Yes I'm still on Tumbler
Yes I'm still on Tumbler this is January 1/19/24 When posting this. Sorry if I'm not always on but never be afraid to send me messages or comment on my posts. and feel free to catch me over on Deviant Art if your ever loking for me ^^ https://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan Feel free to ask me to return back with you to Tumbler too. Especialy those who fancy me ;3 hehe
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whitetickle-sl · 3 years
Chrissie Dreamz and Cream Joy, (TICKLE OCS)
Music for Mood: https://youtu.be/MtesmNuUDiU
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Warning this involves tickling and race themes that some may find offencive, but I want to simply highlight I do not support enslaving anyone based on race and this is meant to be harmless and fun for people of all races who enjoy abit of escapism and a good tickle dom story as well as a little What ifism)
Giggle Milkee- White ticklee ( by default)White tickle slave/pet (only for Power/submissive tickle Fantasy) (a form of Ethno tickle fetish) (not ententionaly racist but intended to be surreal and experimental. This kind of fantasy I understand is not to everyone's taste but it's meant to be harmless.
Grabber- Nonwhite tickler whom prefers Giggle Milkees( playful default)  kidnaps and tickles white people (Abduction fantasy) Hunt white lees and breaks them into submission( power fantasy)
Also please try not to take anything out of context ro asume things about me orthe charecters. I am open to questions though, but please do be Open minded ^^, thank you.
(UBG stands for Unofficial Back ground.) So this isn't the official background I have the front image seprate, this is just to make it difficult for some people to steal what I made so that's my explanation for all this being slapped together.
Chrissy Dreamz and Cream Joy have known each other since they were children, infact when Chrissy first caught Cream it was in their childhood. Infact Chrissy was a member of the Purple Feather Fist since she was like 6 and she was around 9 or 10 when she ran acrossed Cream was lost during that time.
Cream Joy actualy comes from a rich family that disapeared out of town during the take over. Reasons as to why her family never returned for her are still up in the air. What is known is that Chrissy recognised her and was quick to corner her with the help of older friends a couple of girls she knows.
I'm still debating the Confedorate shirt in my head since she had one as a child. That shirt definately was definately a bad idea to wear during a black riot though. Fortunately she was running around in the part of town where the PFFs were taking over and not the less forgiving riot groups or else she would of been a goner. Her goal was origanaly to find away out of town herself however, to escape and find her family, but the grabbers had other plans for her.
Chrissy is actualy quite fond of the Confedorate flag atyre and goes so far as to have some friends not only replicate it but make alternate variations.
1. classic  tickle slave version
2. smile Mouth
3. Black Power colors
But she especially likes the classic confederated version with the word Privlidged slapped on. After all your less likely to take the lee's side if they look more like someone who needs to be made an example of.
Anyways these 2 despite the fact that Cream now belongs to Chrissy against her own will , still have managed to have some good history. Their friendly enough to where Cream doesn't out right hate Chrissy for what she's done, if anything she's found a home with her. So the Giggle Milkee's life isn't so bad, her keeper takes care of her, shelters and feeds her and they both still got educated together. Can Chrissy be a real sadist when it comes to tickling? Yes. Chrissy does like to Bully Cream but only through tickle torture, no one else is allowed to touch her with Chrissie's permission and if they do it better be tickling. I won't say to much on these 2 just yet though. If anything I actualy want to see here some suggestions. Not to say I will use every Ideal that may come my way mind you. However I can grant permission to other artists to use these 2 to demonstrate what interactions between them would be like.
Chrissy Likes to call Joy Dixie Girl, Princess, Baby girl, (not saying Cream is a dixie or southern girl but their could of been more out of the box reasons as to why she was dressed the way she was origanaly.)
Play mates youtu.be/MLRf9plrJvU?list=PL2W…
Miling time youtu.be/RLnpI1GLrfI?list=PL2W…
Chrissie's favorite song youtu.be/0NKXgpXgY0o?list=PL2W…
Lost in a Raining city youtu.be/ehFhVpZHeSk?list=PL2W…
Cream's Favorite Song youtu.be/WQ20MwIjfoI?list=PL2W…
Hide and Go seek youtu.be/Z0-cdqJ0PaM?list=PL2W…
Follow youtu.be/K3wkhl94FmY?list=PL2W…
left alone youtu.be/hrbFwSR5dOQ?list=PL2W…
It began youtu.be/GsHZBisKwxg  (something sureal about the idea of a bunch of people being tickled with this song in the background while a town get's over thrown. don't get to uspet though, it's supposed to be Ironic, plus the feel of the song alone has remimaginative potential)
Ok now it realy  begans youtu.be/dIQmcwSg0nU (You be the judge of wich song You'd prefer)
Rise of the Purle Feather Fists, March of the Grabbers youtu.be/aIXyKmElvv8
Showing her's who's boss youtu.be/On9m1QK5l-U?list=PL2W…
Time to dance/ Fun song for both girls youtu.be/PDJLvF1dUek?list=PL2W…
Cream's Screams youtu.be/GpSj66L-qyA?list=PL2W…
Lee and ler/ Walk youtu.be/yhv4SbNvNwk?list=PL2W…
This little Piggy youtu.be/L4iDAqTglzQ?list=PL2W…
A Grabber's Prize youtu.be/gCR897wUY3U?list=PL2W…
Another fun song youtu.be/Y2fpMRWODwU?list=PL2W…
um? well it's good song ^^ youtu.be/z0Ckyk9JYKA?list=PL2W…
This is going to last a while youtu.be/JyPCp4_DNcQ?list=PL2W…
They both like this song youtu.be/sN2lJHfNds8?list=PL2W…
Hey if you have any art requests or story suggestions for Crissie Dreamz and Cream Joy, let me know ^^
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sfwfmtickling · 6 years
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Jinx Vs Beastboy tickle toy f/m by ReaverPan
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mutant-male-lee · 8 months
This Ticklish Wolf boy has Discord
Hey to any female Ticklers out there who'd like a little more direct axcess to a ticklish Wolf boy I got my own personal server dedicated to me being the lee over on Discord. Ask me for an invite. Also I exist on DA https://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan So if you want to respond more quickly you might try asking me there if you have DA account.
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mutant-male-lee · 2 years
Are you up to Play as Evil Jamala?
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Would you like to Play the sexy but terrifying Blue haired Mistress known as Jamala? and have yours truly as your Wolf Boy tickle Pet?~ Keep in mind she’s technically a Fan girl turned villainess almost like a Yandre  except minus killing anyone? To best understand who your auditioning to role play as let’s see the rules and tips of what’s going on here.
1.Jamala is obsessed with Reaver first as a fan of his Hero work but even more so finding him attractive. She has investigated hard into him to learn as many weaknesses and connections about him to know him inside out.
2. Jamala knows what she wants and she goes to whatever length she must go and to any extreme to get what she wants.
3. She can seem nice on surface and would be willing to even help and can seem like a social butterfly so she’s not all bad
4. Despite how nice and willing to help she can be she’s not someone to drop your guard around as she will take any opportunity that is given to her.
5. She has been Prone to kidnapping guys and torturing them and turning them over to the Sister hood but to her their just toys but not the main objective of her life. Her first Love is tickle torture however.
6. Her First Love is tickle Torture but she would claim it is Reaver. But Reaver is more so like a second Love she is obsessed with, that she needs for her true first love and desire to be whole. She may have started out as just an admirer but it’s turned into a desire to have him all to herself. She enjoys being a bully to him and a sadist, which isn’t real love but she’s either Ignorant or willingly Ignorant.
7. She dresses lewdly and in anything sexy. she could probably were decent clothes too but sexy clothes help get wanted reactions out of people.
8. While she’d love to have Reaver fall in love with her and love her she seems to want him to FEAR her even more. Couldn’t tell you honestly where that comes from other than maybe than the fact that she get’s off on it. She loves having her victims squirm and cry. And So as Jamala Your goal would be to tease, flirt and intimidate and make sure your lee knows you r in full control and I’m completely at your mercy. hearing your lee whimper so that you can comfort them and cuddle with them is a reward. hearing your lee’s despair is like a cheer for joy to your sociopathic ears.
9 Jamala believes whatever she wants to believe. While somethings you ight be able to talk to her like you she can be reasoned with, there are other things where if you try to correct her or contradict her delusions and she will snap at you. Jamala is terrifying when angry because she will put you through Hell and is the most ruthless when ticked off. She’s already prepared to abuse her victim when she’s happy just imagine what she’s capable of when you cross her.
10. Is Jamala crazy? perhaps not at first but she’s probabaly become less mentaly healthy in her obsession. So I suppose that depends on you and how crazy you want her to be? I mean the girl can go into Emotional break down episodes but these are either for show to psyche out her prey like Psycological war fair or she’s truly that level of unhinged
11. Jamala loves full body tickling she doesn’t prefer one spot but she does love to try all positions and all methods. Maybe she’ll start out mild but always winds up pushing her victims beyond their limits
12.Now then I’m wanting to be Kidnapped and where ever and when ever it happens we can debate in chat. If you like you can change it up and use other tactics for how YOU as Jamala get me in your clutches. Like maybe you take someone hostage?
13.I want Jamala acting like her and Reaver are dating or even living together. I want her acting casual and pretending like there’s nothing wrong with what’s she’s doing. Like if she decides your having fun she’ll act like you are because she’s good at lying including to herself.
14. Concent is something we must discuss in chat before we get started. If I don’t concent to certain things before the RP then I will break off the PR if we cross a line that I did not agree with. You might be playing as Jamala but real life consent still matters. So even though Jamala herself needs no consent you will still have to limit what you do with her if I’m not ok with you doing certain things.
15. Jamala is evil despite whatever good she might be capable of she’s also capable of doing to Reaver whatever she wants. She might not try to kill him or mame him. but if we allow NSFW content then whatever NSFW content that is allowed she is capable of doing.
16. Jamala does not do drugs nor smokes
17 levels of violances must be discussed before RP
18. Jamala loves to feel Powerful so yes dominating and demasculating her victim is part of this but  she does it though tring him out and tickle torturing him into a giggling mess. However Jamala also admires Reaver’s strengh. She doesn’t hate Masculinity she just wants to bend Reaver around her finger and exercise some form of control and level over him.
19, I want her to put me in a pet colar and dress me in ways that turns her on.
but I do not consent to cross dressing nor diapers. I’m fine with tights. colorful clothes, leather, rubber, latex, straight jackets and so whatever I DEAM ok is what we can use. What I don’t deam ok will be left out.
20. Jamala’s goal is make me flustered, worn out, a laughing mess, feel defeated, scared and more importantly she’d just love to have me fall in love with her and smitten and in love. But she’d settle for me being turned on
21. Jamala is fine with sharing me with members of the Sister hood and friends but get’s competitive when it comes to anything more intimate relating to Reaver..
22. Jamala does like to rest from being a bully though and can still be happy with just cuddles and snuggles. it’s just that she can become a tickle bug any second without warning and once she get’s started there’s no telling if she’d ever pull out. She’s basicly just verry horny and frisky. I guess she has a Jykel and Hyde syndrome. One is the over infatuated obsessed but friendly girl friend the other is the obsessed stalker who needs to be arrested.
23. Music is a great way to help make things even better. I do like video game music but anything to fit the mood is good too. and if understand the use of Psycological war fair, then that can make it even better.
24. I mentioned she’s evil right? Well enjoys the thrill of the Hunt and like a Cat she likes to toy with her prey. So giving her victims any false since of hope just to foil it at the last second is something she likes to do as well as torture them at her leise.
25. Bad endings. there is no good ending in this scenario. the End goal is up to you depending on if you want to just want a your lee to feel defeated and hopeless your going towards the Tickle Hell ending. 
IF You want Jamala to get her hearts desire and finally get Reaver in love with her. You get the Stock Holm Ending Any other kind of ending is debatable in chat though.
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mutant-male-lee · 5 months
Ticklish Reavy F/M Chain RP Packaged
https://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/art/Ticklish-Reavy-F-M-Chain-RP-Packaged-1012696068 You can still simply offer to just role play with me one on one. But if you'd like to not only try the Chain RP idea but actualy have others involves with you to pull it off then using this image in Note is a great way to send the message across that more than one people are invoves in this in notes. Or if your more into something like say Discord, I have a server you could make use of instead where I am the only TickLEE and always needing new members. discord.gg/Hhe8k52f Ofcourse the link won't work forever I know so send me a friend request if you like to ReaverPan#9098 I'm also on tUMBLER BUT NOT SURE HOW that would work ^^;
So your propbably wondering what's even going on in this image? If you haven't guessed already. Well we're have Your's truely's Personal Reaver Pan in his Wolfboy form all nice and wrapped up like a present in a full body rubber straight jacket lined with tickle devices inside the suit to keep him from being able to rest. Even the straps are held down by cables that disapear underneath whatever that stuff it is that is stuffed in the Crate with Reaver himself/Myself. Most likely it's cotton or stuffing or whatever you fill packages with to keep the frgile cargo from getting hurt. Reaver even has his feet firmly tied in all manor of ways and vibators tied to bottoms. he can't even kick around cause his legs aree bound in a folding position. The crate most likey has a ventualation devices to help Reaver brieth since it's also likely sound prooth ...unles you'd rather get to hear his muffle sounds from outside the crate?~ Oh and the Tank, that thing is full of Gene Nerf, it's essential for keeping Reaver nice and powerless. No super strnegth, no Pesky Sonic Howl, healing abilites may still work but at at alow level so no limb regeration. No shapeshifting or transforming. Basicly no useing super powers to escape ,just a helples Wolf boy awaiting arrival to the next stop to be taken out by his next Mitress to have her way with him. Not sure how he is/ I am getting deliveres around without being intercepted by the authorities but most likely, you probabaly found a way to get me around or get your hands on me somehow ;3 Not sure how I even wind up in this situation, that is up to you. You will have to no doubt arange it and if others are involved one of you will have the job of making it easier for the others by being the ones to prepare me for this long ticklishtormentes exchange. First person catches me and then when they had their fun they note the next person and have that person Note me directly to have their turn next.
If Your an Artist however you can still engage in the fun~ If your an artist and would like to simply draw Reaver Pan in a ticklish sitation and love the idea of him winding up in the clutches ofa Mistress to torture then you can contact me and ask my permission, but it's real easy actualy. Just link and refrenc this image right here as well have a link to me and let people know this is my Persona. When you get done you can even have this exchange with other Artsists...so long as they remember to refrence me and let people know this is my Persona. Also i'D LIKE you to consult me first before drawing me with just whoever.It is me in away after all ^^;
Ok so what if you can't role play or do Art....but still want in...hmmm...Do you Write? If you'd like to do a fanfic about me then I could allow it, but i WOULD NEED to proof Read your work to make sure you catch my charecter right ^^; Music for mood Because I always do this XD: 1. youtu.be/QX9UOr121Mk?list=PL2W… Slavic Energy 2.youtu.be/FOSOcDvbcyc?list=PL2W… Night of the Werewolf 3.youtu.be/iDDc3WTBmsE?list=PL2W… Tickle Factory/ Post Office 4.youtu.be/p7Ry82zkJOQ?list=PL2W… Postage Stampe/PopQuiz!~ 5.youtu.be/aHhBr8Jgw8c Once Upon a Time 6.youtu.be/ALhYMKEduLE Goth's Mailbox 7.youtu.be/1puiwflWc_s Weller Women 8.youtu.be/_cK-ySp0HP4 Irish ETERNAL BLISS! 9.youtu.be/Rp7z2oII-ZI Germanic Campf 10.youtu.be/pRorgqSTSGQ Got yah Pan! 11.youtu.be/m1uqfoyqBS8 Drip DDD 12.youtu.be/cu9EYHjohp0 pANZUR Katyusha 13.youtu.be/8xCCis6bpPE The Spiral 14.youtu.be/NBoKTTNVuAc How the Mighty have Fallen!~ 15.youtu.be/d5Uf7SC-tTg Second Coming 16.youtu.be/Jd11oWgBM-8 Well Look what the Cat dragged in~ / Unpackaging 17.youtu.be/iwbG2wTuURc What an Arabian Night 18.youtu.be/3hPXgqmmItQ At a Place No one Knows 19.youtu.be/HQHppCv2m_E Prisoner of the Mansion 20.youtu.be/2wbRMT6fanw Her Great Crusade 21.youtu.be/qL60MoerJuw Cow Girl's fun 22.youtu.be/AFoWM83g-KY All Wrapped up in Ejypt 23.youtu.be/qMDcw2ZhnKM Wait wahahait I cahahan't Brieth!/ Friendlty fire? 24.youtu.be/hPZm4Px-zYg Dee Dee Defeat! 25.youtu.be/5W_bFLwB0WY Spirit Tracks 26.youtu.be/JCdJm1j2uYw M.A.D. house 27.youtu.be/zdTVDJbffZQ Dead serias 28.youtu.be/9TYKqvCZoyY Seems normal to me~ 29.youtu.be/iRNcsaplYi8 Fire Fly Come back to me 30.youtu.be/Y2fpMRWODwU?list=PL2W… Cutie Honey 31.youtu.be/a1YWFXBUrRA?list=PL2W… What The?!/ All your life you've been good but now? 32.youtu.be/a9mTOr0uL2g?list=PL2W… brain Scrap Zone 33.youtu.be/pYCNoZQtOXo?list=PL2W… WAIT AM I in a renosaunce fair? 34.youtu.be/04odl3mbVjw?list=PL2W… Esikaid? or just in some old fashion Tavern? 35.youtu.be/dxkH6jlBnFM Trapped by the Chain RP >:3/ The Cycle Starts? 36.youtu.be/wDgQdr8ZkTw Readt for a Bad Time~ 37.youtu.be/79bW5_e98vQ Gargoyls Orchistrated 38.youtu.be/IvfM7rS6YBI A Woman Scorned/ What is Love Baby don't hurt me! 39.youtu.be/B9NBl0IJ5TI Snake SNAKE SNAAAAAAAKE!!! / Espenioge 40.youtu.be/bVhJgWHOC14 The Masecur was never forgiven 41.youtu.be/1tcX7U3ZOL4 Cruel Baby Talk 42.youtu.be/PbRpgxjnIy0 tHE Music Box 43.youtu.be/Q0RYCmPuZlo kidnapped and Shipped 44.youtu.be/ks3DUf4Emog Swinging Casino vibes 45.youtu.be/2SKhLEpTxNA Cower and Basce! 46.youtu.be/rT_Um174guo London Bridges Falling Down my Dear Reavy~ 47.youtu.be/4_Mct1I3eNw Are you coming to the Tree? 48.youtu.be/RLnpI1GLrfI Latina 49.youtu.be/IwVWrR6Ptxg Seferoth 50.youtu.be/l3JOuCkc0Gg A Punk's Conquest 51.youtu.be/9mb8PyPnO9Y?list=PL2W… It is Decreed! 52.youtu.be/oBgewU_Jia0?list=PL2W… 99 Desire 53.youtu.be/vasfVmwG5IA?list=PL2W… Like what I see/ soft and Flirty 54.youtu.be/b597bTEP09c?list=PL2W… Had my Fun, SomeoneElse Awaits you now. 55.youtu.be/C2RK5qeDLUY?list=PL2W… Cute Spidery fingers 56.youtu.be/0Pq0W2DaL-0 Cause I'm the Boss 57.youtu.be/xPfMb50dsOk Discord I'm Howling at the Moon and Sleeping in the Middle of a Summer Afternoon. 58.youtu.be/S2LtvUJvWsU Now your in My Parlor!~~ 59youtu.be/5n9FWGUm2pc Straight up Villian 60.youtu.be/-qqGX18RTgY Evil Grows 61.youtu.be/3Jt0Xxgt8yc?list=PL2W… bLUMEbEAR 62.youtu.be/5IR7erAKCXA?list=PL2W… The Evil 2 63.youtu.be/eEf8vATd_6s?list=PL2W… Under Fell 64.youtu.be/OlYqw4Kkvj8?list=PL2W… Sacrifices must be made 65.youtu.be/8dgEOYcxSYU?list=PL2W… Interigation
I'd list more but it's getting late. hope you guys have fun atleast.
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Girls of NOISTA
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Bridget Braunzi, with abit of insporation from Azula from Avatar Last Air Bender and Cinder from RWBY.
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Twighlight and Odagio as Katt Melowbe and Serenity Gold
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Raven as the Twins, Noir and Nebula
N.O.I.S.T.A - No One Is Safe from the Tickle Agenda! What I origanaly thought out to be sortof a cross over will instead have original characters but  while some will look more origanal than others. the ones who resemble charecters you know will be doing that ON PURPOSE! because it’s still kind of  secretly  a crossover but at the same time I’m doing my own thing with the character's in the Story.
I already have a cast of characters both for oc names and a list of names of character's I’m going to try and parody or use as muses. You can find that on my Deviant Art. https://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan/journal/NOISTA-Cast-update-918270955
and you find more of NOISTA ocs in the NEW NOISTA Gallery
 their’s even a favorites folder that’s also called NOISTA which contains load of tickle art I like ;p
The story will began with the rivalry of  2 teams of girl’s the Stard Dusts and the Alphazons~
feel free to ask me more ^^
music: https://youtu.be/7qmuQsDIIQA?list=PL2WYpCxBOXbSOmDysJHkjkz2V8uVR6AlD
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mutant-male-lee · 3 years
Music to He Ears~
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Jamala realy likes to bully me. she shouldn’t be abel to even have a chance at being able to push me around but she’s found ways to get around my strenghts and reduce me to a pile of Hysterics and put me in my place.
I’m looking and needing a girl who’d wants a super powerful wolf boy at her mercy and to bring me down to size, drag me into her lair and dungone and humble the mighty into a domestic pet best suited as a ticklish Lee boy.
Any Bully Ler mistresses out there who love to tickle torture?
Any girls out their who love totickle anthro’s, humans and Nekos?
Any girls out there looking for powerful ocs to turn into their bitch and tickle?
Any female lers out there who love to be cruel and subject their men to all methods of tickling until they can’t take more and are reuced to tears and endless childish giggles?
any girls out there who are into either sfw or NSFW?
send me a message and let me know ifyou’d like to role play in note. and PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOUR INTO TICKLING! tha’ts kind of a big deal here for me ^^ thank you ~
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mutant-male-lee · 3 years
Bully me (tickle RP F/M )
Any  sadistic female Lers out there who’d like to bully a ticklish Wolfboy?
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mutant-male-lee · 3 years
The Wolf Boy is in
Your favorite ticklish Mutant here. gO Ahead and ask me anything ^^ So you can get to know me better ^^
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ReaverPan's profile on DeviantArt Eclipse will be here tomorow
not to happy about the change but change is inevatble I guess so  hope to see more members come to DA to enjoy my art ;)
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ReaverPan ticklish wolf boy free for all
I’m bound ticklish and Vulnrable and ready for an RP. i’M TICKLISH EVERYWHERE! force me to confess my wrong doings and punish me for them XD
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Would you Like to tickle Thunderaknid/SpiderWolf? wOULD THIS BE A FUN TICKLE SESSION for you? Would you like to RP? or maybe have some tickle requests regarding my oc?
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In need of Female Ler...
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Looking for a Female Ler who’s enterested in Male lees.
Looking for one who’s always open to trying out new ways to tickle and even ways to make her lee’s even more ticklish. Somone who likes to flirt with and tease her guys.
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Someone who will tickle me in either my human form or my Mutant form known as Thunderaknid which is an anthro Wolf with spiderlegs. Someone who’s for strong charecters to be helpless and brought down a peg by tickling. Someone who’s into BDSM, sfw and nsfw.
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Also looking form someone who’s Will love my art and even more so my charecters. If You can give me an awsome RP And are determined to not only understand my oc but want him/me, then who knows maybe I’ll even take a request and make you a charecter unless you have an OC of yourself already. inwhich case maybe I’ll consider a crossover pick~
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ALSO HERE’S A LINK TO my DEVIANT ART ACOUNT ^^ https://www.deviantart.com/reaverpan
Defeat me and win a prize~ ;)
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My song- Alot of things that Need to Change. and te cover Art is Boltie the Badger one of my OC’s
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