#Rex Godwin
littleyusa 6 months
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Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Duel Boxs 6
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watertribe-enya 10 months
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ygo5dsmonth2023 Day 11 - Prime Timeline
Yusei: Z-one, please let us help you (in a non destructive way)! We can solve this problem if we work together!!!
Z-one: ...
Rex Godwin: Not me - I'm going to f#cking kill him!!!
Yusei: 馃槖
This prompt was about altering canon, and here's something I'd like to implement from one canon to another: The Duel Links interactions with Z-one. But while the Signers and Z-one's (former) comrades were mostly supportive a la "Don't despair, we'll find a way to solve this together. Kiryu's got some good self help books!" and the Dark Signer's "Yes bitch slay", Godwin just wanted to kill the guy.
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So I've been thinking about the early 5Ds timeline -- specifically the bridge and Rex Godwin. We all know timelines in Yugioh aren't the cleanest things ever, but the more I think about it, the more it bothers me.
So I have come up with the most Unhinged Headcanon to explain things. Fair warning, this has absolutely no basis in canon whatsoever, other than the gaping plot holes surrounding Godwin's rise to power and the partial construction of the bridge. The rest is the product of me and my absolutely Unhinged Brain.
To begin, let us consider the facts: 1. Godwin starts out in Satellite, where he eventually becomes a legend for inspiring the people to build a bridge to the city. 2. Somehow he ends up in charge of the entire city. 3. A bridge is begun on the city side but is never completed. 4. Everyone in Satellite are considered second-class citizens. 5. All of this happens in the span of about 17 years.
So let's break this down.
By the time Godwin begins that first bridge in Satellite, how much time has passed already since Zero Reverse? We don't know. We aren't told. What we do know is that enough time has passed that everyone there are already considered second-class citizens. We can infer this by the cops interfering with the bridge and shutting it down and by the fact that hopelessness has already settled in (according to the legend) because its clear that the city has no intention of doing anything other than letting them rot. This is why Godwin becomes such a legend for "flying into the sun" -- even if no one in Satellite has any idea that he actually made it to the city. We don't know how long Godwin was there before he made his daring escape, but it would have to be at the very bare minimum six months to a year.
But here's the real kicker: by the the time he leaves, Satellites are already considered second-class citizens, and clearly no one is trying to build that bridge despite the fact that is was started. So the question you have to ask here is why?
Godwin's explanation to Yusei is to keep the coming conflict out of the city by creating an environment of despair to attract the Dark Signers. But why did that already seem to be the cause for them being kept separate before Godwin got there? Before Godwin, with all his knowledge of the coming conflict, arrived, what reason was there for Satellite to be purposefully separated and its citizens dehumanized?
How did he rise to power? How did even find out what Illiaster is, much less become this "guardian"?
We aren't told any of this.
So allow me to redirect your attention to the most forgettable villain of the entire series:
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This is Demak/Devack. The only reason I know that Demak is the Japanese name for this guy is because I looked it up. He is the epitome of unremarkable villain because we are told literally nothing about him apart from his name. He shows up, he duels the twins, and he's gone. (He's also bald, but I couldn't find a good screenshot of that that wasn't from one of the games.)
And thus this becomes the story of me making him more important than the writers did.
Rudger/Roman cuts off his arm and becomes the first Dark Signer. Demak is killed in Zero Reverse and becomes the second. But he ends up on the city-side of the disaster, and much like Carly, he has no idea what happened or what's going on and is, because of that, able to go back into regular society, really none the wiser while still being influenced by his Earthbound God. He goes back to his family and his job -- as a senator -- as if nothing happened.
The city is in chaos. The current director is a basket case and easily swayed. He sends aid and immediately sets to building the bridge, but it doesn't last. Because Demak is influential in the government and he has the ears of other senators and its not long before they are convincing the director that the bridge is far too costly and, really, perhaps this is a judgement on the people and who are we to interfere with the will of god? And the director listens. The bridge project is suspended indefinitely. The citizens of the islands who are clearly being punished by god for their depravity are then deprived of their status, and that attitude grows and spreads like wildfire until there could never be any hope at all of building the bridge because the citizens of the city don't want those "deplorables" among them.
And then Rex makes it out. Demak is a good friend of his, so with no other plan, he goes to his old friend. Demak tells him everything he has learned in that time. Influenced as he is now by his Earthbound God, he has learned a few things, and he shares them with Godwin -- though leaving out which side of the conflict he sides with -- and convinces Godwin that with him in charge, everything would be okay. And because Demak has the ears of the Senators, he can, perhaps, make that happen.
Godwin is devastated that the bridge cannot be completed, but he agrees to do what needs to be done. He promised his brother, after all. Once he's been instated as the new director (the old one dies rather suspiciously but no one questions it because the senators don't and they shut down every avenue of investigation), he starts doing his own research into everything based solely on the conflict he learned about from Demak and the fact that he currently has his brother's arm with that strange mark on it. He meets Illiaster the exact same way his brother had: at the Nazca Lines. Illiaster is pleased. They promise he will stay in power. And they give him his mission.
(If, later on, when Godwin is weighing his options of whether to put his trust in a bunch of kids or do things another way, and he thinks of his old friend Demak, and that influences his choice to throw the duel against this brother, well...)
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baddyzarc 8 months
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Duel Links: Rex (Dark Signer/Crimson'd) Basic Sprites
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vitaminccapsule 1 year
i don't even remember why i made this actually
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doujinscans 2 months
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銈儹銈︽銇屻伨銇ㄣ倎銇﹂潰鍊掋伩銇︺倓銈嬨倛! by 娈嬨倞10%
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Please contact me if you wish to translate
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kamenstrikerace 5 months
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Senator Godwin: Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack
Can't fret over every egg.
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deerloaf-trash 2 years
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5ds manga page redraw since I wanted to see how it鈥檇 look in my art style. I really love this page of Crow and Yusei. Their duel was super fun. This is my way of telling y鈥檃ll to go read the 5d鈥檚 manga.
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shifuto 6 months
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fortuneangel 1 year
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Other Dark Singers: Yes, destroy everything! We like the chaos!
Godwin: I am so done with everything you鈥檙e about. I fought god and I鈥檒l do it again!
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yugiohdilf 2 years
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Goodwin鈥檚 cards are actually kinda neat, not gonna lie.
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watertribe-enya 11 months
ygo5dsmonth2023 Day 3 - And the Grammy Goes to
My favorite background track in 5D's has to be "Sad End"
I always gets me emotional (maybe because it involves so many death scenes). It truly conveys a feeling of...farewell
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Discuss: When do you think Rex Godwin gave up on humanity?
The dub would have you think it was before the series started, but the sub gives no indication of that and honestly I feel his actions contradict that as well.
He purposely segregated the city and Satellite with the intent of keeping the war contained (and, if memory serves, was mortified when two of the geoglyphs appeared in the city instead).
He kept tabs on the Signer Dragons and went to great lengths to confirm the Signers' identities and gather them all together and urged them to fight back. If he'd left them alone and no one told them anything, you'd think that would make his job of resurrecting the god of the Underworld easier.
But then he showed up to fight his brother and purposely threw the fight so he could be resurrected as a Dark Signer the day after sending them all off.
It just makes me wonder when he decided that destroying the world in order to "remake" it was a good idea.
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baddyzarc 8 months
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Duel Links: Rex (Dark Signer) Basic Sprites
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frost-felon 11 months
Feel free to make your case in the replies and reblogs. "Wasted" is here in the most general sense, so be as general or specific in your answer as you'd like; this can apply for more than just how they were used in the Dark Signer Arc itself.
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