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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
Guten Essen
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It’s been a few weeks since Confluence of Nothingness completed and i was able to sweep the new Iron Blood ships. That sh*t taxed my pockets way more than i would have liked but, i must say, just Bismarck Zwei has been worth the effort. She has been everything Ultra Rare ship should be. In terms of raw power, Zwei is a whole ass problem. Sure, stat wise, she’s slightly above average but her skills, when executed properly, are kind of f*cking amazing. Zwei is, admittedly, no Musashi but for a UR KMS, I'm here for all of it. Regensberg is a fun ship, overall, but kind of a pain to use properly. A lot of her appeal is based on how she’s deployed but i kind of don’t care about that type of stuff. I have my Feet which i run and Regensberg is, more or less, eye candy to me. Also, but that Dark Dragon, Brilliant Beach, though! I just really love her design. Now, Otto von Alvensleben, on the other hand, is a gem. This ship is quite the powerhouse and really made the grind to max out my new boats, a total breeze. Otto eats mobs for breakfast and when you’re about that power leveling, this sh*t is a goddamn godsend. Confluence of Nothingness paid off tremendously for me in terms of raw power and i am completely satisfied with the results.
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As far as the grind is concerned, i have finished maxing the levels of all of the Nothingness ships, their affection, as well as their skills, save U-556 META. Still debating whether to actually grind her out as i don’t use META ships at all but, you know, KMS main and all so we’ll see. It’s odd having completely maxed out the new boats in such a short time, took me about three days after they dropped from the Banner, one of which is topped out at 125. I’ll let you guess which one that is, or not. It’s Zwei. Of course it’s Zwei. She’s a UR Kraut. Of course i would break her limit first. The problem i have now is the fact i only have enough of those goddamn Cognitive Arrays to Limit Break one of my SR ships. I’m leaning toward Otto for the sheer versatility but i REALLY like Regensberg. I’ll get enough to break the other one during the next Seasonal Cruise but, i mean, right now? The Limit Break grind is the only thing i have left for these two so it kind of doesn’t matter either way but, like, doesn’t it? Decisions, decisions. It’ll probably be Otto but, you know, Musashi is also an option. She’s just sitting over there in my neglected Sakura dock, looking awesome and being the best UR available in the game right now, with a stockpile of Experience that will immediately blast her to level 125 the second i Break her. But that’s kind of the point. The short-lived KMS grind is complete and i have found myself at the same impasse i was at before Azur Lane dropped Confluence of Nothingness: What do i do next?
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Marco Polo is basically complete, i just need to grind out that last bit of Experience. I mean, U-556 META is always an option but I'll never use her for anything, especially considering the other Super Rare KMS subs in my Fleet are, technically, better and they’re all topped out at level 125 already. I could construct another PR ship or two, kind of gave up on the other Docks because that sh*t was getting expensive and i don’t care to do it in general. I still want Kronshtadt and Shimakaze, but, like, i don’t particularly care to finish the rest of those docks. And the Ruskies are actually my second favorite Fleet in the entire game! Maybe I'll focus on the Rainbow Ships for now. Not only the Ultra Rare boats but the Decisive ones, too, because, holy sh*t, some of those Decisives are a big time. Azuma dropped way back in Series Two so i imagine a Fate Simulation may be on the way and, even without one, she’s still a problem. Her Series mate, Friedrich, got one a few months back and that sh*t has made her an absolute monster, even if she was one to begin with. I dunno, man, I'll think about it while i enjoy my buffed up Iron Blood dock for a while. So far, we KMS mains aren’t eating like last year but the dish served up this time, was absolutely decadent.
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baberoe-archive · 5 months
top 10 insane bucky moments?
god where do i start.
perhaps basic of me but getting drunk and then saying he's fine then asking curt to punch him in the face and then howling. perhaps number one bucky moment for me. just absolutely falling apart. i hear that brother. do you ever think about how eps 1-3 he never really lets buck see this side of him. and its only when curt dies that buck is privy to it. yeah i dont think about that either
"maaaaaarge...." is to me far more insane than scissoring in the yard. like at least when he's provoking fights it can be written off as restlessness, but mocking your best friend for taking comfort in his sweetheart's letter with the most sickeningly jealous expression in the world AND right in front of everyone's salad.......... this man is a medieval peasant self-flagellating in the street.
trading his sheepskin that buck hated to go on his first mission after buck went down. he didn't even think about it he just saw jack and ran over and did it. and then when brady asked him about it. he just straight up said "buck always hated that jacket" bitch WHAT
provoking col harding for no reason unprovoked. in front of the men!!! his self destructive tendencies and distaste for authority compel me
also when he starts yelling at that nazi guard on the march. that's such a good moment i get the impression that most of what bucky does is (to some extent) calculated like he knows hes being a dick he knows he flying too close to the sun and thats what he wants yknow he wants to egg people on but this moment he just completely lets go thats the pure thoughtless rage thats been simmering the whole series. god.
offscreen moment (forgive me) but not letting them send bucks footlocker back to the states. and then the 100th kept it for a full year like what did he say??? how desperate was he that no one could bring themselves to move bucks footlocker after a year???
stalag baseball scene. when you put on your off-putting and hard to be around-sona because you feel yourself to be so abandoned and abused that any semblance of gentleness would make you bare your teeth and bite. when you want to bite. when you dont want to bite.
willingly got a dart thrown at his face so he could give his boy best friend a bike so they could bike around together. ohhh my god bitch. down so bad its pathetic
whatever the hell he did to get on the regensberg mission and also the regensberg mission in general. pushing one of the gunners out of the way cause they were going for buck. "reserve command pilot" or whatever. i know what you are.
i dont remember the scene exactly but before the mission when they are getting their gear and hes like "call me sir" and crank goes "none of the people we're bombing today shot down buck" and then he just goes. absolutely silent. nothing to say to that. outline in the shape of a person moment.
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joeyalohadream · 2 months
Little angsty, pining!Gale fic
Sat down to right something and wrote this instead. I don't usually write anything that's not at least somewhat fluffy, but it's the mood I'm in lately, I guess. LOL. Sorry, I'll be out of my funk soon, hopefully!
Takes place in England, vague-timeline, but before Regensberg.
AO3 Link
“I was so busy this afternoon, I didn’t even have time to eat a thing. This wine will go straight to my head.”
Her voice is musical, her laugh bubbles after it in a charming cadence. John’s eyes crinkle at the corners and the skin of his face stretches with the force of the smile he directs at the woman nestled under his arm in the booth. 
Gale had started his night nestled under that same arm, in that same booth. 
John laughs with her, a quiet, fond chuckle, and tells her that food is an important thing to make time for. He pinches her chin between two fingers and makes her head move to where he wants it to go, whispers something in her ear that makes her cheeks flame and then he turns away to laugh at something Curt says. Gale’s palms are sweating.
Two days ago, after interrogation, John had watched him, concern heavy in his blue eyes, as Gale had pushed the food around his plate. He’d kicked him under the table and nodded at the untouched food in front of him when he’d drawn Gale’s gaze and then he’d lectured him on taking better care of himself on the walk back to barracks. He’d also given him a chocolate bar that he’d pretended to pull from behind Gale’s ear. And smiled at him with fondness in his eyes as Gale savored the entire thing, refusing even a bite for himself.
It made Gale feel important in a way not much else did, having John’s focus, his care. It made him feel too much and crave more. It was dangerous. 
John hadn’t gone out that night. He’d stayed in with Gale when he’d said he needed a quiet evening and they’d played gin rummy and talked about everything except for the war. His attention hadn’t drifted from Gale once until they’d finally called it a night and gone to bed.
Gale had laid awake wondering if he would star in John’s dreams and then fallen asleep feeling foolish. 
Now, Gale watches this beautiful woman watch John and he recognizes the look in her eyes. She wants his attention back on her, doesn't want to share it with the other airmen. He wishes he couldn’t relate. 
“You know, I have a friend, still sippin’ her drink with the girls, waiting for a handsome pilot of her own.” She says the words too loud, but her goal is achieved as John’s head turns to follow the sound of her voice and just like that, she has John’s attention while Gale has everyone else’s. 
She eyes Gale with a smile, red lipstick making her teeth look bright white. Gale wants to tell her that John isn’t hers. That last week it was a different woman sitting in her place and tomorrow it will probably be another. He keeps his face impassive.
He tries not to squirm even as he chooses to stay silent instead of outright balking at the idea of entertaining a woman all night. The pretending is harder to stomach than solitude. The toothpick in his mouth needs to be replaced. It’s too saturated and frayed from the extent he’s been worrying at it. 
As always, John comes to his rescue. 
“Buck here has a beautiful girl back home.”
He doesn’t. 
“He won’t so much as dance with anyone that's not her.”
He says it like he always does, like he finds it endearing. Gale hates the way he wishes his voice held some kind of bitter emotion. But as always, it is just warm affection in his tone when Gale is the subject that colors his words. It had started making Gale’s chest flutter somewhere around the time of their first promotion.
And he’d desired that tone and the man it belonged too long before they were assigned to the 100th. Ignoring it hadn’t worked, so accepting it and letting it consume a part of him that would never be shared became the solution. 
It's why he broke it off with Marge before shipping out, though he didn’t tell John that. Didn’t tell anyone that. She still writes to him, still wants to be his friend, and it’s easy for the men to draw the conclusion that he is loyal to a sweetheart back home. 
The woman under John’s arm rolls her eyes and then forgets about Gale immediately. 
She’s laughing at all of his jokes. 
Even when John pulls out his best material, Gale makes sure to give him nothing more than a smile. He’s been unable to help himself and has allowed soft huffs of quiet laughter on occasions that are becoming less rare. But Gale has never given him a full bellied laugh. 
Maybe he should have. He knows it’s a goal of John’s, to make Gale smile, to make him laugh. 
She’s touching his chest, the side of neck. 
Gale allows himself to be touched by John. Not at first. Physical contact hadn’t been a part of his life in a positive way before he met John. It took a lot to get to the point where his best friend’s method of expressing friendship didn’t make him want to recoil, didn’t make him flinch. It took a lot, but it didn’t take a long time. By the third week in flight school, he was craving the soft touches and starting to hate himself a little for it. 
He hardly ever initiates the contact himself. He’ll give John’s shoulder a squeeze. Let his hand linger in his grasp for too long when they greet each other. 
Maybe things would be different if he let himself touch with the freedom in which John did. But affection was something he soaked up like a sponge when it was from John and wilted at when it was from others. And it was something he’d never learned how to give or take. Thinks maybe John could teach him but he knows he’ll never ask him to. 
But things wouldn’t be different. 
Because he watches John’s hand trail from her shoulder, down her back and to her hip, fingertips grazing the soft curve of her body on its way down. He watches John smile into her hair and whisper something into her ear again that makes her cheeks flush to match her lipstick and then nuzzle behind her ear. He looks away as John’s fingers trail the hem of her skirt. 
And he imagines doing that to Marge or the girl across the room and all it does is turn his stomach. 
So, nothing would be different if he were able to touch freely or laugh loudly. He’s different and John’s not, so he’ll settle it all back down in his chest and try to think about all of it less. 
But he doesn’t have to torture himself by watching where this night will lead his best friend, so he slides out of the booth and heads to the bar to pay. 
“What’s got you so glum, Buck?” Everett Blakely’s effusively kind voice sounds off as Gale pockets his change and he gives the other man a raised eyebrow. 
“Pretty sure this is just what my face looks like, Everett.” 
“Nah, sometimes you smirk a bit.” Everett grins at him. “Besides, it’s all in the eyes, and you’ve got sad eyes tonight, Major.”
“Think we’re all entitled to bad nights once in a while, given the circumstances.” Gale plucks a fresh toothpick from his pocket to replace the one he’d ruined, catches John leading the woman onto the dancefloor and can’t help but follow his movements with his eyes. 
He wishes he was normal enough that the lives of the twenty men they’d lost two days ago was what was twisting his insides. Instead, it’s watching his best friend do a perfectly normal thing - flirt and twirl a girl around. Both realities of his reasons for hurting live heavy in his chest, like they’re located in different chambers, blessing him with the opportunity to feel different types of agony instead of just your average layer of pain.  
“Gonna head out,” he says, nodding at Blakely, who lifts his glass in response. 
John is in rare form this evening, giving up on dancing quickly and already guiding the girl towards the back door without a glance in Gale’s direction. 
Because he’s normal. And normal men don’t think about their best friends when there’s a pretty girl hanging on their arm. 
Bucky probably expects Gale to be waiting for him when he’s finished. Waiting to walk back together at the end of the night. 
Or maybe he’s not thinking anything at all about Gale. 
He’s the first one back. He’s always the first one back. 
The shower room is vacant, and he takes his time, but he’s still alone when he makes his way back into the barracks. He’s still alone when he changes into his sleep clothes and lays in his cot. 
And he is still alone an hour later when sleep refuses to sink her claws into him and drag him to some kind of relief. 
Men slowly stumble in, and Gale closes his eyes, giving the illusion of slumber. He listens to the nightly routines of the men around him as they prepare for sleep, actions audibly clumsier than most nights in their inebriated states. 
But drunken movements disturbing a quiet room are something Gale’s been hearing since he was a boy, so he finds them familiar and ignores the way they make his stomach tighten unpleasantly in anticipation. 
More time paces, everyone settled into bed and Gale still can’t sleep.
Shuffling footsteps, intentionally quiet in their movements are the only thing that alerts him to John’s return. His cot is within arm’s reach of Gale’s own, but he’d thought it would remain empty tonight. The feeling of satisfaction that bubbles up in him is ugly and bitter, but he lets it boil under his skin as John returns to his side in the end. 
Heavy, scratchy wool glides up the length of his torso until it rests under his chin. Strong hands tuck it under his shoulder blades and his hips. He tries to keep his breathing deep, feigning the same familiar pattern of sleep he listens to from John’s bunk each night to lull himself to sleep. A moment later, calloused fingers brush the product-less bangs off his forehead and run through the length of his hair. 
The tender gesture almost forces his eyes open. That aching, craving hunger for more of what John will give him is a living thing in his chest. Those fingers ghost over his hair one more time and Gale uses every bit of strength in himself not to push up into the touch, not to whine when it’s gone.
He hears John let out a sigh that sounds mournful and he doesn’t understand what any of it means. 
As John moves, most likely to turn away, Gale can smell her perfume. 
If he opened his eyes he’d probably see her lipstick stained on his mouth, his neck. Knows with a gut-wrenching certainty that it’s probably stained in more intimate places, and he wishes John wasn’t too drunk to go take a shower. 
Wishes it wouldn’t linger on him. Wishes it wasn’t on him at all. Doesn’t want to see the red of her lips on John’s when the new day dawns. 
Imagines if it had been him under John’s arm leaving the pub, there wouldn’t even be a visible trace of him in the aftermath. 
He’d be forgettable, inconsequential. Easy to forget. Easy to regret. 
He keeps his eyes closed and wishes John hadn’t come back at all. Is so glad that he did. 
A softly whispered “goodnight, Buck.” is breathed into the stale air of the barracks, and Gale lays awake for a long time after John’s breathing evens out into sleep, wishing he could join him in more ways than one.
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mercurygray · 4 months
HBOWW2 Rewatch: June-August 1943
Since Week 2's episodes really only take us through 3 months of 1943 there's not a lot of big picture stuff to get caught up on.
But man, oh man, are there some big things happening elsewhere.
June: The Zoot Suit Riots take place in Los Angeles when a group of sailors on leave get into a fight with Mexican American youth near the waterfront, leading to retaliatory action from many more sailors and soldiers in the following days. The riots last ten days, and are only stopped when the Army and Navy declare L.A. off limits to military personnel. (This is not the only race-related act of violence this month, but it is certainly the most well known.)
Charles de Gaulle and Henri Giraud are named co-presidents of the French Committee of National Liberation. This institution would challenge the legitimacy of the Vichy government and provide a unifying force for French forces abroad and at home. It will also function as a provisional government in Algeria, which has recently been liberated during the North Africa campaign.
The Tuskegee Airmen have their first encounter with the Luftwaffe as six P-40 Warhawks are attacked over the island of Pantelleria by 12 German Focke-Wulf 190 fighters. Pantelleria has recently surrendered and will serve as a jumping off point for the invasion of Sicily, which begins in July. (Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz is currently serving as the head of Mediterranean Air Force Command.)
The invasion of Sicily starts on July 9th as a combined US, British and Canadian force lands at points around the island, starting a month-long race by General Patton's forces to move from Licata in the south to Messina in the north in an effort to catch the Germans before they can evacuate to the mainland. (Sadly, most of the Germans do make it off the island.) Both this campaign, and the North Africa campaign that preceded it, are launched to redirect resources away from the Eastern Front - a move that largely succeeds.
Speaking of the Eastern Front, the battle of Kursk begins on July 9. It is the single largest battle in the history of warfare, and is a turning point for the entire European war. The use of air support in what is largely a tank battle leads to one of the single costliest days of aerial combat.
On July 19, Allied Air Forces bomb Rome, which leads, in some large part, to the resignation of Mussolini as Prime Minister on July 25th, ending a 17 year dictatorship.
On July 27th and 28th, the RAF bomb Hamburg. High winds and drought conditions lead to the greatest single-day loss of life in wartime as more than 30,000 city residents burn to death after bombs set the entire town aflame.
Also in June, the new town of Oak Ridge, Tennesee, which will house workers for the Manhattan Project, officially receives its first residents, and "Comin' in on a Wing and a Prayer" by The Song Spinners tops the Billboard singles chart.
Heading into August, Operation Tidal Wave, the bombing of Ploesti, Romania, begins as 177 B-24 bombers attack the oil plant. This will be the first of many, many bombing runs on this target, which is a sigificant source of fuel for the Axis. (And you can't outrun Patton in Sicily or fight tank wars in Russia if you don't have fuel)
The United States Women's Air Service Pilots, or WASPS, is officially formed under the auspices of Jackie Cochran and Nancy Love. The program consolidates 2 previous groups in an attempt to leverage civilian pilots for ferrying duties.
So. It's August of 1943. The Allies are eyeing mainland Italy for their next assault. The Russians are slugging away in Kursk. The 8th Air Force has just gotten through the Regensberg- Schweinfurt raid. September will probably hold much of the same. Or ...will it?
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On July 13, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of St. Henry II, a German king who led and defended Europe's Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the first millennium.
St. Henry was born on 6 May 973 to Duke Henry of Bavaria and Princess Gisela of Burgundy.
He was the great-grandson of German king, Henry the Fowler, and a member of the Bavarian branch of the Ottonian dynasty.
During his youth, Henry received both an education and spiritual guidance from a bishop who was himself canonized, St. Wolfgang of Regensberg.
Henry was an intelligent and devout student. For a period of time, he was considered for the priesthood.
St. Wolfgang's lessons in piety and charity left a lasting mark on Henry's soul. But it was ultimately in the political realm, not the Church, that he would seek to exercise these virtues.
He took on his father's position as Duke of Bavaria in 995, one year after St. Wolfgang's death.
The Church supported his accession to the throne as King of Germany in 1002.
As king, Henry encouraged the German bishops to reform the practices of the Church in accordance with canon law.
During the same period, he is said to have brought a peaceful end to a revolt in his territory, which ended with the king mercifully pardoning the rebels.
Henry also acted decisively, but not harshly, against an Italian nobleman who set himself up as a rival king.
In 1014, the German king journeyed to Rome where Pope Benedict VIII formally crowned him as head of the Holy Roman Empire.
The emperor demonstrated his loyalty to the Pope by confirming Benedict VIII's authority over the city of Rome.
Henry made his journey from Rome back to Germany into a pilgrimage of sorts, stopping at various monasteries along the way.
Henry became a great patron of churches and monasteries, donating so much of his wealth to them that his relatives complained that he was behaving irresponsibly.
However, Henry was far from irresponsible, as his leadership of the Western Empire in both war and peace demonstrated.
The emperor was also a great patron of the poor, making enormous contributions for their relief.
The emperor's extraordinary generosity was made possible in part by his lack of an heir.
He was married to a woman who was later canonized in her own right, St. Cunigunde of Luxembourg, but the two had no children.
Some accounts say that the couple took vows of virginity and never consummated their marriage, though this explanation of their childlessness is not universally accepted.
For the last several years of his life, Henry had to deal with serious illness and an additional ailment that crippled his left leg, along with his imperial responsibilities.
He found support in prayer during these trials and seriously considered resigning his imperial leadership in order to become a monk.
After several years of illness, Henry II died without an heir on 13 July 1024. He was the last ruler of the Ottonian line.
The public mourned sincerely for the monarch who had managed to lead his earthly kingdom so responsibly without losing sight of the Kingdom of God.
Pope Eugene III canonized him in 1146.
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blankdblank · 1 year
No one asked but here’s my 128 quidditch teams for my story’s world cup. And 13 teams for the British/Irish League Cup is absolutely mathematically horrendous for a dyslexic person to have to lay out into a playable season. One more team would have killed them? Did I make a 14th? No. Why? Sheer pettiness and already being three hours into making a playable season lineup that didn’t make my own head explode.
The format is Country - City - Mascot/Team name
If you want to have some fun with it let me know who you’d root for or who you’d love to boo while they played. 
Ivory  Coast     Korhogo Zankallala
Chad   Oum Hadjer Dittany
 Liechtenstein Vaduz Steeples
Transylvania   Sighișoara Iele
Norway           Bergen Bears
Nigeria            Enugu Troll Herders
Luxembourg   Rinschleiden Melusina
Uganda            Jinja River Riders
Burkina  Faso  Dori Runespoor
Haiti    Carice Loogaroo
Argentina 2     Mendoza Corks
Argentina 1     Rosario Boulders
Egypt 2           Faiyum Scarabs
Egypt 1           Alexandria Oracles
Syria 2 Idlib Balloons
Syria 1 Palmyra Sandworms
Brazil 1           Faz do Iguacu Charybdis
Brazil 2           Teresina Phantoms
Spain 1            Valencia Hollow Vipers
Spain 2            Bilbao Limón
Fiji 1   Lautoka Fire Crab
Fiji 2   Suva Horned Octopi
Peru 1  Ica Tunche
Peru 2  Cusco Chullachaqui
Senegal 2        Touba Ores
Senegal 1        Thies Yumboes
Flanders 2       Vilvoorde Kludde
Flanders 1       Turnhout Acorns
Canada 2         Edmonton Elk
Canada 1         Victoria Beavers
Mexico (New Spain) 2           Xalapa Alpacas
Mexico (New Spain) 1           Aguascalientes Torches
Jamaica 1        Orcabessa Sea Mahrny
Jamaica 2        Annotto Bay Pufferfish
Madagascar 2 Mahajanga Mangoes
Madagascar 1 Anatananarivo Skrewts
Japan 2            Nara Kappa
Japan 1            Kanazawa Tanuki
Japan 3            Osaka Kitsuni
Greece 1          Naf Plion Pegasus
Greece 3          Thessaloniki Cerberus
Greece 2          Argos Siren
China 1           Xi'An Eel
China 2           Hegang Crystals
China 3           Turpan Penghou
New Zealand 2            Wellington Sparks
New Zealand 1            Dunedin Ducks
New Zealand 3            Tauranga Ponies
Portugal 1       Lisbon Talons
Portugal 2       Fátima Bruxa
Portugal 3       Porto El Coco
Morocco 1      Chefchaoven Mules
Morocco 3      Asilah Jinn
Morocco 2      Essaovira Boukhencha
Australia 3      Townsville Shrieking Terrors
Australia 2      Wagga Wagga Wombats
Australia 1      Busselton Boggarts
India 1 Amritsar Rattlers
India 4 New  Delhi Goats
India 3 Udaipur Whips
India 2 Bhubaneswar Bangles
United States 1           Columbus Swamp Monsters
United States 2           Point Pleasant Harpers
United States 6           Germantown Marbles
United States 3           Orem Dunes
United States 4           Valley City Buzzards
United States 5           Hope Village Thunderbirds
Italy 4  Lucca Bombasin
Italy 2  Matera Bulls
Italy 3  Ravenna Mommotti
Italy 5  Perugia Gulls
Italy 1  Catatania Sardines
Germany 5      Ulm Nachtkrapp
Germany 1      Heidelberg Hampsters
Germany 3      Bonn Ox
Germany 2      Regensberg Knights
Germany 4      Bremen Crows
Germany 6      Stuttgart Alps
France 4          Strasbourg Lou Carcolh
France 5          Nice Tarasque
France 1          Carcassonne Gargoyles
France 6          Annency Chevalmallet
France 3          Gordes Jack 'o' Lanterns
France 2          Bordeaux Lutin
Bulgaria 6       Nessebar Veela
Bulgaria 1       Plovdiv Looms
Bulgaria 2       Gabrovo Elm
Bulgaria 4       Vidin Samodivas
Bulgaria 5       Kardzali Ripples
Bulgaria 3       Lovech Thunder
The Nordic Team(Scandanavia) 1     Gothenburg Huldra
The Nordic Team(Scandanavia) 6     Aarhus Fossegrimmen
The Nordic Team(Scandanavia) 2     Visby Avalanche
The Nordic Team(Scandanavia) 5     Odense Voyagers
The Nordic Team(Scandanavia) 3     Uppsala Gnomes
The Nordic Team(Scandanavia) 4     Esbjerg Nisser
Romania 1       Oradea Pricolici
Romania 4       Baia Mare Foam Flowers
Romania 3       Succava Giant Wolves
Romania 2       Cluj-Napoca Crones
Romania 5       Sinaia Strigoi
Romania 6       Deva Mushrooms
 Poland 5         Zakopane Hatters
 Poland 2         Malbork Storks
 Poland 3         Opole Yeti
 Poland 6         Wroclaw Strzyga
 Poland 4         Olsztyn Doormice
 Poland 1         Raciborz Razorbacks
Scotland 1       Montrose Magpies
Scotland 2       Pride of Portree
Scotland 3       Wigtown Wanderers
Scotland 4       Banchory Bangers
Wales 1           Caerphilly Catapults
Wales 2           Holyhead Harpies
Ireland 2          Ballycastle Bats
Ireland 1          Kenmare Kestrals
England 1        Puddlemore United
England 2        Tutshill Tornados
England 3        Wimbourne Wasps
England 4        Chudley Cannons
England 5        Appleby Arrows
England 6        Flamouth Falcons
Cuba    Sancti Spiritus Boleros
Bahamas         Lucaya Dolphins
Samoa             Apia Singing Mountains
Bosnia  and Herzegovina        Visoko Pyramids
Iceland 1         Akureyri Rams
Iceland 2         Vik Puffins
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thehungrykat1 · 10 days
Brotzeit Philippines Celebrates Oktoberfest 2024 With Three Party Days
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Oktoberfest 2024 is right around the corner so Brotzeit Philippines is getting ready to celebrate this annual German beer event once again. They just launched their special Oktoberfest Menu and have announced their Signature Party Days where guests can experience German music and entertainment combined with authentic food and drinks.
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The Hungry Kat was invited last week at Brotzeit's Bonifacio Global City branch to sample their Oktoberfest Menu which is available from September 1 up to November 10, 2024. It had been a while since my last visit but I always make sure to join their Oktoberfest parties. Brotzeit proudly celebrates Oktoberfest 2024 at its two branches in Alabang West Parade and at Shangri-La at the Fort this September to November.
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Brotzeit was conceived in Singapore in 2006 and now operates across the Asia Pacific region. It aims to introduce authentic Bavarian cuisine accompanied by world famous quality German beer in a chic and contemporary setting, so Oktoberfest is always one of its biggest events of the year. Now on their 11th year in the Philippines, there’s no better place to enjoy this annual German tradition than at the country’s most popular German bier bar and restaurant.
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Oktoberfest is an annual festival held in Munich, Bavaria in Germany from mid-September to the first Sunday in October. This year, it will be held from September 21 to October 6, 2024, but you don’t have to travel to Germany because Brotzeit is bringing the party right here in Manila.
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Brotzeit is very proud of its German beers and these are taken very seriously from sourcing, using proper glassware, and even pouring techniques. All beers at Brotzeit are brewed according to the Germany purity law, so you are assured of an authentic German experience.
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Brozeit will be offering an exclusive Oktberfest beer for this year's celebrations. The Weihenstephaner Festbier (P480 - 0.5L) is a full rich bodied seasonal lager specially brewed for the Festbier season. This beer represents the Bavarian way of celebrating with its deep gold color, great mouthfeel, and lots of flavor. What I really enjoyed was the Bayrischer Longdrink (P380 - 0.5L) which is one of their Bier Cocktails. This half liter mug comes with lager mixed with calamansi and vodka.
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Another cocktail beer that we enjoyed was the Mango Bier (P380 - 0.5L) which has wheat beer mixed with mango juice. Brotzeit offers so many different beers and you are sure to find your own favorite.
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I also love their Hot Chocolate so I order this every time I visit. This hot cocoa drink comes topped with cinnamon cream.
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Now let’s try some of the special Oktoberfest dishes. Brotzeit has created a new Oktoberfest Menu that perfectly represents the season and goes very well with the featured beers for this celebration. 
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The Anchovy Fladen (P490) is a flatbread topped with cheese, anchovies, artichokes, capers, and sweet red onions. This is a good starter that can be shared by the entire table.
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Brotzeit Philippines Executive Chef Ivan Maminta then shows us some of the other items on the Oktoberfest Menu.
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The Weisswurst (P390) is a traditional Bavarian Pork and veal sausage served with pretzel. The sausage is quite flavorful and you can choose to remove the casing or not. You can also get the Pretzel (P300) as an additional order by themselves.
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If you really want to celebrate Oktoberfest, go and order the Oktoberfest 2024 Platter (P4600). This huge meaty platter will surely be the highlight of your Oktoberfest celebrations with its combination of Oktoberfest specials and Brotzeit favorites.
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First up, this full platter comes with a Regensberger, a Nurnberger, and a Thuringer Sausage with Sauerkraut and potato salad. These three sausages will definitely satisfy your cravings with its different textures and flavors.
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Then there's the Grilled Pork Chop and Roast Beef to satisfy the big meatlovers. These big and juicy slices should go well with some pretzels.
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The main highlight of the Oktoberfest Platter is the Signature Pork Knuckle. This an all-time Brotzeit favorite and is the quintessential German dish. The pork knuckle is cooked until the meat is tender then oven roasted for the perfect crackling skin. The meat is actually infused with beer to give it that special taste.
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The pork knuckle is so tender that you don't even need a knife to break it open. The Oktoberfest 2024 Platter is definitely packed with all the meat you can handle.
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Our Oktoberfest gathering even had some very special guests. My husband Dexter was so surprised to see Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski join us at our table. He is in town for the much awaited SuperManila 2024 Comic Convention happening on the weekend.
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Who would have thought that Dexter would be having beer with one of the comic book industry's top executives? He actually has tickets to SuperManila already so this was a very happy surprise.
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Brotzeit’s Oktoberfest 2024 celebrations culminate with their Signature Party Days on September 27 to 29, 2024. This huge 3-day Oktoberfest party will be similar to how they do it in Germany. Special guests will be the AnTon Showband which is a popular German group that performs traditional German folk tunes to modern hits. They will be playing at Shangri-La at the Fort on September 27 and 29 then at Brotzeit Alabang West Parade on September 28. You can book your tables early and join this unforgettable musical journey at (https://brotzeit.ph/reservation). We would like to thank Brotzeit owner Malvin Ang for hosting our advance Oktoberfest party. Prost!
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Brotzeit Philippines
GF6 Retail Arcade, Shangri-La at the Fort, 5th Ave. Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
(0949) 881-0360
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umzugsfuchs · 7 months
Räumung Regensberg
Günstige Räumungen Der Räumungsfuchs in Regensberg räumt große Lagerflächen zum kleinen Preis.Zuverlässiger Räumungsservice Es liegt in Ihrer Hand, wann wir mit der Top-Räumung starten sollen.Flexibel Gerne übernehmen wir zusätzliche Arbeiten bei der Entrümpelung.SCHNELL & PREISWERT Ihre zuverlässige Räumungsfirma für Regensberg Es kann ein mühsamer Prozess sein, wenn Sie in Regensberg wohnen und Ihr Zuhause räumen müssen. Bei so einem Fall ist eine Beauftragung von einem Räumungsunternehmen eine gute Option, damit Sie entspannt sein können. Wir bieten Ihnen für Regensberg und Umgebung günstige und zuverlässige Räumungsdienste an. Räumungsfuchs heisst die Firma, die vielen Kunden geholfen hat, ihre Wohnung zu räumen. Wir sind bekannt und haben bereits viele Räumungen in Regensberg erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Die Durchführung erledigen wir komplett nach Ihren Wünschen und Vorstellungen. Unterdessen können sich alle Interessenten schriftlich auf ihrer Seite mit uns in Kontakt setzen, die sich für eine Zwangsräumung in Regensberg interessieren. Nähere Informationen zu unserem Angebot können Sie einfach auf unserer Homepage nachlesen. Hinweis: Die abschliessende Räumung erfolgt nach sämtlichen gesetzlichen Vorgaben. Eine ausführliche Besprechung garantiert die reibungslose Räumung. Sämtliches Inventar wird durch die Experten professionell geräumt, sprich abgebaut und transportiert. Keine Angst vor versteckten Kosten! Wir arbeiten mit Festpreise Sollten Sie die Reinigung der Unterkunft wünschen, übernimmt Räumungsfuchs diese ebenfalls.- Räumungsfuchs Stressfreie Wohnungsräumung durch die Räumungshelfer vom Räumungsfuchs Räumungsfuchs ist für die Räumung von nervigen Objekten aus Wohnungen ein zuverlässiger Dienstleister. Wir übernehmen die Räumung, egal, ob es sich um ein grosses Familienhaus in der Stadt oder auf dem Land, unser Service kümmert sich gründlich um den Transport, das Verpacken von grossen Möbeln und die sichere Entsorgung unwillkommener Gegenstände. Wir können alle Räumungsanforderungen erfüllen, die ein Kunde sich von uns wünscht und bieten sogar unverbindliche und kostenlose Angebote für Kunden an. Räumungsfuchs übernimmt für Sie jede Entrümpelung in Regensberg, dies umfasst dauerhafte und vorübergehende Umzugssituation. Rufen Sie uns an, um Ihren individuellen Räumungsprozess zu beginnen. Wir erstellen für alle Interessenten ein kostenloses Angebot, die eine Zusammenarbeit mit uns wünschen. Bei Wunsch übernehmen wir auch die Entsorgung Warum Räumungsfuchs mit einer Räumung in Regensberg beauftragen? Warum nicht selbst Hand anlegen? Sie müssen in Regensberg ausziehen und unverzüglich aus Ihrem Haus oder Ihrer Wohnung? Die Zusammenarbeit mit einem erfahrenen und zuverlässigen Räumungsunternehmen ist unser Schlüssel zur vollkommenen Kundenzufriedenheit. Wir übernehmen dabei die Renovierung und Reinigung. Sie haben bei einer Zusammenarbeit viele Vorteile: Sie erhalten unter anderem schnell einen Termin zur Besichtigung mit unseren Räumungsfüchsen und können hinterher Ihren Räumungstermin in Regensberg selbst bestimmen. Sprechen Sie einfach mit uns und fordern Sie ein unverbindliches Angebot zum fairen Preis an. Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie in Rafz den Räumungsfuchs wählen und wir Sie begeistern. Firmenräumung in Regensberg Der Prozess in Regensberg bei einer Firmenräumung erfordert viel Organisationstalent. Es wird nicht Klärung vieler bürokratischer Fragen geben, sondern es ist noch weitaus schwieriger, eine Firmenräumung in Regensberg tatsächlich umzusetzen. Doch keine Sorge, wir von Räumungsfuchs können helfen, Ihnen eine reibungslose Räumung Stress und Sorgen zu gewährleisten. Erfolgreiche Geschäftsabschlüsse ohne kompetente Berater mit langjähriger Erfahrung sind vereinbar. Kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie ein Büro oder ein Geschäft haben, das gereinigt werden muss. Wir helfen gerne bei der Umsetzung! Read the full article
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Burg Regensberg (Kanton Zürich, Switzerland)
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Welcome the Hunters Buyers Agents
Let's recap what you have missed.
14/21 Regensberg Close Varsity Lakes
This stunningly presented spacious townhouse is ideal for the first home buyer, young family or investors. Set within a very well maintained complex, the home boasts a very functional open plan design for everyone to enjoy comfortably inside and out. Offering low maintenance living, consisting of 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, powder room and an open plan kitchen, dining & living flowing out onto a private courtyard.
Positioned close to schools, parks, lakes, shops and restaurants, this location is unbeatable and an opportunity you do not want to miss!
The complex features Onsite manager, Massive resort style swimming pool, Spa, Tennis court, BBQ area, toilets and showers. Secure gated complex with intercom.
Like and Subscribe for more properties.
Call Douglas and Sharon Vincent, Hunters Buyers Agents for help with buying your next gold coast property
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
Eclipse of my Heart
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Man, it feels good to have the Gacha gods back on my side! And it also feels good to have a brand new UR in my fleet; And a Vanguard at that! I definitely need as many goddamn Rainbow Vanguards as I can get because having only San Diego as an option is killing my soul. If you can’t tell what I’m talking about, Azur Lane finally delivered some new Sakura Empire content worth my while. That’s right, there is kind of a pseudo Summer Event tied into whatever the f*ck Effulgence Before Eclipse is supposed to be. Not gonna lie, this new Event feels a little light on content. I mean, there are only five new ships, one of which is a Point Reward and the pother is a Shop item. I feel like, in the past, there were substantially more. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking with the absolute Iron Blood bonanza last year. Still, this year has been a desert for new content, even if I was able to secure myself a New Jersey on the Rerun. Getting a new Event with a UR tagged to the banner has been a real treat and you know I made my run!
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In all honesty, I was more into popping Owari the most. I have a thing for that busty, dark skinned, anime girl trope and Owari is right in line for that. The second that update was complete, I hit the Banner with the force of a thousand exploding suns! Interestingly enough, the first ship I popped, on my second roll no less, was Owari! At that point, I had achieved my primary goal and figured, what the hell? I was going to give myself the leeway to burn through about one hundred of my Cube stash chasing the Ultra Rare, Unzen. Any more than that and I had a decision to make. Mostly because I’d probably end up having to open my wallet for more cubed, only had one hundred and sixty at that point, so it felt a little tight. More than that, my average to UR is around sixty-five cubes so that hundred felt acceptable. I was already twenty so I kept going. Literally on the next two attempts, I popped Hatsuzuki (who happens to be the Shop Ship so that was a wash) and Natori, the only Elite ship on the Banner. Seriously, two Super Rares, and Ultra, and an Elite is a very nice mix but I still need that elusive Rainbow. I needed Unzen. It took me four more rolls. Another forty Wisdom Cubes but I finally popped myself Unzen, completing the Banner ship quest! It took me eighty Cubes overall, but I popped every new ship available, even grabbing enough dupes of Owari and Natori to Limit Break both of them three times. I legit cleaned up AND came in under budget. All in all, I am damn pleased. All that’s left is Asanagi but she’s the Point ship. I’ll pop her just grinding my way through the Event maps, looking for those precious Priority Six Blueprints.
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Speaking of Priority Six, I just recently finished constructing Kearsarge. Outside of the two Iron Blood offering, she was the only other ship I felt worthy of the grind. Constructing her felt like it went a lot faster than building up her sister P6 Rainbow, Hindenburg, but she was a labor of love. Felix Schultz, less so but if I’m being honest, I still kind of love her, too. She has shades of Meltryllis from Fate/Grand Order, and we all know how much I love me some Sakurafaces! Also, Prinz Rupprecht has a Fate Simulation? I ain’t even know that! He was already one of my favorites and now she is even more powerful! I’m so glad I grinded out tall those Blueprints beforehand. There is very little more satisfying than seeing that development bar flash to full in a matter of seconds instead of who knows how long. Even Chkalov got some of that bonus level love. A little bummed my Priority Four girls haven’t got any of the Fate love but this Event has given me a pretty fantastic costume for Hakuryuu. Flash of Silk and Strings can give Golden Dragon Under Aegir’s Auspicious Clouds, Taihou’s Sweet Time After School, Rupprecht’s The Gate Dragon’s Advent, and Regensberg’s Dark Dragon, Brilliant Beach, a run for their money as my favorite costume. All in all, I am very pleased with this event. I kind of fibbed a little bit in the beginning of this post, I actually have enough UR ships to field an entire Vanguard of Rainbows, without San Diego even. I have, currently, running for the grind, Aegir (who is complete and maxed out at all possible levels), Hindenberg, and Unzen who, through the magic of T1 EXP Packs, is already at level eighty-eight! I have my choice of Main Fleet option, f*cking lousy with Rainbow Main Fleet options, but I am mad content otherwise. Now all I need is a Shimakaze Rerun and I’ll be satisfied. It’s borderline frustrating that I’m missing just one of the Japanese Rainbows. It chaffs the completionist in me like you wouldn’t believe.
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smokeybrand · 1 year
Eclipse of my Heart
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Man, it feels good to have the Gacha gods back on my side! And it also feels good to have a brand new UR in my fleet; And a Vanguard at that! I definitely need as many goddamn Rainbow Vanguards as I can get because having only San Diego as an option is killing my soul. If you can’t tell what I’m talking about, Azur Lane finally delivered some new Sakura Empire content worth my while. That’s right, there is kind of a pseudo Summer Event tied into whatever the f*ck Effulgence Before Eclipse is supposed to be. Not gonna lie, this new Event feels a little light on content. I mean, there are only five new ships, one of which is a Point Reward and the pother is a Shop item. I feel like, in the past, there were substantially more. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking with the absolute Iron Blood bonanza last year. Still, this year has been a desert for new content, even if I was able to secure myself a New Jersey on the Rerun. Getting a new Event with a UR tagged to the banner has been a real treat and you know I made my run!
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In all honesty, I was more into popping Owari the most. I have a thing for that busty, dark skinned, anime girl trope and Owari is right in line for that. The second that update was complete, I hit the Banner with the force of a thousand exploding suns! Interestingly enough, the first ship I popped, on my second roll no less, was Owari! At that point, I had achieved my primary goal and figured, what the hell? I was going to give myself the leeway to burn through about one hundred of my Cube stash chasing the Ultra Rare, Unzen. Any more than that and I had a decision to make. Mostly because I’d probably end up having to open my wallet for more cubed, only had one hundred and sixty at that point, so it felt a little tight. More than that, my average to UR is around sixty-five cubes so that hundred felt acceptable. I was already twenty so I kept going. Literally on the next two attempts, I popped Hatsuzuki (who happens to be the Shop Ship so that was a wash) and Natori, the only Elite ship on the Banner. Seriously, two Super Rares, and Ultra, and an Elite is a very nice mix but I still need that elusive Rainbow. I needed Unzen. It took me four more rolls. Another forty Wisdom Cubes but I finally popped myself Unzen, completing the Banner ship quest! It took me eighty Cubes overall, but I popped every new ship available, even grabbing enough dupes of Owari and Natori to Limit Break both of them three times. I legit cleaned up AND came in under budget. All in all, I am damn pleased. All that’s left is Asanagi but she’s the Point ship. I’ll pop her just grinding my way through the Event maps, looking for those precious Priority Six Blueprints.
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Speaking of Priority Six, I just recently finished constructing Kearsarge. Outside of the two Iron Blood offering, she was the only other ship I felt worthy of the grind. Constructing her felt like it went a lot faster than building up her sister P6 Rainbow, Hindenburg, but she was a labor of love. Felix Schultz, less so but if I’m being honest, I still kind of love her, too. She has shades of Meltryllis from Fate/Grand Order, and we all know how much I love me some Sakurafaces! Also, Prinz Rupprecht has a Fate Simulation? I ain’t even know that! He was already one of my favorites and now she is even more powerful! I’m so glad I grinded out tall those Blueprints beforehand. There is very little more satisfying than seeing that development bar flash to full in a matter of seconds instead of who knows how long. Even Chkalov got some of that bonus level love. A little bummed my Priority Four girls haven’t got any of the Fate love but this Event has given me a pretty fantastic costume for Hakuryuu. Flash of Silk and Strings can give Golden Dragon Under Aegir’s Auspicious Clouds, Taihou’s Sweet Time After School, Rupprecht’s The Gate Dragon’s Advent, and Regensberg’s Dark Dragon, Brilliant Beach, a run for their money as my favorite costume. All in all, I am very pleased with this event. I kind of fibbed a little bit in the beginning of this post, I actually have enough UR ships to field an entire Vanguard of Rainbows, without San Diego even. I have, currently, running for the grind, Aegir (who is complete and maxed out at all possible levels), Hindenberg, and Unzen who, through the magic of T1 EXP Packs, is already at level eighty-eight! I have my choice of Main Fleet option, f*cking lousy with Rainbow Main Fleet options, but I am mad content otherwise. Now all I need is a Shimakaze Rerun and I’ll be satisfied. It’s borderline frustrating that I’m missing just one of the Japanese Rainbows. It chaffs the completionist in me like you wouldn’t believe.
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mercurygray · 6 months
Spent a non-zero amount of time last night thinking about Fred and Brady and intimacy, and how that starts post-Regensberg.
If anyone cares.
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On July 13, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of St. Henry II, a German king who led and defended Europe's Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the first millennium.
He was also the last ruler of the Ottonian line (919-1024).
Henry was born on 6 May 973 to Duke Henry of Bavaria and Princess Gisela of Burgundy.
During his youth, Henry received both an education and spiritual guidance from a bishop who was himself canonized, St. Wolfgang of Regensberg.
Henry was an intelligent and devout student, and for a period of time, he was considered for the priesthood.
St. Wolfgang's lessons in piety and charity left a lasting mark on Henry's soul.
But it was ultimately in the political realm, not the Church, that he would seek to exercise these virtues.
He took on his father's position as Duke of Bavaria in 995, one year after St. Wolfgang's death.
The Church supported his accession to the throne as King of Germany in 1002.
As king, Henry encouraged the German bishops to reform the practices of the Church in accordance with canon law.
During the same period, he is said to have brought a peaceful end to a revolt in his territory, which ended with the king mercifully pardoning the rebels.
Henry also acted decisively, but not harshly, against an Italian nobleman who set himself up as a rival king.
In 1014, the German king journeyed to Rome where Pope Benedict VIII formally crowned him as head of the Holy Roman Empire.
The emperor demonstrated his loyalty to the Pope by confirming Benedict VIII's authority over the city of Rome.
Henry made his journey from Rome back to Germany into a pilgrimage of sorts, stopping at various monasteries along the way.
Henry became a great patron of churches and monasteries, donating so much of his wealth to them that his relatives complained that he was behaving irresponsibly.
But Henry was far from irresponsible, as his leadership of the Western Empire in both war and peace demonstrated.
The emperor was also a great patron of the poor, making enormous contributions for their relief.
He stressed service to the Church and promoted monastic reform.
The emperor's extraordinary generosity was made possible in part by his lack of an heir.
He was married to a woman who was later canonized in her own right by Pope Innocent III on 29 March 1200, St. Cunigunde of Luxembourg.
They had no children.
Some accounts say that the couple took vows of virginity and never consummated their marriage, though this explanation of their childlessness is not universally accepted.
For the last several years of his life, Henry had to deal with serious illness and an additional ailment that crippled his left leg, along with his imperial responsibilities.
He found support in prayer during these trials and seriously considered resigning his imperial leadership in order to become a monk.
After several years of illness, Henry II died on 13 July 1024.
The public mourned sincerely for the monarch who had managed to lead his earthly kingdom so responsibly without losing sight of the Kingdom of God.
For his remarkable personal piety and enthusiastic promotion of the Church, Pope Eugene III canonized him in July 1146.
He is the only medieval German monarch ever to have been honoured as a saint.
He is the patron saint of the city of Basel in Switzerland and of St Henry's Marist Brothers' College in Durban, South Africa.
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