#Rayzor Bachand
rayzorteam · 13 years
This is from a shoot we did in Richmond,Va.
We shot many times in Virginia through the years but this was was a combined fashion shoot and Project REDSOKS shoot with Tess.
See her shots for the project at www.projectredsoks.com (I am sure you will find her in the gallery section...she's a beauty)
Clothes are from Forever 21 and Bebe.
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rayzorteam · 13 years
Latest Story posted is the fabulous Liddi P. jumping and spinning out of control in H&M and mixed vintage pieces in our collection.
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rayzorteam · 13 years
Walk, Run, Stumble, Fly but NEVER lose site of the REASON for your JOURNEY.
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rayzorteam · 13 years
Don't RATION your PASSION....SHARE it!
W Magazine...12/2007
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rayzorteam · 13 years
Shoot in Mass. @ Fort Tabor w/ Rachel J.
We just posted the whole story of Rachel that we shot on our recent trip to Mass.
Rachel is an up and coming star and I am sure you will see more of her.
Fort Tabor is an old Revolutionary War for that was built to protect the area during that time. It is now an intriguing spot to visit and that day the place was LOADED with people going to the beach nearby.
The shoot went on and the model was a steller as could be with all the crazyness happening around us!
The clothes were a mix of designer and vintage and the jewelry was mostly from Forever 21.
I was pretty happy to shoot in the old neighborhood after many years!
Just scroll down to see the whole story(7 pics).
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rayzorteam · 13 years
Erykah Badu Photo :Tidbits/Story
Wow! The shot I took and posted of Erykah Badu just crossed over 1000 notes/rebloggs!!!
 Glad you all like it...just remember to mention where it came from originally eh?!
(right here on RAYZORTEAM's blog)
  Erykah remains that exotic beauty that everyone loves even though she goes out of her way to NOT be recognized as that. I remember when we were going to shoot,I had this idea of shooting this incredible shot of her eyes coming out of the water(she has unbelievable eyes)...she said "Uh no...you just bring the camera...I have an idea in mind." She showed up dressed in these old granny-looking clothes from the vintage store and "pom-pom" afro things on each side of her head and I said..."well...OK..."
The shot you all see on this blog was the result of that shoot. Proof that sometimes an artist has a vision and they need YOU to put it down on paper(or video). As photographers(or I think "recorders of history") we just have to do that in our own way and that makes the photo in the end.
 On the way home she said...let me play you a tape of my new song I am recording called "ON and ON" and I when I heard it , I said..."Hmm...sounds good!"
I also want to thank Tim & Gia Grace of Grace & Grace for the opportunity to shoot with her.
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rayzorteam · 13 years
Oh My My My ...The World Keeps Turning...Oh what a DAY,what a DAY,What a Day!
Erykah Badu
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rayzorteam · 13 years
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My Claim to Fame!
Erykah Badu--
Love to shoot again with her,soon! What a creative genius! (and gorgeous too!)
Copyright'11- RayzorTeam
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rayzorteam · 13 years
The saying goes: Look at your glass as half-full instead of half-empty. I say: What if we always look at our glass as ABOUT TO BE FILLED?
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