#Really funny story though. I remember scrolling through the art tag as usual and saw something in an art style i recognized and it was like
bwamatoast · 5 months
"where did you people come from?"
Your art style is way too swag for zero followers
And you only posted ONCE before asking that. This is a compliment, I love how soft you draw tickling, have a nice day
-Spenses Chilpep
Thank you so much!!!! I’ve shown up a handful of times in this community in the past, although VERY VERY briefly because I’d end up getting too scared or embarrassed to properly manage a blog like this but I’m hoping to stay for much longer this time :) It means a lot to know people enjoy my art this much! I’ve had plenty of time to practice haha
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fanatical-san · 7 years
Get To Know Me Meme
SO, I was just here to get some inspiration for my English oral exam, but um, @lego-batjokes-prompts tagged me in this. And honestly? I can’t say no to my favourite blogger. So, here goes:                                                                                          
5 things you can find on my blog
1. Batjokes ships, memes, stories, drawings. They’re my OTP.
2. Random posts that have nothing to do with Batman, but I find them interesting/funny/moving, and want to share it with everyone.
3. Those desperate posts where I’m INSANELY confused, sad, or whatever. That’s when I ask you all for advice <3.
4. Speaking of advice, I’m told that I give great advice. If anyone comes to my with a problem, or leaves an ask asking for advice, I try my best to help :D
5. Posts where I list things that you’d all like, (such as my ‘Batman Things’ one), or pictures that relate to my blog theme: Batman, or more specifically, Batjokes.
5 things you can find in my bag
1. My songwriting book. This is my definition of a diary, and if you ever saw it, you’d probably discover a lot of things that I’d never tell you. I guard this with my life.
2. Vaseline. MY FACE. OMG, it cracks up all the time. And by that, I don’t mean it bursts out laughing, I mean that I have dry skin that ALWAYS goes flaky and looks just YUCK. So I put Vaseline on it.
3. A pen/pencil. Never know when inspiration’s gonna hit you, right? (Real reason: never know when you gotta pass time in a god awful lesson, right?)
4. A book. Any book. At the moment, it’s A Study In Scarlet. Some wise person whose name I can’ t really remember once said, ‘never a trust a person who comes with out a book.’ Basically, you can trust me.
5. Spare change. I LOVE spending money (Let’s face it; who doesn’t?), and I always wanna be able to get something nice. So yeah, spare change. 5 things you can find in my bedroom
1. Truth. Truth is my pet skull. I talk to her, and she gives me advice. (At this point, most of you scroll past or click off this. ‘Oh no, she’s CRAZY.’ Well, yes, yes I am. :3) I named her Truth, ‘cos that’s what I feel she is. Under all these layers, it’s what we all are. It’s the truth.
2. A drawer of dirty clothes. I know, I know, it’s disgusting, but it’s useful. I have a collection of clothes that I’ve worn, and put in this drawer. This drawer is normally kept closed, cos it STINKS. But that is where the genius comes in. See, my family are all aware of this drawer, and they won’t go ANYWHERE near it. So, if I really need to hide something, desperately, I put it in there. Plus, I keep a bottle of deodorant hidden nearby.
3. A plain black zip up hoodie. My best BEST friend gave this to me as a Christmas present. This person means so much to me, and it gives me comfort to sleep near it. My mom thinks I’m weird (which I am, so it’s fine).
4. A dream catcher. If I’m honest with you all, I don’t believe in dreamcatchers, cos it hasn’t made a difference so far. But it was a birthday present from someone I deeply admire and owe a lot to, someone who I will probably never see again. *sob*
5. A McDonald’s Happy Meal orange Lego Batman cup. OH, I almost forgot. It has an image of Batjokes that I adore. I fall asleep looking at the happy couple :D 5 things I’ve always wanted to do
1. Dye my hair. I’d love to complete my look, and let’s be honest, it IS really cool.
2. Go to a concert. Yes, yes, I know, it’s sad. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to go to a concert. I can guarantee, it would be the best day of my life.
3. Kiss someone. Yep. I can’ t, partly cos of my religion and partly because no one wants to kiss me *sob*. But then again, I wouldn’t want it to be worthless. I’d want it to be a loving kiss.
4. Have my own vlog. And I’m currently in the process of this, but seriously, I’d love to. However, I would kind of hate it at the same time because you’d most likely have to see my fugly face. SO yeah.
5. Have something published. A book, a song, a film, anything. It would be a dream come true. 5 things I’m currently into
1. Sherlock.
2. Batman.
3. Bring Me The Horizon.
4. Twenty One Pilots.
5. Nowhere Boys. 5 things on my to do list
1. GET ORGANISED. This year is the year I take my finals, and my parents killed me for getting an A instead of an A*. I’m NOT letting that happen again.
2. Write the film music for my current film production. It’s a really exciting opportunity, but I’m not looking forward to the hours of composing something that’s not my usual style.
3. Write another one shot for my Batjokes fiction on Archive Of Our Own, and on here. Sorry for the wait.
4. Continue my Wattpad fiction. Seeing a trend here?
5. Get back in touch with the violin. I had violin lessons from the age of 7, and I’m 15 now. I’d given up a while back, but I’m going to get through this! 5 things you may not know about me
1. I am NOT straight. I’m bisexual.
2. I’ve got origins from: Japan, Pakistan, India, America, Australia and Britain.
3. I live in North Wales.
4. I THINK I might be genderfluid. Not sure on that, though.
5. I am often called a ‘goth’, an ‘emo’, and a ‘geek’.
WELL. That was therapy, wasn’t it? Thank you for all of those who stuck through this and read to the end: I LOVE YOU GUYS. And now, for the best bit: the tags. (Although that doesn’t mean you can’t do it anyway). @melamungous, @jokin-around, @clown-king-of-crime, @laizy-boy, @eventhorizon451, @shinjekinootp, and @mellie-art. (Some are chosen, some just came up in the tags). This is for fun, so feel free to do it or leave it.
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