#Reiketsunomizunomegami canon
HP boys when Their s/o gets Drunk
Warning: SFW, Fluff
Feat: Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom
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Severus Snape
-Severus Snape, known for his solemn demeanor, would likely react by showing concern for his partner's well-being.
-He would be mindful of their safety and would prioritize ensuring they were taken care of.
- While Snape may not show outward emotions, he would quietly work to sober them up and prevent any potential harm.
-Once they have sobered up, Snape might have a serious conversation about responsible behavior and the consequences of excessive drinking.
Fred Weasley
- known for his mischievous and fun-loving personality, would approach the situation with humor and light-heartedness.
-He would likely tease his drunk partner, making jokes and lightening the mood.
- Fred would try to make them laugh and enjoy the moment, but would also keep a close eye on their well-being.
- He would ensure they were safe and supported, and would probably have a good laugh together the next day as they reminisced about the drunken antics.
George Weasley
- like his twin brother Fred, would approach the situation with a playful attitude.
-He would use humor to diffuse any potential tension or worry, creating a cheerful environment for his partner.
-George would take care of them, ensuring their safety and well-being, but also take the opportunity to lightheartedly poke fun at their drunken behavior.
-He would likely join in on the fun and may even share a drink with them once they've both sobered up and recovered.
Neville Longbottom
- with genuine concern and worry for his partner.
-He would prioritize their safety and would want to make sure they were taken care of. Neville would gently encourage them to slow down or stop drinking, trying to help them regain control. He would likely be the responsible one, ensuring they got home safely and providing comfort and support.
- Neville would likely have a heart-to-heart conversation afterwards, expressing his worries and discussing responsible alcohol consumption.
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encantadiafan12 · 2 years
The Half-Grim Reaper girl: Undertaker's daughter💀🌹🌌/The Frozen Heart 💙 crossover
The L/n family 🌹⚰️ meets the Diamond family 💙
Collaboration with @reiketsunomizunomegami (Jana Diamond, Anna Diamond, and Lester Diamond belong to her). (By the way, this not canon in the Half-Grim Reaper girl: Undertaker’s Daughter story. So it's a what if scenario.)
Warnings: Mentions of Death and Death threats
The two Half-Grim Reaper girls then just looks at the Dragon girl in front them. “So you girls are from a dimension similar to the Severus I knew except it was different?” Jana asks as Y/n nods her head in confirmation.
“That’s correct....” The Goth girl says. “Except the Severus we knew became a Death Eater after he graduated but he seem to regret the decision he made and joined the Order....” Anastasia adds finishing her sister's explanation.
The Half-Grim Reaper girl then sighs. “I’m a fool to even leave Hogwarts anyway. If I didn't he wouldn't have followed that path.” she says feeling guilty she wasn't there when he needed her.
The Great Dragon nods her head slowly. “The Severus I had was never been associated with the Death Eaters, and after we got married he became an Immortal too.” Jana said before grabbing her tea and take a sip.
"Immortal? How did you do that??” The two sister asks the Fallen Dragon.
"It was a contract that only a Fallen Dragon can do...” She says. “That's.. different” Y/n says in disbelief.
The younger Half-Grim Reaper girl was still stunned before she clears her throat. “Never expected that...” she then points out.
"I can see that....” Jana says, coldly." By the way, how old are you?” Anastasia asks. “I'm 636 years old...” The Dragon Lady says, casually. “My sister is born around 1550 while I'm born around 1720....” The younger Half-Grim Reaper girl then adds. Jana then looks at both of the sisters. “So the age difference between you both is 170 years?” she asks as both of the sisters nod.
Y/n sighs. “That wasn't very long in comparison with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.” she then admits.
Anastasia sighs. “My boyfriend was about 9 centuries old and of Inuyasha was about 2 centuries old. So the age difference is about 7 centuries...” she then states.
Y/n then sighs at the mention of her former acquaintance and of course her childhood friend. “Speaking of them, I spent the last 2 decades in the past in Japan but in the Feudal Era where I met Sesshomaru who I befriended until he tried to kill me.” she then explains while wincing at the thought of what the Demon Lord did to her.
The silver-haired girl then sighs. “He told me how he was wrong about you and he really regret about what he did you, sis. I remember he apologized to you for it.” she then states as her sister groan. “Well, I never expect an apology from him. I mean, I never even for once he even did that.” she admits.
The Dragon Lady look at Y/n surprise. “So you're saying Sesshomaru tried to kill..... you?” she asks nervously.
The Half-Grim Reaper girl then sighs. “You have no idea. I later wounded him with my Death scythe but I would kill him right away but I decided to let him live instead....” she then explains. The Goth girl then smiles. “As for Inuyasha I met him when he was a child I get along with him pretty well and I was able to understand him. Since we're both outcasts within society.” she then adds.
Jana then looks at Anastasia as the silver-haired girl then sighs. “I hadn't even met Sesshomaru until 2 years after the second Wizarding war.” she then reveals.
Y/n then sighs. “Since then I just gave my former acquaintance a cold shoulder but I hadn't seen him for a long time at the time. Before I returned to our era I found Inuyasha sealed against the Tree of Ages. I regret not being there for him. His first love was the one who sealed him there as she thought he betrayed her both Naraku was the one who tried to separate both of them. Afterwards, I went back to the future and returned to castle but under the identity of another student. I was helping the Severus I knew on keeping his cover without him even noticing. The Headmaster wasn't able to trace me because I concealed myself and of course my aura that would cause any recognition. I was also helping him protect the Potters’ child. However, like my husband, I never like James Potter but I never like Severus' former friend either. I thought her to be a fool to even date with a swine like Potter in the first place.” she then explains.
The Dragon Lady then sighs. “I would agree with you. Not only Potter was a swine he was also flea bag. He made my husband’s time back at school hell just before I came to put an end to it.” she then says.
The Goth girl then groans. “That makes both of our Severus’s except I wasn't there for mine but you were with yours. I gotta admit I'm a little jealous. Like I said, I was a fool to even leave the school.” she then admits.
Jana gives the Half-Grim Reaper girl a sympathetic look. “It’s fine. You knew you did a great job in protecting him from afar...” She says making Y/N smiles as her “I don't why I got this Feeling but I think that you're pretty Kind” The Half-Grim Reaper girl then says. “Kind? I don't feel the same way when I met you.” Anastasia comments “Before I had met Severus. I was very cruel and vicious.. I used to play with every creature I see. *Grin* Including some Grim Reapers...” The Dragon Lady's words makes the two sister's eyes widened “Wh-Why are you killing them?” the silver-haired girl then asks. “They're pretty meddling with my Business and Always Imprisoning some of my Shinigamis” Jana says making Y/n to raise her voice. “Its our job to collect those soul! And besides-” before she could finish her words the Great Dragon immediately gives her threatening look “Your father is a great friend of mine. So I suggested you to keep your voice down or else you wanted to end up like those Grim Reapers that I killed.” The Dragon Lady Says before taking a small sip into her tea.
Y/n then frowns at Jana's behavior. “I never expect your race is much more extreme than demons but I made the right decision to retire and live a normal life. I only use my Death scythe when necessary." She then states. Anastasia then sighs. “No wonder why the Headquarters was so understaffed...” she then adds.
The Dragon Lady smiles at them. “I only stopped because your father tells me to...” She says. “Well, that's a good thing.” Anastasia says. “Yeah...” The Goth girl says. Y/n then sighs. “But still I'm a bit disappointed. Especially if you ended up killing 2 of my closest friends during my time as a Grim Reaper.” she then admits. “Hmm? Friends?” The Dragon Lady asks. “Sorry, I don't quite remember them all.” She adds “What do they looked like?” Jana ask. The silver-haired girl then winces at the thought. As she thought about William.
“I meant if you ended up killing them.” The Half-Grim Reaper girl then says. “But don't even think about doing it if they are around." She then adds. “*chuckles* Don't worry I already changed and besides I don't want to be a bad example to my children...” The Dragon Lady says.
Anastasia then decides to clear her throat to ease the tension. “Well, at first I never even met my boyfriend but I heard about him through Y/n....” She then starts as she changes the topic.
“Ohh.. What a matchmaker...” Jana says as the Half-Grim Reaper narrows her eyes. “Not exactly...” Y/n replies. “Why?” The Dragon Lady ask looking confused making Y/n sigh. “Well, actually after I found out that Sesshomaru has a thing for my sister I immediately opposed to it...” the Goth girl says. “Because he tried to kill you once...” Jana adds making Y/n nod. “I see...” She adds. “But as you can see Anastasia loves him very much so that's why we let them be...” The Half-Grim Reaper girl says.
The silver-haired girl then sighs. “Dad wasn't happy about it either so he tried to kill Sesshomaru for that. Well for trying to kill my sister and having feelings towards me. But in the end he gave in not without threatening him." She then adds. Y/n sighs as well. “That time he threatened my husband for the second time. Severus was really scared of him.” she admits.
“Your father has the right to be mad at him..” Jana says and Y/n nods. “But as you say you loved him and I know that your father loves you so much so it was so obvious that he will give up...” She adds “Which I remember when Harry and Draco ask my beloved daughter to Yule Ball....” She says, smiling. “Now that I think of it. If Rin grows up there would be boys who would want to be with her but knowing my boyfriend. He wouldn't allow that." Anastasia admits. “I know, Sesshomaru sees the little girl as his own daughter...” The Goth girl says.
“There's one of a few things me and my sister share....” Y/n says as the Dragon Lady tilts her head. “What is it?" She asks. The Goth girl sighs. “We both hate people who hurt innocent children for fun without any remorse. We both have a soft spot for little children. We got that from our mother.” she then reveals.
Anastasia then frowns when she remembers Koga. Who's another guy who was also in love Kagome besides Inuyasha. “A pack of wolves once killed Rin but Sesshomaru revived her with the Tensaiga. Because of it, she has strong fear towards wolves.” she then explains.
“What a coincidence, that's the reason I met Severus. He was being bullied at that time when I met him..” Jana says. “I see myself in him and decided to protect him...” She adds as both sisters look at her confused. “Why? I thought you hated humans...” Anastasia says in confusion. The Half-Grim Reaper girl then figure the reason out. “Is it because of some kind of traumatic experience you have growing up?” she carefully asks.
“Well, yeah.... *smile* My Parents raised me to become a killing machine. They wanted me to become emotionless and stronger than them because I was the only heir...” The Dragon Girl says. “They tortured me when I was 4 and starved me for 6 months straight. Oh! they also umm made me kill high level demons to test my strength and power...” She adds. “That's why I was very attached with Severus. He changed me in a great way.” The Dragon Lady's words makes the two sister stare at her in shock.
However, the Goth girl was the first to regain her composure. “They say that love can change you....” Y/n then says as the silver-haired girl nods in agreement. “Either for the better or worse....” Anastasia then adds. “Yes it does. That's why I gave myself to him...” Jana says as the two sister see if how she loved Severus greatly. The Half-Grim Reaper girl then smiles. “I agree but I been through the same as you did but different.” she then says. The Dragon Lady looks at her confused. “What do you mean?" She asks.
Y/n sighs. “After I was a born, my father abandoned both me and my mother. Growing up I have been bullied and discriminated for being a mix of two beings and of course my powers. However, in comparison to you my mother was always busy and never has time for me. But I wasn't alone I had friend named Elena Everfree. However, for the bullying and discrimination I endured I developed so much hatred towards those of the living.” she then starts to explain. “Whenever Mom asks me about it, I would often lie that I'm alright but deep down I'm not. The hatred I felt towards the living is particularly because I'm envious of them they have a family and I don't...” she then continues. “My intention in order for them to understand what I'm going through by making them suffer. When dad came back into our lives, I wasn't happy at first but the reason why he did it because he only did it so the Grim Reaper's Dispatch won't find out about me as he couldn't risk any of it.” The Goth girl adds.
“*nod* I see. Your life was pretty hard..” Jana says. “Well, at least you had mother to care for you...” She adds as she remembers of how badly she was being treated by her own mother.
The Half-Grim Reaper girl then nods in agreement. “Yeah. Anyway, for the past centuries I trained and learn a lot of spells. However, when Anastasia was born I couldn't take risk for her to grow up full of hate like I did. I told my parents what I thought that I couldn't for my younger sister to grow up like I did. Our parents were able to make up their word until a century later. I created a spell that I would use that not only it would affect those of the living but also those of the dead and beyond.” she then explains. Anastasia then sighs. “The spell is called the Wave of Hatred. She has been practicing when we're at the Mansion that belong to our Mother's parents. But I never said a thing while we're at the Campania." She then reveals.
Anastasia then starts to explain this time. “Well, it was revealed there when Dad prevented Grell who was a close friend of ours from attacking someone in the Campania. He really surprised everyone including Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive.” she says as she let's her older sister continue. “Our father was originally acquaintance to the Phantomhive family because he used to be friends with the late Vincent Phantomhive; Ciel’s father. Not until we betray the Phantomhive’s back in the late 19th century. During the time of the Campania; I have gone insane.” she then adds.
“That was the same time Dad revealed he was a former Grim Reaper. During our retirement, nobody noticed because he often covers his eyes under his bangs and of course under his hat. I intervene in his fight against Grell, Ronald, and Sebastian when I used the Wave of Hatred for the first time and effects was completely what I expected.” The Goth girl says.
The younger Half-Grim Reaper girl then sighs. “Sis also revealed she created the spell to make those around her suffer the pain she felt growing up. She also let out the emotions she had bottle up inside. Our parents asks me if I knew and I told them the truth. So they then we have no choice but to work together to calm her down..." She then adds to the explanation.
Y/n nods in confirmation. “They tried to talk to me but I couldn't listen because at the time I told them they would never understand me.... And that's when our parents realized the mistake did for ignoring me. But in the end I managed to calm down when Anna snapped me out of it. I expected our parents to yell at me but instead they apologize to me that they unintentionally inflicted so much pain on me.” She then finishes.
The Dragon girl was surprised.
The part where where their parents apologize to their eldest daughter that they were the cause of her pain really reminded her how her parents were able to see the error of their ways. The reason why they kidnapped her husband back in their youth. It was pretty surprising to see them having fun. Of course, it surprised her to get an apology from her mother.
Meanwhile with the two sisters’ and of course Jana’s parents....
Y/m/n was drinking her cup of tea while sitting next to her husband as she looks at the Dragon Lady’s parents.
“So Undertaker.... You and your wife are from another dimension similar to ours?” Anna Diamond asks making the retired Grim Reaper nod in confirmation. “That’s correct, Ms. Diamond...” he says. “I really never thought my absence really affected my eldest daughter...” Undertaker then says.
The Dragon Queen sighs. “I can agree with you. I really regreted how I treated Jana." She then admits before turning to look at the wife of the retired Grim Reaper. “I’m really jealous on how you were genuinely concerned towards your daughter, Y/m/n....” she says as Y/m/n sighs. “Well, whenever ask Y/n if she's alright. She often says she's fine but in reality she wasn't fine at all. I knew she was lying but particularly it was my fault as well. You see, back then I was often busy and I never had time towards my eldest daughter.” she then explains.
“At least you had the chance to love her, but we are the complete opposite. We hurt her and used her for our own advantage as the Head of the Dragon Clan...” Anna says as she tries to prevent her tears from spilling out. “Oh, dear. You knew that our daughter has forgiven us already...” Lester says as he held his wife's cold hand. “I know.. It was just a little bit hurtful when I remembered how badly I treated her before. When she was sick, I'm always neglecting her needs and didn't return the love she has given me...” The Dragon Queen says.
The current Head of the L/n family gives her a sympathetic look. “Thinking back. I really regret for not being there for Y/n when she need me the most while I was raising her on my own." She then explains. The retired Grim Reaper then sighs. “When I came back to their lives. She wasn't very happy but at time she was very envious of the people who grown with a family. Her hate towards other people around her was completely extreme to say the least." He then reveals.
His wife nods in confirmation. “Like I said, it was mine and my husband’s fault she became that way but she wasn't alone growing up we have a neighbor of Immortal humans at the next door. The Everfree family. Pretty much their daughter Elena Everfree was able to understood her.” she then explains. Undertaker then sighs. “But it would never fill the emptiness our eldest daughter felt.” he then reveals.
The retired Grim Reapers face turn serious. “However, that change when Anastasia was born. She was born 170 years after her older sister. Y/n told us she doesn't want her to grow up like the way she did. Well full of hate. Anastasia likes being around with her older sister.” he says as he smiles of how his youngest interact with her older sister.
“We can clearly see that...” Anna says before she then looks down. “Sadly, we are not able to give my daughter a sibling....” She adds. “We can try, you know.” Lester says making his wife pinch him. “But, Jana was enough for our family besides she has the ability every creature has needed...” The Dragon Queen says making Undertaker smirk. “Ohh is that so? Maybe lets see how strong your daughter was...” He says, mischievously. “Are you asking for a duel?” Anna asks, calmly. “I wanted to know who's more stronger and powerful...” The Silver-haired man says. “*smirk* Aren't you afraid that you are only putting your beloved daughter in danger?” The Dragon Queen asks, mischievously.
However Y/m/n gives her husband a stern look. “Adrian.....” She then says in a warning tone. “What?” He asks, defensively. “It was just a game to see who's more stronger and powerful...” He adds.
His wife just sighs. “The girls might hear you while they are talking to one another....” she then informs her husband. “But I rather not have you do something reckless. You're really going to embarrass our daughters especially our eldest.” She then adds as Undertaker sigh in annoyance “You're no fun at all...” He says. “I don't care, because what you want to do is really stupid.” Y/m/n said in a stern tone.
The Immortal human then sighs once again before diverting her attention to the Male Fallen Dragon. “Sorry, about my husband, Lester. He's usually like this sometimes Y/n gets so embarrassed with his his behavior.” she explains. “The girls sometimes think he was so annoying....” Y/m/n then adds. Lester chuckles “It's fine, Y/m/n, I can see that he's very excited to knew of how capable our children were....” He says. “Yes, but as you can see it was wrong....” The Immortal human says making Lester nod. “Yes I can agree...”
The Head of the L/n family then clears her throat. “Anyway, when it came to to the men who love our daughters. I think my husband and I should start.” she then says.
“More than 2 decades you see. Y/n infiltrated Hogwarts with her real appearance but she was able to conceal her aura and her Grim Reaper side it wouldn't give away to anyone she was a mix of the living and the death. Her reason why was to observe and gather information. That is until she met her future husband; Severus Snape. Particularly the Severus Snape of our dimension.” She then starts explaining.
The retired Grim Reaper then turns to look at Anna. “What house was your daughter in?” He asks the Dragon Queen. Anna looks at Undertaker in surprised. “Umm.... She was in the same house as her husband. She was in Slytherin during her time attending the school.” she then reveals. The retired Grim Reaper can't help but chuckle. “What a coincidence, Anna. You see, our eldest was also in Slytherin prior before she left the castle....” he then reveals as he looks down on the last part.
“More likely Jana was very cold towards others when she was there.. And almost killed the group called ummm the Marauders...” The Dragon Queen says “She even told me that she met the man she helped before....” The Dragon Queen adds.
The Immortal human then frowns. “The Marauders..... I remember that Y/n views James Potter with disgust and hate because of what he and his friends put her husband through.” she reveals. “Yes, my daughter sees them as maggots and wants to kill them all...” Anna says “*sigh* Well, however my daughter had the chance and traumatized them by putting them into a dimension that is full of demons...” She adds making them nod.
Undertaker looks intrigued by what Anna said. “The man she helped before...... Are you talking about the school’s Headmaster?” he asks just to confirm his suspicions. The Dragon Queen nod “Yes, him. She confronted him and McGonagall when they didn't take an immediate action towards the case of Severus....” She said “The Headmaster gives my daughter an authority to do what she wants, and luckily she didn't do something crazy aside from protecting Severus only.” she adds.
The Immortal human then sighs. “If our eldest was still around the school. She'll really do something to scare the Marauders and do anything crazy like my husband would do.” she says as she gives her husband a serious look. “Ohh what is it?” Lester asks as Y/m/n sighs. “She got Adrian’s negative traits. His mischievousness and playfulness to the point it sometimes put her into trouble.” she then says. “Not to mention his recklessness...." She then adds.
The Male Fallen Dragon let's out a laugh as he remembers his wife. “I can see that pretty well... *laughing*” he says. “Oh shut it...” The Dragon Queen says “What? You looked so adorable...” Lester says.
Undertaker then clears his throat. “Well, like we said Y/n left the school. She never wanted to but she have no choice however because of it. Severus had followed his path in becoming a Death Eater. Our eldest ended up in the Japan but in the Feudal Era. That's where she befriended the man who would later become Anastasia’s boyfriend. The eldest son of Toga; the Great Dog Demon General. Who became the Lord of the Western Lands; Sesshomaru. They became friends. Y/n trusted him so much until....” he says before he then frowns.
Anna then looks at the retired Grim Reaper confused. “Undertaker? Are you alright?” She asks as the second Head of the L/n family just nods. “Well, it was just. They were used to be friends not until he attempted to kill her after he found out she was a mix of the living and the death. He also called her a Half-breed which is enough to anger Y/n. She later wounded him with her Death scythe.” He then finishes his explanation.
Y/m/n looks down. “She lost her trust on him and it took him 3 weeks to recover from the injury. As you see can Demons are prone to Grim Reaper's Death scythes.” She then adds. “However, Y/n gets along well with the illegitimate son of Toga and Sesshomaru’s younger Half-brother; Inuyasha. They met when he was child she took liking to him immediately as the treatment he gets from the other children were similar to the treatment she suffered growing up.” She then adds.
The Immortal human then smiles when she thought about her daughter’s bond towards the Half-Demon. “She gets along with him because he was an outcast like her. She was there to play with him. His mother; Izayoi was really happy her son has a friend. She loves her son more than anything and Inuyasha loves his mother. She was the only few people he likes being around. However, sadly his mother died and Y/n took Inuyasha with her and continued to raise him for his mother. When he was all grown up they both maintain their friendship. Later on, he would later meet the woman who was his first love. Her name was Kikyo; she was a Priestess and the protector of the Sacred Jewel before she died.” she adds.
Y/m/n remembers on how her daughter approved of Inuyasha’s relationship with the Priestess. “Y/n approved of their relationship back then but one day when Naraku separated both of them and severed Inuyasha and Kikyo’s thread of fate. She wasn't there when the Priestess sealed her friend. Our daughter was guilty that she wasn't around when that happened. But before she left as her 2 decades at the Feudal Era was up; she made a promise to a silent promise that will come back. She later returned to Hogwarts but in the disguise of another student not only she concealed her aura from the Headmaster but she also altered her appearance. Severus on the other hand, while Y/n was at the past he committed a lot of mistakes as a Death Eater but he came to regret it when his former best friend was killed by Tom Riddle that night in Godric’s Hollow. Our daughter secretly helped in maintaining his cover in secret and during the time she confronted him after he killed Dumbledore. You see in our dimension, Severus killed the Headmaster.” she then adds.
Undertaker then frowns when he remembers how his son-in-law was very hesitant to kill Dumbledore as the Headmaster ordered him to. He knew Severus never wanted to do it but the curse in Dumbledore’s hand is starting to kill him. “Riddle gave Draco Malfoy the impossible task to kill the Headmaster as punishment because of what happened back at the Ministry. From what I found out from both of them Lucius Malfoy failed to retrieve the prophecy linking between Riddle and Harry Potter. Severus made the unbreakable vow with Narcissa Malfoy (Y/n’s old friend) to protect Draco with the best of his ability, and to fulfill Riddle's wishes if the boy were to fail.” He then explains. “However, after the Headmaster was killed, Potter gone after the Death Eaters and Severus when they try to escape the castle. But what they didn't know our daughter followed them in secret. Of course, she finally revealed herself after she disappeared to the Feudal Era. Which surprised everyone who knew her including her husband." He then adds.
“How surprising indeed. For a young woman such as herself has managed to do all that on her own...” The Dragon Queen says before turning to her daughter who was currently talking with the two sisters. “I have a proposal” She adds. “I'm listening...” Undertaker says. “I wanted your daughters along with my daughter to travel back to Feudal Era...” She says making them confused. “Why?” Y/m/n asks “I wanted her to kill Naraku....” She says.
The retired Grim Reaper then looks at her surprise before clearing his throat. “Actually, Y/n rather live a peaceful but she only comes around to the Feudal Era to help her sister only when necessary....” he says as his eldest daughter sigh. “I rather want to live a peaceful life.... Sorry, Ms. Diamond...” she then says. The Immortal human sighs as well. “Anastasia frankly travels in the Feudal Era with her boyfriend; Sesshomaru....” she then reveals to the Dragon Queen.
Undertaker then sighs. “Speaking of him, were now on Anastasia’s boyfriend. Sesshomaru originally hates humans and half-breeds. Me and our eldest were completely against with him being with our youngest. Because of history with Y/n, she gives him a cold shoulder after she saw him again 7 - 10 years. Well, how she met him. Well, it happened when they met at the woods, he immediately fell in love with her. 2 weeks afterwards she can't get out of her head a week after. I tried to well.... Kill him.....” he reveals.
Y/n then sighs. “When it came to killing Naraku Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had their personal reasons. In my close friend’s case was to make him pay for being responsible for Kikyo’s death.” she then starts allowing her sister to continue. “In my boyfriend’s case for trying to put mine and Rin’s life on the line....” The silver-haired girl then says.
The Goth girl then sighs. “Although, I hated Kikyo for trying to kill Kagome from the very beginning when she was resurrected. I felt bad for her. She never deserved her fate.” she then admits.
“No one has ever deserved such a cruel death...” Jana says. “Yes, she is, but eventually she was now seeking for revenge...” Y/n replies. “I know and I can see why...” The Dragon Lady says making the Half-Grim Reaper girl nod.
After their conversation the Diamond family say their goodbyes, and of course return to their dimension. When Jana reach to home, Severus and their children welcomed their beloved mother. “Mommy!” The children hug their mother. “Have you met my other self?” Severus asks his wife while he was holding their little daughter Eileen as the Dragon Lady stood up and kiss her husband's lips.
The Dragon Lady then shook her head. “No unfortunately. It's just me and my parents having a conversation with the L/n family....” she then says. The Potions Master then frowns making his wife give him a soft smile. “But I found out things about your counterpart, my love....” she say, reassuringly.
Meanwhile in the Half-Grim Reaper girl dimension.....
When the family returned to the mansion. They saw Kagome, Sango, and Miroku playing a game of cards while the others were just watching. However, Severus and Sesshomaru are not paying any attention as they were waiting for the sisters.
They were all in the lawn of the front yard. The sisters then smile when saw the men they love standing there pretty much waiting for both of them. “Severus!!/Sesshomaru!!” both girls call out as both men look up.
The former Potions and the Great Dog Demon’s eyes widen in surprise. They saw two women they love dearly.
When both of the sisters were making their way towards them. Sesshomaru then ran his way towards Anastasia only to tackle her in a hug. He then looks at her eyes as he then wrap his right arm around her while he let his phantom hand that was attach to his phantom arm (which she gave him using a spell) to go through her hair. She then smiles as reddish-brown eyes met with amber eyes. “I miss you, Anastasia....” The Demon Lord says as his phantom hand go from her to tenderly caress her cheek. “I miss you too, my love...” the silver-haired girl then says.
When Y/n approach her husband, Severus then pulls her into a hug. She then returns it by wrapping her arms around his neck.
“So how's the talk with the Diamond family?” The former Potions Master asks making the Half-Grim Reaper girl frown. “Well, it was okay. It was just a little bit terrifying...” The Goth Girl replied making everyone frown in confusion. “Why?” Severus ask. “At first she was very charming and elegant woman... Until she tells us that she was reason for the lost of countless Grim Reapers....” Y/n says. “She even told us of how did she met you in her dimension...” The silver-haired girl says “She even threatened my sister when she raise her voice at her.” She adds.
Severus and Sesshomaru sigh, sharply “How dare she....” Severus says. “Oh dear, in her dimension you were so in loved with her...” Y/n says. “What? How can I loved someone liked her?” The Potion Master asks in confusion. “She's coming in here with her family....” Anastasia says.
Y/n sighs. “Well, your counterpart in her dimension. They met when they were students....." The Half-Grim Reaper girl starts. “You didn't became a Death Eater in her dimension, you see. Your counterpart later got married to her after they graduated.” she adds.
“She was completely like you and your counterpart. She was abused by her parents and pushed to her limits when she was young...” The silver-haired girl then says as she remembers on how Jana told both of them her past.
Severus stares at his wife in disbelief “But she's a bad person...” He says making Y/n hit him. “She had changed when she met you, and for your Information she protects you from the Marauders...” The Goth Girl said “Well, any particular reason for her to come here?” The Demon Lord asks. Anastasia then sighs. “It’s not our idea, Sesshomaru....” she says.
“Her parents wants her to kill Naraku....” The silver-haired girl then adds as the rest of the group look surprise. “Why? I bet she doesn't even know him...” Inuyasha says.“Maybe she did not, but her parents did...” Y/n says as she cross her arms to her chest.
The silver-haired girl then sighs. “Seems so, unfortunately.... We know Y/n never comes around unless when it's necessary for her to.” She then says.
The Demon Lord nods in agreement. “Well, such as giving Anastasia the spell book she needs while she was traveling with me.” He then adds.
The Dog Demon stares at his friends. “Are you sure that we can trust that woman?” he asks the younger Half-Grim Reaper girl as she sighs. “I guess so...” she says. “Don't worry if she did something wrong.. I'm going to deal with her myself...” Y/n says making Inuyasha nod.
“But both of our parents along with my sister made clear it to her parents we never wanted their daughter to get involve when it came to dealing with Naraku....” Anastasia then says.
“But they kept insisting that It has to be done...” The silver-haired girl adds.
“However, I believe Inuyasha and Sesshomaru can finish Naraku....” Y/n then says. “We just have to believe in them....” she then says. “Relying on someone else is typically the wrong thing to do... So we turned down their proposal.....” The Goth girl then adds.
Inuyasha nods out “That's good.. I don't want someone liked her to interfere with our business..” He says making his friend nod “I know...” she says.
After a few days... the gang were on their journey of finding Naraku.
Meanwhile back at the Frozen Heart dimension.....
Jana and Severus we're at Jana's parents place. The Dragon Lady sighs. “Mom, I don't even get why you suggested that to the two sisters?" She then asks her mother.
“I need something to that man” Anna says as she was holding the youngest child of her daughter Eileen. “What is it?” Severus asks. “The Sacred Jewel.. I gave it to the girl named Kikyo.. But she had failed me, and then her reincarnation named Kagome accidentally break the Jewel.. *sigh* and most of the parts of that jewel was held by that man...” The Dragon Queen explains “And you wanted me to get it so yu can have it again?” Jana asks making her mother nod. “It was not safe there, that piece of jewel was very dangerous...” Anna replies.
“But it seems the sisters never wanted to be reliant towards me as it made them both feel that they're losing faith with the two people they were more close with.....” The Dragon Lady then says finally revealing to her parents what the two girls were feeling.
“However, in comparison Y/n only travels to the Feudal Era when necessary while Anastasia travels with her boyfriend. But they were close with the brothers themselves; Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.” She then adds.
The Dragon Queen stares at her daughter, mischievously. “I don't care about what they want.. I want you to go there and take it. That jewel can destroy the whole world....” she says. “*nod* Alright.. I'm going with My family” The Dragon Lady says making her mother smile. “Don't let them possess it...” Anna says. “Don't worry, I won't even if it was Severus from their dimension....” Jana says with a stern tone.
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Akatsuki reaction when their s/o dies
Feat: Kisame Hoshigaki, Itachi Uchiha, Deidara, Sasori, Kakuzu, and Hidan
Warning: some cursing, SFW, Angst
Kisame Hoshigaki
-the pain was too much for him
-doesn't know how to react as he held your lifeless body into his arms
-Why?! Why did you saved him instead of saving yourself?!
-He Promised himself to protect you with his life and will do anything to make you happy as you are the only one who treated him as a normal person and not some sort of freak
-Kisame will kiss you as his tears fall silently down his cheeks “Forgive me Y/N-Chan.. For not being able to protect you”
Itachi Uchiha
-He lost everything he ever loved except to his Beloved Brother who actually hated him
-Itachi Loves you unconditionally. You understood everything about him and never criticise him in any way
-He wants you to stay with him forever, to build a family together, to live a peaceful life that he's been longing for
-But it seems that his dreams scattered into pieces as he held your Lifeless into his arms. He lost you, his rock, his inspiration, and his heart.
-“Until we met Again My Love” before Leaving a final kiss to your forehead
-No this can't be happening
-Deidara will no everything in his power to keep you alive but everything he does fails him to save you from dying
-he will refuse to believe that you're gone even the other members tells him to let it go
-“No! She's still right here un! Can't you see that?!”
-He already lost his parents. He couldn't afford to lose you too
-Sasori will take your lifeless body into his room and turn your body into one of his puppet just to keep you with him
-“You can't leave me.. I still needed you”
-Even if his actions are against your will and full of selfishness he doesn't care as his only priority is to have you in his side forever
-Kakuzu will try to keep everything together
-He will try to not acknowledge the pain he was feeling from losing you and occupied himself with works and mission just to help him forget everything
-He though that he can but he's wrong
-Kakuzu still finds himself grieving every single time as the image of your Radiant smile appears into his mind.
-“Nah! You better open up your eyes b*tch!” tries to shake you up “Y/N! Come on! Open your eyes!” he screamed
-Hidan will try to beg you to open up your eyes. He will try everything and even tried to convert you into a janshinism just to keep you alive
-will held your lifeless body into his body tightly and cry his heart out not caring if the others sees him in this state
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Creepypasta React to their s/o's First Kill
Warning: Implied Blood, gore scenes
Feat: Jeff, EJ, Slenderman, Offenderman, and Splendorman
Jeff The killer
-He'll be so Happy when you do it like Yeah! That's my Girl!
-After that Jeff will Scoop you into his Arms and Spin you around happily “I'm so Proud of you Doll! You did so great!”
Eyesless Jack
-Like Jeff, This Boy will be so proud and happy for you
-And after That EJ Will Even Share you his Favourite Food which is the Kidneys that he takes from his helpless Victims
-This Man will be so so Proud of you and even throw you a celebration party
-Slender will Pick you and Kiss your Temple “You did so Great Dear.. I'm so proud of you”
-The Smug one and tries to show you off to everyone
-after your First kill, expect tjis guy to take you home to give you your Reward;-) “You did so great Babe so let me Reward you something when we get home”
-Ohh sorry to tell this But Splendorman will be shocked if you do that
-He will even cry and Kinda Scared of you because We know that splendorman was a very kindhearted Pasta
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OP Boys reaction when their s/o gives them a flower
Request Open
Warning: Fluff, SFW
Feat: Lucci, Doflamingo, Katakuri, and Thatch
Rob Lucci
-The one who kinda doesn't care about it all
-But deep inside Lucci Was very Happy that you actually gave him something that shows your Love and Admiration towards him
-He will try to be more Responsive and tell you how He loves it so much and he will also shower you with gifts and maybe some affection that you're longing the most
Donquixote Doflamingo
-Taken a back but he'll mask it with Teasing and a smile
-Doffy will take it and admire it while you're sitting on his lap
-He will also put it on a vase and keep it to his personal office and secretly admire it while he was working
Charlotte Katakuri
-The One that will get Flustered
-Katakuri's poor Heart can't take it, to see you giving him some Flowers
-He will Of Course Take and show you his appreciation for it
-He will Surely Take you on a date and also give you your Favourite Flowers
Thatch Death
-The Chef Loves It so Much that he could die right from the Spot
-Thatch will Scoop You into his Strong Arms and Pamper your Face with Kisses and saying how much he loves and Adores you
-He will Also cook your Favourite Food and show off his Flowers that is given to him by his Beloved Girlfriend
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Flinching during an argument with op boys
Warning: Angst, Some Cursing, Flood Fluff in the end
Feat: Thatch, Sanji, Katakuri, and Crocodile
Thatch Death
-Thatch was rather known as a very sweet and Charming Man... and losing self-control over his own temper doesn't usually happen to him
-Now You both having an argument and because Thatch has a rather thin patience at the time he immediately snapped at you making your eyes wide and scared of him
-after realising what he had done, Thatch immediately Approach you and attempt to touch but before he can touch your skin you immediately flinch making the Man shock because now He knew that you are scared of him and evenly worse you think that he will hurt you
-He will Trap you into a tight hug and started to whisper sweet things into your Ear “Forgive My Love.. I didn't mean to scare you that way.. I-uh Just having a bad day and didn't mean to take out on you” He said as he started to let out a quiet Sob making your heart ache “Oh Thatch.. Its okay Baby, I'm not Mad anymore.. I know you didn't mean it” You said “Sorry” He said before pressing a loving Kiss into yor Forehead
Sanji Vinsmoke
-He Doesn't mean to snap out liked that and Scare you
-Seeing you flinch away and cover yourself makes his poor heart ache because The love of his Life was now scared or even worse you think him now as a monster
-After this he will gravely hated and isolated himself from you.. But of course you were not scared of him you're just a little bit shocked and Intimidated when he screamed at you
-Afterwards of all days that he avoided you.. You immediately confronted him with it and tell him that you're not angry nor upset with him “Re-Really Y/N~Chan?” He ask making you smile along with a firm nod
-Sanji will Let out a relieving Smile before throwing his arms around you “I Love you Y/N~Chan.. I really do.. And I'm so sorry for screaming at you, I promise It won't happen agaim” He assured while rubbing the back of your Head
Charlotte Katakuri
-He Was very Frustrated with his Family mainly with his Mother
-When Katakuri was upset or angry with something he will make sure that you're not there with him because he doesn't wanted you to see him in that state.. But unfortunately when he enters you shared Room his eyes immediately landed on you
-As he enters the room You Immediately senses that Uneasy on your Beloved's Aura so you approach him to ask him and offer him a conform but to your Shock he decline your offer and tell you to leave him alone.. And you as his Stubborn Wife/Girlfriend You didn't leave him and Obey his order and still continue to ask him
-And After a few seconds of asking he immediately gets Irritated and pin you against the Wall making gasp for some air.. Katakuri's Grip immediately let go before staring at your scared eyes “I-Uh I'm so sorry” He said before turning around to leave the room. But before he can even step out you Pull his hand “Its fine.. Its my Fault anyways” You said making Him to eyed you again but this time with a gentle gaze “My Dear” He said before pressing his Forehead into yours “I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean it, I'm just so Frustrated about my family” he admitted “Its okay Baby.. I understand” You said making his eyes to tear up “Oh Y/N.. How can I deserve Someone like you” He said happily
Si Crocodile
-You are very Stubborn today and didn't obey any of your Husband's orders
-Until he actually snapped out and call you names that is actually prick into your heart “I told you to Leave right?!” He Scream making you flinch in horror because you didn't actually see him angry before
-Crocodile grabs you by your Neck and pin you against the Wall “You wanted to act like a Bitch? Huh?!” He said before lifting your chin with his Cold Hook “Stupid” He spat making your eyes tears up in sadness
-After seeing your Crying face Crocodile immediately realize his wrong and wrap his arms around you in a rather gentle way “I'm Sorry Sweetheart.. I-I didn't mean it” He said as he Caress your soft gaur with his large hand and let you sob into his Chest
-after a couple of Minutes you eventually stop your crying and forgive your man because let's be honest here.. How you can't you forgive this gorgeous man?
-Therefore after you calm down Crocodile promised you to do the things that you had wanted and he also promised you that he will cancel all of his plans for weekend so that he can make it up to you
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ATSV boys reaction when their s/o pukes on them
Feat: Miguel O'hara, Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, The Spot
Warning: Mild Cursing, SFW, Fluff in the end
Miguel O'hara
-Peter and Hobie Asked to you drink with them even though Miguel tells you that you couldn't, and that's because you can't handle yourself being drunk
-But of course you still do it and let your two super good Friends Drown you with alcohol.. And after a couple of hours you were so drunk and couldn't think nor walk straight anymore so Hobie and Peter had decided to take you home
-And when you got there you Immediately See your Annoyed Boyfriend who was hovering over you “I think We should go” Hobie said before dragging Peter with him.. Miguel Sighs in sight of you “Dios mío Y/N” He said before Pinching the Bridge of his nose
-Slowly Miguel Takes you outside and place you on the Sofa “Didn't I told you not to drink?” He scold you and suddenly in the middle of his Scolding “Mi-Miguel.. I-I” You puked all over his Shirt making him Stunned “What the F*ck?!” He Continously cursed in Spanish
-But in a minute he will patiently clean you up and make you drink some water before putting you into bed “Im sorry” “Its Fine Mi Amor” He said before placing a kiss into your Forehead
Miles Morales
-He takes you home after your Friends called him
-He will carry you in a piggy Back style.. He will even scold you a little for getting yourself drunk until suddenly something wet yet warm touches his neck
-After knowing that you puked all over his back Miles Will Immediately try his best to not also puke and continue to walk towards your Apartment
-“this is the last time you will ever drink.. Yuck!” He said after putting you Forcefully to bed
Hobie Brown
-At First Hobie was calm and fine with you drinking with him
-Until he had finally noticed how drunk you are at the moment.. He will try to sober you up but instantly failed so he will just pick you up and take you home
-And when you both got there “Hobie?” You call while Clinging on his Torso “What is it Doll?” He sweetly ask when Suddenly you gagged out and puke all over his Waist
-Hobie was staring at your Sleeping state before letting out a deep sigh “Well Guess I have to be careful next time you get drunk” he said before heading inside the bathroom “Oh My God its disgusting!” He said after he accidentally Touch it
Pavitr Prabhakar
-Pav was liked Miles.. After Knowing that you got drunk he will immediately go to you and take you back home
-He will also scold you but he will do that once you sober up
-This Boy will Make you drink some water to sober you up and if that doesn't work at all he will just lay you down
-But Of Course you're very stubborn so you didn't listen to him and keep sitting on your Bed until you had started to get Dizzy with your surroundings and puke on his shoulder.. Pav will instantly get disgusted by the look and by the smell of your Puke
-He will run towards the bathroom to get some clean towels to clean you up and then he will put you down to bed along side him so that you will not get up
The Spot/Jonathan Ohnn
-Aweee My sweet Boy
-He will take care of you liked the first four
-He will try his best to change your Clothes and put you to bed
-And when you puked on him will instantly puke also all over the sink
-After that Jonathan will make you some tea or Coffee to sober you up and if you're too tired to get up he will just lay and cuddle with you until you fell asleep
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“Do You Hate Me?” op boys reaction
Warning: Slight Angst, Fluff in the End
Feat: Doflamingo, Sanji, Marco, and Crocodile
Donquixote Doflamingo
-Doffy may be Teasing and sometimes makes you feel embarrassed but he will never ever hate you
-When You ask this Question to him his heart will sink and he will start to think of the possible cause for you to ask this
-And Of Course he will remember everything what he had done to you so will be like om his knees and Pull yoi closer “I'm So Sorry baby.. I promise I'll never do it again” He said as he rapidly ask for your forgiveness
-You might not know but Doffy was a very sweet for a man.. Do you agree?
Sanji Vinsmoke
-What?! Sanji will drop his knife and Approach to you
-He will Cupped your cheek and ask sorry for something he doesn't know he did “Sorry Y/N-Chan.. I did something wrong to make you feel this way I'm so sorry.. Please don't be angry” Sanji will wrap his Slender arms around you until you told him to let you go
-And when you told him that you're having some insecurities about your relationship Sanji will start to show you how Important you are with him.. He will Cook and Cuddle with you for the rest of the day
Marco The Phoenix
-Marco was too busy for the whole week and he was like not paying much more attention to you and eventually you started to feel that he hated you
-and when you ask him will be like “What?? where did you get that Idea from?? Y/N that's silly” After his tons of Paper works Marco will start to pay more attention to you “I'm sorry If I'm not paying much attention to you for the past few days” He said as you were lying onto his chest
Sir Crocodile
-Probably the most busiest person in One Piece
-Crocodile was a cold Hearted man but does not mean that he didn't loved you or something
-And after you ask that question he will pull you closer and sat you into his Lap “Stay here and don't make a fuss” He Will Continue his works and when he was done Crocodile will prepare something that will calm you down
-“Don't you ever think nor speak to that word ever again” He said in some sort of threatening way but does not scare you anyway so it's okay
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When of op boys cook for their s/o
Warning: Fluff
Feat: Luffy, Sanji, Law, and Doflamingo
Monkey D. Luffy
-he will gladly try but sadly failed
-Luffy was so determined to make you something to eat because he notice that you are in a bad mood that day
-He will Sprinted straight to the Kitchen and start to make you some food to comfort you
-After a couple of Hours Luffy will gladly present to you the food that he Sanji made just for you
-Luffy will also proudly Puff his chest out when you complemented his Cooking skills because girl he deserves it
Sanji Vinsmoke
-The King of making you feel better
-Sanji will cook you the most delicious and delicate dish you wanted everytime
-He will not complain nor leave bad comments about you at all
-Fir Sanji your Happiness is his Happiness too so get ready to be pamper with kisses and Affection if this man was your Boyfriend
Trafalgar Law
-Law was kinda good too when it comes to cooking
-But he was still not as good as you though but he will eventually try his best just to cheer you or Obliged your wants
-Law Will probably had tge chance to cook your favourites in a perfect way and he will also leave some kisses for you even if his crew mates were around
Donquixote Doflamingo
-Not a good Cook sorry
-Doffy has so many excellent cooks to his Castle so why he would bother to cook for you?
-He might eventually try it when he sees you upset or stressed out with your day
-but in doing that Doffy may also needs a lot of assistance because who might know what may happens if you let this man get into the kitchen and start cooking
-sorry y/n but don't be surprised if Doffy was Rushing towards you and lift you to his arms because the Donquixote Castle was caught up in fire.
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OP boys when their s/o was insecure about their boobs size
Warning: Slight mention of NSFW, Slightly Angst, Fluff in the End
Feat: Luffy, Kid, Sanji, and Crocodile
Monkey D. Luffy
-He will give you a confused look when sees you looking at yourself at the mirror
-Luffy will approach you and ask you what's wrong and when you eventually tells him that you're insecure about the size of your breast he will gave you a breathy Laugh
-Actually Luffy doesn't care about the size if your chest because he loves you for who you are. And if you're still insecure about it he will wrap his arms around you and pamper you face with kisses and show you how wonderful your body was
Eustass Kid
-like Luffy He was very confused when you tells him that
-Kid doesn't care about your Body. For him the Internal beauty is more important than the External beauty so he will just gave you an annoyed look as walks towards you
-He will grab your chin and tells you how much he loves you for who you are and Please y/n don't be so insecure about this piece of flesh because its nothing
Sanji Vinsmoke
-Confused like the first two
-Sanji loves and lives for you. He doesn't care about your body Image because he loves you for who you are
-He will also invites you for a romantic date and shower you with lots of affection that you deserved
-“What's the matter with you??” He will give you a very confused look before the telling you that you're being paranoid and ridiculous
-Crocodile will point out how much he loves your size so why so bothered about them
-Crocodile will eventually find a very memorable way to show you how grateful he was on you
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Slashers with a stressed s/o
Warning: Implied anxiety, Fluff in the End
Feat: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, and Jesse Cromeans
Michael Myers
-Probably not the best when it comes in Comforting someone but seeing like this make his heart sink in a very unfamiliar feeling
-Michael will approach you and gave you a questioning look with means of What's wrong y/n and if you tell him that you're having a bad day and you were so stressed out of other things such as work, Michael will take a day off from his job killing just to spend the whole nigh with you
-He might even gave you some of his favourite Candies and let you snuggle into his Broad chest
Jason Voorhees
-One of the Best one when it comes in Comforting someone
-Jason will give you a confused look and ask you what's wrong and you tell him about your stressful day he will instantly pull you into his arms and sat you on the couch
-he will even cook for you if you wanted too and Jason will put on your favorite Movie just to soothe your stressed out body
-After that Jason will put you into a very comfortable slumber with you into his Arms
Thomas Hewitt
-Just like Jason but with a hint of Awkwardness
-Thomas will instantly know that you're stressed out throughout your day because Hoyt has been Nagging you non stop about how you should help and act around the house
-He will Scoop you into his Arms and take you to your shared Bedroom.. Thomas will also make you some tea to calm your nerves down for a bit and after that he will run you a bath along with a nice massage on your shoulder
-Thomas will warn Hoyt about how he must treated you in a very respectful way and tell him that if Don't stop from nagging you he will make sure that Hoyt will be the next meal for the day
Jesse Cromeans
-The best at the best
-Stressed out with work? Worry no more cuz' Daddy Jesse will take care of everything
-Jesse will constantly cancel all of his business at the moment and showered you with lots of gifts and Affection just to help you to relieve your stress
-he will deal with every stress that you're experiencing right at the moment
-Jesse will also ask you the cause of and when you tell him that it's about someone he will ket Preston to deal with it while he was here and making sure that you're having a good time.
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Op boys “Can I Kiss You?”
Warning: Fluff, SFW
Feat: Sanji, Luffy, Law, Ace
Vinsmoke Sanji
-He was at the Kitchen cooking for the crew's Lunch when you approach him “Can I Kiss You?” Your Question Caught him off Guard and only stare at you for about 5 minutes until you shake him a little
-His Face was in a very Bright red “D-Do You want to kiss me?” He ask quietly “Yes” You Confirm.. Sanji move closer, Cupped your Cheeks and Press his Soft Lips into yours
-After That You just left him there making the Slightly Grumpy Cook happy for that whole day (With your Help he might not scold Luffy for Eating all the Food)
Monkey D. Luffy
-He was at the front Deck all alone as he was eating his Food when you approach him “Luffy-Kun?” You call making Luffy to Avert his eyes towards you “Y/N~Chan” He said happily before inviting you to eat with him
-As you sat down, Luffy Gives you a piece of his Food making you smile but you're here for something else “Can I Kiss You?” He doesn't hear your Words making you more Shy and Embarrassed about yourself “Can I Kiss You Luffy-Kun?!” You said but a little louder this time
-Luffy stop his Tracks and turn to you “You want What?” He ask As you can the Flustered feature into his Face.. And without a doubt you lean close and Press your Lips into his before leaving the Now Flustered and Embarrassed Captain of Straw Hat Pirates
Trafalgar Law
-He was so busy doing his paperworks as always when you entered his Office “Captain?” You call “What is it?” He ask back without even turning his attention on you “Can I Ask You something?” You bashfully Said “What is it Y/N?” He replied before turn chair towards you
-Seeing that you Immediately Approach him and Kiss him making his eyes go wide and when you pull away “I-Uh ummmm.. That's oh Gosh” you said “So what do you want to ask?” he said calmly “Can I Kiss You?” You Shyly Said making the captain grin and Pull yoi closer “Why didn't you say so?” He side before pressing his lips on you Again
Portgast D. Ace
-Ace was relaxing at the Front Deck and enjoying his break when you his Crush approach him “Ace-San?” You call.. The 2nd Commander immediately turn his attention on you “Oh Hey Y/N~Chan” He respond before approaching you “Can Ask you something?” You Nervously said and Ace gives you a firm nod “Can I Kiss You?” You ask bravely
-Ace Gasp a little before giving his cheek a firm Pinch “Ouch!” He said before giving you a reassuring smile “Yes You can Y/N~Chan” He said without even moving from his place.. You move closer and press your lips into his and after a sec Ace Place his hands into your waist and kiss you back
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Taking care of sick op boys
Warning: Fluff, SFW, op boys being Stubborn
Feat: Thatch, Izo, Crocodile, and Doflamingo
Thatch Death
-A little Stubborn but eventually gives In and lets you take care of him
-Thatch is a little bit Childish especially because you're the one who's taking care of him
-He will Whine about you not cuddling with him or even not paying so much attention him
-The Stubborn one
-You will probably not notice that he was sick until Marco Pointed out and scolded him for not taking a proper Rest
-He'll be a little bit hesitant about you taking care of him but after a few minutes of pursuing him he will eventually lets you and honesty he actually likes it when you're giving him your Undivided attention
Sir Crocodile
-The Most Stubborn One
-He will never listen to you, even if the doctors told him to take a day off and rest
-Crocodile Was very very busy man so for him everything second has passed was very important
-He will be stubbornly continue his work and ignore your pleadings until he can't take it anymore and lets you take care of him
-Even if its hurting his own pride to be take care by you..he will eventually let it slide because he was kinda Happy that you're talking care of him. But of course he will never tell you that
Donquixote Doflamingo
-Doffy will whine from time to time so he could get your attention
-The one who actually liked to be sick so that you can pamper him with Love and Affection that he was longing from you
-Even though you're quite annoyed by his actions.. You're still enjoying that fact that you're given a chance to takw care of him
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OP boys with a Chubby s/o
Warning: Mentioned of Anxiety and Insecurities, Fluff, SFW
Feat: Luffy, Lucci, Doflamingo, Killer
Tumblr media
Monkey D. Luffy
-Luffy adores your Curves so much
-even Though you feel a little insecure about your body he will always assure you that you're the most beautiful woman he had ever seen
-if someone throws an insult with you Luffy will Immediately on way to shut the person up
-After That he will scoop you into his Arms and start to whisper sweet things into your ears making your Flustered and happy
Rob Lucci
-Y/N don't be feel bad about your Body because Lucci doesn't allows it
-He loves you for who you are and there's nothing to be ashamed off. Lucci will Pick you up and press you against his broad chest
-Lucci will kill anyone who dares to throw an insult at you and yeah he doesn't care who it was because Lucci is Lucci and we all know how Cruel this man is (But God I loved him)
-even though Lucci was hard looking man He has a very soft spot when it comes to you. He will be also angry at you when you started to throw an insult to yourself but he will try to calm himself down and comfort you instead
Donquixote Doflamingo
-Smug Very Smug
-Doffy surely adores your Curves. You usually find him tracing his slender fingers on your soft curves because Man he loves the way your skin touch his
-If anyone tries to insult you about your weight and curves? SNAP! KILL THEM
-He deeply cares about you and Doffy Forbids anyone to hurt you and even his family doesn't dare to leave a bad comment about you
-Doffy will always cheers you up when you feel a little bit down about yourself. He will leave everything for you and even buy you a lots lots of gifts
-Like the First Three, Killer adores your Curves as well
-Maybe at first he doesn't notice at all until one of the crew members leaves a playful comment about your weight, Killer sees the pain into your smile
-He will wrap his arms around you and leaves a sweet praise into your Flustered ears along with his fingers tracing the Curves of your Body
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Slashers reaction when their soft, quite s/o suddenly snapped out
Writing Commission Open
Art Commission Open
Warning: Mentioned of blood, Implied death and threat, slight mention of bad words, Fluff in the End
Feat: Jason, Michael, Asa and Jesse
Jason Voorhees
-Jason Knew you as his Sweet and loving wife
-so seeing you like this was different new to him. So you're at your Shared Cabin and you're waiting for your Beloved Husband when a trespasser suddenly enters to you lr house and asking for your help
-the Person was covered with blood and several wounds and you knew what you have to do. You sat the person down and went to the Kitchen to get the first aid kit when Suddenly the Trespasser throws an insult with your Husband “The ugly m*ther f*cker!.. I'm gonna kill him!” After hearing that you still calm yourself down and approach to him
-you knew that your husband was about to come so you tend the person's Wounds slowly ane carefully “By the way Are you living here alone?” The person ask you “No” You replied Plainly “You should leave this place.. This place is dangerous! There's a f*cking ugly monster outsi-” Without another word you punch the person so hard making them stumble “What the f*ck!” The person screamed out
-You grab the Vase from the side table and hit the person so hard pouring your anger. After a fee more hit the person was already dead and your hands were now covered with blood. You inhaled sharply when Suddenly a loud thud make your head turns around to see your Husband, Jason. He was staring at you with a Widened eyes “Forgive me” You stormed off locking yourself at your Shared Bedroom
-After a few minutes Jason enters and sat down besides you. He took off his mask and tilt your head so you can see him “What Happened?” he sign making you remember the whole scene “that person throws an insult at you.. At first L just ignored it until they called you a monster and I couldn't control myself anymore so I killed him” You sob out shutting your eyes close
-Jason doesn't mind them calling him ugly or a monster but seeing how it affects you makes him feel a little sad and upset. As you cry, your husband Jason slowly wrap his arms around you and press a tender kiss into your Forehead
Michael Myers
-You were a nurse and your only job is to take care of Michael
-Michael Fell in loved with you at first sight. You're Loving, kind and Gentle with him. Michael might treat a little bit Coldy but he Listens to you Only and that's why Dr. Loomis Wants you to take care Michael
-one night as you about to leave the Hospital when you heard Dr. Loomis that he will take Michael and do something bad to him. Into your shock you immediately run towards Michael's Room to talk to him
-And when you get there you take his hand and tell him about the plan of Dr. Loomis “You have to leave.. Now” You said but Michael doesn't want to leave you “Come. With. Me” A Deep voice spoke up. Looking into his Eyes you immediately sees the Sincerity into his eyes. Hesitantly you nod and let him lead you outside
When the both of you got outside a loud bang suddenly caught your attention
-Michael was being shot. You turn to him and take a look on his wound and without a second doubt you raise your hands up showing that you surrendered and slowly approach the person and when you do, you Swiftly grab the Gun and Shot the person straight to their head. You shot the person over and over again until Michael Pulls you away
-You and him got away and you took him somewhere very private so you can stay there for while. You treated his wounds and give him some food and after that You Put Michael into a room while you change into something comfortable
Michael was sitting on the bed when you came back from the bathroom “You should take a bath” You said making Michael Stood up and approach you “I'm going oit to buy you some clothes to wear and tomorrow we're go-” Your words was Interrupted by a firm kiss on the lips
-Michael was so Turned on seeing you in that kind of state. He really likes it but doesn't wanted you to do it again because he doesn't wanted to put you into a great danger
Asa Emory
-You were his Girlfriend and his Best Student
-Asa loves your Sweet and caring side that he always longing for your Presence and time but this time was very different
-You told him that you're going to a party with your friends and of course he let you be but reminded you tha you needed to be careful
-When the Night has come Asa Gets ready to go to his Hotel and continue his works but when he's about to get there he saw a very familiar face and it was you. You were being cornered by a man
He watches you from afar when his phone suddenly rings up. When he picks it up je heard your Nervous tone “Babe Can you pick me up? There's a man harassing me” You said but Asa were just Listening at you and then he just said that “I'll be coming” Then Hangup his phone
-after a while the man was still not letting you go so you've decided to take the matters into your hands
You grab the man's Collar and punch his face so hard making stumble off his feet “You b*tch!” You harshly kick the man's face making his nose bleeds even more, the man let out a loud groan as you left him
-after you left Asa was in shocked like totally in shocked because he never actually sees you angry before and this is was a massive turn on for him. Man he will do anything in his power to see this side of you again and definitely he will be in trouble when he gets home
Jesse Cromeans
-Jesse treats you as his Little Princess. You're never calm, kind and Passionate about him and yourself
-But Preston just happened to cross the line and found himself being pinned by you on the ground
-Actually it was an accident when you heard him talks ill about your Husband and of course you do liked it so you immediately snapped on him making him immediately regretted his words
-Span Immediately calls Jesse out just to calm you down and when he gets there he saw you holding Preston by his hair and slapping his face so hard “If I happen to hear that you talks ill into my husband again.. I'll make sure to cut that tongue of yours understand?!” Preston only Nods in response
-The whole people at the warehouse witnesses how you discipline Preston in your own way and also making them feared you like the way they feared their boss. Turning at Corner you saw your Husband and you knew that he was smirk under his Chromeskull mask
You approach him and let him wrap his Strong arms around your waist “Let's go to my Office” He sign making you rolled your eyes and let him take you at his office to deal some business🤨
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Dancing Tango with op boys
Warning: Fluff, SFW
Feat: Thatch, Marco, Luffy, and Ace
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Thatch Death
-Believe it or not but Thatch was very expert in dancing especially In Tango so Don't be surprised when he's more skilled than you are
-Thatch will Bend you down as you sway your hips along with the Tune making him smirk in Amusement
-you will be more impressed when he Throw you against the air and even put a piece of rose Into his mouth and begin to approach you in a very seductive way
Marco The Phoenix
-like Thatch, Marco was also very Skilled in dancing a tango
-This guy will Dance with you when he's not busy at all.. He will stare at your Eyes in a very seductive way and bend you down and lift your legs against his waist and sway along with you
-But Unlike Thatch, Marco keep his Poker Face so that you cannot see how happy he was at the moment
-This may also like a mating call for Marco if you liked to dance so much..
Monkey D. Luffy
-Poor Baby
-Luffy does not know how to dance but he's willing to try it out, so that he can make your happy even though he can't
-he will approach Sanji and beg him to teach him how to dance
-And after a long work and endurance, he will eventually Learn it and ask you if you can dance with him
-After dancing, you begun to admire him and loved him even more making him proud and happy
Portgast D. Ace
-He May know to dance tango but not too much to keep up with you
-Like Luffy, Ace will ask his Brothers more Particularly Thatch and Marco to teach him out so that he can dance with you because you've been asking him nonstop to dance with you
-Ace step on Thatch's Foot like Multiple times but he didn't complain at all because he see how serious his brother are.. And after of numerous practice, Ace eventually got expert on dancing and invite you to dance with him so that he can show his skills on you
-After dancing ans complimenting him, This Guy will give you a proud appearance and ask you if you would liked to dance again
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