#Remote Employee
teamtrackmaster · 1 month
Boost Productivity & Transparency: Top Remote Employee Time Tracking Tools
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As remote work becomes increasingly common, especially in light of recent global events, businesses need efficient methods to track employee productivity and ensure accurate payroll processing. Remote time tracking involves various tools and techniques designed to monitor employee work hours, track tasks and projects, and maintain transparency and accountability in remote work arrangements.
One of the primary methods of remote employee time tracking is through the use of time tracking software and applications. These tools allow employees to log their work hours, record time spent on specific tasks or projects, and track breaks and non-productive activities. 
Managers can access these records in real-time to monitor employee productivity, identify bottlenecks, and provide feedback or support as needed. Additionally, time tracking software often integrates with project management tools, enabling seamless coordination and collaboration among remote teams.
Another common approach to tracking remote workers tool is through the use of biometric or digital time clocks. These devices, which may include fingerprint scanners or facial recognition technology, allow employees to clock in and out remotely, providing an accurate record of their work hours. This method helps prevent time theft and ensures that employees are paid fairly for the time they work.
Tips Or Tricks For Optimizing Remote Time Tracking Efficiency
Set Clear Goals And Priorities: Start your day by outlining specific goals and priorities. Break down larger projects into smaller, actionable tasks. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines, importance, and impact. Tools like time tracking for remote workers or project management software can help you organize and prioritize your workload effectively.
Use Time Tracking Tools: Explore various remote workers time tracking options available to find one that best suits your needs. Look for features such as automatic time tracking, customizable project tracking, and integration with other productivity tools. Experiment with different tools to find the one that fits seamlessly into your workflow. Establish A Routine: Create a daily routine that aligns with your natural energy levels and peak productivity times. Designate specific work hours and stick to them consistently. Incorporate regular breaks to avoid burnout and maintain focus throughout the day.
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Minimize Distractions: Identify common distractions in your work environment and take steps to minimize them. This may involve setting boundaries with family members or roommates, using website blockers to limit access to distracting sites, or designating a dedicated workspace free from distractions.
Time Blocking: Allocate dedicated time blocks for different tasks or projects throughout your day. Use tools like calendars or planners to schedule time for focused work, meetings, breaks, and personal activities. Be realistic about the time needed for each task and adjust your schedule as needed.
Top 3 Remote Worker Time Tracker
Toggl is a popular time tracking for remote employees known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface. It offers features like one-click timers, customizable project tracking, and detailed reporting. Toggl also integrates with various project management and productivity tools, making it easy to track time across different tasks and projects. It's suitable for freelancers, remote workers, and teams of all sizes.
The EmpMonitor is a comprehensive employee monitoring and time tracking software designed for remote teams. In addition to tracking time spent on tasks and projects, EmpMonitor offers advanced features such as keystroke logging, website and application tracking, screenshot capture, and activity monitoring. 
It provides detailed insights into employee productivity, allowing managers to identify inefficiencies, optimize workflows, and ensure compliance with company policies. EmpMonitor is suitable for businesses that require advanced monitoring and time tracking capabilities for remote teams.
Clockify is a free remote workforce management software with robust features for remote workers and teams. It offers unlimited users and projects, allowing you to track time spent on tasks, projects, and clients. Clockify offers browser extensions, desktop apps, and mobile apps for seamless time tracking across devices. It also provides detailed reports and insights to analyze productivity and billable hours. Also Watch: Leading Employee Engagement and Workforce Productivity Tool
In conclusion, remote employee time tracking stands as a pivotal aspect of modern work dynamics, especially in the context of the increasingly prevalent remote work environment. As organizations transition to distributed workforces, the need for efficient and accurate methods of monitoring employee productivity and managing work hours becomes ever more crucial. 
Through the utilization of advanced time tracking tools and techniques, businesses can effectively navigate the challenges of remote work and ensure optimal performance and accountability among their remote employees.
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accordconsultants · 4 months
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graystoneinsurance · 7 months
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theemployerdomain · 1 year
Maximizing Productivity: A Guide To Remote Employee Time Tracking
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The trend towards remote work has been steadily growing in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this shift. With more and more employees working from home, it has become increasingly important for employers to ensure that their remote workers are productive and efficient. It is where remote employee time tracking comes in. 
By accurately tracking the time spent on tasks, employers can gain valuable insights into how their remote employees are working, identify any issues that may be hindering productivity, and take steps to address them.
However, employee time tracking can be a complex process, especially for employers who are new to managing remote teams. For this reason we have created this guide to help employers maximize productivity through effective remote time tracking. 
Let's know more about it!
Quick Info About Remote Work-
Remote work, also known as telecommuting or working from home, refers to a work arrangement in which employees are able to work outside of a traditional office setting. It is possible to work remotely from anywhere the employee can access the necessary tools and resources, such as a computer and an internet connection.
It can take many forms, from working from home part-time to being completely location-independent and working from anywhere in the world. The increasing trend of remote work is assigned to technological advancements that have made it easier for individuals to communicate and collaborate from remote locations.
It offers a number of benefits for both employers and employees, including increased flexibility, reduced commuting time and costs, and the ability to attract and retain top talent from around the world. 
However, remote work also presents its own unique set of challenges, such as the need for effective communication and collaboration tools and the need to maintain work-life balance in a remote environment.
Additionally, managing your remote employees without tracking is not a good idea. And to overcome these challenges company prefers to use tracking software.
Time Tracking
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The Time tracking for work from home involves monitoring and recording the amount of time employees spend on work-related activities while working remotely. With a growing number of companies adopting work-from-home policies, time tracking has become a crucial tool for ensuring that employees are productive and achieve their goals.
There are several ways to track time for work from home, which include utilizing software and tools such as time tracking apps, time tracking software, and project management tools with integrated time tracking capabilities. These tools enable employees to track their time automatically or manually, depending on the nature of their work.
Numerous time tracking software options are available in the market, each with its unique features and advantages. Here are some of the top employee time tracking software options to consider:
Toggl is a simple time tracking tool that offers real-time reporting and project management features. It also integrates with various other tools and apps. This tool also helps the employees in managing workload effectively. 
RescueTime is a productivity tool that tracks the amount of time spent on different tasks and provides detailed reports on its usage. It also offers features like blocking distracting websites and setting productivity goals.
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Hubstaff is a comprehensive time tracking and project management tool that offers real-time tracking, automated payroll, and GPS tracking for mobile workers.
Time Doctor
Time Doctor is a time tracking and productivity tool that offers features like screen monitoring, time tracking, and website and app usage monitoring.
So, these are some example of time tracking tools. Apart form that, many tools offers free remote employee time tracking so that any business organization can easily use it in their company.
Why Time-Tracking Is Necessary For Remote Employees?
Time tracking is necessary for remote employees for several reasons. Firstly, time tracking helps remote employers to monitor how their employees are spending their time and ensure they are being productive. 
Remote employees may have more flexibility in their work schedule, but it's salient to ensure that they are using their time effectively to meet their goals and deadlines. Time tracking also helps employers identify potential areas for improvement, such as areas where employees may be struggling or require additional resources to complete their work. 
You can also watch: You can also watch: EMP Monitor - Workforce Management Suite
Final Vector
Therefore, Remote employee time tracking has become a crucial tool for employers to monitor productivity and ensure efficient time management. Through the use of time tracking software, remote employees can easily document their work hours, remain accountable, and better manage their workload. 
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hireemployees · 1 year
Hire a dedicated Remote Virtual Employee from India
You can save money on business costs if you hire Virtual Employee India. Start recruiting remote staff in any field, such as IT, Design, Brand Management, Legal, etc., from India
Remote Source of information, Real Experience
You can hire a dedicated virtual employee from VE with just a click of the mouse. Virtual Employee makes working with your resource as easy as if they were in the next cubicle by bridging the gap between where they are and what time it is there.
Why hiring virtual staff is a great business decision
If you were excited about saving 20% on costs by hiring local remote workers, think about how much you could save by hiring virtual workers. For one, you save up to 70% on costs (or even more, depending on which domain you hire in), and for another, you now have a solid Plan B in place to make sure your business stays open and runs smoothly even if there are lockdowns or natural disasters.
Talent on-demand
You can hire a skilled, dedicated worker from a distance in less than 8 hours.
Zero overheads
Say goodbye to expenses that eat up your profits, such as office rent, taxes, hardware, etc.
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Share Your Requirement Global CEOs Talk About How VE Turned Things Around for Them Hire an Employee with us and join 3072 clients who have grown their businesses with us Share Your Requirement
Virtual Employee Outsourcing Services can help you save 72%.
Hire Staff in ANY Domain or Profession VE is Your Office in India – your entire remote team works together for easy collaboration Bespoke Recruitment – get your perfect employee They are real employees; they just happen to be on the other side of the world and through a video screen instead of across the desk.
Larry Spencer, Vice President, Series, USA
Your Office in India is VE
With VirtualEmployee.com, you won’t be able to tell the difference between a local employee and one who works from home.
Your Virtual Employee India
Virtual Employee India does more than just find you talented people who can work for you from home. In reality, we make it possible for you to set up a branch office in India without spending any money or time. Large companies have been doing this for decades, and now you can, too. All you have to do is click your mouse. We take care of all the hardware, infrastructure, IT, accounting, human resources, legal issues, etc., so you get the benefits of having an offshore office without having to set it up or manage it.
This is good in three main ways: Virtual Employee India
It makes you, your company, and your offshore team feel like your offshore team is a real part of your company.
Helps people get along better; and
By having your remote team work from an office where they are watched, you can make them more professional.
When our clients hire whole teams from us, they get their own private rooms with their company logos on them. Compare the “results” you and your offshore team will get with VE to what you would get if you had to work with freelancers from all over the world, each of whom worked in a different time zone. This would make remote collaboration and communication a nightmare. VE provides a customized outsourcing experience as a whole.
David Wynn, Managing Attorney, Wynn Law Firm
Easy online working together and talking
It’s not unusual to work with a team of online resources now, but that can mean working with professionals in different places and maybe even different time zones. Why? Because you can’t hire people who work in different fields at the same company. Managing a team that is spread out all over the world can be very hard. So, VirtualEmployee.com is the answer if you want a team that isn’t spread out all over the world. You can hire as many experts from as many different fields as you want and have them all work in the same room, office, and even the same time zone.
This makes:
Working together is easier (Virtual Employee India)
Team meetings easier
Making it easier to get used to your culture
It’s easier to set up a team’s structure because you can choose a Team Lead who will be your “voice” in the team.
Everything is very easy. Since there is only one vendor, there is only one bill. It’s easier to find all of your online resources in one place, so team-building activities are more useful.
CEO of VXP Pharma, USA, Ray Peck
We have more than 1500 highly skilled and talented people in a wide range of fields, but we also spend hours looking for the perfect employee for you, based on your job description and instructions. If you don’t have the skills you need in-house, we can also find you employees from anywhere in India.
With bespoke recruitment, VirtualEmployee.com’s clients can access India’s huge talent pool of more than 400 million English-educated professionals and literally pick their perfect employee. Our expert Recruitment team does everything, from looking over resumes to setting up phone or video interviews.
You also have a lot of chances to test the candidates before deciding who to hire, and we do all of this for free.
For every developer we hired, we saved $20,000 to $30,000 on recruitment fees.
Larry Spencer, Vice President, Series, USA: We saved $40,000, per.NET developer. Malcolm Paice, Chief Operating Officer, Keystone Group, UK:
Now that we’ve managed to catch your attention,
It’s time to say what you know.
We provide dedicated virtual employees to small/ mid-size companies across 33 countries. For almost 15 years, we’ve given working professionals the chance to work directly with clients to get better exposure. We are currently working in more than 150 domains with more than 2,000 employees in 3 places of business.
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Content Writer, after getting his HubSpot Certification.
I thought I would get the Nobel Peace Prize for settling disagreements in meetings, but this works just as well.
Project Manager, congratulations on being named Employee of the Quarter.
At last, they’re in the big leagues.
I used to drink coffee, but now I drink bourbon.
UI/UX Designer, after being given the title “Virtual Employee India”
Closely work with our customers.
OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR Virtual Employee India
For us, “our clients are our advocates”. We believe in serving with all of our hearts and being honest, and our work speaks for itself after that.
The unique dual screening process for hiring on Invedus.com lets you choose the best virtual employee from a huge talent pool. Yes, you decide who you want to hire, not Invedus.com. When you work with us, you can think of opening your own offshore office in India with NO SETUP COST. You can hire Virtual Employees who work in your time zone and take orders directly from you. Also, we are here to help, manage, and keep an eye on your employee as you tell us to.
Employee as a Service (EaaS) company Invedus.com is based in India’s National Capital Region (NCR). The most up-to-date cloud computing model, EaaS Services, makes it easier to set up your office. And it has the right number of employees without the cost and hassle of hiring and managing an office, furniture, data security, IT support, HR, accounts, payroll, hardware, software, hosting, etc. Our workspace is set up to help people stay on task, work together, be creative, and get things done.
What We Offer from Virtual Employee India
Indus offers great remote staffing services in many different IT and non-IT fields.
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Our very articulate writers focus on writing creative, SEO-friendly content. Read More about» Graphics and Web Designing
We are a place where new ideas for the web and graphics come together. Our employees are creative experts in all the latest development technologies.
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Specialized Data Entry services, such as eCommerce Data Entry, Data Conversion, Data Mining, ePUB Conversion, Indexing, etc., at 80% less cost.
We are experts at 3D animation, VFX, Architectural Visualization, Motion & Infographics, etc. We bring everything to life, from characters to stories.
Help with technology
Engineers who are trained by Cisco, Google, and Microsoft and have a lot of experience will help your business run smoothly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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solutionsstaffing · 2 years
Hiring Remote Employees in the Philippines: A Quick Guide
There are many benefits to hiring remote employees in the Philippines, including multilingualism and a global talent pool. The process of finding and hiring an employee in the Philippines is easy, thanks to English proficiency and translation capabilities.
Why Do People Hire Remote Talent from the Philippines?
Some of the reasons why people hire remote talent from the Philippines include: The Philippines has a large pool of talented, English-speaking workers.
The cost of hiring remote talent from the Philippines is much lower than hiring in-house employees or talent from other countries.
The Philippines has a good infrastructure that allows for easy communication and collaboration between team members.
The Philippines is a culturally-similar country, which makes it easier for remote teams to communicate and collaborate.
The Philippines has a good work ethic, which is often reflected in the quality of work produced by remote teams from this region of the world.
The Philippines has a large population and skilled workforce. Low wages and cost of living are also factors to consider when hiring remote talent from the Philippines. English is the second official language in the Philippines, making it easy for employers to find workers who can understand and speak it.
What Is the Average Salary of a Filipino Remote Employee?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it largely depends on the skillset and experience of the employee. However, according to Payscale com, the average salary for a Filipino remote employeefalls in the range of $8,000 to $12,000 per year
What Are the Working Hours in the Philippines?
The Philippines has a flexible working hour system where employees can start and end work at different times depending on their agreement with their employers. The working hours in the Philippines are 8 hours per day, 6 days a week. or 5 days a week. Overtime must be compensated by providing a daily salary plus a minimum of 25% additional pay.
On regular days, all hours worked above the standard 8 hours per day must be compensated by providing a daily salary plus a minimum of 30% additional pay on Special holidays and legal holidays.
It also depends if the employee works as a freelancer, part-time or full-time. You can hire someone to work for a few hours in a flexible schedule as long as the output was submitted on time and on schedule. How Do I Hire a Remote Employee in the Philippines?
There are a few things you should consider when hiring a remote employee in the Philippines:
Make sure you have a solid remote work policy in place. Establish clear expectations and guidelines for the role. Train your new employee on your company’s processes and tools. Manage their workload and performance. Provide regular feedback.
To legally hire a remote workerin the Philippines, you must abide by local labor laws and pay your employees in Philippine pesos. The Philippines is a hub for remote talent with workers in the Philippines being extremely positive about remote work arrangements.
The process of hiring a remote employee in the Philippines can be complex, so it’s important to contact an expert if you’re considering this option. 
StaffingSolutions io will help you with hiring remote and trusted workers from the Philippines and other international countries.
How Do I Pay a Filipino Remote Employee?
There are a few options for paying a Filipino remote employee. You can wire money through a bank, use a money transfer service like Western Union, or use a service like Paypal. There are several methods for paying Filipino remote employees, including payroll through PEOs, PayPal, Transferwise, etc. Employers can request monthly payments instead of bi-monthly payments.
How Do You Recruit Employees in the Philippines?
There are a few ways to recruit employees in the Philippines. Some companies use online job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Jobstreet to find qualified candidates. Others use agencies that specialize in finding employees for companies in the Philippines. And finally, some companies travel to the Philippines to interview candidates in person.
Recruiting is best done through word of mouth in the Philippines, which is indicative of their community focussed culture. Outreach via Linkedin can be a good way to tap into these networks. Advertising on websites and using recruiters are also popular.
There are a lot of different websites, including many catering to particular industries or job titles. Similarly, there are recruiters specialized in general recruitment, specific industries and particular roles.
It’s relatively straightforward to hire a temporary freelancer in the Philippines, but if your business needs fully-fledged employees who’ll be committed to your business over the long term, it’s important that you hire full-time employees. There are two main ways to recruit and employ remote workers in the Philippines: by working with either an Employer of Record (EOR) or a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firm.
How Do You Interview Remote Workers in the Philippines?
To interview remote workers in the Philippines, you’ll need to use a video call service such as Skype or Zoom. You’ll then need to interview the worker in the same way you would interview someone in-person. Ask questions about their experience, their skills, and their goals to see if they would be a good fit for your company.
The Philippines is a hub for remote workers with Filipinos being extremely positive about remote work. US employers can interview remote workers through video conferencing and phone calls. Internet bandwidth can often be a problem in the Philippines, so it is good to have a variety of options available (e.g. try for video but have a phone line available as a backup). The rise in remote work & tougher visa regulations is creating a massive opportunity for businesses to hire remote workers in emerging economies to meet their talent needs. What to Consider When Hiring a Remote Worker in the Philippines
When hiring a remote worker in the Philippines, it is important to consider the cost of living in the Philippines, the worker’s skill set, and the worker’s ability to communicate with your team. You should also be sure to have a clear plan for how the worker will be integrated into your team and how they will be managed. Remote work has become increasingly popular in the last decade. Virtual Assistants are especially popular for businesses looking to hire their first employee. There are two ways to hire a remote worker in the Philippines: through the online job marketplaces or through an agency.
Do you want to hire employees from the Philippines but don’t know where to start? Staffingsolutions.io can help you with this. We help you find the best staffing solutions in your industry so you can fully focus on managing your business and save all your time finding the right one. Contact us now. We’ll help you find the best Staffing Solutions in the industry, with the experience you want, so you can focus on running your business.
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rue8991 · 2 years
Do you need a social media assistant?
Who is a social media assistant? It is an executive who performs various tasks such as creating social media calendars and scheduling posts for engaging large audiences. Social media assistants handle various social media tasks, from creating and managing accounts to writing the content for it Some of the significant responsibilities that they perform are - 1. Generating business content 2. Handling queries 3. Managing social media campaigns 4. Scheduling posts 5. Producing engaging content 6. Creating and managing social media accounts 7. monitor analytics to check the effectiveness of your social media strategy
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Employee Self Service: Is It Transforming The HR Operations?
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 HR administration has evolved significantly due to technological advancements; most businesses now provide universal access to HR services via technology powered applications. These changes help firms in managing HR operations smoothly while keeping costs down. The players who successfully implement advanced HR technology tools reap the benefits. However, simple HR process automation can no longer ensure a competitive edge. For this to happen, businesses must figure out how to utilise technology to revolutionise HR procedures and empower the workforce.  And Employee self-service is a feature that serves this purpose.
Today, only having traditional HR skills and expertise are not enough for HR; they also need to be well aware of the applications of HR technologies. With the employees growing increasingly tech-savvy, they must have a basic understanding of employee self-service technologies that provides a positive user experience.
This article explores the benefits of ESS and the concerns associated with it. Let’s start with the fundamental question.
What Is Employee Self-Service?
Employee self-service (ESS) portals are web-based technologies that allow employees to access essential information and complete certain transactions. Companies use ESS to convey both corporate and HR-related information.
Employees benefit from ESS portals in a variety of ways. Consolidating information into a single, user-friendly portal improves efficiency and coordination. Employers reduce costs by consolidating redundant information and web pages, and productivity rises as employees spend less time hunting for information.
Ways ESS Help HR Professionals
Employee Personal Data
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Entering data and updating it as per the requirement is a cumbersome task. ESS relieves the HR professionals from this stress by allowing employees to feed details. It helps employees update personal information, input time worked, enrol in company benefits, and plan vacations using this system.
Time and Attendance Management
The other problem that ESS handle is the inaccuracy in tracking the time and attendance of employees. Employees can track their attendance and verify their hours for payroll processing using information available through ESS. Employees can seek corrections if there is a discrepancy. When supervisors approve the request, the system changes the attendance data automatically.
 Benefits Enrollment
ESS simplifies the open enrollment process by allowing employees to estimate and pick benefits based on options supplied by their company. Employees can browse and select benefits programmes, manage open enrollment, and make changes in response to key life events.
Sharing payslips every month is not feasible, especially in big companies. An attendance software loaded with the ESS feature can help in this case. It can enable employees to view and print payslips and immediately address the errors.
Concerns with ESS
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Self-service technologies also have some drawbacks. When firms fail to train staff to use the tools, the likelihood of errors increases. Security problems arise when critical HR data is accessible to everyone. Therefore, a company needs to invest time and money to prevent such issues. HR professionals need to opt for suitable attendance management software to get the best out of the ESS.
 Attendance management software with Employee Self Service not only streamlines tasks; it transforms the way HR manages their workforce.  As a result, they are becoming more widely recognised as necessary and crucial to an organisation's long-term success. However, businesses must train their work and use the best attendance management software to get better results.
If you are searching for the best attendance management software with ESS, you should try out Minop. Register now for a free trial.
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lindajbrannon · 3 years
5 Traits of Highly Productive Teams
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Have you wondered what makes an organization successful? It’s a productive team. A productive team works efficiently and ensures smooth operation of the business. If your team is not productive, many critical problems such as workplace conflicts and politics, mismanagement, and missed deadlines can hamper your overall business growth. So, you must be thinking, what makes a productive team? In this article we have discussed five qualities of a highly productive team.
To read full article please click here
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Remote employee monitoring software Now monitor your remote employees for better ROI and complaints in real time. Complete monitoring with full reports and analytics. Call us now on 011-4290 8899.
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What Is The Need Of Productivity Monitoring In A Remote Workplace?
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As employees are working remotely, maintaining the productivity level among them has become a big challenge for all the companies. So, to deal with such types of problems, productivity monitoring has become a mandatory solution for all. 
Every employer wants to manage their employee’s work in a very detailed manner, but it becomes a bit difficult when there are a large number of employees working. 
Hence, productivity tracking is going to help you out to know what your employees are doing and how much time they take in completing a task. Here in this article, we will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of monitoring employee’s productivity. Along with it, we will also have a revision of the top tracking tools to use in 2020!
Before we jump into the discussion, let us know:
What is Productivity monitoring?
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Companies seek new and innovative ways to scale up their business! Ensuring that they have no drop in productivity during the scaling cycle. But with so many challenges, employers may find it a bit difficult to know which employees are working to the fullest.
Thus, having a tool or software to measure the productivity of the employees can help you a lot. And that is what productivity tracking is all about. It not only helps you monitor your employee productivity but also gives you a clear idea about which of the employees are doing a stellar job. Further, this information can help you provide training to weak employees while giving rewards to the extraordinary performers. 
Advantages of Productivity monitoring
1. Reduces the wastage of time
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Well, employee productivity tracking will help you restrict unwanted internet practices. Once you have installed the right tool in your organization, you will get a lot of excellent features like website blocking and live activity monitoring! You can watch their activities without even standing right at their back while they are working. Thus, you will be free from all sorts of tensions related to the employee's actions.
2. Reinforce Existing Policies More Efficiently
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Ensuring that the employees don't leak the company's data is a primary feature of a perfect monitoring software! With the help of such type of productivity monitoring, employers will be able to monitor the emails, browsing history, internet usage, and much more by just sitting in a single place. 
Since employees are working remotely, having information on the sites they visit every day and other things might be difficult. But with the appropriate tool or software, you can easily monitor and hence, forbid them from visiting any unauthorized sites. In short, you will be having an excellent option available for data security. 
3. Keep an eye on your remote employees!
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We all know that work from home productivity monitoring is really very important to maintain a smooth workflow. And as we have discussed earlier, an excellent monitoring software comes with all the top-notch features that you might need to increase the productivity level among your employees. It is going to give you a proper assurance that the employees are working sincerely in their home just like they do in the office. And as long as the employees are working remotely, the productivity tracking software will restrict them from making any uneven use of the company's data. 
Disadvantages of Productivity monitoring
1. Privacy issues
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We all concerned about our privacy! Right?
Similarly, if you will monitor your employee's activities every second, they might become against the act until the entire scenario is explained to them properly. So, it would be better if you notify your employees about your plan that you are going to execute to protect the company's data. 
2. Might affect the employee's morale
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Many employees might get stressed out with the thought of getting their every single activity monitored by their bosses! And this stress can thus affect the on-going work, which could lead to decreased productivity. 
So, to avoid such type of situation, be frank to your employees and explain to them precisely the reason behind installing the software. List down the benefits that your company can get from using monitoring software. And yes, let them know how you will be using the information that you will get after monitoring them. 
Top 03 Productivity Tracking tools to use in 2020
1. EmpMonitor
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If you are looking for an all-in-one employee monitoring tool, then EmpMonitor is going to be the right choice for you. This robust software can help you improve the employee productivity and business growth with several amazing features. 
Also watch: EmpMonitor- Best Employee Productivity Management Solution For Your Business
2. ActivTrak
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ActivTrak helps you track the actions of your employees on almost any device that has been installed. It is completely invisible and will send you regular reports and screenshots of the computer activities of the employees.
3. Hubstaff
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It is another type of software for time tracking, with a few excellent perks. Like other time-tracking software, it reinforces the team members to keep tabs about how they actually spend their time and gives you the ability to generate updates about their continuing success.
That's all for today! Hopefully, this article is going to clear all your doubts on why productivity tracking is necessary for the remote workplace. Since productivity tracking comes with a lot of perks, it is also vital to choose the right software to perform the activity. So, try to choose the best productivity monitoring software.
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remotemployee-blog · 4 years
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Hiring a freelancer is always a difficult work, as they can deliver you a great work or may be they deliver you nothing. So here RemotEmployee come up with a solution where you find your need and we provide you the resource. We will sign the NDA and Agreement. We take the responsibility for quality work & satisfaction.
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sakshitrl · 4 years
Work from home or remote work is the new thing and there are crazy remote work organizations offering remote job opportunities to us. They conduct remote work conferences as well giving the best suggestions to us. 
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How Online Attendance Management System Help Monitor Remote Employee
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Today, businesses rely on remote workers to run their operations. Because of the corona epidemic and the benefits WFH brings, it is safe to expect that remote work will continue even when the corona outbreak is over. However, as things move outside of the office, it becomes hard to keep track of their employees' time and attendance. As a result, HR managers are migrating to an online attendance system that allows them to track employee productivity from anywhere at any time.
This blog discusses the benefits and significance of an online attendance management system.
Why You Need Online Attendance Management System
No doubt, tracking attendance is a difficult task; it becomes cumbersome when HR professionals need to track remote employees.  In such a situation, manual attendance systems, biometrics, RFID cards, and other similar techniques become ineffectual. As a result, a business should take advantage of a system that allows them to monitor and manage employees who work from home.
Online attendance systems assist you in documenting employee work schedules and vacation time so that assignments may be planned correctly, without disturbing workflows. The automated system not only allows the organisation to gain precise insights into employee login/logout information, but it also allows managers to keep a close eye on absence time, extra hours, and other employee activities.
Let’s see how the online attendance management system helps you
Seamless Checkin And Checkout
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Attendance management software includes algorithms for capturing information on employees without requiring in-person presence. All employees need to mark their CheckIn and CheckOut times on their phones.
Robust Leave Management
You do not have to worry about managing leave with automated systems because they serve the purpose in a few clicks. Employees submit a leave request, and the manager approves or rejects it directly from their real-time dashboard. It is as simple as that.
Reports And Analytics
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Data and Reports are essential to measure employee performance and pay them accordingly. The attendance software generates customised reports for the admin, including information on working hours, shifts, leave, and more.
 Spoof Proof
Buddy punching, misplaced ID cards, and time theft are common issues. Time and attendance software ensures that the right people mark attendance and get the most out of their shifts. For this purpose, the software asks employees to sign in through face punch.
Empowers employees
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Modern attendance systems are coming with features that empower employees. Employee Self Service is a feature that allows an employee to view all the reports, check work schedules, request a correction to attendance data.
One thing is clear: an online attendance management system is an absolute necessity. HR professionals must concentrate on making the most of attendance software.  One thing is to note here that the success of an attendance system depends on the software you use. Hence, if you want to go for the best attendance management software, opt for Minop, the best cloud-based attendance software. Register for a free trial to track and manage your workforce with just a few clicks today.
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