#Rhaenys and Farah have all of my heart but this is Eve's best performance imo
trampledore · 1 year
Maryland Opinion
Ok, so. It's late, but I have to share my thoughts. This is spoiler free at first:
- first of all, I am BLOWN AWAY. I loved every minute of it
- it was rather slow and pretty much completely character-driven, but gods, I could not stop watching until I had finished it
- Eve has been chronically underused in most of her roles, but this show really drove home just how much. The acting of literally everyone was phenomenal, but Eve's and Suranne's especially. There was just... so much raw emotions.
- pretty much from the first minute I loved Rosaline, and the character development was hella satisfying
- despite it being mostly tragic all-around, there was a lot of humour, mostly through Rosaline. So I really enjoyed that. And it was the sort of humour that shouldn't crack you up, but does
- all in all, it's a really good show and everyone involved should get awards for it, but I'm not sure how much general audiences will like it. Like I said, it's gripping bc of the characters and not much through the story imo
Here is the spoiler part (episodes 1-3):
- I can't help myself...I'm shipping her with the taxi driver. The scene at the lake might have been slightly cheesy but I totally melted. And the way she talked to him at his house...about her sickness. That really hit me hard.
- then there is the fight between her and Becca, where all the burried resentment comes out and she screams "this conversation makes me want to kill myself". I forgot to breathe for a moment. At the time we still didn't know that the cancer hadn't returned...
- when they read their mum's letter...the way she sobbed. Ngl it broke my heart... completely.
- when they identified their mum's body ... I just knew how their characters would react even before they got there. That's how well they established them in the first like 10min. Also...that tear...pls end me
- the way that I found most of their feelings and reactions so believable...loved it.
- but I have to admit, I am not a huge fan of love declarations and the sort of messages that their mum wrote them, or the discussion between Becca and her husband at the beach. That's the only stuff that seemed slightly artificial to me. The rest was really life-like in my opinion.
- and my concluding statement: Eve looked stunning. That's nothing new, but it had to be said.
Thank you for your attention.
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