#Ren and Steven just can't behave
rhnuzlocke · 7 years
Episode 14
Scene 10:
[Later in the afternoon, Ren, Wally and Kai are out training their pokemon on Route 120. After a while Ren pulls the boys aside to learn Judo together. Wally has an easier time with the stretches and basics than Kai. Their practice gets interrupted when Ruby spots a pikachu and goes after it. Māia and some of the others tell her to lay off, but she insists and continues to dive at the terrified pokemon until Kai throws his body between them. The pikachu cowers behind his legs while Kai yells at the enraged swellow. Ruby flutters back and forth as they argue, trying to get behind Kai. He warns her that it is an electric type and dangerous which only makes her scoff. The pikachu chooses this moment to poke it's head around Kai's legs and electrocute her. Ruby's body jerks and she tumbles to the ground. Kai is concerned, but she pops back up after a moment. The pikachu attaches himself to Kai's leg and stutters out some threat, rosy cheeks sparking for emphasis. Māia swoops over and plants herself between them and Ruby eventually backs down. The trainers go back to working with their pokemon and the pikachu sticks close to Kai. Some other trainers come by and they have a a few battles. As everyone packs up to head back to Fortree, Kai offers the pikachu a spot on his team and it happily accepts. Ren decides she wants a walk before she turns in and the boys head back to Fortree while she sets out further down Route 120 alone.]
Scene 11:
[It is early evening and the sun has only just begun to set. Low clouds and mist hang heavy as she trudges along, mostly watching her feet rather than the beautiful scenery. She comes to a tall, steep riverbank and continues along it as the woods open up. The path turns abruptly west across the river and Ren looks up and out across a long suspension bridge over a huge clear pool. She looks down and sees the colorful evening sky reflected in the water. She starts to walk across the bridge and looks up to see Steven standing at the other end. He starts across and they meet in the middle.]
Ren: Hello Steven.
Steven: Hello Ren.
Ren: [smiling a little] So, are you just hanging out here or…
Steven: I was looking for you. I saw you with your friends earlier, but I thought it would be best if we could talk alone.
Ren: Yeah, probably. What did you want to talk about?
Steven: Well, first I have something for you. [He takes a small box out of his jacket pocket and hands it to her with just a hint of hesitation. As she opens it] I wish— I wanted to give you this under better circumstances.
Ren: [looking down at the green and red polished stone] Is this sceptilite?
Steven: Yes.
Ren: [holding it up to the light to reveal little golden flecks within] It’s beautiful.
Steven: [He hums in agreement.] It’s actually my fifth favorite stone.
Ren: [placing it back in the box] Oh? What are your top four?
Steven: Well, my top favorite would have to be Latias’s soul dew, second favorite is metagrossite of course, aggronite in third, and at the moment steelixite is occupying fourth.
Ren: [flirtatious smile] I’m glad you finally have a piece then.
Steven: Thank you so much for that. Tungsten is constantly admiring her own reflection these days.
[Ren laughs a little and closes the box. She stows it in her pocket and looks back up into Steven’s face.]
Ren: I don’t even know what to say. Tāraki is going to lose his mind. And you don’t have to feel bad about the timing. I don’t. [She smiles but his face is strained. She looks down again.] …It actually works out well for me to tell you the truth. We had a bit of a fight this morning. [tapping her pocket] This will make an excellent apology.
Steven: I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure he’ll come around.
Ren: I know he will. It makes me feel a little more guilty, if anything.
Steven: What happened?
Ren: I didn’t want him to fight in the gym. I know he can do it, I just couldn’t— [quiet] After Wheta I couldn’t risk it. He was right, I wasn’t making any sense. I let him battle tons of fire and flying-types when we’re fighting Magma… But it’s different, you know? Those battles are for something and I know he would never stay in his ball anyway… It would be one thing if I was doing it to protect him, but for once I can’t hide behind that. This time I know for certain it’s only because I’m scared.
Steven: Then I would say you are already more than halfway there. We all have our ghosts to carry, but it’s the ones we can’t see that weigh us down the most. I am confident you will find the best solution for both of you. He’s still young, and from what I’ve seen he’s very much the sort to leap first and look on his way down. But I think given a little time, he will understand. He loves you very much.
Ren: Thank you, Steven.
Steven: Of course…
[Ren smiles up at him, though a little weakly when a raindrop lands on her nose and her face scrunches up. Steven smiles for a moment at her comical expression then looks up and holds out a hand. Sure enough more raindrops begin to fall one by one.]
Ren: Oh no, not your suit again! I’m sorry. I don't have an umbrella.
Steven: [pulling out his vapor box] Not to worry. I have my own.
[He pulls out a large black umbrella and opens it just as the rain starts to come down heavier. The inside of the umbrella is silver and while it is quite large, Ren does have to stand right next to Steven to stay dry. Steven holds it between them as the raindrops patter off it.]
Ren: [looking up at the umbrella instead of the very close Steven] Wow, this thing is huge.
Steven: [He regards the underside of the umbrella too for a moment as he stows his vapor box] When one likes silk suits, one must take certain precautions.
Ren: [She chuckles, glancing at him before looking away again.] So, what was it you wanted to talk about?
Steven: I actually wanted to apologize for the Weather Institute, I should have been there sooner.
Ren: [looking up at him] Don’t—
Steven: I feel terrible about the whole thing. I—
Ren: Steven, what should you have done differently? You have no reason to feel guilty about this. I, on the other hand, have plenty.
Steven: You were there when I should have been!
Ren: We were both too late. I may have been there sooner but it didn’t make any difference. They were a step ahead of us, plain and simple.
Steven: That’s what bothers me. This is my responsibility. I should be able to—
Ren: To what? Read their minds? Steven, you can’t blame yourself for things that you can’t control. [He looks away.] You’ll go crazy. Believe me, I know. It wears you down. It causes you to make mistakes you didn’t even have to. This is going to be difficult. We both need to be as strong as we can be.
Steven: Then you shouldn’t be blaming yourself either.
Ren: [turning away] It’s different. I made an error in judgement. For once I thought I knew what I was doing, that I was making the right choice, but it was just my hot-headedness getting the better of me same as ever. Kai was even there to talk sense this time and I just ignored him. I blundered in there and created a mess without achieving anything. You came in and defused a situation that nearly got me killed. So please stop beating yourself up about it.
Steven: Now I think you are the one taking too much responsibility for what happened. There was no way for you to know that you were too late. And time was of the essence. We often must make decisions without the benefit of all of the pertinent facts. Just because something doesn’t turn out well doesn’t mean it wasn’t the right decision to make in the moment.
Ren: I—
Steven: And Latios was there with you. He would have stopped you if he thought it was a bad decision. Are you really going to blame yourself for not having more insight than an Eon Guardian?
Ren: Hmm… Maybe you are right. [glancing cautiously back up at him] And maybe we should both take our own advice, huh?
Steven: Probably. I’ll think about it. For now, perhaps it would be best if we both tried not to dwell on what could have happened and focus on what did. I, for one, am very glad you had someone else there to help you since I couldn’t be.
Ren: I, uh, told him by the way. Not about the Guardians, but about Magma and Groudon. And Wally too. I hope that’s okay. I probably should have—
Steven: It’s fine. [their eyes meet] If you trust them, I will too. We may not know each other very well, but I know that you are no fool, Ren Kosugi.
Ren: [looking down and blushing hard] I don’t know. If I was really smart I probably would have at least told Kai sooner. [blush fading] I was trying to protect him, but all I managed to do was let him go in there blind.
Steven: [glancing sideways at her with a teasing smile] I know how that goes. I guess it’s better to let others make their own choices.
Ren: [meeting his gaze with a lopsided smile of her own] I’m glad you think so, because it’s high time you stopped blaming yourself for involving me.
Steven: [looking away in embarrassment] Well—
Ren: [grinning and wagging a finger at him] Ah-ah, none of that now. I know you think all of this is your job because you’re the Champion.
Steven: [sheepish] It kind of is—
Ren: But I chose, this remember? I may have been prodded along a little by luck or coincidence or whatever you want to call it, but it’s my decisions that landed me here. Give me a little agency.
[She looks up into his face, meeting his eyes boldly this time as if daring him to refuse. He stares back at her and his mouth works a little, as if he was about to object but thinks better of it. A warm smile settles on his face.]
Steven: You are right. Forgive me?
Ren: As long as you get off you high mudsdale? Done. [poking him in the chest] Because we were both chosen by the Guardians and that makes us partners. We should have each other’s backs. This will never work if you are always trying to shield me.
Steven: I’ll try my best.
Ren: Good. I think you can manage it. I’m very stubborn, but I’ve learned that much and so can you.
Steven: [grinning] Understood.
[It doesn’t take very long for Ren to melt a little under Steven’s rakish grin. She just smiles dreamily back for a moment before she feels her body leaning towards him of its own accord. She jerks upright and turns away a bit to hide her blush. After she calms down an idea occurs to her and she turns back to face him.]
Ren: Speaking of trusting each other and sharing the burden: you wouldn’t happen to have a blazikenite, would you?
Steven: At the moment, no. But I am of course very well connected where mega stones are concerned. I’m quite confident I could get hold of one. I’ll be sure to send one along when I find one. His last name was Birch, correct? The son of Prof. Alan Birch, might I assume?
Ren: Yep, that’s him.
[They both fall quiet then, becoming lost in their own thoughts. They look out into the rain as it begins to come down harder. The droning of the raindrops on the umbrella is soothing and draws them farther into their own separate worlds. Ren is the first to drift back and she watches Steven in profile. He does a good job of hiding it, but he looks tired and weary.]
Ren: Hey Steven, do you have any friends you can talk to about this stuff? You know, besides your pokemon obviously.
Steven: [coming back to himself with an affected smile] Ren, you have quite enough on your plate as it is. You don’t have to worry about me.
Ren: There you go again.
Steven: Hm?
Ren: Stop trying to spare me! I’m already worried. There’s no point in telling me not to be. [sighs] Look, I’ve just realized how helpful it can be to have someone to confide in. And I’m more than willing to be that for you. [looking away] But you’re right that we don’t know each other that well, so maybe I’m not the best person for the job. It’s certainly clear that you would rather not tell me everything.
Steven: [face falling] Ren—
Ren: [looking earnestly at him] And that’s okay. I just want to know if you have anyone else there to support you.
[He fidgets, looking away, and doesn’t answer.]
Ren: [crossing her arms] Well if you don’t, you should.
[She sighs, not knowing what else to say, but Steven breaks the silence.]
Steven: I do actually—have a friend that is. He knows almost everything. I actually wanted to tell him about the Guardians, and Latias thought it was a good idea, but…
Ren: [nodding] Latios didn’t. I’m not surprised. He was happy I didn’t tell my friends, even though I didn’t ask him. I just thought it might be a little much all at once…
[Ren looks down, drifting off into her own thoughts again. The irony strikes her suddenly and she shakes her head. She smiles a little awkwardly and glances shyly back up at him.]
Ren: We’re a pair, huh? Here I am lecturing you and I haven’t even told my parents yet because I’m afraid it will freak them out.
Steven: I think our instinct to protect those we love may be part of the reason the Guardians chose us. Scratch that, I know it has more than a little to do with why Latias chose me. She is the more defensive member of the duo after all.
Ren: Is that so?
Steven: [nods] And Latios is the more offensive, which suits you I think.
Ren: [quirking an eyebrow] And not you, Mr. Vaults-a-desk-to-tackle-a-dangerous-criminal?
Steven: [a half smile that becomes a grimace] That sort of outburst is… very unusual for me, [composing his features] whereas you openly admit to being hot-headed.
Ren: [challenging] Maybe I was exaggerating.
Steven: [knowing smile] I don’t think so. I’ve seen that righteous fury of yours too many times now for you to hide it.
[They both laugh, her a little sheepishly.]
Steven: Anyway, I don’t know Kai, but if he was willing to charge into the fire with you without even knowing why, He can probably handle knowing a few unsettling things. Rire can definitely handle it… [big sigh] You’re right: I should talk to him more. Arceus knows he pesters me about it enough.
Ren: Good. And while we’re on the subject, you should also listen to Bessemer more. They’re your better half.
Steven: [whining] Not you too! What did they say?
Ren: [not giving in the slightest] That’s between us. Bottom line: we both have to start taking better care of ourselves.
Steven: [gesturing at himself] I bought myself this new suit. Does that count?
Ren: I’ve never personally understood shop therapy, but if it makes you feel good, then yes: it’s a step in the right direction.
Steven: You were supposed to make fun of my wealth and vanity. I left myself wide open.
Ren: I don’t need you to make an opening for me. [stuffy caricature of his diction] I have ample opportunity whenever I should feel the inclination.
Steven: That I cannot argue.
Ren: And were you fishing for a compliment back there?
Steven: Never! Why, the insolence. I can get compliments at any time and from anyone I choose.
Ren: [leaning towards him, hands on hips] Except from me right now because I’m onto you.
Steven: And what kind of partner are you? You just finished lecturing me on how I need support and now you refuse to give it to me. [He touches the back of his hand to his forehead, pretending to be faint.]
Ren: [not backing down] I didn’t volunteer to be the one to provide it.
Steven: [grinning] Yes you did! [smug] Twice now actually.
Ren: [trying not to grin] Alright alright, you beautiful peacock of a man! You look stunning in that suit.
Steven: Thank you.
Ren: [as she stares up into them] It really brings out your eyes.
Steven: [staring straight back into hers but wiggling his eyebrows] Do go on.
Ren: [blushing but refusing to get flustered] Pffff. You’re really milking this, aren’t you?
Steven: Needing constant validation is another of my many flaws.
Ren: I doubt that.
Steven: Well, maybe not, but I still enjoy it more than I probably should. It’s hard to grow up with everyone telling you how great you are and not get a little conceded.
Ren: [teasing] Poor you.
Steven: At least I know how blessed and obnoxious I am.
Ren: As if. You are extremely charming. A little too charming if you ask me. What’s up with that anyway?
Steven: It’s always been my part-time job. And it makes a lot of things easier, so it’s tempting to use all the time. And now I’m so used to it, it’s kind of become automatic. It’s a bit hard to turn off.
Ren: So you don’t enjoy the effect you have on people?
Steven: Well, that too, obviously.
[Ren laughs lightly at the admission.]
Ren: I’m glad we’re getting to know each other a little better.
Steven: You say that, and yet you haven’t told me much about yourself. As much as I enjoy talking about myself—
Ren: Oh please. You’re not half as self-involved as you pretend to be.
Steven: [not letting her wiggle out of it] Either way, perhaps it would be best if you took a turn. Any foibles I should know about?
Ren: Well, the temper and the recklessness you already know. And I already admitted to being stubborn… I guess I’m not that self-reflective. I don’t like dealing with my problems.
Steven: I would venture to say that no one does. And I’m not so sure that is accurate. You seem to have a clearer picture of yourself than most.
Ren: That took years of work and training and I still resist it all of the time. My first impulse is always to bury shit down deep where it can rot and come back as something worse that I barely even recognize anymore.
Steven: I guess that is less universal, but still exceedingly common.
Ren: I’m not very open either, at least not about the bad things. Even little stuff I tend to keep to myself. It makes me unpredictable in the worst way possible. Most of the time when I lash out, people have no idea why and it’s entirely my fault.
Steven: I still say you know yourself very well, even if you had to work harder than some to get there. Thank you for sharing that… [He sees her looking down and tries to lighten the mood again.] I did say foibles though. They're small flaws or eccentricities. Have anything like that for me?
Ren: Hmm. I guess I like food a little too much? I definitely spend way more time than I should thinking about it. My friends back in Johto used to make fun of me for it. And the food is what I miss about Johto more than anything else, by a significant margin. The food here is good too, it’s just not the same. And I eat a lot, like really a lot. Probably enough for two people.
Steven: But you’re so small. Where do you keep all of this food?
Ren: I burn it. My doctor always joked that I run hot, like my metabolism is too fast or something? Anyway, I object to that description. This is average height in Johto!
Steven: [dipping his head] Shazai itashimasu.
Ren: [in Kantonese] You speak Kantonese?
Steven: [in perfect Kantonese] Some, but I am by no means fluent.
Ren: Ugh. Naze anata wa subete de totemo sainō ga arimasu ka?
Steven: Arigatōgozaimashita.
Ren: No, I asked why are you so talented at everything. You slipped up.
Steven: Regardless, the compliment is still implied, so thank you.
Ren: [out of the side of her mouth] True. But let me have this at least. I want to savor it.
Steven: Alright then. You’ve indulged me enough for that to be fair, I suppose. My Kantonese is rusty. I haven’t had anyone to practice with.
Ren: Well now you do. [coloring a little] That is—if you want too.
Steven: Absolutely. But another time perhaps. I have to go, I’m afraid.
Ren: Okay… Oh, uh, wait. [rooting around in her bag] I almost forgot. [pulling out a small package wrapped in brown paper] Kōtai, my sandslash, made me promise to give this to you. It’s for your sandslash. I think she left an impression.
Steven: [smiling and accepting the package] I’ll be sure to deliver it. Would you mind holding the umbrella for a moment?
Ren: Sure—uh—no.
[Their hands touch as he hands it off to her and the tremor it sends through her makes it hard to hold the umbrella steady, but somehow she manages. Steven gets out his vapor box and pulls some black clothing out of it. He puts the garments over his suit and switches out his shoes for boots. He also gets out his flight goggles and puts them on his head, though he doesn’t yet lower them into place over his eyes. Ren marvels at the effect. The clothing turns out to be rain gear (pants, a jacket and a short poncho) with reflective silver stripes running lengthwise instead of the normal horizontal.]
Ren: Damn.
Steven: Okay, you’ve done enough now. You’re a good partner. I take it back.
Ren: No, this time I’m serious. How does even a rain-fly make you look good?
Steven: Well, it helps that I get everything custom…
Ren: [disbelieving] No!
Steven: Oh yes. It’s my mountain of money and I shall spend it as I choose.
Ren: [grinning wide despite herself] Get out of here, you filthy rich, silver spoon, gorgeous dandy!
Steven: [with an exaggerated bow] As my lady wishes.
[He lowers his goggles over his eyes and the reflective surface obscures them completely. He sends out his skarmory, who stretches his wings but seems unconcerned by the rain. Steven turns to mount up and Ren bites her lip.]
Ren: Hey Steven.
Steven: [turning in the saddle to face her] Yes?
Ren: Thanks for cheering me up. I really needed it.
Steven: [big smile] You’re welcome. And thank you for kicking my ass. I really needed it.
[With that, Damascus takes off, leaving Ren alone under the umbrella, blushing crimson. She puts a hand over her erratically pounding heart and her eyes flutter as she thinks over all of the bald-faced flirting that just happened. This does not help her heartbeat at all and she takes a few deep breaths while pressing on her chest with one hand and gripping the umbrella unnecessarily tight in the other. Then she remembers that it is Steven’s umbrella she is holding and that he clearly left it on purpose so that she wouldn’t have to get wet. It also occurs to her that he didn’t bring it up so that she wouldn’t refuse. She is surprised and maybe a little annoyed at how the gesture makes her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.]
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