#Richard Coudenhove Kalergi
max1461 · 1 year
Okay, here is one such policy. Here is a specific example of a large governing body actually using the term “replacement” to describe its immigration goals for Europe and the United States. https://archive.is/YH9cY I am sending you an archive link because the actual page was taken down. Surprise surprise, people don’t want to be replaced.
Now of course, the world is somewhat complex. It’s not like the UN is the world government. So you need to go to other people and other governments. Look into the immigration policy of every single western nation - the immigration policy of all of them are moving third world trash in the millions into White nations. Do you think those migrant boats (which luckily do sometimes sink) come from nowhere? No, they come from anti-White governments and NGOs working in tandem to change the demographics. It must be also remembered that immigration is not natural. Immigrants are imported. Immigration could be curbed at any moment - in fact, one of the principle reasons for founding civilization at all is “protecting ourselves from outsiders.”
I sent you quotes from individual people, which you then described as “quotes from randos.” An example of one such rando was Joe Biden, a rando who I think has some government position nowadays. He stated at the 2015 White House global conference on confronting global extremism (where they sometimes let randos speak) that “the black box” for America, which he defined as “the secret hidden strength,” was 1. Skepticism for orthodoxy, and 2. The fact that White people will become a minority through mass migration.
An important concept I sent you, which you just kinda glazed over, was the Celebration Parallax. A parallax is the effect where the same thing is viewed differently by different angles. If someone says “the Great Replacement is real, and it’s bad and awful,” then they are a right-wing nutjob conspiracy theorists freak like me. If someone says “the Great Replacement is real, and it’s a good thing. White people will become a minority, your grandkids will be brown” like you then they are not incorrect in any way. Ash Sarkar is a Pakistani politician within British who has specifically pointed to changing demographics being real, and described it with “we’re winning.” Why would she say that? Why would she say “we’re winning” when describing how Pakistanis are replacing the British through demographic change? Mark Sotok of the SPLC has a chart on his wall of the declining White population, specifically singling out the year 1965 when the immigration act was passed. The 1965 immigration act was passed under false pretenses, by the way. People at the time correctly pointed out it would change the demographics of the USA, and it’s supporters simply lied and said it wouldn’t do that. It was passed, and demographics changed, which was always the purpose.
But I’m getting off on tangents. The point is, once you say the Great Replacement is good, you are no longer a conspiracy theorist. It’s only people who say it is bad who are conspiracy theorists.
“The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." - Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Austrian politician, father of the modern European Union, certainly not a right wing crank
“We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." - Jose Angel Gutierrez, Chicano activist, attorney and university professor, who probably doesn’t mean that, right?
“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race. The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists. We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed. Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity." - Professor Noel Ignatiev at Harvard
The 21st century will be a century of mass genocide so complete and total that the genocides of the 19th and 20th (even the fake ones) will pale in comparison. The only question now is which races aren’t surviving.
Ok, let's start at the very beginning. That link does not say what you are claiming it says.
To quote from your link:
United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration. Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
So, first of all, this is not a policy. It is a report by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, reviewing the scientific evidence for whether a particular policy would be successful. This is similar to the IPCC climate change reports. If you know anything about those, you'll know that the advice of reports like this is not necessarily likely to be followed by world governments at all.
Ok, with that out of the way, what policy is this report examining? Well, you can read it for yourself, but it says it right there in the bit I quote: the report is examining the policy of offsetting already declining local populations through immigration. So it's not about shrinking the white population on purpose! It literally does not advocate that. It's basically saying "in developed countries where the native born population is already shrinking, can immigration be used to provide a source of young laborers to bolster the economy?"
That is the policy of "replacement" they're talking about, not some policy of intentionally shrinking the native born (white, Japanese, Korean, whatever) population!
Do you understand how this is different than what you claimed?
And, just to be clear, the report mentioned Japan and South Korea as countries where this policy could be tried as well, because they have low birthrates and shrinking native-born populations. But, again, the report is not advocating wiping out Japanese people. It's saying "Japan's population is already shrinking for reasons that we can't control. Given that it's already shrinking, could Japan offset its population decline through immigration."
This is not a policy of intentional race extermination. It just isn't. It's clear that you didn't even read the fucking report you linked, because that is simply not what it says.
So, on to the next thing.
[Joe Biden] stated at the 2015 White House global conference on confronting global extremism (where they sometimes let randos speak) that “the black box” for America, which he defined as “the secret hidden strength,” was 1. Skepticism for orthodoxy, and 2. The fact that White people will become a minority through mass migration.
Ok, this is a fun one because it's obvious you just saw the Tucker Carlson clip on this, and didn't actually go to the original source. Anyway, you can watch the full clip of Biden speaking here.
Tucker Carlson excerpted the following quote for a segment on his show, and it's what's apparently got everyone in hysterics:
An unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who were Caucasian, of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America from then and on will be White European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s as a source of our strength.
Anyway, if you actually watch the whole clip, Biden starts talking about the "constant stream of immigration" referring to (primarily white) immigration in the 1700s. He specifically mentions the Irish (because he's Irish)! Later in the discussion he mentions that white people will be less than 50% of the population in 2017, and it's pretty clear that he's saying this to illustrate the point that America is very open to immigrants. Like, he's not saying this because he thinks the demographic change itself is great, or because he wants white people to be a minority. It's extremely clear that he's just using this as one among several ways to illustrate the old "America is nation of immigrants" talking point, which he was already discussing just a few sentences earlier.
I frankly think there's basically no ambiguity at all here, when he says "that's the source of our strength", he means "immigration is the source of our strength", not "white people becoming a minority is the source of our strength". Like, just watch the whole clip!
The "America is a nation of immigrants" talking point isn't new. That talking point has been around for over a hundred years at this point! Emma Lazarus wrote The New Colossus in 1883! It's just a fucking talking point that every American president parrots. It has nothing to do with intentionally manipulating racial demographics, it has very little to do with actual policy (because American immigration policy has always been hostile to whatever the newest wave of migrants is), and it definitely isn't because of some UN report. Biden is trying to sound progressive, and he knows that pro-immigration talking points poll well with progressive voters, and so he's repeating the oldest one in the book.
This is really obvious. He's just a politician being a politician. It's not a conspiracy.
I'll give you one thing, he does unambiguously say that it's not a bad thing for white people to become less than 50% of the population. And, well, I agree! It's not a bad thing, it's not a good thing, it's just a neutral thing. Populations change and I'm not worried about it. But just because Joe Biden and I agree that it's not a bad thing doesn't mean either of us are trying to fucking orchestrate it happening in a grand conspiracy. This is just dumb.
Ok, next thing:
An important concept I sent you, which you just kinda glazed over, was the Celebration Parallax. A parallax is the effect where the same thing is viewed differently by different angles. If someone says “the Great Replacement is real, and it’s bad and awful,” then they are a right-wing nutjob conspiracy theorists freak like me. If someone says “the Great Replacement is real, and it’s a good thing. White people will become a minority, your grandkids will be brown” like you then they are not incorrect in any way.
Now, I want you to read this next paragraph very carefully, because you have repeatedly ignored it, and I will not respond to any future messages in which it is clear you have not read it carefully:
When you very first messaged me, I asked you to define the Great Replacement. You defined it to me as an intentional policy, by Western governments, of trying to shrink the white population and replace them with immigrants. That is what you said. Do you understand this? Ok. And I said "demographics are changing, but it's not because of an intentional policy to get rid of white people. It's just the natural result of people having more freedom to move around the world. Demographic change is a neutral fact, it's not good or bad. People having more freedom of movement is good. So I support laxer immigration policies, and I don't really care about demographic change one way or the other".
Do you understand the position I am stating here? Again, I will not respond to any future messages in which you show me that you don't understand what I am saying. So read that paragraph as many times as you need to to be really confident that you've got it.
We do not simply have a "difference of perspectives" on the same thing. We are saying different things. You are saying there is a set of intentional policies to replace white people. I am saying there is not. We both agree that demographics are changing. I agree that the white population in the US seems to be shrinking, and although I haven't looked at the stats for any EU countries, I don't have any reason to doubt that it's shrinking in some of those countries too. We agree about this part.
You keep accusing me of thinking that this demographic change is good, and of wanting to exterminate white people. I keep telling you that I think this demographic change is neutral, and I don't care how many white people there are.
Do you understand? I have said this to you at least six times at this point. You have shown me that you can actually follow what I'm saying if I tell you that I won't respond to you otherwise, so you need to read what I just said until you understand it if you want to keep having this conversation. The above paragraphs are the most import part of this post. If you show me that you did not pay attention to them I will not respond to your message.
Ok, next thing:
Ash Sarkar is a Pakistani politician within British who has specifically pointed to changing demographics being real, and described it with “we’re winning.” Why would she say that? Why would she say “we’re winning” when describing how Pakistanis are replacing the British through demographic change?
I have no fucking idea. Ash Sarkar is a fucking YouTube political commentator, this is someone I would describe as "a rando". It does not matter to me what she thinks. Having seen a couple of her videos I suspect it was probably a joke, but I don't know, and even if she was serious it doesn't support your point. Because she is a fucking rando. I can find just as many internet commentators actually saying they want to exterminate black people. There are members of the KKK in elected office in the US. If you can use randos to back up your point then so can I. People believe all kinds of shit. If you want to show that some policy exists, you need to point to the evidence of that policy actually being carried out. For white supremacist policies I can actually do this, I can point you to evidence of segregation and redlining and so on. If you can't do this for the Great Replacement (as you fucking defined it) then you have no argument.
Next thing:
Mark Sotok of the SPLC has a chart on his wall of the declining White population, specifically singling out the year 1965 when the immigration act was passed. The 1965 immigration act was passed under false pretenses, by the way. People at the time correctly pointed out it would change the demographics of the USA, and it’s supporters simply lied and said it wouldn’t do that. It was passed, and demographics changed
Again, I don't care that demographics changed. I don't care about what percentage white people are of the population. I like when people have freedom of movement and I do not care if this changes population demographics.
which was always the purpose.
I strongly suspect it was not. If you think that it was, please provide any evidence at all.
“The man of the future will be a mongrel. Today's races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." - Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Austrian politician, father of the modern European Union, certainly not a right wing crank
I agree that this guy thought this. I don't deny that, like, some people have held this ideology. But if you think this is what motivates either the modern left or major world governments, I think you're just not paying attention to what's actually going on. There are pro-immigration camps and anti-immigration camps in every democracy. Sometimes people in the pro-immigration camps use rhetoric like this, but mostly they don't. They use they same rhetoric that I'm using, or they talk about the economic benefits, or whatever. The anti-immigration camps have their own rhetoric. The policies that actually get passed, like all policies, are then compromise positions between the desires of the various factions involved. But there's no conspiracy to eliminate white people, and the kind of position you are quoting here is very uncommon in my experience.
“We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him." - Jose Angel Gutierrez, Chicano activist, attorney and university professor, who probably doesn’t mean that, right?
No I'm sure he means that, he's just a fucking random academic. I told you that quotes from random academics and shit are not evidence. There's random academics who say the physical world doesn't exist, it's all a product of subjective consciousness. Do you think that guides the policy of Joe fucking Biden? Cause I don't.
“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race. The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists. We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed. Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity." - Professor Noel Ignatiev at Harvard
I'm pretty sure this person is talking about abolishing the concept of whiteness, which is actually a pretty common position among academics. There are a lot of academics who talk about "abolishing race", and what they mean is abolishing the idea of race, so that people will no longer think of themself as "white" or "black" or whatever, but just as "people". Pretty often they specifically want to abolish the idea of a "white race" because they think that the concept of "whiteness" been used as a tool of oppression. So they'd rather white people just identify their ethnicity as like "Italian" or "Irish" or whatever if they have to, and not as "white". Like I said, this is a pretty common position among humanities academics.
I know this is what these people are saying because I've met these people. They like to dress up their ideas in the most radical sounding language they can, which is basically a strategy for making themselves sound cool to their in-group. But what they actually believe is pretty moderate; it's not that all white people should die, it's that white people should no longer use the collective identity of "white".
I don't know if that's what this person is saying, but it kind of sounds like that's what this person is saying. It has all the hallmarks of a humanities academic trying to sound provocative for clout. Do you see how they refer to "the social construct of the White race"? So they're not saying they want to kill white people, but that they want to kill the idea of "Whiteness".
It's unfortunate that they talk this way, because it feeds into conspiracy theories like yours. I've tried to explain this to people but they usually don't listen. Unfortunate.
The 21st century will be a century of mass genocide so complete and total that the genocides of the 19th and 20th (even the fake ones) will pale in comparison. The only question now is which races aren’t surviving.
This is so fucking stupid, and I'm gonna be frank with you, I kind of think you know it's stupid. Like I've avoided pointing this out until now, but you insert all these cheeky little comments and provocative asides into what you're saying in a way that makes me think at some level you know you're saying it to get a rise out of people, you like adding in the most extreme bits you can because it's fun. You're a dumbass.
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purasangree · 2 months
El genocidio de todos
Los blancos.
"El hombre futuro será de raza mixta. En cuanto a PanEuropa, me gustaría ver una mezcla euroasiática-negroide con grandes variaciones en los tipos de personalidad. Los judíos asumirán las posiciones de mando, ya que la Providencia (Dios) ha dado a Europa una raza superior de nobleza llamada Judíos.
Las razas blancas de Europa deberían ser destruidas y sustituidas por una raza de negroides euroasiáticos que pueden ser fácilmente controlados por nuestra élite dominante".
-Conte Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi
Fundador y Pres. de la Unión Paneuropea durante 49 años Escrito en su libro “Praktischer Idealismus” 1924
Tal vez si nos despertamos antes, ni siquiera habrían empezado.
Las cabezas pensantes, (consplotistas)
Lo han dicido durante años ...
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darkmaga-retard · 28 days
This week History Homos discuss the political treatise "Pan-Europa" by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, originally published in the interwar year 1923. Kalergi was raised to become a diplomat for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, like his father before him, but in the wake of The Great War found himself politically homeless. This short book, while packed with insightful historical analysis, is a precursor to policies we see at play in our geopolitical landscape today.
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gazetteoesterreich · 1 month
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yespat49 · 6 months
Europa ! de George-Henri Soutou
Du mouvement pan-européen de Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi au planisme de Henri de Man, l’idée européenne est une thématique forte des débats qui ont animé l’ensemble de la sphère politique européenne durant l’entre-deux-guerres. Historien spécialisé dans les questions de relations internationales au XXe siècle, notamment durant les deux conflits mondiaux, Georges-Henri Soutou aborde ici la…
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caprano · 6 months
"Der Versuch, Europa zum christlichen Glauben zu bekehren, ist gelungen. Der Versuch, Europa zur christlichen Moral zu bekehren, ist misslungen. Europa und Amerika sind heute nicht die christlichsten, sondern die unchristlichsten Teile der Kulturmenschheit.
Richard Graf von Coudenhove-Kalergi
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omg-lucio · 7 months
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Richard Nikolaus Eijiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi, pionero del movimiento "Pan-Europa" que buscaba unir la mayor parte del continente en un solo estado, 1930. Descendía de franceses, alemanes, japoneses, noruegos, griegos, polacos, bálticos, Nobleza flamenca, austrohúngara y bizantina
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edelweiss-ivy · 10 months
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Birthdays 11.16
Beer Birthdays
Peter Ballantine (1791)
Johann Evangelist Götz (1815)
Charles Liebmann (1837)
Mark Dredge (1984)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Daws Butler; voice actor (1916)
Paul Hindemith; composer (1895)
Diana Krall; Canadian jazz singer (1964)
Burgess Meredith; actor (1907)
Martha Plimpton; actor (1970)
Famous Birthdays
Gene Amdahl; computer scientist (1922)
Craig Arnold; poet (1967)
Gemma Atkinson; model (1984)
Oksana Baiul; Ukrainian-American skater (1977)
Andrea Barrett; novelist and short story writer[ (1954)
Lisa Bonet; actor (1967)
Joey Cape; rock singer, guitarist (1966)
Eddie Condon; guitarist (1904)
Francis Danby; Irish painter (1793)
Pete Davidson; comedian (1993)
Elizabeth Drew; journalist (1935)
Dwight Gooden; New York Mets P (1964)
Maggie Gyllenhaal; actress (1977)
Jónas Hallgrímsson; Icelandic poet, author (1807)
W.C. Handy; composer (1873)
Marg Helgenberger; actress (1958)
George S. Kaufman; writer (1889)
Dave Kushner; guitarist (1966)
Joan Lindsay; Australian author (1896)
Mabel Normand; actor (1894)
Steven Pearl; comedian (1955)
Missi Pyle; actress and singer (1972)
Jose Saramago; writer (1922)
Guy Stockwell; actor (1934)
Amar'e Stoudemire; basketball player (1982)
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi; Italian-French actress (1964)
Lawrence Tibbett; actor (1896)
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi; Austrian philosopher (1894)
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xylophonetangerine · 11 months
Epistemic status: Half-assed “research” and I straightened some bends (☡ → ~) for brevity and comedic effect. Look it up yourself! What am I, a historian?
Do you know about the neo-nazi Kalergi plan conspiracy theory? It’s one of those hilariously complicated brain-worm induced conspiracy theories that Central European neo-nazis start believing in after they read one too many posts full of blatantly false esoteric knowledge. Imagine a theory-obsessed Twitter communist but instead of inventing new reasons to call people racist they’re inventing new ways of being racist.
So basically in the early 20th century there was this Austro–Japanese guy called Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi who advocated for Paneuropeanism and racial integration to reconcile his wish to be fascist with being biracial. (This is my interpretation! He never supported fascism but it was the new hotness at the time, especially amongst the noble and leisured classes of Europe. More on this below.)
Fast forward about a century and now a bunch of fucking racist nazis think that the EU is a secret conspiracy to commit “white genocide” by forcing racemixing … somehow? Whatever it is that they’re doing doesn’t seem to be working. Get on it, Angela Merkel von der Leyen!
The neo-nazi beliefs in this supposed “Kalergi plan” stem from Kalergi’s utopian vision of European peoples living in harmony with one another with a customs union and a common currency (see, EU). Wikipedia says that in his 1925 book Practical Idealism he said that “Eurasian–Negroid[s]”, would replace “the diversity of peoples” and “[t]oday's races and classes” with a “diversity of individuals” which is basically the modern ideal of universal human rights and personal freedom expressed in a very pre-WWII race-sciency way. Neo-nazis saw this and went insano-mode thinking that universal homogeneity of racial admixture and phenotype was definitely the endgame when the European Coal and Steel Community was set up in 1950 to ease international trading of the coal needed to power the racism factories during European reconstruction. Kalergi’s ideas obviously remained quite marginal and obscure during his lifetime because that was not actually the endgame of the ECSC or any other EU precursor or the EU because we’re all fucking racist!
European scholars, officials, and politicians have retrospectively recognised him as being ahead of his time and laying foundations for the EU. And now that there’s a lecture theatre named after him in some German university or something that’s definitive proof to the nazis that this thing that is obviously not happening is happening and they’re doing it in Brussels or Strasbourg or somewhere!!
Now, about the fascism. When I read about Kalergi I get a strong feeling that he was influenced by fascism. It sounds counterintuitive because he was against racial agitation and antisemitism but it seems pretty obvious that he wanted sweeping geopolitical changes in a very similar way to his fascist contemporaries (i.e., not communism!). Maybe you could call it reverse-Strasserist third-positionism. So yeah, it’s pretty funny actually how it’s essentially ethnonationalism but we’re all one big people :)
Hmm, that sounds just like the EU actually… Wait, are we exploiting and being racist to people outside of our little special boys’ club? Oh no. Shut it down. Cut the cameras! How do I turn this off?!
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Il conte Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
Il conte Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, nato nel 1894 a Tokyo e morto nel 1972 a Klosterneuburg, in Austria, è stato una figura chiave nella storia europea del XX secolo. Questo visionario austro-giapponese ha dedicato gran parte della sua vita alla promozione di un'Europa unita e all'elaborazione di teorie che avrebbero avuto un impatto significativo sull'integrazione europea. Purtroppo, le sue idee sulla collaborazione in Europa sono state talvolta strumentalizzate. Il conte kalergi: ambasciatore di pace Il conte Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi proveniva da una famiglia aristocratica e multiculturale. La sua madre era giapponese e suo padre austriaco, e questa diversità culturale influenzò profondamente la sua visione del mondo. Dopo la devastazione della Prima Guerra Mondiale, Kalergi si preoccupò profondamente della pace in Europa e cercò modi per prevenire futuri conflitti. Nel 1922, fondò la "Paneuropa", un movimento che aveva come obiettivo l'unità europea e la cooperazione tra le nazioni europee per evitare guerre future. La "Paneuropa" diventò un'organizzazione influente e ricevette il sostegno di molte personalità di spicco dell'epoca, tra cui Albert Einstein e Thomas Mann. Le Teorie di Kalergi sull'Integrazione Europea Una delle teorie più influenti del conte Kalergi fu la sua idea di una "Unione Europea" o "Stati Uniti d'Europa". Kalergi credeva che l'Europa dovesse superare le divisioni nazionali e promuovere l'unità politica, economica e culturale tra le nazioni europee. Nel suo libro del 1923, "Paneuropa", delineò dettagliatamente questa visione e sottolineò l'importanza della cooperazione europea per garantire la pace e la prosperità del continente. Le idee di Kalergi influenzarono notevolmente le discussioni sull'integrazione europea nel dopoguerra. Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, l'Europa era stremata dalla distruzione e dalla divisione, e molte persone vedevano nell'idea di Kalergi una strada verso la ricostruzione e la stabilità. Le sue teorie fornirono una base concettuale per l'istituzione della Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio (CECA) nel 1951, considerata uno dei precursori dell'Unione Europea moderna. Il conte Kalergi ricevette il Premio Carlo Magno nel 1950 per il suo contributo alla causa dell'unità europea. Questo premio onorerà il suo impegno per la cooperazione tra le nazioni europee e il suo sogno di un'Europa unita. Il piano Kalergi Interpretazioni errate e strumentalizzate delle teorie del conte austro-giapponese hanno portato alla nascita di quello che viene comunemente definito "piano Kalergi". La teoria del "Piano Kalergi" afferma che Kalergi avrebbe previsto l'immigrazione di massa in Europa come mezzo per creare una popolazione mescolata e omogenea, che sarebbe stata più facilmente governabile e avrebbe portato all'eliminazione delle identità nazionali e culturali. Questa visione, secondo i sostenitori della teoria, sarebbe stata sostenuta dalle élite globali per consolidare il loro controllo sul continente europeo. il "Piano Kalergi" come viene spesso discusso oggi è ampiamente considerato come una teoria del complotto senza fondamento. Le affermazioni secondo cui Kalergi avrebbe previsto l'immigrazione di massa o avrebbe cercato di eliminare le identità culturali europee non sono supportate da prove concrete o dai suoi scritti originali. In copertina foto di 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day da Pixabay Read the full article
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jugosocial · 1 year
Kalergi y el Covid
Kalergi Y EL COVID Aprovechando la sombra informativa creada con la Plandemia, se ha acelerado un viejo plan: El Plan Kalergi. KALERGI El nombre de este plan, elaborado entre 1923 y 1925, deriva del político Richard Nikolaus Graf von Coudenhove-Kalergi, considerado el padre de la Unión Europea. Con inmigración masiva, se generaría una cultura mestiza pasiva, amansada, predecible y…
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giancarlonicoli · 1 year
6 giu 2023 11:17
Estratto dell'articolo di Milena Gabanelli e Giuseppe Sarcina per il “Corriere della Sera”
La «sostituzione etnica» è l’incubo che turba il sottobosco razzista e xenofobo dell’Occidente: i bianchi sono destinati a diventare una minoranza minacciata, nei loro stessi Paesi, da orde di immigrati. L’ultimo in ordine di tempo a rilanciare il timore è stato il ministro dell’Agricoltura Francesco Lollobrigida il 18 aprile scorso.
Parlando all’assemblea della Cisal, Lollobrigida ha detto: «Dobbiamo pensare anche all’Italia di dopodomani. Vanno incentivate le nascite. Non possiamo arrenderci alla prospettiva della sostituzione etnica». Pochi giorni dopo il ministro ha spiegato di essere stato frainteso e di non conoscere le teorie del complotto che da anni fioriscono negli ambienti dell’estrema destra.
Eppure ne parla anche il sito della presidenza del Consiglio: «La teoria del complotto del piano Kalergi è la credenza secondo la quale esiste un piano d’incentivazione dell’immigrazione africana e asiatica verso l’Europa al fine di rimpiazzarne le popolazioni. Prende il nome dal filosofo austriaco Richard Nikolaus di Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972), cui viene attribuita la paternità di tale piano».
In realtà Kalergi predicava la necessità di ampliare l’identità dei singoli Stati per dar vita all’integrazione europea. Il suo pensiero fu manipolato soprattutto da Gerd Honsik (autore neonazista austriaco condannato nel 2009 a 5 anni di carcere per aver negato l’Olocausto), nel libro «Addio Europa
In passato anche Giorgia Meloni e Matteo Salvini hanno usato spesso l’espressione della «sostituzione etnica». Nel 2011 ne fu affascinato il fondatore del Front National, Jean-Marie Le Pen. La figlia Marine, invece, ritiene che la massiccia immigrazione sia alimentata dalle imprese europee che cercano manodopera a basso costo. Sedotto dal complotto anche Éric Zemmour, candidato per il partito di estrema destra «Reconquête» alle presidenziali del 2022. L’idea dell’«uomo bianco minacciato da orde di stranieri» viene evocata in Olanda dal «Partito per la libertà» guidato da Geert Wilders; in Austria troviamo Herbert Kickl, a capo dell’Fpö, autore dello slogan: «Il sangue deve essere viennese, quello straniero non va bene per nessuno».
In Europa il più convinto e rumoroso sostenitore della «sostituzione etnica» è il presidente dell’Ungheria Viktor Orbán. Ma l’ondata più massiccia di intolleranza xenofoba è partita dall’altra parte dell’Atlantico nel 2014, e ha accompagnato l’ascesa di Donald Trump.
Il libro di Federico Leoni, «Fascisti d’America» (Paesi Edizioni), descrive con precisione il mondo dell’Alt-Right, la «destra alternativa» americana. Sono decine di formazioni, alcune diventate note in tutto il mondo per aver partecipato all’assalto a Capitol Hill il 6 gennaio 2021, come i «Proud Boys» o gli «Oath Keepers». Un groviglio di ideologie accomunate da una convinzione: «È in atto una cospirazione delle élite (finanzieri, politici, grandi industriali, intellettuali) per schiavizzare le masse, instaurando un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale».
Le malattie esportate dagli europei
Nel 1492, l’anno in cui Cristoforo Colombo scoprì il nuovo Mondo, nell’intero continente americano (Nord, Centro e Sud) vivevano 75 milioni di persone, in Europa 60. Nell’attuale Messico c’era Tenochtitlan: 250 mila abitanti, quando Londra e Roma in quello stesso periodo ne avevano 50 mila, mentre Madrid non arrivava a 5 mila.
Facciamo un salto di cinque secoli: nel 1990 si stimava che gli immigrati irregolari negli Stati Uniti fossero 3,5 milioni. Nel 2014 la cifra era salita a 11 milioni (su una popolazione totale di 318 milioni di abitanti).
È in questo periodo che la propaganda dell’estrema destra diffonde sulle piattaforme web il virus della xenofobia: i migranti rubano il lavoro, sono dei criminali, portano nuove malattie. Nella realtà americana non ci sono statistiche serie a sostegno di questi fenomeni.
La ricerca storica, invece, ha dimostrato come i bianchi venuti dall’Europa, con le loro barche cariche di mucche, capre, maiali, polli e cavalli portarono nel Nuovo continente malattie sconosciute: vaiolo, morbillo, difterite, tracoma, peste bubbonica, malaria, febbre gialla, scarlattina e altro ancora.
Tra il 1500 e il 1800 morirono circa 50 milioni di indigeni, privi com’erano di difese immunitarie, lasciando le loro terre non solo ai conquistadores armati, ma anche ai «pacifici» migranti in arrivo da Germania, Inghilterra, Irlanda.
L’era della rimozione forzata
Sempre tra il 1500 e il 1800, 2,5 milioni di europei sbarcarono nelle Americhe, trascinando con la forza quasi 12 milioni di africani. La civiltà europea ha prodotto l’era della schiavitù, che ha segnato la nascita e la crescita degli Stati Uniti, passando poi dalla piena sottomissione dei «black people», alla segregazione, fino alle scorie del «razzismo sistematico» che tuttora intossicano la società americana.
Secondo le più gettonate teorie del complotto, diffuse negli ambienti più sovranisti dell’America contemporanea, la «sostituzione etnica» prevede la costruzione di campi di concentramento in cui rinchiudere i bianchi. È utile ricordare che fu proprio un presidente bianco, Andrew Jackson, considerato dalla storica Jill Lepore «il primo populista alla Casa Bianca», a promulgare nel 1829 «l’Indian removal Act», ordinando la rimozione forzata dei nativi americani.
La legge, approvata di misura dal Congresso, portò al trasferimento di circa 47 mila uomini, donne e bambini delle «cinque tribù civilizzate»: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Chocktaw, Creek e Seminole che vivevano in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi e Tennessee. Furono tutti deportati nelle terre del «Selvaggio West».
I Cherokee, stanziati in Georgia, cercarono di resistere, appellandosi alla Corte Suprema con questa dichiarazione: «Ci chiedete di andarcene, ma noi non siamo stranieri. Noi siamo gli abitanti originari dell’America». I giudici si pronunciarono a loro favore. Ma Jackson ignorò la sentenza e, minacciando l’uso della forza, convinse una parte del gruppo dirigente della tribù a firmare l’accordo di trasferimento in Oklahoma. Accettarono di andarsene solo 2 mila Cherokee.
Gli altri 16 mila furono sloggiati dall’esercito, con un viaggio a tappe forzate, in cui morirono circa 4 mila persone. Chi viaggia nel Sud degli Stati Uniti può ritrovare ancora oggi tracce del «Trail of Tears», il sentiero delle lacrime, percorso da tutti i nativi cacciati dalle loro terre.
Il vuoto fu presto colmato dai bianchi, a partire dai cercatori d’oro, visto che nel 1828, giusto un anno prima dell’«Indian Removal Act», in Georgia era stato scoperto un giacimento del più prezioso dei metalli.
Cinque secoli dopo
Ed ora eccoci qui, a quasi due secoli di distanza dalla «rimozione etnica» voluta da Jackson, alle prese con teorie che pretendono di rimuovere la Storia. Negli Stati Uniti e in Europa l’ideologia del «suprematismo bianco» continua a fomentare l’ostilità verso gli immigrati e a inquinare pericolosamente il dibattito pubblico.
Senza neppure porsi la domanda che è alla base del nostro ordine mondiale e che nel 1504, il re Ferdinando di Spagna, committente insieme alla consorte Isabella della missione di Cristoforo Colombo, aveva girato a un gruppo di filosofi e di giuristi: «Le espropriazioni compiute dagli europei nel Nuovo continente e la riduzione in schiavitù dei nativi americani sono compatibili con la legge umana e quella divina?». I saggi dell’epoca conclusero che «in natura esistono uomini meno capaci, destinati a diventare schiavi». Nel 2023 l’eco di quella risposta non si è ancora spenta.
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esysblog · 1 year
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gazetteoesterreich · 1 year
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sakrumverum · 2 years
Der Entdecker Europas
Vor 100 Jahren formulierte Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi jene Vision, die einige Katastrophen später zur Einigung Europas führte. Der Paneuropa-Gründer selbst blieb ein privater Staatsmann. https://www.die-tagespost.de/kultur/der-entdecker-europas-art-233676
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