for those clients who care much for its design. However, they did not buy the item just for that matter alone. They want to use for a long run. For things like that, they need credible and competitive results. Knowing that, be more careful and strategic. It is important to have some presence in mind. Make sure to hone that skill. It is not going to be easy. However, if you feel that things are difficult for you, assure that your stakeholders also feel the same way. If these rules give you pressure, that also applies to your competitors. Now, if there is something that you need from the market, you better make a wise purchasing decision. Regardless how interesting a certain product could be, take things rationally. Just like when buying your reflow soldering oven. Surely, for this matter, you have tons of things to say. Consider the programs offered by your dealer, though. Without a doubt, you can plainly see that tons of dealers are offering this product. In fact, some of their goods are distributed in various retail and selling channels. Pay attention. Determining the right procurement process and supplier is important. Knowing its cost will never help you measure its true qualities and features. Prices and qualities are two different words. They are not interchangeable. Therefore, do not try to confuse yourself. Just to remind you of it, not all expensive items introduced on the market are reliable. They play a certain role in your company. Their performance, it could definitely affect your productivity. In most cases, it could even affect the credibility of your product. If you failed to deliver the output the way you have promised it, expect that it will stain and degrade your reputation. As a result of your negligence, you would not only lose clients. That is just natural, though. As you could see, these devices are pretty expensive. Paying an expensive item for a short term purpose is quite unreasonable. In that case, see to it that you manage to find a reliable and durable material. Whether you like it or not, a market study should be conducted. Even if they do, due to various reasons, they decided to raise its market cost. To find a great deal, you better be resourceful. Always look things differently. Do not give up. If prospects are what you are after, then, the net might give you a few of them. Of course, you have your connections too. You better take their attention. Now, you also have the net. Never forget about it. Before buying any item, remember the goals of the company. The product should be perfect enough for the needs of the firm. As you can notice, unlike your competitors, you have your own needs. If buying quality ovens will help you sustain your brand name, then, choose that method. Certainly, getting a renown one might affect your finances. However, that is fine. Knowing how competent your firm could be, assure that you will just earn the money you have spent today in the future. There is a great chance that it would happen.
About the Author:
You can get an overview of important things to consider when choosing a reflow soldering oven manufacturer at http://www.sikama.com right now.
Why Look For A Quality Reflow Soldering Oven from 10 first best of http://ift.tt/2AGOmlz via IFTTT
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reporthive-blog · 7 years
Global Food Service Equipment Sales Market Report 2017
Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Food Service Equipment in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, ROW. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers Haier Electrolux Hoshizaki Illinois Tool Works Ali Welbilt Dover Middleby Rational Standex International Fujimak The Vollrath Company Duke Manufacturing Alto-Shaam Boelter
Market Segment by Regions, this report splits Global into several key Regions, with revenue, market share, and growth rate of Food Service Equipment in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), like North America (USA, Mexico and Canada) Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, New Zealand and Australia, Southeast Asia) Row (Brazil and South Africa)
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Market Segment by Type, covers Food Preparation Equipment Drink Preparation Equipment Cooking Equipment Heating and holding equipment
By product type (Can we also break the product type regionally (North America, Europe, APAC, ROW) - Sub-segments - Food Preparation Equipment ------> - Slicers & Peelers; Mixers & Grinders; Food Blenders; Processors; Others - Drink Preparation Equipment -------> - Drink Blenders, Juicers, Ice Crushers, Others - Cooking Equipment -------> - Grills, Fryers, Ovens, Toasters, Others - Heating and Holding Equipment -------> - Warmers, Sauce Dispensers, Others - Refrigerator & Chiller - Baking Equipment - Merchandisers - Dishwasher - Storage & Handling Equipment - Other Equipment Please check and share the sample including all above information.
Split by applications, this report focuses on sales, market share and growth rate of Food Service Equipment in each application can be divided into Restaurants Hotels Pubs Household Catering Institutional
There are 13 Chapters to deeply display the global Food Service Equipment market.
Chapter 1, to describe Food Service Equipment Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;
Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Food Service Equipment, with revenue, gross margin and market share of Food Service Equipment, in 2015 and 2016;
Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with revenue and market share in 2015 and 2016;
Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with revenue and market share of Food Service Equipment, for each region, from 2012 to 2017;
Chapter 5, 6, 7 and 8, to analyze the key regions, with revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;
Chapter 9 and 10, to show the market by type and application, with revenue market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017;
Chapter 11, Food Service Equipment market forecast, by regions, type and application, with revenue and market share, from 2017 to 2022;
Chapter 12 and 13, to describe Food Service Equipment sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, appendix and data source.
Table of Contents
1 Food Service Equipment Market Overview 1 1.1 Food Service Equipment Introduction 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 2 1.2.1 Food Preparation Equipment 3 1.2.2 Drink Preparation Equipment 4 1.2.3 Cooking Equipment 5 1.2.4 Heating and holding equipment 6 1.2.5 Refrigerator & Chiller 7 1.2.6 Baking Equipment 7 1.2.7 Merchandisers 8 1.2.8 Dishwasher 9 1.2.9 Storage & Handling Equipment 10 1.3 Market Analysis by Applications 11 1.3.1 Restaurants 11 1.3.2 Hotels 12 1.3.3 Pubs 12 1.3.4 Household 13 1.3.5 Catering 13 1.3.6 Institutional 14 1.4 Market Analysis by Regions 15 1.4.1 North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) 15 1.4.2 Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) 19 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Australia) 26 1.4.4 Row 35 1.5 Market Dynamics 36 1.5.1 Market Opportunities 36 1.5.2 Market Risk 37 1.5.3 Market Driving Force 37
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2 Global Food Service Equipment Manufacturers Analysis 38 2.1 Haier 38 2.1.1 Company Profile 38 2.1.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 39 2.1.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Haier (2015-2016) 40 2.1.4 Contact Information 41 2.2 Electrolux 41 2.2.1 Company Profile 41 2.2.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 42 2.2.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Electrolux (2015-2016) 43 2.2.4 Contact Information 44 2.3 Hoshizaki 44 2.3.1 Company Profile 44 2.3.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 45 2.3.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Hoshizaki (2015-2016) 47 2.3.4 Contact Information 48 2.4 Illinois Tool Works 49 2.4.1 Company Profile 49 2.4.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 50 2.4.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Illinois Tool Works (2015-2016) 51 2.4.4 Contact Information 51 2.5 Ali 52 2.5.1 Company Profile 52 2.5.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 53 2.5.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Ali (2015-2016) 54 2.5.4 Contact Information 55 2.6 Welbilt 55 2.6.1 Company Profile 55 2.6.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 56 2.6.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Welbilt (2015-2016) 58 2.6.4 Contact Information 58 2.7 Dover 59 2.7.1 Company Profile 59 2.7.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 59 2.7.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Dover (2015-2016) 60 2.7.4 Contact Information 61 2.8 Middleby 61 2.8.1 Company Profile 61 2.8.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 62 2.8.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Middleby (2015-2016) 64 2.8.4 Contact Information 64 2.9 Rational 65 2.9.1 Company Profile 65 2.9.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 66 2.9.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Rational (2015-2016) 66 2.9.4 Contact Information 67 2.10 Standex International 67 2.10.1 Company Profile 67 2.10.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 69 2.10.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Standex International (2015-2016) 70 2.10.4 Contact Information 71 2.11 Fujimak 71 2.11.1 Company Profile 71 2.11.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 72 2.11.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Fujimak (2015-2016) 73 2.11.4 Contact Information 74 2.12 The Vollrath Company 74 2.12.1 Company Profile 74 2.12.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 75 2.12.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of The Vollrath Company (2015-2016) 77 2.12.4 Contact Information 78 2.13 Duke Manufacturing 78 2.13.1 Company Profile 78 2.13.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 79 2.13.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Duke Manufacturing (2015-2016) 81 2.13.4 Contact Information 81 2.14 Alto-Shaam 82 2.14.1 Company Profile 82 2.14.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 83 2.14.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Alto-Shaam (2015-2016) 84 2.14.4 Contact Information 85 2.15 Boelter 86 2.15.1 Company Profile 86 2.15.2 Food Service Equipment Product Types, Application and Specification 86 2.15.3 Food Service Equipment Revenue Gross Margin and Market Share of Boelter (2015-2016) 88 2.15.4 Contact Information 89 3 Global Food Service Equipment Market Competition, by Manufacturer 90 3.1Global Food Service Equipment Revenue and Market Share by Manufacturer 90 3.2 Market Concentration Rate 93 3.2.1 Top 3 Food Service Equipment Manufacturer Market Share 93 3.2.2 Top 6 Food Service Equipment Manufacturer Market Share 94 4 Global Food Service Equipment Market Analysis by Regions 95 4.1 Global Food Service Equipment Revenue and Market Share by Regions 95 4.2 North America Food Service Equipment Revenue and Growth (2012-2017) 97 4.3 Europe Food Service Equipment Revenue and Growth (2012-2017) 98 4.4 Asia-Pacific Food Service Equipment Revenue and Growth (2012-2017) 99 4.5 ROW Food Service Equipment Revenue and Growth (2012-2017) 100
Key questions answered in the report
· What will the market size and the growth rate be in 2020? · What are the key factors driving the Global Food Service Equipment Sales Market? · What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the forging market? · What are the challenges to market growth? · Who are the key vendors in this market space? · What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Food Service Equipment Sales Market? · Trending factors influencing the market shares of the Americas, APAC, and EMEA? · What are the key outcomes of the five forces analysis of the forging market?
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