#RoHS Services in Brazil
dikshithseo13 · 15 days
Ensuring RoHS Compliance: Practical Steps for Businesses
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RoHS Certification in Brazil - A product's compliance with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) restricts the use of certain hazardous materials in electrical and electronic equipment. Reduced release of hazardous materials during production and recycling is the goal of the directive, which also strives to safeguard the environment. Regarding safety and environmental friendliness, products with the RoHS certification are accepted.
Protecting the environment and public health, RoHS certification guarantees that no hazardous materials are used in the production of electronic products. Organizations can avoid fines and obtain access to international markets by adhering to RoHS standards, which promote the use of environmentally friendly electronics. Exhibiting a dedication to sustainability also improves the reputation of the brand.
What are the Benefits of RoHS Certification?
Improved Market Access: Manufacturers and exporters from Oman may now reach European markets and other areas where RoHS compliance is required thanks to their RoHS certification in Oman. This conformance increases Omani products' competitiveness globally while also expanding their market reach.
Compliance with International Standards: Companies in Oman abide by international environmental and health safety standards by following RoHS guidelines. Building confidence with foreign clients and partners through compliance may lead to more commercial opportunities.
Environmental Protection: RoHS Implementation in Oman guarantees that goods produced or sold in Oman have limited concentrations of dangerous materials, which reduces pollution to the environment and improves ecosystem health. This is especially important because Oman is still pushing for sustainable business practices in every industry.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Image: Companies who obtain RoHS certification show their dedication to CSR; this certification may be made possible by groups such as B2Bcert. This dedication has the potential to promote customer loyalty, draw in eco-aware consumers, and strengthen their brand image.
Decreased Legal and Financial Risks: By adhering to RoHS regulations, Omani companies can protect themselves from expensive recalls and legal repercussions that come with non-compliance. In the Long term, this proactive strategy can save significant costs and preserve the company's reputation.
How much does the RoHS Certification Cost?
The RoHS certification in Lebanon can fluctuate based on factors like the type of business, its scale, operational complexities, and the chosen certification body therefore these affect the RoHS Cost in Lebanon. Besides industry-specific pricing factors, the certification organization chosen and the range of services it provides also influence the total expense of acquiring RoHS certification for electronic products and services in Lebanon.
What are the steps involved in the RoHS Certification Audit?
Pre-Audit Preparation: B2BCERT starts the process by carefully collaborating with the Cambodian firm to comprehend its activities and evaluate its preparedness for RoHS compliance. Reviewing product specifications, policies, procedures, and documentation about hazardous material management is part of this step.
On-Site Inspection: The company's facilities in Cambodia are inspected on-site by a B2BCERT team. The application of the RoHS directives is assessed during this examination, covering waste management procedures, production techniques, procurement procedures, and substance control. At this point, any possible non-compliance problems are found.
Document Review: All pertinent papers, including test results, supplier declarations of conformance, material data sheets, and internal control processes are examined and verified by RoHS Audit in Cambodia by B2BCERT. By taking this step, the business can be guaranteed that its claims of RoHS compliance are supported by sufficient documentation.
Testing and Analysis: To verify that no forbidden substances are present within allowable limits, B2BCERT may do sample testing or ask for test reports that have already been completed, depending on the items. Concrete proof of conformity with RoHS regulations in Cambodia is provided by this testing and analysis phase.
Audit Report and Certification Issue: B2BCERT creates a thorough audit report that includes conclusions, observations, and suggestions after conducting the audit and analysis. When a company satisfies all requirements for RoHS compliance, B2BCERT awards the RoHS certification in Cambodia, signifying that its products adhere to pertinent environmental laws.
How and Where to Obtain the RoHS Certification Services?
Collaborating with a respectable consulting company with a solid global reputation, such as B2BCERT, is advised when pursuing RoHS certification services in Algeria. You can rely on B2BCERT to help you understand the RoHS certification process and its related protocols because of its extensive global experience in audits, consulting, and validation services. Please email [email protected] to get in touch with the knowledgeable staff if you have any questions or need assistance with RoHS certification.
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hydralisk98 · 1 month
Φlaumen Cooperative (Lisp-y style guide ref, part 1...)
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Reads as Pflaumen, loosely inspired onto the eponymous information technology firm within Machinegames' Wolfenstein franchise (reference page card below...) & plenty of historically-informed inspirations like DEC, Symbolics, Konrad Zuse KG, KDE E.V, etc.
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Essentially, I build my way towards a small creative business to call my very own (with major technological & culturally-driven aspects), which is also related to personal worldbuilding projects & manifestation goals of mine.
Some reference pictures
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Keywords dump
Groovy soft natural retro grunge warm natural filmic comfort, tramway at dusk from mesas to the ocean far away, distant future LISP DIY copyleft cartoons, symbolic CAS LISP Gruvbox poetic devkit, soft-rounded bold geometric shape language, fontmap vector prefab modules, slice-of-life cozy rollerwave cartoons, communal retrofuturistic optimism, Bauhaus, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, "Gruvbox Light Medium + OldBook Light Academia" mashup, seventies toon cel, copyleft GLOSS data transparency movement, soviet-bloc indie shareware culture, Nintendo 64 console with 64DD expansion cartridge, SEGA Dreamcast, DEC Alpha, Sanyo 3DO TRY, Nuon, Ouya, Commodore PETSCII CBM-II, Commodore Amiga 3000+4000, bronze-age historical time period, Chronokinesis, True Polymorph, lunarpunk mysticism, Teslafunk, Solarpunk, Cyberfunk, syndicalism, georgism, ecology, harmonious innovation, progressives, seventies rollerwave futurism, filmic, OGG container format, OGV, OPUS, Vorbis, OpenEXR, Animated SVG, CSS3 animations, PK3/ZIP file archives, USD format, harsh raster XY plotters & printers, selectric typewriters, comforting Shoshone music / songs / hymns; "Soyuzmultfilm", "Helluva Boss", "The Powerpuff Girls Z", "The Powerpuff Girls", "Jet Set Radio", "Newgrounds", "Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade", "Android Arts", "Nicky Case", "Jucika", Nintendo 64 with N64DD module, SEGA Dreamcast, Sanyo 3DO, Nuon, Ouya, DEC Alpha, Commodore 64, DECmate II, DECmate III, Intersil 6100 & 6120 lineups, PETSCII, OpenXanadu web, IBM Z/16 Linux One mainframe, OpenPOWER, Libre GLOSS data-transparent Apple Silicon M3 system, RTTY protocols, Minitel / Videotex services, hard-copy terminals, Typex, Telex Teleprinters (read-only & Read/Write), block data terminals, explorable explainers, federated ActivityPub RSS feeds, SPARC Voyager, Xerox Daybreak, R2E Micral Portal, libre bio-modding & cyberware, Pflaumen, Utalics, Lambda Star, Lambda Nova, Wyatt, Sass, MathML, XML+XSL, OpenREXX, PDP-8/e, PDP-12, PDP-15, ALGOL68, LISP 1.5, Steel Bank Common Lisp, Trial Engine, GNU Hurd, Linux, Macroware, SoundTracker, Multi-Agent Simulations, Mixtapes, Android Clades/Classes (Robots, Droids, Synthetics), Open Virtual Worlds, "Rogue Servitors"; "Liberty" caucus within "Union Party", Al-Gore (2000), Trump + Michelle Oprah (2004), Theodore Roosevelt (1912), Charles Hugues (1916), Progressives party since ~1910-1915, Pedro II of Brazil + Haile Selassie equivalent figure during the later 19th century, political split around 2024-2025, female programmers still in charge, gender inclusivity, major 3D, animation & game engine-y frameworks abundant in Common LISP (Trial Engine + AutoLISP as copyleft GLOSS / open source licensed software); Rust red dark grunge wood, translucid glass, matte plastics, fuzzy wool, forest flora, ocean water, arcade cabinets, hyper mall shops & stores, conversation pits, wax cylinder records, 45rpm autoplay mini-vinyl records, datasettes, cassettes, analog Laserdiscs, DECtape, MiniDiscs, programmable androids, retro unit record equipment, mainframes, LTO tape cartridges, amber earmuffs, black spirals-pattern balls, black matte libstick, cloven hoof shoes;
Implicitly includes this blog's archives, especially what deemed relevant under the "maskoch", "maskutchew" & "16^12" hashtags;
Additional detailwork
GRUB 2 Bootloader custom theme, custom global theme with window decorations / Plasma styles / application styles combo, splash-screen / lock screens / login screens, vector-based wallpapers + icons & animated? cursors, 3x4 (soft, medium, hard; dark Gruvbox-alike, light Gruvbox-esque, warm olive green & warm rust orange-red variations), ;
OS: TuxedoOS (will diversify drastically soon, seriously)
DE: KDE/Plasma & KDE/Liquid
WM: KWin
Terminal: Konsole
Shell: Fish shell, with Bash as fallback
Fonts: Cascadia Code & Cascadia Mono
PlasmaStyle: Daisy (+ Old Plastics?), Breeze
Cursor: Simp1e-Gruvbox-Light
ColorScheme: WarmColorsLight
Icons: Gruvbox Plus Dark
Web Browsers: Librewolf, Firefox...
Dotfiles: Not yet anywhere near ready at this time.
More to come relatively soon...
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certificationgdp · 4 months
What are the benefits of GDP Certification?
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GDP Certification in Lebanon
GDP Certification in Lebanon Pharmaceutical distributors must align their activities with the standards of internationally recognized GDP laws. This standard is intended for pharmaceutical warehouses and distribution centres. It provides the bare minimum requirements that its goods and services must fulfil. GDP Certification in Lebanon also seeks to reduce potential hazards connected to the transportation and storage of medications. Implementation of the GDP directive guarantees management of the supply chain, hence preserving the level of quality and true authenticity of pharmaceuticals.
What are the benefits of GDP Implementation in Lebanon?
Preserves product integrity and patient confidentiality: GDP certification in Brazil guarantees that products are free of contaminants, handled correctly, and safe for use by patients, protecting their health and wellbeing from the point of manufacture to the point of delivery.
Assists in achieving consistency: Businesses that follow GDP standards set up dependable procedures that guarantee consistency in handling, storing, and shipping, which lowers variability and improves the predictable nature of product quality.
Reduces the possibility of fake drugs entering the supply chain: GDP standards provide strict safeguards against fake or inferior drugs entering the supply chain, protecting the legitimacy of pharmaceuticals.
Boosts client confidence: Customers are reassured about the dependability and security of products when a GDP system is certified, which cultivates faith in the brand, its level of quality, and its dedication to providing authentic, top-notch meds.
Reduces costs and increases efficiency: Following GDP principles simplifies processes, minimizing mistakes, hold-ups, and possible waste. This leads to increased efficiency and reduced needless expenditures across the supply chain.
How much is the GDP cost in Lebanon?
GDP Cost in Lebanon can be expensive depending on several variables, including the product’s type, the size of the business, operational complexity, and the certification organization used. While the choice of certification organization and its range of services might affect the total certification cost for Good Distribution Practice, certain industry standards may impact pricing.
In conclusion, GDP Certification in Lebanon is not just a mark of compliance; it’s a powerful tool for unlocking growth, enhancing reputation, and contributing to public health. By embracing this commitment to quality, you pave the way for a brighter future for your organization and the communities you serve. So, step forward, embrace the journey, and become a leader in the Lebanese pharmaceutical landscape, setting the standard for excellence in medication distribution. GDP Certification in Canada
What makes Factocert the best choice for GDP Certification in Lebanon
We provide the best GDP Certification in Lebanon, Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solutions. And how to get ISO certification in Lebanon. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. GDP consultants in Lebanon work according to GDP standards and help organizations implement GDP Certification with proper documentation.
For more information, visit GDP Certification in Lebanon.
Related Links:
· GDP Certification in Lebanon
· GLP Certification in Lebanon
· GMP Certification in Lebanon
· GDPR Certification in Lebanon
· SOC 1 Certification in Lebanon
· SOC 2 Certification in Lebanon
· SA 8000 Certification in Lebanon
· RoHS Certification in Lebanon
RELATED ARTICLE  GDP Consultants in Lebanon
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betechiot · 8 months
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Be-Tech:A Famous Digital Door Lock Supplier In China
Today, digital locks are widely used in different industries. However, it is also very important to choose a good digital door lock manufacturer. In the vast digital door lock industry landscape, one name stands out, Be-Tech. Keep reading this post and learn more about Be-Tech which is the famous digital door lock manufacturer in China.
Company Profile
Founded in 1992, Be-Tech is the world's leading supplier of intelligent door control integrated solutions. We were founded to revolutionize security and provide customers with quality, safe and innovative products. Our mission has always been to create and provide dependable and market-promising goods and innovative technologies that are continually adapted to market requirements for more than 30 years. Furthermore, we aim to create various digital door locks to fulfill the demands of various industries, such as hotels, houses, and enterprises. During the development process, we have also created many proud patents.
Product Recommendation: Digital Safety Lock
Quality And Standards
Be-Tech places a strong focus on quality control and follows stringent international safety requirements. Our primary products have received CE, RoHS, and UL certifications, and we are one of the few brands in the smart lock market that have completed 800,000 BHMA standard cycle tests as well as the UL 3-hour fire test. Not only that, we have established a smart lock testing center in the smart lock production base of 30,000 square meters, and conduct high-standard and strict testing on the smart locks developed and produced, aiming to provide customers with the highest quality products and professional solutions.
Market Presence
In the early days, Be-Tech specialized in providing electronic locks for the hotel industry. After 1999, it developed rapidly and became the only iB lock manufacturer designated by Dallas Semiconductor in China. In 2010, Be-Tech became the best electronic lock supplier in the hotel industry in China and became the recommended brand of the Asia Pacific Hotel Association. In 2015, Be-Tech continued to develop the market and won the Country Garden Strategic Cooperation Award for its strength. Be-Tech began in China and swiftly spread to the global market. Our digital door locks have been installed in a variety of locations across the world, including the Havana Nha Trang Hotel in Vietnam, the Hilton Santo André in Brazil, the Hotel Kazakhstan in Kazakhstan, and The Parkland in Thailand.
Product Recommendation: Hotel Electronic Lock
Technology And Customization
The four business concepts of Be-Tech are Responsible Attitude, Goal-oriented Support, Customer-centric Services and Competitive Customization.
We promise to be responsible for all the use problems and quality problems of the products, and provide solutions to meet your needs. Keep a high degree of attention to the needs of customers, and at the same time provide a professional full set of customized services to ensure that your product line goes hand in hand with the famous smart lock brand.
The hardware products of our door locks are manufactured with certified components and exquisite workmanship to ensure durability and longevity. Furthermore, we also provide stable software-controlled smart locks, allowing you to remotely control and bring a sense of exclusive security. Not only that, but our designers will undertake extensive market research and develop creative designs to make your digital lock stand out.
Be-Tech's evolution from a pioneering start-up to a leading supplier of digital door locks is a testament to its unwavering dedication to quality, innovation and customer satisfaction. We have become a force to be reckoned with in the ever-evolving field of security technology, thanks to our cutting-edge technology, unique solutions, and dedication to sustainable development. If you want to know more Be-Tech products, please browse our website for more details now!
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Jawest Electronic
Jawest Electronic Technology Co.Ltd. is a leading and advanced ODM/OEM manufacturer of Industrial Automation equipment.Specialized in the R&D, production, and sales of Industrial Panel PC and POS machine related products. The products has passsed the rigorous ISO 9001 and has acquired CE, RoHS, FCC certificates. Jawest people hold in mind that reliable product quality and meticulous service are life of the company, and that reputation is prizes awarded by clients.
Our products include: Industrial Panel PC, industrial monitor, POS Terminal and biometric scanner. Widely used in the Government and Military, Interactive Kiosk, mechanical equipment, industrial automation equipment, transportation command and control centers,supermarkets, shopping malls, chains store, baking shop, electricity, post, telecommunication and other information dissemination occasions. We are striving to be international. So far our all-in-one panel PC and Pos terminal machine have exported to America, Denmark, the UK, Italy, Spain, Albania, Serbia, Russia, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Kenya, Mozambique, Congo, Uzbekistan, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, India, and Thailand, etc. We, the Jawest family, not only seek to build a brand, but establish a philosophy of life along the process as well. We sincerely hope that by setting up the standard of top quality with tangible price, we can help restore the true value of a commercial product, and by doing so create a better life for everyone. For more, please visit: www.szjawest.cn
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ysdwps-blog · 5 years
Business Profile
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LED Constant Voltage Waterproof driver
Shenzhen Yanshuoda Engineering Co., Ltd. is any excellent enterprise which blends with generation, research and growth along with sales of ENCOURAGED power in 2010. The particular main products contain BROUGHT dimming power supply, GUIDED waterproof power supply, 0-10V dimming power supply, DALI dimming power accessory, Master Strength has 10 independent mental property privileges patents, VOTRE ROSH REPETICIÓN UL SAA CB qualification.
LED Constant Voltage Waterproof driver
Established inside 2010, Shenzhen Yanshuoda Technological know-how Co., Ltd is actually a large-scale manufacturer specialized in the investigation, development and production connected with LED power supply. Many of us are positioned in Shenzhen, a great international opening metropolis together with covenitent transportation entry. Just about all of our products abide by with global quality specifications and are tremendously liked in a variety associated with different market segments throughout the particular world. Our well-equipped amenities and excellent quality handle permit us to assurance total consumer satisfication. In addition to, we have gained UL, ETL, BIS, CLICKBANK, VOTRE, ROHS, SAA accreditations. Since result of our excellent customer service, our goods command word a good market place in America, Europe, Russian federation, India, Brazil, Midsection Eastern side and Eropean nations around the world.
Goal at the high-end sector, Hold the belif regarding "Sincerity and Innovation", we all constantly concentrate on creating reliable top quality LED STRENGTH SUPPLY and giving excellent after-sale service. Shared progress, mutual benefits! Most of us encouraged you to contact people to generate future. Our Benefits (Why Choose SHENZHEN YANSHUODATECHNOLOGY CORP., LTD)
Clear Technological connection in English Regular in addition to consist support with each job. Exactly help to make what we assure approaching true. Written Quality-Assurance Strategies for every project By the hour assessment on every portion with approved structure stored. Process Capability review upon all new project just before sampling. On-time delivery, Quick turnaround on special requests. Competitive lead times in production parts. ISO9001: '08 certificated.
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Shaanxi Bolaier Industry Co., Limited
0086-29-33277115 0086 19891052316
C4-3-9-391, Beijing Aoyun Village, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China
Bolaier Industry Co., Limited is an experienced and reliable manufacture and exporter of Electric Scooter & Kick Scooter, Coordinate Measuring Machine AND Garden Machine and Tools From 2003, with CE, ISO9001-2000 certified. Bolaier is an integrated enterprise combining research and develop, with production, sales and services, Our team keep on researching market, developing new products and improving quality of present products. We obtain the international product certificate for all our products: UL2272, CE,EPA, PTD, ROHS,IEC62133, UN38.3 SGS FCC and etc. Our products are exported to more than 50 countries: Germany, France, UK,Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Brazil, Chile, USA, Australia and etc.Bolaier has 2 offices and 3 factories with production area 25,000 square meter, 5 Injection Moulding Machine, 5 Punching Machine, 3 flanging press, 2 CNC pipe bending machine, 5 Cutting Machine, 5 Welding Machine , 3 coating machine, 10 senior engineers and 200 workers make our factory more competitive among the banner vinyl supplies.History:Factory in Yongkang 1 (2003), mainly produce kinds of kick scooters and ride on toys: Foot Twister, EZYRoller, HoverKart, Micro Scooter, Adult Scooter, Snow ski Scooter, Maple skateboard, Star Wheels and etc.Factory in Yongkang 2 (2010) , Mainly produce Kids Electric Drift Trike, Kids Electric Scooter, Harley Scooter, E Scooter, Kids Dirt Bike, Mini ATV QUAD and Garden machines and Tools and etc.Office in Xi’an (2014) , Primary Dealer of LEAD Coordinate Measuring Machine .Why Do You Choose Us:1.We are professional supplier for over 10 years and our strong team can develop new items every month and we ensure the fast delivery for all your orders 2.We pass ISO9001:2008 QUALITY SYSTEM ,BSCI AUDITION ,ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS HAS CE ,ROHS ,SGS ,ASTM CERTIFICATE 3.Professional teams can offer you amazing designs with reasonable price ,we also offer different design as to your request ,24 hours on line service to improve efficiency .4.Good management system +advanced equipment + Multi experience for different market+quick response for every problems = reliable supplier.
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chinanordson · 3 years
Nordson pursuited for excellence all the time. We make the brand to be top-ranking in China with advanced crafts and rigorous technologies.Up to now, all our products pass the certifications of CE, RoHS, and also passthe quality test of security products by China's Ministry of Public Security.Nordson’s products sell and be agent in more than 100 countries and regions,such as USA, EU, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia, Brazil, India,Russiaetc.. Besides, Nordson provides OEM and ODM services also. Nordson’s productsare widely used in business institutions, government agencies,residential communities,universities,etc.
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adityarana1687-blog · 3 years
Plastic Dielectric Films Market Is Projected To Reach USD 1.39 Billion By 2025
The global plastic dielectric films market size is expected to reach USD 1.39 billion by 2025 registering a CAGR of 3.6% over the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is anticipated to be driven by growing product demand from renewable energy system and electrical and electronics industry in the Asia Pacific (APAC). The product is widely used as an insulating material in various electrical and electronics applications.
Presence of major electrical and electronics manufacturing companies, such as Toshiba, Samsung, and Sony, in the region is also propelling the product demand. Companies from Northeast Asian countries, such as China, India, and Japan, are pushing to grow in key sectors pertaining to raw material extraction, manufacturing, and services. Since the past few years, the manufacturing industry in APAC has been attracting significant investments from leading MNCs, which is contributing to the market growth.
These films provide low thermal resistance, high-pressure resistance, minimal application pressure, resistance of hazardous substance compliance (RoHS), thereby augmenting their demand in applications, such as smartphones, tablets, smart wearables, and smart home appliance. Polypropylene (PP) is one of the prominent product type segments. PP dielectric films have properties, such as high breakdown strength, high insulation resistance, low dissipation factor, and low dielectric absorption.
These properties make them suitable for use in a wide range of applications in high voltage DC & AC systems, snubber circuits, high current DC applications, and high-frequency AC systems. Capacitors made of Polypropylene (PP) films are ideal for use in multiple ranges of temperature. On account of their unique temperature characteristics, PP capacitors are widely used as a substitute of polyester capacitors as the capacitance of the latter diminishes with decreasing temperature. However, PP and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) can also be used together, parallelly, in a capacitor.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Plastic Dielectric Films Market Report
Plastic Dielectric Films Market Report Highlights
APAC is expected to be the largest regional plastic dielectric films market during the forecast period from 2019 to 2025
India is the fastest-growing country in the APAC region on account of the growing automotive industry
The PET segment is likely to register the highest CAGR of over the forecast years owing to rising demand for PET in various applications
Companies in the market have undertaken several strategic initiatives to increase their market share
For instance, in June 2018, SABIC introduced two new gauges of UTF120 Polyetherimide (PEI) dielectric film for high temperature, professional-grade capacitor applications
Plastic Dielectric Films Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global plastic dielectric films market on the basis of product, application, and region:
Plastic Dielectric Films Product Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2014 - 2025)
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
Polypropylene (PP)
Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) (PTFE)
Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN)
Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) & Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF)
Plastic Dielectric Films Application Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2014 - 2025)
Electrical & Electronics
Solar & Wind Energy System
Plastic Dielectric Films Regional Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2014 - 2025)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
About Grand View Research
Grand View Research, Inc. is a U.S. based market research and consulting company, registered in the State of California and headquartered in San Francisco. The company provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. To help clients make informed business decisions, we offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a range of industries, from technology to chemicals, materials and healthcare.
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tmr-reports111 · 3 years
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Market - Excessive Growth Opportunities Estimated To Be Experienced
Environmental health & safety (EHS) system is mainly used by companies to ensure employee safety and well-being at the workplace and to monitor environmental balance. Governing bodies and regional federal agencies are proactively implementing EHS across various industry verticals in order to adhere with environmental and occupational safety standards. The software solutions incorporated under EHS include quality & risk assessment, data analytics, cost management, environmental compliance, and energy & carbon management. Furthermore, the different EHS services include consulting, project management, analytics, training, implementation, auditing, and certification. Rising awareness about workplace and employee safety coupled with increasing environmental safety efforts have led the EHS market to grow at a substantial pace. The EHS market is expected to advance at a CAGR of 11.7% from 2019 to 2027 reaching a market size of US$ 11,500.5 Mn in 2027, up from US$ 4,729.3 Mn in 2019.
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Multiple statutory and legal requirements to maintain EHS safety standards
Some internationally acclaimed regulatory agencies ensure health & safety of employees and their work environment. These agencies include Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the U.S, National Institutes of Health (NIH), The National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Labor, New York City Department of Environmental Protection, Council on Certification of Health, Environmental and Safety Technologists (CCHEST), European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA).
A large number of developing economies have set up environmental institutions and regulatory regimes after being positively influenced by regulatory agencies in developed regions such as the U.S. and Europe
For instance, China launched a law under the name Administration on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products (ACPEIP) which is similar to the European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive.
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 laid down by the Government of Australia proposes strict laws and amendments pertaining to occupational health and safety issues by imposing severe fines over its violations in Australia
Stuck in a neck-to-neck competition with other brands? Request a custom report on Environmental Health & Safety System Market
Environmental Health & Safety System Market Taxonomy
The EHS market is segmented on the basis of components, end-use industry, and geography. The components segment is classified on the basis of software solutions and services offered. EHS services dominated the global EHS component market and is further expected to maintain its position throughout the forecast period. EHS services have seen extensive deployment across large number of industry verticals globally and have proven to be beneficial.
Based on end-use industry, the market is segmented into chemical & petrochemical, energy & mining, construction, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing, government & public sector, retail, healthcare, and others. Globally, chemical & petrochemical industries have gained significance over the last few decades in major economies such as the U.S., GCC countries, China, Japan, Russia, and Brazil. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a dedicated intergovernmental organization protecting employee health and the environment by promoting chemical safety across the globe. Some of the member countries under OECD include the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Mexico, and New Zealand.
Looking for exclusive market insights from business experts? Request a Custom Report 
Figure: Global Environmental Health & Safety System Market, by Competitive LandscapeGlobal Environmental Health & Safety System Market: Competitive Dynamics
Some of the major players in the global environmental health & safety system market are IHS Inc., 3E Company, International Finance Corporation, Enablon North America Corporation, SAP SE, UL LLC, and Medgate Inc.
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hydralisk98 · 2 months
Mycenaean Pylos & Tiryns (article 0x15/?) WIP
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Continuation on this article thread:
In the reality that is "16^12", Angora is a striking bronze age-themed inhabited planet of stark contrasts within the galactic community. And while at least as far as what the "state of affairs" is during the dawn of their 46th century things are moving along fair nice and sweet at the global scale [...];
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Main characters
Kate Kér (self-insert, autistic INTJ brunette, [...] )
Ava Booksword (synthetic-tier android ENFP blonde, starting out as domestic servant by law and eventually earning her way to full citizenship)
Shoshona (black angora housecat)
Nil (second person perspective camera / audience perspective + insertee)
Secondary agents at play
Tano (INTP)
Milan (ENTP)
May (ISTJ)
Sasha (ISTP)
Pana (ISFP)
Valenz (ESTJ)
Ursa (ENFJ)
Elke (INFP)
Miscellaneous personas to account for (13th - 48th) Will add the 36 of them in a further article.
Massive keywords "deque"
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Soundscapes, music & ambiance playlist
Shoshone Union (So)fi music playlist?
Locations, maps & contextual clues
Beyond Heat Death / Entropy time periods of a far far away past dimension lies questions & their answers we were seeking for... , ?;
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rishabhcmi · 3 years
Agricultural machinery or equipment is machinery used in agriculture and farming applications. Different types of tools and equipment are used in agricultural applications such as hand tools, power tools, tractors, and more. Moreover, equipment varies according to the type of farming, i.e. organic farming and inorganic farming. Tractors, seed drill, thresher, combine harvesters, rotavators, power weeder, mowers, rakes, and balers are some of the commonly used agricultural equipment. Technological revolution and constant research & development have introduced high-functioning equipment that performs extensive amount of work efficiently.
The global agricultural equipment market is estimated to account for US$ 110.7 Bn in terms of by the end of 2019
Market Dynamics- Driver
Increasing demand for food across the world due to rapidly growing population is expected to drive growth of the global agricultural equipment market during the forecast period
Global population is increasing rapidly, which is expected to increase the demand for food. According to Coherent Market Insights’ analysis, the world population is expected to increase at a rate of 30% by 2050. According to the World Bank, in 2018, the global population was around 7.59 billion, increasing from 6.75 billion in 2008. Moreover, the global population is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030. This is rising the need for food thereby boosting the demand for agricultural machinery and equipment.
Proactive initiatives taken by government agencies such as subsidies and incentives are expected to propel the global agricultural equipment market growth over the forecast period
In many countries, the Governments offer supporting policies to farmers to purchase agricultural equipment, in order to work more efficiently. The government offer subsidies, credit schemes, subsidized interest rates, in order to boost the market growth. For instance, in July 2016, the German Government associated Agricultural Rentenbank offered an effective 10-year fixed rate of 1.0% on a 30-year loan for its most preferred customers. Moreover, in India, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana supports the farmers to purchase agricultural equipment at subsidized rates.
Asia Pacific region dominated the global agricultural equipment market in 2019, accounting for 49.2% share in terms of value, followed by North America and Europe, respectively
Source: Coherent Market Insights
Market Dynamics- Restraint
Hefty interest rates in certain countries and environmental policies are expected to restrain the global agricultural equipment market growth during the forecast period
Certain countries such as Brazil, have high interest rates, which restricts farmers’ capabilities to purchase agricultural equipment. Moreover, products sold/imported in European Union (EU) countries must observe the extensive EU regulatory policies. These products are expected to comply with EU regulations such as Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEE), and the Restrictions of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS). Such stringent regulatory policies are expected to hinder the adoption of these equipment and thereby restrain the market growth over the forecast period.
Overdependence on rain for irrigation and low replacement market are expected to hinder growth of the global agricultural equipment market during the forecast period
Many emerging economies such as India and Brazil depend upon monsoon for irrigation. Such high dependence is expected to hinder the market growth in the near future. Inadequate monsoon leads to low agricultural crop and income, resulting in low demand for agricultural equipment. Moreover, the costs of these machinery are substantially high, which in turn, is expected to hamper the demand aforementioned countries. Therefore, these factors are expected to hinder the market growth in the near future significantly.
Market Opportunities
Advent of autonomous tractors is expected to offer lucrative growth opportunities for market players
Key companies in the market are actively focused on research and development activities, in order to offer novel and high-end products to consumers. There are certain companies are introducing next-gen autonomous tractors, in order to capitalize growing market. For instance, in September 2018, Escorts Group launched its autonomous concept tractor at the Exclusive 2018 in Delhi, India. The company collaborated with Reliance Jio, Trimble, Microsoft, Bosch, WABCO, AVL, and Samvardhana Motherson Group for this project.
Leasing of agricultural equipment is expected to pose significant business opportunities
The agricultural equipment are highly expensive in most of the countries, thus people choose to lease them. Various agricultural equipment can be leased such as tractors, storage facilities, and processing equipment. Moreover, leasing offers excellent opportunity for farmers to avail the equipment with custom changes according to their requirements. It can also offer high level technical advice and support for farmers in case of any malfunction in the equipment. For instance, John-Deere provides equipment leasing and agricultural financing facilities to farmers.
Source: Coherent Market Insights
Market Trends
Growing trend of contract farming and committed sourcing with corporate partnership
Contract farming has emerged as a significant trend in various countries, in order to reduce migration from rural to urban areas, generate stable source of income, and get seasonal rotation of crops. In this type of farming, the farmers are contracted to plant the contractor’s crop on his land and then harvest & deliver the crop to the contractor at a pre-agreed price. According to Coherent Market Insights’ analysis, in Brazil, 75% of poultry production are under contract farming. Moreover, emerging economies such as Vietnam, India, Morocco, and more have developed policies for endorsing contract farming. In the U.S. and European countries, contract farming has witnessed significant growth.
Mechanized equipment
Key players in the market are involved in developing smart tractors that are equipped with advanced technologies such as GPS antenna, different attachments such as thresher, hauler, and fertilizer distributors, and better hydraulic systems. Such equipment are expected to offer more efficient performance that its contemporaries. In March 2017, AGCO introduced new Visioline Roof for their Global Series tractors, launched at SIMA Paris show.
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Competitive Section
Key players operating in the global agricultural equipment market are AGCO Corp, Bucher Industries AG, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CNH Industrial N.V., Kubota Corporation, ISEKI & CO. LTD., Tractor and Farm Equipment Limited, SDF S.p.A., Deere & Company, EXEL Industries, and Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Key Developments
Key players in the market are focused on forming joint venture with other market players, in order to gain competitive edge in the market. For instance, in December 2018, Escorts, an engineering and farm equipment manufacturers, formed a joint venture with Kubota, a Japan-based tractor manufacturer, to produce high-end tractors for domestic and export geographies.
Major companies in the market are involved in signing an agreement with other market players, in order to enhance their market presence. For instance, in November 2018, Tractors and Farm equipment Ltd. (TAFE) entered into agreement with ISEKI & Co. to manufacture compact tractors in India.  
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About Us:
Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions.
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Customized Market Research Services
Industry Analysis Services
Business Consulting Services
Market Intelligence Services
Long term Engagement Model
Country Specific Analysis
Explore CMI Services here
Contact Us:
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights Pvt. Ltd.
Address: 1001 4th ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154, U.S.
Phone: +1-206-701-6702
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shweta2707 · 4 years
Global Agricultural Equipment Market Drivers, Opportunities , Trends, Industrial Analysis and Forecast till 2027
Agricultural machinery or equipment is machinery used in agriculture and farming applications. Different types of tools and equipment are used in agricultural applications such as hand tools, power tools, tractors, and more. Technological revolution and constant research & development have introduced high-functioning equipment that performs extensive amount of work efficiently.
The global Agricultural Equipment Market is estimated to account for US$ 110.7 Bn in terms of by the end of 2019
Key Market Driver
Global population is increasing rapidly, which is expected to increase the demand for food. According to Coherent Market Insights’ analysis, the world population is expected to increase at a rate of 30% by 2050.
According to the World Bank, in 2018, the global population was around 7.59 billion, increasing from 6.75 billion in 2008. Moreover, the global population is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030. This is rising the need for food thereby boosting the demand for agricultural machinery and equipment.
In many countries, the Governments offer supporting policies to farmers to purchase agricultural equipment, in order to work more efficiently. The government offer subsidies, credit schemes, subsidized interest rates, in order to boost the market growth. For instance, in July 2016, the German Government associated Agricultural Rentenbank offered an effective 10-year fixed rate of 1.0% on a 30-year loan for its most preferred customers.
Moreover, in India, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana supports the farmers to purchase agricultural equipment at subsidized rates.
Asia Pacific region dominated the global Agricultural Equipment Market in 2019, accounting for 49.2% share in terms of value, followed by North America and Europe, respectively.
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Key Market Restraint
Certain countries such as Brazil, have high interest rates, which restricts farmers’ capabilities to purchase agricultural equipment.
Moreover, products sold/imported in European Union (EU) countries must observe the extensive EU regulatory policies. These products are expected to comply with EU regulations such as Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEE), and the Restrictions of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS). Such stringent regulatory policies are expected to hinder the adoption of these equipment and thereby restrain the market growth over the forecast period.
Many emerging economies such as India and Brazil depend upon monsoon for irrigation. Such high dependence is expected to hinder the market growth in the near future.
Inadequate monsoon leads to low agricultural crop and income, resulting in low demand for agricultural equipment. Moreover, the costs of these machinery are substantially high, which in turn, is expected to hamper the demand aforementioned countries.
Request for the sample copy @   https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/3279
Key Market Opportunities
There are certain companies are introducing next-gen autonomous tractors, in order to capitalize growing market. For instance, in September 2018, Escorts Group launched its autonomous concept tractor at the Exclusive 2018 in Delhi, India. The company collaborated with Reliance Jio, Trimble, Microsoft, Bosch, WABCO, AVL, and Samvardhana Motherson Group for this project.
The agricultural equipment are highly expensive in most of the countries, thus people choose to lease them. Various agricultural equipment can be leased such as tractors, storage facilities, and processing equipment.
Moreover, leasing offers excellent opportunity for farmers to avail the equipment with custom changes according to their requirements. It can also offer high level technical advice and support for farmers in case of any malfunction in the equipment. For instance, John-Deere provides equipment leasing and agricultural financing facilities to farmers.
Request for the PDF Brochure @  https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-pdf/3279
Key Market Trends
Contract farming has emerged as a significant trend in various countries, in order to reduce migration from rural to urban areas, generate stable source of income, and get seasonal rotation of crops. According to Coherent Market Insights’ analysis, in Brazil, 75% of poultry production are under contract farming. Moreover, emerging economies such as Vietnam, India, Morocco, and more have developed policies for endorsing contract farming. In the U.S. and European countries, contract farming has witnessed significant growth.
Key players in the market are involved in developing smart tractors that are equipped with advanced technologies such as GPS antenna, different attachments such as thresher, hauler, and fertilizer distributors, and better hydraulic systems. Such equipment are expected to offer more efficient performance that its contemporaries. In March 2017, AGCO introduced new Visioline Roof for their Global Series tractors, launched at SIMA Paris show.
Value Chain Analysis
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Key players operating in the global Agricultural Equipment Market are:
AGCO Corp, Bucher Industries AG, CLAAS KGaA mbH, CNH Industrial N.V., Kubota Corporation, ISEKI & CO. LTD., Tractor and Farm Equipment Limited, SDF S.p.A., Deere & Company, EXEL Industries, and Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Key Developments
Key players in the market are focused on forming joint venture with other market players, in order to gain competitive edge in the market. For instance, in December 2018, Escorts, an engineering and farm equipment manufacturers, formed a joint venture with Kubota, a Japan-based tractor manufacturer, to produce high-end tractors for domestic and export geographies.
Major companies in the market are involved in signing an agreement with other market players, in order to enhance their market presence. For instance, in November 2018, Tractors and Farm equipment Ltd. (TAFE) entered into agreement with ISEKI & Co. to manufacture compact tractors in India.
About Us
Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions.
What we provide:
Customized Market Research Services
Industry Analysis Services
Business Consulting Services
Market Intelligence Services
Long term Engagement Model
Country Specific Analysis
Contact Us:
Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights Pvt.Ltd.
Address: 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154, U.S.
Phone: +1–206–701–6702
Email: [email protected]          
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jarstartech-blog · 4 years
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To be known as a leading designer and manufacturer of portable led products, JST has got rapid growth in Led lighting industry in the past 8 years. Being an ISO9001 Certified firm and Government-nominated "Hi-Tech Enterprise", we are continuously investing in the Research and Development of portable and other creative LED lighting products. Currently, we have obtained some patents in China, and our products have various certificates, such as CE, ROHS,SAA,CB,TUV ect.
Now our LED lighting products have been sold to more than 90 countries and areas, such as Israel, South Africa, Australia, USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden, UK, Belgium, Netherland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia, India, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Mexico, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and so on.
We believe that quality and customers' need can be achieved and satisfied only with wholehearted dedication, and persistence in pursuing high performance of the products. With strict quality assurance system, we have received lots of great response and thanks from our customers. We are the trustworthy company with good reputation.
Jarstar is always ready to offer affordable, high efficiency, energy savings, eco-friendly and long life advanced LED Lighting Solutions for every customer.
Shenzhen Jarstar Technology Co.,Limited is a China manufacturer of LED Track Light, LED Downlight, LED Linear Light, LED Flood Light. Choose us, you can be get most careful and thoughtful service!
For more information on LED lighting, click here.
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Hefei Kaxing Digital Control Equipment Co., Ltd.
0086-551-63843909 18056571787
No. 316, Yuping South Road, Hefei, Anhui, China
Hefei Kaxing Digital Equipment Co., Ltd (named briefly “Kaxing Equipment”),established in 2002,lies in Hefei City, Anhui Province .Occupying more than 13000square meter ,owns 20000square meter buildings.Kaxing Equipment is a professional manufacturer engaged in R&D, manufacturing, sale, maintenance and after service of CNC Router Machine ,Cutting Plotter, Heat Press Machine and 3D Printer Machine for 14 years.Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction. In recent years, our company has introduced a series of advanced equipment including CNC Router and cutting Plotter. In addition, we have obtained certificates of CE, ROHS and ECM. Selling well in all cities and provinces around China, our products are also exported to clients in global marketing, such asSoutheast Asia(Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia^.),America(USA, Mexico, Brazil^.) Europe and Africa etc.We also welcome OEM and ODM orders. Whether selecting a current product from our catalog or from our website, you can talk to our customer service center about your sourcing requirements.We have devoted to providing our customers well-deserved products and competitive price with professional service before and after-sales, and become a core competitive and well-deserved reputation of manufacture around the world.
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New Post has been published on Best smartphone shop
New Post has been published on http://smartphone.ero-moe.info/products/doogee-x9-mini-fingerprint-mobile-phones-5-0inch-hd-1gb8gb-android-6-0-dual-sim-mtk6580-quad-core-5-0mp-2000mah-wcdma-gps/
DOOGEE X9 mini Fingerprint mobile phones 5.0Inch HD 1GB+8GB Android 6.0 Dual SIM MTK6580 Quad Core 5.0MP 2000mAH WCDMA GPS
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DOOGEE X9 mini
OS: Android 6.0 Power Plug Type: EU Standard
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CPU: MTK6580 64-Bit Quad Core Display: 5.0 inch Screen G+FF 2.5D glass
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RAM: 1GB Front Camera: 5.0MP FF with flash
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ROM: 8GB(about 5.7GB available) Rear Camera: 5.0MP AF with flash
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Battery: 2000mAh
External Memory: Micro SD card up to 64GB (not included)
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Size: 145x72x8.8mm(LxWxH)
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GSM: 850/900/1800/1900MHz
WCDMA: 850/1900/2100MHz
1*USB cable;1*charger;
1*multi-language user manual;
1*screen protector;1*silicone case;1*sim pin
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Model: Doogee X9 mini Dimensions Size (mm) 145*72*8.8mm(L×W×H) Hardware Chipset MT6580 64-Bit Quad Core Frequency(MHz) WCDMA 850/1900/2100MHz & GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz Sim card Dual Micro SIM OS Android 6.0 GPS GPS (Dedicated GPS chip ), A-GPS OTA Support OTG NO FM Radio Support Bluetooth BT4.0 Sensor Light , Proximity,Accelerometer Fingerprint Support Speaker 1511 BOX speaker Network 3G WCDMA 3G (HSDPA 21Mbps,HSUPA 5.76Mbps), Support WIFI hotspot EDGE Support GPRS Support EGSM Support WAP Support WI-FI Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n Display Main Display 5.0″ 1280*720 G+FF 2.5D glass 2 Points capacitance touch panel Camera Main Camera H*ynix HI841 5.0MP AF (SW 8.0MP) Sub Camera H*ynix HI544 5.0MP FF (SW 8.0MP) Memory RAM 1GB LPDDR3 ROM 8GB Available Memory 5.7GB External Memory TF card up to 32GB(Not included) Features Smart gestures Contactless control. Direct calling. Contactless hands free mode Wake Gesture Double tap: light the screen, Start the APP by gesture Batteries & IO Capacity(mAh) 2000mAh Talk Time 680minutes Standby Time 60Hour Charger INPUT :100-240V, OUTPUT: 5V-1000mA Connector USB Micro 5Pin Earphone jack 3.5mm Others Color Black,White Language
English, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Italian, German, French,
Russian, Arabic, Malay, Thai, Greek, Ukrainian, Croatian, Czech, Simplified Chinese,
Traditional Chinese.(It has updated 48 languages)
Certification CE/RoHs/FCC Quotation Accessories 1*battery,1*USB cable,1*charger,1*multi-language user manual,1* cellphone protector,1*screen protector
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