#Raulus and Yenni are so cute too
otomelavenderhaze · 3 years
Seduce the Villain's Father is baaack.
Y'all gonna call me crazy, since they haven't really changed much about the character's desing after their 1/2(?) apart, I know I know, but god, Erudian looks so good with short hair 😳😳 and Yenni does looks older, also, the way she misses Eru I am like 🥺🥺 and Raulus calling Eru spiritually so he rushes to Yenni's side because she misses him so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also when she thinks about what she really wants after have actually archived her initial goals (that was saving her sister's daughter and her sister's and then saving Eru by preventing his marriage with Elard) and the thing she thinks about is being with him 🥺🥺 because he knows the real her 🥺🥺🥺💕
Uuurgh, I missed it kkkkkk
I'm looking so forward for when they meet again.
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
Now it’s time to talk about Chapter 41 of “Seduce the villain’s father light”, because I swear, Yenni and Eru nearly made me cry on that chapter, because it was so cute, so SOFT, so much angst too, he was so worried about her and I need to share how much that chapter got me. 
Can we talk about how Yenni straight up spill the beans and tell Erudian that her condition is due something that Elard did to her? CAN WE? Can we talk about how Erudian, that never saw any real evidence that Elard is a powerful dark magician, believed Yenni in a heart beat because he knows that she would never NEVER lie to him about something that important? 
Can we?????;; 
It’s all because he took his time to know her, bond with her and create a trust, he’s always analyzing her, learning about her and that’s why that trust feels so well earned. 
After reading that chapter 3 times, stopping to absorb every panel, every detail, I couldn’t even speak about it until I had processed everything, until I went back to the whole thing again, since the first chapter until the last one and, yep, I still love it, I still find Erudian handsome and love his and Yenni chemistry and dynamics. 
And I have been saying this for months, BUT HE’S SO IN LOVE WITH HER!!! And he thinks that she don’t quite love him D: and it broke my heart, because he’s kinda right kkkkk just kinda, because she really deeply cares for him and actually see him that way as well, however, I can see why he refuses to see it. 
Belgoat indeed is the worst place for Yennifer’s body and he don’t know yet, that he’s actually the reason why she won’t eventually die (that he’s actually the key for her cure in a long-term), he just see how much hurted she is for being in Belgoat, not how he was key for her survival and will be (not only because of his divine powers, but because of Raulus). 
He just really hates seeing her hurted and suffering G-G he thinks that her place is not in Belgoat with him, because despite his feelings, he just want to protect her and what is best for her G-G and when he learns that the best for her is indeed to be with him, not because of her healthy issues, but because she really loves him, HE WILL MELT SO MUCH. 
And Jelly!Erudian is so cute too, he’s normally so stoic and cold, but when he feels insecure or jealous he becomes so flustered!! For me this is one of the biggest “He fell for her” signals, if not the biggest of them all, because he’s trying so hard not to and keep his feelings for her in check, but jealous is the feeling that sparks on him so spontaneously; it’s something that happens without his control, without him knowing how to keep in the check because it’s a way to be attached!!
And Yenni is really so worried about him marrying Elard, worried about him getting fooled by Elard while she is unconscious. She really has no idea that Erudian is in Elard’s case since the start. That he never really trusted Elard. 
This season of the story will be full of my favorites parts from the light novel!! I will not share spoilers in this post, I was just talking about the chapter and such, but I’m so excited and hyped for it. 
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
I was actually feeling pretty guilty in liking the “Seduce the Villain's Father” because of how the story starts off with a kidnapping and the marrying situation, that I will explain further. Not mentioning that Yenni, the female lead, has a real need to be around Eru, the male lead, if she doesn’t, she could die, like literally. Btw, spoiler alert ahead from the light Novel and the Manhwa.
So convenently and in a very pushy matter, everything on the plot try to tie them up together in the start.
The kidnapping and the marriage proposal from her part are the strings that tie Yenni and Eru together, so they would know one another better and actually fall in love. If wasn't for that, they wouldn't have spend any time together because, at first, there is no reason to. Then we found out that Yenni is sensitive to manaa and Erudian's devine's powers are the quickest and the harmless way to keep her from dying, since all she needs literally is stand besides him to get energized by it.
And basically that's when Yenni comes up with the marriage thing that I mentioned before, yep, she asks him to marry her numbers of times throughout the manhwa hoping that he could say yes... Because he is the perfect medicine for her condition and because she wants to save him... It's not because she is in love with him.
So the marriage for her is more a matter of convenience, than love. Which, I need to admit, bugged me so much at first.
But then I understood why they did it when I read the Light Novel and saw some of the spoilers.
Eru was bond to marry the real Villain from the history, Elard, for polititcal reasons. Elard’s plan is marry him for his divine power, so through their son, she could create a path that would lead her to control someone that has divine and dark power together (since she does have dark powers, that Eru KNOWS NOTHING OF). Her goal is reach the god’s world and be powerful. Of course, she would make their son kill his father, Eru.
Yep, my boi Erudian was bond to die by the ends of his own child, all planned by Elard that actually wants to kill Eru since the beginning.
Erudian is afterall, a direct descendent of the god Raulus, the being with the strongest divinity power and his children would also be born with those powers. That's what Elard wants, like I already said.
Yenni knows that, because that world actually belongs to a novel that she read in her previous life and got in by mistake after dying in another world (our world).
When she got into the novel’s world, she knew everything that could happen, everybody that would eventually die or suffer through it.
Starting for her pregnant sister that would be kidnapped by Eru, that kinapping would trigger a chain of events that would basically deeply hurt Yenni's new family and other characters around her, that she cares about because a) she read their sad story on her previous life and b) because now they're ppl that cares for her in this new life, so she cares for them too. 
Interesting thing tho: Yenni should be a side-side-side character, she is a such minor character that none of those sad and hurtful events would actually harm her. So she could've lived a peaceful and good life if she wanted to.
DESPITE THAT Yenni, instead of letting Eru kidnapping her sister, hid her sister and tried to hide from him - but Eru actually found Yenni and kidnapped her, since his goal all along was just kidnapping someone from the royal family to use as hostage. I guess what he wanted was some vantage in an economic and political situation that Yenni's country created with his own, so that he would make tbe negotiations go his way. 
I don’t know, the whole thing is complex, but I guess, Eru isn’t what you could exacly call as a good person or a benevolent Emperor.
He is actually kind of a jerk. 
And problematic. I admit. 
He never learned to have emphaty towards others, - since he became the Emperor in a young age and since he had no family around him that could've taught him how and care about something else besides the country’s political's interests. 
With that, the romance was really settle in a weirdly way for me, very pushy, despite the art being so soft and the characters being really interesting, I was worried for where it would go from there. 
Since yeah, Erudian is a jerk. Kidnapping. Marriage by convenience. Not really the most promising mix. 
However, I think that Yenni is the character that really makes the difference on that type of plot. 
She was really well placed and well thoughtout. Everything Yenni does comes from a base of personal interest, she have strong motivartions for everything, she’s quite brave too despite the weakness of her body and petite figure. 
But most than anything, Yenni feels strongly responsible towards those characters because of what she knows all the awful/harmful things that could come out from the plot without her interference. And since he’s the only one that really knows the extension of their traumas, she feels responsable for doing something about it, not only for them, but also for herself. 
Look, Eru won't always act like a hero, but Yenni always acts like one. 
She isn't a genius, her plans fails and she don't really get always the outcome that she wants, but Yenni don't stop trying, because it's not only about Erudian's survival, it's about her survival too, it's about not letting someone meet a horrible fate when you have the means to do something about it.
Even so Yenni isn’t hopeless good. 
She chooses to act upon the things that she knows that going to happen. 
She isn't pushed towards it only for morality, it's for survival, it's for taking the chance and making a choice for the a better outcome, because despite being kidnapped by Erudian and him not being the most benevolent Emperor, dying by the hands of your own alienated/corrupted child and letting that same child be born to hurt her sister's baby girl (the actual heroin of the Light Novel that Yenni read before), is out of question to her.
But I will give it to Eru: everything he does towards Yenni is actually a reaction of things that he observe her doing. 
He starts to take the action only after taking a like for her as a person. He doesn't care for her just because. He cares because she is something that he feels responsible for, someone that depends on him (since he was the one that kidnapped her) in a more personal matter than the rest of his subjects.
Yenni, on the other hand, since their first encounter, make him step back with every action and choice that she makes. 
Yenni shaked his whole world with her determination, honesty and endearing careless manner, he sees everything good on her, everything he lacks himself and he loves it.
There is a moment on the Light Novel when even Yenni's plan of make Erudian marry her starts to backfire, because she actually starts to fall in love for real for him.
And the story progress to a point where: a) Yenni could be cured of her sickness without actually having to marry Erudian to do so; b) When Eru actually learns that Elard is trying to harm him and will not marry her no matter what and c) Yenni has the chance to come back to her country and be free from Eru and never having to meet him again if she wants to.
Despite that, and maybe because the same circumstances that put them together starts to force them to be apart, they actually do the last step to be together. 
That's when their first kiss happens. When the ppl that are meant to take Yenni back home are at their doors and Erudian is thorn for having to be apart from her, because, dammit, he loves her already.
Erudian fells in love for Yenni, cuz she is harmless, he can relax around her and she actually makes him feel like having a good time, because she is so cheerful, always teasing and playing around, so different from how anyone has ever treated him, that he simply fell for her. 
From Yenni’s side, Eru is actually far more unpredictable, far more fun and far more caring than she expected him to be, not mentioning that he is quite helpless without her, which is so cute as well. 
So they get apart from one another by 2 years on the light novel. 
On those two years they only exchange latters. Yenni has no obligation to marry Erudian and she is out of his hands, despite that, and despite having plenty of suitors around her, Yenni still chooses Erudian.
So he tries to propose to her this time (WHAT GOES AROUND COMES BACK AROUND, SON), despite Yenni’s country having nothing that could be beneficial to his country and despite her family hating his guts (haha, karma).
And just like that, they fixed the main issues of the story. 
Mind you, this will happen in THE MIDDLE of the Manhwa.
Maybe the writer was mindful of all those plot's issues since the start, all the things that ppl are sick of and so many other Manhwas have no issue on doing, the writer decided to actually fix while delivering character's and relationships development.
I just love this surprise, I love Yenni's journey for survival, love and pursuit for her own happy ending. How everybody points her to be the weakest, but she still stands for what she wants and believe to be right, how brave and kind she is despite of being so powerless and how she changed everything around her, how she saved herself and the ones around her.
I saw a lot of ppl calling her clingy and boring, just because she isn't a villainess, but they failed to see that woman is normally perceive as the weakest and that's when we can take the stand and show our strongest resolves. That's why I loved the story so much.
I'm still so obsessed with it, I can't wait to see everything in the manhwa that btw, still has a really long way to go, even the light novel trasnlating still hasn’t catch up with all the spoilers that I caught on by other’s ppl translate from random events from the light novel in korean - that is done for what I heard of, the autor is just releasing side stories now. 
It's a really good, strong and heartwarming love story, I love all the characters, I love how everything changed it's flow accordingly with the changes that Yenni caused and the new choices that all the characters made. It's shows that it's never too late to change, to take action and find happiness through diversity and pain.
Maybe that's why I'm so invested on it, because Yenni's and Erudian's love surprised me in the best of ways.
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