#Rhosak Answers
faerielandtrolls · 1 year
Rhosak, how'd you end up joining the fleet given your um.. typically unapproved of status?
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"Is it more a question of how? Or a question of why?"
"All I will say is--- You'd be surprised what people are willing to let slide for the right favors"
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Rhosak touch meme,
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(Lips are coloured as a turn on because this mans likes having things in his mouth)
Generally hates when you touch <-- This side of his face, does not like it, will tolerate it for matesprits.
In general Rhosak doesn't like physical contact, but when he's in a quad it's like he's desperate to be touched, it just unlocks something in him smh.
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faerielandtrolls · 1 year
Rhosak, your lusus is a chameleon right, did you inherit any chameleon-like abilities or qualities from it, or nah?
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"Much like my dad, I'm able to cloak myself to blend in with my surroundings, although it's hard to do when most of my uniforms have bright fucking red streaks somewhere on them... But I guess that's just part of the job."
"And although it's different from his, I do have quite a long tongue~ But that's unimportant"
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
oh nooooo, i can see many reasons why that stays a memory... :(
do u switch between partners often or are you looking for a more official one?
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"i meaan yeaah ideaally i'd like aa more permaanenTT paarTTner, buTT i TTend TTo swaap beTTween piloTTs."
"iTT'd be nice TTo haave someone i caan TTrusTT ouTT TThere, you know? someone i know won'TT aabaandon me aaTT TThe firsTT sign of daanger, or who will lisTTen when i TTell TThem TTo be caareful"
"maaybe some daay"
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
uh oh! what happened last time?
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"well... i ended up flying aa jump ship righTT inTTo aa recruiTTmenTT office window... luckily no one haad been in TThe building buTT... needless TTo saay i won'TT be living iTT down aany TTime soon..."
"aand i'd raaTTher noTT relive TThe punishmenTT ever aagaain..."
==> He shudders, and shakes his head solemnly.
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
Rhosak any interesting field stories? like anything weird ou saw when scouting?
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"i meaan TThousaands of plaaneTTs, counTTless sTTaars TThere's aa loTT TTo cover..."
"i guess TThe weirdesTT TThing i've seen waas from aa smaall plaaneTT a few sweeps baack. my paarTTner aaTT TThe TTime aand i haad TTaaken aa drop ship TTo TThe surfaace buTT we ended up being shoTT down."
"when i craawled ouTT of the wreckaage i found TThaaTT TThe hosTTile waas aa smaall juvenile of some unknown species. TThey were bipedaal like TTrolls buTT TThey looked... softer... TTheir skin waas aa colour like caaraamel... buTT i haad been unaable TTo TTraack TThem aacross TThe unfaamiliaar TTerraain..."
"whaaTT i did know waas TThaaTT mine haadn'TT been TThe firsTT TTo be shoTT down judging from TThe rubble aaround my ship, buTT when i invesTTigaaTTed laaTTer TThere waas noTThing in TThe officiaal daaTTaabaase aabouTT iTT."
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
I have a feeling someone has asked you this before, Rhosak. So I'm sorry if I'm making you repeat an answer. But how did you end up being a fleet scout? Or well- How did you end up in the fleet in general? :0
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"i waas raaised in aa preTTTTy smaall TTown, reaally TThere were only TTwo choices for me. legislaaceraTTor or fleeTT... i flunked ouTT of laaw school so..."
"i wenTT TTo one of TThe 8 recruiTTmenTT offices aand decided, fuck iTT whaaTT's TThe worsTT TThaaTT could haappen?"
"i waas assigned aas aa scouTT ouTT of baasic TTraaining becaause of my proficiency in field exaams"
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
rhosak!! <3
i have more prying questions abt u,
are you a pilot as well as a scout or do you work w someone who is?
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"aafTTer TThe laasTT TTime i TTried TTo piloTT my own ship i've been paarTTnered wiTTh oTTher TTrolls who caan be TTrusTTed aaTT TThe console."
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
Rhosak! Can I ask why you wear the mask? :0 Is it because of the fleet or do you have like- A personal reason for wearing it?
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"i weaar iTT becaause maask sexy"
==> He laughs and then shakes his head.
"i meaan iTT's mosTTly for work in TThe field, i've goTTTTen so used TTo weaaring iTT TThaaTT i jusTT puTT iTT on ouTT of haabiTT."
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
For Rhosak 🐚🪖💅
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Answers under the read-more
🐚- Are you afraid of the beach or ocean? If so, what reasons?
aabsoluTTely. iTT is aa cold aand unforgiving plaace aand even if i aam aa sTTrong swimmer TThere is aalwaays someTThing ouTT TThere TThaaTT is beTTTTer. TThaaTT won'TT sTTop me from swimming of course... buTT TThose who dwell in the seaa caan be... well we aall know~
🪖- How do you feel about the ever looming threat of being put into the fleet if called upon by the empress to do so?
==> He takes a deep breath, eye closing as he let it out before speaking very calmly. I waanTT you TTo TTaake aa good look aaTT me aand aask TThaaTT quesTTion aagaain... buTT slowly. now TTo aanswer you... i aam aalreaady aa member of TThe fleeTT!
💅- Do you have time or resources for self care or small luxuries?
words caannoTT express TThe aamounTT of useless liTTTTle knick knaacks i get myself aas aa TTreaaTT on aa daaily baasis. i aabsoluTTely love myself aand if no one else is gonnaa spoil me i guess i'll haave TTo do iTT myself. iTT's aa heaavy burden TTo beaar, buTT someone haas TTo do iTT
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
well i hope i can continue talking to u even w what may or may not happen! :) ur very handsome and kinda cute rhosak,
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==> You can't see it past his bangs but he is winking at you, trust me
"oh of course i donTT plaan on going aanywhere aanyTTime soon daarling~ aand deprive TThe universe of TThis faace? i don'TT TThink so~"
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
ah, :(
so you have like... unfinished business? or did you just want to do something more now that you're here?
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"TTo be fraank even i aam noTT sure whaaTT i meaan by TThat... i jusTT know TThaaTT i aam noTT done here, aand i likely will noTT be for quiTTe some TTime..."
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
:0 have u been doing this work for a long time now?
and w that question, is this the work you saw yourself doing when you were younger?
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"TTruTTh be TTold i didn't see myself living paasTT my aadulTT molTTing... leTT aalone joining TThe fleeTT..."
"i've been aacTTing aas aa scouTT for aa few sweeps now, aand I'm noTT sure if I plaan on sTTaaying in TThe fleeTT forever, buTT i sTTill haave TThings i inTTend TTo do while i'm here..."
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
oh wow, :0 a little sneaky!
but kind of cute, <:)
do u do things like that often or try to keep it inconspicuous?
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"i only do iTT for plaaneTTs TThaaTT seem worTTh saaving... or ones wiTTh species TThaaTT seem worTTh proTTecTTing. I do TTry TTo fly under TThe raadaar for TThe mosTT paarTT, buTT i'm very good aaTT my job, so TThere is aa cerTTaain level of TTrusTT in TThe aacuraacy of my reporTTs."
"I've maade aan excellenTT repuTTaaTTion for myself"
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
oh that sounds beauuutiful rhosak, what happened to that planet? did any colonies settle there?
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"well... aacTTuaally no TThere aarenTT aany colonies on iTT... I... I maarked iTT as uninhaabiTTaable..."
"i do noTT TThink iTT would haave remaained so beaauTTiful if TThe fleeTT TTurned iTT inTTo aa colony plaaneTT. maaybe iTT's besTT we don'TT TTell aanyone aabouTT TThis."
"iTT'll be our liTTTTle secreTT~"
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
oh yeah, probably!!! u guys must have pretty snazzy gadgets for that kind of surveying, but life and stuff can be rly rare across most of space,
whats a planet that's stood out to you that you've looked over?
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"iTT ended up noTT being of aany sTTraaTTegic vaalue, buTT TThere waas exoplaaneTT 38-79A which i caalled sTTelaaris, waas aa plaaneTT maade of diaamond, wiTTh fields of crysTTaal flowers TThaaTT swaayed in breezes TThaaTT smelled of honeysuckle and sTTaarlighTT. TThe whole plaaneTT hummed aa quieTT TTune, aand TThe sky waas wide aand brighTT... I cried aas soon aas we laanded, i haad never seen someTThing so beaauTTiful..."
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