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@i-have-no-brain​ Here you go!
The Trollhunter stopped walking and looked back in surprise. The familiar six-eyed troll jogged the rest of the way to catch up to him and then stood puffing for a moment before he caught his breath.
“What are you doing out here, Blinky?” He asked with a frown. “Where’s Aaarrrgghh? You know it’s not safe to be alone with Bular about.”
“Like you?” The librarian shot back.
Kanjigar’s ears twitched in irritation. He sensed a lecture coming and did not particularly want to deal with that tonight.
“I’m the Trollhunter,” He said anyway. “Working alone is part of the job.”
Blinky folded his top pair of arms while the bottom pair rested on his hips.
“No it’s not,” He said. “Deya would never have won the battle of Killahead alone. Araknak the Agile accepted the assistance of his parents in areas where they were more learned then he. Many past Trollhunters fought alongside others and were better for it.”
Kanjigar inhaled and blew the breath out of his nose in an irritated snort.
“What are you getting at?”
Blinky sighed.
“I saw your son earlier tonight, he was training at the forge like one preparing for to make a stand before daybreak. You refused his request to let him help you again, didn’t you?”
Kanjigar felt a painful throb in his core at that description. He had seen Draal training before and his son’s fervor, as well as his declaration that he would take up the amulet next, really unsettled him. Still he hadn’t really connected that with his refusal to let Draal join him on his patrols.
“It’s for his own good,” Kanjigar said. “Trollhunters live in constant danger and die early. They have no life outside of their duty. It’s better that he’s away from that.”
Even if it meant they became distant. Eventually Draal would give up and move on. He had to.
“Preposterous! If you think ignoring your son will deter him from following in your footsteps, then you clearly have been spending too much time on the surface,” Blinky said as if he had read his thoughts. “He is truly of your and Ballustra’s stone; he has both of your stubbornness in spades.”
Kanjigar clenched his teeth against the impulse to growl.
“Blinky right,” Rumbled a voice to his left.
Kanjigar jolted and nearly materialized Daylight on instinct.
“Aaarrrgghh please don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“Sorry.” The Krubera bumped a knuckle against Kanjigar’s shoulder in apology.
“Blinky right,” he repeated. He moved around to face the Trollhunter with Blinky. “Draal warrior. Will fight. You only making sad.”
Kanjigar’s ears pressed down. He took a breath to argue but Aaarrrgghh wasn’t done.
“Fight alone and he lose you sooner. Will seek revenge. Amulet’s choice not matter.”
Kanjigar’s core ached. He wanted to contest the point but he knew Aaarrrgghh was right. If… When… Bular killed him, Draal would do everything in his power to get revenge. And if the Amulet didn’t choose him and he went after the Gumm-Gumm alone…
“You hurt him,” Aaarrrgghh finished quietly. “Parents matter, don’t… make Draal orphan… while you live.”
That really gave Kanjigar pause. Aaarrrgghh had shared something of his personal history with him since they had become friends and Kanjigar knew Aaarrrgghh’s mother had fallen trying to save him from the Gumm-Gumms. The Krubera knew loss well as well as what the pursuit of revenge could do to a troll.
“I couldn’t say it any better,” Blinky said nodding. He hesitantly reached out a hand toward the Trollhunter but then let it fall back to his side. He pressed the palms of his top hands together. “Please at least think about it. Draal needs you alive. We all do.”
With that the other two trolls turned and started back toward Trollmarket. Kanjigar sighed and tugged on his horn.
Was he making a wrong decision by pushing Draal away?
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@yellowmagicalgirl​   We need more Nuñez sibling bonding in this fandom, so I decided to go with NotEnrique and Claire.
Claire jerks upright in bed. A glance at her surroundings reveals she’s in her old room. She desperately looks at her hands.
They’re glowing purple.
No. No! No!
All around her the furniture begins to rattle and shake as her magic lashes out in response to her fear.
“Snap out of it, Sis!”
Wide eyed, Claire turns towards the sound.
NotEnrique is crawling towards her across the floor. The hair on his scruff is rippling as if he’s moving in a strong wind but he continues to doggedly move forward.
As Claire watches he reaches the bed and scales one of the posts.
“Come on,” He says, inching toward her. “Yer okay.”
His clawed hand makes contact with her foot.
He can touch me! Claire realizes.
“I’m not a ghost?” She says hesitantly, fearful that this might all be a trick.
“Nope, still a fleshba… er… in the flesh,” He responds, stubbornly clinging to her leg.
Claire grabs him under the arms and pulls him into a tight hug. He makes a startled growl but allows her.
All around the room objects fall to the ground. The purple glow fades from her skin.
“I’m not… She isn’t…”
If NotEnrique wasn’t made out of stone, she probably would have been crushing him with how hard she was squeezing.
“Still just you,” He says.
He wriggles a little and manages to free one of his hands to pat her head.
“How can you be so sure?” She asks with a whimper.
Not even Jim had caught on until it was too late last time.
“Oh, please,” He says with a proud certainty. “Yer my sister, of course I can tell if it’s you or not.”
He pauses and then pokes her in the cheek.
“Anyways She doesn’t get all drippy like this, neither, ya big cry baby.”
She pulls away to glare at him and he smirks at her.
“Just tellin the truth.”
Claire huffs and wipes at her eyes, she’s stopped by a clawed hand. She lets out a half annoyed, half surprised yelp, as he pulls her head down by grapping her shoulder.
“What are you…”
She trails off when NotEnrique presses his forehead to hers. She’s seen the gesture enough to recognize it. Trolls do it with their family. He’s never done it before. Sure, he calls her Sis, but he’s never been much for physical affection. She usually initiates and sometimes he will respond.
“Ah’m glad yer okay,” He says in a quiet voice, accent thicker with emotion. “Ah know ah never said nuthin but Ah dun’t know what Ah’d have done if Ah lost ya.”
And now she’s crying again.
“Thanks,” She says softly, pressing her forehead back against his. “You’re a good brother.”
“Ah yer just saying that,” He mumbles, but she can hear a little smile in his voice.
“Seriously,” She insists as they pull apart. “I’m glad I’ve got you.”
“Even with all the,” He gestures vaguely. “Unpleasantness.”
“Yeah,” She says. “Don’t get me wrong. I won’t trade Enrique for you.”
He looks away a little, ears flicking down, but she goes on.
“But I also wouldn’t trade you for Enrique.”
His head shoots up, eyes wide like a deer in the headlights.
“You’re both my brothers,” She says firmly.
NotEnrique blinks rabidly and then rubs rather harshly at his eyes.
“Dang it, Big Eyes, now ya got me, blubbering,” He whines.
Claire smiles and tugs the changeling into another hug. He grumbles wordlessly but his clawed hands grip her shirt and she can feel his tears as he buries his head against her neck.
“Thanks,” He says, so quietly she almost can’t hear him.
“Of course.”
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This ended up being rather painful, but the kids really need some room to grieve. Here you go @just-somebody-who-likes-cartoons​
After a quick discussion it was decided that Steve and Krel would spend the night at Toby’s house. Given the space, the Blanks, Lucy and Ricky, would be staying with Stu. Something about Krel’s voice when he had suggested that lead Toby to suspect it was probably more for Stu’s sake than concerns about space.
They were quiet as they made their way through the wrecked streets toward Steve’s house. So much had happened that day alone that they were completely wrung out.
There was going to be a lot of clean up to do, Arcadia hadn’t even finished dealing with the fallout from the Not-So-Eternal Night, but once the fires had been put out there was a general consensus that further cleanup would be left until morning.
Toby ached all over. People tended to assume that the gravity control made the Warhammer a breeze to wield but they forgot just how much strength it took to keep a hold of it. His shoulders felt like someone had poured fire into the sockets.
He suspected that once he got a chance to rest he was going to be worried about the fact that he hadn’t heard from Jim since they called him, but right now he was so emotionally drained that even that rang hollow.
He just wanted to collapse into bed and forget about everything for a while.
Even one near apocalypse had been too much, let alone two.
They arrived at his house and Steve hesitated before ringing the doorbell.
No doubt his parents were worried to death about him. They would want to know what had happened and were he had been and… and Steve wasn’t really ready to talk about it yet.
Too much had happened. Something deep in him hurt at having Eli and Aja leave so quickly. He wondered if…
The door opened and Steve found himself in a crushing hug.
“You’re okay,” Coach Lawrence practically wailed in his ear.
His Mom joined in a second later.
Steve stood there for a moment, arms pressed into his sides, staring over their shoulders into the warm light of the house. Tears formed in his eyes. He awkwardly hugged them back.
“Yeah, I’m safe,” His attempt at sounding grumpily was foiled by the waver in his voice.
So much had happened but he was glad he still had them.
It took a bit of discussion before they agreed to let him spend the night at Toby’s. He wondered what they saw in his expression.
“Just be safe,” Coach Lawrence said as he turned away from the door.
“I will,” He said, trying to collect his strung out emotions. “You too, Dad.”
It wasn’t until they were out of sight of the house that he realized what he had said.
He turned toward Krel and Toby already drawing in a breath to deny what he had said out of habit but stopped short. Steve may not have been the best at reading people, but even he could see the envy and loss in the drawn brows and pinched lines of Krel’s face. Not everyone was as lucky as him. Not everyone had parents to go home to.
“Let’s hurry up so we can go to sleep,” He said instead. “Come on buttsnacks.”
What do you even say to someone who has just lost both their parents, Steve wondered.
Krel knew that the Mothership was completely destroyed. He’d been there to see it happen. But…
But he wasn’t expecting it to feel like such a punch in the stomach when they rounded the final corner and came to a stop in front of the wreckage. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared.
“Oh, man,” He heard Toby murmur beside him. “I’m so sorry.”
Krel’s breath caught.
It had all really happened. Vaguely he registered pain as his knees hit the pavement.
Steve and Toby’s panicked voices seemed to be coming from a distance.
All he could do was stare.
The first sob ripped from his chest and the other two boys quieted.
It wasn’t supposed to go like this. They were supposed to all survive.
“It’s not fair,” He whispered.
They had won but Mama and Papa were dead. Buster was dead and they hadn’t even had time to mourn him. Mother was gone forever.
The tears dripped down his face creating a wet spot on the pavement.
“It isn’t fair.”
A pair of strong human arms wrapped around him and a moment later another pair.
“We’re here,” Toby said quietly by his ear and Steve made a sound of agreement.
Krel grasped their arms, then he closed his eyes and sobbed. It hurt so bad.
Eventually the tears stopped and the feeling in his chest settled to a dull ache.
He wiggled his shoulders and the humans released him. He stood up and rubbed at his eyes.
“Stay here,” He said. “I’ll be quick.”
Steve started to follow him but Toby grabbed his arm and shook his head.
Krel took a breath and entered the ruins of his home. He looked around as little as possible, gathering a few meager possessions and practically bolting back out.
“Let’s go,” He said when he reached his friends.
Toby nodded.
“Come on, my house is this way.”
He started to walk and Steve followed him.
Krel took one last glance at the Mothership and then hurried after them.
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Reposting this because Tumblr decided to be weird about formatting.
@yellowmagicalgirl​ yes it is my AU! It actually started from an ask that you did.
Tears formed in Mary’s eyes as she held the finger she had slammed with the front door.
Of course it had to happen today too. It wasn’t often that she got to spend time with her Mom, usually it was just her and Dad. She’d wanted to…
“Mary, my child, what’s the matter?”
Mary looked up to see her Mom, Morgan, approaching.  She still wasn’t quite used to seeing her Mom’s blond hair cut short into a crew cut. Gramma was going to flip out when she saw that Morgan had made good on the threat to cut it shorter she’d made in response to Gramma’s complaint about its length last Thanksgiving.
“I hurt my finger,” Mary admitted with a whimper.
“Show it to me,” Morgan’s voice was clear and booked no argument.
Mary held out her finger.
It was red and a small abrasion on the side of it had a bead of blood forming on it. It pulsed painfully and Mary whimpered again.
Her Mom took her hand and Mary shivered slightly at her touch. Her hands were always ice cold, even in summer.
“Hmmm,” She said after a moment. “That seems a small injury.”
Mary flushed and looked at the ground.
“Sorry,” She mumbled.
“Why do you apologize?” Mary glanced up to see one of her pale brows arch. “It still hurts, it not?”
Mary nodded slowly.
Morgan hummed, tapping her chin with her prosthetic. After a moment, she smiled.
“I see no reason why you should continue to suffer. Keep your hand out.”
Mary frowned in confusion but did as she was told.
Morgan held both of her hands over Mary’s finger and a look of concentration flickered in her green eyes. She barked out a sharp commanding word in a language Mary didn’t understand and then, for just an instant, a circle of glowing yellow lines appeared between her hands and Mary’s. In her shock Mary stopped crying.
Morgan pulled her hands away and Mary realized it didn’t hurt anymore. Her finger was completely better!
“Was that magic?” She asked staring at her Mom with wide eyes.
Morgan smiled.
“Yes, child,” She said.
She rested one of her cold hands on Mary’s cheek and tilted her head up.
“This will be our little secret. There are few people in this day and age that have the Old Blood and lesser beings fear things more powerful than they. Do you understand?”
Mary nodded. She didn’t really get the last part, but she did understand secrets.
“Good.” Her Mom patted her cheek. “Someday I will teach you to wield magic as well.”
Mary felt excitement pulse in her chest. That would be so cool!
Not only that but it meant her Mom would be around more often too.
“Of course, with my blood in your veins, you are certain to be powerful.”
Mary positively glowed under her mother’s praise.
“Can you…” She started to say.
Her Mom’s phone went off. Morgan glanced down at it and frowned. She tapped the screen a few times and a smile flickered across her face without reaching her eyes.
She slid the phone back into her pocket and held out her hand.
“Sorry dear, I’m afraid I am forced to cut our time short. An urgent matter has come up that needs my attention. I’ll take you back to your father’s house.”
Mary almost protested but bit her lip to stop herself just in time. Her Mom always did what she wanted once she made her mind up. Arguing was pointless.
“Okay,” She said quietly. “Could… Could you visit next week?”
“Maybe you could show me how to do some magic?” She added hopefully.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Morgan said.
It wasn’t a promise, but Mary would take it.
 Some AU headcannons:
~Mary’s father (who I need to think of a name for) is literally just a normal human Morgana met in a bar. They went to his house with the intention of having a one night stand but then he made breakfast for her the next morning and Morgana decided she kind of liked him. After that she started to visit him periodically.
~Mr. Wang and Morgana (or Morgan she goes by around him and Mary) are not married. They have an open relationship. Morgana comes and goes frequently (She’s busy working on taking over the world, after all) and Mr. Wang for his part is content to have her when she’s willing. Both have partners outside of each other and are open about it.
~Mary happened on accident (magic for birth control is not the most effective technique) Morgana stayed at Mr. Wang’s house through the pregnancy and until Mary was weaned. She then willingly gave full custody to Mary’s father but still visits and pays child-support.
~Morgana does care about Mary but is a rather aloof and unreliable mother which has contributed to a lot of Mary’s issues with seeking attention and her own self-image.
~Morgana periodically attends Wang family events and is an absolute hellion.
~About half the family thinks she’s great and the other half hate her guts (there is no in between)
~Mary’s Gramma is very traditional and Does Not Approve of her father’s relationship.
~Morgana keeps adding oil to the fire by deliberately bating her.
~Morgana is half fae in this AU (which is what she is talking about when she says “Old Blood”)
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Here is @actuallyadroid ‘s character Ragna planning an attack.
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