#Ready Possession Projects in Nara
dreamhomzngp · 2 years
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
I also have another request for Tsunade/Orochimaru sharing a darling romantically, Thank you in advance.
Lol, those two are honestly a duo to have. And then even sharing😳? Things are about to get heated up.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, manipulation, gaslighting, clingyness, vicious behavior, violence, kidnapping
Tsunade and Orochimaru sharing a darling
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This GIF is literally what this poly relationship would be like about 95% all the time😂.
🐍🐌I sense a high chance of both of them knowing you from their younger days when they were students from the Third. That suggests that you were also in the same class with them and good friends with them.
🐍🐌It’s somewhat hard to be friends with Orochimaru given the fact that he is more the type to be alone for himself and also not someone people easily approach since they tend to be scared of him. So you were either tagged along from Jiraiya or Tsunade since both of them have an easier time making friends.
🐍🐌Whilst the darling might have been friends with Tsunade first and known her long before Orochimaru, chances are higher that he was the first one to obsess over them since it is easier for him to develop an obsession with someone than it is for Tsunade. And we all know how he develops his obsessions. With someone who stands out because of their abilities. You might be a member from a famed and strong clan, the Nara clan or the Uchiha clan for example, might be in control of three different chakra elements or more or be talented in creating new and difficult jutsus. Another point might be if you share the same interest in kinjutsu he has. It would give him something he can talk with you about since he is socially not very skilled.
🐍🐌Orochimaru is hard to deal with and I feel like he would suddenly monopolize your time a lot, wanting to train with you together to help you and him getting stronger, wanting to talk with you more about kinjutsu and manipulating you into spending all of your time with him. He was always possessive over things he was obsessed with in a manner that he thought he owed them. It wasn’t really anything different back then.
🐍🐌At that point you are for sure already best friends with Tsuna who will start growing more overprotective over you when noticing Orochimaru’s odd behavior, more odd than usually. Tsunade knows the best how unnerving and creepy that guy tends to be and for that would suddenly always tag along or safe you from Orochimaru, especially if she sees that you start feeling uncomfortable. It can and will end with her scolding that guy heavily about his behavior. It might end with her throwing gusts since Orochimaru is rather open with the fact that he, to put it frankly, does not care that he might make you feel creeped out. He even enjoys it a bit.
🐍🐌Tsunade would be over the spam of years slightly, but really only slightly, overprotective and possessive as well as clingy with you in order to save you from Orochimaru who constantly seems to bother you, wanting you to act loyal and only dedicate your time usefully with him and helping him with his projects instead of wasting it with others who won’t help you getting stronger.
🐍🐌She would start off as a platonic Yandere the moment she lost Nawaki as well as Dan. The loss of her brother led her to being shattered and her darling and her most likely often visited his grave together. It also increased her possessiveness, overprotectiveness and clingyness since she searched for comfort over the unbearable pain in her heart. And after she lost Dan, she would have been nearly given up on anything if it wouldn’t have been for your persistent support and help. You were always there for her, spending time with her and just ready to give her a hug when she needed one.
🐍🐌It was war, losing people was normal. Nevertheless, she had lost already two of the most important persons in her life. And it led her to this terrible fear that you would die as well, the person she had known and been close to since years. It added a new layer of pain over her heart, her chest squeezing when even thinking about losing you as well, the person who had always been there for her. That was when she truly started becoming possessive and overprotective over you, terrified that you would leave her as well.
🐍🐌Whilst I see her being at first more of a platonic Yandere who’s intention it was at the beginning to keep you alive and happy, she started gaining feelings for you overtime. Can you really blame her for falling for the person who had always been there for her, happily supported her no matter what and been there for her even in her darkest hours?
🐍🐌It’s when things started growing more...risky between the two Sanin. It wasn’t like both of them had been on best terms before either. Ever since Tsunade had started trying to shield you a bit from Orochimaru, he had started to dislike her. It had all gotten more intense when she had started developing her Yandere tendencies. But it reached it’s peak when he noticed her sudden romantic interest in you. Orochimaru is smart and has a way for looking at people and seeing what they desire. And whilst Orichimaru would have never really thought of this as love what he felt, there was this displeasing feeling inside of him, leading him to growing to seriously dislike Tsunade. He didn’t like how she suddenly started clinging onto you nor did he like how she always dragged you away from him.
🐍🐌The atmosphere between those two grew very heavy whenever they were together, Orochimaru taunting her with cruel and mocking jokes and words involving you, wanting to provoke Tsunade. She didn’t trust him with you anymore, noticing how he hadn’t seem affected by either her brother’s and her fiancé’s death. She even dared to say that he might not even care if you would die as long as he got his advantage out of it. For her it was obvious that he had been interested since the very first day in your abilities and the same shared interest. But that had been about all. He might just throw you away when he would lose interest in you.
🐍🐌There are three different ways how you could have lived your life after Orochimaru went rogue and Tsunade left the village. The first one would be that Orochimaru took you with him since he saw the usefulness in you next to his little obsession with you. Problem here is that I don’t see you tagging along and whilst he will try it with promises and manipulation at first, he has no problems with forcing you. And that’s the thing that would lead him to showing a more unpleasant side of him in which he will show true cruelty. And I can’t see Tsunade sharing if she finds out that he hurt and tortured you for years, even if you would forgive him. I mean it when I say that she would kill him the moment she finds out. So that option is off the table.
🐍🐌The second possibility would be that, after Orochimaru didn’t manage to kidnap you, you stayed in the Leaf. Might not sit with Tsunade who was horrified after Orochimaru’s try to take you forcefully. She just refused to leave you alone after that and definitely thought that you wouldn’t be safe anymore in the village, frightened that Orochimaru would come for you again. She would see the dangers in you tagging along with her as well, but it’s her possessiveness talking out of her. Would still be reluctantly leave you behind with the promise of coming back since she wouldn’t have forced you at that time since she didn’t hold the necessary power and influence yet.
🐍🐌If you did stay in the village I feel like Orochimaru would have sent Kabuto not only to gain informations on Sasuke back in the Chunin exams, but also to find you and kidnap you together with Sasuke. It would also lead to Tsunade being much more willing to join the Leaf and become the Hokage, especially when hearing that Orochimaru really tried it again. Would lead later on in the fight between all three of them to her having every intention to smash Orochimaru for daring to take you and Orochimaru being Orochimaru would poke sadistic fun at her since he holds grudges, especially against her.
🐍🐌The last scenario would be that you decided to join Tsunade since she most likely begged you to come with her, for possessiveness and overprotective reasons. She just kind of feared that Orochimaru would come for you again. Traveling with her means that she will end up teaching you together with Shizune about medical jutsus as well.
🐍🐌This would lead to a final showdown between her and Orochimaru in Tanzaku town. Because Orochimaru would have planned on finding her even before his arms were taken from him which ended up making him even more desperate to find her. Because Orochimaru had indeed plans on trying to take you, this time really, after failing already once. And given the fact that he has a lot of connections he would most likely have found out at one point that you’re with Tsunade. And Tsunade knew that he was after you the moment she met him for the first time in years again, taking notice of the way he stared at you. He definitely tried taking you with him during the fight between him, Jiraiya and Tsunade and just like with the scenario where you stayed in the village, she would have every intentions to kill him because she just knows that he would end up using you as a labor rat.
🐍🐌After becoming the Hokage, she made sure Orochimaru would never get the chance to ever get anywhere near you again, the recent experiences were too much of a shock. You two would also swell in a lot of old memories, good and bad one, due to being together in the Leaf Village again.
🐍🐌She was almost, but only almost, a bit revealed after hearing the news that Orochimaru was dead. He was an old teammate of hers, sure. But he had done a lot of inhuman things and had tried to drag you into a painful and horrifying life for which she just could never forgive him. He had always been a lingering heavy burden on her shoulders since she could never quite predict when he would come for you and her village again. That weight was released after news of his death spread out. But she didn’t really have time celebrating after that since quickly a new burden with Sasuke appeared.
🐍🐌It’s hard seeing those two sharing due to the distrust Tsunade has against him and Orochimaru’s sadistic and selfish personality. If he would have layed his hands in a wrong way on you anywhere along the timeline it would be a game over anyways. The most possible scenario would be after the war since he did change quite a bit and was forgiven afterwards even though Tsunade would have wanted to finish him off once again.
🐍🐌Tsunade will never fully trust Orochimaru with you, no matter how much he might have changed and tries to change. It’s obvious from the way she keeps throwing sharp glares at him when you three are together, how she keeps tugging you protectively behind her back and how she does not want you to spend any time alone with him.
🐍🐌Orochimaru kind of understands why she does. He always had awareness of his actions, but never cared. But after he died once, he had some time to think about his actions and whilst he does not feel the full guilt and shame he should, he gained significant more understanding for just how wrong his actions were and for that knows why Tsunade acts the way she is. She forced him by the way to apologize to you for trying to kidnap you twice, it’s the least he can do even though it won’t make up for it.
🐍🐌Whilst he does understand why Tsunade is so overprotective and doesn’t let you spend any time with him, it still annoys him and he also tends to think that she exaggerates things since he still lacks the true impact of his wrong actions. There is the danger that he will provoke her since he’s bothered by this, telling her that this is all in the past now and she should try to look forward. It will lead her to throwing fists once again.
🐍🐌Orochimaru will never stop being a creep and interested in your abilities and powers, especially since not having had the change to spend time with you for a lot of years. Especially if Tsunade should have trained you, he can await a lot of improvement from you. He will never stop being his weird and unnerving self and this makes Tsunade mad. And we all know what happens when the woman gets mad.
🐍🐌It’s not really a good poly relationship if I’m being honest due to the fact that Orochimaru is sardonic and constantly irritates Tsunade with his way of being. He just calls for a beating and mixing that with Tsunade’s distrust with him, it just shows what is seen in the GIF I used. Her smashing the living shit out of him. If Orichimaru isn’t completely fixed on provoking Tsunade into canceling the already limited amount of time he has with the darling, he should stop giving Tsunade too much attitude and show her that he is changed. I feel like he would try to be more nice with you, but he is not experienced in that kind of stuff so it might come over as a bit...weird.
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hong-kong-art-man · 3 years
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Kidults Will Match Against The Traditional Art-world Elites—— Matt Chung, A  Successful Art Dealer For Kidults(傑斗) In Hong Kong   
I pray there can be a term called ‘old-dult’, referring to the senior who are young at heart. I will sign up for this group. The prevalent description of a young person nowadays is ‘kidult’. A kidult is a young man or woman who lavishes on things meant for kids such as toys and electronic games. Some call them ‘eternal boys’. One of the extreme cases of kidult mentality is Michael Jackson. He stated openly that he did not want to grow up and owned a gorgeous collection of toy cars and a super amusement park called ‘Neverland Ranch’. This kidult died young.
There are 4 reasons why we have more and more kidults. The life expectancy for the world moved from 60 to 80 years. We have more people with younger mentality. There are also more and more rich people or people with ‘rich dads’. They can make costly purchases of ‘toys’. Modern society is characterized by individualism which is the prioritization of one’s own tastes and cultures. They do not see the need of identifying with the mature mentality. Finally, the toys, figures and art pieces of kidults mostly have speculative value. The result changed the beginning.
I got a young friend Matt Chung(筆華棋)who was born in 1988. He finished Form 2 of St. Joseph’s College and flew to Boston to complete his education up to Boston University. He then returned to Hong Kong and became a great reporter, editor and writer. Every writer has trouble adoring another writer and Matt is my exception. His famous books include La Dolce Vitasoy 賺錢買維他奶 and Playboy文. The stories successfully delineated the grossly depraved and despicable kidults who had rich dads. Matt said, “Money can buy a big car but money can’t make dream come true if your dream had nothing to do with money.” I commended him, “You are the teacher of your own soul. I can see the good route planning in your life. Classy is also my impression about you. You are considerate, intelligent and talented. You have a kind of self-control and self-mockery that your tomcat friends don’t have!” He laughed, “I still have art dreams and that might dilute my sin of chasing money.”
I asked, “You have shifted your focus from writing to art dealing. Why?” Matt laughed again, “As said, I am not a saint for letting good income out of my bed. Perhaps I am a kidult and do have ‘toy projects’ to make me awake. In particular, I buy and sell art pieces. Making a living as a writer is an impossible job.” I lamented, “Someone said this: being a writer is always you versus a blank sheet of paper(or a blank screen). Honestly, I sometimes don’t like this job as it is too stressful in competing with myself over deadlines. For such a tough career, what you can finally result in may be blank too.”
Matt concurred, “Writing is like swimming in a cage and you do not know where you can land on the shores. For contemporary art dealing, we have a definite market in which there are already ready  young sellers and buyers and the job is to get them connected after me giving activity and advice to them. Writing may be just an expression but visual arts can be a possession with an investment value.”
I asked, “Are your customers mainly kidults?” Matt replied, “A lot of them are. They like trendy and cool Japanese and western contemporary art which includes figures and toys.” I was meddlesome, “Half the time, kidults bought art pieces for peer recognition, prestige and value enhancement?” He said, “It is inevitable. Improving for real taste and personal style is a process for the young. My art customers are around 25 to 45. They love contemporary art, usually of the artists who are famous overseas. Those arts are preferably with cartoons or portraits. Idols are such as Yoshitomo Nara( 奈良美智) from Japan, Banksy(班克斯) from Britain and Daniel Arsham from America.”
Matt remembered, “In 2019, I held an art exhibition for Futura from USA, the respectable man in the world of kidults, in Hong Kong. This managed to attract rapper Pharrell Williams, artist Takashi Murakami(村上隆) from Japan and hot Chinese star Shawn Yue(余文樂). I did not expect the exhibition to become an international event.”
I pursued, “What is the budget of kidult art lovers?” Matt kept his fingers crossed, “Some are below HK$100,000. Some are raising their budget to over HK$100,000 and some believe price is a silver bullet to ensure effective investment results.”
I joked, “Do you use honey instead of vinegar to attract flies?” Matt said, “The usual art marketing is quite traditional: exhibitions and cocktail parties. For kidults, I use more adventurous online marketing which makes it easier than ever to tailor my marketing messaging to different social media demographics. My Instagram account has to build up followers. I also need to do crossovers between products and art, such as an exhibition of Edgar Plans in the shop of ‘the WAREHOUSE optic’. For new ways, I need to roll with the punches.”
Life as an adult in the messy and conflicting modern world can be very tough. Revisiting the toyish childhood times is surely great escapism. The kidult market is on the rise in Hong Kong and will be a huge social phenomenon. The traditional art-world elites may no longer be able to define how art should be managed and which artists would be celebrated. The power of money of the ‘young rich’ is dismantling the old game. Emerging artists can leapfrog the entire gallery/ museum/ publication system. Mamma Mia!
Matt Chung Art Auction  Acknowledgement – 型生會  https://youtu.be/R0bF29FOKSk
Matt Chung’s program on his new book  Acknowledgement - memehongkong https://youtu.be/U-J70EP94W8
Edgar Plans Interview  Acknowledgement-Edgar Plans  https://youtu.be/h8b0j8kSW20
Artist Futura’s interview  Acknowledgement – Ning Chong  https://youtu.be/SJixPtaX224
Rapper Pharrell Williams MV  Acknowledgement – Pharrell Williams  https://youtu.be/ZbZSe6N_BXs
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dreamhomzngp · 2 years
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dreamhomzngp · 2 years
1bhk,2bhk,3bhk Flats,Apartments for Sale in Nara, Koradi Road, Nagpur |Dreamhomz.
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