senpa10 · 23 days
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I had a stream 3 days ago, and I was a little late publishing pictures from the stream because I was busy, but here I am again
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t4tsnowstormjrwi · 1 month
hey guys i wrote this thing in 1 day
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ratmouseshrtwo · 2 months
ohhhhh i hate you so much troy lougferd but also i looooove you white boy
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ratmouseshrthree · 1 month
Troy wants to be the center of attention, wants everything to orbit him and stuff like that, also lots or reds and oranges and yellows in his palette. seems like a pretty SUN CODED GUY TO ME
LINT!!!! LINT orbits troy as if he's the earth and lint is the moon if htat makes sense??? agrees with everything he says, patches him up when he gets hurt like how the moon sorta kinda protects earth from meteors...... LITERALLY THE MOON???? HES THE MOON??????
and when they watch the sunset together, lint is distracted by the way it seems like troy glows in the sunlight and when they stargaze together, troy doesn't even look at the sky, he's looking at lint........ why would you need to look at the stars when you've got something far nicer right beside you.....
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jilatos · 10 months
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sneef snowrf
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senpa10 · 7 days
This is me during a time of boundless anger, and I had a rough idea of how people would hold me back or calm me down (The little defender of friends mode is activated)
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senpa10 · 30 days
Are you dating a pedophile
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senpa10 · 19 days
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:з lazy
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senpa10 · 2 months
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I go to bed at 4 a.m. for 3 nights in a row, and that's how I feel every morning :3 @clouds-talking @rekiannsubmorin
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senpa10 · 3 months
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I asked on my tg channel what kind of music to draw art on, and my friend sent it to me and that's how you like it? :3
Yes, the author has turned into a robot, but why not?
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senpa10 · 2 months
Let me kiss ur face
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legs spun-
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t4tsnowstormjrwi · 28 days
Troy comes back home from his father after losing another game. Lint helps him patch him up, again.
HELLO LINTROLLER NATION. I AM BACK AT IT AGAIN. I think I could have done better but this will never get done if I keep messing around with it..... ALSO! i guess inspired by. another fic that i wrote. if you wanna read that one too
Troy enters the house. As he closes the door behind him, he already feels his eyes begin to water.
Lint hears him walk through the door, and he puts his pen and paper down to go greet him. He isn’t surprised to see Troy crying, he lost another game and it’s safe to assume that his father didn’t take it well. He usually doesn’t. “Happened again?” Lint says, just above a whisper. Troy nods his head.
There is silence in the room now.
Lint speaks up again, “Do you wanna just hang out for a little bit? We could watch TV. You don’t have to say anything.”
Lint doesn’t see any marks, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there or that nothing happened. Judging by the way Troy holds onto his arm, though, he has an idea of what may have occurred. The two of them walk over to the couch and take their seats. Neither of them really care what’s on the TV, they just care about being by each other’s sides.
Lint wraps an arm around Troy. This has happened enough times for Troy to know that Lint is safe, that he won’t hurt him, and now it is a comforting feeling for him. He likes being close to Lint. It’s nice to know what it feels like to be this close to someone and still feel safe.
“Hey, Lint, I’m not- I’m not, like, a disappointment, am I? My dad’s just lying, right broski?” Troy always asks this, and Lint always tells him that his dad is wrong. “No, Troy, you aren’t a disappointment. Not to me.”
Troy takes a deep breath. Tears still stream down his face, but it has slowed a bit since they sat down. “He hurt me. My arm.” “Do you want me to help?” “Not now. I like how we are now.” “Okay, man. I’ll patch you up later, then. We can stay here as long as you like.”
Lint wants to help more, but if Troy is okay for now, that’s all that matters. If Troy is happy, that’s enough for them.
Lint hates that he expects this kind of thing to happen after Troy loses games, and they wish that one day he won’t have to deal with this. What Lint didn’t expect, though, was for Troy to wrap his own arms around him and hug him. Lint’s not complaining, though. Troy lays his head against Lint’s shoulder. He looks tired. He can’t really blame him, it’s been a long day for both of them. It’s about time they got some rest.
Lint wakes up the next morning on the couch, and he immediately notices the absence of Troy in his arms and the sound of eggs scrambling in the kitchen.
Lint got up from the couch and moved slowly to the kitchen. They probably would’ve slept better if he’d gone to his own bed, but they don't mind waking up on the couch because he knows Troy was happy. Lint starts brewing a pot of coffee, and he barely even notices Troy in the corner of his eye cooking scrambled eggs. Surely the eggs are burnt by now, they should've been done a minute or two ago. But they notice something else, too. Troy is wearing a short-sleeve shirt, and now Lint sees exactly what Troy was talking about last night. He saw what was hurting and he wishes they could’ve helped him earlier.
“Does your arm hurt? I could help you make it feel better.” Lint asks. His voice is still groggy and crackly, since they’ve just woken up. “Nah broski, it hurts a little but I’m cookin’ up some freaking scrambled eggs, man!”
Lint glances into the pan. That is not edible. At least not anymore.  “Hey, man, I think the eggs are burnt. Like, I don’t think that’s edible.” “Oh.”
Lint turns the stove off and takes the pan full of extremely burnt scrambled eggs outside. The 2 of them did try to eat the scrambled eggs, but like Lint thought, they weren’t very appetizing.
Well, that’s three perfectly good eggs down the drain. Or should they say, into the yard for stray animals to get after. They place the now empty pan in the sink when they return, and he grabs an ice pack from the freezer. He always has ice packs ready now, just in case Troy gets hurt. And he gets hurt more often than not. Even though they’ve played this game a hundred times before, Troy still just looks back at Lint as if he’s a deer in headlights.
“Dude, I’m fine. It’s not even that bad, man, it’ll just go away soon…” Troy murmured. “But it does hurt, doesn’t it? And it could hurt a little less. Just hold that ice pack up to your arm, wherever it hurts most, man! I’ll be back in a second!” Lint replies before running off to grab a box of band-aids, which in this situation are completely useless, but it’ll make Troy feel a bit better and they know that.
Lint rushes back to where Troy stands in the kitchen holding a box of regular old band-aids. They would’ve grabbed the fun ones with cartoon characters on them, but they ran out of those from last time and this is all they’ve got now. Lint grabs a couple of band-aids and applies them to the bruises. This act isn’t going to help anything, really, but it’s the thought that counts. This says ‘I love you’ better than any words could, at least for Lint and Troy.
For them, they don’t need to say ‘I love you’ to each other, it’s already present in the way that they speak, in the way they look at each other, it’s present in every little thing that they do. Even if Troy is still unlearning, even if Lint is stuck waiting to hear those words for the rest of his life, that’s fine by them. Because everything is okay now. Troy is safe, Troy is smiling. Troy is happy, and so is Lint.
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t4tsnowstormjrwi · 2 months
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my babygirl i fucking hate him
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t4tsnowstormjrwi · 1 month
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t4tsnowstormjrwi · 22 days
Honey, do you need a hot meal?
Troy is hungry. Lint is the meal.
trigger warnings for cannibalism and gore
hey guys..... i wrote this little thing in one day..... btw.... llintroller save meee... title is from Your body, My Temple by Will Wood
Troy and Lint are standing in In the middle of the living room. Lint has just told her that he wanted him to eat them. Not even that he could, but that he wanted her to.
And Troy can't deny, the idea is appealing. She thought maybe this was just some sick joke, Lint can be a little strange at times, but no. Lint is entirely serious. And Troy wants to eat.
Lint must be a genius, Troy thinks to herself. She doesn’t know what he wants to say in this moment, but she knows more than anything what he wants to do. What he needs to do.
“Dude, are you sure? Cause like, you could die, man…” Troy’s desire doesn’t mean he won’t hesitate. This is his best friend, after all.
“Your dad turns people into clocks, doesn’t he?”
She lunges towards them, straight for his cheek. He bites down and tears a bit of flesh away, and it’s even better than she could have imagined. She can’t even describe it. It’s just the kind of taste that you savor for as long as you can, especially when it’s someone as important to you as Lint is to Troy.
Troy sees Lint’s face before going in for another bite, this time the flesh of their neck. He looks shocked, maybe he expected her to say something before going in for a taste, but that doesn’t stop a small grin from appearing on their face.
And Troy just continues to tear away from Lint, bit by bit, piece by piece. He feels like an animal, but can she really help it? This is Lint. This is her best friend and he tastes so good.
This might just be the best thing he’s ever tasted. Lint isn’t just good, he’s perfect. The blood in Troy’s mouth is warm and the metallic taste makes him want more. He can’t stop, and surely Lint won’t survive much more of this. Troy knows that.
And yet, his tongue begs for more of that wonderful flavor. He can’t stop.
She loves Lint. In this moment, right now, she loves Lint more than ever before. Maybe it’s because Lint is all there is right now, or maybe he just likes the way they taste as she rips chunks of flesh away from their body. Either way, he loves Lint so very much. And they say actions speak louder than words, don’t they?
She barely even gives herself time to chew, he just keeps on taking more and more, relishing in it. The texture, the flavor, it’s all perfect to Troy. There isn’t a world where Lint isn’t perfect. Not in Troy’s eyes.
Tears fall down Lint’s face, he feels his life fading away from them, but this is Troy and this is all they’d ever dreamed of. They can’t think of a better way to go out. He wonders if Troy even notices that they’re dying, or if she’s too busy tearing him apart.
Eventually, Troy finishes his meal, but Lint is long gone by then. She doesn’t know when it happened. It’s hard for her to think about anything else, part of him wants more, but he knows it’s time to put them away. Maybe next time she’ll try a bit of cooking.
Should Troy feel bad? He just ate her best friend, after all. But no, Troy doesn’t feel anything but love for them. The consequences of her actions haven’t hit him yet, so why should it matter?
Lint, what’s left of them, barely fits in the freezer. Troy needs to go out and buy a bigger one. And some ice. She figures she should clean up first, though. He washes the blood from her hair and skin, gets a different outfit, wonders if the stains will ever leave that shirt, and he’d be on his way if he didn’t hear a quiet voice behind her. It has that bug-like quality to it, like someone Troy knows; knew. Lint.
“Did I taste good?”
i have never ever written anything like this and MAN it was fun.
lint is a freaking ghost now by the way because i have so many Thoughts about ghost lint and clockwork lint......... may write more in the future too. just like about ghost lint/clockwork lint sometimes and troy shenanigans
i hope you had fun reading this. hope it was a hit for the lintroller nation
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t4tsnowstormjrwi · 21 days
Bite me!
Troy tells Lint that she's a vampire. Lint, maybe a little too excitedly, offers a taste of their blood.
edit: this is also on ao3 now
tw/cw for blood
A dim light from the ceiling is all there is in the room. Troy’s room. Lint and her hang out in here a lot, since it’s not like his dad is going to bother them. He’s busy working in his office. Even if their sight didn’t make its way over to look at Troy every two seconds, it’d still be too dark to read the words on the page. Troy is watching a top spin on the floor. He’s sitting with his legs crossed, and it looks like he’s got something on his mind. Which is rare for Troy.
Lint didn’t even realize he was staring until Troy spoke up, “Hey man? I think I gotta tell you something, broski. And it’s like, really important.”
Holy steam, is she about to say what Lint thinks he’s going to? Is there finally going to be hope that they might have a chance with Troy Lougferd?
“Yeah, man? What’s up?” Lint replies, although they needed to take a second to compose his thoughts. He hopes their face isn’t too red. Troy isn’t looking at them, it seems like she’s avoiding it, really. He’s fiddling with his hands, clearly nervous.
“So, uh… I’m a vampire. Me and my dad both. Just thought I should tell you, man.” Troy coughs.
Oh. That is not what Lint was expecting. That doesn’t mean he’s disappointed, not at all, if anything they’re just as happy as they would have been if Troy had said that he was into guys. 
Lint wonders what it would feel like for Troy to bite him, and their face is definitely red now. And without thinking, he says, “Oh… That’s awesome man! Do you- do you wanna, like, taste my blood?”
Cog, why did I say that? He’ll think I’m weird! Lint thinks to himself, as if it weren’t already obvious that they’re a strange individual. They’ve been obsessed with Troy for how many years now? And Troy doesn’t mind. It makes him like Lint more, actually.
“Uh- well, broski, that actually sounds- that sounds nice, man. Uh, but like, not in a gay way. You know.” Troy breaks the awkward silence that had filled the room.
She gets up and starts to walk closer to Lint, still sitting in the chair in the corner. Lint feels their heart start to beat faster as he approaches. His hands are shaking from excitement. That really doesn’t help prove his case of ‘not being a freak’, now does it?
Lint’s heart feels like it’s going to explode if it beats much faster than this. Troy’s mouth opens, revealing fangs that were previously not there. Or maybe they were just retracted. Is that how these vampires work? Lint doesn’t care, because this is really happening. This is actually happening and they’re more excited for it than ever.
Troy hesitates for a moment, the tips of his fangs just barely touching Lint’s neck, but in an instant her fangs are digging into their flesh and she begins to drink. It tastes sweet. Troy likes sweet.
And Lint, oh, Lint can’t do anything, and they like it. The second his fangs entered his neck, they felt content. They don’t just like this, he loves this. He can’t imagine a nicer feeling.
Troy’s enjoying the taste of Lint’s blood. Maybe a bit too much. She’s lost track of how much he’s taken, and he knows better than to take too much. Dad always says she’s ‘greedy’ with this kind of thing.
And so he pulls away. Lint is pale in the face, but it seems like he enjoyed themself. That’s good. He’ll probably be fine.
Lint is disappointed that it’s over, but they know that they couldn’t let her drink much longer.
“That was- that was nice, dude! I mean, uh- your blood was, um-” Troy stutters, she never stutters. Why is he stuttering? “Yeah, man, that was nice. Like, really nice, dude.” Lint talks over the other. Ordinarily, they would never talk over Troy, but nothing about this is ordinary, is it now?
Troy’s face is just a shade lighter than his bright red t-shirt, or at least that’s what it feels like. I don’t like Lint, do I? Not like that, right? Troy thinks to herself. He can deal with that later, though. It’s getting late, Lint should probably be leaving soon.
He leads Lint to the front door with a smile on his face, and the second that door closes behind him, the house is silent again. Troy’s mind is all she hears, and all of her thoughts are filled with Lint. He doesn’t know what came over him, but he’d definitely like more of Lint’s blood. Maybe next time, Troy thinks.
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