#Relni Chapter 50
soraavalon · 4 months
DM: She seems legit, Tark. Tark: Can I... DM: Seems legit, but yeah she doesn't, maybe she just doesn't know exactly what it was. But she's saying that it wasn't something contagious, something in her blood that was wasting her away. Tark: Tark is gonna offer his hand and, "I know a little bit of healing." Amelia: Darling, I don't know in my current state if that would take correctly. Nathaniel: Something Nathaniel needs to worry about? If it's blood related, I mean. Amelia: I hope not. It's hard to say. Tark: Hmm. Amelia: Of course it, I don't know any of my family members that have dealt with it, but it could've been an anomaly. We can hope that it doesn't afflict Nathaniel. Just keep an eye on him. Tark: Can you tell me what your symptoms were? Was it just like you got real sick real fast? DM: Nicholas is going to interrupt, not even talk to you but talk to just someone else at the table and just cut this off. Nicholas: So you're all a part of this adventuring guild that Thefaren has put together? Hunt: Yes, we are. Nicholas: We didn't have much chance to discuss Nathaniel's exploits. I would love to hear some of the stories that you all have gone through. Tark: Chronologically or emotional? Hunt: Where would you like us to start? Nicholas: How about at the beginning. DM: We'll fade out as you guys start telling Amelia and Nicholas stories of your exploits and wondering what stories they are not telling.
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soraavalon · 4 months
Amelia: And it didn't quite work out, we didn't have the right diamond, I think? We've been determining what went wrong, but obviously we don't have the doll. I'm not entirely sure, but what I do know is that my husband used a piece of his own, essence, his own soul to keep mine bound to my body. Tark: O-kay. So... Amelia: It's rather like have you ever seen those... DM: Oh shit, I just realized... I'm sorry and I mean this seriously and I didn't realize that's the analogy I was using. Amelia: Have you ever seen broken pottery-- Tark (OOC): *laughs* Amelia: Sealed with gold in the cracks? Tark: Yes! Amelia: It's rather like that. Tark: If you don't mind me asking, were you just sick? Amelia: Yes. Tark: Like a really bad flu? Nathaniel: I look at Moriarty for maybe two seconds too long and then I look back to whatever it is I'm doing. Moriarty: Can I catch that he looks at me for a little too long? DM: What's your passive again? Moriarty (OOC): I'm pretty sure it's 18 or something. Hunt (OOC): His passive's 20. Moriarty (OOC): Oh yeah, it is 20. Tark (OOC): Because my passive's 18. Hunt (OOC): And mine's 21. DM: Hunt and Moriarty definitely catch it. Morarity: I would like to roll insight. DM: Nathaniel, do you think Tark catches as well? Nathaniel: Tark's leaning over me so he probably saw my head turn. DM: Mm-hmm. Marigold, Eudora, what about ya'll. Eudora: Passive perception? DM: Yeah. Eudora: 15. Marigold: 14 DM: Okay. Crow, what do you suppose? Nathaniel: Not even sure what I'm rolling for? DM: I don't know. You don't have to roll, it's just you know, do you think it would be enough? Nathaniel: Yeah, you catch that there's something but you also kind of, oh wait Ethan wanted to roll an insight check. DM: Yes, I just wanted to know if the other two notice that you've looked--- Nathaniel: They noticed it, yes. DM: Okay. Go ahead Ethan, roll insight. Nathaniel: What is your insight question going to be? What are you looking for? DM: What is he looking for? Moriarty: I got an 18 total, 13+5. Nathaniel: 'Kay. Moriarty (OOC): *trying to get words for question* Nathaniel: So he's trying to figure out if Nathaniel knows something that Amelia's not saying out loud? Moriarty (OOC): Yes, thank you Crow for helping me fill in the blanks. Nathaniel (OOC): You're welcome. (IC): *rolls* I can't count. I rolled another 13. No I didn't. yes I did. I rolled another 13. DM: Okay. Total? Nathaniel: That was the total. I rolled a 9+4 DM: Okay, so yes Moriarty you immediately clock that Nathaniel knows something that she is not saying. Moriarty: Okay. Moriarty's not going to do anything with this right now. Nathaniel: Thank you. DM: We will kind of pause 'cause she still hasn't answered Tark. Amelia: No, it was something in the blood... well obviously it's all stopped now. Moriarty (OOC): I was literally about to go... Can I roll insight on that too? DM: I'll say no, I'm gonna say that you were looking at Nathaniel 'cause that was her answer to that question. So you were looking at Nathaniel in that moment. Tark: And then can Tark 'cause Tark. DM: Tark is talking to her, Tark can roll insight. Tark: Yes. *rolls* Jesus, 14+8. DM: Okay. Tark: 22 Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] Interrogation Sunday.
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soraavalon · 4 months
Marigold: How come you never reached out? Tark: Thank you! Nathaniel (OOC): Marigold coming for the throat. DM: Damn! Nathaniel (OOC): I love Mary. Hunt: Should we find somewhere to sit and talk or are we just gonna continue standing in front of the Winking Stars? Moriarty: We probably should go somewhere else. Nicholas: Our house is too small to host such a boisterous party. Eudora: Perhaps dinner back on the ship? Amelia: The airship? That one? Tark: Yeah! DM: Nods over where you can kind of see the mast. Amelia: I think that sounds lovely. Marigold: I think you don't want to answer the question. Tark (OOC): Ask Nicholas that. Ask Nicholas that. Marigold (OOC): It was an open question. Nathaniel (OOC): Feel free to ask it again. DM: Nicholas will sort of as you guys begin to move, will nod to Marigold in acknowledgment and just. Nicholas:  That is a complicated answer. Marigold: Is it? Nicholas: Yes. If I gave you the easy version, well there's nothing that could absolve me of it anyways. I wanted to give Nathaniel his space, I gave too much. Marigold: Do they not have post offices here? Nicholas: Yes, they do. I will be the first to admit that none of my answers are good answers, but they are the answers that I have. Marigold: Interesting fact; My dad lives in the Feywild and I lost all my memories of him. Nathaniel (OOC): Big fact. Marigold: And he tried to break through into this plane to see me. Tark: Still so sorry about that. Marigold: And made a deal with some hags to do so. Tark: Very sorry about that. Marigold: Yeah, that's fine. So yeah, it's you know... Very different families. Nicholas: Yes. Marigold: Mary's gonna walk on ahead. DM: There's still that polite customer service smile, but it fully just the mouth and not the eyes that are smiling. Marigold (OOC): Yeah, fuck off sir. DM: That is so valid. Marigold (OOC): The goodest boy. Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] living for mary doing for nate what tark did for hunt Tark (OOC): Mm-hmm
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soraavalon · 4 months
Tark: Tark reaches out his hand to go shake Amelia's hand and is like, "I am so glad I didn't have to dig you up. That would have been so awkward." Amelia: Yeah, it would've been awkward for the both of us. I'm very glad you also didn't have to dig me up. Tark: Sure. We're allowed back in... Moriarty: A couple of farmers came in, threw a racial slur in Hunt's direction and Tark took exception to that. Amelia: Mmm Tark: I didn't kill anyone. Hunt: Again, it was not necessary. Moriarty: No, but he did turn one into a worm. Tark: He'll get better. (?) DM: Amelia starts giggling. Tark: No lasting damage. DM: Nicholas has also had a very polite and familiar looking smile [something] a bunch of very loud strangers. Tark: Oh! That's where you get it from. Nathaniel (OOC): They're both smiling now? Tark: Oh. I don't take nicely to people who are racist. Amelia: Understandable. Tark: The least I could do was turn him into a worm. Amelia: Unfortunate and most Tieflings aren't the ones who made the pact that got them hexexd. Hunt: Nope. Amelia: That happened further in their bloodline. DM: She does sort of pat your arm Nathaniel when she does that. Moriarty (OOC): Hold on. Nathaniel (OOC): Oh wait. DM: *chuckles* Eudora (OOC): *laughs* Moriarty (OOC): Wait a minute. Nathaniel (OOC): Wait. shit. Moriarty (OOC): Wait wait wait wait! Nathaniel (OOC): Nope! We're moving past it. We're going on. We're moving past it. DM: Nobody else gets it. Hunt (OOC): Oh! Nathaniel (OOC): Fine. It's fine.
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soraavalon · 4 months
DM: They will walk you guys, I'm sure you lead them back to the WInking Stars. As soon as the doors open and the two of you step in the bartender is like; Bartender: Oi, they're here, you're not allowed back. Tark: Yeah yep. We're going. Nathaniel: *what? gesture* Hunt: Hunt turns to the bartender and is like, "I am so terribly sorry about him." Bartender: Out. Tark: Why are you apologizing!? Hunt: I told you it was not a big deal! Tark: I'm not sorry! Hunt: *sighs* Amelia: I see what you mean. Nathaniel: The Tiefling is Hunt. Tark: We convene right outside. DM: And you guys see Nathaniel's parents, unmistakenly them. Eudora: Eudora makes eye contact with Hunt. Just solid eye contact. Nathaniel: Nathaniel is going to introduce everybody to his parents. Tark: Sweet. DM: Nicholas will step forward and shake Moriarty's hand. Nicholas: Kilmister. Moriarty: Mr. Price. Good to see you again. Nicholas: Likewise. Moriarty: Are you well? Nicholas: As well as can be expected. And you? Moriarty: I suppose I'm well. DM: Was it his right hand that had been hurt or was it his left? I can't remember. Moriarty (OOC): I know it was one leg and the other arm. DM: Right, I'm trying to remember which was which. Moriarty (OOC): Just give me one second. DM: I thought it was his right hand because he was reaching under the carriage... Moriarty (OOC): His left arm. DM: Left arm, okay. Nathaniel (OOC): Oh, just like Nathaniel. Interesting. DM: So he doesn't then yeah, he would've held your hand and looked at the prosthetic, but he doesn't. He just gives you a firm shake. Moriarty: Is going to turn to Amelia and offer his hand to shake hers as well. Nathaniel (OOC): Bold move. DM: She shakes your hand, you immediately feel how cold she is to the touch, but she will give you a handshake and a nod and a small 'Kilmister' Moriarty: I hope your health is improving. Amelia: Oh by the day. Moriarty: Good. Nathaniel (OOC) Oh wow. Tark (OOC): Wow. She does not like him. Nathaniel (OOC): Nope. DM: It's not personal, it's sort of... She dislikes her husband through you, you know? It's what you represent. But she is friendlier now than I think she would have been had she just ran into you this morning.
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soraavalon · 4 months
Eudora: So darlin'? Nathaniel: That was a lot. I'm fine, how are you? Eudora: I-I'm... I'm fine? A little concerned. Nathaniel: Yeah. It's another dead end, I'm sorry. Eudora: I wouldn't call it a dead end. Nathaniel: What are you thinking? Eudora: Just... Having that confirmation that Lady Valmoira sent Jasper in that direction. Now I don't know when she might of mentioned it to him, I don't know the context. Nathaniel: Right. Eudora: But I don't like it. Nathaniel: So what now? I don't suppose we could just ask Lady Valmoira about it? (OOC): [in chat] imagining the face swan is making rn Eudora: I don't know. DM: [in chat] *laughing emoji* Tark knows Sending and Valmoira. You could Just Ask Her. Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] from a distance DM: [in chat] a safe distance Tark (OOC): [in chat] someone would have to ask Tark to do it first Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] no distance is safe
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soraavalon · 4 months
Nathaniel: Oh, Thomas was looking for you, by the way. Nicholas: Oh yes, I will need to fix their grandfather clock. Nathaniel: He mistook me for you. That's the only way I knew you were here. Nicholas: Ah. Oh, boy needs spectacles. -laughter-
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soraavalon · 4 months
Nicholas: We don't really have the space to host your friends for dinner likely, but there's an inn in town. If you'd like to introduce us or if you'd like to wait till we get back to the city. Marigold (OOC): [in chat] *replying to Crow's message* yes Tark (OOC): [in chat] we got kicked out Hunt (OOC): [in chat] we're not allowed there anymore. XD DM: They don't know. They don't know you got kicked out. *laughs* Marigold (OOC): [in chat] we got kicked out??? Nathaniel: Tensions might be high considering what they know about you. Nicholas: Hmm Marigold (OOC): [in chat] i thought they did  rude Nicholas: Understandable. Hunt (OOC): [in chat] bartender wanted us out after the farmers got kicked out Nicholas: I can't imagine I have a flattering image painted in their minds. Nathaniel: No, I'm afraid not. Marigold (OOC): [in chat] :< Tark (OOC): [in chat] we were told to finish and as soon as our friends were back we were to leave and not come back Nicholas: Well, you're welcome to stay here if you'd like for the evening if you do stay overnight. Tark (OOC): [in chat] Should Tark do sending for Eudora and let her know XD Nathaniel: Thank you, but not tonight. DM: I'll say Amelia at this point led Eudora back into the kitchen. Amelia: Are you two heading out then? Nathaniel: Yes. Hunt (OOC): [in chat] Might be a good idea to let her know if she was expecting to stay the night at the inn. Amelia: Can we walk you back? Nathaniel: If you would like to. Kilmister may be there though if you don't want to see him. Amelia: We don't have to tell him what happened. DM: She looks to Nicholas who gives a nod like 'Yeah, I filled him in.' Eudora: That gets Eudora's attention. Amelia: I can be amiable. I'd like to meet all your friends. Tark (OOC): *laughs* Oh god. Hunt (OOC): Oh god. Tark (OOC): No you don't. Nathaniel: They can be a lot. Amelia: Well... Tark (OOC): They get there and we're all sitting on the ground out front debating whether or not we should go run to mom and dad and tell them what happened. Nathaniel (OOC): Just a full-blown four way argument happening. DM: *laughs* 'Well if you hadn't...' Tark (OOC): 'You turned him into a worm!' 'He was askin' for it!' Nathaniel (OOC): *laughing* DM: 'He was racist!' Hunt (OOC): And Hunt is assuring Tark like, "It's fine, you didn't need to go off.' Tark (OOC): 'It wasn't fine! He was being racist!' Hunt (OOC): 'I know he was being racist! But it was unnecessary to cause trouble!' Tark (OOC): 'It wasn't trouble! [something] turn him into a worm!' DM: Marigold and Moriarty are holding them back. Moriarty (OOC): 'How are they going to learn if they---' Nathaniel (OOC): *laughing* I wasn't being serious. DM: She laughs. Amelia: Nathaniel, I have been living in this very small town for the last year. I very much miss a bit of hustle and bustle, I would be very happy to meet your friends, no matter how much they are. Tark (OOC): Well she's in for it now. -laughter-
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soraavalon · 4 months
Nicholas: When are you planning on going back to Amberhelm? Nathaniel: If not tonight, then tomorrow probably. Eudora's learned most of what I think she was hoping to find out about her husband. Nicholas: Sorry we couldn't be more helpful there, but naturally your mother is wary of devils now. Nathaniel: I'm sure she is. Nicholas: Didn't want one to try and solve the problems of another. You still have the pocket watch? DM: As it gets quiet again in the ktichen and it's just the two of you now. Nathaniel: Nathaniel pulls it out and puts it on the table. Nicholas: May I? Nathaniel: Of course. DM: He reaches out and clicks it open, opens the back, puts it back together, closes it and slides it back to you. Nicholas: My father gave me that watch. Nathaniel: I remember when we fixed it together. Nicholas: I broke it. Nathaniel: At school I took it apart over and over again. I know the inner workings of that thing better than I know anything else. Nicholas: I'm glad it's yours. Nathaniel: Someday maybe I'll get to pass it on. Nicholas: That would be nice. Can I ask... DM: He's sort of bouncing on the line of 'I want to know everything about you' and also 'What am I? Are we good? Can I ask you things?' Nicholas: Is there someone with whom you might... Have you found anyone? Nathaniel: I think I have. Nicholas: I would like to hear more at some point and maybe with your mother, I'm sure she'd be thrilled. Nathaniel: Mother would love her. Nicholas: It might take us a few days to pack up here, but if you would have us come home. Nathaniel: Would you return permanently then? Nicholas: We don't have to. We could visit. Nathaniel: It's up  to you, but... I don't know what I expected. I expected you to have friends. It's a lot to ask you to pick up your entire life and move back. Nicholas: Well honestly, travel would be harder on Amelia at this point. Nathaniel: Then don't rush. Figure it out first. Nicholas: Yeah. Nathaniel: Are there any... Is there anything in the workshop that you want? Nicholas: I don't even remember what I even left at this point. Whatever doesn't look like it can be tossed, I suppose? Nathaniel: All of the clocks that you built are still ticking. Nicholas: That is unexpected. I think I'd like those. Nathaniel: Good to know. I wasn't sure what to do with them. Nicholas: I can sell them. Nathaniel: I'm going to take the workshop apart. Nicholas: I see. Nathaniel: I'd just thought you should know. Nicholas: Thank you. It's your home. Your house, you can do with it as you please. Nathaniel: Glad we don't have to argue about that. Nicholas: I don't think I have the energy to argue right now, Nathaniel. Nathaniel: I'll see if I can help. Nicholas: I appreciate that. We're making it day by day. Nathaniel: I just need you to trust me. Nicholas: I do. Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] maybe roadtrip to hell
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soraavalon · 4 months
Nicholas: Trying to look for some sort of solution that will allow her to be made whole enough to be on her own so that if... I mean eventually, I'm not a young man and if I go, what is holding her here will also dissolve and... I will not send her to the Hells if I can help it. I don't know where to go right now and that's where we're at and that is why you were not invited to the funeral, yes. Nathaniel: *laughs* Huh. Wow, this is not what I was expecting. Alright. There alright, this may as well happen. DM: He actually kind of laughs a bit as well at that. Nathaniel: Not to rub salt into a wound, but why not just send Moriarty away? Nicholas: Business was getting better and I needed and extra pair of hands and I hadn't heard from you. I didn't know if you even wanted to come back and be a clockmaker. Tark (OOC): [in chat] HE COULD HAVE SENT A LETTER  HE COULD HAVE ASKED Eudora (OOC): [in chat] This is what happens when people fail to communicate Tark (OOC): [in chat] im gonna turn HIM into a worm Nathaniel: I suppose the answer doesn't matter now. What's done is done. DM: [in chat] he's the parent it was his responsibility to reach out and he didn't and it's absolutely fucked up Nicholas: We'll fix what we can. Nathaniel: And what do you suppose we'll do if we replace it this time? Nicholas: We'll do our best. Nathaniel: *sighs* Nicholas: Learn to live with the broken pieces, I suppose. Nathaniel: Gods, you should've just sent me a letter. Nicholas: Yes, I should have. I didn't, I didn't want you to feel stifled. I know that's not a good explanation, I don't-- Nathaniel: You sent me away! Nicholas: To school. To get an education. I always wanted the best for you Nathaniel. Wanted to give you everything I didn't have, I... over-corrected. Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] "I always wanted the best for you" is a HELL of an excuse Nathaniel: You had never sent me one. I didn't think you wanted to hear from me. I was hoping my reputation as a clockmaker would have made it to you first. Nicholas: I have heard tale, yes. Nathaniel: Just came too late. Nicholas: Yeah, yes. Nathaniel: I appreciate what you did, but all I ever wanted was to work in your workshop with you. Nicholas: I'm sorry. I know that's not enough. Nathaniel: But it is now. Nicholas: I do love you, Nathaniel. Nathaniel: I love you too. DM: He does break finally at that. A bit, he's trying not to do a full sob that definitely is... Nathaniel (OOC): Aww.
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soraavalon · 4 months
Nicholas: Apparently, Amelia went to the Hexweaver and made a deal; A favor for a favor. Should the bargain fall apart, she would be released from it. Should she fail her side, then her soul would enter the contract. Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] is she the reason mori lost his hand Nathaniel: Okay. Nicholas: I'm told she held onto it for some time trying to figure out the exact wording, making sure there were no loopholes, eventually things aligned. I came home to find Mr. Kilmister met with some... accident one winter. Tark (OOC): [in chat] LOL Nicholas: She had hoped that the loss of his hand would send him home. It did not. As she believed that her side of the bargain was not fulfilled--- Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] you galvanized him Nathaniel: Oh... DM: Does Nathaniel say anything? Hunt (OOC): Oh! Tark (OOC): [in chat] go mom XD so sorry mori but Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] that backfired so hard Nicholas: She... yeah. She believed her side of the bargain had not been fulfilled as Moriarty had not gone home after the accident. She was told that was not the Hexweaver's responsibility, he had done his part. She refused to entertain whatever he was going to offer, feeling cheated and thus her soul entered the contract and out of spite because he's a f- a devil, The Hexweaver placed a withering curse on your mother. She tried to break it herself for a long while before she finally confided in me that what had happened, why I was watching her wither and waste away in front of me. Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] OH SO YOU PLAYED YOURSELF Nicholas: So we sent the boy home, started working on any cure that we could. Tark (OOC): [in chat] curse? *eyes emoji* Nicholas: We thought maybe placing her soul in the clockwork doll. Nathaniel: Oh, that's why it didn't work. Nicholas: Right. Technically, she had to die to change vessels and he was waiting and he almost took her from me. And it broke us both to bring her back. There is, she says a part of herself is in the Hexweaver's grasp, in the Hells. What is gone was supplemented with my own soul. We cannot go too far from one another, we share much now. Marigold (OOC): [in chat] so roadtrip to the hells? Nicholas: That she's here adn that's what matters. Tark (OOC): [in chat] Tag me in boss! Nathaniel: Alright Nicholas: I know this is a lot. Marigold (OOC): [in chat] *inserts gif of Crowley maniacally laughing* Nathaniel: 'A lot' is an understatement. Nicholas: Yes, well I've never had her way with words.
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soraavalon · 4 months
DM: So he waits for Eudora to leave, hears the conversation sort of begin up in the room. Nicholas: You know your mother has a fondness for darker stories. Nathaniel: Like the Bag Man? Nicholas: Yes. Did she ever tell you about the Hexweaver? Nathaniel: DId she? DM: You can make a religion check. Nathaniel (OOC): Shit. Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] what Nathaniel (OOC): Let's use the red arcane die that always fails me. DM: Love that. Nathaniel (OOC): Don't know why I picked that one. DM: [in chat] The Hexweaver. Nathaniel: Religion? DM: Yes. Nathaniel: 13? DM: Not really. The name sounds like any other entity, you know. You can imagine what it might do. Nathaniel: Yeah. DM: It's probably, a 13's not bad, no I think... I think the name rings a bell but it's not, yeah, one of those things you're like 'it sounds familiar and I'm sure it's a thing' Nathaniel: He'll kind of shrug. Nicholas: The Hexweaver is a devil of the crossroads. Nathaniel: Oh, okay. Nicholas: A dealer in favors, not souls. She was very adamant that it didn't deal in souls. As the soul trade is apparently a nightmare for the devils as well as it is for the mortals. Everything ends up in the hands of the Smiling Prince eventually, so the Hexweaver avoids dealing in souls if it can. Nathaniel: Alright, go on.
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soraavalon · 4 months
Nicholas: Mrs. Green--- I'm sorry I apologize, Ms. Wildthorne, perhaps you would go and check on Amelia for a moment? Eudora: "I understand." And Eudora will get up. Nicholas: Perhaps you might like some fresh air? Eudora: Which way did Amelia go? DM: She went across the hall into the parlor room. Eudora: Eudora is gonna go check on Amelia. DM: Okay. This room is much smaller than the kitchen, it's a stove and a couple of chair and a desk that is also strewn with papers. They pulled the chair from the desk into the kitchen to have room for everybody to sit. She's on some sort of loveseat, chaise lounge by the small fire and she's sort of staring at her hands. It's very dark in this room and warm. Eudora: yeah Eudora is gonna make a little bit of noise as she's coming in to try not to startle her. DM: She'll look up and give you a nod and scoot over so there's room for you to sit. Eudora: So... Amelia: I apologize for my abruptness, that was very rude. Eudora: No need for apologies, Mrs. Price, I understand this isn't an easy occasion for any of you. Amelia: No I, no it is not. DM: She will very politely reach for a book on a shelf and... Amelia: You're from Illsyronia, do you know these stories? DM: And she's got a book of Illsyronian folklore as she just sort is like talking to you to get both your minds off whatever conversation is happening in the kitchen. Eudora: I'm assuming Eudora is familiar with these stories? DM: Yeah. It's not quite fairytales but it's more like old folk stories and things like that. Eudora: Is there anything in any of these stories that directly mention the Moonshadow? DM: Oh in Illsyronia? Absolutely. Eudora: Okay, so Eudora's going to focus in on one of the stories that has a lot of involvement with the Moonshadow and she's just gonna pause in the midst of this conversation and say, "So, I assume you're aware ya'll have a watcher." Amelia: Oh Pinion, yes no he's ours. Nathaniel (OOC): I was right! Eudora: Yours? Amelia: Yes. DM: *looking up something real quick* There we go, you see her reach out her hand and cast Dancing Lights. It's less that these lights appear and more of the shadows retreat and everything kind of becomes stark and flat in a weird way. Tark (OOC): hell yah DM: It's less a manipulation of light and more of a manipulation of darkness. Amelia: Nicholas and I are a bit changed by our experiences. Pinion is our familiar. Eudora: I see. Amelia: A clever name, yes? A feather and a type of clockwork piece. I was pleased with it. Eudora: And why a raven in particular? Amelia: Felt right. I suppose I hoped the Moonshadow would look on me kindly after all I've done. Tark (OOC): [in chat] our? like they share? Amelia: Would help me. Eudora: I hope that's the case. I am a follower of hers but not perhaps the most zealous. DM: She'll sort of talk to you about that. I would love to cut back to the kitchen. Eudora (OOC): Yes. Nathaniel (OOC): [in chat] warlock and patron i think?
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soraavalon · 4 months
DM: Nicholas has seen your bewilderment and suggested maybe you go and talk to her about the whole situation that you all are in. Nathaniel: I mean you could tell me now. She doesn't seem to want to talk about it. Nicholas: Yeah, I suppose I could. I will, it's just... DM: He kind of glances at Eudora. Nicholas: Your mother was very unhappy that I took an apprentice--- Tark (OOC): Noo. Sorry. DM: Hush. Tark (OOC): I forgot to mute myself. Nicholas: Rather than reach out to you and bring you home to fulfill the role. I didn't anticipate hiring Kilmister, it was more of a series of coincidences. I stumbled into him, I was in Steelbay pitching the idea of clockwork prosthetics and here was the perfect test subject I suppose is an unkind way of phrasing it, I know he is a friend of yours so I will... Anyways Amelia was not happy. Money we were putting away for your dowry, for our travels was now going to house and board an additional mouth. She seemed to feel that you were being replaced, which was not my intention. Nathaniel: It did feel that way when I met him. Nicholas: I... apologize for giving that impression. Tark (OOC): [in chat] bro we clearly know who is the smarter one outta the duo, he should leave everything to his wife Nicholas: Money came from the travel funds, she couldn't visit as often, she was furious and took matters into her hands. Nathaniel: What does that mean? Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] i'm sorry?
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soraavalon · 4 months
Farmer #2: The fuck's your problem dude? Do you think you're better than us? Tark: No. Famer #2: Come in here in your fancy ass clothes--- Tark: Yeah. Farmer #2: And your Hexblood. Tark: Actually, I do think I'm better than you. Farmer #1: And whatever the fuck that thing is. DM: Points at Marigold. Hunt (OOC): Why is he digging his grave!? Tark: Cool! And with that, Tark is, oh should he? Marigold (OOC): Probably not. Hunt (OOC): Probably not. DM: Whatever it is, no. Moriarty (OOC): If your thought is to cast Inflict Wounds--- DM: If your thought is to do anything that does more than a couple of hit points, this dude is... Moriarty (OOC): Unless you specify non-lethal. DM: This is a farmer. Nathaniel (OOC): You are going to fucking do a murder. Tark: No, no I'm not. Tark is going to grab him by the face and cast Polymorph. DM: Oh! Okay, what do I have to roll? Hunt (OOC): Wisdom. Marigold (OOC): It's a... yeah. DM: Rad. I don't think this dude is very wise. No, that's another Nat2 baby! Let's go! What happens? Startin' a bar fight. Nathaniel and Eudora leave everyone else. Tark: And he will turn a worm. DM: Oh. Tark: Tark will pick him up, set him on the counter, look at his friend and just raise an eyebrow. DM: The other dude is holding where his lip is split and bleeding all the way down his chin. Farmer #1: What the fuck?! Tark: We're here, just buying drinks, eating something and you come in and you're being so incredibly rude DM: The bartender slams her fist on the bar. Barkeep: Okay! And I think we're done, I think you are going back to your table and I think you two are going to take your lunch to go and you're going to figure out whatever the hell you need to do with him. -chuckling and laughing- Nathaniel (OOC): I hope you'll still love your buddy as a worm, my guy. Barkeep: There is absolutely no fighting in my bar. Farmer #1: He fuckin- He hit me! He started it! Barkeep: I'm finishing it. Take your drinks out. You and your friends sit down and wait for your buddies to get back and then you're out of here. Tark: Don't gotta tell me twice. Barkeep: Un-fucking-believable. What did you do? DM: Gesturing at the worm that this farmer with bloody hands is trying to scoop into his hand. Farmer #1: Oh my god! Tark: I turned him into a worm. Farmer #1: Oh my god. His wife's gonna fucking kill me man! Eudora (OOC): This guy managed to get a wife? Moriarty (OOC): I guess she won't love him as a worm. DM: It's a small town. Nathaniel (OOC): It's a small town. The gene pool is really shallow. DM: The pickin's are slim. Tark: Cool and then Tark is going to dust off the front of his jacket and go, "You have fun with that." and then go sit back down at the table. Moriarty: Moriarty is incredibly pleased with himself and incredibly smug. Hunt: That was unnecessary Tark. Tark: I didn't kill him. DM & Tark (OOC): *laughs* DM: You know. Nathaniel (OOC): Oh man. Marigold: Which should be our baseline. Nathaniel (OOC): You would think. Tark (OOC) *laughs* Yeah, right? (IC): I mean, if anybody was rude to anyone at Bed, Bath & Beyond that would be the least of their worries and quite frankly, sometimes I don't like them as much as like you, so... I mean, it's only temporary, he'll turn back in an hour. Don't have to tell him that though. -laughter- Farmer #1: Oh my god! DM: You hear this outside. Tark (OOC): 'Oh my god!' Farmer #1: Dave please! Oh my god! Oh fuck! I'm gonna get in so much trouble! Hunt: I will admit that was pretty funny. Tark: Wasn't it?
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soraavalon · 4 months
DM: You begin to settle, you do notice one by one a few farmers are kind of trickling in now, it's closer to lunch time, kind of giving your table the eye. Marigold (OOC): [something] table. DM: There's a lot of people, you see two of them nudge each other as they go by and, they're looking at Hunt, as they whisper to each other. Hunt (OOC): Yep. Moriarty: Can I hear what they're saying with my passive? DM: You can read lips. Moriarty: Okay, what are they saying? DM: They do go, 'Who dragged the fucking Hexblood here?' -various noises of disapproval- Tark (OOC): Tark will fight peasants. DM: You don't catch this. Moriarty and Hunt catch it with their lip-reading. Moriarty: Moriarty is going to just kind of pull Tark aside and say, "Listen, this is what they said. I need you to be responsible for me and make sure I don't do anything extremely rash." Tark: Kay, uh-huh DM: Tark is about to be twice as rash. Hunt (OOC): Yep. Tark (OOC): Yep! (IC): 'Cause Tark immediately goes, "Got it." Turns around and walks straight towards them. DM: Oh lord, yeah. Moriarty: He's like "Okay." DM: Yep, it's a half-elf guy and a human man leaning on the bar together, they just come in clearly from the fields. Tark: Cool. They're right next to each other? DM: Yeah, they're guys being dudes being bros. Tark: Cool, Tark goes in between the two of them, throws elbows if he has to. Farmer #1: Hey! Famers #2: What the fuck dude? Tark: And goes, "Hey, what'd you just say about my friend?" Farmer #1: The fuck are you talking about? Tark: Mmm, yeah no, I know what you just said as you walked in. Do you have a problem with my friend? Famer #2: Is your friend the fucking horned one? Tark: And Tark will hit them. -laughter- DM: Make an attack roll, Tark! I'll say you're proficient with your own fists. Tark: I hope so. DM: Strength plus proficiency. Tark I know is strong. Moriarty (OOC): [in chat] Manipulation Success Tark: *rolls* Nah, 15, 16, 17, 18. DM: Yeah. You clock this dude in the face, does 1 point of damage. Tark: Cool. DM: But you still, you hit him square in the face. His friend immediately jumps in. Hunt: Tark, leave them alone! DM: *rolls* That is not gonna hit. That, yeah, tries to grab at you and you managed to duck out of the way. Tark: Cool.
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