#Release them you evil evil man😡😡😡😡😡
rivetgoth · 1 year
Man there is this weird historical revisionism that happens with terminally online “alt” posers where they like, assume that all the cool underground alt counterculture stuff of decades past were easily accessible within the mainstream and nowadays it’s been suppressed or hidden or is even entirely nonexistent in favor of the “lame” mainstream media. And like, I have said before and will say again and again that there is PLENTY to criticize regarding the entertainment industry and arts as a whole in the 21st century, it has not just been some forwards progression of positive change and improvement and I know that, but it also just frustrates me ENDLESSLY because the reality is the things y’all are idolizing were NOT mainstream. You were not guaranteed to walk down the street in the 80s and hear gothic rock and industrial or even more accessible synthpop that remains popular today, there was plenty of absolute shit music in the 80s lol. Movies were not just inherently better 20-30-40 years ago and in fact plentyyyy of major blockbuster hits absolutely sucked shit and there was an insane amount of garbage being manufactured by corrupt production companies. Fashion was not all cute GNC boys with long hair and eyeliner or whatever. It was not like some safehaven for queer gendernonconformity it was LITERALLY the AIDS crisis. And the stuff y’all are idolizing are now extremely popular in hindsight! Everybody knows Nine Inch Nails and The Cure and The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Hellraiser! This is household name media!
I just constantly see posts that are like “back then there was UNDERGROUND COUNTERCULTURE EVERYWHERE and now all we have is TikTok and Taylor Swift and Marvel 💔😡” and honestly it makes you sound like clowns. You are not finding the underground counterculture because it is fucking underground. The stuff you’re consuming from years ago withstood the tests of time. But there were not goth clubs lining every street corner and cool cult classics coming out every fucking week back in the day lol. This stuff was considered underground, alternative, cult, etc for a reason. You are comparing the most successful underground media from decades ago with mainstream media of today and honestly all it actually reveals is that you don’t really care about keeping underground art alive and uplifting the artists who are doing so now in modern time, or even have the knowledge of how to do so. You aren’t finding today’s “underground” subcultures because THEY ARE UNDERGROUND. It takes effort beyond looking at what’s trending on social media or what’s getting major theatrical releases. You have to engage with music that is not even on Spotify, film that at best may run the festival circuit. And, frankly, some of y’all have wildly rose tinted glasses about what good art is and are judgmental as fuck of anything that forces you to expand your horizons-- Alt music genres have a huge amount of fusion within them now. Deal with it. Lots of y’all sound genuinely racist with your aversion to alt music drawing more and more inspiration from rap and hip hop. CGI is a relatively accessible and still very experimental art form with tons of potential and many poor or indie artists are experimenting with it. Deal with it. CGI is not inherently evil or ugly. Genres evolve and sounds change. Back then plenty of the experimental stuff that we find cool now was made with dogshit quality because it was just people scraping together the few resources they could afford to make something. You only think it’s better because it’s older lol. You are the alt TikTok NIN fan Hot Topic equivalent of people who think they were born in the wrong generation because their idea of the 50s is poodle skirts and milkshakes at checkered diners.
I would be less of a cunt about this topic if the result was not a staggering amount of people calling themselves fucked up deranged alt punk gothic freaks only to turn around and quite literally say that there is no longer an alternative/underground subculture and that capitalism has destroyed any semblance of independent or experimental art because they are not fucking looking for it. Which in turn shits on so many struggling indie creators desperately trying to get their art out there within an increasingly tumultuous, hostile, anti-artist landscape of capitalist modern society. Engaging with underground work does actually require digging for it. The underground work you are engaging with from the past is literally no longer underground. If you exclusively enjoy alt music from the 70s or 80s or exclusively enjoy oldschool cult classics that is FINE but I better not see “back in the 80s we had Cronenberg and Carpenter and now we only have Marvel and Star Wars :( Why did they get Bauhaus and now we only get Billie Eilish? Why is there no more community, no more subculture, no more actual interesting art?” as if these are normal comparisons and actual reasonable observations rather than an admittance of your lack of understanding of the way that underground art actually evolves or even a desire to seek it out. Problems with modern industries aside, with social media and the internet and the improvement of technology like personal cameras and digital art programs both creating and finding independent art is EASIER now than EVER in many ways. You can discover enough music to last you your entire life from the comfort of your IPHONE.
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shuemori · 7 months
[ Contain Spoiler for Ch.13 ]
Hello, fellow Chief. How are you faring after this chapter? As for myself, i'm quite satisfied with recent story. So much lore, meta, and others term which enrich our understanding of PTN world. 🥳
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WAY TO GO, DONALD!! 🫡 My man support The Chief all the way until the end. No fire, bullets, and reprimand from Matilda could stop him and his clownery to bring back his Bros.
...yeah, despite what happen to him, he is quite dependable in loyalty area. :') I thank AISNO for releasing a male sinner. The game is lack on that part haha...🤭
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CHIEF...!!! Oh god, i hope you got therapy + massage after what you experience 🥲 your shoulder must be quite heavy with all that burden and tensions... Paraidesos or whatever enemies out there will pay greatly for their conduct toward you 🤯
Nightingale must be furious if she heard what they did to you in 8 months.
But look!! your babies are grown. Hella and Hecate 🤧 Aaa ... I'm so proud of them, especially Hecate. She has found her own 'Voice'.
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AND THE LONG AWAITED ONE FINALLY RETURN! But hold on, Zoya, what happen to your face?? Is that remnants of Black Ring??
You are not become their test subject... right?? 😱😱 anyway, about that Rust Guy... is he also a BR's victim? Maybe another unlucky crew from Parma Group, secretly survived? 🤔
But this is a great development, so human who change into a corpseborn could survive? Hm... very interesting. I really hopes Julien could survive, but he is pretty stubborn to make sure Rustfire revival. And probably he would choose the same option again and again. ☹️ RIP Hero...
Zoya... have you seen Horo?? She is a true born leader 🥺🥹 You and Earl must be proud of her... also she increase in height, that Milk binge drinking finally reached its goal.
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And who are you guys? Why No.01 has Parma-like voice?? Are you secretly rejuvenating yourself with Mania?
Also GIVE US BACK SHALOM AND RAHU!! I don't accept that mysterious soldier and never EVER touch them with your hands 😡😡
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Hi from the other side, Elder Sister. Are you the one who wreck havoc to your little sister? 🤗 what a splendid flower you have, must be evil....
Am I to assume that AISNO are planning to create animation film? That would be great, ☺️☺️ Please do it, Aisno!!
So... this chapter are quite satisfying. I can't wait to see another chapter and meet other sinners. I'm also curious about that elderly woman and the Chief past.
I hope you guys enjoy the games too...😉
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Is that the kwamis inside a jar?!?!?!?!?! Poor little kwamis 😭😭😭😭😭
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