kakattackart · 3 months
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WIP - Rezavi and his familiar, Lelu. 🐍✨
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jjbizconsult · 1 year
Rezvani Vengeance: The latest Luxury SUV with extreme features
Rezvani Vengeance: The latest Luxury SUV with extreme features. An SUV designed to strike fear into the streets of America, equipped with aggressive features like electrified door handles and blinding strobe lights, reflects the dangerous trends prevalent in the US market. Rezvani Vengeance Exterior Image Credit: Rezvani Motors Rezvani Vengeance: The SUV armed to instill fear in the streets of…
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ankara-rehberi · 11 months
Kara Sancak nedir Kara Sancak ne anlama gelmektedir?
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İsrail'in Gazze'de hastaneyi vurup en az 660 sivili katletmesinin ardından İran hareketlendi. İran'ın son adımı, İsrail'e karşı savaş mı ilan ettiklerini sorgulanmasına neden oldu. Rezavi Türbesi'ne kara sancak çekildiğine dair haberler İran'ın İsrail'e karşı savaş mı başlattı sorularını da beraberinde getirdi. Peki Kara Sancak nedir Kara Sancak ne anlama gelmektedir? İşte Kara Sancak ile ilgili ayrıntılar. İslam'da kara sancak, genellikle cihad, yas ve üzüntü gibi anlamları simgeleyen bir semboldür. Kelime-i Tevhid yazılı kara sancak, İslam tarihinde pek çok devlet tarafından kullanılmıştır. Bu yazıda, kara sancak ne demektir, hangi devletler tarafından nerede ve ne zaman çekilmiştir, kara sancak ile ilgili rivayetler nelerdir gibi sorulara cevap arayacağız. Kara sancak kelimesi Türkçe sançmak fiilinden türemiş olup bayrak veya bunun temsil ettiği askerî birlik, bunların oluşturduğu idarî bölge anlamına gelir. Arapça'da livâ veya râye olarak adlandırılan kara sancak, İslam'ın ilk döneminden itibaren askerî birliklerde kullanılmıştır. Hz. Peygamber zamanındaki savaşlarda livâ veya râye adıyla anılan sancak ve bayraklar bulundurulmuştur. Bununla birlikte Hayber'in fethine kadar (7/628) çoğunlukla livânın, Hayber'in fethinden sonra hem livâ hem râyelerin birlikte kullanıldığı anlaşılmaktadır. Kara sancak, siyah üstüne beyaz Arapça harflerle Kelime-i Tevhid yazılı bayraktır. Bayrağın tek renkli karalığı, her türlü ezici ve baskıcı yapının inkârını temsil etmektedir. Kara sancak aynı zamanda büyük bir yas ve üzüntüyü ifade etmek için de kullanılır. Kara sancak ile ilgili bazı rivayetler şöyledir: - Hz. Peygamber'in kara sancağı vardı ve bu sancağı Hayber'in fethinde Ali'ye verdi. - Hz. Peygamber'in kara sancağına "ukab" (kartal) denirdi ve bu sancağın altında cennetlik olanlar bulunurdu. - Hz. Peygamber'in kara sancağına "uveyk" (beyaz kuş) denirdi ve bu sancağın altında şehit olanlar bulunurdu. Kara sancak, Selçuklular, Eyyûbîler, Memlûkler, Osmanlılar gibi pek çok İslam devleti tarafından kullanılmıştır. Selçuklular'da muhtemelen hükümdarlığın bir alâmeti olarak kullanılan kara sancak, ele geçirilen müstahkem yerlerin surlarının üzerine dikilen bir alâmet olarak da geçer. Eyyûbîler'de ise Mısır Eyyûbî Sultanı el-Melikü'l-Azîz, 1198'de yeğeni el-Melikü'l-Muazzam'ın Dımaşk hâkimi olmasıyla kendisine kara sancak göndermiştir. Osmanlılar'da ise kara sancak, padişahın oğullarına verilen eyaletleri temsil ederdi. Osmanlı Devleti'nin kuruluşunda önemli bir rol oynayan kara sancak, Osman Gazi'nin oğlu Orhan Gazi'ye verilmiş ve Orhan Gazi de bu sancağı Bursa'nın fethinde kullanmıştır. Kara sancak, İslam dünyasında hem cihad hem de yas sembolü olarak kullanılmıştır. Kara sancak ile ilgili rivayetler, tarihi olaylar ve anlamlar hakkında bilgi veren bu yazıyı umarım faydalı bulmuşsunuzdur. Kara sancak hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek isterseniz aşağıdaki kaynaklara göz atabilirsiniz. Kara Sancak nedir Kara Sancak ne anlama gelmektedir? Kaynaklar: : SANCAK - TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi https://islamansiklopedisi.org.tr/sancak : Muhammed Hamîdullah, İslâm Peygamberi, II, 1005-1014. : İslam'da "Kara Bayrak" nedir, ne anlama gelir? İran göndere çekti! https://www.ensonhaber.com/bilgi/islamda-kara-bayrak-nedir-ne-anlama-gelir-iran-gondere-cekti : Sancak-ı Şerif Nedir, Ne Demektir, Osmanlı’da Sancak-ı Şerif http://sosyolojisi.com/sancak-i-serif-nedir-ne-demektir-osmanlida-sancak-i-serif/11485.html : Sancak nedir, ne demek? Sancak ne anlama geliyor? https://www.sabah.com.tr/sozluk/biyografi/sancak-nedir-ne-demek-sancak-ne-anlama-geliyor Read the full article
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trishacollins · 6 years
Apparently I love one (1) fly boy. Plus his team of amazing people. I love them. I could have done a whole season back at the garrison.
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rezavi · 3 years
A Date with Mujaddid Alf-i Sāni, Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
The first view across the green fields The complex The Tomb of Shaikh Ahmad & his sons I never ever thought of ever having a date with Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi Mujaddid-i Alf-i Sāni, the Redeemer of the second Millennium who lies buried at Sirhind in Punjab. But destiny willed otherwise and the Shaikh beckoned me to his tomb at Sirhind! Shaikh Ahmad of Sirhind was an uncompromising orthodox with…
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glossolali · 6 years
ok post s7 feelings:
- Listen we all saw it after SDCC but Keith shouting out at Shiro to come back is what revived him and made his body stop rejecting his consciousness... i'm still Shook like.. if that's not the Power Of Love then idk what is
- the flashbacks kicked my ass i wasn't ready haha
- So many new kickass ladies!! Colleen? Veronica? Rezavi? Leifsdottir? and the return of so many old kickass ladies.. Acxa?? Zethrid? Ezor? Romelle? Krolia? fuckin Allura?? omg I'm alive and gay
- the Hunk and Keith moment was everything... like keith's "you're being brave in spite of your fears" can you say character development??? for both of them??? i love them ugh
- he has a name!!! KOSMO!! 😊💕
- it was actually really interesting to see how earth was so primitive and weak compared to the rest of the universe.. and it made me think about how strong and amazing the team are for you know.. somehow learning everything so quickly and defending the universe so well? it's nuts when put in perspective like this
- Dat allurance... they're so cute frick.. and Veronica teasing lance lmao come thru annoying sister i love it
- Listen.. Matthew Holt can get. it. That ponytail and those shoulders like... woof girl
- speaking of glo ups.. james griffin? hello?? hewwwooo?? also i'm not FULLY here for Jaith/Jeith just yet but i'm keeping an open mind bc why not.. that look was Something
- I mean Keith could have just blasted Sendak with Black but no he had to come out swinging and personally put an end to him because when you fuck with Shiro it 👏 IS 👏 personal 👏 bitch 👏
- i have no words i love him so so much.. he's so fucking beautiful and good and strong and i missed my now CANONICALLY GAY son like hell and he deserves to be captain of a ship again LET ALONE A GIANT MECHA THAT HE ACTIVATED? CREATED? WITH HIS MIND?.. fuck 💕
- that being said.. Commander Shiro? and the arm? wrow
- it is 100% lotor who is responsible for that really powerful white mecha at the end, the quintessence leeching powers? altean powered? def lotor.. can't wait to see wtf happened to him after being stuck in the quintessence field for 3 years
- and... as a keith stan i feel so blessed bc keith got hugged and loved so much this season AND he blossomed into such a strong leader AND he's finally found his family AND is finally finding his place in the world!!!! i'm emo
- they're finally back home!! with their families!! and they can rest!!!! 😭💕
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sweetfirebird · 6 years
I'm sorry to bother you, especially if you're writing a story you're having more and more feeling about, can't wait to read any new stuff from you lbh - but I trust your judgement so what was racist in Voltron s7? I've always loved Allura's role, it's amazing they got to make the Pincess a PoC played by a black woman. Shiro, Hunk and Lance have super cool moments. And this season had also Veronica, Kinkaid and Rezavi as awesome new characters. Even Iverson got to be redeemed and is now lovable.
Okay so I have not watched the newest season (yet??... never idk I probably will at least try it. ) But people have been complaining about the show sidelining Hunk and Lance for a while. And I know the issue is complicated. It seems like a lot of POC rep with Allura and Shiro and Keith and Lance and Hunk all there, front and center. (Allura is not from Earth, obviously, but from the point of view of us as the audience, specifically to a lot of black and POC fans, she is not white and she’s a badass princess and it’s awesome.) 
But like I said, I’ve seen a lot of complaints since the show started (even if it was just here on tumblr) about Lance and Hunk’s individual stories are largely ignored in favor of the others (Hunk in particular). So those comments/feelings were already out there when people started commenting critically on how the (spoiler? I guess? Years later?) Keith being part Galra reveal happened. 
Because this is sci-fi. And sci-fi uses aliens to talk about race all the time. And Voltron, uh, did not handle that well. Or... could have handled it better. And then after that kind of shipped Keith off to the BOM and it doesn’t really get talked about in detail again. So like, it went for the racial stuff a bit but then sort of dropped the subject. And that was after it had handled it clunkily to begin with.
So anyway, yeah I don’t know what season 7 did wrong (aside from queerbaiting/bury your gays) but if Voltron handled something badly again, I believe it. 
It’s a cute show but it is not as deep as it would like to be. And whenever it gets called out for doing something wrong (or not doing anything) it falls back on the “it’s just a cartoon!” argument... which is a bit hypocritical. 
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Some Limitations Apply
read it on the AO3 at Some Limitations Apply
by TrishaCollins
Sam brought Altean tech to work, made for the highly sensitive Alteans there were a few conversion errors to start. The MFEs were on the front lines of this.
Words: 880, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: James Griffin (Voltron), Kinkade (Voltron), Leifsdottir (Voltron), Rezavi (Voltron), Sam Holt, Iverson (Voltron)
Additional Tags: sensitive technology they said, It will be fine, nothing to worry about, Sometimes Sam is the only one that listens.
read it on the AO3 at Some Limitations Apply
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fatimazahrahassan · 4 years
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Aurangzeb’s War of Succession (1556-58): Causes, Interpretations, Course and Consequences — Rezavi’s Blast From The Past As one perhaps knows, Monarchy is not an Islamic institution. By the time the Mughals established there hold in India, the Muslim world had reconciled itself with the concept of monarchy.
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kakattackart · 18 days
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In his element. 🌿🌞
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ankara-rehberi · 11 months
Kara Sancak nedir Kara Sancak ne anlama gelmektedir?
İsrail’in Gazze’de hastaneyi vurup en az 660 sivili katletmesinin ardından İran hareketlendi. İran’ın son adımı, İsrail’e karşı savaş mı ilan ettiklerini sorgulanmasına neden oldu. Rezavi Türbesi’ne kara sancak çekildiğine dair haberler İran’ın İsrail’e karşı savaş mı başlattı sorularını da beraberinde getirdi. Peki Kara Sancak nedir Kara Sancak ne anlama gelmektedir? İşte Kara Sancak ile ilgili…
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trishacollins · 6 years
It’s hard to know in the middle of the war if someone likes you. Veronica and Rezavi try to figure this thing out.
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rezavi · 4 years
PROFESSOR R.C. GAUR (1929-2001)
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Professor R C Gaur
Ram Chandra Gaur, archaeologist and historian, was born on 4 July 1929 at Faizabad, U.P. Losing his father when he was 14 and being the eldest among his brothers, he pursued his higher studies under difficult circumstances. Gold medallist at his B.A. examination, Allahabad University, he passed his M.A. in Ancient Indian History and Greater India, in 1955. He worked as…
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soniaaristo · 5 years
Verdict ‘contradictory and lopsided’, says AMU’s Rezavi
Verdict ‘contradictory and lopsided’, says AMU’s Rezavi
‘It upheld a belief in the face of historical facts’
Brought to you by Times of India. Further reading: https://ift.tt/2pL3YDL
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Times of India brings you in-depth analysis of all the latest developments and current affairs with views from leading columnists, editorials from TOI newspaper, interviews, debates, blogs, polls and readers’ opinions. https:…
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lsv-production · 5 years
СИЛЬНЫЕ ДОЖДИ НА СЕВЕРЕ ИРАНА (4 НОЯБРЯ 2019) Северные районы Ирана пострадали от наводнений. По меньшей мере 2 человека за последние несколько дней погибли, еще один числится пропавшим без вести, сообщает Floodlist. Сильные дожди вызвали наводнения в провинциях Голестан, Мазандеран, Семнан, Северный Хорасан, Южный Хорасан и Хорасан-Резави. В регионе отрезаны дороги, закрыты многие школы. Наводнение нанесло серьезный ущерб сельхозугодьям. В некоторых районах прервано водоснабжение.В некоторых частях страны наводнения наблюдаются в течение всего октября. В первую неделю месяца по меньшей мере 5 человек погибли и более 100 были эвакуированы после сильных дождей в южных районах Ирана. The northern regions of Iran were affected by floods. At least 2 people have died in the past few days, another is reported missing, reports Floodlist. Heavy rains caused flooding in the provinces of Golestan, Mazanderan, Semnan, North Khorasan, South Khorasan and Khorasan-Rezavi. Roads are cut off in the region, many schools are closed. The flood caused serious damage to farmland. Water supply is interrupted in some areas. In some parts of the country, floods occur throughout October. In the first week of the month, at least 5 people were killed and more than 100 were evacuated after heavy rains in southern Iran. #катаклизмы #климат #факты #новости #наводнение #торнадо #иран #наводнение #природа #ветер #сегодня #ливни #санбернардино #метеор #ветер #ливни #катаклизмы2019 #катаклизмыприроды #погода #метео #weather #cataclism #Iran #thunderstorms #Khorasan #floods (at Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4cavt1iTww/?igshid=1c0qmn8wsrxmh
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omarkn · 5 years
A tweet
William Muir published an offensive biography of Prophet #Muhammad to which Sir Syed wrote a reply. We produce preface of the book by Syed. #MuhammadForAll #MuhammadPBUH_OurPride @IndoIslamicPage @indianmuslim_ @iamrana @Rezavi @UmarKhalidJNU https://t.co/TxC0hEGw92
— Heritage Times (@HeritageTimesIN) October 20, 2019
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