#Red Lives (゜ロ゜)
ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
I think I'm fucked up cause Bakugo's my comfort character
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
ok i'm here 😩🤍
fandom: jik or tr (i'm too indecisive, you pick!! ) also not mahito if you do ever decide to pick jjk LMDAOOO
traits: quiet, like i will not approach you unless you approach me first i'm very nice (i think) but also very blunt because sometimes i don't think before i speak
toxic traits: a sucker for drama and will not hesitate to add fuel to the fire oops. also, i'm very stubborn and if i think my opinion is right, i will stand by it (yikes). VERY materialistic :<
traits in a partner: respectful and understanding!!
toxic traits in a relationship: oh god HAHAHAHA ig jealousy is fine but not too much of it
main focus in a relationship: understanding one another on a deeper level <3
preferred time of day: very early morning (like around 2-3am)!!
The perfect moment of clarity for you is just waking up to someone you've worked so hard to let into your heart and into your life and seeing their stupid, sweet little konked out face at the pillow next to you early in the morning. <3 I hope you're not allergic to cats....
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The one to introduce you to Chifuyu would be Baji through his extroverted chaos. You would've met when you were younger, and Baji would've been trying to get you involved with socializing while Chifuyu just tried to make him be normal while he was dreadfully embarrassed beyond his wits. 😭 While you may have to be the one that warms up to the idea of him, he would take note of his nonstop discoveries about you and how there was much more to you than what met the eye- it felt so perfectly cheesy to him, a loud ass (and later humbled lmao) delinquent watching the quiet classmate from afar. He's perfectly built for a stubborn little sweetheart, and hell, he'd love to hear you fill him in on the drama he missed as he pulls up to the scene. As you warm up to him, he'll gladly warm up to your loveable crazy side. He appreciates your bluntness, cause damn, some shit just doesn't make sense anymore alr? While he's very eager to get to know what you love and makes you the amazing YOU, the one thing he easily understands is patience will come with the eventual preferred results, and so he'll respect any boundaries you set until the time is right just to push them a teeeeeny bit. (If he gets jealous he'll just attempt to hold your hand like a little baby who's losing you 😭)
He loves to dream of the future and contemplate things by himself, but maybe with you at his side, he can get out of his mind a little
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Ngl im not sure how you feel about Chifuyu, but I'm almost certain you find him charming >:) And....honey, I know, but Sanzu is not the respectful man you're searching for 😭 runner-up award goes to Akkun👀 or itadori for jjk
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
u my cutie patootie
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No, cause you're my cutie patootie
I wanna roll you up in a blanket burrito style and spoil you like the sweetheart you are, change my mind 😌
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
Foooo the ask game!!!
13, 33, 37!!!!!
13. Fears
I wouldn't say I'm afraid of bugs and spiders and such because I'm not afraid to mercilessly defend myself against their existence... but I really don't agree with them 😭😭 Some are cute tho, like Roly Pollys. I have minor metallophobia (a fear of sharp metal objects) due to a surgical incident but it's very rare that it bothers me. I think my biggest fear is being alone or useless to someone :v
(I've scared many with my casual knife skills however LMAO)
33. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
CLOSED. CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 😭 Growing up in poor areas and living in Chicago for a bit with my parents feeding me information that ended up giving me unrealistic anxiety, I just need every bit of security I can get. All doors and windows locked when in or out of the house, and my door must be SHUT when I'm asleep 😭 I sound like a little baby hut I swear I'm an unruly cruel mf, ok?
37. Cats or Dogs?
The most controversial thing in this current moment.... I'm obsessed with sweet, bitchy little kitties no matter how mean or painful- but alas, I'm deathly allergic 😭😭 I had one cat in my entire life, but I was little and I was so mean to her. SHES STILL ALIVE! Our family moved and we had to give to give her to some friends, and she's about 21-23 years old :> I live with a dog though, and she's very much.......something 😭 Thinking about getting her a buddy :> I still want a kitty when the right time comes though- INTENSE AMOUNT OF MEDICINE OR NOT
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
for the ask game !!! 20. velvet; 38. roses; 23. mochi
YAY MORE ASKS >:D tysm love <3 lmk if you wanna share your answers to this too!
My apologies for talking so much under the cut, I don't talk a lot irl and I try and give solid answers to any personal questions whenever someone has the kindness to ask 😭🫶
20. Velvet >>[ First Crush]<<
I've always had a weird time with recognizing romantic feelings and realizing what I thought were romantic feelings were actually hatred LMFAO If we're talking real life, I honestly haven't felt anything for anyone since middle school towards a really sweet guy with a murderer's name 💀💀 He had the most beautiful fluffy gold hair with rustic black and orangey dyed curls that drooped like a cavemouth over his amber pools for eyes 😭 I'm a fucking simp, I'm still searching for a green zip up hoodie that matches his, it had a ruined fish bone pattern on the back. He was a creative, smart, and sweet but quiet guy, and I wish I got to know him better. It's hard to find nice people 😭😭 (Fun Fact, if we're talking fiction RUBY GLOOM OR DONATELLO FROM TMNT LMAOOOOO I WAS QUEER EVEN AS A LITTLE KID AND NEVER PICKED UP ON IT)
Ngl he was most likely gay but how do you tell someone you don't talk to that you identify with any and everything, and what if he mightve still had a preference for strictly masculine identifying people
38. Roses >>[Favorite Studio Ghibli Film]<<
I know it's rather simple and a common answer but I love love love love My Neighbor Totoro! It's beautiful and I can relate to family troubles, moving a lot, and having to find ways to entertain myself in....let's call it unique ways lmao. I didn't have my sibling with me under the same house growing up so I'd often just dream of what was around this new area before me, and Totoro is just so cuuuute! I love the soot sprites too. I'm gonna get a Totoro plush from Japan soon too as a gift from a friend, I'm so excited! I recently got a Totoro satchel delivered too >:D
23. Mochi >>[Most Beautiful Flower]<<
I just can't help but adore the carnation. It seems so false but it's such a genuine and gorgeous flower, it's almost unbelievable finding one is just natural. I studied the flower language for a bit as story research and fell in love with its meanings! My personal favorite is a plain white carnation! (I found an article on the basic meanings of some carnation colors in case you're interested :D I'm a very symbolic person and carnations just hit the spot hehe (I also love snapdragons, they're gorgeous even when they're dead)
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
HALLOOW! How are u?? 👀 Let's get to know each other! My name is Genny, I love your vibe hehehehe
for the ask game -> 9!!!!!!!!!!
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😳 OH HI OMIGOSH thank you! Ykw your vibe is a goddamn mood and I'm loving it. Im alr! Hru today?
For the ask game, I've ALWAYS had pepperoni pizza as my go-to, bein from Chicago growing up- 💀 I'm pretty simple and don't really change things often, so I don't think I've even tried Hawaiian style pizza but I think I'd like it 'cause I like pineapple and bacon as a combo itself, it might be good on pizza :v What are your thoughts on it?
People should be less angry about it
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
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😩 I wasn't ready to simp for a literal malewife when I started watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 5 @oikasenpai
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
freckles, twilight and honey for the ask game 💛
Omigosh JULIIIIE 😭😭🫶 Thank you for the ask!! It means a lot <3 I'd love to hear your answer to these too!
Again, my apologies for talking so much, I try to be as thorough as I can with online responses as I'm normally silent in person and it's easier to express myself online
Freckles >>[Most Worn Article of Clothing]<<
Ngl this was tough 😭 I'm such a bum with clothes lmaooo I've narrowed it down to either my grey sweatpants thatre too damn big for me, a black t-shirt I got from my dad ALSO too big for me that has holes in the bottom but I wear it anyways cause ✨️comfort✨️, or my beloved black starry cardigan <3 I value comfort over everything so I'm always wearing star stuff, Sanrio stuff, oversized stuff, or some gay grunge emo weeb shit 💀😭 I also like masculine leaning formal wear sometimes but just like suit tops or plain button up shirts (I never wear a tie normally lmao) I definitely look like a character from tokyo revengers, I don't know how to explain it aside from black tees with chains, university jackets, and a sky freak
Twilight >>[Best Friend]<<
As MUCH as I have moved my entire life, I have known my dearest demonic amiga since the 4th grade. As the Mikey to my Shinichiro ass, I hold her dumb blonde self close to my heart as we've both been there for each other whenever bored and hyper to sad and lonely. My favorite memory with her was her entering a shared class during Christmas time as she was texting me about a fun hat she decided to wear to be "festive". I've never let it go since she typed "I have a soft heart" instead of "hat" and have always called her Softie ever since (as many times as she's punched me hehehe ✨️). I haven't seen Softie for over a year now since I've moved away, but we're still kickin it on ft at 3am :>
Ngl the only person I'd let think they could take me in a fight is her lmao
Honey >>[Favorite Term of Endearment]<<
I honestly don't know the answer to this as no one has shown me a lot of open affection irl, seeing as everyone assumes I'm not an affectionate person, (I swear I just have resting bitch face, cmon 😭 YES IM MEAN AND QUIET BUT I LIKE HUGS) so just anything that feels personal.
The usual "asshole" I experience as a term of endearment definitely feels personal 💀
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
Hiiii, I saw that you follow me and followed you back! (sorry it took some time :/ (here's my peace offering)
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OH THIS IS ADORABLE! I love it :D Thank you so much for taking the time to follow me back! I appreciate it a lot and didn't expect it lol, so no worries :)
The duck of peace has accepted your gracious offering
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
hi! I'd like to take part in the match-making game, if that's alright♡ for the jujutsu kaisen franchise, older than 20 male preference. I hope this is alright, and thank you in advance! feel free to skip if there's anything off🫶🏻💞💞
my major personality traits are probably smart, enthusiastic, mature and curious, while my toxic traits are holding grudges, being stubborn, self-centered, and too proud to admit my mistakes. major traits in a partner should be independence and communication, while I'm willing to overlook less than even tempers to a certain degree. my goal in a relationship is domestic intimacy, living together without being emotionally dependent on each-other, and my favourite time of day is the gray hour (basically dawn when you can't see the sun set, so everything's just slowly getting darker).
Like your favorite time of day, your match may tend to catch your eye while others pay his grey personality no mind. In an intense world setting as this where you're overburdened by things upsetting your watchful eye more than others, or the world of cursed Jujutsu Kaisen, you tend to notice beauty where some others quite can't. Your match will find great reassurance in your relatable (yet somewhat chaotic >:)) personality.
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Nanami is the most clear match for you within Jujutsu Kaisen's line-up. While you prefer an independent man and don't mind a somewhat tempered individual, Nanami is just that (without the temper of course- exceptions unnecessary :D). He would often be gone from home for his work; seeing as you don't depend on emotional connection. As responsible as Nanami is, this would only ensure a strong bond between the both of you, with him putting forth just a bit more effort with you than he would others to ensure you know where your lover and his safety stands. He appreciates your intelligence to a degree you may not grasp- but it's pretty understandable, considering the imbeciles he works with all day. However, you may want to be a little more cautious with your overly confident tones- not that it will annoy such an understanding and patient man as Kento, but it may cause him some self doubt or detachment within your relationship. Nanani is a very emotionally well-kept-together individual, but at home he may be a little frustrated with his weariness. As long as you're an honest person with how you'd like to care for this tired, hardworking sorcerer, he'll come to be the person you don't need words with in order to express yourself.
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You'll probably come to find he can match your stubbornnes- to an extent of course >:)
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
here to invade your ask box per your last reblog 🧍🏻‍♀️!!!
oh HAHA Hii sweetie!! How are you todayyy? You eat and drink ok, take some time to think at all?
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
🌷 send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. 🌷
OH AW GENNY YOURE SO SWEET 😭😭 I'm so sorry my responses yesterday were wacko with timing, I was just so tired but AW YOURE AMAZING Love thank youuuuu, take an entire bouquet 🥺💐
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
The way everyone decided to pop up in my inbox today and make my day got me like
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In a happy way ofc
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ryuseibutgayer · 1 year
how're you doing today my love?💛💛
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the way I squeaked in joy when I saw you in my inbox
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I'm doing wonderfully today!! I got scared the crap out of what turned out to be a pleasant surprise lmao thank you so much for saying hi today 🥺💕
Now the question is, how are you my dear?
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