#Roach is in the middle of signing “Ghost” in ASL
martuzzio · 1 year
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Multi-day diplomatic excursions are more fun when you spend the ENTIRE time gossiping!
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appleciderp · 1 year
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I ain't officially taggin him bcz I'm not certain I'm gonna stick with this design for him and I'm a bit nervous about it? But have a potential Roach design...
Headcanons below the cut!
Lanky mf. He's gonna be smack dab in the middle height-wise (so ~6 feet). Because Soap being the shortest is funnier to me.
Resident hacker for the 141. If it's electronic, he's your guy. Your phone is not safe if he's around <3
Is roughly Price and Ghost's age, and was a Private at the same time as them. Held back because of his selective mutism.
SUPER smart, but will act dumb to be underestimated.
Bastard energy that emits from this man is lethal
BSL and ASL. Will use a tts app with people who can't keep up with his signing.
GENERALLY going to be portrayed as Aro/Ace on my part; occasionally with Ghost and Soap as QPR.
Soap and Gaz truly didn't know of his existence before Price casually brings up one day that Roach is finally done with solo missions for a while and that he'll be bunking with them, so they need to clear the third cot in their room. They're a bit petty at the start, but they get along great super quick.
The majority of Ghost and Roach's friendship is them roasting each other.
Occasionally joins the Chaos Duo that is Soap and Gaz, but is too smart to get caught.
His and Soap's friendship flourished after they started talking about wiring (him due to electronics, soap due to bombs).
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pseudolife-archived2 · 11 months
character sheet.
FULL NAME.  Gary Sanderson NICKNAMES.  Bug, Gare ALIASES. Roach PRONOUNS. He / Him SIZE.  5'10" AGE. 26 ZODIAC.  Libra SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Queen's English, BSL, ASL, bits and pieces of other sign and spoken languages.
HAIR. Chestnut brown. Short, with soft curls. He has a tendency to let it grow out to be a few inches long, and then shave it to a short buzz cut. As he gets older, gray hairs start sprouting out and yes he does pull them. Not out of vanity, mostly because he can't stand the teasing. EYES. Brown. Not a dark brown, more like a cognac brown. Warm and usually amused in some manner. When he laughs, they scrunch up and turn into half crescents. Because of the scarring on the left side of his face, his left eye sags lightly on the outer corner and when he gets tired, that eyelid tends to droop before the other one. SKIN TONE. He's a bit on the fair side, but he tans quickly, and more often than not his skin is honey-gold and warm. I'm not saying the boy goes out and tans so he doesn't have weird tan lines, because he 100% is rocking a farmer's tan most days, but he definitely is in the sun enough that he's always a shade of sun-kissed, and sometimes his cheeks are pink from burns. BODY TYPE.  Somewhere between athletic and lean. Ectomorph. Straight back and even shouldered. He doesn't have an eight pack, sorry, but he's got some muscle packed onto him. One hundred percent could strangle a man with his thighs. VOICE. Those who have heard him speak, because again he is mute, have described his voice as warm and friendly, light. Sometimes a little scratchy from disuse. DOMINANT HAND. Right, but he can use his left for most things. POSTURE. Straight backed, even shouldered. Head held high. Subconsciously, he favors his right leg because of an old wound, although he really doesn't feel pain there anymore. SCARS. He's called Roach because he's survived a lot he shouldn't have, so he has plenty of misc. little scars. As for notable ones, however? On his face, he has a scar that runs from the left side of his forehead, through his eyebrow, down and just barely missing his eye towards his nose, and then back to the left. There's some scarring from gunshot wound on the right side of his chest (a little bit below and centered to his collarbone), a scattering of scars across his torso from shrapnel from a grenade, and an old knife wound to his right thigh. BIRTHMARKS. N/A. MOST NOTABLE FEATURES.  Messy hair and big eyes. A smile that could make the sun envious with it's brightness. The aforementioned scar on his face if it's uncovered. Goggles and a neck gaiter pulled over his face in the field.
PLACE OF BIRTH. Washington D.C., USA HOMETOWN.  East Sussex, England SIBLINGS. Charlotte Turner, James Turner, Robert Turner Jr., PARENTS.  Robert Turner, Emily Turner. All family members are no contact, was raised by his maternal grandparents, Martha and James Sanderson, both deceased.
OCCUPATION.  Sergeant of Task Force 141; Resident Bug CURRENT RESIDENCE. Lives primarily on base in his own room with it's own bathroom - special task force privileges. He did inherit his grandparent's farm home after they passed away, but he rarely visits it on leave. CLOSE FRIENDS. The 141. FINANCIAL STATUS.  Middle class. DRIVER'S LICENSE. Yeah, he's got one. He rarely drives though, mostly he lets Soap or Ghost or Price drive - and he complains the entire time because they're awful. CRIMINAL RECORD. A few trespassing warnings as a child, nothing too serious. VICES. He's an situational cigarette smoker, and alcohol drinker. He's a fiend for coffee, though, will actually 'argue' with the tea drinkers over it.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  A mess. Basically, the man considered himself firmly heterosexual until he met Ghost - now he's all fucked up and doesn't know what to do about it. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. The shoulder you can cry on, the person you can confess anything to and feel no judgement. The caretaker. He wants to help people feel better about themselves, and get better too. But he also likes to be taken care of himself - he gets a little flustered about it, but he likes good, affectionate attention. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.   Switch. His only sexual experience really is with soft women, so he's used to being dominant and gentle, but given more experience, he's all over the board with preferences. He likes to experiment, even if he gets a little-a lot flustered over expressing this fact, and his inexperience. TURN OFFS.  Anything forced. Being tied up and therefore rendered 'voiceless.' Being laughed at in a way that could be considered demeaning. Roleplay that has to do with his work. TURN ON'S. Good ol' affection - doesn't have to be verbal or obvious, he likes the subtle touches too. He likes to feel important, wanted, needed - but not babied. The kink list is a mess, we don't need to get into that. LOVE LANGUAGE. Any kind of affirmation or acts of service. Quality time - even quietly spent. He loves to take naps with loved ones. He likes hand holding, and general touching. He can, and will, find his way into clothing theft if a partner is bigger than him - if smaller, he'll freely share his clothes. He's a caretaker, still, and loves to service a partner even in mundane ways - opening a door, helping them undress nonsexually, wound care, etc. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. A mess, but in a good way. Affectionate and giving. Likes to take care of his partners. Has a tendency to be a little overbearing or intruding on personal space. Likes to kiss, like, anywhere. Sometimes leaves marks from said kissing if no one stops him. A little clingy, a little needy, in private. Is always trying to learn how to make things easier / better for them, and always wants things to be even as far as treatment goes.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE. I am really bad at this so stick a pin in it and I'll come up with something eventually. HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME. Journaling, doodling, reading. Sleeping. Making sure Ghost is taking care of himself. Pestering Soap into disasters. Climbing into places he shouldn't be. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  Right brained. SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL. Depends on the situation. Work? He's super confident. Out of work? He can be anywhere from also super confident to a fucking mess - but he likes to project that he's got his shit together. He has abandonment issues, so anytime he feels left behind, he's obviously disoriented.
tagged by: @pseudodead tagging: @whorrcr (soap), @lt-ghxst, @dctrreids, @forens1cs / @medicbled
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