#Ren Kouha
babymagi · 7 months
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m-rc2525 · 9 months
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rettomus · 10 months
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Inktober 2023 works PART III
22. Scratchy [Neku & Shiki - The World Ends With You]
23. Celestial [Amaterasu - Ôkami]
24. Shallow [Sora - Kingdom Hearts]
25. Dangerous [Protagonist - Persona 3]
26. Remove [Jeremiah Gottwald - Code Geass]
27. Beast [Shirou Ogami - BNA]
28. Sparkle [Ren Kouha - Magi]
29. Massive [Kon Kinpon - Patapon]
30. Rush [Zidane Tribal - Final Fantasy IX]
31. Fire [Kuja - Final Fantasy IX]
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lexsssu · 11 months
Car Sex (Ren Kouha)
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TAGS: Kouha/F!reader, carriage sex, smut, drabble Ao3 ver.
“Don’t you dare hide those pretty moans from me, princess. I want you to let everyone know how your husband fucks you so wonderfully that it makes you sing so sweetly~”
Despite being hidden within an ornate and sturdy carriage that only an esteemed royal prince of Kou could use, your whimpers and shrieks are clearly heard outside of the moving vehicle. Specifically, Kouha’s retainers who did their utmost best to pretend they didn’t have ears.
“Look at the mess you’re making, darling. You can’t tell me you’re not enjoying this when you’ve been clamping around me so tightly ever since I settled you down on your favorite seat~”
The prince wore an almost manic grin as he gripped your waist and pulled you flush against him, your soft and smooth rump resting on his lap with his cock nestled deep within your moist and warm depths. There is no need for him to move, because the frequent bumps in the road jostled the carriage so often that he simply just had to hold you while gravity did its own thing. 
Your disheveled hair, makeup, and clothes were more beautiful than any outfit you meticulously put on. For him, the sight of you at your most vulnerable is the most gorgeous version of yourself that you could ever show him, because it is a sight that only he is privy to.
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ariaswrites · 2 months
This is a repost of blacksun-Judar. This is NOT my personal work
Judar,Hakuryu,and kouha found out their fem s/o was pregnant after escaping a few months ago (the child is theirs but they didn’t know because s/o left without telling them)
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- Judar would be infuriated upon finding out she’s pregnant. Was it another man’s? Why hadn’t he heard of this? Had she moved on from him that quickly? He’d slam her against the wall, his ice magic already freezing her ankles to the floor. He’d yell and demand answers, but her shaky reply left him with his mouth gaping.
- Judar would freeze on the spot. He would stare at his darling with a completely blank expression as he rolled the words around his head, again and again. Even when her panicked tears were spilling over, he paid no mind to her, only snapping his head back when she started to squirm, lowering her head to softly sob in shame. Her body badly shaking, and her arms holding her stomach tightly, shielding it from whatever wrath he would unleash upon her.
- Unable to really process the situation, he would melt the ice, grab his darling’s arm and drag her back to the palace. If she struggled, he just had to dig his nails into her flesh and threaten her baby, and she quieted rather quickly. The entire carpet ride, she would be pinned to his lap, his wand pointed at her stomach. No matter how much she shivered and cried, pleading for him to spare their child, he didn’t budge. Normally he enjoyed it when she escaped - he got to punish her, but this, this was different. She was pregnant, of all things. With his child.
- When they finally get back, Judar will have no tolerance for anyone, pushing aside servants and even Kougyoku if she tried to ask what was wrong. As much as he hated Al-thamen anywhere near her, they were the only one’s whose magic could figure out the truth.
- When the results come out that Judar is indeed the father, he’ll have no idea how to react. He didn’t want a child, never wanted one. They were annoying, messy, and they would require his darling to pay attention to them instead of him.
- He immediately starts researching magic for abortion. If he can go through with it or not entirely depends on how good his sweetheart is. If she can make an earnest enough plea to melt the ice around his heart, that this was his child, that he couldn’t just kill it, then maybe… it could be born. But if not, Judar would kill the baby in the womb without mercy. After all, if it’s not born… he’s technically not murdering his child, right?
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- Once finding out that she was pregnant, he’d stand there, mouth agape, before narrowing his eyes and glaring. He wouldn’t raise a hand against her, not yet, but Hakuryuu is unable to keep his voice level enough and ends up shouting at her. Whose child is this!? When did this happen!?
- When she softly utters that it’s his, Hakuryuu would definitely be caught off guard. His? His baby? She was going to have his baby? As he processed the information, warmth suddenly enveloped his chest.
- He slowly raised a hand out to touch her stomach, ignoring the way she flinched and reached out to stop him. He’d reach out another hand to gently caress her cheek, wiping away the tears that wet her cheeks. He was still mad, and he told her as much, but… he was so happy at the same time. He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to hurt her, not after hearing those wondrous news.
- He would still be gentle with her though, taking her to the carriage and setting off back for the palace. However, once she was safely chained to her chair, he would begin to scold her. How dare she run from him while carrying his child! Hakuryuu knows how dangerous the world is, how his precious little darling could be hurt at a moments notice. How beautiful she was, that anyone would want to ruin her. Why would she take that risk?
- Hakuryuu would be in complete denial that he was the reason behind her running away. And when they arrived back at the palace, he’d drag her back to their shared room, and chain her up on their bed, admiring how beautiful she was, with her baby bump just beginning to show through. He’ll make certain that the chains are loose and that she’s comfortable, and will quickly get a glass of water if she looks parched. He might even put a few books beside her, though he gave her shorter then normal ones out of spite for her running.
- He’d get pregnancy books of all and any kind, researching any information he could get. He’s decided he’s not going to punish his darling, not just yet - not until their baby is weened off milk and doesn’t need her tending to it every hour of every day. Even then, Hakuryuu probably won’t have the heart to punish his darling by that point. All the while, he’s got his precious s/o chained up, and her chance at freedom grows ever smaller, because she knows all to well this won’t be the only child they’ll have…
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- Once he finds out she’s pregnant, he has half a mind to chop her to pieces right there. Not only did she run away from him and reject his love, but she’s going to have a baby too! The very audacity already has his fingers curling around her neck, not even caring for any excuses she has to spare. Until she sputters out the one excuse that causes him to freeze and stare at her like she’s got two heads.
- Kouha stares for a moment, not sure of what to do, before giving her a great big smile and letting her go. As his darling kneels to the floor and wheezes for breath, that dark grin never once leaves his face. Oh, he’s still angry, no doubt, but what she just told him helped him make up for it and more. It’s his child. Now, all that’s on his mind is getting her back. His brain processed the information quickly, and his mind was already racing with ideas. Before she can even process it, her arms will be bound by golden chains, and she’s already being dragged away.
- His grip on her arm is tight as he drags her to the carriage, his three loyal attendants in close toe, making certain not even a pebble could cause his darling to trip. When the get back to the carriage, Kouha is all smiles, keeping her on his lap and cuddling, softly caressing her stomach. Ignoring that way his sweetheart flinched and leaned away from his every touch. It’s not as though he could ever hurt her - not now, after finding out she was with his baby. Afterwards, is certainly a different story, however…
- When they return to the palace, Kouha is excitedly dragging her around, practically screeching it to everyone in earshot. In fact, Koumei’s positive he went deaf. Even the members of Al-Thamen were groaning and shaking their heads at the princes antics. Despite that, Kougyoku expressed joy at the news, both happy his s/o is back, and for their child. Though she can’t help but question the fear in his darling’s eyes… and why she even ran away in the first place.
- His darling will quickly be chained to the extravagant bed they shared, surrounded by the softest pillows and blankets imaginable, so quickly it will make her head spin. Of course, Kouha will assure her she will be punished in due time - but only once the baby is born. He couldn’t help but to bite his lip and shiver at the despairing look she gave him.
- Kouha too, will overload on pregnancy books. However, he’ll sit down with his darling and read out loud with her, practicing for when the baby is born. Kouha will put some limits on spoiling her, of course - she did run away, and waiting possibly more then nine months to punish her will drive him mad. He will allow her on walks occasionally, but only to the balcony and back. She has no say in what she eats or wears, and Kouha won’t give into her pregnancy cravings either - only if it’s good for the baby will there be an exception. Then again, isn’t this how he always treated her? He’s just stricter now. Plus, after the pregnancy is when things start getting intense…
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25ne0n · 4 months
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ren kouha
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bibibbbb99 · 2 years
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Baby kiss me more💋
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yeiko-za · 2 years
I made this drawing based on the fact that Kouha Ren and Scara share a voice actor.
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only-wonder · 1 year
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Jiangshi Kouha!
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ethereii · 1 year
hi :) uhhh i’m new on tumblr! i’ve loved magi since i was like 12 and i’m here to find the other magi lovers. here’s a screencap redraw i did of ren kouha when i was hyper fixated on him months ago 🌞 still really proud of it. feel free to stay and find out what other fandoms i’m interested in :)
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i splattered blood on him in my art because we all know good and well he really should’ve been doused in it
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everykoumeipanel · 2 years
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Night 366, The Coward
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babymagi · 7 months
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m-rc2525 · 10 months
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haha what if i taught myself to make DA stamps for no reason. JK. Unless??
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durtlesloveformagi · 1 year
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A Few Characters’ Reactions To A Laptop
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Characters: Alibaba, Sinbad, Masrur, Kouha and Hakuei.
Warnings: Mentions of porn.
Notes: None.
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- “What’s this rectangle thing?”
- As soon as Alibaba would open it and see it turn on is when he starts to become frightened
- He’ll kinda just start to open and close the laptop repeatedly until satisfied
- Someone honestly needs to tell this boy how to use it and even then he struggles a bit
- Once he gets the hang of it, he’ll probably try out games
- Goes on a bunch of different gaming websites and somehow always finds out how to play certain games for free
- His favorites are the cute little arcade type stuff
- He eventually tries Steam and accidentally buys stuff when he tries to get out of the page he’s on
- He loses electronic privileges after that
- Gods help him if he gets ahold of Amazon
- “What a peculiar device”
- Old man when it comes to electronics
- Just don’t tell him that
- I can see him as very frustrating to deal with involving technology
- Will accidentally delete important things
- He will act as though it’s easy to work the laptop too
- “How hard can this be?”
- Only to get a virus
- Sinbad does however enjoy learning about different countries through this odd contraption
- But he prefers going to the places instead
- “Hm”
- He’s rather confused at first but doesn’t see it as a threat
- Won’t really pay attention when someone explains the whole working process with it but somehow gets the idea
- He’s a decently quick learner when it comes to the laptop
- Only bought something on accident once and still feels a little bad about it
- It was something lame too that he bought and sent it to the wrong address
- Once he discovers porn then he gets a little more interested
- He doesn’t know how to go on a private tab or how to delete search history so it usually shows “Naked women with big boobs” or “Hot singles in your area”
- If confronted then he brushes it off with a small blush
- Just don’t try to search anything in public after him using it and you’re good
- “What is this thing supposed to be?”
- Looks at the device with slightly curious eyes while turning it a bit
- If someone doesn’t describe what it is in a cool, fun way then he will drop it out of boredom
- If it is described in said cool, fun way then he demands the person to teach him how to use it
- He’ll just sit there, leg over the other, and arms crossed with an interested look on his face
- Kouha will buy things because that’s what Kouha does
- Also leaves nasty reviews if what he bought wasn’t what he expected it to be
- Watches fail videos often and some of which are gruesome
- Gets the hang of everything pretty easily and charms his way out of any trouble he gets in which most likely is caused by buying too many things
- An absolute monster to deal with when it comes to your money
- “I’ve never seen anything like this before”
- She’s intrigued by the device and politely asks how it works
- Of course she’s a bit on guard as she’s never come across such a thing
- Hakuei is better with the laptop due to her listening carefully on how to work it
- She takes a great interest in cooking and baking recipes, and crochet ideas
- Loves the ability to talk with anyone from around the world
- Immediately thinks of how this thing could benefit the Kou Empire
- Unlike the others, Hakuei doesn’t buy anything unless it’s completely okay with the owner of the laptop
- Will accidentally get a virus and not only does she think the worst but she also apologizes and feels very bad once told that
- But she’s definitely the best out of all of the characters listed to encounter a laptop
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