#Reed Point
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The half-mast pirate flag is a nice touch
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BN Reed Point, MT
Leased power on the Burlington Northern.
A great train to chase up the Yellowstone Valley a couple of months before Montana Rail Link began..
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greywoe · 4 months
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"The she-wolf laid into the squires with a tourney sword, scattering them all. The crannogman was bruised and bloodied, so she took him back to her lair to clean his cuts and bind them up with linen."
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 2 months
Considering that androids were created to follow orders and deviants, who have been reported injuring/murdering people, don’t do that, I can see why Gavin was so antagonistic towards Connor and responded to Connor with violence when Connor didn’t follow orders.
Regular household androids could kill humans. What could an android created to be a one man army do if it turned deviant?
What if Connor became deviant and chose a violent route like Markus could? Humanity would be screwed.
Yes, Gavin was scared of androids taking jobs, which again, considering the ai dilemma we’re living through right now, is a valid concern but there was also a legitimate fear there of “what happens if Connor turns deviant?”
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spiral-p1lled · 2 years
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look at them please and thank you
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wildbluesorbit · 9 months
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10/10 stunning Yuuko moment. 
(secretly every Yuuko moment is a 10/10 stunning Yuuko moment BUT THIS ONE IS PARTICULARLY NICE)
BUT WAIT MORE THOUGHTS MORE THOUGHTS. It turns out Clow Reed stopped Yuuko at the point of her death, but I have questions! Did he know about her death ahead of time and stopped it as it was happening? Or did she Actually Die and he turned back time to save her, like Lava Lamp? Because I would expect something a bit more Universe Breaking from Clow Reed. 
DID he Reverse Time to save her, and if he did, did he end up creating a clone person in the process? And who was it? Was it the Other Clow Reed who ended up in the Clow Kingdom, or was it Evil Wolverine maybe? 
Or! Is Yuuko maybe actually a clone? Like, a clone of the person who actually died and frozen at that exact moment of her existence forever? 
We have some fun options here.
But also that looks like it's the end of the chapter.
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Melisandre and Howland Reed two sides of one discount Merlin coin. One side (Mel) is quite OP in terms of magical ability, is driven by a very desperate need to find and guide King Arthur in these perilous and dark times, but is rather incompetent at her job because she identifies the wrong dude as the king and when she meets the real one, is in too deep to change course. The other side (Howland) isn’t all that powerful as far as we know, but he actually knows who the king is and he actually knows where the king is and he could actually get to him quite easily….except he doesn’t. He instead chooses to help some other kid live his best surrogate King Arthur life while real King Arthur flounders and fucking dies. Really, both of them should be considered fail witch of all time since they do absolutely nothing to help poor Arthur Jon on his hero’s quest. And that’s why Bloodraven is the best because he knows who the king is, doesn’t give too much of a fuck just yet because he’s too busy helping his little brother, and yet he still finds time to terrorize and give cryptic but helpful advise while in the form of Arthur’s pet bird. Truly the wizard of all ages.
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palin-tropos · 1 year
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I was going to remark about how overlooked this moment is, but then I found out it’s a reputation boost too?? harry doesn’t even say anything earlier in the conversation! kim just autonomously loves harry more of his own accord, and then offers to spare dros and send him to the socialist state. bro grew his revolutionary plasm 
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roguecanoe · 1 month
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This AU's gonna live rent free in my brains Vamp Percy AU from @saturniidaess
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Hello spooky man
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episims · 7 months
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Random Friday night Picrew featuring my young adults and soon-to-be young adults
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Gavin: Ugh, can you shut up? I hate hearing your fucking voice.
RK900: Okay then.
RK900 *in Gavin's voice*: From now on I'll be using yours.
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oomox-oclock · 2 months
(I needed to find a way to get thoughts out, then I remembered I made a Star Trek blog for this exact reason.)
I had a dream last night and Trip and Malcolm were in it, and I don’t remember where I was but I think I was in a hotel room, AND THEN ALL I SEE IS MALCOLM CHASING DOWN TRIP IN A HALLWAY (Trip was in a bathrobe??) AND MALCOLM SHOUTING
- thank you for listening to my 2 cents
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Anyways here’s Malcolm with his sleeves rolled up (im gnawing on the bars of my enclosure)
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 4 months
Idea where Nines doesn't realise that he has any feelings for Gavin until Gavin gets severely hurt during a case and Nines realises that he's become so attached to Gavin that if anything were to happen to him, he wouldn't know what to do.
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valyrianfreehold · 11 months
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