prorisetraining · 2 months
Communication is more than just words; it's about respect and clarity. Here's how small changes can make a big impact.
It's not just what you say, but how you say it that matters. Choose your words thoughtfully.
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navarrotherapy · 4 months
Boundaries vs Ultimatums
Explore the crucial differences between #boundaries and ultimatums in #relationships, their impact on #trust, and why conflating the two can harm interpersonal dynamics
Navigating Boundaries and Ultimatums: Key Differences and Impacts in Relationships Introduction The distinction between boundaries and ultimatums can often become blurred in relationships, impacting mental health and trust dynamics. Drawing from my own experience, where setting a boundary was misinterpreted as giving an ultimatum, it’s clear that understanding these concepts is crucial for…
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theloulouge · 8 months
Life Lens - Entry 53
Gentle Honesty When I say, “I don’t want to hurt their feelings,” it means I want to be honest with people, but I also want to be kind. Honesty is important to me, and I don’t like lying or hiding things. But sometimes, the truth can be tough to hear, and I don’t want to upset someone. So, here’s how I handle it: I try to be honest while also being considerate of their feelings. I aim to say…
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polofear0 · 1 year
Making Connections: Tips for Connecting with Celebrities and Building Community
Connecting with celebrities is a dream for many people. Whether it's for business or personal reasons, having a relationship with a famous person can provide valuable opportunities and exposure. However, the process of connecting with celebrities can seem daunting, especially if you don't have any existing connections. In More Details , we'll explore some tips for connecting with celebrities and making the most of those connections.
Identify your goals:
Before you start reaching out to celebrities, it's important to identify your goals. Why do you want to connect with a particular celebrity? Is it to promote a product or service, collaborate on a project, or simply to make a personal connection? Knowing your goals will help you tailor your approach and increase your chances of success.
Use social media:
Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn can be powerful tools for connecting with celebrities. Follow the celebrities you're interested in and engage with their posts by liking, commenting, and sharing. You can also tag them in your own posts or send them direct messages. Just be aware that many celebrities receive a high volume of messages and may not respond to all of them.
Attend events:
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Attending events where celebrities are likely to be present can provide an opportunity to make a personal connection. This could include movie premieres, red carpet events, and charity galas. Look for opportunities to volunteer or work at these events, as this can provide a chance to meet celebrities in a more relaxed setting.
Use a celebrity booking agency:
If you're looking to connect with a celebrity for business purposes, using a celebrity booking agency can be a smart move. These agencies specialize in connecting businesses with celebrities for endorsements, appearances, and other collaborations. They can help you navigate the process of connecting with celebrities and ensure that your approach is professional and effective.
Be respectful:
It's important to remember that celebrities are people too, and they deserve to be treated with respect. Avoid bombarding them with messages or showing up unannounced at their events or homes. Instead, approach them in a respectful and professional manner, and be prepared to make a compelling case for why they should connect with you.
Offer value:
When approaching a celebrity, it's important to think about what you can offer them. This, such as a partnership or endorsement deal. Or, if you're looking to make a personal connection, think about what you can offer in terms of support, inspiration, or mentorship. By offering something of value, you'll increase your chances of making a meaningful connection.
Build a community:
Connecting with a celebrity is just the first step. To make the most of your connection, it's important to build a community around your shared interests. This could include joining a book club or fan group, attending events together, or collaborating on a project. By building a community, you'll create a supportive network that can help you achieve your goals and create meaningful connections.
In conclusion, connecting with celebrities can be a powerful way to achieve your goals and gain exposure. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of making a meaningful connection and building a community around your shared interests. Remember to be respectful, offer value, and approach your interactions with a spirit of collaboration and mutual benefit. With these strategies, you'll be well on your way to connecting with the celebrities you admire.
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envoyaimagazine · 11 months
Sacred Wisdoms of Self Development: Navigating Gossip and Meddling
Dealing with catty women who engage in gossip and meddle in the affairs of others can be challenging. Such behavior can lead to strained relationships, hurt feelings, and a toxic social environment. However, various religious traditions offer valuable insights on how to navigate these situations with grace, wisdom, and compassion. In this blog post, we will draw upon the scriptures of the Bible,…
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mymetric360 · 5 months
Why not use countries' self-called names? #CulturalRespect #NationalIdentity #RespectfulCommunication Hey there! You bring up an interesting point about using the names that countries call themselves. It's definitely a topic that can spark some lively conversations! 🌍 Using a country's self-designated name is a sign of cultural respect and recognition of their national identity. Just like how we prefer to be called by our own name, it'... Read more: https://mymetric360.com/question/why-not-use-countries-self-called-names/?feed_id=31931
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jonkt · 7 months
📢 Hey everyone! 👋 Let's talk about communication and respect today. 🗣️💬
Have you ever left a voicemail for someone, only to hear their outgoing message promising to get back to you, but they never do? 😞 It can be quite frustrating, right? Well, that's because it's a form of disrespect when someone doesn't follow through on their own words.
Communication is a two-way street, and it's essential to uphold our commitments, both in person and through various platforms. When we invite others to leave a message and promise to get back to them, we create an expectation of engagement and attentiveness.
Whether it's a missed call, an email, or a voicemail, it's crucial to acknowledge and respond to these messages in a timely manner. Even a simple acknowledgment to reassure the person that you received their message and will address it soon goes a long way in showing respect and consideration.
Remember, we all lead busy lives, and sometimes we might overlook things or get caught up in other responsibilities. However, it's important to make a conscious effort to fulfill our communication promises. It demonstrates professionalism, reliability, and most importantly, it shows that we value the person on the other end.
Let's strive to be better communicators and treat others' time and efforts with respect. Let's ensure that when we say, "leave a message, and we will get back to you," we genuinely mean it. Together, we can foster stronger connections, trust, and more meaningful interactions. 💪💙
#CommunicationMatters #RespectfulCommunication #ValueEveryMessage #BeResponsive
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thehighvalueman · 8 months
7 Ways High Value Men TALK To Women (DESTROY HER EGO) | BecomeTheHighValueMan
7 Ways High Value Men TALK To Women (DESTROY HER EGO) | BecomeTheHighValueMan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6BpDOioork Discover the 7 Ways High Value Men TALK To Women to build attraction and maintain respect! Communication is key; we’re unlocking the secrets to engaging conversations that leave a lasting impression. ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 🔔From personal growth to mastering relationships, we've got you covered! Subscribe and join our thriving community of high-value men: https://ift.tt/bgkQTM7 ============================= ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Show Dominance Without Saying ANYTHING (HIGH-VALUE MEN DOES THIS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27gHwU1qQ6s 👉Mistakes Low-Value Men Make That Drive Women Away (AVOID THESE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NxKtKDLWaM 👉This Will Make Her Miss You Badly (7 PROVEN WAYS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUE2Fml5PJU 👉7 Proven Ways To Get Women's Attention (HIGH-VALUE MEN DO THIS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqAnEfWxj0E 👉Scientific Daily Routine EVERY HIGH-VALUE MAN Should Do (MAXIMIZE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPxvUd5mC8c ============================= ✅ About BecomeTheHighValueMan. BecomeTheHighValueMan is a YouTube channel aimed at guiding men toward their optimal selves. A panel of seasoned professionals delivers insights on personal growth and relationships to health. For those men keen on enhancing their lives and relationships, this channel is a goldmine of information. Beyond videos, there's a blog and a discussion platform for mutual interaction and exchange of tips. For those seeking guidance in personal growth or just insights from accomplished men, this channel stands out as a premier source for self-improvement and relationship guidance for men. 🔔Discover the secrets to becoming a high-value man. Subscribe for exclusive content on personal growth, health, and relationships: https://ift.tt/bgkQTM7 ================================= #HighValueMen #RespectfulCommunication #DestroyHerEgo #BecomeTheHighValueMan #HowToTalkToGirls Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of BecomeTheHighValueMan. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © BecomeTheHighValueMan via BecomeTheHighValueMan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBKlghaZbdMehj-89AUSxZw September 27, 2023 at 11:58PM
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trishnavision · 5 years
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"I feel That no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person" #kundun #dalailama #respectfulcommunication #hisholinessthedalailama #tibetanbuddhism #freetibet https://www.instagram.com/p/BylF7achYAB/?igshid=2scrz90vov4e
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blogedge · 4 years
Maintaining Resilient Relationships And Social Distancing!
By now many of us will be getting used to spending much more time with our loved ones than is normal.  We have also just had four days of the Easter Holiday, during which time many of the things that we would normally anticipate doing have not been available to us. This can create stress and frustration for everyone, especially but not exclusively for children.
Being thrown together 24/7 can stir up lots of unwanted feelings, for some people these will need to be managed with care and understanding. No matter how much you love those you live with, this situation is not something that we are familiar with. For many people there are also important working relationships to be taken into consideration.
Here are some simple tips which have helped others to develop and maintain stronger, tolerant relationships in challenging situations
Try to negotiate agreed, regular amounts of ‘You Time’ — that is time on your own. Time for whatever you want and or need to do to in order to preserve your well being. In this way you will know that at certain, agreed times each day, you will have time to do exactly what you want, whether that is to just sit and stare into space or to talk to a friend. Encourage your loved ones to do the same and ask that everyone respect each other’s ‘You Time’.
Have regular, agreed, check-ins to find how things are going with each other. You can even extend this to family and friends who don’t actually live with you too. 
Use the check-in by enquiring for example, who needs any help? Who is in most need just at this moment in time? What can be done to help?
Be honest and genuine with each other, do not hold onto or save up resentments. If you have something that is bothering you, talk about it calmly, before your feelings become overwhelming and you run the risk of over reacting.
See your check-ins as an opportunity to evaluate the way you are managing routines which are new to everyone, and if appropriate to recalibrate these to everyone’s benefit. 
Building strong relationships with your work colleagues is vitally important at this time. Ensure that you have appropriate, regular conversations and make sure you ask each other how things are going. Of course the work task is important but the person in charge of the specific task is more important, the task cannot get done effectively if the person feels unimportant and disconnected.
For leaders it is vital to acknowledge that some of the people you lead may be finding working from their home environment extremely difficult and challenging. For example they may be missing face to face interactions with colleagues and workmates. It may surprise you to learn that for many people the main reason for going to work is the benefit they derive from the relationships and friendships they have. For some this may even be the primary reason they go to work.
See this time as an opportunity to build trust. Work relationships which are built on trust are by far the most successful and the most productive for all concerned. Not only that, it is nigh on impossible to work effectively with people you do not trust; or with people who do not trust you!  Trusting that they are capable of being successful is one form of trust, but trusting their ethics, values and understanding who they are at a deeper level also creates trust. 
During this period it can be all to easy to fall into being grumpy with others. Choose instead to see this as an opportunity to cement your relationships, making them stronger and more fulfilling for everyone.
Remember to step back and take a breath before you react.
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mymetric360 · 5 months
Why do creeps still send unsolicited pics? Do they think it will work in their favor or is it a kink to be instantly rejected? #UnsolicitedPics #CreepyBehavior #RespectfulCommunication 🚫 Most people know by now that no one likes unsolicited pics. Why do creeps still send them? 🚫 Let's face it, unsolicited pictures have become an all too common occurrence in the digital age. Whether it's a random message from a stranger on a dating app or an unexpected photo in your DMs, it's clear that many people still haven't gotten ... Read more: https://mymetric360.com/question/why-do-creeps-still-send-unsolicited-pics-do-they-think-it-will-work-in-their-favor-or-is-it-a-kink-to-be-instantly-rejected/?feed_id=27812
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mymetric360 · 6 months
🤔Why not use countries' self-called names?
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mymetric360 · 6 months
🤔How can I kindly ask my girlfriend to stop cleaning my apartment without offending her?
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blogedge · 5 years
“In a gentle way you can shake the world”
“In a gentle way you can shake the world” Ghandi.
Your remit, your job, your vocation, is to enable, or facilitate, the personal or professional development of others. But what exactly does that mean?
Can you think of a better image to describe what a facilitator does than that of a Golf Caddy?
The professional golf caddy has a large, visible toolkit, and will suggest to the professional they support, the appropriate tool from a range of tools, which the professional might consider, for a particular set of circumstances [in golf this is known as ‘the shot’]. 
Professional caddies must have a deep understanding of the game, of the golf courses and tournaments, of tactics and of strategies, which they will suggest and offer as appropriate, to the professional they support. 
Professional Caddies are sought after and earn large sums of money in exchange for the support and expertise which they share with the professionals whom they develop and support. 
A good Caddy is also expected to be resilient, supportive, reliable, protective, proactive, challenging and honest; they often establish very long term working relationships with the professionals they support and develop.
The professional caddy in the business world would most likely be called a coach, or a mentor, a developer of leaders, a mediator, an educator, a teacher, a human resources or an organisational development professional, a trainer, or even an enlightened leader.
People in all these roles deploy skill in facilitating others. It’s what they do best!
I have been teaching people to be professional facilitators for over thirty years using a well established, systemic method, which I call 'The Art Of Facilitation'. My next professional training programme begins in April 2019. Places are available.
You ca read more here:  http://www.edgecon.co.uk/the-art-of-facilitation
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