#🌊 — about river.
14dayswithyou · 4 months
[18 May 2022] Is Ren touch starved?
Very. the only people Ren has ever been close with (aside from you, of course) were his mother and sister. But it's been years since he's last seen either of them, and he honestly doesn't really care about them anymore.
He also has zero relationship experience, no friends, and was bullied all throughout school, so... :') /please/ give him a hug or something lmao
20 Feb 2024 EDIT: Slight correction and retcon; While Ren has never fully considered River as his friend (RIP LMAO), in every sense of the word; he would be. Ren is simply unable to form connections with other people who aren't Angel, thus making him believe that River is someone irrelevant and expendable. He does tolerate him more than anyone else, however.
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riveramorylunar · 8 months
Has anyone heard of Little Big Planet?
I used to play it but I want to know if any of you guys know!!!
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rivershornyblog · 6 months
Please I just need to hear her calling me a good girl.
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nasa · 1 year
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Ways NASA Studies the Ocean
We live on a water planet. The ocean covers a huge part of the Earth's surface – earning it the name Blue Marble.
The ocean is one of Earth’s largest ecosystems and helps moderate Earth’s climate. NASA scientists spend a lot of time studying the ocean and how it is changing as Earth’s climate changes.
In the last few years, NASA has launched an array of missions dedicated to studying this precious part of our planet, with more to come. For World Oceans Month, which starts in June, here are new ways NASA studies the ocean.
1. Seeing the colors of the ocean 🎨
A new NASA mission called PACE will see Earth’s oceans in more color than ever before. The color of the ocean is determined by the interaction of sunlight with substances or particles present in seawater.
Scheduled to launch in 2024, PACE will help scientists assess ocean health by measuring the distribution of phytoplankton, tiny plants and algae that sustain the marine food web. PACE will also continue measuring key atmospheric variables associated with air quality and Earth's climate.
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2. Surveying surface water around the globe 💧
The SWOT satellite, launched in late 2022, is studying Earth’s freshwater – from oceans and coasts to rivers, lakes and more – to create the first global survey of Earth’s surface water.
SWOT is able to measure the elevation of water, observing how major bodies of water are changing and detecting ocean features. The data SWOT collects will help scientists assess water resources, track regional sea level changes, monitor changing coastlines, and observe small ocean currents and eddies.
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3. Setting sail to understand interactions between the ocean and atmosphere 🚢
With research aircraft, a research ship, and autonomous ocean instruments like gliders, NASA’s S-MODE mission is setting sail to study Earth’s oceans up close. Their goal? To understand ocean whirlpools, eddies and currents.
These swirling ocean features drive the give-and-take of nutrients and energy between the ocean and atmosphere and, ultimately, help shape Earth’s climate.
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4. Building ocean satellites the size of a shoebox 📦
NASA’s HawkEye instrument collects ocean color data and captures gorgeous images of Earth from its orbit just over 355 miles (575 kilometers) above Earth’s surface. It’s also aboard a tiny satellite measuring just 10cm x 10 cm x 30 cm – about the size of a shoebox!
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5. Designing new missions to study Earth’s oceans! 🌊
NASA is currently designing a new space-based instrument called GLIMR that will help scientists observe and monitor oceans throughout the Gulf of Mexico, the southeastern U.S. coastline and the Amazon River plume that stretches to the Atlantic Ocean. GLIMR will also provide important information about oil spills, harmful algae blooms, water quality and more to local agencies.
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6. Taking the ocean to new heights ⬆️
The U.S.-European Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is helping researchers measure the height of the ocean - a key component in understanding how Earth’s climate is changing.
This mission, which launched in 2020, has a serious job to do. It’s not only helping meteorologists improve their weather forecasts, but it’s helping researchers understand how climate change is changing Earth’s coastlines in real time.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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AITA For sitting on the edge of my boat and scaring my brother half to death?
This is so stupid but my brother keeps giving me dirty looks I CANNOT DO THIS
I (M minor) went out on the river on a family friend’s boat for a few hours today with said family friend, her girlfriend, their two sons, my brother (14), and my mom (42). Most of Their ages don’t really matter I don’t think, because they aren’t too relevant to the story.
We were anchored in the river for about four hours. It was kinda hot on the boat (there was a coverup for shade though), they were making me wear a lifejacket (I hate swimming and am not good at it at all), and kept dunking me halfway into the water (Like I only my legs, my face and head were basically bone dry) when I was complaining about me being hot. They did take the lifejacket off of me when they weren’t dunking me in, so that was okay I guess???
When we were getting ready to leave to go back to the docks, everybody was deflating any floaties we had and all the young kids were getting their lifejackets back on. But I had to wear one, too, cause everyone 13 and under had to wear lifejackets while the boat is in motion (Usually we wouldn’t care at all, but because of memorial day weekend patrols are more common).
I wasn’t really thinking at the time, so I maybe might’ve ran away and stood up on the edge of the boat when my mom was trying to hand me the lifejacket? I almost fell off, too, and I gave my brother a mini heart attack cause he screamed my name and immediately dragged me down. On the entire way back he would NOT let go of me it was so stupid.
I also bit him, so uh.
This is me btw lol ahahaha if you even care
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gettinshiggywithit · 3 months
ok so I saw your post abt wanting to write for pjo but you don't know what and you've only read the books so I figured I'd send a request or sum. now idk if you do headcannons cause I haven't followed you for long, but headcannons abt a relationship with percy? 🍓
🌊Dating Percy Jackson~ (HCs)🌊
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Summary: what’s it like dating the son of poseidon and resident blue-enthusiast
Pairing: percy x gn!reader (i think I kept it pretty gender neutral!)
Genre: fluff
T/W: none
A/N: Hi nonny! I hope you like this! Thank you for the request and for getting me out of my writing slump! Pls lmk what you think of it if you feel like it and until next time ciao!
Warning! Not proof read🥹🙏apologies 🥹
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I think its a given that percy is the epitome of boyfriend material
I mean the man literally gave up immortality for annabeth!
But this isnt about annabeth,this is about you!
So for the sake of this post let’s assume you both met the same way!
The moment percy saw you he was entranced!
It was a normal day of practice and he was out in the practice pavilion to try his hand at archery(this was when he was still unclaimed)
He was struggling to even hit the target when he turned his head to talk to his instructor from the apollo cabin,only to see you sparring with the camp’s best swordsman,luke castellan!
You were expertly dodging and blocking his advances and while luke seemed to be getting frustrated,you looked smug and excited almost. It was then that perch jackson developed a hugee crush on you
Over the next few days he made attempts to talk to and interact with you,he joined you at the campfire and during these little interactions was when he realised you weren’t just pretty,you had a personality as bright as the sun and your sense of humour was elite!
When he got claimed you helped him accept it and even though you were still unclaimed it really helped him. You listened to him when he needed a friend and helped him see the brighter side of things.
And over time even you seemed to fall for him, i mean what wasnt to love,he was funny,sweet,supportive; everything a girl could ask for!
So when you confessed to him during a sparring session after having just beaten him,he was both confused and overjoyed!
You helped him up and he confessed to feeling the same.and as you both got older,your bond grew stronger.sure there were little hiccups along the way but you always made it work.
Percy noticed everything about you, your little quirks, your little gestures; everything
He was the first to notice when you were feeling even a little bit down and he always had your favorite snacks on hand for when you needed cheering up!
He always took you down to the beach or near the river,exploring both in his little protective bubble was the coolest,most awesome thing you’d ever experienced and even though you felt scared at times,he’d hold you close and not let go until you were on dry land.
Making blue food together in the off season and spending time at his and his mum’s apartment was heavenly,especially your home didn’t exactly feel like a home in the first place.
Sally loved you! She always teased the two of you when you curled up on the couch to watch movies and was just happy her son found someone.
During quests he always had your back but also knew you were perfectly capable on your own,i mean you practically taught him how to sparr yourself!
Through the losses and the gains,the battles and the hardship,you stayed together and helped eachother grow.
You loved him with all your heart and he the same. He was loyal to fault and would never judge or criticize you,if he did it was merely constructive criticism,nothing to belittle you or make you feel insignificant.
He helped you through your moments of insecurity and made you feel whole,like you were worth his love and like you were perfect the way you were.
In conclusion,being in love with percy Jackson means, unlimited support and love and a companion for life🫶
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!j
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mythrilthread · 6 months
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I made this fantastic take on the fable of the Scorpion and the Frog by @sadoeuphemist and @ospreyonthemoon into a tiny book.
🌊 It’s A8, which is about 5x7cm or 2x3 inches (ish), and has 96 pages.
🌊 The river on the debossed parts of the cover is textured foil.
🌊 I took the river theme and ran with it, so almost every page has an ukiyo-e style illustration.
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
Will we see River in the game? I really wanted to see his complete sketch 😭 And since he's Ren's best friend, what's the dynamic like between them? Is River aware of Ren's passion/obsession? I don't know if this qualifies as spoilers for the next game.
ANSWERED: You will! River is the last "major" NPC you meet in the game, and he plays a significant part in Ren's backstory. He's also been brought up here, here, here, here, and here (a few posts vaguely answer your questions!). There's also a complete sketch of him (that I drew) on Jesse's blog!
River also has his own blog at @unsentmemory and is featured/the owner of @omgrenhasfriends — however, because Unsent Memories is set a year after 14 Days With You, there isn't much content Jesse can reveal right now ^^;
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riveramorylunar · 6 months
I'm curious does anyone else remember some of their dreams?
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
🌊 Subtle Poseidon Worship 🐬
Picking up trash at a beach, lake, or river
Collecting ocean water or making salt water (please do not drink either)
Collect seashells, shark teeth, seaglass, and ocean-related fossils/precious gems
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Wear cologne with a musky or breezy scent
Learn about local fish and underwater species
Have a stuffed animal horse or dolphin; have a stuffed animal of any water creature
Try eating seaweed or fish (be careful with shellfish; many people are allergic!!!)
Have imagery of the ocean, sea dwelling creatures, tridents, or pegasi around
Support ocean-focused organizations
Learn to go more with the flow of things; practice grounding regularly
Fall asleep/meditate to ocean sounds
Sunbathe on a beach, if able
Go swimming/diving; learn to swim/dive
Practice standing up for yourself; assert your boundaries; you have power
Make a list of your personal strengths and things you're proud of
Own a fish (please research the fish first)
Visit an aquarium
Learn how to ride a horse; volunteer at local horse stables, if able
Take care of your mental health; learn to be patient and forgiving with yourself
Learn about constellations; learn how to navigate using the stars
Take a walk under the full moon (only if it is safe to do so in your area)
Drink water; stay hydrated
Take a self-care shower/bath
Use hydrating lotion on your skin; take good care of yourself physically
Focus on the personal power and strength you have; maybe meditate on this
Practice mindfulness
Try fishing
Learn how to sail, kayak, or paddleboard
Try to learn divination of water; rivers, the ocean, lakes, ponds, etc. all work
Draw in the sand; build sand castles; create colored sand art (best in a pretty vase, imo)
Stand in water; ground yourself around bodies of water; meditate standing in or near them
May add more to this later! This is my list of discreet ways to worship Poseidon. I hope this is helpful, and take care, y'all! 🩵
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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thisismeracing · 8 months
King of my heart | MS47 | Part. 17
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x Hamilton!reader (she/her) ― Warnings: curse words, twitter environment, mention of food, not proofread, etc, etc. Minors DNI! ― Summary: Yn decided to take a break from social media as well, but her friends were hell-bent on protecting her image and not letting people talk shit about her in front of them. When she comes back, ready to launch her winter collection, someone shows up ready to talk too. ―  A/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. Everything else is made up by me, and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛 ― A/n²: We're heading to the end of this series. I'm sorry for going MIA for a beat, but I'm back now, and I'm gonna work to get everything done by the end of this month 💛
⁕ part. 16 | series masterlist | part. 18  ⁕ my masterlist | my taglist here ⁕ Support my writing by reblogging, and leaving me a message 🤍
📧 Lewis and Mick
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liked by pierregasly, lewishamilton, and others
francisca.cgomes ⭐️💓 te amo, linda!
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schumacherpt Where's your phone case from, Kika??
⤷ franciscac.gomes It was a gift, I dunno, love 🥺
mercedesamigasf1 they're so pretty
ynfan oh to be a wag and besties with the other wags 😍🥺
⤷ user33 Yn's not a wag
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liked by estebanocon, ginaschumacher, and others
lilymhe all my fav emojis for you, babes 🦋🦕🪲🦩🍄🌷💐🌸🌼⭐️💫🌈❄️🩷🤍🩵🏓🎨🍭🍋🍉🌊
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alex_albon I love how you always leave me for her
⤷ pierregasly Kika does the same, I don't even mind anymore
⤷ franciscac.gomes let the girls club be! 😒
nandolonso I'm so soft *teary eyes*
ynsunshine I'm under the impression that Yn gives the best hugs
⤷ charles_leclerc It's true
⤷ ynshunshine OMG
lewishamilton 💖
⤷ braziliangp22 Yn's biggest supporter
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liked by normani, mercedesamgf1, and others
lewishamilton spent the week with my fav people ❤️
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carlossainz55 ❤️
charles_leclerc tell Yn to save some cupcakes for me, I'm flying to you guys
⤷ arthur_leclerc why you've never posted a dump with me with the caption 'my fav people'?
⤷ lorenzotl because you're not his favorite 🙄
cullen_angela Love you guys sm
gina_schumacher I love you two 💖
estebanocon 🧡🧡🧡
landonorris can I join? 🙏🏻😁
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, and others
ginaschumacher weekend dump ❤️ much love
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liked by landonorris, lizzoobeating, and others
theofficialyn Our winter '23 collection has an official launch date! Check ynthebrand for more info. Can't wait to share everything with you all 🤍
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lewishamilton Congrats, bitsy!! 🩵
ynswiftie back by popular demand, babyyyyy
hamiltonsiblings my fav family 💗
charles_leclerc if my invitation don't get here by tomorrow I'm flying to you
⤷ pierregasly me too
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liked by 551644_, lechairschumi, and others
f1wagsupdates Some of Yn's looks on her Winter's collection launch in Paris.
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formulaumdois she looks so pretty! 😍
sunshinesteban the way this woman can reinvent herself all the time
lewiscars I saw that she's launching some pairs at an accessible price, does anyone know when it gets to the stores?
⤷ keepingupwthehamiltons I think everything will be available at her website ynthebrand.com
⤷ monzashalrs bruh I chuckled when I saw she had shoes at an average prince, but she also had shoes with golden in them. talk about a mindful queen 😂
ylnhamilton I'm totally coping one of these model dresses for my grad party 🤓
vettellbees someone said she's parading with the models too, I am SO READY FOR THIS <3
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💌 Yn and Mick
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Heyyyyy!!! Omg its been forever since I last updated, and I'm really sorry for that but I'm finally back *yay* I'll try posting the next chapter later today or tomorrow, and if things go smoothly this series will be over by the end of the month *cries gently into my hands*. Let me know your thots! Don't forget to leave me a comment and reblog *mwah*
⁕ my masterlist and my taglist
taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @mellowpizzapuppy @mickslover @dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @fdl305 @saintslewis @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @smiithys @shhhchriss @f1kota @lunnnix @leclercsluv @baby-is-crying @balekane_mohafe @uuuseeerrr12 @karmabyfernando @crashingwavesofeuphoria @schumacheer @pinksstrawberry @callsign-scully @moonyschocolate13 @v1naco @dearxcherry @p8dris @heelariously @peachiicherries @elliegrey2803 @he6rtshaker @therealcap @alm334 @mehrmonga @thatgibbsygirl @the-depressed-fellow @cixrosie @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart (if you're not tagged make sure to enable the tagging button on your profile's setting. Let me know if you're supposed to be tagged on this series or only on my other works *mwah*)
All rights reserved © thisismeracing 💜
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astroismypassion · 2 years
How to spice up your daily routine 🌶
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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This is the second post in my selfcare in astrology series. 🌿🌱
Today we are discussing how you can spice up you your daily routine and how to shake it up based on your 6th house sign.
❤️eat more red fruits (berries for example) since you might be prone to low iron
❤️renovate your space or one of your rooms
❤️organize a get together, host a dinner/lunch/charcuterie board night after work, school
❤️ get candy, sweets from a candy shop
❤️get yourself a fizzy drink
🌸 prepare meals and drinks that you will look forward to
🌸 dance your heart out in your room to new music playlist
🌸 go to an actual restaurant and don’t eat lunch at home
🌸 send someone a snack box
🌸 plan comfortable outfits in advance
🌸 draw a picture
🌸 pick flowers or buy flowers
🌸 prepare yourself a smoothie
📙 read 3 pages of a physical book
📙 listen to a podcast on your way to school, work
📙 journal or make a scrapbook with memories with your friends
📙 plan a trip or an activity with friends
📙 add herbs to your water
📙 doodle or draw a friend
📙 make personalized gift cards or cards
📙 make lemonade
📙 let yourself be bored, you will find a new passion
🌊 do something nostalgic you’ve done in the past already, but forgot about it (buy your favourite drink, go to your favourite ice cream shop, watch a cartoon, show from childhood)
🌊 get chocolate milk
🌊 make a time capsule box
🌊 give thank you note to a family member
🌊 make a home spa
🌊 tell your close friend to come over and treat them like they are staying at a vacation house
🌊 make hot chocolate or coffee with ice cream if it’s hot outside
🦁 get that daily sunlight in
🦁 eat yellow fruits
🦁 do something new in your routine every 2, 3 days (take a new route to school, job, wear new earrings)
🦁 wear gold jewellery
🦁 drink chamomile tea
🦁 declutter your working space
🦁 do artwork with make-up
🍀 organize a Pinterest vision board
🍀 make a capsule wardrobe
🍀 cycle to work, school
🍀 read a blog post
🍀 read about nutrition, organization, health matters
🍀 organize your beauty, cosmetics drawer
🍀 organize your bills
🍀 learn not say “no” to people around you in your daily life
🍀 make a salad bowl with toasted bread
🍀 buy baked goods from a bakery
🍀 do the thing you wanted to do for a long long time
💜 Bake a dessert
💜 make jewellery (like best friend bracelets)
💜 make a key chain
💜 plan a picnic with a friend or a special someone
💜 DIY shell ring dish
💜 share snacks with colleagues
💜 make your nails, feet, skin more pretty
💜 go out for breakfast before work, school
♏️ get coffee from a different coffee shop every day
♏️ make new music playlists
♏️ stand up for someone else
♏️ buy a cake and share it with friends despite not being anyone’s birthday
♏️ treat yourself to a meal in a nice restaurant
♏️ watch a sunrise
♏️ organise your finances and expenses
💛 buy something very little that will make you more motivated, like a new pen, new coffee mug
💛 take a new path to school, job
💛 watch humourous shows, stand-up, photos, memes
💛 travel to a new part of town you haven’t visited before
💛 teach a colleague something new, host a study group, tell a joke
💛 journal about your life philosophy, belief system, current life experiences and add photos
💛 go on a walk by the river, hitchhike and take photographs of nature
💛 make a photo wall of your favourite memories and experiences
💛 hang motivational posters, quotes on the wall or on your table
🦋 work on a side project on your own, so that you have total control over it
🦋 reach fun activity
🦋 take a cold shower
🦋 organize your bills
🦋 buy coffee, tea for co-workers, collegues
🦋 invest in making your home more cozy, like transform it more into a “wooden cottage” vibe
🦋 buy more professional, work, dark academia clothes
🦋 book an Airbnb or save your dream ones
🛸 get drinks after work, school with friends
🛸 share new data, information with colleagues or teach them a new fact, skill, how to do something
🛸 try to connect people who haven’t met before, play the matchmaker
🛸 actually buy a physical copy of a magazine or a newspaper
🛸 make short videos of your weekly life experiences and edit it into a short movie of your life and share it with friends
🛸 start a “genius ideas” notebook
🛸 start recycling more
🐟 use guided meditation (Goodful on Youtube)
🐟 write letters “Open when you feel content etc.” to yourself, a family member, a friend
🐟 watch an episode of your favourite show
🐟 go to the sauna
🐟 buy a sandwich for someone else
🐟 write a letter to your future self
🐟 go buy yourself an ice cream
🐟 colourcode your wardrobe, pens
🐟 crayon or use watercolours
🐟 soak only your feet in a bubble bath with bath salts
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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mariaxxxxx · 4 months
Fantasize (Namor x Black!Reader)
Summary: Fantasy can be sweet compared to reality.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY/ Minors DNI, Angust, Sex, Apologies, Crying, Creampie, Passionate sex, size difference, smut, soft!dom!, slight degradation, unprotected sex (don't do that wrap this thing), aftercare, curse words, breeding kink.
A/N: English is not my mother tongue. I apologize for any errors.
Work count: 4.113
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K'uk'ulkan is a man who earned his position as leader of Talokan through hard work and iron-fisted leadership. Considered by his people as a God and by his enemies as an executioner, admired by many for having the good characteristics that make a king and a physical appearance as divine as paradise. He wasn't the kind of guy to start a small conversation, but he knew exactly how to persuade a person with his words. There were also social subtleties involved, which You found adorable, the man was gallant and imposing and this made people respect him more. His father thought he was arrogant and proud. You agreed with him, but chose to describe that man differently; he was a bit of a jerk, a bit of a romantic, and incredibly powerful. These are really unique characteristics.
You look up as he enters Wakanda's council room. You open your mouth to greet him, knowing it's a bad idea. Luckily for You, a loud scoff from his father makes You both focus on the conversation going on in the room. He sits, next to his father, a place fit for a royal guest.
“The situation with the Americans is under control.” His father is speaking to the leader of Talokan with a loud tone of voice, an annoying trait of his. “As agreed, our borders have been strengthened.”
“We cannot relax if we take into account the persistence of the colonizers.” As the river tribe leader speaks You watch K'uk'ulkan's eyebrows arch upward.
K'uk'ulkan is the type of man who is interested in subjects that disrespect his nation and enjoys strategic conversations to keep the colonizers' curiosity at bay. He likes to hear what his allies have to say, although he almost never agrees with the decisions made. He was a violent man indeed. He always responded to violence with more violence.
“The late king’s decision to open Wakanda’s borders brought dilemmas that needed to be resolved.” Says K'uk'ulkan with his apathetic face, but You can detect a small gleam in his eyes. You know how much he always has to fight not to reveal his dissatisfaction with being so far from home. “It is not enough to close the borders again, more brutal measures need to be carried out.”
Oh! There it was. The flame of war shining in his pupils. Two years ago Talokan went to war with Wakanda. A dispute that caused losses for both sides. It was still difficult for many to overcome the death of Queen Ramonda and the departure of the legitimate heir out of the country, leaving Wakanda once again without its protector. Black Panther chose to step aside, indefinitely, to deal with his grief. The decision was respected and accepted by the council, but the people did not look favorably on it; after all, Black Panther was the warrior spirit sent by Bast to protect us.
After the ascension to the throne of his father, King Jabari, diplomatic programs were created to formalize the ceasefire and the union of both nations to deal with attempts to steal Vibranium. His father chose to return to old policies; close Wakanda's borders and suspend metal extraction. Such an attitude made Talokan, the people and the council happy, but not the colonists who demanded the sharing of Vibranium.
The conversation went on for a long time; they talked about metal, about borders, bonds of friendship, trade routes... At some point, you disconnected and sank into the chair with your eyes fixed on the floor, shaking your head every time someone said something. Meetings were tedious for a young man like You with so much energy to burn.
“So, have we reached a decision?” Your father says suddenly, snapping You out of your thoughts. You look at everyone in the room and notice when everyone exclaims a resounding Yes. Only one says nothing. You notice K'uk'ulkan's fingers turn a little too white, as if he's gripping the arms of his chair. A clear sign of irritation and denial.
You're not surprised to see him get up and leave, but no one comments on it before your father says,
“At least he didn’t fondle us again.”
That night, You escaped the palace walls, all ready to go the moment the clock struck eleven. When this happens, you hide from the Dora Milaje. After all, it wasn't safe for a new little princess to walk the streets late at night. The big doors open and you walk out into the night. You knew the way with your eyes closed; Behind the palace, surrounded by large trees, there was a saltwater river little known to the inhabitants.
On the riverbank there was a rustic wooden cabin with opaque glass windows and a large oak door. You didn't know who built this place, but in the last two years it had become yours and his. Little by little you redecorated the place, filling it with luxurious furniture and yellow lights.
You silently enter the place, turning on the lights and observe the mess you and he made on your last date. You put on shabby clothes, tie your hair up and start working as if you were being paid to do so. You start by arranging the cushions on the couch, then clean all the dishes, counters and general surfaces. You finish by vacuuming all the sand from the place and mopping the floor with a cloth dampened with scented water. You don't care about the room. After all, he was always so tidy. Your lover would rather take You in the living room, or on the balcony, or by the river under the starlight; very few times did you use that bed.
When you finish your cleaning marathon, your watch beeps informing you that it was already midnight and he would be here soon. You take a break and run to the bathroom. After a shower, perfumed your skin and touched up your makeup, you put on a thigh-length dress made of transparent fabric. The dress leaves your breasts and intimacy exposed, so you minimize this fact by placing a padless lace bra and thin panties under the dress. You looked beautiful, like the Goddess Isis waiting for her Osiris.
You return to the kitchen to start preparing something to eat. There are just a few minutes left before the food is ready when the cabin door opens and you hear a familiar voice.
"My love, I'm here." K'uk'ulkan breaks the silence that has hung over the environment since You arrived. You don't bother shouting, you never do. You would do it in person in seconds instead of yelling at each other in different rooms. The last time you dared to perform such a vulgar act, K'uk'ulkan gave you slaps on the ass to educate you correctly. A good wife greets her husband when he walks through the door, he said as he slapped her behind. You loved being punished like that, but you hated spending three whole days without being able to sit down.
You leave the kitchen and go to him, with a big smile on your lips. You find him in the room wearing fancy clothes richly decorated with gold and jade. He keeps his shorts green with black embroidered details. You extend your arms and circle them around his neck. You give him a kiss on the lips in greeting. He returns the kiss, pressing your body against his.
"Hello my dear." You pull away from his lips and turn your head to give him a kiss on the cheek. "How was your day?"
“Stressful, but I managed to escape to be with my wife.” He smiles and plays with a strand of your hair. “Knowing that You are here to care for me fills my heart with joy.”
The kisses didn't stop as he spoke and You were struggling to remember the stew that was boiling on the stove.
“Fuck” You don’t think about the curse until a hand squeezes your hip. A subtle warning of how such verbiage was not allowed in that environment.
“Such a beautiful girl with such a dirty mouth.” He mutters. His lips brush your ear, and you have to concentrate to push him away.
“I need to go to the kitchen.”
“Just focus on me, my love.” You can feel in his tone he wants to break You, break the character You play. Like a dizzy duck You fall into his trap.
“K’uk’ulkan” You whine. "Is very fast! Our dinner will burn and it will be a disaster.”
You scream when you feel a sharp slap on your ass. His hand makes a circular movement at the impact site, easing the pain a little. This was her punishment for being so petulant towards her man.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” His voice is lower, a little dark.
"Sorry my love."
"Good girl." He removes his arms from your waist and signals you to go to the kitchen. You mumble a simple thank you and rush over to find the food boiling furiously over medium heat. You hang up and return to the room, to him.
“Now I’m all yours, my love.”
“What have You done to us?” He says it like he doesn't know. As if he hadn't instructed her what to cook.
“A stew with vegetables accompanied by cornbread.”
It was a rule established by both of you that you would do your best to please him. No easy or quick foods, no fatty foods with added sugar and pesticides. K'uk'ulkan didn't take care of himself, in his opinion. He woke up early to govern, stayed late in meetings and would certainly forget to eat if You didn't prepare something. You remembered how he claimed not to eat much, a phrase that made you want to care for this man who cared for others and neglected himself. Not that this was a surprise, however. K'uk'ulkan was born with a crown on his head, so difficulty taking time away from work and taking care of himself became commonplace.
There was also the pleasure of serving and being served. He was excited by the idea of having a wife ready to serve him at the end of the day, with the effort made by You to please him in every way. It excited both of you, knowing that you worked hard without complaining to please him. In addition to carnal pleasure, there was cuddling; although you and he never talked to define exactly what this relationship was, nights of cuddling and talking on the sidelines were not uncommon. He liked to please too, it would not be uncommon for him to give you gifts ranging from fabrics with gold thread to jewelry; You hid them in the back of your closet to avoid questions.
His hand snakes down your hips to your butt, he gives it a squeeze making you moan with a little discomfort at having your sore flesh being touched like that.
"Adorable." The words vibrate in you. His hands suddenly caress your body. The hand pauses, pulls back, and spanks her ass afterwards. “What do you say after being praised, my love?”
You stabilize yourself with the force of the blow, fight back a groan, smile at him and mutter a loud:
“You’re such a good little girl” he reflects, pressing your body against his so you can feel the hardness that was forming between your legs. “You love this, don’t you? You love it when I discipline you.”
You don't answer because you think it's a rhetorical question, but a warm hand moves his hair away and thick fingers grab the back of his neck.
"Yes my love. Thank you for taking care of me and teaching me how to be a good woman.” You fight back a bratty response about how you could take care of yourself.
“Such a good queen to me.”
Your mind lights up at the word queen being expelled from his mouth. You're insecure about the current agreement to never discuss these things, so you just smile, and kiss him passionately, pretending that being called his queen hasn't affected you in every way possible.
You allow his tongue into your mouth savoring the feeling of him touching you so softly. His skin burns red hot from the hot trail his hands leave as they roam your body. A hand tangles in his hair and pulls his head back enough for You to feel the pressure on your scalp. K'uk'ulkan attacks his neck, distributing wet kisses while you moan and encourage him to continue.
“K’uk’ulkan” You moan shamelessly when he sucks on the sensitive skin of your neck. He walks away, leaving you a mess, the damn thing had the power to make you go crazy with so little.
"Let's play a game." He suggests. A part of You is disappointed by this, but You knew how he liked to prolong the night. He moves away from you, sitting on the navy blue sofa; You narrow your eyes, finding this attitude strange, but his smug smile prepares you for what comes next. “Take off your panties and climb up my thigh. Now."
You don't wait long and you're soon getting rid of your panties, straddling his thigh after doing so. The cool, bare skin damps beneath You which is clearly visible when K'uk'ulkan pushes you back to check, You gasp when you realize how wet you were. His face burns with embarrassment, so you cover him in a cute reaction. You can't meet his gaze when he grabs his hand and pulls them away so you opt to kiss him for a minute to hide the embarrassment. Until he pulls away and puts his hands on your hips.
“I barely touched you and you’re already wet.” His hands are firmly on your hips, he uses them to pull you against him causing friction. “I know how desperate You are for this. Keep your moans low. Anyway, good girls never act like whores.”
He was right about how much You needed this, of course. The bastard knew her like the back of his hand. He leans his torso against the couch, giving him a privileged view of the movements of his hips. You bite your bottom lip to keep from moaning loudly when a specific movement increases contact with your swollen clit. You can barely concentrate between your low sighs and the warm hand that snakes across your belly and over your breasts, the feeling of his hand drives you crazy and without you realizing it a loud moan escapes your mouth when one of your breasts are tight.
You come out of your little world of pleasure to be met with K'uk'ulkan's intense gaze. He arches an eyebrow and squeezes your hips when you try to seek more friction.
"Sorry." His breath catches with the need to be forgiven, your hands tighten on his shoulders and you, once again, try to move your hips only to have your plans thwarted.
"Stand up." He commands and You obey. “It looks like my beautiful girl is having trouble following my orders. What a shame!"
"Sorry my love." You falter when you see the expression on his face.
“We need to solve this problem” You can see the cruel smile and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Take off your dress and come onto my lap.”
You take everything off and stand naked in front of him. Hesitantly, you walk over to him and settle into his lap. K'uk'ulkan rests one hand on your upper back and squeezes your shoulder. Care before everything happens You understand. You arch into his lap due to the hard slap he gives your ass.
“Tell and be thankful.” He orders.
"To thank?" His question is rewarded with another hard slap on his ass. "Sorry. Thank you for the lesson my love.”
"Good girl. Too bad this one didn't count. I didn’t hear any numbers.” You can see his smile in your mind. "Count."
"Yes." You speak breathlessly, one hand gripping his leg to anchor yourself. A slap. "One. Thank you my love"
"Higher." Another slap.
"Two. Thank you my love."
You hear a chuckle and his hand covers your ass, rubbing it creating momentary relief.
“Behave and you won’t be punished again.”
The blow comes harder this time, catching You off guard enough to scream.
"Three. Thanks." You say breathlessly.
“I said it without groaning.” The slap is even stronger than the previous one, you bite your lip to keep from screaming. “Thank me and I’ll think about whether I’ll fuck you with my cock.”
“Thank you for punishing me, K’uk’ulkan” You lick your lips to moisten them. “Please fuck me with your cock.”
He grabs the back of your neck and pulls you up, the quick movement makes you slide off the couch and fall on your knees between his legs. You look up only to find the obsidian orbs watching you with intensity. This man has too much power over You, and You can't care about it. You were about to beg to suck his dick, but K'uk'ulkan grabs your jaw with his fingers and caresses your lips with his thumb, You suck it devotedly without looking away.
“I will be benevolent today.”
You are internally grateful for the decision. K'uk'ulkan had been teasing you for a long time and your pussy was throbbing, and you had never been so ready to be fucked in your life. He tightens the grip on your jaw, a reminder for you to thank him.
"Thanks." You say. “Fuck me with your divine cock, K'uk'ulkan”
“My good girl, so good to me.” He caresses his cheek with his fingertips. “Lie down on the mat and spread your legs.”
You find yourself crawling onto the carpet a moment later, laying your head on a cushion. You look at K'uk'ulkan, his body sculpted by gods, he worked to rid himself of the jewelry and green trunks.
“Eat me feathered serpent.” You say, making no move to hide the way you look at him.
  K'uk'ulkan lets out a rough, savage growl, and you notice how hard and rigid his cock is begging for attention. Your pussy moistens even more at the knowledge of how thirsty he was.
“I'm going to fuck you soon, my love. I want to get You ready for me.”
He moves his body until he is on top of you and kisses you. You feel his cock in your belly, dripping with your juices, and you feel divine for provoking such a reaction in that man. You feel a finger slide through your intimate area, playing with your swollen clitoris and then being inserted into your vaginal canal. You groan at the intrusion. You kiss him harder when a second finger is introduced and then the third.
“K'uk'ulkan, You are stretching me. I cannot stand." You say only to receive a raised eyebrow before he goes back to doing what he was doing. With his thumb, he circles your clitoris in circular movements to the point that you see stars.
“You’re my good girl, you can take it.” He leans in, and the predatory tone of his voice when he speaks makes you squirm beneath him. “Cum on my fingers and I’ll give you my cock.
Her folds tighten tightly on the edge of a powerful orgasm. You try to beg, but only disjointed sounds come out of your mouth. You feel his thumb tease your clitoris with movements oscillating between slow and fast, in a sneaky movement he removes his thumb only to press it harder immediately afterwards. His orgasm hits you like a truck. You arch your back and scream for him when you feel your spirit leave your body and return shortly afterwards.
“K'uk'ulkan, I'm...”
“You’re going to cum again.” He says as he aligns his cock with your pussy, You moan when he purposely rubs against your hard and sensitive clit. “This time, it will be on my dick.”
He pushes hard. You're wet and open enough, but he was pretty big and the pain of penetration was inevitable, but it was a good pain. Every time You loved feeling his cock tearing your wet pussy. He supports himself on his elbows which give him the possibility to fuck you hard and he does so.
"Cum." You blurt out as he beats you mercilessly.
Above You, K'uk'ulkan ate you like a flesh-hungry beast. The dull touch of his skin hitting yours fills you with anxiety, and makes you think about the bruises that will appear. He grabs her waist with one hand just to stretch her a little and thrust her with more force.
“My perfect wife, good girl, my good good queen.” He babbled helplessly as he thrust hard into her pussy that was clenching around him, a clear sign of a new orgasm approaching. “I will spill my semen inside You. Filling Your womb with a baby will make You my queen and take them away.”
“Put a baby in me, K’uk’ulkan” You beg him. The hand squeezes his waist again as he attacks with a series of swear words in his mother tongue.
With a powerful thrust You cum again, screaming his name shamelessly. Your inner folds contract, squeezing his cock inside You, K'uk'ulkan tries to resist it, but it was a losing battle. He comes grunting like an animal spilling drop by drop of his seed inside You. He still gives a few more thrusts as if to ensure that You received every drop of his sperm. He collapses on top of you, with his cock still inside your pussy.
It stays inside You until You are uncomfortable. K'uk'ulkan Pulls away, pulling his softening cock out of You, a moan escaping when You feel the emptiness that was left. Your walls were sensitive and stained with his release; satisfaction filled every molecule of your body at this feat. K'uk'ulkan lies down next to him; you turn your head to him and smile, place a chaste kiss on his lips and sigh softly:
"Thank you my love."
To then be pulled closer and wrapped in a comforting hug.
“We need to eat.” You say snuggling into his chest, he pulls You into him.
“I already ate.” He says with his eyes closed. "I am very satisfied."
“You made me cook for nothing.” You speak of false indignation. “I’ll leave You hungry next time.”
“I will make it up to you later for cooking. Now, let's rest. Soon the sun will rise.”
Silence settles in the room, a sign that K'uk'ulkan was sleeping. You were not left behind, falling into a deep sleep with pleasant dreams.
The sun was rising when You awoke from your sleep. It wasn't a surprise to discover that you were alone. You never woke up next to him. As the leader of a nation he needed to return to his nation and, as painful as it was, he knew the implications that his affair with K'uk'ulkan could bring if he didn't go underwater. Hatred for surface dwellers was sown centuries ago and it would be difficult for a Talokanil's relationship with a surface dweller to be accepted.
You shook your head to dismiss such frivolous thoughts. I knew this was salt in the wound, a long time ago. You had already convinced yourself that you were nothing more than a concubine; You accepted this position with flying colors, although a little voice in your head always begged you to demand more. Being his queen, the mother of his children seemed like an impossible dream, so for the sake of your sanity You accepted the role to be played; sex is necessary and affection when requested. One day, this would end; You would marry a nobleman or some promising scientist and have his children, K'uk'ulkan would be nothing more than a youthful fling.
“Fuck” You cursed as you realized where your thoughts were taking you downs a dangerous path again.
After all, you and he would stay in this fantasy a thousand times if necessary. Until reality knocked on the door and took us back to the harsh reality. For now, you could be content with pretending he was yours; pretend he would come back every night as her husband to love her and possess her body under the starlight. You sigh as you realize how your reality wasn't as pleasant as your expectations. You snuggle on the rug, deciding to sleep a little longer until you return to the palace, your father would definitely be upset and question your disappearance, but you could deal with that later. Now, You just wanted to close your eyes and dream of a reality where You and K'uk'ulkan would be happy surrounded by children. Fantasy could be sweet compared to reality.
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Scrolling through twitter every day and seeing countless of people begging for donations in order to fucking survive while knowing that celebrities like Taylor could literally solve everything makes my blood boil. Ariana Grande did the bare minimum by sharing (not even donating) a link and thousands of dollars were gathered immediately. In conclusion, fuck any swiftie who says 'oh what is taylor going to do/it wont help'. Like genuinely go fuck yourselves. I hope people keep reminding her for the rest of her fucking life how she remained absolutely silent when children were being butchered by the fascist she encouraged her fans to vote for (yeah i remember your little biden cookies bitch)🤬🤬🤬🤬
how was your day?😇
Oh my god do I feel this ask down to my soul. Seeing Palestinians having to get down on their knees and beg for people to help them flee their homes so they and their families aren’t murdered by the Israeli government next to people posting and praising their faves who have said NOTHING…I want to commit heinous crimes to say the least.
I said this before but Taylor Swift could pay to evacuate every single person in PALESTINE and have hundreds of millions left over. The financial impact it would have on her would be so small it’s laughable.
What is going on isn’t localized to TS but a reflection of the active downfall of the celebrity and celebrity culture. I’m grateful for #Blockout2024 movement currently happening, forcing celebs to act, but it isn’t enough. Especially with fanbases like Swifties, where they are experiencing infighting about whether or not Taylor should speak up. If your favorite celebrity is your moral compass, you are beyond lost.
This is so consistent with her past behavior, staying silent during the 2016 elections and then conveniently rebranding once she had seen which direction the culture had gone (and then rebranding to fit that current moment as she is always a trend follower). She is going to release a documentary 2 years from now about her regrets on not speaking up and being afraid (using the exact justification Swifties are using now) to speak out because of her safety. Let’s be honest, if she does speak out, it’ll be after she finishes her European leg of the Eras tour, so she could maximize those zionist dollars. She did the same thing with the Reputation tour, where the day after her North American leg ended, she spoke out and openly endorsed Marsha Blackburn, a Democratic Tennessee representative, for the 2018 midterm elections, on Instagram.
Fuck Biden. Fuck those who defend and will vote for Biden in the upcoming election. I doubt Taylor will endorse him again either. FUCK THOSE BIDEN COOKIES!
Fuck Miss Activisticana. Genocide enabler.
🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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vinelark · 4 months
fic writer meme
thank you [checks notes] @megafaunatic, @cairoscene, @englishsub, @yuebings, and @cafecliche for the tags ilu
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 15! which is solidly 14 more than i ever expected to have on there when i made the account
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 277,844
3. What fandoms do you write for? on ao3: mdzs/cql, tgcf, shl, and dc. in groupchats/dms/my own head i’m running wild all over the place
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 🐉 this river runs to you 💍 i’ll have you and you’ll have me 🪐 i will be chasing a starlight ⚔️ you’re the trouble that i always find 🌊 a wave crashes to shore
5. Do you respond to comments? not often; i have made multiple attempts to start replying regularly but all have eventually failed in the face of me desperately wanting to show my earnest and genuine appreciation for each comment vs. wanting to hide my blushing face under a pillow every time. also, because of who i am as a person, each time i sat down to do it i ended up spending hours making little progress and eventually decided that i will make an effort to spend those hours writing or commenting on other fics instead. i am honored by each and every one though!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? while i tend to write angst it is always firmly of the “with a happy ending” sort. the one exception is my shortest fic (originally posted on twitter) never been away so long, which is more of an ambiguous/open ending with implied angst. i dooooo outline the eventual happy ending in the endnotes, though. also as it CURRENTLY stands buy back the secrets ends on one hell of an angsty note, but there are two more chapters in the works to fix that.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? despite the wangxian star trek au having like 20k of deliriously happy post-misunderstanding sex, i think trrty has to have the happiest ending because not only does the fic end happily, but there are also multiple very happy codas in which wwx gets a good night’s sleep, finally gets to bang his dragon boyfriend, and, my personal fav, one by aubreyli where wangxian go flying in a thunderstorm.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not so far, for which i am grateful but mostly lucky.
9. Do you write smut? occasionally; on ao3 there’s the aforementioned trrty coda, plus the aforementioned cowritten wangxian pon farr sequence 💪
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? hmm, i’m not opposed to crossovers—i’ve read some really fun ones (recent fav crossover read here)—but i’d have to be really compelled by both source materials and have a very clear vision for how they interact to want to write one myself. i’ve written a few fandom fusions (aforementioned wangxian star trek au; i also started a wangxian dragon age au but again, no dragon age characters were going to show up, just the world/setting) but no full-on crossovers. i did have one partially drafted wangxian fic that was going to have a hua cheng deus ex machina, alas.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i’m aware of! it’s not something i really go looking for/concern myself with, but so far, like with fandom hate, i’m grateful to not have encountered it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! my wangxian wedding fic was translated to russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i co-wrote seventy thousand words of published fic with @feyburner! and probably two hundred thousand words of unpublished fic and outlines and story ideas just for fun. even when we aren’t co-writing we tend to talk through our individual fics with each other so we’re pretty in sync when it comes to writing. i also spent like a year in @cairoscene’s DMs concocting whole outlines/zerodrafts for batfam fics together that i still cherish and reread (notable favs: tim drake ella enchanted au, concept where the waynes are cursed to suddenly feel nothing but apathy about tim and he has to deal with that, story where robin!tim gets de-aged and oops red hood is the first one to show up…). i’d say the OCBFEU is fic-adjacent and cowritten by a group of us. also shoutout to the mdzs threadfic @cafecliche and i brainstormed/zerodrafted where lan qiren gets cursed into an owl and post-cql wei wuxian is the one who unknowingly saves him.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? oh yeah it’s [loud truck goes by]
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? cyborg!wwx…i still think of you fondly. the only ao3 fic i’ve ever posted knowing i probably wouldn’t finish it but wanted to share just for fun.
16. What are your writing strengths? pangs… mining little character details for humor (or, more often, for more pangs)… i also think i’ve really improved my action writing/pacing over the last few years.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i write actual drafts/prose fairly slowly, which can be frustrating for me. also like @yuebings i often get very caught up in trying to perfect one small part of a draft before moving on. ummmm describing outfits/settings for reasons other than immediate plot-relevant details, i’m terrible at that + remembering to do it—i literally make myself do a What Are We Looking At Here Pass while revising sometimes.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? i’m not totally sure what this question is asking tbh, but it’s something i think can be done incredibly well—and, like with many things in storytelling, it’s the sort of thing where if you don’t actually speak the second language you need to be willing to put in work beyond a cursory google to try to achieve what you’re doing, and be willing to admit if it’s beyond your capabilities. i really like how the portuguese dialogue in bbts ended up and that’s 100% because @tigerjpg translated it for me and also already understood the scene/concept/characters; without them i would have found a different way to approach that scene. also, stylistically, i personally like when dialogue in other languages isn’t italicized unless there’s a real reason for it to be.
19. First fandom you wrote for? oh it was [a second loud truck whooshes by]
20. Favorite fic you have written? right now it’s bbts, because i think it’s also the fic i’ve had the most fun writing. trrty, though, will always hold a special place in my heart.
and i tag! @tlumeti, @burins, @smilebackwards, @bonesbuckleup, @hearteyeshayley, @sonosvegliato
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