definedmorality · 1 year
Im gonna see if I still have the writing chops. Gimme a minute.
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definedmorality · 1 year
I feel like it's early 2000's again. There's so many new Trigun rp Blogs. 🌟 🤩 ⭐️ 🌠
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definedmorality · 2 years
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The Pew Pew Wahoo Man’s brother…. the mean one…. (AKA 🔪 🔪 🔪 my bestest friend forever 🔪 🔪 🔪 )
For years I was frustrated with the way I drew Knives and eventually stopped… But maybe now I have enough skill to try again.
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definedmorality · 2 years
Im literally going to write the most conniving, sadistic, in character short story when I get home.
Cause Im a writer, and it's about time I scrape the rust off my fingers golly gee dang it 👍
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definedmorality · 2 years
Haven't had my muse stir this much in years. I may actually write tonight.
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definedmorality · 2 years
We finally got the reboot we've always wanted. Does that mean ... we're back???
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definedmorality · 3 years
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Art by Roberto Ferri.
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definedmorality · 3 years
                             TRIGUN SENTENCE STARTERS
❝ We’re nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we’re driven to become the devil himself. ❞
❝ If you only face forward, there is something you will miss seeing. ❞
❝ people have many different ways of thinking. Even if you make a mistake, if you realize it was a mistake, You can always fix it. Then if you turn around, you will see the future. This must be realized by oneself. ❞
❝ Love and Peace! ❞
❝ The longer one holds on to a memory, the longer one lives in the past. The deeper the memory they hold onto, the more beautiful the past will become. ❞
❝ Those who make mistakes blame themselves and close their hearts. It’s impossible to fix the mistake. ❞
❝ People who sin say that they had to… had to survive. People who sin say that it’s too late to stop now. ❞
❝ You were always smiling, real friendly like, but the way you smiled was so empty it hurt to watch you. ❞
❝ Life is an incessant series of problems… all difficult, with brutally limited choices… and a time limit. ❞
❝ Every moment hesitated is a moment gone from life. ❞
❝ The ticket to the future, is always blank. ❞
❝ Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won’t leave a single man alive. ❞
❝ Hey, “Thou Shalt Not Kill”, remember? What kind of church man are you? ❞
❝ If you keep saving butterflies, spiders will starve to death! ❞
❝ We are searching for a place where we can live our lives in peaceful days. No wars, no stealing; a place that isn’t run by fear; a place where people can live, and actually trust other human beings. ❞
❝ If you keep your vision clear you will see the future. What happens in our future is our own responsibility. ❞
❝ Whenever I look at you, I’m reminded about everything I hate about myself. It hurts. ❞
❝ Forgive the lack of warning, but it’s time for my daily massacre! ❞
❝ Your very existence seems to cause me undue irritation. ❞
❝ I don’t let anyone in my sight get away, and my bullets never miss their mark. ❞
❝ Dangerous toys are fun, but you can get hurt. ❞
❝ The power of death is intoxicating. ❞
❝ Thanks a lot, dream wrecker. ❞
❝ That droopy-eyed, weak-looking, bristle-headed, promiscuous-looking donut freak of a man? ❞
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definedmorality · 3 years
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definedmorality · 3 years
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definedmorality · 3 years
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            laughter alike shrapnel from the sky   ;   cascarded grief that’s sardonic in nature.   it’s laughable   ,   alike a punchline to an unspoken joke that he still perceives.   the other acting as if he knew how he’d react   ?   comedy.   “   can it   ,   will ya   ?   y’ fuckin’ arrogance makes me sick.   ”   disgust wipes the smirk clear off his face   ,   features twisting as his head tilts in swayed disbelief.   knives wasn’t exactly wrong   ;   he won’t kill him   ────   but the other is getting on his nerves.
a bullet goes off   ,   quickened flare of a trigger happy devil   ;   but it isn’t aiming to hit.   it merely cuts through the air   ,   skidding past the other’s face a mere inch away before embeding itself unto the wall.   a warning shot.   “   think he’d be understandin’ if anythin’   ;   but none of that concerns you   ,   so don’t go flappin’ y’ ego-centric opinions at me.   what part of I dont give a damn what y’ think do y’ not understand   ?   ”
    He knew he’d shoot, and the sudden crack of gunfire drew no response. Though his pupils tightened slightly, his nostrils flared as he drew a deep breath in. Let the air stir up that fire burning in his guts, and blew it out. A sudden twinge of melancholy tugged at the corner of his heart. 
The hot blooded viper actually shot his gun. Are these the kind of people Vash is surrounding himself with now a days?. 
“I don’t think you know my brother as much as you say, but we’ll touch on that later if you have the stomach for it. What I really have to ask is this, here you are. Waving that thing around at me. Hell, that thing could have killed me if you weren’t well trained enough. Can you understand the irony?”
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His face seemed genuine. This wasn’t some lord preaching to his serfs, but a man positioning for a riposte of thought. “I’ve done nothing, I’m simply coming to ask you to look after my brother. Yet here you are now, playing the show as the mighty hero casting down the vile demon. For who I wonder?” He sat back, arms crossed. “Do you think what you’re doing is good and just?”
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definedmorality · 3 years
Life time of self esteem issues in 3…2…
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definedmorality · 3 years
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Details n°million of Fallen Angel, 1868, by Alexandre Cabanel.
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definedmorality · 3 years
Knives reaction to literally any threat given to him 
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definedmorality · 3 years
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All my homies hate Vash the Stampede.
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definedmorality · 3 years
❝   I can do this on my own.  ❞
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"Wow, and you've come to me for help? I'm almost impressed you've grown humble enough to do so. While I'd be more entertained seeing you spin around in circles, getting burnt out on your own frustrations, I'd hate to see you end up dying by your own stupidity. I still have some use for you, so, Nicholas. Tell me what you need help with?"
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definedmorality · 3 years
How do you live with your own hypocrisy?
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"What a overly used word. Hypocrisy." He laughed "I often hear it when someone else's argument can't be held up on its own withstanding any sort of scrutiny. It's almost as if they're afraid to agree with their opponent. I'll tell you what, come back with a more well worded argument and I'll entertain you with a response."
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