zeroarmsgrani · 8 months
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i forgot to post this here but after seeing this i couldn't get the image of him carrying duft in a bag out of my head
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neotamine · 3 months
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More of my old Royal knights x incorrect quotes.
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tokomongaming · 7 months
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What is wrong with him (affectionate)
(Click for better quality, reblogs are appreciated!)
My comms are open btw!
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Hey Rhodoknightmon, I'm asking for a friend, How did you get to be so confident and comfortable in your sexuality and gender identity?
From what I understand that's something that a lot of people struggle with.
RhodoKnightmon: What a beautiful question! ...Well... I would be fibbing if I said that it was always easy. As the son of the duke of Summerglade, I had certain expectations of how I should present myself and who I should be. Then, when I went to a boarding academy, I was around a lot of young men who shared similar backgrounds to me, yet were very different from myself. They all shared similar views on how they should behave. At first, I paid no heed, and I carried on being myself. However, then I heard some chatter and rumours about me spreading... I suppose I felt a certain pressure to conform, from the teachers, the pupils, and from myself as well..
Yet, the more I attempted to conform - to change who I was to please other people - the unhappier I felt. Who I was trying to be was simply not who I was... and trying to change myself felt oppressive and stifling. I always knew I was different. So, I decided, that I would embrace the differences within me. I wanted to become somebody who I was happy with, regardless of what anybody else thinks. I wanted to be true to myself, and if that rubbed other people the wrong way, then that is simply their problem. After all, why should I have to change who I am? Maybe, by being so shamelessly myself, I could change others' minds. And I believe that I have. I know that some of the other Royal Knights had qualms about me, but I won them around in the end.
I know I make it sound easy. It certainly was not always the case. I have faced adversity and prejudice, but I attempted to overcome it with both inner and outer strength. I will not claim that my way is the right way. Everybody's situation is different. Alphamon's experience was very different from my own, so I do not judge him for taking as long as he did to feel comfortable in coming out. This is simply my own experience and what worked best for me.
Thank you for the wonderful question!
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br-x-ton · 10 months
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pumpkinachai · 1 year
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I got my drawing mojo back! 
After about 2 years of dealing with health issues on and off, and after a recent hospital visit that gave me some much needed answers, I'm finally getting back on my feet and feeling inspired to draw again. What started as a doodle in my hospital bed turned into a coloring experiment with no lineart for my two Digimon boys; Veevay and Ribbons. This was a lot of fun to play around with and I may explore this style some more!
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reiceus · 2 months
made this like yesterday, forgot to post it here.
low quality meme of gang.
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digimonloving · 8 months
<.<...I wont spam the ask box...I wont do it...I wont... *lunges at high speed* NYAAAAA!
Based on me playing Elden Ring, a lot, (send help) i have an image of a tamer playing said game (or any of the Souls games) with his FemRhodoknightmon watching him, encouraging, and advising "Git Gud" at various times.
To what lengths do you believe said Royal Knight would go to reward her 'Little Warrior' for passing a difficult obstacle?
(Possibly nsft, doesnt have to be. Please dont judge the pet naming and praise kink...)
RhodoKnightmon rewarding her "little warrior" for passing a difficult obstacle.
As you said, she loves using pet names. She goes beyond common pet names like "sweetie", "honey" and "baby". RhodoKnightmon has pet names like "my little daredevil", "my honey milk darling", and even to lengths of pet names from different languages like "mi corazón de melon" which translates to "cantaloupe heart".
RhodoKnightmon would prepare gifts too, gift giving is a love language, so of course she's going to want to get her "little warrior" something special. No roses, unless it's a rose pendent so her "little warrior" can wear it and remember her.
She's very rewarding besides gifts, she may plan special dates, but she won't even let out a peep to her "little warrior", she secretly plans everything so they won't even have an idea of what's going on.
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emeraldtart · 3 years
"Oi. What should we do about this?" Asked Duftmon.
On the counter was a jug full of Alphamon's special brewed coffee, which includes wasabi, ginseng, mayonnaise and other things that you obviously shouldn't ever put in a coffee for the sake of your own well-being.
Lord Knightmon ponders for a while before taking the jug and starts pouring its hellish contents into the sink, "Eh, we'll just let whatever in this jug return to nature."
"Is that alright!? What if it turns into some sort of biohazard!!?"
"It won't. We're just returning things that came from nature back into where it's come from. Nothing bad will come out of it... I think."
Somewhere, a Rare Raremon is wrecking havoc in a city. It smells vaguely of mayonnaise, ginseng and wasabi.
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reulim · 4 years
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I’ve been playing Cyber Sleuth for a bit now, I ended up wanting to try to doodle human versions of my team in it, starting with Crusadermon/LordKnightmon mostly because he was the first one I thought of a design for
His nickname's Halberd because he started out as a Knightmon and I liked the sound of that for a nickname, and now I'm too attached to change it to something else
Normally you wouldn’t be able to see through the shades, but I wanted to show what his eyes looked like
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0dderrr · 4 years
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here are some Digimon x Monster Hunter drawings I did a while ago. thinking I should make more?
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mxfftchan · 4 years
Lord of Knightmon 🥀
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neotamine · 3 months
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Rhodoknightmon I made in 2021.
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chaotichatsune · 4 years
Heaven’s Gift
Summary:  Though BlackWarGreymon may have awoken in a strange, foreign world comprised of nothing but Digimon, the dragon-man still possesses all of his memories of a world that he no longer has a part of, and now on this new land, he now has a chance to be a true Digimon. No longer was he alone in a world dominated by humans, where he lacked purpose, but learning to live in a world without them seems strange. But he must learn to live with his unprecedented circumstances, and find a reason for living--and perhaps, find something more.
Immersed in a place devoid of light. I laid in a world of desolation. I felt muted. There was no touch. No sound. I existed in a world that lacked sensation and physicality. I couldn’t feel anything, my body lacking. I had no form. Anything resembling my previous physique, was absent, as I passively floated in this realm of oblivion.
I soon realized that this reality lacked heat and cold, yet I felt peace. There was no such thing as fear. Just a comfortable place of eternal black. I peered around, and decided to judge my surroundings.
I tried taking in a deep breath, but I felt no air enter my lungs. I was doubtful that I even held the capacity to do so. Wherever I was, in any place of time or space, oxygen wasn’t a necessary part of it. I was certain that I still held consciousness, as I held the capacity to observe my situation. I drifted for what felt was forever, but internally I knew that time did not exist in this pit. If it did, I most certainly didn’t feel it.
I tried to force myself to hear, feel or see anything.
I pushed my consciousness as far as possible, and attempted to connect with anything.
Then I heard a faint voice in the background.
“A BlackWarGreymon?”
I could hear muffled voices, but I couldn’t identify the people behind them.
They sounded panicked.
“Seems so…”
I forced myself to grasp their words, yet everything was still lacking in substance.
“Yeah, he just washed up by the shore!”
A bright light engulfed my vision, drowning out the silence. And suddenly, where there was no sensation, I now felt multiple hands touching me. The prodding pulled me out of my state of unconsciousness, and out of that strange space I remembered waking up in. As soon as I registered that I was alive, I began a fit of hacking and coughing, my lungs demanding for air. Yet, I was on the verge of blinking out once more.
“Bring him to Fuchsia Agate!”
I didn’t want to fall back asleep. A dawning dread took hold of me. I didn’t want to go back to sleep! I wanted to live!
“She’ll know what to do!”
She? Who’s she?
“I don’t want to stay dead!”
I screamed those words in an act of delirium.
“Don’t worry! We’ll bring you to safety!”
I could faintly tell that I was being transferred, just before I blacked out completely.
Fuchsia stared at the sky, there was a peculiar feeling in her heart. It was an emotion that confused her, an odd presence seemed to follow her throughout the day, distracting her from her duties. The persistent feeling of urgency that came with the premonitions could not be ignored. The dread that the LordKnightmon experienced gave her a strong impression that whatever was coming was not good. In the back of her mind, it was an omen of bad luck. Though, as strong as these sensations were, she had things to do. The woman decided to return back into her work, taking stock of her surroundings, before she arrived at her station. Here, within her home, the female Digimon would create different medicines. Elixirs, potions, ointments and other assortments of important remedies. The woman procured some of the most potent of cures.
Despite being a knight-based Mega, the female felt more at home in her workshop where she spent days using alchemy to help, not just the denizens of her hometown, but she even imported many of her mixtures to neighboring states. Her ability to create would allow her a place of work, no matter where she went.
Though she came from a long line of potion-makers, with vast secrets of magic that dated far back in her lineage, Fuchsia went above and beyond. Unlike her ancestors, whom rarely shared any of their precious wisdom, the woman was open about sharing her information and knowledge, and even acted as a sage of sorts.
Most of her time, whenever she was not producing medications, she’d be teaching others—children or adults—on the art of brewing, and the art of magic and science. She taught anyone willing to learn on how to treat injuries of any kind. The ancient arts of healing were no longer closely guarded by those that came before her. Fuchsia decided that her talents would not be wasted on secrecy. She had the power. Why hide her abilities, when instead they could be used to heal all of those who require her services? She knew that with her capabilities, she might as well base her legacy on the foundation of what she already knew. Her sole purpose in life was to create a place where everyone could benefit her work.
She picked up her list.
“Ah, yes.” The LordKnightmon mumbled. “I have to make more sleeping potions.”
She picked up a couple of dried herbs, and crushed them into a fine powder using her mortar and pestle. She immersed herself, putting all her attention into her craft, until she heard a scuffle.
Fuchsia placed down her incomplete drink.
“Agate!” screamed a female Flamedramon. “Miss. Agate!”
“Yes?” asked the pink-knight, her voice calm. “What’s the issue?”
“We found a random Greymon at the sea! Can you take a look at him?”
She nodded, and waved a hand towards a spare bed.
The group of men that carried the unconscious Digimon gingerly placed him down, while the Flamedramon watched with great anxiety.
“Flare, don’t worry. This doesn’t look bad at all."
The first thing Fuchsia Agate noticed was the broken armour, where there were multiple cracks surrounding a hole on his chest armor, whatever caused it was strong enough to destroy Chrome Digizoid, yet the wound didn’t look at all fatal. If anything, it was deeply superficial, as it did not affect not the flesh underneath it. As for the armor itself, the damage was beneath minor. There was no data pouring out from that location. Even those greatly lacking in experience, and had no idea what they were doing would know, without a doubt, that the fracture wasn’t an issue and wouldn’t need any treatment.
No data? No danger.
Fuchsia might as well do a full-body examine to see any other anomalies.
And so, she began right away.
She took off the BlackWarGreymon’s Dramon-Killers and checked his pulse.
“Miss. Agate?” asked the nervous fire-Digimon. “Is he okay?”
“Yes,” she answered, her voice leveled. “The wound you saw was just a crack in the chest plating. There is no damage whatsoever on that area—or any area for that matter. No need to worry.”
She gave out a big sigh.
“All he needs is rest,” added the LordKnightmon, knowing that Flare needed that affirmation.
“Thank Yggdrasil!” The female Flamedramon rejoiced.
A small, but haggard cough drew their attention towards the black dragon-man.
“I’m…I’m not ready to leave!” the Digimon mumbled, wheezing. “I can’t die!”
Everyone turned to the knocked-out BlackWarGreymon, surprised to hear the man speak at all.
Fuchsia shook her head, already having an answer.
“That’s totally normal. This isn’t the first time a patient said something like that.”
Due to her words, they chose to ignore it.
She did another thorough check, before she began to strip him of his armor.
“Uh,” stammered a Gallantmon. “No offence, Miss. Agate, but shouldn’t it be a man to undress him?” his voice rather timid.
The pink-knight merely chuckled.
“If I were that uncomfortable around men I wouldn’t have this job.”
He frowned, feeling out of place.
“Why?” she asked. “Would you rather have someone else do it?”
Her words had no heat. It was a genuine question. There was no implications of impertinence.
LordKnightmon stood back, signifying her agreement.
“Once he’s dressed call me. Okay?” she requested, making it clear that it was non-negotiable.
With that said. The LordKnightmon decided to carry on with her previous task, turning back on filling out her orders, continuing what she did best.
Yet, Fuchsia Agate still had feelings of uneasiness.
She chose to ignore the men as they helped the poor BlackWarGreymon into proper clothes.
Once she accomplished her task, she went straight away and asked.
“Will you be staying for dinner?”
It wasn’t an invitation, not really. Though it’d be rude to not ask.
“Nah, my wife’s expecting me.” Answered the same Gallantmon from before.
“Well, like, no offence I do live here so I’ll be staying for dinner.”
“Flare,” she started. “May you help me with preparations? I’ll probably be tending to him, so I would appreciate it if you helped. We’re making your favourite.”
“Lamb stew?” the young Digimon asked, looking downright overjoyed.
“What else would it be?”
“Oh, hell yes!” she beamed, making a beeline into the kitchen.
The men were soon finished dressing the BlackWarGreymon.
“We’re done, Miss. Agate. We will be taking our leave.”
“Before you men go, may one of you be kind enough to give Mrs. Olivia her meds?”
“I’ll do it!” volunteered a young teenaged Digimon. It was a Strikedramon, a Champion-level.
Fuchsia gave him multiple bottles filled with a colourful blue liquid.
“Goodnight, you two!”
With that, the Gallantmon, the WarGreymon, the Cyberdramon and Strikedramon politely waved their goodbyes before leaving the manor.
After their departure, sounds of chopping vegetables were heard from the other room, accompanied by the sounds of humming. After a time, a delicious scent wafted into the room, a tantalizing aroma that made her mouth water. The smell of lamb stew was pleasant. Yet, it was apparent that she was not the only one to admire the smell of home-cooked food. The man, whom was once unconscious woke up with a start.
“Where am I?” he asked, confused, his voice rasp. “And what is that amazing smell?”
Men, she thought, amused. Always thinking about their stomachs. Just like mother said, even the fragrance of enjoyable food could wake up the dead.
“Greetings, stranger. I am Fuchsia Agate, and you are at the Abalone Seas. Do you remember anything?”
He grimaced, his voice grim.
“Hm,” she nodded, understanding, but was taken aback. She wasn’t expecting him to remember anything. Most people had a case of amnesia when washed up on shore, so learning that he retained memories from his previous life was curious. She was brimming with questions, but believed that this was a conversation for another time. “You can tell us later. Would you care for some food?”
“Uh,” he blushed, embarrassed to ask for help. “That’d be good.”
“Can you walk?” she inquired.
“I don’t know.”
She offered a hand, which he accepted, only for a jolt of electricity to course through them.
The LordKnightmon was stunned, dazed by what just transpired. The BlackWarGreymon stared, his face blank, he lacked the ability to process what had occurred. The both of them then stared at each other, and then it clicked—
“Hey! You guys! Dinner’s ready!”
She almost fell over herself. Fuchsia Agate shook her head, not ready to confront the situation, and chose to pretend that never happened.
“I’ll get you something.”
In an attempt to regain her composure, the woman immediately left, but her mind strayed towards her right hand. I don’t have time to think about this. She mused, doing her best to ignore the heat rushing to her face. I’ll deal with this another time.
She entered into a small, clean kitchen.
Flare was done cooking.
“Here you go!” Flare chimed, giving her a single bowl of warm broth. “This one’s for the BlackWarGreymon—wait! Will he be joining us or something?”
“I’ll give it to him.”
“Cool,” she bowed her head. “I hope he likes it!”
The LordKnightmon grabbed the bowl, gave her thanks, and returned to the BlackWarGreymon, whom had a look on his face, filled with guilt and anger. He saw the female knight, and graciously accepted the soup. He began to eat, but his distant, faraway look concerned her.
“Is it to your liking?”
He only shook his head “yes”, but recognized that he was being discourteous.
“I apologize,” he frowned, his face scrunching up. “I was thinking about my friends.”
“I understand, you must be worried about them.”
He looked down at his meal, his state of distress was explicit. He had no desire to discuss about his past. Fuchsia knew not to pry.
“Would you like a drink? I can make any beverage of your choosing. Tea? Coffee? Maybe even juice?”
“Water’s fine.”
Not much of a talker, is he? She dully noted, accepting this to be his nature.
“Water it is.”
She took the jug that was on the bedside table, picked up a glass and filled it with water.
The BlackWarGreymon drank it all, but took care to not come across as impolite.
“I’m exhausted,” he stated, his voice low.
“I understand,” she answered in turn, and gave him a gentle smile, her healing nature shining through. “You can stay here for the night.”
“Thank you,” was the last thing he said, only for him to doze off.
“Have a pleasant sleep.” The ribboned-warrior said, and flicked off the switch.
Fuchsia decided to end her day by joining Flare for dinner before all the lights went out.
However, the feelings of danger didn’t subside, nor did they leave the LordKnightmon’s mind.
Notes:  In this reality, Digimon have sex/genders, so children are a thing. In this universe, anything below Rookie, are babies, and Champion-levels happen to be teenagers, while Mega-levels are considered full-grown adults. I will be using both Japanese and English names, but I will be using English terminology for things like attacks or weapons.
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Happy Pride Month for Alphamon and LordKnightmon, and all your other LGBT+ characters :3
Alphamon: Thank you very much. Happy pride month, everyone.
RhodoKnightmon: Happy pride month! Alphamon gave me permission to decorate the castle! I fully intend to go all out.
Alphamon: Within reason, Rhodo. ^.^;;
Ouryumon: Oh boy. We're in for it now, huh? =w=
RhodoKnightmon: Come now, where is that pride spirit, Ouryumon?! *throws a rainbow scarf on him*
Ouryumon: ...See what you've started, Alphamon? =P
Alphamon: *chuckles* It will be fine... Besides, that's a good look on you.
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axeknightmon · 6 years
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4/13  ✨
do not tag with season name, thanks
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