#Rivren wear matching BFF bracelets and wonder if the other person finds them annoying lmao
14dayswithyou ยท 4 months
[18 May 2022] Is Ren touch starved?
Very. the only people Ren has ever been close with (aside from you, of course) were his mother and sister. But it's been years since he's last seen either of them, and he honestly doesn't really care about them anymore.
He also has zero relationship experience, no friends, and was bullied all throughout school, so... :') /please/ give him a hug or something lmao
20 Feb 2024 EDIT: Slight correction and retcon; While Ren has never fully considered River as his friend (RIP LMAO), in every sense of the word; he would be. Ren is simply unable to form connections with other people who aren't Angel, thus making him believe that River is someone irrelevant and expendable. He does tolerate him more than anyone else, however.
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