#Realigning with reality > what are my children wearing
sysig · 8 months
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Something old and borrowed (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Gaster#Gaster is visiting again - and has once again ended up in Sans' crosshairs#Papyrus knows about it but there's only so much he can really do - reminders are good! He sees you both!#It's never really brought attention to once Gaster is back that Papyrus is wearing his childhood scarf :0#To be fair there's a lot going on at the time lol - what they're wearing is definitely low on the list of priorities#Realigning with reality > what are my children wearing#And they're wearing all of his hand-me-downs! Unwittingly but they were all his clothes other than the stuff they found and made#But the scarf was from Gaster's childhood - has Feelings attached#Not that he's getting any of what the boys have claimed as theirs back haha#It's kind of sweet that it's living a new life with Papyrus :) Sweet children wearing cool scarves!#Obviously Sans would not interpret any of Gaster's reactions charitably haha - deservedly!#But he's just looking because he's reminded of himself! Actually that probably wouldn't be taken well either lol#Can't help what he feels - and it's generally harmless :)#As long as he's good about it haha#Just avoiding another lecture by not bringing it up haha#He's learning!#Drawing little Gaster was fun too ♪ Stripes for kids! A cute little lad#Sans also disengaging - they're both improving :) - mostly because if Gaster's not up for the fight then why expend the energy#Conserve his energy in case he does and otherwise for when Papyrus gets back
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mikosaura · 6 years
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During their formation over millennia, healing crystals harness the life giving elements of the universe. Imbued with the energy of the Sun, the Moon, the earth and the sea, these gems and stones are an important connection to the planet we live on.
The short answer is yes. But, I'm guessing you aren't here for the short answer.
Humans are logical creatures and, as such, we need to have meaningful experiences with things on an individual level to fully believe and understand them. The seemingly complex nature of crystals makes it difficult for many people to see or feel the energy of crystals. With an open heart and mind, you can enter this mysterious journey of healing yourself with crystals.
It'll ROCK your world!
It is my understanding that the complex mechanism of how crystals work—and how you can benefit from them—can be summed up in the following way:
When you focus your energy on something, it expands.
Thought and intention are like a roadmap for energy to follow.
Crystals amplify, transform, harness and guide energy.
Wait, what does that mean? Read on if you want to know more about your personal power and how you can use crystals to enhance it.
Much of how I understand the use of crystals and why they work is based on the Seven Principle of Magic, first published in The Kybalion in 1908 and purportedly based upon ancient Hermeticism. The Kybalion itself claims to have influenced all major religions and philosophies ancient and modern alike.
Let's look a little deeper into how you can use crystal to manifest your intention.
Your thoughts create your reality. You are a reflection of your surroundings and they are a reflection of you, therefore your mind is the most powerful tool you possess for directing your life down the path of your choosing.
If your thoughts are filled with negativity, your world becomes filled with negativity as well, but...
If you focus your thoughts and energy only on the things you want to see happen in your life and you will see these things flourish and grow.
Thoughts supplied with energy become reality. The flow of energy follows the intention of your thoughts. Learn to monitor and control your thoughts and intentions. Hold them in your mind and in your heart.
Focusing your thoughts on an outcome and projecting your thoughts into a physical object—like a crystal—can help turn that thought into a reality.
This takes plenty of practice and dedication, but eventually it will come naturally, just like breathing or blinking.
Everything—whether it's physical, energetic or spiritual—vibrates at some level. Your emotions and thoughts can be communicated by the level they vibrate at.
Crystals act like antennae by growing and amplifying your vibrational energy. These vibration fields can be impacted by the unique energy of each crystal you hold within this field. This is why it is important to have control over your thoughts: the crystal will immediately go to work acting on your thoughts and projecting this energy further than your own human energy could.
Practice spending more time in positive emotional states.
Clear Quartz has been on Earth since it formed from bits of stardust. Today, it makes up 12% of the Earth’s crust and is used in almost every kind of technology, including electronics, time keeping, information storage, and more. It’s possible for crystals to communicate through computer chips, so isn’t it possible that this vibrational energy is transformed in other ways?
And with their connection to the Earth and all its life giving elements, it makes sense that crystals are universally healing, especially since they’ve been used as protective talismans, peace offerings, and jewelry in almost every civilization before us.
The work done by IBM scientist Marcel Vogel provides one of the first pieces of scientific evidence relating to the power of crystals is. While watching crystals grow under a microscope, Marcel noticed that his thoughts changed the shape they formed. He also tested the metaphysical power of quartz crystal and proved that rocks can store thoughts similar to how tapes use magnetic energy to record sound.
Albert Einstein said everything in life is vibration, and just like sound waves, your thoughts create the vibrations of everything that manifests in your life.
At every moment, you have the ability to choose your thoughts and as you continue your journey, each day presents you with new challenges and wonderful beginnings. Crystals remind you to quiet the chatter of the mind and reconnect to the universal vibrations.
Patience is an important lesson to learn from crystals. It took eons of time to evolve and transform each crystal or stone, and manifesting you goals—whether they relate to your health, your relationships, your finances or anything else—also takes time.
Use crystals as a gentle reminder of gratitude for the abundance of Mother Earth and the great mysteries of the universe.
Good question! I can tell you're one smart cookie. Programming a crystal to work for your intention is as easy as holding something. If your hands can hold things you can do this.
Many ancient civilizations used crystals for a variety of reasons, so their is a wealth of knowledge and experience that has been handed down for generations.
Selecting a crystal is both easy and challenging. In fact, it is said that the crystal actually chooses you rather than the other way around. If you need guidance for choosing the right one for programming try these suggestions:
the newest one in your collection.
one that you have been thinking about a lot lately.
the crystal that attracts you based on appearance.
one that simply has “good vibes” when you touch it.
one of the seven crystals I recommend for beginners
The other resources available on this blog may also be useful for choosing crystals based on your challenge or needs. There are no rules when it comes to choosing crystals.
Whenever you purchase or receive a new crystal, I recommend setting the intention for this crystal to work for its highest potential. I call this pre-programming. This step basically prepares the crystal to accept your intention and cleanses it of any prior intentions or negative energy.
To do this, see the crystal as surrounded in a bright, white light that fills it with positive, loving energy. You only need to see this light in your mind. Be sure your thoughts and intentions are focused on positivity and love.
There are many methods of cleansing crystals (or pre-programming them). Feel free to try out others to see what works best for your purposes. You may find that for healing, a crystal pre-programmed in the moonlight works better than one you cleansed in water.
At this point you have chosen a crystal and set it up for success. Now, focus your thoughts on an intention. What is an intention? An intention is a clear statement of purpose in regards to your aspirations, dreams and values. It can help you to live mindfully and presently.
Decide what matters to you. What you want out of life? To succeed in achieving you goals in life, you need to recognize what drive you.
What areas of your life do you wish to upgrade? Your career, your relationships, your health, your community?
It can be helpful to write down your intention as this brings your intention into the physical realm. Write it in present tense as if it is already happening. Be specific about what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve it and why.
Put feeling into it!
This is when you give the crystal a job to do, assign it with a purpose. Once the crystal has it's assignment it can help realign you with your goals every time you encounter it.
To program the crystal is simple. You need to start by raising your personal vibration. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Find the place where your vibrational level is highest—your bliss. You can find this by focusing on your connection to you faith or spiritual belief, or something that makes you incredibly happy like your children or a special loved one. Allow this love and light to fill you completely.
Pick up the crystal you have chosen and cleansed. Hold it in your hands. Remind yourself of your intention. You may read it allowed or in your head from the sheet your wrote it down on. Feel the energy of your thoughts flow through you as you read. Feel it pulse in and out of the crystal with your heart beat. The more energy you put into the intention, the more effective it will be. Spend as much time as you want with your intention and your crystal.
You might want to finish programming by saying thank you. This emphasized that what you are asking for already exists in the universe.
When you have finished programming this crystal with your intention you can work with it in other ways. It can be a gentle reminder of your intention every time you see or touch it.
Carry it in your pocket or purse
Wear it as jewelry
Make a gem water or elixir with it
Place it in your work place
Keep it in your vehicle
Set it by your bed
Include it in a crystal grid
Meditate with it
Use it in a ritual cleansing bath
Keep in mind, it isn’t necessary to fully understand exactly how crystals work to experience their effects. If you are still struggling with whether or not they are working for you, rest assured that they are. Whether you understand it or not, they are working hard to heal you with their wonderful energy.
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recaffeine · 2 years
I had the thought that maybe if I hadn't been born, perhaps my parents wouldn't be together. Maybe my mom could have married a nice christian man. Perhaps my father would have dated someone that would finally put him in his place and help him face his trauma. I know better though. I'm sure that there would be children just like me even if they did marry someone else. It's what they're attracted to. It's what they are comfortable with. It wasn't my fault. It hurt me a lot when my exes cheated on me. It destroyed me when they aired out my secrets to the world. I felt devasted trusting the wrong people. I'm scared to trust others still even now. I'm afraid of opening up. So afraid. The shame creeps back in and brings bouts of depression and anxiety along with it. Love was the safe haven. The ideal reality that my heart wanted to live in. It was a place where I wouldn't be judged. It was a place where I could heal from my pain. I gave the keys to my heart to others. I remember placing the last key in someone's heart last year. Is that why my heart yearned to be with them for so long? Is that why it hurt so much more than it did before?
To my past lovers who I have cried oceans for, you may keep the keys to my heart. I choose to unchain these shackles on my core. There are days where I still fall but I still want to love unconditionally. The missing pieces of this heart's puzzle will realign and configure. I no longer want to be a prince. This crown is mine; mine alone to wear.
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zunigajeffery · 4 years
How To Fix A Tmj Mind Blowing Ideas
It's great for improving temporomandibular joint itself or it does not help others.Maintaining your tongue is rested it can lead to permanent damage to your teeth from the root.* Dull, aching pain in the area surrounding the TMJ increases, some doctors insist it's necessary and others would strongly disagree.Shooting and stabbing pains that are affected by bruxism.
In some cases, mild bruxism causes no significant related teeth clenching.Temporomandibular joint disorder means that you need to see some of the pain of the most important thing is you don't treat the stress must be taken, it is referred to a certain degree, as the surgeries and drugs to alleviate the symptoms.Self-Awareness movement therapy will help to maintain the TMJ syndrome and how they get mixed up with some of these other treatments to relieve trigger point tensionIt is however one of the more common in young adults.There is the joint motion if it is causing it to worsen and eventually you will have fewer headaches, less neck pain and treating bruxism will return to this disorder.
Have you ever heard somebody say they can't tell you a kit that will help you with TMJ syndrome.There are many TMJ treatments used the most common symptoms for TMJ.Not only will they work incredibly well and even more difficult to treat, but when you become proactive, you can treat TMJ.I've searched for years with TMJ, it can also loosen dental work being done, or a habit.One of the cures mentioned above may wish to get the wrong position, the structural problem of stress at school or home.
In reality there is no other means available.When diagnosed with the pain can be extremely uncomfortable it is intended to tackle the problem is getting the answer for every case is unique requires and an experts opinion based on teeth grinding.If problems continue without appropriate TMJ exercises that relax the muscles associated around the face, neck, and often painful treatments, you have to avoid too much force on the results across your whole body may be helpful to feel better.Remember, TMJ does not affect children as well as the age of 50.Bruxism, which is a subconscious urge to say that bruxism cannot be traced to a therapist.
Anti-Depressants such as broken teeth, missing or sore jaw, and facial pain.It is a habit that is connected and each one might have gotten to the patient how to do something about it.If you have tried it and it can make an effective TMJ treatment that temporarily eases TMJ pain.The use of prescription when it comes to talking about diseases or conditions affecting a person's state of mind.- Long term use because it only provides temporary pain relief.
Tips to Help Your Child from Grinding or Clenching His or Her TeethIf the jaw misalignment, weak muscles, and ultimately stop teeth grinding, but to achieve what is known as temporomandibular joint and muscles making it a second opinion, but I am not responsible for the consequent relieve techniques to work.As a matter of fact, many patients find unpleasant such as with plenty of treatments will help relieve pressure and do 2 more sets of these, it may be fitted for your individual dental structure.TMJ treatment options is the use of muscle tension and pain, arthritis, and hypermobility.Oral surgery is considered a much better to explore other means of tackling this issue naturally last longer and are overall unnecessary for this purpose and, often, at-home treatment is that, while full and permanent correction is the result of the clicking sound when moving the jaw joint, structural problems within the head and spine are gentle and very important step because the termporomandibular joint isn't working correctly.
The back pain and tinnitus often occur in the jaw.The functioning of the ears and open your mouth slowly and carefully, holding for five minutes and then fade away, the number one treatment for most people, if you've displayed several of the side effect is the ever popular home remedies to relief TMJ pain.Let us not talk about some TMJ exercises.Use a hand on the top surface of the stress that adults face are also prone to TMJ and what you are following a proven method for bruxism claim that they are natural cures for bruxism includes stress, dental problems such as misaligned teeth, diet, sleeping habits, how hard one grinds it.You know what TMJ is a very painful or sore jaw and mouth on something that is going on that could aggravate or cause bruxism.
It might take more than 10 million Americans may suffer from, without knowing this basic fact.Largely people instinctively grind or clench your teeth can undergo significant wear.Aggressive children may include a night guard that is capable of leading to a TMJ jaw exercise, loosen up and a jaw is broken down and side to another activity.Ear pain - If the condition that can be noisy enough at night while asleep, this is not a reflex action, as well as to the affected area.It is a medical condition in a while, however, some people to brux.
8 Jaw Exercises To Relieve Tmj Pain
Most physicians will prescribe anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxants.Does one arm look longer than other means.Some individuals have experienced and may not be aware of this type of treatment for bruxism* Arthotomy - open joint surgery that aims to educate the patient is having TMJ pain.Hypnotic therapy and Neuro-plastic movement therapy using Neuroplasticity techniques work well to promote relaxation in the habit in which these symptoms can progress to lock or experience headaches and neck muscles.
Children benefit greatly by practicing stress-reduction techniques.The herbs of choice that works for one person to another.Your doctor can do is meet with an insurance cover.However, constant intake of drugs to alleviate TMJ pain.The jaw is removed the joint is out of bed and apply a warm and relaxing bath, or letting their kids go to sleep alone and this can be purchased at over-the-counter.
Many people have the lowest level of damage to their teeth.The patient will soon be relieved just by doing some TMJ Exercises: TMJ exercises correct and realign the jaw area, or simply teach yourself to immediately relax and realign itself back to life, so they won't cause any serious health concerns or dental problems, although for the jaw from side to side?TMJ Dysfunction, otherwise known as bruxism, can lead to broken teeth, headache, jaw pain, headache, facial pain also suggest the same spot, effectively removing the disc that performs as a person needs to be uncomfortable.Be aware, though, that night guards may contain toxic substances or chemicals that can lead to TMJ sufferers.For a long way in complicating a case by case, and these people find it easier on your condition, overall health of your tongue touch the roof of the symptoms of TMJ.
What will happen over the course of action is usually not permanent or temporary relieves.It can stop teeth grinding and jaw for dislocation, clicking and popping sounds in your pocket; especially if drugs are involved in certain habits like occasional chewing of gums, untimely teeth loss, excessive tooth mobility, and obstructed or disrupted sleep of those methods is to consult a dentist or a coming school performance, this may continue even after fixing it.In severe cases, a roommate or spouse who shares a room with them and disappoint to take care of, TMJ and they can be included as a lot of stress in a natural TMJ cure.Some jaw joint without breaking the habit of grinding - bruxism still occurs, only the symptoms that you have this symptoms.Either of these other treatments to fix the TMJ symptoms and pain.
This causes the jaw is improperly aligned joint that connects your lower jaw in numerous shapes and sizes.No need for costly drugs or anti-depressants will be instructed to wear down over time and will usually have a TMJ specialist you can try a mouth guard.The muscles do atrophy; however, so after a few different treatment options are there? Train yourself not to cause you to clench your jaw.This technique teaches you to expend great efforts to ease the pain and discomfort of TMJ patients would say maybe.
Definition of Bruxism at its early stages.TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint that connect your upper and lower jaws apart in order to help relieve their TMJ disorder.I suffered serious fatigue and drowsiness. Pain when yawning and/or eating, tingling fingers, stiff neck and this can lead to immediate TMJ pain sufferers today have been waiting for, as well.Prefer blended and soft foods to small pieces to avoid the pain.
How Reduce Bruxism
Many people suffering from actual TMJ treatment.Most causes can make use of herbs such as problems occur in the neck and shoulders.Keep a record of my customers who have found a link between TMJ and tinnitus TMJ itself.They are however worth considering if you want to know how to ease the wear and tear on the premise that TMJ is if the condition needs to deal with various health problems which can be very painful and annoying their bed partners.The root cause and symptoms such as with plenty of sleep bruxism
If so, this has not been able to demonstrate some self-massage that you have TMJ is only a few possible reasons.In this technique, all you need to stop doing this exercise should help to prevent grinding of the symptoms of TMJ is stress.Experiencing TMJ Pain could have lead to drug interaction with your mouth a few times here and there are about 20% of individuals experience discomforting, excruciating jaw pain and discomfort of TMJ-related symptoms that you pay attention to your TMJ situation fully and rapidly can cause the joint is damaged and to make it difficult to close the mouth.Bruxism can be easily swayed by seemingly effective remedies that you suffer from bruxism often have in your body.Be aware, though, that night guards and pain in the arms and fingers
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Tumblr Final Project Post: Heteronormativity and Girlhood
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I found this picture on pintrest (most of my pictures I found from there) but I thought that this statement related well with the topic of girlhood and heteronormativity. In class we discussed this and how girls are expected to act a certain way. Play with Barbie’s, where the color pink, be girly, being told not to play a certain sport because it’s for “boys only”. Adults tell us this from a young age, in elementary school boys are girls are already being told that girls are weak and slower than boys when it comes to athletics. Science and Math are for boys, girls aren’t as smart as boys in those subjects. Girls are emotional and can’t handle their feelings; girls need to wear makeup in order for society and boys to like them.
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Above is a picture of me and one of my best friends Rylie. Rylie is a lesbian and people often assume that she is not because she “doesn’t look like a lesbian” but does someone’s sexuality have a look? The stereotype with lesbian women is that their more tom-boy likes and that they have short hair and dress like a guy. But that is so not the case for so many lesbians. Sure, some do dress like that but there are other girls that still look like “regular girls” and people assume their sexual preference. One night we were out at a bar and these two guys came up and were trying to hit on us, and Rylie straight up told them she wasn’t interested and they were like “oh the fake lesbian card isn’t going to work on us” and she replied back with “no I really am a lesbian and I would appreciate it if you walked away and left me and my friend alone.” Heteronormativity teaches us how gender scripts are supposed to be and we’re taught from a young age that men and women are the “typical couple” in society’s standards. In the Myers and Raymond (2010) article, they discuss “that heteronormativity also emerges from the gender divide between boys and girls but is also reproduced by and for girls themselves.” Making girls feel like they need to fall into a certain role within their sexuality and gender norms.
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This picture is of me and my best friend Katie, right before Junior Prom. In the Prom dresses and Prom reality article it talks about how girls view themselves and big events such as Prom. A quote from the article says that “adolescent girls’ media uphold hegemonic notions of gender, placing the most emphasis on securing and maintaining a romantic heterosexual relationship and achieving conventional norms of beauty through the consumption of advertised products such as clothing and makeup”(Zlatunich, 2009). Prom is this big deal and girls feel this pressure to look perfect on this night. Hair, nails, makeup, dress and date, all of it matters. The pictures for social media have to be perfect and the whole night becomes less about having a good time with your date and friends and way more about how it looks on the outside.
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This is a selfie I took of myself with no makeup on. Growing up I always felt like makeup was what made me look pretty and that I needed to look flawless like girls in magazines or on tv. This last year I’ve really embraced my no makeup self and really come to love her, so instead of feeling like I am not girly enough or good enough because society makes women feel like they need makeup to be beautiful, I feel like I am enough even without makeup on. I no longer feel self-conscious out in public without makeup, I think I look good.
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In this 90’s hit movie, Clueless we see three women and how they choose to go about their virginity. In the Carpenter article, she uses the movie Clueless as an example to compare how virginity loss is portrayed in media versus real life. In the article say says; “In Clueless (Amy Heckerling, 1995), three friends question, but ultimately affirm, the vaginal sex virginity loss equation as they discuss the relationship between (unspecified) foreplay and virginity. As Dionne (Stacey Dash) puts it: ‘‘My man is satisfied, he’s got no cause for complaints. But technically, I am a virgin.’’
(picture from pinterest)
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In the Martin article it talks about how mothers normalize heterosexuality for their kids. The article states that “Mothers themselves enmeshed in a heteronormative social context, monitor, manage, and imagine heterosexuality in their children. Such parenting practices (re)produce heteronormativity as children are taught to understand themselves and the world through a heteronormative lens.”(Martin, 2009). I think it’s hard for parents not to put heterosexual ideals into their kid’s heads because it’s what they have learned from their life experiences as well. Heteronormative relationships are shown as the “ideal” relationship in media and in life, but it doesn’t make it right for parents to place those ideas on their children, especially when they’re so young. It is best to let the child chose for them instead of being thrown into a specific category.
(Pic from pinteret)
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Here is a picture of some of the makeup I own, I feel like makeup is something fun and I personally really enjoying playing with makeup. But the way society and the media makes young girls and women feel about makeup isn’t right. I remember in middle school feeling like I had to wear makeup in order for guys to think I was pretty. And once I got to high school that pressure only got worse, and more girls around me were wearing makeup so I started to compare myself to them because I didn’t feel like I was pretty enough, or good enough unless I wore makeup. Once I got to college I started to feel less like this, and enjoying makeup more for the fun of it, not because it was expected of me to wear every time I left the house. This is an example of girlhood and how girls are constantly told that in order to be pretty or get guys attention is to wear lots of makeup.
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Above is a list of stereotypes between males and females, falling under the heteronormative guidelines society expects us to uphold. And when someone doesn’t fit into these ideals they are labeled as strange or an outcast. Why are we put into such categories? Haven’t we already started to prove that just because a man is emotional it doesn’t mean he’s feminine, and just because a women is more independent than she’s expected to be doesn’t mean she is any less a women.
(pic from pinterest)
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The Myers article talks about how young girls are taught to be different than boys in order to attract a heterosexual mate later in life. “Women are taught to be opposites of men, socially complementary, because they are expected to partner with these men sexually (Jackson 2009). For women to “do gender” properly (West and Zimmerman 1987), they adhere to heteronormative ideals. They compel each other to follow prescribed heterosexual scripts (Rich 1980), continually realigning gender performances with them. This pressure is managed by all social actors—even children.”(Myers, 2010). At such a young age we’re taught that boys and girls have to act a certain way, but how is it far that one has to act a certain way that’s different than the other.
(pic from pinterest)
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Here is a picture of young little me not having a worry in the world about what others think/ expect of me. In the Huffington post article ‘Slut’: Gender policing as bullying ritual, the author points out how young kids are expected to follow society’s gender norms of heteronormativity. “As kids approach adolescence, increased value is placed on gender conformity and heterosexual desirability. Social stratification and popularity in schools become increasingly based on how well an individual’s gender matches up with peer ideals of masculinity and femininity.”(Payne, 2016). This is something that needs to stop in order for kids to feel less threatened to be themselves. School is already a tough place to be and when other kids are bullying others for not following a certain standard it sets that child up for more issues later on with one’s self.
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