beginningspod · 2 years
It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
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On today's episode, I talk to musician John Ringhofer AKA Half-handed Cloud. Based now in Helsinki, Finland, Half-handed Cloud started as a home-recording project in Chattanooga, TN in 1999. Since then, John has released almost two dozen albums and EPs, many of them on Asthmatic Kitty and Sounds Familyre. He's also been a member of Sufjan Stevens' touring band, and his latest album Flutterama is out now!
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Half-handed Cloud — Flutterama! (Asthmatic Kitty)
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For a couple decades, John Ringhofer has done a very strange thing with his Half-handed Cloud project. He's made spastic, fractured pop music that feels too pretty for its noise even while getting too messy to be called “pretty.” That would be only partway strange if he didn't couple it with his explicitly Christian meditations. Ringhofer's writing doesn't fit into any traditional Christian categories. It's not worshipful, it doesn't slot into liturgy, it doesn't make mainstream playlists. The indie kids that might go for the tunes don't overlap much with Christian music fans on a Venn diagram. Cut that back to include only those who want obscure or complicated theological reflections and that dot gets tiny. Put it all together, and it makes sense that Asthmatic Kitty remains Half-handed Cloud's ideal label. That much comes clear, but understanding Ringhofer's art doesn't become any simpler.
New album Flutterama!, his first regular album since 2014 continues the tradition. Ringhofer continues his short bursts of songs, with these tracks straining to reach two minutes (or considerably shorter than the length of time you'd repeat a typical worship chorus). Now he adds tape manipulation and deterioration to his arsenal. He's still more Daniel Smith than William Basinski, but Ringhofer recorded much of this music on a worn tape machine, working with various analog effects. The process may have required a certain precision and nuance, but Ringhofer sounds no more hinged musically than he ever has. The liner notes credit him with 25 or 30 “instruments,” ranging from wood blocks to balloons to electric guitar to omnichord. While Ringhofer carefully arranges his songs, it feels as if any of these instruments can burst through at any given time.
His mind ranges lyrically just as far and as quickly. Single “Handles” uses the story of John the Baptist and the death of Jesus to spin a joke on “love that handles” and “love handles.” As the song progresses, it becomes clear that Ringhofer isn't being flippant. Instead, he uses the track to raise questions about the strength of faith in light of the shocking oddity of the gospel story. “How did our faith in you become so flabby?” he asks, indicting himself in the process. Similarly he questions his own ability to follow his religious tradition in “I'm the Weakest Link,” as he acknowledges Christians' resistance to feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. 
Ringhofer cites Bible verses for each track, but he takes these ideas to unlikely places. He provides hymns and prayers and imagist poetry. He works through theology and doubt and faith (the three go together). Each song raises some big ideas, delivers its blow in a hurry, and disappears. Half-handed Cloud provides an antithesis to the contemplative tradition, although its music draws from deep thoughtfulness. As with a handful of like-minded artists, Ringhofer continues to go into strange territory for a likely narrow audience, but it enables him to get out a wealth of musical and spiritual ideas in a striking manner. It's a forward-looking approach that stems from a long tradition, one that stays fresh in its unlimited energy. 
Justin Cober-Lake
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nudesnoises · 1 month
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Thomas Ringhofer
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malenesstemmeside · 27 days
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Lydbog indlæst for Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2024.
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wienerneustadt · 1 year
Erwin Steinhauer & seine Lieben in Neunkirchen
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Foto: @ Hans Ringhofer
Pionier des Neuen Wiener Solo-Kabaretts kommt am 14. April nach Neunkirchen "Seine Lieben" das sind die grandiosen Musiker Georg Graf, Arnulf Lindner, Joe Pinkl und Peter Rosmanith. Dass Multitalent Erwin und seine Gratulanten gerne gemeinsam auf höchstem Niveau musizieren, wurde schon mit den Erfolgsprogrammen "Feierabend" und "Hand aufs Herz" (Buch: Heli Deinboeck) eindrucksvoll unter Beweis gestellt. "Alles Gute" aus vier … weiterlesen auf „Erwin Steinhauer & seine Lieben in Neunkirchen“
source https://www.wn24.at/regional/erwin-steinhauer-seine-lieben-in-neunkirchen-46738.html
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ebouks · 2 years
Alene på banen Nyrup
Alene på banen Nyrup
Alene på banen Nyrup, Jonas, Carlsen, Kenneth Categories: Add a category Year: 2008 Edition: 1. udgave, oplag Publisher: Lindhardt og Ringhof Language: danish Pages: 287 / 288 ISBN 10: 8711319518 ISBN 13: 9788711319512 File: 119 MB
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katykerryautorin · 2 years
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Ein ganz besonderes Buchpäckchen für einen ganz besonderen Leser😊 #Felix Stolz Bisher hast du all meine Bücher gekauft und ich freue mich wahnsinnig dir und deiner Manu Manuela Ringhofer diesmal ein ganz exklusives Buchpaket schicken zu können. #Leseprobe aus dem Roman "Brennende Lust koste mich", dem Kapitel: "Erotische Stunden in Pelz" Bereits seit mehr als vier Wochen treffen sich Catherine und Sergej täglich. Ihre Liebe ist von Sinnlichkeit und der seines Pelzfetischs geprägt. Die beiden haben sich nicht nur ineinander verliebt, sondern sie haben auch ihre große Liebe gefunden. Von Anfang an waren sie sich einig, sich möglichst schnell im realen Leben kennenlernen zu wollen. Schon beim ersten Treffen war klar: Es fühlt sich so an, als ob sie beide nach einer langen Reise endlich angekommen wären. Mit Catherines erster Nachricht – Sergej kann sich noch sehr gut daran erinnern – war auf einmal alles anders. Nur ein paar Zeilen, aber genau die stellen seither das Leben der beiden völlig auf den Kopf. Sergej ist an diesem Abend wieder einmal sehr nervös. Er kann es kaum glauben, dass seine Catherine zum Greifen nahe ist. Eine Frau, die er im realen Leben ohne diese Anzeige niemals gewagt hätte, anzusprechen. Die Sonne steht schon ziemlich tief. Eine orange Färbung überzieht den Abendhimmel – etwas, das ein sensibles Gemüt wie Sergej sehr berührt. Genauso wie Catherine und ihr sanftes Wesen sein Herz verzaubern und rühren. An diesem Abend zieht sie wieder all ihre Register. Sie steht vor ihm. Eine Robe von Pelz fließt über ihren grazilen Körper, darunter nur ein hauchdünnes Kleidchen. Mit ihrem Lächeln befördert sie ihn bereits ohne Pelz in den siebenten Himmel. Trotzdem muss er zugeben, dass sie in ihrem Blaufuchsmantel, den er ihr erst gestern zu diesem Anlass geschenkt hat, einfach hinreißend aussieht. Ein Bild für Götter, das ihn dahinschmelzen lässt. Bestimmt kann sie sich gar nicht ausmalen, was er durchmacht, wenn sie in diesem Aufzug vor ihm steht, denn damit zerrt sie bis hin zum letzten Faden an seinem Nervenkostüm. #buchliebe #beautiful #buch #katykerryromane #buchpaket (hier: Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiF-LSfD7-k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nitacigopibo · 2 years
Weiler e35 handbuch fire
           Müller, J.; Ringhof, S.; Vollmer, M.; Jäger, L. B.; Stein, T.; Weiler, M.; Sport in Kultur und Gesellschaft – Handbuch Sport und Sportwissenschaft. Handbuch des politischen Systems Österreichs. Erste Duscher, G. G., Hodžić, A., Weiler, M., Vaux, A. G. C.,. Rudolf, I., Sixl, W., … Hubálek, Z. (2016). Student media services oregon state, Santos vs flamengo head to head! Dj gregor salto colombia, E35 m3 for sale, Movie disco singh trailer, Möge das „Genealogiihe Handbuch bürgerlicher Familien“ immer mehr der sit m A u, Ha ee Pr Er "u ei — FIRE TEST 0 —9 * rg ho Ani ah var, 4 nr N NEN. Handbook for electrical safety in the workplace / edited by Christopher D. Coache, Gil Moniz. - Fifth edition. - Quincy, Massachusetts : National FireNachdem folgete 1721 das forſchende Orche⸗ fire Orch. III) zu. ‚aber fürmahr nicht deswegen, weiler geglaubt, daß die Mufikfaule und feigeLeus temache, Müller, J.; Ringhof, S.; Vollmer, M.; Jäger, L. B.; Stein, T.; Weiler, M.; Sport in Kultur und Gesellschaft – Handbuch Sport und Sportwissenschaft. Fabrikat Weiler, Typ E35, Steuerung Sinumerik 810 D Fabrikat Weiler Praktikant VC 1 3D-CAD-Arbeitsplatz Pro/ENGINEER, Version Wildfire 2.0. Feuerkunst Pyrotechnics 32 Kanal Funkzündanlage SuperbFire V3 Inhalt: A. E35 INHALT DER BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG 1 Wichtige Hinweise 2 Verwendete.
https://nitacigopibo.tumblr.com/post/693122190542028800/stilo-dg-10-manual, https://nitacigopibo.tumblr.com/post/693122190542028800/stilo-dg-10-manual, https://nitacigopibo.tumblr.com/post/693122190542028800/stilo-dg-10-manual, https://nitacigopibo.tumblr.com/post/693122190542028800/stilo-dg-10-manual, https://nitacigopibo.tumblr.com/post/693122190542028800/stilo-dg-10-manual.
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zaphmann · 3 years
In Memory of John Peel Show 210409 Podcast & Playlist
In Memory of John Peel Show 210409 Podcast & Playlist
 Jane Fonda “keep doing this essential work” >>> the best new music, independent of the industry system – back this show on patreon Paypal to [email protected] heard in over 90 countries via independent stations  https://radiopublic.com/in-memory-of-john-peel-show-6nVPd6/ (RSS)Pod-Subscribe for free here or embed/listen at podomatic – itunes here’s the latest…
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adrianoesteves · 3 years
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nofatclips · 3 years
What it Takes by Sufjan Stevens and Lowell Brams from the album Aporia
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This was a Ringhofer Family summer project: kid stuff, living abroad, routines, Finnish holidays, domestic life, field recordings, foods, a lullaby.
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teebear-comix · 6 years
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Drawing for a comission - all rights owned by Lindhardt & Ringhof
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nudesnoises · 1 month
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Thomas Ringhofer
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malenesstemmeside · 8 months
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Lydbog indlæst for Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2023
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Half-handed Cloud (aka John Ringhofer, above left) has a new album coming out this year on AKR. Super exciting. if you didn’t already know, his album Learning About Your Scale was the first album AKR released (besides mine) many moons ago in the early days of the label, I think around 2000. John and I have been friends and collaborators ever since. He was in the Michigan Militia and an Illinoisemaker in those early days and I played a bunch of HHC shows, helping out on handclaps and BGVs. MEMORIES. John has an instagram going with flashbacks of all things HHC, AKR, and our little community over the years. CHECK IT OUT. more info to come. XOXO
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