#Removal Underground Storage tank (UST)
simpletank · 6 months
What Are the Benefits of Oil Tank Removal NJ?
Oil tank removal in New Jersey offers several benefits, particularly when dealing with underground storage tanks (USTs). Here are some of the advantages:
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Environmental Protection: Underground oil tanks pose a risk of soil and groundwater contamination if they leak or corrode. Removing these tanks helps prevent environmental damage and protects local ecosystems from potential pollution.
Compliance with Regulations: Many areas, including New Jersey, have strict regulations regarding the installation, maintenance, and removal of underground oil tanks. Removing an old or unused tank ensures compliance with environmental regulations and avoids potential fines or penalties.
Property Value Enhancement: The presence of an underground oil tank, especially one that is outdated or no longer in use, can be a concern for property buyers. Removing the tank can enhance the property’s value and marketability.
Reducing Liability: Property owners can be held liable for contamination resulting from leaking or abandoned underground oil tanks. Removing the tank eliminates this potential liability, protecting property owners from legal and financial consequences.
Preventing Future Issues: Aging underground tanks are more prone to corrosion and leaks. Removing these tanks eliminates the risk of future issues and the associated costs of cleanup and remediation.
It's important to note that Oil Tank Services NJ should be carried out by qualified professionals who adhere to local regulations and guidelines. The process typically involves thorough site assessment, proper tank closure, and disposal in accordance with environmental standards. Property owners in New Jersey should be aware of and comply with the state's specific regulations regarding oil tank removal.
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Best Environmental Engineering Consultants
Hiring environmental engineering consultants will be helpful every step of the way. It can help you stay compliant and sort through the paperwork. Stay organized and take care of some of that paperwork for you. Connect us now for more details!
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a3environmental · 2 years
A3 Environmental, LLC (A3E) is a full-service, woman-owned, small business specializing in providing quality environmental services. Our clients include private entities, federal, state, and local government organizations. We perform due diligence, site assessments, and remediation across the United States. We are nimble. We offer turnkey solutions to the environmental concerns encountered in today's complex regulatory environment. We work hard and quickly, paying attention to the details so you have the answers you need, when you need them, with results you can trust.
Our philosophy, with every project, is to deeply understand our client's needs. This understanding allows A3E to develop a detailed scope of services within our proposal to meet or exceed your goals and objectives. We treat each relationship as a partnership where the strategic expertise and experience of our managers help clients anticipate and overcome planning, resource management, and regulatory hurdles. As the project progresses, we maintain constant contact with our client and the team to ensure your project is done to your satisfaction and within your timeframe.
We appreciate our clients and the opportunities they present to make a cleaner environment and keep our planet healthy. We believe the work we do is more than a job; it’s a calling.
A3E products include:
Environmental Due Diligence
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Record Search w/ Risk Assessment (RSRA)
Environmental Screens
Transaction Screen Assessments (TSA)
Preliminary Environmental Site Assessments (PESA)
Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI)
Third-Party Reviews
Vapor Intrusion & Encroachment Assessments
Ghost Assessments & Reconnaissance
Environmental Remediation
Environmental Risk Assessments
Soil Vapor Intrusion Investigations
Site Characterization
Remedial Design & Technologies
Remedial Cost Estimates
Environmental Remediation Oversight
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal & Closure
Soil Management Plans, Design & Oversight
Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD)
Waste Sampling & Profiling
Environmental Support Services
Wetland Delineations
Industrial Hygiene Services
Asbestos Surveys
Lead Paint Inspection
Mold Assessment
Operations & Maintenance Programs
Environmental Compliance Audits
Hazardous Materials Assessments
Environmental Engineering
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC)
Sewer Design
Floodplain Management
Urban Flood Modeling
Hydraulic Analysis
We are A3 Environmental Consultants: Clean Soil, Clean Slate.
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jmmglobal · 5 years
Preparing UST Systems for Winter
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Winter seems to have come quickly this year with many states having already experienced snow and freezing temperatures. The best time of year to prepare your Underground Storage Tank (UST) systems for winter weather is in the fall.  It is not too late!  Getting ahead and preparing your UST systems for harsh temperatures can prevent costly repairs in the future.
Here are a few tips to prepare your underground storage tanks systems for the colder temperatures.
Tip #1 Electrical Wiring
Open STP sumps and dispenser sumps to ensure there isn’t exposed wires or broken conduits. Here in the Chicagoland area, they love to put a large amount of salt on the ground. When exposed wires are introduced to salty surface runoff, corrosion of the wires and the conduit can require expensive repairs and possibly a lengthy shutdown.  
Tip #2 Visual Inspections
Water tables in the winter months are generally higher than in the summer. With higher water tables and poorly fitted equipment, chances of water entering the tank and contaminating the load of gas in the ground increases.  Pay close attention to freezing temperatures.  Check for liquid surrounding hoses and breakaways; they are likely to malfunction when frozen.  Staying on top of the daily, weekly, and monthly visual inspections are vital and will help with identifying loose caps, fittings or risers.  
 Tip #3 Sump Inspection
 All sumps should be inspected for water intrusion. When water is present in the sump, and the temperature drops, you run the risk of the water freezing around important components. Freezing rubber, plastic, and metal can result in cracking and splitting.  The damage can far outweigh the cost of conducting sump inspections.  Any routine inspections, maintenance or repairs cannot properly be performed until the sump has been thawed.  Best practice is to keep sumps dry. Consider covering STP sump lids with protective rubber mats that will prevent rainwater and melting snow from leaking inside the STP sump.  
 Tip #4 Fill Lids
A common occurrence at fueling stations during winter months is for fill lids to be displaced by snow removal vehicles.  Often, the lid is plowed into a large snow pile at the end of the lot and discovered in the spring.  Placing orange safety cones over the fill lids can prevent this from happening.  It can also protect spill bucket rings from damage or even losing the lid.
Another good habit to adopt is painting the corresponding API color of the grade on the concrete to a much larger scale of the lid. Making the area more visible to the fuel delivery driver and easier to identify the grade. This can help ensure the correct product is dropped and avoid cross contamination and overfills.  
Being proactive in the fall by preparing your UST systems for the harsh winter weather ahead can save you from unforeseen downtime and expensive repairs. By following some of the tips above you may save time, energy, and money while having far less spring repairs in the future.  
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casorasi · 8 years
Settlement in civil action vs. Foundries; Nashua company agrees to pay $50K fine to state
NASHUA - A Superior Court judge has approved a settlement in the civil action brought by state environmental officials against the Nashua Foundries for allegedly violating laws having to do with the maintenance of underground storage tanks. The office of state Attorney General Joseph A. Foster announced the settlement Tuesday, several days after Hillsborough County Superior Court South Judge Charles Temple approved its terms to the agreement of both parties. Nashua Foundries, an operation that occupied until its recent closure a section of Nashua's historic complex of foundries between East Hollis and East Pearl streets, agreed through its president, Peter J. Lyons, to pay a civil penalty of $50,000, split into 25 monthly installments of $2,000, according to the terms. State Department of Environmental Services officials had accused the firm, formerly at 5 Foundry St., of violating the state's Underground Storage Facilities Act by failing to: Properly maintain its underground storages tanks (USTs) in working order; Repair or replace the cathodic protection system in one of its USTs; Permanently close USTs that were in disrepair; Properly maintain various management, certification and training requirements for UST operators. The agreement was negotiated, and reached, officials said, when Nashua Foundries closed and subsequently removed all its underground storage tanks. The state brought the matter to court in early June, when officials filed a petition for civil penalties based on allegations of "specific violations" of the legislation governing USTs. On Aug. 2, officials said, the court issued a notice of default against Nashua Foundries for its alleged failure to respond to the matter in a timely manner. In the interest of "avoiding the expense of litigation" and "working cooperatively (to) resolve this matter," officials wrote in the statement, the parties chose to work toward a settlement "without further litigation." Dean Shalhoup can be reached at 594-1256, [email protected] or @Telegraph_DeanS. Settlement in civil action vs. Foundries; Nashua company agrees to pay $50K fine to state
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When considering large investments, your home, property for your business, etc. an oil tank sweep is highly recommended. If an oil tank is found after purchase, soil remediation and UST removal can cost property owners as much as $50,000! An underground storage tank will lower the value of a property and make it harder to sell in the future if unaddressed. Not to mention that mortgage lenders no longer approve loans on properties with UST’s. Having an oil tank sweep ensures that you are fully-informed before investing your money. Don’t take an unnecessary risk by skipping this important step in your investigation of a property.  Contact us for peace of mind,
Oil Tank Sweep NJ LLC 13 Wiley ave Edison NJ 08837
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barrier14 · 7 years
Importance Of Oil Tank Installation & Removal In Putnam Or Westchester County, NY
Underground heating oil storage tanks (UST’s) are very common in Putnam and Westchester County, NY. Due to environmental concerns, many people opt to replace these tanks with above ground oil tanks (AST’s) or convert to natural gas or propane. Most of the underground heating oil tanks in use today were installed when the house was built. These tanks were originally meant to last 30 years depending on the quality. Since there are very few indicators of a tank failure, most leaks can go unnoticed. Leaking tanks can lead to costly a remediation depending on the impact to soil and groundwater. For this reason, some newer home owner’s insurance policies will not cover oil tank removal, contaminated soil removal, contaminated water removal or the soil and water sampling that may be necessary. In fact, in current real estate market, lenders, insurers, attorneys and real estate agents will encourage (or require) underground oil tanks to be removed oil replaced prior to closings. While the removal and installation sound complicated, it is fairly straightforward for industry professionals. Unless you convert to natural gas oil propane, you should install an above ground tank. If that isn’t possible double wall underground tanks can be installed. Above ground, tanks come in various sizes and shapes. They are ideal for basements, garages or even outside on a cement slab. Oil tank installations must adhere to local, state and federals laws and should be done by a licensed professional. Most towns and villages require permits and inspections of the work. This is to protect homeowners from poor craftsmanship and shortcuts. If a permit is required, you should never let a contracting install a tank without one. The oil tank removal portion is more complex. Underground heating oil tanks mostly have 550 or 1000 gallon worth of capacity. They can be 5 or 10 feet long by 4 feet in diameter and the top can be anywhere from 2-6 feet below grade. In most cases, an excavator is used to excavate the soils on top of the tank. The piping is disconnected and the tank is removed. Again, professionals are needed to file permits, collect samples, dispose of waste/ tank properly and create a report. To know more about Oil Tank Removal Putnam County just do click here.
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geoinsight · 8 years
Upcoming Deadline for Underground Storage Tanks
Massachusetts Single-Wall Steel Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Must Be Removed or Closed-In-Place by August 7, 2017... from GeoInsight News http://www.geoinsight.com/news/upcoming-deadline-for-underground-storage-tanks/
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A Beginner's Guide to Environmental Consultants
In today's world, environmental consultants play a crucial role in developing the economy by protecting our natural resources for future generations. In fact, many business giants and government policymakers rely on them to overcome the development's negative impact on nature. But here, the question arises who are they, and how can they serve your business?
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Oil Tank Sweep NJ LLC is the best oil tank sweep business in New Jersey because it specializes in locating underground storage tanks. By combining experience in installing and removing UST’s, subsurface detection equipment, and innovative canine scent detection, we can ensure that we will give you the best oil tank sweep available in NJ. Contact us or visit our website for more information
Oil Tank Sweep NJ LLC
   13 Wiley ave Edison NJ 08837
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Continued from earlier post..
There are thousands of active cases for contamination from underground storage tanks in the State of New Jersey that have not yet undergone remediation. Most of these properties no longer have an underground oil tank. The tank was removed, contamination was found and reported (as required by law), and the owner never cleaned up the contamination . A few years later a buyer comes along and has an oil tank sweep to prevent acquiring the liability of a UST (underground storage tank) and nothing is found. The buyer is never aware of the present contamination, because the proper file search was never done! Oil Tank Sweep NJ LLC knows what you as a consumer are looking for when purchasing an oil tank sweep. We know that holes exist in the traditional oil tank sweep and we decided to change that, request a NJDEP and City records search with your oil tank sweep. Get your oil tank sweep in NJ done by the professionals
Oil Tank Sweep NJ LLC
13 Wiley ave Edison NJ 08837
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