#Ravage | dontpetmeibite
silverxwords · 11 months
@dontpetmeibite | cont. from x
Ravage looks up from the mending she's doing and sets it aside, her face lighting up as she sees his expression. "I always have time for you, don't I?"
Megatron smiles back, field warm. "And I thank you for that."
A brief pause, fading back toward seriousness. " It's... about my frame. Well... It's about more than that."
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lagostomus · 11 months
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"Yeesh!!! Warn a guy next time!"
Rattrap is twitchy today.
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kytherion · 1 year
I do not adopt everyone I care for that I am not romantically or sexually involved with.
I am allowed to have platonic feelings about people without thinking of them as my creations.
The fact that I normally don't is not relevant.
I can recognise that a rare individual of an alien species is developing outlier abilities much in the same way that I would have done if I had been allowed to do so naturally, without Jhiaxus' involvement, and freely decide that even if this individual is doing their level best to oppose me and the group with which I am aligned, they are too valuable not to protect, because people with these inclinations and persuasions are rare.
(Ravage. Stop laughing. The fact that I have fallen for almost every single one of your lovers is not relevant. You just have excellent taste. How could my spark-mate not? And why wouldn't I love someone Jazz also loves? Or care for a fellow non-afthelm Prime?)
I am also capable of discovering unattended, unsupervised and unhomed sparklings without deciding that they are my children.
It hasn't happened yet, and the Newsparks' Welfare Committee has pointed out to me in no uncertain terms that there are people in Sanctuary who would like to raise offspring who don't already have four of their own biological children and one adoptee, and that at least some of them could do so as well as I and my family can, so Sparkthief had better be the last.
Can I help it if he managed to become attached to me before I had finished combing through the newsfeeds to see if someone was missing a baby?
I do recognise patterns of relationship other than "lover," "mate" and "parent".
(If you don't believe me, ask Cosmos, but please be nice to him about it. I care for him but he doesn't trust me and we are romantically incompatible. I also have platonic relationships with all of Ravage's siblings and their offspring. Howlback has helped me in Ravage's absence but we are absolutely not 'lovers'.)
Anyhow, while Rafael had loving parents, they do not understand them, and while Charlie is Bumblebee's conjunx, she is not a datapath.
Humans normally only live for a vorn. Rafael has already lived 25% of that time period and they will require protection and mentorship to reach their full capability within the limited time they are allotted to spend with us. It's only absolutely natural that I should ensure this.
And sometimes very annoying to Rafael, but until their power is further developed they will have to accept that sometimes I sense dangers that they cannot.
So. Don't be one of those dangers. That's all.
I'm sure my bubbe gets it.
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risenwings · 1 year
@dontpetmeibite | new channel
I'm glad you're well.
Thought I should get off Starscream's channel.
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i-am-drift-locked · 1 year
"... Hello? Ravage said... she said this comm line was still active." Wing is terrified, even as he addresses static. What if this is all wrong? (@crystalswcrd)
There's a soft, startled noise on the other end that might be Drift, and then a louder, gruffer voice. "Turn on the video," the voice suggests, and the image resolves--it's Drift, absolutely, with someone else who is probably Ratchet.
Drift looks--unsurprisingly--like someone who's just seen a ghost. Ravage waves cheerily at both of them. "Guess who just turned up at the Station?"
Drift doesn't wear the Autobot insignia --or the Deceptibrand-- anymore; there's a round design of Spectralist glyphs where it used to be, partially obscured by Ratchet's arm around his chest.
"Well, hello," says Ratchet, and then Drift finally opens his intake to speak.
The first thing that comes out is a rather undignified squeak that resolves into: "---Wing?"
Before anyone else can say anything more, a lavender sparkling jumps up into Ravage's lap and peers into the screen, looking back and forth to one and all as she waves.
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remixofpraxus · 5 months
"Do these look weird? They feel weird..." She holds up a servo and examines the claw caps that reside on her slender digits.
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silverxwords · 1 year
Ravage sat up in the glow of early morning, surprised by the gentle knock on her door and the very large presence that stood in the doorway as soon as she'd said to come in, because if someone wanted to wake her it had to be serious. "D-16? I know Frenzy wanted a room of her own, but I thought you'd want to stay with Impactor and Rumble, now that they're here. You still want to stay in here with me?"
"... We talked about it. Impactor and me and Rumble and Frenzy, last night, when they... When they made it here." The grey mech rumbles. "It's fine with them if I come stay with you now and then. If you're all right with it too."
Another pause.
"And... I'm Megatron, now."
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lagostomus · 10 months
"...I meant to do that."
No, she didn't. Not at all. hashtag cat problems
X | @dontpetmeibite
Rattrap stares at her, for a moment, helm tilted to the side. "You, uh... okay there?"
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kytherion · 4 months
for Her
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risenwings · 1 year
“Here with the things!” Skywarp knocks on the door of the location he’d been given. 
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i-am-drift-locked · 1 year
If you want to talk to me, you know where to find me.
AFTER you get your head out of your aft exhaust.
Not one klick before.
Please don't do anything that we're all going to regret.
If you need me to bring you things for a while, I can do that. But for you. Not for him.
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a-life-revised · 1 year
Remember, dearlove: you of all people ought to know what rubbish sounds like when you hear it.
"That's the thing- it's not quite rubbish." His mouth purses slightly; he doesn't ask how Ravage knows. She knows just about everything, it seems. "I do have controlling issues, we've seen this. And Rung knows what he wants, certainly, I will not ever pretend to know what he wants for himself better than he does. But can I be certain that he is not... how to say, holding back? For me? On account of my own feelings about things?" He rests his fist against his mouth.
"I would have to ask him, but I dread the conversation, it turns out."
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{ @dontpetmeibite​ }
Why.. is Ravage following him. Very few things actually raise his hackles but the idea that Soundwave’s.. whatever Ravage is to Soundwave is following him.
Why? He’s behaving, for the most part? And scavenging a corpse isn’t illegal, is it?
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remixofpraxus · 10 months
::Hey Ravi did you need help carrying the-::
She stopped dead in her tracks as she spotted the goat on the ceiling.
::So um, I'm either hallucinating or there is a goat running on the ceiling::
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silverxwords · 1 year
@dontpetmeibite sent "🔄"
D-16 is, by now, thoroughly lost-- though, at least here in these narrower, twistier streets he's not getting as many hostile stares from smaller mecha. And they don't seem as polished, either.
The sky is farther away, too, which is something of a relief. Open sky was nearly too much to handle, for how beautiful it had been.
He isn't sure where to go, so he just keeps moving. And then he rounds a corner, and first slows, then stops completely, to stare.
Who was that?
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xxconcedonullixx · 1 year
dontpetmeibite "Oh, this is lovely. Our Megatron is a poet. And so am I."
"Issat so? ..I'm glad ta think, even in another timeline, my boy picks it up."
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