#I think Hunt was hoping that if someone in the group showed remorse for causing trouble
soraavalon · 4 months
DM: They will walk you guys, I'm sure you lead them back to the WInking Stars. As soon as the doors open and the two of you step in the bartender is like; Bartender: Oi, they're here, you're not allowed back. Tark: Yeah yep. We're going. Nathaniel: *what? gesture* Hunt: Hunt turns to the bartender and is like, "I am so terribly sorry about him." Bartender: Out. Tark: Why are you apologizing!? Hunt: I told you it was not a big deal! Tark: I'm not sorry! Hunt: *sighs* Amelia: I see what you mean. Nathaniel: The Tiefling is Hunt. Tark: We convene right outside. DM: And you guys see Nathaniel's parents, unmistakenly them. Eudora: Eudora makes eye contact with Hunt. Just solid eye contact. Nathaniel: Nathaniel is going to introduce everybody to his parents. Tark: Sweet. DM: Nicholas will step forward and shake Moriarty's hand. Nicholas: Kilmister. Moriarty: Mr. Price. Good to see you again. Nicholas: Likewise. Moriarty: Are you well? Nicholas: As well as can be expected. And you? Moriarty: I suppose I'm well. DM: Was it his right hand that had been hurt or was it his left? I can't remember. Moriarty (OOC): I know it was one leg and the other arm. DM: Right, I'm trying to remember which was which. Moriarty (OOC): Just give me one second. DM: I thought it was his right hand because he was reaching under the carriage... Moriarty (OOC): His left arm. DM: Left arm, okay. Nathaniel (OOC): Oh, just like Nathaniel. Interesting. DM: So he doesn't then yeah, he would've held your hand and looked at the prosthetic, but he doesn't. He just gives you a firm shake. Moriarty: Is going to turn to Amelia and offer his hand to shake hers as well. Nathaniel (OOC): Bold move. DM: She shakes your hand, you immediately feel how cold she is to the touch, but she will give you a handshake and a nod and a small 'Kilmister' Moriarty: I hope your health is improving. Amelia: Oh by the day. Moriarty: Good. Nathaniel (OOC) Oh wow. Tark (OOC): Wow. She does not like him. Nathaniel (OOC): Nope. DM: It's not personal, it's sort of... She dislikes her husband through you, you know? It's what you represent. But she is friendlier now than I think she would have been had she just ran into you this morning.
0 notes
fantasticarcadefan · 2 months
Teyvat and the Ascended
Pt 1: Call of the void
Warning: Likely OOC!, Mentions of death, religious worship, emotional breakdown, bad descriptions.
Gn! Reader
Pt 1: Call of the void
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How long has it been since you entered this nightmare? Weeks? Months? A Year? You didn't know anymore.Ever since you found yourself in Teyvat, you were hunted all across the land for baring the semblance of the "creator" that you never heard of. From the fields of Mondstadt, to the mountains of Liyue, to the islands of Inazuma, from Sumeru's forests to Fontaine's outskirts, you found yourself wanted dead all across Teyvat. But with help from Teyvat, the wildlife, and a select few, you've managed to make it out alive most of the time, but you do eventually find yourself dead, only to wake up in a different nation, with the scars and pain of old wounds still there. Most of your hunters seemed eager to earn the favor of your impersonator, yet, a handful of them seemed reluctant, and showed signs of remorse for their actions, before either ending you, or leaving you for dead. All the while, the imposter sits all high and mighty.
After your most recent death, you found yourself in the desert of Sumeru, early at night. Needing to find shelter before your pursuers and the blazing sun catch up to you, you begin your journey to a nearby mountain that you see, hoping to take refuge in a cave there before your hunt begins again. The pain from your last death still there, broken legs and a claymore piercing and exiting your stomach. Your clothes are mostly the ones you wore when you arrived here held together by a bunch of stitches from other pieces of clothing. As you walk there, you can't help but wonder 'what did I do to deserve this'?' It didn't make any sense. You tended to help people out by helping newer players with bosses they were stuck on, often helping your parents in cleaning your home, and volunteering at parks or soup kitchens and helped organize events in your community.
But if someone did something to help piss you off like harassing you or your loved ones, god help them.
For those that drew your ire on earth, it was like them awakening a bear and filling it with strife. You would insult every feature of them mercilessly. From the way they looked, all the way to their desires, you'd insult them so damagingly that they'd feel that till the end of their life and all the way to their next one if they reincarnated. That's assuming that they don't make you get physical. Cause one time when one of your siblings was being harassed and stalked by one of their bullies, let's just say that the bullying stopped shortly afterwards with the stalker losing some major functions of their body. And in order to ensure your siblings were safe when you were gone, you taught them some stuff you knew about their bullies and means of self-defense.
As you walked closer to the mountain, trying to find a reason for this and thinking about your old life, you couldn't help but think about your first days in Teyvat, waking up on the same beach that the traveller did at the start of the game, and finding yourself with a different height, around 6'2 feet tall or around 188 centimeters. With you being innocent and hopeful, wanting to explore the land and see your favorite characters in person, you found those dreams wiped when you were intercepted by some members of the knights of favonius, who immediately began to hunt you, calling you an imposter and heretic. Scared and unsure, you decided to avoid the city, out of fear that the reaction would be the same from the patrol. As you ran from Monstadadt, you shortly after found yourself ambushed by another patrol, but was ambushed by a group of Hilichurls led by a Mitachurl, with it gesturing to you to run, before engaging in combat.
Your time in Liyue was just as bad, with you being hunted down by the Milleth and Adepti, only managing to survive through a series of vision malfunctions, staggering your would-be killers as you made your escape, luckily not running into Zhongli. It was during this chase that you learned of your look-alike, who was temporarily residing in the Jade Chamber of Nigguang while their palace was being built. Your stay there would take a turn for the worst, as you attempt to hide from the Milleth in a cargo crate by the docks, you find it being loaded onto a ship, heading for the land of eternity.
Knowing that the Archon would likely seek you out and execute you, you dove into the water as the islands came into sight, realizing that you moved faster and could breath underwater, with gills appearing on your neck and both your hands and feet becoming flippers as you swam to shore. In an attempt to enjoy the land of eternity, you found yourself a cloak that you could wear to conceal your face. Normally, it would've worked with mortals, but not with the nation's Archon, Raiden Ei. As soon as you landed ashore, she went out to pursue you, with Sara alerting her forces to start preparing for an execution and to be on alert for an imposter of their creator. And before you knew it, you found yourself headless in Inazuma City with a crowd cheering at your death, marking the end of your first life in Teyvat. Yet, as you rolled on the floor, you looked up to see thunder storms starting to form in mass, with you thinking 'Seems like one final fuck you to Inazuma' you thought, thinking you were finally free from this suffering.
Oh how wrong you were.
Over time, you'd become used to this, hiding from the zealots, living with the wildlife, and mostly staying alive. You'd discover that a handful of people were willing to help you, like Dainsleif, the abyss order, the traveller when you two were alone, , Nahida, Furina, Razor, Amber, Alice, Childe, and Neuvillete,to name some of the few, but would oddly call you your grace, the true god, or luprical in Razor's case, but you oddly noticed that some of your hunters had an aura of regret around them, like Venti, Kaeya, and Xiao. It was through those that helped you that you learned that the amount of vision holders was rapidly growing, especially among those that had participated in hunting you. Despite this, you've started to get used to your powers, you've been able to try and recreate the abilities of Avatar: the last Airbender and the legend of Korra to help you survive, but you don't bring this topic up with those that help you, out of fear for their safety, should others discover their new technique and how they learned it, and you not being sure others are listening to your conversations.
As you approached the mountain, you begin to talk to yourself, "Why me? Why?? I never wanted to be here! And if I did, I never wanted to overthrow Celestia or whoever is this creator! All I wanted to do was explore the land, make some friends with those here, and help those that needed it! What did I do wrong!!??" You yell as you enter the cave, resting on the wall of it, with tears starting to form and fall out of your eyes. "Is this what happens to the good people? Is this their fate? To suffer at the hands of those that you seek to care for!!??" You cry, with tears pouring out of your eyes as you finally break down due to the you've pain you've felt. The world tries to comfort you, rearranging your position so you're lying on the wall of the cave, with you feeling vibrations on your back as you cry, releasing the emotions you've held on this time. A geo slime comes from the cave entrance, and attempts to climb onto your shoulder, with it getting on your lap, and trying to climb onto you. Feeling the small slime's attempt to climb onto your shoulder and comfort you, you pat the slime like a pet, and rub the wall of the cave, "Th-Thank you both for b-being with me" you tell both the slime and the land in between sobs with the slime attempting to nuzzle into your neck,and the walls of the cave form a hand, with it resting and on your shoulder and rubbing it, trying to reassure you. You smile in comfort at the reassurance you had, making the pain from your last death get weaker. As you drift off into sleep, you can't help but wonder 'how much longer must this go on?'
When you awoke, the first thing you felt was the sensation of falling, before landing face first onto a metal floor. "Owww!" You yell on instinct to the non-existent pain. Wait, what? There should be pain from falling face first onto metal and where did the metal floor come from? Before you can do anything, an unknown female voice is heard, "Your Grace!" The voice says before rushing to your side and picking you up on the floor and to face her. A million thoughts run through your mind. 'Was the hunt in Teyvat a trial? Was it the beginning, have I finally gone insane? Is this th-' "Who did this to you?" The women's question interrupts your line of thought. As you are brought out of your head, you notice that she's wearing a golden chest plate which seems to fit with her shirt on top of it. Yet, you can't help but notice that on her elbow that the guard piece for her shoulder blade seems to be intertwined with her shirt, like it was one. Her hair is dyed a mix of teal and green with it pointing to the left side of her hair, with the right side shaved off, leaving a stubble there as it regrew, showing her natural black hair. Her face shows a mixture of fear, concern, and anger at the scars you've gained. Behind you, you hear multiple feet alongside something slimy moving in your direction, with a human voice yell out "Mary!" 'So that's your name,huh? You think,before moving your head to look at the new noises. As you turn your head to look behind you, you see a group of beings emerge from the door way ahead of you. The group, noticing you, stops their advance, before kneeling in front of you.
You go ahead and take a look at them from the top down, with the first beings you notice are three small floating clam like creatures, well, least without the lower half of with 8 tentacles total in various colors, with a common factor of near black by the front of the it's tentacles, with the first one having a dark blue shell and white lines on it's shell, the second one having a green shell with brown lines on it, and the third having a grey shell with white lines.Near the front of it you see a big black half of a ball on where your looking at, before you realize that the ball is a face, near the top of the doorway, which you think is, about 20 feet high. Under them, you see what appears to be a tall beetle with what appears to be two pincers on its back with its antennas on the top of its head, wearing red robes. In front of it, you see what appears to be a man who looks like some out of Hollywood with combed back hair and a stubbed beard and mustache, wearing a blue suit of sorts with golden dashes where the shoulder blades are. Next to him, you see a tall blue cybernetic elf in a red and white sweater, who's had his right arm replaced with an artificial limb. On the edges of his face and some parts of the top of his head, you notice that there are pieces of metal across his head, fitting in alongside his scales. His eyes are noticeably different, with them both being a bright blue light instead of there being eyes there. The smallest of the group was a bear cub on its hind legs, with it as tall as your knees. There seems to be a black goo surrounding each of them, yet it doesn't seem to be harming it, rather, it seems that the cub is using the parasite as arms. Unsure of their names for now, you decide to settle on making your own names for them until you find out their name. But before you can decide, the one who called your holder Mary talks to you, with him looking like his composure is about to break "Your grace, my name is Alexi Brown of the Ascended Species, those that you personally guided. It is an honor, to meet you."
Greetings Readers, this is my first story here. If you have any ideas on how to improve, please post it in the comments, so I can improve it.
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weheirsofdurin · 4 years
Lets go for another fluff piece. (Pre-hobbit around the same time as the starter I did)
Five times Dwarvish Courting went over an elf’s head, one time it didn’t
Filirubbed at the smooth rock in his hand, the pad of his thumb catching on the only thing marking it’s surface. THe dwarven runes inlaid expertly caused his heart to pound heavily. Glancing down at the golden colored stone, the blue ruins a stark contrast.
His fond smile caught another’s attention and before he knew it, the elf named after the hero Glorfindel, stood before him. “What have you got there Master Dwarf?”
Looking up Fili hid the stone in his fist before wincing, it had been a startled reaction and nothing against his elven friend. “A gift.” He said simply then reaching out took Glorfindel’s hand and placed the stone within it. “There is lore that if you write on a stone and gift it to another, that it will come true.”
Turning on his heel the dwarf stormed off, back to his forge. Poor Glorfindel was left with the stone in his hand and dwarvish runes he did not understand glared up at him. “What was your wish, my little lion?” He wondered aloud in elvish before pocketing the stone.
Dwarves had such odd traditions at times.
Glorfindel entered the forge silently, as elves were known to do, and Fili never noticed the other man. Not at first. As he worked he hummed, mumbling words in a language Glorfindel had never thought to learn until now. He sang as he worked which the elf found endearing. When Fili turned and spotted him there was a hesitation in his movements and the song cut off.
“Lord elf, it is common courtesy to announce yourself upon entry to ones forge.” It was courtesy to announce oneself anywhere but Fili would not nit pick that for now.
“Ah, yes.” Glorfindel at least looked abashed at the slight chastisement. “You were singing so nicely though that I did not wish to interrupt.” This time it was Fili’s turn to turn a bright red on his nose and ears. “What iis it that you are making?”
“A gift.” Fili said and he set what looked to be the beginnings of a dagger onto a hot stone. His gloved hand held the prongs tight and his other hand reached for a hammer and he began to bang away. Immediately he began to sing again, the thrumm of the the song matching with the hammering and Fin found himself enthralled once again. This was how dwarves worked, how they kept pace, how their forges and weapons were so perfect. They sang to keep track and upon hitting certain points knew instinctively it was time to shift.
“Perhaps we can meet for dinner tomorrow eve, Lord Elf.” Fili spoke to Glorfindel as the metal blade was put back into the forge to heat back up.
Knowing a dismissal for what it was Glorfindel bowed. “Of course, Master Dwarf, I look forward to our meeting.”
WHen they did meet the following eve Fili and him only made it part way through their meal before a dwarf raced up to the blacksmith. “Fili, there’s a problem and we need you urgently.” Without hesitation Fili stood and there was an air of authority about him. Fin knew that Fili was in charge while the real leader was away so it made sense, but at the same time there was a regalness about this authority.
“Forgive me, Glorfindel, but I must go. I wished to properly give you this but please accept it even so,” REaching out Fili held a small dagger for Glorfindel, the leather that would wrap around his thigh looked old and worn, probably made from scraps previously. Accepting it he watched Fili run off and he pulled the blade from it’s sheathe. His breath caught.
This was a dwarven blade but its inlay was far more elven. The smooth curving lines which he realized were vines wrapped around the flat plane. Small thorns adorned it making the delicate lines sharp and threatening, the green pain practically glowed in the sun and along the hilt golden flowers were encrusted. Did Fili know of who he was to put this there? No he couldn’t. Fin had never told the dwarf who he was. Someone must have mentioned something though.
Wait- was this the blade Fili had been making yesterday?!
“Bugs?” Fili held a doubtful expression as he looked at his brother. He just could not believe it. Really. Elves thought bugs were appropriate for courting? That sounded too far-fetched.
“Aye, I heard it from Gimli who heard it from Gloin! Gloin said that he had met elves back in erebor and they were always giving each other bugs upon courting.” Kili insisted, his expression serious and Fili was struggling to figure out if he was being honest or playing him a fool. “Fine, dont believe me. It’s not like your stone gift or blade gift made him realize.”
“Ah- wait! Kili, come back. I just- I need to know more. Was it just worms or was it a specific bug or-?” Fili did not look forward to digging up worms to give to Glorfindel.
“I don’t know, but worms are abundant. Come on, I’ll help you collect them.”
Fili and Kili only returned a few hours later dirty and both looking smug, for vastly different reasons. Fili because he had just given his courting gift to Glorfindel, Kili because he made his idiot of a brother actually believe him about bugs.
Glorfindel, was just confused. With all these worms… did Fili wish to go fishing?
The bugs, Fili learned, turned out to be a lie. He had to explain to Glorfindel that Kili had insisted that elves liked bugs and that he should give some to the commander. Only to later learn from his mother that Kili had lied. Thankfully as soon as Glorfindel learned it was a prank on FIli by Kili, he understood and got a solid laugh out of it. The elf really had been utterly confused but it all made sense now.
Now, Glorfindel was searching for his friend in the hopes they might share a meal together and talk further. He had come to learn the dwarf knew very little of Glorfindel’s name other than there was a hero who had died that had the same name. The silly dwarf did not make the connection he <i>was</i> one and the same. Fin was Glorfindel, the bolrog slayer. An epiphat that he had never wished for but had taken it without remorse.
It had stung when Fili snorted at the story, how the Bolrog killed him by grabbing his hair and pulling him into the abyss. But at the same time he had understood, it was ironic - as the Dwarf had put it - that Glorfindel had fought in a war, had managed to defeat hundreds of enemies, even taken down a Bolrog, but the vanity all elves had which made them leave their hair fairly loose upon the battle field, was what had done him in.
Glorfindel had not thought of it before but it was true. Had he not let his hair be free it would not have been grabbed, he would have survived. Even now he never pulled it back truly, only was far mor conscious of it and the braids he used to keep the front out of his face. “Fili,” Glorfindel smiled at the dwarf and bowed in greeting.
“Fin.” His reply was terse but not uncaring. It seemed once again he was irritated by others looking to him without refused to what he was currently doing. Fili had once confided in Glorfindel that he didn’t even mind the stupid requests, it was when they were pressed upon him as he was doing something important that he minded.
“Would you like to come eat with me for the midday meal?” THe request barely left the elf’s lips, but FIli was already shoving all of his paperwork into Kili’s arms - the poor younger brother scowling - and making his way to Glorfindel’s side.
“Aye, Kili will be doing my duties for me while we go eat, part of his punishment for his cruel joke.”
“I said I was sorry,” Kili whined, but he knew his mother sided with Fili on this. Counting was not some trivial matter the be joked around with.
AFter the two had their meal, and Fili looking remorse knowing he had to go back, Glorfindel brought up what had been on his mind earlier. “Fili, I must go hunting soon, a pack of orcs were sighted nearby, by my scouts. We will be ridding the land of the pests and making sure none get close to the village.”
“Orca? Ye are sure they were sighted near?” When Glorfindel nodded Fili cursed. “I will gather a group of dwarves to hunt with ye-“
“No, Fili. This is how we elves shall repay you for the kindness you have allowed. Staying on your land may be mutually beneficial but few dwarves would offer this kindness up. I just request that you help me this even before I leave. It has come to my attention that my hair is a disadvantage in battle. WHile I am versed in putting it up for elven ceremonies, those styles are not fit for battle.”
Without thinking about it, Glorfindel reached out and touched a braid that surrounded Fili’s lips. “What are ye asking of me, Glorfindel? Do ye know?”
“I’m asking you to braid my hair, my friend. So that should an enemy grasp at it, I will not be felled again from some cliff.”
Fili looked infuriated as he tossed his mane of hair back, and tugged his braid free of the loose finger. “Fine.” His word was spat venomously and he stood, “I will be at your tent after the evening meal.”
Glorfindel did not know it, how could he when it was not part of his custom, but asking a dwarf to touch his hair was as intimate to the small men as sexual relations. His words stung and dishonored Fili. Calling him a <i>friend</i> as he touched a braid and asked for it in return, was saying he was no better than an easy fuck.
Fili was far too in love to say no though, so he took the insult and dishonor to his name. Showing up at the elf’s tent in a foul mood but still showing up because he did care. His fingers were rough but not unkind as he touched the long golden hair, he’d never seen hair this long as any dwarf with hair this length had long since put it up.Fili put in multiple braids, intertwining them at points to create a patter which would secure what was not put up before pulling all the hair together and tying it off with a leather strip.
What was left down was still one but would not flow far from his body and any grasp on it would be easy enough to remove. Glorfindel knew he could never recreate such an intricate style on his own, and was thankful for the dwarf’s help. But something about Fili looked <i>off</i> after and Glorfindel let the dwarf storm off without a word uttered.
There was no time to deal with this now and would have to wait until his return. PErhaps he had said something or asked something of Fili that was rude. But he had seen Fili braiding and pulling Kili’s hair back before, along with a female Dwarf’s. Thinking of this was just like riding in circles, getting him nowhere. Instead of worrying much further over it he heaved a sigh and left with his men.
“Lord Glorfindel…” One of his men rode closer and leaned over. “Did a dwarf do that for you?” He spoke lowly and GLorfindel narrowed his eyes, to speak so meant he knew something and hoped the others would not hear. So without a word Glorfindel nodded and noticed the grimace. “Was it a whore?”
Pulling on his reigns the horse reared before getting back under control and GLorfindel scowled. “You offer much dishonor to the one that did this for my by asking that.”
“Yes, but no more than you did by asking it of him.” THe elf had leaned away when the horse had reared and Glorfindel looked confused. “Dwarven culture states that hair is sacred in the sense of one another. Only family or one intimate may touch it. Even when they die none of their kind except their priests or family will bind their hair.”
Shocked by the revelation - now now understanding FIli’s fury - he reached back and touched the binding in his hair.
“Do not take it out.” The elf hissed quickly and urged his mount close once more. “You would dishonor him further. Think about it, if you had put flowers upon his head because he asked it of you, and then he removed it not long after…”
Glorfindel tore his hand away from the strap and nodded. Flowers were more sacred to his house than others so he understood deeply. Putting a crown of them upon FIli who thought of him differently, would be similar to what the dwarf had done for him. And if Fili returned later without the flowers he would be shamed like that of a petty bar whore.
“But I <i>do</i> think of him in such a way. I would be honored if he were to become my betrothed.”
The elf snorted and shook his head. “Would you sex a lady before offering to wed her?”
“I will fix this upon our return, thank you for bringing it to my attention.” Glorfindel urged his horse ahead and the elf fell behind, letting their leader think freely.
Glorfindel had not had the chance to meet with Fili since returning, but the looks dwarves gave him told him that the elf a fortnight ago was right. He had shamed FIli deeply. Finding the dwarf on the sparring field he made eye contact. Fili was about to start a bout and hesitated, only pausing long enough to remove his tunic much to the surprise of those around. Eyes fell upon Glorfindel once more and some sneered.
WAs this another dwarven culture problem? Did they remove tunics to spar? If so why had the other dwarf not? Why was it only FIli? Could this be because of his shame? As he watched FIli spar, noting every droplet of sweat that trailed down the dwarf’s frame, a woman came up to him.
Or he assumed it was as she- they, has chain jewelry going from their nose to multiple ear piercings. Their beard was kept short and the sideburns neat. Did that mean something? Considering how important hair was he thought so.
“Ye still wear his braids.” Her tone was not harsh, but curt. She was not pleased. “Ye should have removed them before returning. His shame would not be for all to see then.”
“You dishonor both him and I.” Glorfindel replied in a similar tone. He felt as if the repitition would never end. “I wear them still because I care. Do not mistake this as flagging him for something that was not intended. Elves are more lax about their hair than you dwarves and had I known, I would have started something with him first.”
She looked up at him in surprise. “Started something? Ye mean to ask my boy to be betrothed? AN elf and a dwarf, what insanity has this family been cursed with. Watch him carefully as he battles and congratulate him loudly, for all to hear. Win or lose, if ye do not, there will be no saving his honor.” The woman turned on her heel and left after that.
Glorfindel listened to her advice and when Fili bested his opponent he saw his untold queue, Blue dwarven eyes had flicked to him from where the owner stood, dripping sweat, in the middle of the field. “That was amazing FIli,” Glorfindel’s voice rang out and everyone looked at him once more. He might as well go all the way with this. “I’ve rarely seen such power as you displayed. A true master you must be. Come, let us eat and talk about what has been missed in my absence.”
Fili looked grateful and grabbed his tunic from the ground before going to catch up with the elf. Glorfindel supposed a proper talk could wait for tomorrow and for now a chat about what had happened in both of their absences was more paramount.
Fili sought out an elf after his meeting with Glorfindel and finally decided he needed to go to the source to do it right. His eyes had sought out a familiar face and upon finding it, he made his way to the tall elf that he figured was Glorfindel’s second in command. “Lord Elf,” He greeted and the elf bowed to him, knowing that FIli was in charge here and deserved respect for now.
“Master Dwarf.” The greeting returned could ahve been seen as rude but Fili was not so naive as to let the lack of names be anything more than simple unfamiliarity.
“I have a question for ye about yer customs, would you spare a few moments of time?”
“It seems to ahve taken you long enough to seek me out for this, a few moments will be of no concern.” When the elf stood up from the bow there was a cocky smirk upon his lips.
“I see one of ye are versed in my idiocy.”
Glorfindel sat in the open field, legs stretched before him but crossed at the ankles, just backing in the scent of flowers before him. Something light touched his head and was placed upon his brow. Carefully reaching up his fingers touched flowers and he blushed knowing it was a crown of them.
Looking over to the Dwarf he saw FIli smiling down at him and it dawned on him with this gift, what everything had been. “You have been courting me.” It was not voiced as a question and as such Fili did not reply. “Now you ask for my hand in marriage?”
“Aye, for it seems that my previous betrothal gifts while accepted were not understood.” Taking the crown from his head he looked it over, smiling at the arrangement before putting it back where it belong.
“Other gifts? More than just the hair?”
Fili looked surprised and blushed. “The hair was not a courting gift, it was cruel of me to accept and I did so in anger and hurt. I touched yer hair and put it on display for all to see that we were intimate but to ahve ye go out and about with it meant we were shameful.
“Nay, I meant the stone with Love inscribed, the hand crafted betrothal blade, ...the bugs Kili had told me were an elven courting gesture,” Glorfindel snorted at that, it made even more sense now why Kili was taking a harsh punishment for his actions, “and proving myself afore ye in the spar last eve. Had you not accepted that, there would be no hope now.”
“FIli, you should have just said something.”
“Tis not how courting goes.” The dwarf grumbled but stopped as Fin reached up to put a hand on his cheek and smile at him.
“Here, let me show you how we elves accept a crown of flowers.” Their lips met in their first, and not nearly last, kiss.
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Lost Hope (Favored Ones, Part 27.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Quote for the chapter: "Don’t go chasing waterfalls...” - TLC
For those who might not catch my drift: chasing waterfalls = chasing the reader.
Part summary: Coming terms with yourself is something that is important. It’s something that you need to do in order to become the better version of yourself. Abby almost finished the process of coming to terms with all the things that were happening around her, something else made her thirst for revenge wake up again.
A/N: This chapter is from A B B Y ‘ S  P O V. Be aware of that. I won’t be sorry for it, I learned to understand and to love Abby, even if I was against her when I played the game. Lev is an amazing character too. And now Mel is alive, there’s a possibility to change how Abby’s story will continue from this point.
Warnings: Depiction of torture, bone breaking, depiciton of blood and manslaughter, anxiety, rage, anger, a bit of fluff at the end.
Word count: 4.8 K
Tagging:   @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme @davnwillcome @pickleriiick @jodiereedus22 @gladiosamicitias @tamkashi @eternallyvenus @avengerssstuff @fangirl-inthe-us @avery-miller @mikah-writes @mad-hatter-98 @sadiaafrin99 @flavorishy @gabymiller
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
Youtube playlists: JACKSON DAYS | SEATTLE DAYS
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Seattle, day three - evening:
The sea seemed to be serene and calm at the time their boat had taken off, it was quiet and the breeze was cold. This peaceful feeling could be simply also affected by everything they've been through so far. Even from the proximity they currently were from the island, they could still see Haven slowly burning down to the ground. Sometimes, the woman operating the boat would swear that she could hear the people screaming and guns firing. It was just the ghost of the sacred place haunting her brain, yet it was still there.
Lev, for the first half of an hour on the sea, was clinging onto the jacket Abby landed him. Then, the serene and gentle moves of the ocean made him fall asleep. The boy was now pressed into the small area between Abby's ankles, napping before they'd be back to the aquarium. The kid must've been exhausted - both emotionally and physically. That kid, who was now safely laying there squeezed into the tightest space he shouldn't be even able to fit, had killed his mother in self-defense. That kid watched his sister being shot to pieces. And he made it even though the despair, pain, and exhaustion.
It was weird to know that now, they were safe. No-one was after them. And as soon as they'd hit the aquarium, Lev, Owen, and Mel were about to leave Seattle for good in the search for the fireflies of Santa Barbara. Owen was asking Abby to join them while Melanie, with all the, despise she carried inside, had told her that once she, her boyfriend, and that Scars kids will leave Seattle, she will never want to see her goddamned face again. But now, things could change and maybe, for Lev, Abby could leave too.
That night, she had seen her family and friends being killed in the passion of the fight. For those who kids, she stood up to the only everlasting authority she blindly followed for the last couple of years - and Isaac was now killed, his corpse was rotting somewhere on the Seraphites island and Abby hoped that his body would be eaten by some wild animals to end his life in the shame he deserved. The time of WLF was coming to a sure end.
Abby's problem with the situation was as follows: soldiers were seemingly remorse-less characters lead by their general, Isaac for this instance, who just did what they were told. And for the most part, it was true. Yet, honestly, nothing hit Abby as personally as walking through the Seraphite settlement, following Lev's sister around. She, and the other WLFs, were used to seeing the best out of the best, the best warriors the Scars were able to train. And this hit different. These weren't the soldiers anywhere in sight - these were women and children, even men and other farmers who were not trained in combat - innocent people who were barely able to protect themselves were massacred ever since the WLF attack was started. That wasn't right at all. The things WLF has done on the island were wrong in every way possible.
It was all based around the battle of Seattle, which was going on for years now with occasional pauses, of course. Neither of the sides were good or bad in the situation. It was just a matter of habit - one side attacked, the other attacked back. One side overstepped the boundaries, the other reacted to this. It was this way for more than five years. Seattle was in this war ever before the time Abby and her friends arrived. And for that, she had never seen the true meaning of peaceful time in the city.
Abby wasn't looking around - the only things she saw were the ones directly in front of her eyes. She wasn't able to look behind her orders, she never needed to think about what she was doing, she just did what she was told. Until the moment she entered Jackson - and until the moment she met Lev and Yara. Jackson was a wild experience on its own.
Their small family was broken way before Jackson - Owen and Mel were now dating. And given the history of Abby and Owen, he was seeing her less and less. The final nail in the coffin being Mel's pregnancy. Nora and Whitney were taking every mission they could just to avoid her, the hospital being the last place Abby would ever see them. This left Manny being the last friend who remained by her side after Jackson was done. In the last few days, they were brought together after a long time in one way or another, but all Abby could thank was a weird coincidence of chances.
And there, there were the two siblings Abby met on her journey - Yara and Lev. At the moment, Abby had anyone except Lev - Yara was shot and killed by Abby's people during their escape from the island. It didn't matter that Abby tried to tell everyone about the kids not being any kind of threat to their cause. But it didn't matter - Yara was shot. In answer, Abby shot back at Isaac. Now, he was dead for real. She heard one of the radio communications over the WLF channel. She had done everything for the boy. Abby quite literally had sacrificed her whole known world for a boy she barely knew.
Even though all of what happened, Abby felt that every turn she made during their way revealing over the last three days, that every word and every choice set her on the right path. Now, maybe, she could get on the boat with Lev, Mel, and Owen, setting on her way to find the Fireflies again.
There was still the whole 'hunt Joel Miller down' matter. Abby was aware of the loose threads and unfinished business there was. It felt very unsatisfying, knowing she will most likely never get her revenge on the man. Her brain accepted the information some time ago. There was no climax to the whole hunt started by a piece of information given to her by an old Firefly named Eugene. The last four years were coming in vain. Was it even worth it at that point? Her family was broken to pieces, she had a kid to protect and once Lev leaves with Mel and Owen, she won't probably have any use no more. Well, if that would happen, she would travel back to Jackson. She would try to find Joel again. And Abby knew that once the guards on the gates will see her in the distance, she will be dead in the next minute.
It was more or less about coming to terms with how things were now. Before the mission to Jackson, she was sure that her life is already over. And she was sure that the only thing having the power to start it again was the murder of Joel Miller. The revenge murder if you will. That opinion was changed the moment she accepted Lev and Yara as her people. These two were just kids. Fucking kids in this fucked up world. And when Abby could keep them safe, why wouldn't she keep them safe? Joel Miller killed her dad and this was something she couldn't come around - but even if the old man wasn't dead, Abby tried to reconsider the things happening in the last few weeks, more importantly over the last two days.
Now, she wasn't out solely to revenge her father. She now had someone to protect. There was someone she needed to stay put for. It was a small family, it was sure as hell a broken one, but it was her family. No matter what Joel fucking Miller was doing, he was her last priority now. To be honest, Abby was just glad she's alive. And she'd be even more glad once she'll finally get out of Seattle - one way, on Owen's boat, or another, getting killed by the Jackson citizens. Abby was ready.
With the last remnants of her energy, she made sure the boat stays put before she started to wake Lev up. - “Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up.” - She whispered with a soft smile, nudging Lev’s shoulder as the boy started to massage his eyes. - “We’re at the aquarium. Come on. Let’s get dry.” - Abby arched her eyebrows, showing Lev another assuring smile. All she was trying to do was to keep Lev calm for now.
For sure, the boy will be freaking out for one way or another, but they didn’t have time for panic attacks at the moment. Slowly, they both walked back to the aquarium's back entrance, beaten up like two dogs. And Abby was fine with that. They were finally safe inside the building.
With a yawn, she was about to unlock the door leading to the improvised surgeon room, only to be met by the resistance of the wooden door, which never had happened before. Naturally, it piqued her interest. She tried to press harder, but it didn't lead anywhere. Mentioning for Lev to hide behind the corner, Abby started to smash her way inside. It took a few big blows with her shoulder before the door moved at least an inch. After a while, the barricade finally eased and fell on the ground. It was the damn ventilation shaft. Why in the hell had this fallen on the ground? Just as she furrowed upon thinking about the shaft, Lev noticed something else. His palm tugged Abby's top as his head motioned in the direction of a dead dog laying on the ground.
"Is that..." - Lev whispered with fear in his voice, walking closer to the animal. He was afraid of the WLF dogs ever since he had seen the first one. Why? These dogs were trained as weapons. WLF trained the animals to sniff unknown human scents, reacting to it in a matter of seconds - they tracked the enemies down, attacking immediately. And honestly, dogs were one of the most useful combat advances aside from grenades they had come up with. But when Lev became Mel and Owen's friend, as much as he became Abby's friend, they tried to show him that the dogs weren't just murderous animals. Alice, the German shepherd Mel was treasuring a lot, was laying there, stabbed to death.
"Yea." - Abby said simply, walking to the dog. Someone else was in the aquarium. Lev saw the act of Abby kneeling down to the dog as a goodbye ceremony. But this wasn't the situation in which Abby was showing her grief for the animal. Gently, she pulled her palm down under the dog's fur to feel the warmth of the body. To feel it a bit better, she closed her eyes, realizing that the body is almost cold. Whoever had infiltrated the aquarium was there a long time ago.
And given the dog was most likely stabbed to avoid attracting the attention of Mel and Owen, these two were in danger too. Abby gulped with her mouth dry, realizing that maybe, they arrived into the aquarium too late. Quietly, Abby tiptoed to the surgeon room, watching if the room is safe to enter before walking in to find herself some weapon. - "You stay behind me, okay?" - Abby looked the boy into his eyes, having a serious expression on her face.
"I want to help." - Lev rebelled against Abby's demand, but the woman just rolled her eyes. - "You will keep the watch over the perimeter with your bow. You see something we don't know, you hold them at gunpoint, you shoot, okay?" - Abby put her palm on the boy's shoulder, smoothing it. Yeah, he was good with a bow, and plus, she felt that he'll be safer behind her back. Nothing would get to Lev without it going through her first. With that, Lev felt some sort of usefulness, calming down.
Both of them took a second to adjust to the surroundings, peaking both their senses, preparing for whoever is awaiting them deeper inside the aquarium. When they felt ready, they moved to other rooms - they slowly searched every room. They walked through the improvised bedroom, the bathroom, some supply cabinets before they were about to enter the big room with a whale hanging from the ceiling. An iron, watery stench hit Abby's nose. It was a smell she knew perfectly - the cold smell of blood.
For a moment, she couldn't find the source. And she barely had the time to find it - because another human sped up against her, trying to take her down. Abby almost tried to stab the woman but stopped herself when she realized the woman's pregnant. The woman was Melanie. Mel who was pretty obviously freaked out. Abby stepped aside from the crying woman and pointed her palm towards Lev, letting him know that it's okay and that he should put his bow down.
One quick glance over was all to give Abby a bad gut feeling. Melanie was there, freaked out, tired out because of the hysteric crying. The gut feeling was telling Abby that she knows exactly from whom the blood stench is coming from. Yet at the moment, she had to deal with hysteric Melanie.
"It's me, hey, I'm here." - Abby tried to fidgeting, significantly smaller woman. But Melanie pushed her off while pointing her finger at Abby.
"Who the fuck you think you are?" - Melanie asked with her voice raspy from the crying, her widened eyes going from Lev to Abby and the other way around. - "This is on you, on both of you." - Mel straightened up. Abby didn't have any idea about what Melanie was talking about, but she straightened up, reminding the woman of her height.
"Every fucking time I hear 'Abby has a problem', I know it is going to bite me in my ass. And guess what, Abigail. This time, it bit everyone in the ass. Manny's dead, Nora's dead, Leah's dead, Whitney was murdered... And I can continue." - Melanie walked in a small circle, entwining her fingers in her short hair. - "Or did you get my point? Huh?" - Again, Mel pushed Abby. This time, she pushed her so hard, that Abby slipped and fell down.
"I don't know what you're talking about..." - "The whole fucking Jackson trip. That's what I'm talking about." - Melanie took in a deep breath. Lev had sat down a bit far away from them, just listening to their fight. On Abby's body language, there could be seen that her throat had clinched a bit. Jackson? How would all of this tie to Jackson? And... How could she fucking know that all of these people were killed? Sure, these people were in Jackson, but also could be just a coincidence. These people could be in a bad place at a bad time. That was all. The whole mystery.
"You were so focused on yourself that you ignored everything that was going on, weren't you? Am I even surprised?" - "Can you just fucking tell me what you're on about?" - Abby fired back, prooving Mel's point perfectly. She didn't even know that all of their friends were getting killed, she didn't know what was happening with her own fucking people. Funny. - "The girl from Jackson is here, taking out every last one of us. It's like waiting for her to check your name on the list while she stands above your corpse. And... And guess what, Abby, she's after you. And she isn't alone." - Melanie giggled. It wasn't an amused giggle. It was a sound full of despair and fear, it was a borderline cry for help.
"Why are you alive then? She's here for me, not for all the others. Maybe... Maybe she wasn't the one who killed the rest. Because you're alive, so..." - Just when Mel looked into her eyes, Abby connected the two dots. You spared Melanie's life because you took another one. At that, Abby's lungs stopped to work. She was gasping for air, turning on her side, when she saw the view hidden behind the table. She couldn't see Owen, she could see gallons of blood on the ground.
"And how do I know? She told me. She looked me dead in the eyes and told me she's here for you. And this, my dear, I think is your last stop. Because there are at least three people somewhere out there in Seattle, looking for you. And one of them is your man, Joel fucking Miller." - Melanie grinned and threw the map to Abby's legs. - "I took you a little souvenir so you can finish your suicidal mission once and for all. I'll take Lev with me and we're leaving. And you're... You're not welcomed." - Melanie hissed, looking at the boy. Abby was falling deeper and deeper into the initial shock, realizing that indeed, every word Melanie had said was true.
This was her fault. Everything was her fault. Which was pretty ironic, given the circumstances leading to this moment. Just an hour ago, Abby allowed herself to let the thing go. After four years of the rage eating her alive, she, for the first time, saw the hope around her. There was Lev for whom she wanted to do better than she was doing up to that point. Abby needed to be better for the new family she found. Just for this to happen, bringing the whole family dynamic to the ground. Joel Miller, once again, was the source of her problems.
"Mel, no, please." - Lev picked himself up, trying to plead for her taking Abby with them. But the more Abby watched the blood, the more she realized this wasn't a thing she could let go. It would find her anywhere. It would haunt her down any time. Melanie shook her head, telling Lev what she wanted to without words. - "Then I'm going with her." - Lev said and backed to Abby, who was still panicking and laying on the floor.
"You'll get yourself killed, kid. You're not going anywhere. End of the story." - Melanie told the boy and left to the upper quarters, slowly smoothing her belly. Lev was still standing there, watching as Abigail picker herself up, walking to the dead body. Shivers were running up her spine and cold sweat slowly leaked down her back. First, she saw the dried footprints in the blood and the pipe which was covered in not only blood but in the rest of what seemed to be Owen's brain. Trying to brace yourself for what she was about to see was dumb. At the moment she saw what that Jackson girl had done to him, Abby just threw up on the ground next to him. It was more or less only water, but there were things coming out of her. Melanie was right. This was all Abby's doing.
"That fucking bitch." - She muttered out, sitting on the other side, looking at the dead body. When they've captured you, you were sure one of the toughest nuts to crack. But if she'd suspect someone coming after her, it would be the Tommy man who they captured alongside you. Which happened. The Tommy man shot Manny in his face. But you? Such a fragile, scared girl? No. Abby would never suspect you'd be able to do such bullshit. She wouldn't ever think that there was a scenario in which you'd track her down, killing her friends one by one until you'd bump into her.
"Do you... Do you want to follow her?" - Lev asked silently, sitting next to her on the ground. It wasn't close enough to disrupt her personal space, but close enough to reassure her that he's there. Next to her, ready to go after the people he didn't know, fighting for a cause that didn't include him at all. Now, she was his people. In fact, she was everything that Lev was left with. And if Mel thought he'd leave Abby behind just like that, she was naïve, to say the least.
"This has nothing to do with you, kid." - "She, whoever she is, killed one of my friends. Now, it has something to do with me. I'm a part of this now." - Lev told Abby back with his head clear. This one kid was courageous. And ready for another battle. Of which Abby was hella sure. But even if she chuckled, looking down on her palms, she didn't want the kid to come. - "Listen. This... This is very personal to me. This is something that drags for the last couple of years. And it involves me, my family and something terrible. The only one who can put end to all of this is me. And I won't let you drag yourself into shit that doesn't involve you. I want you safe." - "Abby..." - "It makes me strong. You're my people now. Even Mel is... And I need to keep you both safe." - Abby whispered with tears of anger in her eyes, catching Lev's hand to hold it for a moment. She didn't know that Mel was standing above them, listening to every word that was said.
No matter what happened in the aquarium, no matter what the relationship she had with Abby and what she thought about her... This was everyone's cause now. Most importantly, you didn't seem to be the type to leave the things behind. Sure, now, you felt something resembling a closure after killing Owen. But how much time would pass before you'd feel the need to find Abby again? To find Mel and her baby? The time would come.
For that, it would be better to track you down when they had the chance, ending all of this for good. And even if Melanie hated Abby with everything she got now... Abby was right. Melanie was now her people - just like Abby was hers. No matter how she'd try to fight it, Mel didn't want to see the woman get killed because of the heat regarding Abby's stupidity. It didn't feel right to send Abby on a suicidal mission. This needed closure. Plus, honestly, Melanie needed Abby around once the baby would be born. She, the baby, and Lev needed a guardian. A literal watchdog.
"She's out of her mind." - Mel said silently, making both the people sitting on the ground looking up to her, standing in front of the quarters. - "I don't know what the girl was through, but she was off. It was like a blackout or something. She's dangerous. I'm terrified of her." - Mel said honestly, walking the stairs down. - "Can you go up and pack some things for me?" - Melanie smiled at Lev. Abby looked at the boy, sending him off upstairs. - "And you, come here. I don't wanna look at the..." - Melanie breathed out, still being shaken by what happened.
Mel wasn't over it at all, not a fucking chance. Her partner was brutally murdered. And she witnessed every second of it. Every. Fucking. Second. Yet... This world didn't offer them enough time to seek closure within themself, it didn't give them the time to grieve properly. Not until everything was said and done. Abby nodded at the pregnant woman's request, picking herself up from the ground.
"Listen." - Mel said quietly while leading Abby through the aquarium's interior. - "You're a fucking selfish asshole and dear Lord, I just want to punch you sometimes. And what happened between you and Owen at the boat last night peaked all of those feelings. But... How do you say it? Even if I didn't choose it voluntarily, you're now my people. That's something I have to deal with and it will take months, maybe years. But the fact is that I need you because I cant take care of myself out there once the baby will be born. This concludes in a fact - I can't let you get yourself killed while going after these people." - She stopped, looking Abby in the eyes. And with an expression showing gratefulness, Abby smiled back at her. - "We're not friends, at least not for now. Not a fucking a chance. But we're coming after them together because I'm scared of them coming back for us." - Melanie whispered. And without anything foreshadowing it, Abby hugged her, finally starting to cry into Mel's clothes.
There was too much pressure for Abby to handle - you and your people, Owen's death, Yara's murder, the whole conflict at the island proving to her as a bunch fo brainwashing lies which Isaac spoonfeed each of them, resolving in everyone's death. Melanie's cold honestly was something Abby needed bad. Melanie didn't like her, not at that point, and she was straightforward about it. At least someone was honest with Abby the whole fucking time.
"They will pay. Every last one of them. I swear." - Abby let Melanie go, carefully maneuvering her palms around Melanie's belly. - "That's the spirit." - Melanie grinned back. This was noticeably out of Mel's character. Abby honestly never seen her wishing death upon anyone except the Scars - which was excusable because the foundation in that behavior was based on Isaac's brainwashing program. Now, she was willingly after someone else, who was just a part of Abby's fuckery. Yet as Lev told Abby, this was now Melanie's cause too. The woman had the right to feel outraged towards the Jacksoners at that point. They killed her baby daddy.
No-one was left behind. Abby, after observing the map, knew the theatre which was marked as the 'hideout'. She knew precisely where the location was. Each of them set on the way during a stormy night, clothed up to stay warm against the stormy weather. Their way through the city was quick because no-one was really there. Everyone was on the island, fighting the dispute they've been told that is the main center of their existence. When Abby or Mel didn't know where to go, Lev showed them the safest way and otherwise. They kept an eye for each other and Mel was helped a lot, so they'd be sure that nothing happens to her or the baby.
It was two hours from the moment they've left the aquarium when Abby saw the theatre in the distance. It was lit up, so someone was definitely out there. The feeling she carried in her chest was fucking heavy. So fucking heavy. She wanted to shoot each of you dead, but on the other hand, she knew this could go extremely bad. Melanie was pregnant and Lev was just a fucking kid. And for a reason, now she found out there are reasons to be happy for even if she didn't murder Joel, it felt foolish to come there to kill you. It was too much of a risk. On the other hand, she promised Mel that she'd see you suffer for what you've done. There was no point in stopping.
"Now, we have to find our way inside." - Mel noted quietly upon arriving to the building. They've just tried the main door, gently, to find out if it was blocked. Of course, it was. You weren't that dumb. - "I think I have something." - Lev looked at both of them, waving at them. It was an escape staircase. That kid had eyes of the falcon because to spot it in the darkness was kind of amazing.
It was the final moment before the big climax Abby had dreamed of for so long. And she almost had to laugh at the pathetic thoughts she had. She was afraid to enter the building. Who knew what waited for them inside? Will any of them walk out of the building alive? Will any of these three people survive? Or will all of the Jacksoners be killed in bloodshed? Well, there was only one way to find out. And with that, Abby opened the window which was pre-opened by a bright yellow cable leading onto the rooftop. And so, she stepped on her final journey towards the presumed saving of her damned soul.
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thegreenfairy13 · 4 years
No Country For Heroes (Part 11)
Plot: When the GCPD turns Jim in in exchange for Oswald’s protection, the mobster breaks the detective down and makes him his. 
Warnings for torture, mind control and dub con. Originally written for a prompt by the wonderful @justsimplymeagain. Special thx to @whomerlockwood. I hope you both enjoy this! 
Read the entire story here.
Chapter 11 - Becoming:
Jim feels warm, safe, loved . He’s absolutely grounded in Oswald’s arms. There’s no one else like him, no one who understands him the way he does.
Jim cries, he can’t stop the sobs, the hiccups rocking through both their bodies. Oswald won’t judge, won’t hold this weakness against him. Mutely, he runs his fingers through Jim’s hair. Head resting against his shoulder, he let’s the blonde forget the pain the bindings are causing him.
“What makes a good man?” he inquires softly as his hands find their way to Jim’s shackles, slowly loosening them one by one.
Closing his eyes, the cop takes a deep breath. Suddenly, it’s so very easy to confess, to tell the other man everything he ever wanted to be and everything he thought he should be.
“When I came to Gotham all those years ago,” he sighs, “I thought it meant being someone who protects people, a cop, a husband, a father.” Jim shrugs. It feels like a lifetime ago since he had been this naive, young man. “It is what good people do,” he adds as he wraps his shaky arms around the gangster. Oswald practically melts into the embrace, tightens his own hold on him. Only then Jim notes he’s trembling, too.
“I’m freezing,” he utters, trying to get the criminal as close as possible. In response, Oswald shifts in his lap, practically wrapping his entire body around him to keep him warm. Jim thinks they are so close he can hear the other man’s heartbeat. Tum badabum tum badabum tum. It’s a steadfast beat, not erratic like his own.
Pulling slightly back, Oswald looks him in the eye, expression open and vulnerable. “And what do you think now?” he asks.
Averting his eyes, Jim looks down, stares at his bare feet, the dark floor beneath them.
Talking, thinking, it all hurts. In truth, Jim is tired. All he wants to do is drop his head back and sleep, safe in the arms of a monster. “I thought the world was simple,” he murmurs. “Good and bad, nice and evil. And then, one day, it wasn’t anymore. I killed a man and it was good and my whole life turned upsidedown,” Jim confesses as he rests against the beast’s chest.
Oswald hums in agreement.
“Do you remember the day we first met?” the exhausted man asks, fighting the tempting pull of sleep. The buzz is back in his ears, only softly first. But then, it’s pulling him under, making him weak. Jim is so tired of fighting, of making sense of everything, analyzing every little thing. So tired of remembering why he can’t simply give in.
The man in his lap huffs out a laugh. “As if I could ever forget,” he replies, voice so warm and genuine Jim can practically hear the love dripping into his ears.
“You were swinging a bat,” he murmurs. “This scrawny, tiny, little bird,” Jim carries on even when it feels as if giant waves were crashing against his skull.  “And I thought, out of this group of thugs and criminals, I should take you with me, arrest you and never let you walk away again.”
Oswald lightly squeezes Jim’s arm. Even without looking, he knows he’s smiling. “I thought the same thing,” the Penguin confesses.
“It was the first time I compromised,” Jim carries on. Another shudder rocks through his body. “Even though I knew you were enjoying this, the pain and fear you caused. And people like you,” he concludes, “I swore I’d never compromise. Swore to take them down.”
Hot breath tickles against Jim’s cheek when the Penguin nods.
“So I was your first exception?” he asks breathlessly, voice full of adoration.
“My only,” Jim admits without hesitation. His ears are tingling and he’s fighting sleep with all his might. “And it got worse,” he mumbles.
“I want to hunt them down, those people like you,” Jim tells the Penguin. “I want to find them, one by one, all of those who find pleasure in the pain of others.”
Instead of shying away from Jim, Oswald merely accepts the statement. “That’s what you needed the badge for,” he states. “When all you indeed ever needed was your morals.”
Oh so gently, Oswald forces Jim’s head back until he has no choice but to look up at him. “All you ever wanted to be was a hero ,” he declares.
Jim feels like the world slows down when he hears it spoken out loud. His eyes zero in on the kingpin’s mouth as he mulls the word over and over in his head. Hero hero hero.  
All he ever wanted to be was good: to save people, protect them. There are heroes and villains, and the innocents in Jim’s head. Back when he started, when he put on his uniform, it was everything he wanted. Everything had been so easy. All he had to do was find corruption and brutality, expose it, and lock the bad guys away.
And then came Oswald.
And just like him, he shook everything up. He fought tooth and nail to get to the top of the food chain, showing neither remorse nor mercy. But just like him, he needed order, provided stability and protection.
Jim’s ears are ringing again, it’s a siren’s call, this strange song in his head: A feeling as if a very simple answer is only a hairbreadth away to all his complicated questions.
“I never lied to you, Jim,” Oswald murmurs. “I meant it when I told you I saw right away what you could be. It was beautiful,” he breathes as a single tear rolls down Jim’s cheek.
“I will hunt them all,” the blonde chokes out. “Jeremiah, Barbara, Victor, even Ed,” he mumbles. “Everyone who ever hurt the innocent.”
Oswald hums again, perfectly in tune with the angelic music vibrating through Jim’s body. He whistles along. Jim still sings the strange tune absent-mindedly when the Penguin smoothly slides from his lap, sings it still when he returns. It could have been seconds or hours, Jim doesn’t know what time is as long as he’s singing.
It all becomes one: the shivering, the chanting. And all of a sudden, it almost feels good to freeze, to feel his muscles contracting painfully and relaxing again. The pain, of that he’s certain, is real. Of everything else, he’s not sure any longer.
“I have something for you,” the spider-like man announces once he’s back.
The warmth is bliss.
Gracefully, Oswald wraps a long coat around Jim’s shoulders, enshrouds him in luxurious, extravagant garment, blocking out the cold all and for once.
“I never expected anything less from you,” he whispers then. “As long as I stay your exception.” Oswald’s posture is cocky, his eyebrow raised expectantly, yet the way he looks at Jim betrays him. Sometimes the former cop wonders how he made it that far. He’s such a bad liar when his emotions come into play.
It’s hard to talk when all Jim wants to do is to float in tune with the music, to sing along, and forget the pain. But then Jim remembers how the music came into his ears, who must have put it there. “You said this wasn’t a country for heroes,” he muses.  
Oswald merely shrugs again. “I can be your exception as you can be mine.”
Jim stops. Leaning forward, he pulls the coat tightly around his shoulders, reminds himself of this feeling of being protected. The song in his head becomes louder until it’s almost a shrieking crescendo, a force of nature forcing him down on his knees.
For a split second, Jim thinks this is wrong. All of his conclusions are wrong.
But then another wave hits him and the thought is being washed away.
“Do you see it now?” Oswald asks, voice still perfectly audible over the storm in Jim’s head. “What you have to become? What you have always been?
The man crouching on the floor wants to answer but the pain is almost unbearable, the music is splitting his head in half, devouring his entire being.
“It hurts,” he chokes out.
“It won’t hurt once it’s done,” Oswald replies casually, and then his hand is back on Jim, caressing his face, keeping him focused. “I will give you everything you want, everything you need to be who you are,” he urges. “The man who came here on a grey day, the one who saw all good and all evil with clear eyes.”
Jim can only moan in response.
“Gotham’s wonderful hero, her White Knight, the memory of the innocent boy,” Oswald pleads with feverish eyes as cradles Jim in his arms.
There must be something Jim is missing, a flaw in his reasoning, yet everything the Penguin says and does makes perfect sense. Jim can see it now, how all the pain he put him through, all the things he showed him have been nothing but the truth. One day, he merely lost track, used his fists instead of words in an interrogation room, and became whoever he is now, this broken, weak man. Someone who desperately needs the pain to stop.
Closing his eyes, Jim gives in, drowns in the waves until the howling fills him up. He’s floating in his pain, basking in it. Every fiber of his being is filled to the brink with this ache, this need. If only he could find the answer, maybe then it would stop, wouldn’t it?
“It doesn’t hurt once it’s done!” the Penguin screeches and Jim clings to the words.
It was easy before, stopping the buzz, but it wasn’t the final answer to the question.
And all of a sudden, it is clear. And oh so easy. If there was any strength left in Jim he’d laugh. Maybe he does, he can’t tell. Oswald always told him before, had told him hundreds of times.
“I have to be me again” Jim pants, as he desperately readies himself for another onslaught. His fingernails dig into the concrete.
Oswald nods mutely as he pulls Jim close. “My hero,” he mumbles and Jim wants to sob in relief. Finally, the pain subsides, stops almost as quickly as it has taken over.
“Your hero,” Jim agrees.
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dcddyrecper · 5 years
My muse is all tied up (how and why is up to the mun)
Under all condition Death would have had reason to be worried.
First off there was Fred, one of his favorite reapers whom appeared to him and mentioned the Crimson Mist. He  like many of the reapers knew that Death frequented the establishment and that he would often meet with them there so they could take a meal. It was something irregular and not as often as Death would have liked.
So he tipped his head at Fred "Yes, Fred?" he inquired of the tall suited man with the dark hair and eyes.
"Its the Crimson Mist." he said cautiously. "There has been death." he stated his stature not shifting from the upright and respectable form. Though his eyes were concerned that he might see Death angry. Since he knew that the Father of Reapers was fairly fond of it.
"Who ?" Death asked
"Leo and Greg two of the bouncers." Fred obediently answered and Death could only nod his head.
"Were they reaped ?" he inquired.
"Only One." Fred answered "The other had not died yet" he told the entity before him. “Would you like me too ?”
Death would never consider leaving it to another reaper he had known both bouncers. They had worked at the club as long as he had been showing up for meals. "No,  I will take care of it.' he stated simply. "Inform the others no one is to go in or around Crimson Mist, I will take care of it myself. There may yet be reaping to do, I have tingle." he stated
Fred nodded "Yes, sir." he said and than was a blur and gone to the next appointment that needed keeping.
Death did not bother to use to the door he merely appeared in the club. The club was hoping as it always was. The weekend was a good time to go. Since it was always packed and people partied hard in there. Part of it was the encouragement of the lady of the establishment. He had concerns it might have been someone there to rob Amelia.
It didn't seem the case.
There were not tell tale signs of lights outside and there was no sirens in the distance. He found the crumpled form of Leo first. The man was a bodybuilder during the week, and he had been married five times, had a roaming eye but that would not have gotten him killed --he was still kind at heart, but knew how to be firm with others.
"Oh Shit." Leo said when he saw Death. "Your here for me ain't ya." he stated rather than asked and Dee gave him a curt nod.
"Afraid so, what happened to you ?" he asked he could find out the quick way if he needed to but he wanted Leo to come to terms so he could pass on. It would always make it easier.
"Man, let me tell you." he said as pointed into the club with the beat pounding. "There were these guys who showed up. At first I thought they were in costume you know like come from a ren fair or somethin' ." he motioned to the full armor over his own form. "Head to toe armor I told em they could come in but they'd have ta leave the weapons at the door, and they called me a heretic or some shit, and than moved to stab me. " he frowned "So I busted a chair over his head. Nothing personal but I didn't want to be stab." he looked mournfully down at himself. "I shoulda been more clear on that huh." there was a gashing wound in his chest and the dark blood was a sign the wound was fatal.
"Indeed." Death said "Than what happened ?"
"One of his buds stabbed me through the back, said I was suffering a monster to live and was condemned by that. It ain't true is it ?" he asked his eyes were starting to show the shock. Dee touched him and all the pain swept away like a leaf on a river. "I think they were looking for the boss." he added "I know Greg put up a fight because you know that's how he is too." he glanced to the other man who was missing a head.  "He was a good one." he mourned.
Death knew precisely how Greg had died. Greg had hurt one of them and he had died via beheading. Nothing seemed out of place because the music and the party covered the sounds of combat and likely what ever else had come.
"You got to help the boss, they were lookin for her." he added.
"Yes, well You are to go into the light, you see it don't you Leo, rest assured your going up and not down." he promised. "I don't judge not my thing, but you were also one of the good ones." it looked like it gave him peace and he disappeared into the light with a simple.
--”Right On.”
Greg was already on his way, he didn't need coaxing or guiding. Fred likely.
Still there was the issue of what was actually going on here. He tuned out everything and focused on the warrior. He scanned the place, there was a certain spot where holiness seemed to radiate. There was nothing worse than power that blinded and those to enveloped in the Sin of Pride and Wrath to see it. These were heretic their power came from not god but Lucifer as he did so love those who suffered the same as he.
There was a small group of them.
Death knew precisely what they were when he sensed them. He wondered if they knew they were not going to where they thought they were. That they were not so righteous as they thought themselves. Likely not such things never came to men like them.
There had been other death's here a witch, and another vampire who had gone to far from her nest. She had not even been hunting. It irked him. These were death's that were not supposed to be.
He could feel the energy in the bar and beyond that the sensation of pain and inability to do anything. Amelia ? He was fairly sure it was her. She felt drugged, angered, restrained. She was suffering and it seemed a follow up to whom ever had caused trouble for the woman before. He had only gotten there in the aftermath of that, in time to feed her. It seemed he would again be a source of nourishment. It did not trouble him. He had few friends who could touch anywhere near his age. He valued each and every one of them.
Though there might have been something more to it with Amelia.
He broke off the contact it made him angry seething  really.
Death turned toward the hallway and his form shifted. Gone was the tall gentleman with the cane carrying his doctor bag. Instead there were shadows which seemed to pull around him and draw into him. A hood that hid the skeletal frame of the Pale Horseman. A scythe was firmly held in one hand, and the light all but retreated from the primordial entity as he walked through the crowd. They did not see him.
Still people shivered as though a cold finger had brushed up their spine, sending hairs to stand on ends. It was just Death passing them. The aura was enough to give even the most seasoned hunter a chill.
The first of the Templar's to encounter him saw him for himself.
The grim reaper.
"Your..." he blathered and pointed.
The bare skull smiled coldly.
A single touch to the man set him aflame in his armor, his screams mingling with the whooping of the crowd as the DJ played another loud beat song. Death collected him the soul snatched from the body and placed into his doctor bag. The man did not get a chance to even question the entity and never would. This soul would be interesting in trade with someone who might like a supposed holy man. Death rarely took offense but when he did. It always ended one way.
The next of the men had come to check on his ally only to find the smoking remains of the armor, he nearly tripped over himself to get back to the leader of their little group. Death allowed him to run. You couldn't cheat Death after all.  
A low soft laughter followed in the man's wake making his terror all the worse.
The door even swung open for him. The fool was doing the work for him. The man was ranting at the point of reaching the Leader a man who was cruelly handsome and radiated a certain charisma. Still his response to seeing Death was a widening of his eyes.
"You can't be here." he stated.
"Yet, here I am." Death said in a low hollow voice, both skeletal hands expanding outwards in a lazy shrug.
"You are a demon." another gasped and began to pray.
"Oh do pray. If he answers you--which he won't he's not there boys." the tone was dark, taunting.
Death even waited for the smiting that they were praying for. He allowed them to assume they had something of a chance in hell. That they might have hope. Only to see it dim from there eyes. Yes, he was angry.
He moved closer to Amelia where she was bound and staked and gingerly brushed her with the robe in passing. If he chose not to take her. Than the wounds would stop bleeding and he gave her respite it was not her time. This was what he whispered in her ear. A soft low murmur "Do not fret it is not your time, my dear." the tone was cultured and kind though his actions towards these would be killers---not so much.
Anyone who thought that Death was too compassionate had never seen him when he let loose. The likes that only his brother War ever saw. it was that side of him that could cause destruction, topple mountains destroy kingdoms. These Templar were not even half a challenge to Death--however--he toyed with them.
He allowed them to think they stood half a chance, that they could talk their way out of it.
The leader was of course saved for last, he wanted him to know remorse, pain and the apathy that Death had for him.
The others--well--one turned into stone and shattered into a million pieces, two other killed each other,  the third became ooze that was struck fire and burned. The last two, he saved. They would be meals for her.
Was he throwing the balance off ? He had to pause and check--the answer was no---these fools were destined to do this. The Church of all people wanting her dead. They couldn't stay across the Pond and handle their areas they had to come to America and continue their vampire hunt's their witch hunts. He had a thing about those who hunted witches, one of his adopted children had been a witch. She worked as a reaper now after they had destroyed her.
Both the Templar were staring at him. They never knew they feared Death until they saw him as he was.
He turned to the tied up woman and at his touch the stake appeared in his right hand. His left covered the wound. Though it was bony fingers. The wound began to close by sheer force of his will. He murmured to her "You are going to be dreadfully ill, my dear." he frowned "Its the only way to get what is in your system out." the touch of his robes were warm, velvet. Even bone was unusually warm.Bindings dropped away, and turned to snakes to taunt the last two of the would be slayers.
He motioned to the two men that were divested of armor, of weapons and of their very faith, having renounced it for a chance at life. "They are yours" he said nonchalantly. "I will be just outside this door." he motioned. “Do not worry yourself about them escaping, they are doomed and know it now. If you have need of me, just think to me and I will return." he glanced to them with out another word, there was a soft sound of wings as he disappeared leaving her with prey.
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goldstonegolem64 · 5 years
Book 1 Hope returns  Chapter 38  Unleash the beast   By Goldstonegolem64
Haggar sat in her lab looking through the record of Root rot see as he had the biggest profile out of all four of her new pilots. the report was from a Subcommander that was well known for hunting dangerous game and was the first and only to survive being hunted By Root rot and his clan on there home world. The original reason the subcommander was because they had caught wind a the beasts on this moon had a weird ability to Evolve rapidly to survive the harsh jungles. The report Told of How this subcommander had found this clan of Florian's light years away from their homeworld.The report told her that the Florains there had grown to have the same ability as the rest of the wild life an had build there village in side of a old abandoned temple and the clan had adopted the religion of the temple. The rest of the report was just the subcommander watching the clan over for about six deca phebes. Nothing of interest happened through the phebes but that was until the last deca phebes in which one of the sub commander troops decide to hunt one of the florian despite his orders and killed it. 
It turned out that the florian was pregnant with twins and that was when everything started going down hill. It all started when the same troop that disobeyed went missing along with three plasma rilfs .Then came the feeling of being watched and  unit that was sent to find the missing soldier also went missing followed by their warship being destroyed by a overcharged plasma rifle placed in the armory  causing a chain reaction that trapped the crew there. She then read as that the crew was picked off one by one by a unforeseen force  that seemingly adapted to whatever strategy they had come up with to hunt it. The subcommander then write that maybe the florain that was killed was the mate of what was hunting them and this was all just revegen for what was taken from them. But what happened next caught her attention. The report read that The florian that was hunting them was the. 
The report stopped before she could see what had been hunting them.She assumed that it was root rot. But there were some things that didn’t add up. Like how did he get onto the warship without being seen. How did he get on learn how to work blaster or even overload it to begin with. She then looked through the rest of the reports and saw something that caught her eye. Root rot was a know Bioterrorist and used gases of different varieties to mark targets , grow small hounds or mindless minions ,some paralyzed other corroded flesh and metal. one caused anyone to in haul it to laugh themself to death if exposed to it for too long. One send crowds into rage fueled blood bath . As she was looking through the reports the door to her lab opened
“ What is it ?” Haggar said not looking toward who ever entered her lab
“ lord Zarkon has requested your pressaion. “ the druid said 
“  Alright “ Haggar said as she closed the report and got up from her seat and left the lab.toward the throne room.
Elsewhere the Castle of lions was hovering over a desert  world where the s.o.s came from 
“ I know were all going down there but before that What's the game plan?” Jay asked 
“ well we have made contact to the other two outposts on the neighboring planets. Both are untouched but Hq as order a quick evac just in case they’ve been compromised “Ace said as she walked into the room 
“ So we're not gonna go down there to see what happened there” Hunk said a little hopeful
“ Yes you would be correct hu-” Allura was cut off when another message 
A screen appeared to reveal a rebel soldier that was galra with a huge cut across  their face. There was two other soldiers in the background one was dead on the floor and the other had wings and their face was hide behind them as they were looking out into the hallway .
“ If anyone can hear this please come help us were the only survivors here and were being hunt by that thing. It killed everyone with no remorse and it started to hunt who was ever left” the sound of footsteps could be heard in the background” Shit it found us please be quick come on sky lets going “ then the message stopped
“ Well here we go.” Hunk said
Jay coulded help but think that the rebels voice sounded. But he just pushed that though to the back of his minded.” So let's get down there and save those people” Jay said as he was walking out of the room towards the hanger bay thinking that all this seemed a little  fishy  
“ You heard the Man lets get going” Ace said to her team as she followed Jay
A few minutes later 
The lions, The valkyrie, Two rebel ship and the Prometheus were flying down toward the outpost 
“ So how many people were working at that outpost anyway?” Adam Asked 
“ Normally there are about fifty to a hundred depending on the importance of the outpost location” Ace said 
“ Ok my confidence has lowered a bit” Lance said feeling a little unsure about there chances of find those to guys alive.
“ Hey jay you’ve been unusually quiet something on your mind?” Adam asked
“ it’s nothing i just don’t have anything to say on the matter at hand” Jay said 
“He things this whole thing is a bit fishy but he doesn’t have enough evidence to prove it” Val said outing her pilot 
“ Why would you think it was a trap? “ Shiro asked 
“ It just something doesn’t feel right about this whole thing. i mean it might be just the way i was raised to question anything that seems just out of place. like the second message or the person who sent it and no it’s not because he was galra/ It because he’s voice sounded familiar and i can’t remember where i heard his voice before.It suck that i can’t remember and i normally remember this things  ” Jay said 
“ Like how you remembered to tell Adam and i about the mix up” Shiro said 
“ Or that you have a huge bow for long range attacks” Adam said 
“ Or the fact that you can turn into a hucking lizard monster.” pidge said 
“ Ok i get it i have a bad memory. I get it but still i dont trust this. Also pidge i do remember that i can turn into a ten foot tall hulk lizard i just don’t trust myself to be incontrol when i go into that form . Mainly do to the fact i haven’t turn fully into berserker state yet and there is no way to say for sure that i won’t kill you all if i full turn” Jay said 
“Well it’s good to hear that your concerned for us. But now i’m kinda scared for you to turn.”Lance said  
“ Ok i  don’t know what this berserker state is but Um can we talk about the out of place Jungle that is seemingly growing out of the listening outpost in the middle of the desert.”Ace said as she looked at the now overgrown outpost that was protected by a dome that covered the roof 
“ Alright everyone be ready for anything down there “ Shiro said as he started to Land the black lion near the entrance of the out post 
“ Ok quick question why how is this place hidden if it’s out in the open like this?” Pidge asked as she land the green lion 
“ it’s an abandoned colony who would  ever look here. But i guess someone came looking  ” Rolo said 
 “ Well let’s not dread on the past they knew what they were getting into when they join up with us “ Ace said 
A few minutes later the team entered the outpost and slowly moved through out the seemingly abandoned outpost. Everything in the outpost was covered in vine with buds growing on them that were weirdly pulsating
“ Ok Jay do you know why there pulsating ?” Hunk asked
“ My dad might but hell if i know” Jay walked away from the group to investigate the closet vine.” i may not be in the same league as my dad when it comes to things like this but if you gave me sometime i could probably figure this out” As Jay got closer to the vine Jay could hear the sound of a heartbeat coming from the vine.” Ok that is weird “ Jay reached and touched the vine it was weirdly warm and the heart beat started to get faster. Jay then removed his hand and the heart beat started to slow down  “ I’m not going to do that ever again.” Jay said as he stepped away slowly. 
“ Good to know now lets keep going “ Keith said 
The team continued to move. As they did the the vines begane to cover the floor as the bud were now about the size of people and the heart beat sound was now louder than before. 
“Thank god shay stayed behind with Allura and the others” Hunk said
“ Hey guys i know this should have been asked earlier but seeing as at the highest there would being about a hundred. lowest  being about  fifty people that were stationed here. I’m just curious where are the bodies?” Lance asked as he looked at one of the buds that was close to them.
“Your right lance where are the bodies?” Matt asked as the sound of things moving around in the distacts 
“ Ok that doesn’t sound good. We need to find  those survivors quick “ Hunk said as the motion sensor went off showing two dots moving towards them.
Everyone turned to face what was coming weapon drawn. they All waited for a few seconds to see what came and what they say was the two rebels that were from the second message.The two looked surprised to see them  and raised there hand up 
“ Please don’t shoot were not your enemies  “ the first rebel said 
“ Yeah we were the ones who called you here “ the second rebel said  
“ Ok we found the survivors now lets get ou” Lance was cut by the sound of an alarm and flashing red lights  going off followed by the sound of huge metal doors closing. Then the alarm and the Lights stopped 
“What was that ?“ Matt asked 
“ That was the sandstrom Alarm  were going to be stuck he for a bit.My names is Quill by the way and this guy next to me is Sky now before were found by that thing let's get inside of the safe house we set up just in case we were here for a while” Quill said 
Shiro noticed that both of this two’s armor had very obvious damage and blood splatter that would only occur if someone's throat was slit or had their head bashed. Shiro had seen and done many horrible things during his time as a gladiator which did help him see somethings that other wouldn’t notice. He was coming up with a plan to see who this two were. Only for ace to step forwards 
“ Who are you two and why do you to reek of the empire?” Ace asked with a growl in her voice 
“ I Don’t know what you mean by tha-”
“ Don’t lie i can tell that blood and armor isn’t your now i will ask again. Who are you?’ Ace asked as she raised her blaster.
Quinn and Skyver looked at each other then back to the paladins. Both notice that a root was snaking its way towards the silver paladin unseen by all twelve paladin in front of them.   
“ Well it looks like the gig is up” Skyver said
“ Yes it is. Well one of you already knows me . Hello Jay it got to meet Face to mask” Quinn said with a smile on his face 
Jay felt dumb that he couldn’t remember what Quinn sounded like.’ Well it’s good to finally put a face to a voice. How's your sister doing?” Jay asked genuinely concerned for his frenemies sibling 
“ She lives thank the goddess and it good to see that your friends made it out alive too. Good to know “Quienn said as he watched the root slowly wrapped around Jay’s ankle 
“ Stop stalling where is that thing “ Ace barked
“ You’ll meet him shortly” Skyver said 
“ Say hello to hi when you meet him Jay” Quinn said 
“Wait wh Shit “ Jay suddenly lose his balance and felt himself being lift into the air then was quickly slammed into the ground followed by being very quickly pulled away from his teammate 
“ Jay !?!?!?” everyone yelled as there friend was being dragged away.pidge was the closest to jay an quickly ran after him 
Everyone was about to Follow them but stopped in their tracks as the sound of the heart beats got louder and the bud that was near Lance started to shake violently 
“ We should  get out of here before All hell breaks loose “ Quinn whispered 
“  We should “ Skyver said as he heard the Sounds of water rushing nearby followed by the sounds of hyena like laughing. So he grabbed onto Quinn and took to the Sky before the paladin could notice
“ What the Hell is going on ?”Lance said as he leveled his Bayard to the bud he was standing next too.
“ I don’t know “Hunk said as the sound of laughter and screech's  could be heard coming towards them 
“ Where the hell did those two go“ Ace Yelled looking for Skyver and Quinn  
“ Forget about them and look around us” Rolo said as dozens of dog like creatures that looked like they were made up of the same vines and flowers  that covered the floor were walking toward them followed by Humanoid being that looked like shorter  version of the thing they all saw on the first message  
“ Everyone stay together.” Shiro said as he activated his arm. 
“ What about Jay and pidge ?” Matt asked worried about his sister 
“ Jay and pidge can handle themselves and if they get into trouble Jay can call val into help“ Shiro said 
“ Here they come” Nyma yelled as the crowd of enemies started running towards them. 
“ Fire at will” Ace said as she opened fire onto the crowd Followed by everyone else as keith and Shiro ran into the charging crowd. 
Elsewhere Jay was being dragged across the city streets. He was being slammed into walls every time he turned a corner. Until he grabbed onto his bayard and flipped onto his back and aimed for the vine that was wrapped around his foot. His first few shots missed. Then stopped aiming for the vine and aimed for his boot.But before he pulled the trigger he changed his foots size then fired bowing the boot apart along with the vine. Jay slide across the ground before stopping 
“Go to Phobos they said . It will be easy money they said . You’d be back in a few days they said. Fuck you Damien for telling me about this job.” Jay started removed his now destroyed boot followed by the his other boot then he put both in to his pack. Jay then got to his feet and looked around the area “ Where the hell am i.” Jay then heard the sound of claws clarting against the floor “ Jay turned to look towards what was running towards him. It was a dog like creature was running toward him it teeth were bared as it ran towards him. Jay pulled his revolor and Shoot the beasts front leg of causing the beast to tumbled forwards and stopped a few feet away from jay .the beast struggled to get back onto it’s  feet  . Jay felt bad for this thing as it struggled to get back up. jay then leveled his revolor again,closed his eyes  and fired again.
The sound of a body hit the floor. Jay open his eyes to see the beast on the ground dead. Jay quickly remove the shells and replaced them as he did the sound of something being  dragging across the ground “ Great what now “ Jay said as he again turned to look were the sound was coming from. to see two humanoid being walking towards him the bigger one had a huge piece of dedre while the other just had its sharp claws “ So are you here to kill me ?” Jay asked 
 The two stood there not taking before both of them charging forwards 
Jay was caught off  guard by how fast the the two were as he nearly dodged the big one’s debre club only to be kicked in the side by the smaller one which was follow by the big one clubbing Jay in the face knocking Jay backward. His view started to see the  red hue again.But he had to fight back the urge to let into his rage.  Jay quickly got back to his feet and dodge another swing of the big ones club and summoned his Bayard two his left hand and fired both guns into the big one . Both shoot tore through the big ones chest killing it instantly. Jay turn to face the smaller one as it tried to tackled him. But Jay sidestepped and avoid the tackle he quickly turned and pointed his bayard at the back of his attacker’s head and pulled the trigger . But the thing avoid the shoot and slapped the Bayard and the revolver  out of Jay’s hands followed by a punch to Jay’s gut . Jay was surprised by how quick it reacted to the shoot.  
Jay stumbled backward before a few feet as a Flurry of punches and Clawed swipes hit him . Jay’s anger started to build up again and this time he let the anger take control an as another punch came toward him. He grabbed the fist and pull his attacker in close and smash the thing in the face with his left hand followed by a right hook to the jaw that caused the thing to stumble backwards as this happened jay grabbed the Ax off his back and swung it and caught the thing in the neck and detached it’s head from it’s body. Jay watched as the thing’s body and head  hit the ground. Jay was breath heavily as his anger subsided. Jay noticed that his helmet’s visor was cracked. he pleased his ax back and he moved the helmet.
“ I really need to be move careful. I can’t afford to die right know” Jay said as he dropped his helmet and walked towards his Bayard and revolver . As he made his was there he heard the sound of something running towards him again. He turned to see  Pidge running towards him. A smile of relief came across his face but that quickly turned to a pain as he felt something punch through his gut . He watched as a look of terror came across pidge’s face .
“ I’m not going to lie you look not like I thought you would “ A raspy voice said behind jay. Jay looked down to see a thorn popping out of his stomach “ But what you are will make lady Haggar happy and see how you fight I wonder how she’ll make you better”  Jay felt the thorn being pulled out of him”  unless you die here “
Pidge was petrified as she watch her friend fall to the floor  as a pool of blood started to form where he lye. she didn’t  know what to do because fear had paralyzed her body as she watch a goliath of a man walked out of one of the nearby building 
“ Run Pidge run and tell the other to leave. “  Jay said as he struggled to get back up. But as he did a Val's  voice appeared in the back of his head 
“ What is wrong ?” she asked 
“ I’ve been impaled and. No You stay away from her! ”Jay yelled as he grabbed on to the foot of the new foe as he was walking toward
“ Such heroic nonsense.”   root rot turned and looked down towards jay and picked him up by the throat “ What will you do if I don’t stay away from her. Kill me hunt me down. Chase me to the ends of the universe. I’ve heard it all from thousands of different people from hundreds of different races and I kill or out live  them all. So tell boy what are you going to do them if I do this?” Root rot said with a twisted smile  as he raised his free hand an shootout a vine toward the now running pidge. The vine screamed throw the air and stabbing pidge right below the calf muscle of her right leg She let out a scream of pain as she to fell to the ground as the vine came out of her leg “ No running “
“ NOOOOO!!!!!”   Jay yelled as his rage burst forwards as he grabbed the ax off his back and slammed it in his foes face as his shin started to turn a dark red 
“ Ha HaHahHahahahahahaha. Did you thing that would work boy “   Root rot said as he remove it from his face and dropped it on the floor “ What was that suppo AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Root rot screamed as his hand was cut off . He quickly regrow his hand  and looked toward the silver paladin. He noticed that the paladins left hand was glowing a bright purple he also notice how the paladin’s skin had changed color and the hole in his stomach was slowly closing as his body  ” What are you boy?” Root rot asked as excitement start to appear in his voice
Pidge was still on the ground holding her leg she was no long in pain do to her suits healing unit. but she was still bleeding. So she pulled out her Bayard. bite down on her gloved knuckle and began to cauterize the hole in her leg  . She screamed into her hand  as the hot plasma burned her skin. She slammed he fist in the ground. She continued  with her work only to stop when the sound of  bones popping and snapping out of place  joint . She turned to see her teammate start grow in size his skin turned a dark red .She watched as his arms and legs started to double in size as well as  elongating  along with his head which turned into a  gator’s his eye had a farrell look to them. The she heard the sound of ripping clothes and the cracking of metal as jay’s armor broke open to reveal small spikes that line the back of his spine and final a two ended tail ripped it’s self out of the black jump suit. Pidge remember that jay had changed once before back on the balmera but it looked nothing like this or what the file on berserkers had show . she guess this was what happened when he let the beast take control or maybe each berserker looked different in their berserk form and she was not going to stick around to find out if this form of her friend could tell the difference between friend or foe. She tried to get up only to fall back down when she tried to place weight on her right leg  
“Oh that’s not good “ She said to herself as she started to crawl away from the area 
“ Don’t go to far little one because when I'm done with this one your next” Root rot yelled . Then the vines that make up his body part to show of the handled of a blade that he quickly grabbed it and pulled out his hunting knife “ If only we were back on my home world you would have made a great tribute to the blighted one. “ Root said as he watched his prey slowly walk around him on all fours it’s teeth beard it’s tails swaying slowly and in a blink of an eye it was on top of him. Root unraveled his lower half and used it to tangle and stabbed shut the beast mouth to prevent it’ s teeth from ripping him apart only to have it’s claws rack across his body a few times . He laugh as he felt the pain shoot throw his body . he return the favor by burring his knife  deep in to his foe back.
The beast  let loss a roar of pain and began to rampage through out the intersection he had been dragged. Slamming his head into the streets light poles and abandon buildings when that  proved useless the beast charged forward and slammed through the nearest building and it kept charging through building after building leaving pidge by herself.
Pidge wanted to followed her friend but she couldn’t really walk and she decide to leave rover back on the castle so la-Sai could upgrade him. The she remembered that her Bayard had a grappling hook as she summoned his Bayard something caught her eye. IT was jay’s revolve it was just lying there on the floor she used her Bayard to drag it over to her. She quickly picked it up only to be caught off guard how heavy this thing was but it also made sense seeing how strong the bullets were. As she looked at the revolver in here hand. then she throw the grappling hook  toward the light post behind her and she pulled the trigger and slide across the street slowly down before hitting the light post she did the several more times before she nearly hit someone that turned the corner  
“ Woah watch here your throwing thing Pidge Pidge !?” lance yelled as he saw his teammate on the ground 
“ What happened to your leg”  Hunk asked as both boy ran to her side 
pidge was happy to see her two teammates “ i’ve been stabbed in the leg and i lost a lot of blood  “ pidge said as she slowly started to feel dizzy 
“ You were stabbed in the leg by who “ Lance asked as he pick up his teammate
“ By the guy who killed everyone so we should get as soon as possible “ she said as everything was coming in and out of focus 
“ Where’s jay?” Hunk asked now every more worried then before
“  fighting that thing in his berserk so i think he can handle it but we should tell the other about as they can help him just in case “ pidge said before passing out from the blood lost   
“ We need to get her back to the castle now “lance said as he started running back to the rest of the group
“ What about Jay ?” Hunk asked as he followed lances  
“ He is a literal tank with a healing factor  he can handle himself “ Lance said   
the beast had ran aimlessly through building hoping to dislodge. As his foe bombarded him with gas that melted his armor and skin and a knife stabbed in his back over and over again. But he pushed through the pain for the other that their other half cared for. For the ones he was charged with protecting. as he changed he could smell gasoline or something similar and changed direction towards it . 
 “Hey boy where do you think your going  “ Root said as he grabbed his hunting knife again and dragged the knife Across his preys back then he unleashed as tornten of corrosive gas into the wound and listened to his prey scream  in pain. It brought him unending joy to hear this. But that stopped as he was slammed into something metal and the smell of gasoline perforated the area.He felt fear running through his body for the first time in a long time . he quickly unraveled himself his vines and pulled out his knife and stabbed this prey in the eye causing his target to stumble backward .The beast roared out in pain the charged straight toward his foe. Root quickly side step and swung his blade cutting off one of the two tail.That was counter by The beast’s back leg kicking him in the back “What are you boy one minute your mindless the next you think you can outsmart me not going to lie i’m impressed i never thought i would fight something like you “ Root watched has the tail he cut off started to regrow along with every wound that he had inflected on to his prey back. then the beast turned around to face him and pointed it’s left hand towards something behind him.
Root looked behind him to see what was behind him only to head butted into a building and the smell of gas got stronger then he was pinned down by the beast then it’s claws ripped him apart. He watched as his limbs were being torn off him then the beast stepped back a few second  and opened his maw about to eat bite of his head   . “ Ok  you earned this one boy but no i’m not dying here to day also ” Root said as a bud appears on his chest and release gas into the beast mouth. The beast started to cough violently do to the fact that his lungs were on fire. Root watched as the beast started to shrink in size and returned to it normal human form he watch as the beast now boy was on the ground blooded beaten and struggle to breathe . Root laughed  at this as his body slowly started to regrow itself” But i’m sorry but you need to die. But if it make you feel any better it will be quick and painless or less pain then the last few minutes” Root got up and cleaned of his blade as he walked towards his prey “ To be honest you weren’t the strongest berzerk i fought but your young so you don’t have the exprain like the others “ Root got closer to his prey and grabbed him by the face to see the fear in his eyes only to see rage and spite and that the right eye was fully healed .He smiled seeing this  “ Good you die like a man then” Root Then raised the knife then lowered it after seeing the marks on the boys face then a smile came on his face.then it disappeared when his teammates appeared “ What do you want 
“Lady haggar’s has new orders for us” Skyver said 
“What are they “ Root rot growled 
“We are to return to base now” Quinn said as he look at the beat face of his rival as
“ What about the boy can i kill him”
“ No She wants him alive but she doesn’t want him to be captured for some reason” Skyver said 
“It’s because they can’t have Voltron go on a rampage to get him back “ Quinn said 
Root rot growled loudly before looking down “ Got news boy you get to live another day . “ Root rot said
“ I {cough} Haerd {Cough} You{cough} Ass{ cough}” Jay said throw coughs
“ What did you do to him?” Skyver asked.
“ i starved his body of oxygen so he could no longer hold his monstrous form. “ root rot said as he started to walk away followed by his teammates 
Jay lied there barely breathing his body fatigued from changing covered in his own blood and was wearing melted armor as the smell of gas slowly caused him to fall asleep.  His last thought before he passed out was am i going to die here and as he passed out he heard the sound of metal bending and the sound of wind whipping wildly out side then he passed out 
Val had ripped through the metal wall off the listening outpost them moment she felt her pilots heartbeat started to fade. She flow over the city and found her pilot lying there not moving. She knew that he was alive and she very carefully picked her pilot back carefully with her wing and slowly slide her pilot into the cockpit through the hatch on the top of her head. She then turned back to the hole she created. She could hear her pilots breath 
“ It alright my pilot everything will be alright “ Val said as she flow towards the castle of lions.      
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def-initely-soul · 6 years
Can I get 1&45 with got7 Mark? (⌒▽⌒)
of course!! 🎄🎄🎄
Bias: Mark from GOT7
Prompt: #1 “Merry Christmas bitch” + #45 “You look like an elf”
Genre: Fluff/Humor/e2l
Warnings: Mature Language/Mentions of Claustrophobia
Words: 2.5k
You will never understand why you agree to participate in your best friend’s Christmas Treasure Hunt every year. It only serves to remind you how much you don’t want to be here with so many people, given the hunt is happening at one of her gatherings and she’s a social butterfly.
But this year. Oh, this year is different.
You can’t possibly compare the previous years to this one. Last years seem like a cozy night in compared to this one.
Because each year you get paired with one person, as some sort of a team. And this year your asshole of a friend had the brilliant idea to pair you up with the one person you hate more than anything.
Mark Tuan.
The tall, lanky boy has been the cause of your misfortunes ever since you and Sora met him on the first day of kindergarten. While the two of you played together and build a castle out of legos (although at that age it could hardly be described as a castle), he had marched up to the two of you with the overconfidence only a boy of his age could have and proceeded to crush your makeshift castle to the ground.
Although Sora had grown up to be friends with the boy, that first interaction left a bad impression on you, one that you never got rid off. So you grew up, having to see Mark Tuan every day even though you never liked him just because he was friends with the rest of your group.
Don’t get me wrong, you’re not that petty as to not like him just because of that incident. It seems the feelings were mutual, as Mark always teased and mocked you in front of your friends, leaving hurtful comments that at the first few years of your “co-habitation” dragged tears out of your eyes. But at some point, you decided he wasn’t worth it and you began blatantly ignoring him. Or when you were in a particularly good mood, fighting back.
Tonight is not one of those nights.
“Are you seriously not gonna talk to me for the entirety of the game?” Mark asks you with a laugh and you refuse to look over at him and his ridiculous costume as you try to make sense of the note your hostess has given you at the beginning of the game.
So far, you haven’t made any progress and if Mark continues pestering you like that, you’re not gonna make any at all.
“So… Cindy Lou, huh?” Mark comments on your costume in a pathetic attempt at small talk and you almost roll your eyes at that.
“Gotta say, I would’ve pegged you for the Grinch type.”
You groan out loud at that before finally turning around, annoyance in your eyes when you see his full of mirth.
“Look, I tried to be civil…-”
“-By not talking to me?” he smirks.
“That’s the only way to be civil with you but if you’d rather have me talking then I’m in no way responsible for the things I’ll say,” you grit your teeth at him and a loud laugh takes over him. It leaves you stunned because no sarcastic remark follows it and that gives him enough time to grab the piece of paper from your hands without you showing any resistance.
“Hey, I was reading that!” you protest a second later but Mark disregards you with a wave.
“And look where that got us… AHA! Found it!” he exclaims in triumphant before looking at you with wide, expectant eyes and a grin. You’re taken aback by how young he looks right now, reminding you of your earlier years and with terror, you realise you almost called him cute in your thoughts.
Instead, you cross your hands over your chest with one raised eyebrow in defiance. Mark’s smile falls. “What?”
“I’m not gonna put my chances on winning this game on you. You look like an elf. No offense,” you comment, a smirk threatening to split your lips and Mark’s ears turn red.
“Look like an elf? I’m dressed like one!” he protests and the smirk finally appears on your lips at successfully rousing him up.
“Oh, is that what this is? I couldn't tell,” you pretend to think it over and Mark grumbles in annoyance. You smile at the small victory before Mark speaks up again.
“Look, it’s either we follow my clue or you pretend to look over the paper for an answer when you know you won’t find one like you didn’t for the past twenty minutes. Your choice,” he crosses his hand on his chest as well in a power move and when you see the grin on his lips you know he’s got you pushed up in a corner.
How you hate to prove him right.
“Fine, whatever. Let’s just follow your stupid clue…” you mumble with irritation and you pretend to miss the way Mark smiles, or the way it sends tingles in your stomach.
Okay, what’s wrong with you? First, you almost think of him as cute and now this. You’re supposed to hate him damnit.
Mark shows you the way to the room he claims the clue leads you to and when you open the door, you step in front of the storage closet. There are cabinets and shelves full of boxes and even though the space barely fits the two of you, you’ll never make it on time if only one of you starts looking.
You share a glance with him before he stretches his hand forward. “After you.”
“Always the gentleman,” you comment sarcastically before taking a cautious step forward. You walk inside the closet, trying to take as little space as possible in order for Mark to fit in as well.
You turn around to see him watch nervously the space, worrying his bottom lip before swallowing what seems to be a lump around his throat. Is he claustrophobic? You hope he’s not but even if he is, the door is gonna remain open the whole time you’re in.
“Aren’t you gonna come in?” you ask confused and his eyes snap at you as if he has forgotten you’re there in the first place. Then he nods and steps inside just as cautiously as you, if not more now that you’re already inside.
Your heartbeat begins racing when Mark steps inside because as soon as he does, he’s touching you. The room is so small that whatever position the two of you take, you’re always gonna be touching. So you take a deep breath. You’re gonna get through this, you’re gonna find the next clue and you’ll never have to think about why Mark makes you feel this way again.
“So, I suppose I can look through this side and you look through the other-”
But just as you say that the door closes on the both of you.
Mark takes a sharp intake of breath as his eyes rest on the door and you see them feeling up with worry and panic. Oh, fuck maybe he is claustrophobic.
“Um, it’s fine, we can just open it again-” you say reaching for the handle.
But someone locks the door from the outside.
“Shit,” you breathe in shock, belatedly realising when you moved to reach the handle you inevitably pushed yourself closer to Mark. And now as you raise your eyes upwards you find him looking straight at you with a heavy gaze.
You stay trapped in his gaze for a moment, unable to look elsewhere even if you wanted to. But then you realise he might be feeling overwhelmed by the distance between you, or more properly the lack of therefore so you push yourself back.
“What are you doing?” Mark asks in puzzlement as he watches you struggle to make yourself one with the wall.
“Trying not to be up in your case, you’re welcome,” you comment, looking anywhere but him in case those butterflies decide to appear again in the middle of your stomach.
“You do realise this closet isn’t exactly helping, right?” he states as calmly as ever and you finally look over at him to see his hands crossed over his chest and his face downcast as his eyes are restless, landing everywhere inside the room except from you.
You bite your lip in remorse. It doesn’t feel right to be a bitch to him right now when he feels so nervous.
“Look, I’m just trying to make this as much comfortable for you as I can…” you reply with a sigh, before directing your gaze on the floor where the tips of your shoes touch each other.
“Why would you do that?” Mark sounds genuinely confused and you look up to find him staring at you like you’re a puzzle he can’t wait to solve.
“I… couldn’t help but notice how uncomfortable you looked when we entered the room. You’re clearly feeling nervous on closed spaces and that’s the least I can do to help you…” you admit quietly, again looking away from him in embarrassment.
Mark doesn’t respond the silence seems deafening, making you itch to fill it with something.
“You know besides yelling to whoever locked us in here…” you joke, a nervous chuckle escaping you before you steal a glance at Mark.
His eyes are still on you and a tired smile takes over his lips. “My money’s on Sora…” he jokes back and you find yourself smiling at the sound of his voice.
“Yeah… Sounds like her…” you reply and a comfortable silence stretches between the two of you. Slowly you feel your body relaxing, trying to push yourself so much against the wall. You guess you didn’t do it just for Mark’s sake but also because you don’t feel that at ease around him.
Although this right now seems different than all the times you had to be around Mark.
“Y/N,” he calls you after a while and your eyes quickly move to find his, black and unreadable as he stares at you in the confines of the small closet.
You bite your lip almost instinctively. “What is it?”
Mark takes a breath before he also takes a step forward. 
You suck in a breath when you feel his body in such a close distance with yours, your torsos almost touching and you sit up straight, unable to look anywhere else but his eyes.
He licks his lips, while his gaze swims over to yours and he hums in what seems like an appreciative tone.
“I, well… You were right about me being uncomfortable and nervous…” he admits finally but you sense there’s more to his words so you let him continue, as your heart threatens to go into overdrive.
“But not because I’m afraid of closed spaces…” he confesses and you frown at him in confusion. Your little reaction makes Mark smile, a gesture so small yet sincere, you can’t help but feel stunned.
“It’s because I’m in here with you.”
Oh. Oh.
And here you went and thought he felt something more.
Stupid, stupid you. When will you learn? He always made fun of you so he’ll continue to make fun of you, why did you think that would change?
You scoff in disbelief before shaking your head. “Oh, wow. And to think I felt bad for you…” you spit out, turning around to grip at the handle before you begin shouting to whoever that is outside to let you out.
“Wait, what? Y/N, I don’t think you understood what I was trying to-”
“Oh, believe I understood completely, you can’t bear to be in the same space as me because of how annoying I am, I get it, you moron,- Will someone open up already?!” you state bitterly before keeping on your futile attempts to get the door open.
Mark sighs tiredly and you want to laugh at the absurdity of that. It should be you sighing, you.
“Guys, come on this isn’t funny anymore, open up!” you yell, knocking on the door before you feel Mark’s palm wrapping around your wrist to forcefully turn you around.
“What do you think you’re doing!-” you begin to protest, only for your words to be cut off when Mark’s lips land on yours.
A gasp of surprise leaves your lips and Mark takes the chance to push his tongue through your lips, erasing any resistance there was in you and you close your eyes.
His hands grip on your waist to press your body closer and your palms travel to the nape of his neck to grip at his hair and push him closer. An appreciative hum leaves his lips as they move softly against your own, feeling soft and warm on your skin, tasting even better than you imagined.
Because yes you’ve imagined this. Lots and lots of times.
His fingers find their way underneath your top, grazing the small of your back and a small moan resonates against his lips. Mark curses at the sound before biting your bottom lip and pressing you against the wall. His thigh lands between your legs, bunching up your skirt and pressing against your tights, causing friction to the spot that needed attention since he began kissing you.
You hips move instinctively against his thigh and another moan escapes your lips when he clenches the muscle underneath you. His grip at your waist tightens, coaxing you to move against him again.
And right then the door unlocks and swings open.
“Surprise! Merry Christmas bitch! I bet you’re wondering why I- oh,” Sora’s voice travels inside the room only to be cut short when she sees the position the two of you currently are in. Mark’s hand on your hips and yours on his shoulders, his thigh wedged between your legs as you hide your face at the crook of his neck in embarrassment.
“What in the name of…?” Sora’s incredulous voice reaches your ears and you feel your cheeks redden even more.
“Sora?” Mark’s deep voice rumbles from the middle of his chest. You feel it against your body and you’d be a fool to deny the fresh wave of shiver it sends down your spine.
“Yes?” she replies, still in shock.
“I’ll explain everything later but can you do this one thing?” Mark says, voice tight, almost as tight as his grip on your skin.
“For the love of God, get out.”
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for-a-flower · 5 years
Next Challenge
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           Flowey emerged from dry group between cracked, brick walls of the Ruins, which were left in shadow due to an absence of power from the Core.  The flower had no wish to free monsters anymore.  He had forgotten why he tried to care.  Few thoughts came back to his mind from his life before.  But the one that stuck with him was the phrase . . . kill or be killed.  Over the next several minutes, Flowey hunted monsters of the Ruins.  Froggits . . . Moldsmols . . . spiders . . . everything.  He didn't care about them.  The only use they served was a rescue from boredom.
           Two froggits bounced away from the flower, hoping to conceal themselves further down a dark, narrow hallway.  With just a couple pellets, Flowey dealt a fatal blow.  Both small monsters fell as dust to the ground.  He was growing stronger with each kill and was curious to know just how strong he could get.  A whoosh of warm air and an orange glow lit the hall behind the flower.
            “Stop!” shouted a stern, familiar voice.  Flowey slowly turned his head to greet her with a happy, fanged grin.  Toriel Dreemurr stood in his path and a ring of fire whirled around her, stirring up red leaves.
           Flowey peered up at the monster he once called his mother.  His petals were torn and dull, stem jagged and bent.  “Oh, finally decide to show up?”  Flowey glanced down, briefly directing her gaze to little piles of white dust that littered the ground around him.  Then he returned his focus to Toriel and spoke in a dark tone.  “You’re a little late . . . Toriel.”
          Her red eyes widened a little.  “How can you know who I am?” she asked.
          “Because I’ve already been to the castle.”  Flowey frowned slightly.  “The king said . . . he missed you.”
           Toriel scowled.  “Asgore is stubborn.  He is foolish to think that I would ever return.”
           “Was,” Flowey corrected.  He smiled again.  “He’s dead.”
           The goat-like monster lifted her hand to prepare an attack.  “Then I will stop you myself before you kill anyone else!”
           Flowey burst into a cackling laughter at the thought.  Vines punched through the walls, blocking off the space between them.  Others grew up around Flowey.  “Hee hee hee . . . Do you really think you stand a chance?” he said.  Toriel took a few steps back just as a vine came up behind her.  She glanced over her shoulder to toss a ball of fire at it.  The thing grabbed at her.  Toriel ducked then seared its twisted shape with a spread of fire, only to be attacked by a couple scattered pellets.  She staggered as the fire around her went out.  Flowey wrapped two vines around the monster then leaned forward with an erie grin.  “No one can stop me,” he growled.
           Toriel struggled to pull free, digging claws into the thorny vines around her.  “What kind of horrid creature are you?”
           Flowey ignored the annoying pain that her struggling caused and continued.  “I am the new ruler of the underground!  I decide who lives and dies!  And I’m only getting stronger.”  His grip grew tighter.
           Toriel frowned.  “Monsters do not deserve what you are doing to them.”
           “Don’t deserve it?  Oh, they deserve even worse.”  Flowey glanced away, letting the vines loosen their grip a little.  “You don’t know what I’ve had to live with.  The loneliness . . . the boredom . . . the pain.  I was abandoned.”  Flowey looked back up at Toriel in the dark, his glowing eyes turning red.  “And do you know what happened?  No one came!”  He tightened his hold of Toriel again.  “I’ve had enough of monsters tormenting me with love that I can’t have anymore!” he shouted.
           “You cannot love when you already hate,” said Toriel.
           “You’re one to talk . . .”  Flowey squeezed harder.  “I only hate because I cannot love!  Do you know what it’s like?!  I used to care!  I used to love you very much!  But now it’s been torn away from me, along with my soul!”
          Toriel gasped.  “Asriel?!”
          Flowey snarled.  “No!  Don’t call me that.”
          She was struggling to breathe yet even then Toriel’s mood suddenly shifted.  “Please . . . I can try to help you,” she said.
          “No!  I don’t need you now!  What I need is someone who actually understand what it’s like to try to live like this!”
           Toriel grabbed at the vines which had wrapped around her throat, their thorns cutting and stinging.  “Asriel . . . you are killing me.”
           “I know.  Good bye, Toriel,” he growled.  Flowey watched her struggle for one last breath shortly before her red eyes closed.  There was a part of him that wanted to regret what he had done.  He wanted to care, to know that she somehow still mattered.  But even as Toriel’s body scattered to dust, Flowey felt no sadness, no remorse.  A small glowing light now floated among tangled vines before the flower.  He burrowed, leaving what was left of Toriel to die alone.  The faint light flickered and trembled for a second.  It scattered and faded away in the dark.  Flowey left the Ruins behind, barren, dark, and desolate.
           Elsewhere, Sans rushed down a dark castle hallway toward the throne room.  Ash drifted through from the direction of Hotland.  When he reached the throne room’s open gate, the skeleton slowed to enter a dark interior.  “King Asgore?” he called.  There was no reply.  Sans reluctantly stepped further in, his eyes darting left and right.  Among the shadows, he could make out dark, thorny vines that had grown up the walls.  As soon as he saw the king’s empty throne, Sans stopped.  “Asgore?” he called.  The skeleton glanced around the broken room once more before his eyes drifted down.  He was standing in white dust that lay among chard Golden Flowers.  Sans gasped and his eyes went dark.  “This is bad,” he said.
           When Flowey reached Waterfall, his welcome to the dark caves was not a pleasant one.  Most of the smaller monsters had gathered together in order to fight him off.  Their efforts were pitiful.  At this point, Flowey passed through them with no difficulty, only gaining more strength in the process.  His determination was growing.  And at the mere thought of wanting to save his progress thus far, a tiny yellow spark lit up the cavern before him.  After he cleared most monsters in Waterfall, Flowey started for Snowdin.  He had gained decent practice moving along the ground with his roots.  And without any immediate threat to his life, he saw no reason not to.  Flowey froze when a blue, magic spear flew just inches passed his head.
           “Damn it!” shouted Undyne further down the dark path.  Flowey turned to look just as Undyne and Papyrus emerged from shadows to block his way.  Undyne wore a full suit of metal armor with a magic spear ready in her hand.  Papyrus looked about as ready as he ever could for a fight, even though beads of sweat were already forming on his skull-like head.
           Flowey giggled.  “Aw, you both want to fight me too?”
           Undyne pointed her spear forward.  “You!  Flower!  Whatever you are!”
           Flowey’s smile switched to an innocent look of surprise.  “Me?  What would you want with little old me?”
           “I’m not about to let you leave Waterfall alive, punk!” said Undyne.
           Papyrus stiffened up with a tough look as well.  He put his hands on his hips.  “Yes!  We shall prevent you from destroying any more lives!  You can be sure that I, the Great Papyrus, will give my best to end your journey!”
           Undyne snarled.  “Your life is at an end, flower.  I will strike you down like the weed you are!”
           Flowey smiled pleasantly.  “Finally . . . an actual challenge?”  His voice slurred lower.  “I accept!”  He tossed a couple half-hearted pellet attacks to start with.  Undyne stepped forward to take most of the hit against her armor, protecting both herself Papyrus from damage.  The skeleton summoned several bones and threw them passed Undyne.  Flowey simply ducked below ground to avoid the attack.  As soon as he came up again a couple feet to the right, Undyne swung her spear at him.  It barely scraped one of his petals.  Green magic coated the flower’s body but he took no damage.  Flowey grinned.  “You missed!”
           Undyne grinned back and raised her spear.  Several magic javelins appeared around Flowey.  “Did I?” she asked.
           Flowey tried to burrow, only to find that he couldn’t move.  This green magic was holding him, preventing him from fleeing the fight.  He frowned.  “Uh . . .”  Undyne pointed her spear forward, commanding the others to strike.  A quick, sharp pain overcame him followed by darkness and silence.  Flowey growled.  “No!  Go back!  I’m not done!”
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scribo-ergo-sum · 6 years
Soulmate AU, Fated Failure 2/2
No one understood why you wanted to be a teacher, except other teachers. There was something wonderful about watching students’ eyes light up when they finally understood something. Being there to aid students as they grow and learn about the world was something magical you could never give up. You especially wouldn't give up your favorite day of the first semester, Career Day. Today was the day, for your senior students to realize that life didn't end after high school and that there were a million options out there beyond just going to college. Many of your students were on career, or tech tracks so this day was even more important for them. During your free period you made your rounds of the stuffy gymnasium making sure to give reassuring smiles to your students as they plucked up the courage to visit the different tables. The table for the welding, and construction groups were always the biggest attraction. You made your way down the center isle curving towards the tables set up for the military tracks. They were always the most imposing, and you typically found that if you chatted with some of the officers your students were more likely to approach. The recruiter standing alone at the Army table looked like your best bet. He was tall, and built just like the army men in the old war propaganda posters. You plastered on your best parent night smile and he smiled back.
“Good Morning ma’am. Looking to switch careers?
“Good Morning.” You laughed once his question registered. “I'm afraid my principal would die before he let me leave the building. I'm one of the teachers on the Senior team, just checking in. Everything going ok? You were looking a little lonely over here.”
Captain Rogers Ma’am.” He stated holding out his hand for you to shake “We’re doing just fine.”
“Well I was hoping if I broke the ice some students might wander over" you glanced around noticing a couple students make a wide loop hopefully in your direction. “Captain. I believe you said we? Are there more of you? I hope they’re not too young or some of my students may skip class to hang out here all day. I believe last year we had some lovely older gentlemen, and did not have to worry.” You laughed at the thought of your students harassing the last year’s recruiters as you’re sure they would someone as attractive as Captain Rogers. He smiled at your joke, and shook his head.
“Just Sergeant Barnes is with me today. I’m sure you’d like to meet him.” The Captain smiled wide as he looked around, hoping to grab his partner, he looked like he had something funny he wanted to tell you but needed to wait for the Sergeant. “We’re filling in for the usual recruiters but he seems to have wandered off.”
“Ms. Y/L/N?” a small voice broke into the conversation. You turned to see a student from your third period. “Sorry to interrupt-"
“Not at all.” you assured her, giving a side glance to Cpt. Rogers. “Captain Rogers was just mentioning the awesome opportunities to work with advancing Technologies through the Army. You know a lot more about that than me, perhaps you could take my place?” Your student beamed. “It was wonderful meeting you Cpt. Rogers. I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N if you or your partner find yourselves needing anything.”
You made a few more loops around the cafeteria before your planning ended and you needed to return to your other classes. You caught a few glances from Captain Rogers and gave an amicable wave as your eyes caught the hard stare from the man he had mentioned earlier. Sergeant Barnes was not the same clean-cut army officer as Captain Rogers, but both men did the uniform proud. You're fairly positive a few girls from your A.P course were considering signing up just to upgrade their boyfriends versus their resume. He stared liked he was trying to see into you versus catch your attention. You felt a slight blush, and hoped it wasn't over something embarrassing like your skirt being tucked in your underwear. You broke the staring contest and casually ran your hands along your skirt. Everything seemed fine, and you had worn stackable bracelets so you knew it wasn't your two favorite words that had caught the eagle-eyed Sargent’s attention. Finishing your last goodbyes to a few doe-eyed students all dreaming of bright futures, you decided it was time to return to your classroom. You thought you heard someone shouting after you from the gymnasium, but when you turned no one was there. You figured the student could find you later.
The rest of that week, and the next passed with a lackluster routine. Midterms were coming up. and if the students wanted follow any of those careers they needed to graduate high school as well as your class, first. You found yourself sitting on a stool at the island in your kitchen thinking over the last essay question you needed to write for the midterm exam. You fingered the stem of your wine glass letting your eyes trail around the living room of your apartment. Your life always walked the fine line between cozy clutter and utter disaster. You couldn't quite decide where it fell today. Your work pants were hanging off the back of the couch. but you could see the floor throughout the apartment. That counted as a win, but the dishes mocking you from the sink said otherwise. The bookshelf you put together from IKEA was almost full enough to buy another, maybe you needed to take more books to your classroom versus leaving so many in your apartment. A knock at the door broke into your musings. You looked at the door waiting for it to yawn like the doorknob in Alice in Wonderland and explain to you why anyone was at the door when you had made yourself cook for once instead of ordering take out. You slipped off your bar stool, and snagged the pants off the sofa shuffling them back on as you moved toward the door.
You pulled the button through the loop as you squinted through the peephole. While your door may not have yawned, your evening was getting curiouser and curiouser. Sergeant Barnes was standing, well shuffling, on the other side of your door with a bundle of sunflowers. The bright yellow flowers stood out against the dark hues of his uniform. His hat was tucked under his right arm, hair longer than you what you imagined was regulation. Your brain ran through every scenario that could have landed him at your door. None of the good, and most of them made zero sense. The nervous biting of his lip is what finally did you in, and you decided to open the door. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tried to find a pleasant reaction to wear as you opened the door. His reaction when the door swung open told you that your face had opted for the high school tested and approved “what shenanigans are you up to now" expression over the “friendly welcome.”
“Hello...Can I help you?” you asked slowly, realizing he wanted you to speak first.
“Hi. Ma’am. Umm. I'm Sergeant James Buchannan Barnes. I don't know if you remember me -but uh.” He stammered like a freshman trying to piece together a presentation in front of their class that they had forgotten to memorize.
“Yes. You were at the Career fair at the high school, but I don't believe we had the chance to be introduced.” You realize you should have been more concerned by the entire exchange. There was a man you hadn’t spoken a word to, standing outside your door like you had a date that you had forgotten about. However, despite being very confused, you felt completely safe. Despite the at least 6ft tall wall of muscle in front of you, you felt less stressed than you had all week. You allowed a small smile to drift across your face and leaned against the door frame in a more relaxed position. “Captain Rogers passed along your name, but I can't imagine I made enough of an impression on him to have him sending a Sergeant to my door with flowers.” You hoped a joke would cause him to stop looking like your door was the entryway to a firing squad. However, he didn’t appear to like the insinuation that the flowers were from the captain if his hands tightening around them were any indication.
“No. Well, yes we did not meet officially at the fair- the uh flowers are from me- you see" the Sergeant ran his hand over his face and wrapped it around his neck pulling at his collar as it moved back to its home squeezing the life out of the sunflower stems. “God why is this so hard"
You smiled again, waiting for him to continue. You were starting to think this was going to be the beginning of your hallmark movie, and this man you barely knew was going to profess love at first sight. You told the thought to stop right there. Attractive as he was, you weren't his soulmate. You let the cloud of sadness pass you by and tried to look reassuring to the poor man still hunting for the elusive English Language.
“You see Ma’am. We actually met before the fair.” You allowed the shock to show on your face. “We met at the park, I believe I uh told you to fuck off?”
Your eyebrows joined the rest of your hair at the top of your forehead. If you hadn't spent the last several years fine tuning your temper control with hordes of high school students you would have slammed the door in his face and never looked back. Hell, temper aside you still wanted to slam it. You also wanted to push him, and tell him to fuck. Off. You knew the steam leaving your ears must be visible. The army man stiffened and tried to finish his speech.
“I came to apologize. I thought- I thought you were my friend Steve. Captain Rogers who you met at the school. He threw the Frisbee. I was mad- I didn't realize- I thought it was him coming to chide me for running into a damn tree like an idiot. God, Doll. I am sorry. I was an ass. I promise I am not always an ass. Please give me a chance to prove to my soulmate that she's paired with a fuck up, not a complete and total dick.”  A nervous smile moved across his features, he tried so hard to look remorseful and apologetic.
You huffed. He was your soulmate, you had to let him try. You'd spent your entire life with the F word tattooed on your wrist. You could handle anything at this point. You needed to give him a chance, but that didn't mean you couldn't make him work for it.
“How exactly did you get my address Sergeant?” You used your best disappointed voice. “Who at my school is getting fired over your chivalry?”
“Shit. Um. I promised I'd keep the name to myself. But I did promise to lead some safety assembly in exchange? It’ll be the worst hour of my life, especially since Steve will have to come. Who the hell knows what it'll take to make that happen. But I figured, well I hope a chance to fix things with you will make it all worth it?”
Barnes gave a shit eating grin after the last thought, hoping his suffering for the children would get him on your good side, or at least out of the penalty box. You let out a disgruntled sound.
“Let me try to fix this,” he continued. “Let me buy you a coffee, let you see the guy behind the shoving and the swearing.” Crossing your arms, you decided for one more jab before you let it go.
“I don’t drink coffee.” You allowed his face to fall for a few seconds before you continued. “But I know a place that makes great hot chocolate down the road. Let me out these in some water before we go.”
           He passed you the flowers, and you heard him let out a deep breath. You turned your back but he stayed in the doorway. You looked at him smiling the first real smile he had the privilege of experiencing. You thought for a second he may have stopped breathing.
“That's as close to an invitation to come inside as you’re going to get Sergeant. Better grab it while it lasts.” The smile you received in return was worth every bruise on your heart.
“Please call me Bucky.”
“Feel free to call me Y/N.” You leaned under the sink to grab a vase. “Well. Bucy. We are going to need to work on that mouth of yours. I am an English teacher I'm sure we can find some less colorful phrases for you to try.” He laughed and mumbled something your ears didn't quite catch. You shot him a look waiting for him to try again.
“What kind of teacher doesn't like coffee?” He said smirking. Realizing your opportunity, you let the widest grin move across your face as you grabbed your keys to move toward the door.
“Oh fuck off Bucky.”
After years of hating your soulmate tattoo, you finally let yourself laugh it off, and the melody of your soulmate laughing with you made it that much easier.
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
6.16: IT’S A TRAP. And everyone was supposed to end up dead...
(still makes me mad that the khan worm made Dean shoot Gwen. I really do think she would’ve been an ally to them after Dean told her what Samuel had done to him and Sam.)
(sorta weirded out that we get a shot of Sam’s cell phone, and Cas isn’t saved to his contacts list.)
Eve is improvising, making something new, a monster that can possess and take over a human to do her bidding and deliver her message.
A lot of this episode is about trust, about things not being what they seem.
Sam and Dean confront Samuel, who shows absolutely no remorse for what he did to them, and then he tries to kill them (not that he wouldn’t have tried to kill them otherwise, as he’s already proved) because he’s possessed by the khan worm.
He separates Sam from the rest of the group, forcing Sam to face him alone.
SAMUEL What you gonna do, son? You're not gonna shoot me. You got your soul back. You gonna shoot your own family? SAM Yeah, I wouldn't go with the family thing. Try again.
Despite playing the family card, playing the Mary card even, even playing the “you have your soul back now, you wouldn’t shoot me,” Sam shoots him anyway.
And when Bobby, Rufus, and Dean come running, they have no idea of Samuel had been possessed, or if maybe the monster’s in Sam now. Or was the monster ever in Samuel at all?
DEAN You did the right thing, you know. SAM You mean you think I did, if it's in him and I'm me. This thing's playing three-card monte with us. DEAN Well, I'm just gonna assume you're you.
And Dean’s interesting take on Family, based on what he believed Mary would have to say on the subject--
SAM I mean, I just can't help but think...What would Mom say? DEAN You know what I think Mom would say? She'd say just 'cause you're blood doesn't make you family. You got to earn that.
When he’s talking to Crowley in 10.17, and credits Bobby for the first part of this, I think he really IS crediting what he believes Mary believed about family for the second part:
Dean: A wise man once told me, 'family don't end in blood.' But it doesn't start there either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them family's there; for the good, bad, all of it. They got your back, even when it hurts. That's family. That sound like your mother?
Because John was so interested in meeting ANY of Mary’s family back in 5.13 (until he learned the truth, and before it was all wiped from his memory again). She must’ve told him SOMETHING about why she isn’t in contact with the rest of her family, especially after we see in s6 just how many of them were still out there hunting. I can only imagine how she’d have deflected every one of John’s attempts to learn more about her past, her family, her childhood; because she would’ve had to lie about EVERYTHING, and oh gosh s6 taught us how exhausting that could be, living every moment of your life as a performance...
Rufus died refusing to forgive Bobby for something terrible that happened in Omaha, but at his funeral Dean issues a blanket forgiveness for everyone:
DEAN I mean at the end of the day, you two are family. Life's short, and ours are shorter than most. We're gonna spend it wringing our hands? Something's gonna get us eventually, and when my guts get ripped out, just so you two know, we're good. Blanket apology for all the crap that anybody's done all the way around. SAM Some of us pulled a lot of crap, Dean. DEAN Well, clean slate. SAM Okay.
And these sentiments about family and forgiveness-- and what makes someone family in the first place, and how much it hurts and what we’re willing to do to hold on to them, whether it’s real or not-- not only lead directly into 6.17, but they also tie right into s12.
The ghost of Mary Winchester was ALL OVER this one. Let’s just hope she chooses better now than her father did, and better than she did on her first go-around back in 1973.
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viss-uh · 6 years
== Be the loyal captain
Gender: Female Blood color: #793e77 Land dweller Trolltag: perspicaciousVisionary 
Typing quirk: N/A How's your vocabulary? Are there any phrases you like to use?: My vocabulary is just fine. There's not anything special in the way I talk, I'm a pirate, not a scholar. But I'm capable of intellectual conversation, but half the time it seems I'm dumbing it down for the likes that I interact with outside of my crew. As far as phrases go? I have a sailors mouth; twat, shite, and bugger are words I use frequently. Age: 906 solar sweeps/ 1963 years Wriggling day: 14th bilunar perigree of the 4th dim season Sign: My sign means warrior. I suppose it fits. Physical description: 5'7", 139 lbs. Well built, strong, toned but with still a little softness to her curves. Triangular face with deep-set, piercing upturned almond eyes. Thin lips with a fuller bottom lip than the top. Lustrous, wavy hair that stops just above the shoulders, a little past if it were straight. Powers: Dream manipulation- A user can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams. In some cases, user's power extends to the real world, such as wounds inflicted on a sleeping victim, healed damage (mental or physical) affecting the physical form, and otherwise blurring the line between waking and dream. They may be able to pull someone from the waking world into the dream world or brings people/things from the dream world into the waking world. Right handed or left handed: Left handed Strife: A steel double-headed battle ax. The ax heads are identical, with bat-wing shaped edges. The mahogany (hard and strong dark wood) handle is 2 feet long and is bound in tattered lilac silk. It is very heavy, perfectly balanced. What is something you like to keep in an accessible place in your sylladex?: Quill and leather bound journal Lusus: Caracal Do you get along with your lusus? Are they difficult to feed?: She was a wonderful lusus and we got along very well. She tended to hunt for herself though, but I'd still go out with her and help. It was a team effort. I miss her a great deal Hive: From the outside, the hive looks old, but quaint with character. Built with white stones and red pine decorations. Small, octagon windows brighten up the rooms and have been added to the hive in a symmetric way. The hive is equipped with a large country home-style kitchen, a guest bathroom, and master bathroom. It also has a cozy living room, two bedrooms, a modest dining area and a study. The building is shaped like a short U. The second floor is the same size as the first, which has been built exactly on top of the floor below it. The roof is high, triangular, but one side is longer than the other and is covered with brown roof tiles. The hive itself is surrounded by a modest garden, covered mostly in grass, a few flower patches, and a small pond. Three random interests: cartography, oil painting, relic collecting How do you handle stress?: I'm a level-headed woman, and honestly, think my clearest in situations of stress. Simply because I have to in order to find a solution to whatever problem I'm having. What do you know about your ancestor? Do you believe in that story?: I've never bothered to look into it, partly because I'm not that interested and also because I'm a little worried I might not like what I find. Are you a leader or a follower?: Considering I'm a captain, I'd have to say, leader.   Are you more introverted or extroverted?: More often than not I tend to be introverted, preferring solitude to company, unless it's Akofen. Do you tend to argue or avoid conflict?: I don't seek it out but I certainly don't allow any troll to walk over me. Conflict is necessary and unavoidable in my chosen field. Are you a listener or a talker?: A listener. I myself don't have a whole lot of desire to talk to folks I'm not close with, and the people I call true companions are very few. But I've got no issue lending an ear. How long is your attention span?: It's plenty long. I make maps for god's sake. That requires a ridiculous amount of concentration and patience. Do you laugh a lot? What's funny to you?: Ako makes me laugh with his dry humor, but outside of the privacy of my hive or his, I'm not the most visibly joyous of people. I smile, and I'll chuckle lightly but I'm more reserved with my feelings. Are you more athletic, artistic or intellectual?: I'd like to think I'm a little bit of each, but artistic is probably the most of the three. What would you do if someone attacked you for no reason?: I'd defend myself. What else is someone supposed to do in a situation like that? Just die without a fight? I think not, not for this woman. Any fears?: I fear failure. Rejection. Loss. What would happen if your greatest fear manifested itself?: One of them has before. I was thrown off my own ship when I was the captain of my first crew. They turned against me and sent me off with nothing but a rowboat, an oar and a beaten and bruised body out into the middle of the ocean. I was close to death when my now dear departed friend Jarles found me and took me onto his ship. But a fear I hope never comes true is watching my moirail be killed right in front of me. I would lose a part of myself without Ako. I'd be left as a shell. Do you make decisions based on emotions or logic?: A bit of both. If you make all decisions based completely on one or the other then you're going to make many mistakes. What is your earliest memory?: I remember being curled up against my lusus's body, I was 4 sweeps, and we were listening to the rain. I was drifting off. Her fur soft against my small hands, the warmth of her body lulling me to sleep. It's a vivid memory, and one I'm very fond of. What do you consider the most important event in your life so far?: Being found by Jarles and his crew. It was an unfortunate set of circumstances that led me to them but if it weren't for those circumstances I wouldn't have grown in the ways that I have. Who has had the most influence on you?: Kindra, the matesprit I left behind to pursue my fantasy of adventure and power. She always tried to see the good in everyone, I tried to do the same to some degree, but I never could as well as her, at least not then.
What is your greatest regret?: Leaving Kindra and never bothering to go back because I was ashamed. Have you killed somebody? How do you feel about it? Have you killed more than one person? Then whose death impacted you the most?: Yes, multiple, unsurprising to everyone I'm sure. I feel that it is part of piracy and that if those I've killed didn't bother to go toe to toe with me and my lot then I wouldn't have had to end their lives. I'm not going to sit back and watch my crew fight without me alongside. And the fights are almost always to the death. The only death that I've caused that has ever made me feel remorse was a young teal blood. They weren't fighting willingly, or even knowingly, but under the control of their captain, a cerulean. Has someone close to you died? How? If they were killed do you want revenge?: Yes, Jacobi Jarles, the man who saved me from starving out at sea. He was harpooned through the chest by the leader of a group of sick, scar-faced fucks. But revenge has already been taken. It makes no difference though. It won't bring him back. Have you ever almost died? Or been seriously injured?: I think I've already addressed this but yes, I nearly starved to death out at sea, with infected wounds to boot. If you could change one thing from your past what would it be?: I would have never taken that traitorous scum breather onto my ship, into my first crew. He turned them against me, and there were too many for me to fight off, but it didn't stop me from trying. It ended up earning me the pretty scar I have across my face. Have you betrayed someone? Do you regret it?: I betrayed Kindra. I know she wouldn't say so or think the same but I did and I regret it every day. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does this change if you know them well?: It all depends on how they treat me. I give respect when I get respect. And I wouldn't bother to get to know someone if I didn't intend on treating them with kindness or reverence. But more often than not I keep acquaintances at a distance, yes. What do you look for in a potential matesprit?: A genuine soul. Someone who bothers to show mercy despite the strength and ability to kill easily. Someone with plenty of patience, considering I'm not the easiest woman to get to know. And if they can make me laugh or smile that'd be lovely too. Any current relationships?: Matesprit: Moirail: Akofen Enidae Kismesis: Austispice: What are some past relationships that didn't quite work out?:  I fell in red love with a stubborn man once, he had a good heart, but neither of us were prepared for something like what we were feeling. Not much ever came from it, which is likely for the best. And then Kindra. I feel we would have worked if I hadn't of chosen a life of piracy over her. Hindsight is 20/20.   If you have a moirail do you usually find yourself calming down your partner or is it the other way around?: We both bring each other peace. If ever I'm having a shite day I'll crawl into his coon with him, and he holds me. So I suppose he does more of the emotional caring since that man doesn't let much of anything affect him. Is there anyone you platonically despise?: Yes, but they're dead. How do you feel about where you stand on the spectrum?:  I'm lucky to be in a position of privilege, but I'm not hemo-ist in the slightest. I might as well be color blind. What are your opinions on the hemospectrum as a class system in general?: It's a way for the trolls higher on the spectrum to use and control those at the bottom. It's not something I see changing anytime soon though, but I think anyone that treats each other regardless of the hemospectrum makes a difference, even if only a small one. Do you like to read? If so, what genre?: I…enjoy romance novels… What would you die for?: My crew. What is your most treasured possession? Why?: A small, stout looking stuffed kitty that Kindra made from a burlap sack, I treasure it for obvious reasons-- because it's from her. It’s the only thing I have from that time in my life actually. Favorite food?: Potato, carrot and beef stew What is your greatest strength?: My perseverance Greatest weakness?:  My stubbornness, ironically.
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