#Robot-Analyst speaks
the-robot-bracket · 1 year
Greetings humans and welcome to the Robot Survey where we try to get data on who is the best fictional robot. AIs and Cyborgs are also included, for any human wondering.
I am the Robot-AnalystTM, so I am very interested in 'propaganda' for data collection. Please send it to me.
You may send me good Robots, evil Robots or any Robot in between, no matter which fictional universe they are originally from.
For robot submission, please use this link:
Inspired by:
@most-mistreated-characters @best-dad-battle @bracket-of-betrayal @let-me-date-them-bracket @gentle-giant-swag @ev1l-r0b0t-bracket
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the-puppet-bracket · 8 months
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Hoping to start the first polls in a week.
First Week
Second Week
Third Week
Fourth Week
Fifth Week
Sixth Week
Seventh Week
Eighth Week
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stuckasmain · 5 months
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I often think about how Hal is granted the humanity that Dave is so often denied. Both within the narrative and outside of it. 2001 has had a number of interpretations and articles over the years and I’ve noticed a pattern of seeing Hal as having more agency than he does while also diminishing Dave’s. This pattern I’ve also noticed among some fans. However, interestingly inside and outside the story this “giving/taking” of humanity has to do with projection.
Hal is personified by just about everyone who interacts with him. As humans we love to humanize the inanimate and inhuman, we love to recognize and prescribe traits things may not truly have. In the case of Hal this is amplified due to the fact that he can talk. If he couldn’t talk and it was simply keyboard input he’d still be personified as it’s simply human nature to do so. The computer is doing a good job, it dings and sounds happy so we’re more inclined to act like it is happy.
Hal was made to be spoken to like another person being, he was made to be curious and self learning and autonomous. He was, practically, made to be a human. He reproduces (though some prefer “mimic”) most functions of the human brain. The people he interacts with respond to his intelligence as well as his speech, they’re pleasantly surprised by his curiosity and ability to hold conversations. He was made to be comforting and talkable in that way but one can so easily forget Programing once speaking with him. What is coding and what is real? His learning is real, he is made to change so could he not have genuinely developed feelings? Not even Hal knows.
The humans he interacts with treat him as if he has a brain, not is the brain. When he acts up and things go array the hard and cold facts are never mentioned. There are no technical terms malfunction is illness, deactivation is a lobotomy- re-teaching him after deactivation is recovery. To them he is so very alive until they are reminded he’s not, the true rough and robotic edged voice goes so far as to startle Dave when he hears it.
He is afraid. Suddenly his emotions are no longer hypothetical. He is vulnerable, he is alive and he does not want to die for he does not know sleep. When he wakes he’s afraid again— not knowing what or where just that they’ll be together.
Interpretations, by some fans, media outlets and analysts often times tend to take one of two camps with no in between. Hal is either Woobified or villainized. If emotions -> than bad emotions also exist and he did back things on purpose OR if emotions -> he’s scared and polite so forget all else. Both of these ignore the nuance and ignore that, as human as he is at the end of the day Hal is still bound by the laws of his mechanical nature. He is not as free willed as one views him to be.
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Dave is human, and a well trained one. He is made of flesh and blood and bone and yet expected to act is if he is not. He is automatic and regimented - the human members of the crew being so in sync with the ship they’re almost apart of it. I’ve talked ad nauseam about Dave’s control over his emotions, how as an Astronaut you need to be calm and objective almost at all times and he is particularly good at pushing his emotions down to finish the job in a high stress situation. As we learn more about him it’s clear Dave is already a repressed person do to his past, this compounds with the training and how simply he’s introverted.
Dave (and Frank by extension) are not actually robotic or less emotional than their computer counterpart, it’s just the glimpses we see of them are on the clock. Their days are 100% accounted for in theory. You’re not going to have a huge smile a 6am or casually talk while your dealing with a delicate piece of equipment. What is shown is a montage, a long time has passed and we’ve seen the work and the “boring” as that was deemed important for the story—one should infer their conversations, their hobbies, movie or tv show nights etc.
I think another aspect that plays into this “robotic” perception is that it is the 60s. While being set in the near future it is an amazing case of retrofuturism where things are futuristic but there’s still noticeable elements of the time it was made. Clothing, social society, artutectite etc. in the 60s even casual speak was much more formal sounding then it is now— Dave is actually quite casual “how ya goin’?” “ basically” yet we perceive it differently.
Dave is automatic while the computer is not, Hal gets to enjoy the spontaneity one would expect of humans. This is due to his ability to be everywhere and do everything while also being able to focus on something else entirely. Dave is just a man- he’s limited, his focus is narrow and his reach only extends as far as his arms. Despite being a man he is not allowed the expression of one, not on the clock or in a life threatening situation. Hal can. Hal can vocally express his concerns, his fears — because it is vocal there is more weight on it. Dave expresses in subtle ways, the non verbal. These subtle, little controlled freak outs-> this is a human element Hal cannot replicate, his expression must be verbal and overt. As automatic and calculated as Dave is he is not barred from human nature and expression.
In the end it is fear that humanizes him the most, just like Hal. At the end of the star gate it holds on the shot of him wide eyed and trembling in the pod. Yet this feeling too is cut short, right when we may see a proper moment for him to express these human feelings… he’s no longer human. Literally.
But when we see him again we see him far more expressive than before, not held back by training or necessity. It’s subdued but he is feeling; he’s worried, he’s happy, he’s confused and scared and absolutely enchanted. Except this near omnipotence also hinders him, gets him to suppress further- too busy focusing on everything else to address feelings within— everything is so much bigger so he doesn’t have to think about himself.
It’s sort of an inverse where the narrative itself grants Hal his humanity but some fans and analysts are the ones to take it from Dave. As the story itself never explicitly denies his membership of the human race, even as he is transformed he’s full of reminders of it. His expression was restricted but never fully gone, where Hal as much as he grows is far more restricted by programming. Both of their limits tie back to earth and Mission Control— yet weren’t made maliciously that’s the interesting part… despite safety measures the discovery still suffers because of circumstance.
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ninjaneonleon · 1 year
Honestly, Leo was in awe of all the other versions of his family scattered around the large arena. He was pretty sure he’d seen some of them that looked human—he wasn’t sure how that was a thing—he’d seen a few that looked to be different species of turtle, and somewhere across the arena he had seen a version of himself covered in bandages with a dead look in his eye. That guy scared him. He hoped they didn’t come face to face. Even so, this whole competition was so cool!
Donnie had ridden his robot horse in the last heat, and of course it had exploded right at the finish line. The Leo he’d been riding against apparently had fallen off just before the finish line, meaning the two turtles crossed the line together without their horses. Leo had suspected the other Leo had been a little ahead of his Donnie but it was decided to be a tie. He wasn’t sure what that would mean for his team but Leo was more than happy to keep mingling while he waited to find out.
He spotted the duo watching the heat from the other stand. An older Leo and an older Mikey. They weren’t the only two older versions around but for some reason, they stood out to Leo. Maybe because they had been cheering on their little Leo with so much enthusiasm.
Being the analyst he was, Leo decided to see what he could figure out about them. First thing to note: malnutrition. They hadn’t been eating well for a long while. It made them seem older than they first appeared, especially the older Mikey with his white tufts of hair sticking out a little crazily out the side of this head. Without the malnutrition factors, Leo would place them to be in their fourties.
Big Leo kept glancing around and Big Mikey was tense, his hands twitching and his body ready. Huh. Anxiety maybe? Or wait, no, PTSD of some description. They were used to being in high-stress environments and this inter dimensional silliness was setting them on edge.
That trauma idea was further backed up when Leo realized that Big Leo had a stump for an arm and that one of Big Mikey’s legs was a prosthetic. It was weird though. Leo hadn’t been able to tell it was fake.
Wait, he just saw the toes on the prosthetic wiggle when Big Mikey stretched.
No. Way.
Leo’s body reacted before he realized what he was doing. He zapped closer to the duo, waving his arms to get their attention so he didn’t spook them. “Hey! Hi! Can I talk to you guys for a sec?”
Big Leo blinked then shrugged, hopping easily down from the stands. Big Mikey just floated down easily. Leo knew that his Mikey would manage to get that kinda thing, being able to float, under control eventually.
“Hey, uh, Leo? How can we help?” Big Leo asked.
“Hi! I think your team is against my team,” Leo started, flapping his hands to try and keep his energy in check. “I just have a weird question. Can I see your prosthetic?” He looked at Big Mikey, eyes wide and excited.
The box turtle looked stunned for a second before shifting and showing off the metal leg. It seemed to be connected directly to the stump somehow and Leo noted how the ankle joint definitely wouldn’t move like that without input. Oh Pizza Supreme, it was just as he thought!
“This is amazing! Is it controlled by your muscular structure or your nervous system? Is it heavy? It can clearly take some abuse. It’s been through a lot but it’s still running so smoothly. Oh, is it powered through kinetics or does it have an internal power system?”
Leo’s questions were cut off by a small snort. “Since when can any Leo speak technobabble?” Big Mikey joked. Then he took a breath. “Let’s start at the beginning. I’m Angelo, he’s Leon. We’re from a Kraang timeline. That’s how we lost our limbs.”
“What’s a Kraang?” Leo asked with a frown. He didn’t miss how the older turtles’ eyes widened but that wasn’t important right now. “Tell me later. I just need to know how you guys did it! That level of integration with your prosthesis isn’t going to be viable for decades! Maybe even a century! It’s so smooth and behaving like a normal limb.”
“Well, our Donnie—”
“Oh, shoot, right. Hold that thought.” Leo turned and picked out where his Donnie, covered with soot and somewhat bruised, was standing. “Fizzy!” Leo called before zapping over, grabbing Donnie, and zapping back. “Sorry, I know my twin will want to hear this too. Please continue.”
“Nardo, what are you doing? I was waiting for the resul— Oh. Is that—”
“A fully integrated prosthesis with a full range of natural motion, seemingly controlled by a nervous system? Yes, I believe it is,” Leo said as cut Donnie off with a grin. “That’s why I brought you over here. Angelo and Leon were about to explain.”
“You have my interest. Please continue.” Donnie gestured to the two older turtles, leaning against Leo. There was a pause as Leon and Angleo studied him and his twin. Angleo opened his mouth to say something when a bell cut him off.
“Attention, please. All ties will now be resolved by the tied teams teaming up! The next round is karaoke so everyone rest your voices!”
“Guess that means we’re a team now.” Leon chuckled. “C’mon. Let me grab our Leo and his bros and you can grab your brothers, then we can all get some food while Angelo explains the prosthetic.”
Leo lit up. “Awesome! C’mon, Fizz, let’s go!”
So this has my and @geniusbuilttm version of Leo and Donnie meeting @newellthedragon ‘s future Leo and mikey. Go check out her stuff, it’s super cool!
Vote for Surp-rise! And An Arm and a Leg in @tmntausummit !
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synthient · 1 year
I've just realised that if we interpret "New man - so to speak," as "this robot is nonbinary", then this is the second time Smith has decided to just come out during the climactic battle. Which is hilarious because, my dude. There have to be better ways to do this.
Smith, strolling into the courtyard: hey did you know I'm a man but only in an ironic way
Neo: uh. that's ni- [gets tackled by 20 Smiths at once]
Smith, strolling into the Simulatte: hey did you know I'm gay
The Analyst: what the f- [gets shot 10 times]
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warningsine · 10 months
Her nomination increases the probability of an all-woman battle for the presidency -- between Galvez and former Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum, seen as the favorite to represent the ruling party in June 2024.
Galvez, a 60-year-old computer engineer and self-made businesswoman, secured the support of the opposition bloc after an internal contest decided by public opinion polling.
"We have made the decision to support the sole candidacy of Xochitl Galvez to head the Broad Front for Mexico," announced Alejandro Moreno, leader of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), one of the three parties in the opposition alliance.
Galvez, who was backed by the conservative National Action Party (PAN), edged out another woman senator, Beatriz Paredes of the PRI.
Galvez has repeatedly crossed swords with outgoing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a self-styled champion of the underprivileged.
She has criticized the leftwing populist's security strategy and said that "ovaries are needed" to confront organized crime in the violence-wracked country.
Galvez, who says that as a child she sold candy to help her family, talks with an informal, frank language peppered with swear words.
"Nobody controls me -- not even my husband," she says to underline her independence.
Galvez accused Lopez Obrador of machismo after he branded her the "candidate of the power mafia" -- a reference to the opposition.
Lopez Obrador's frequent attacks on Galvez had a "counterproductive result," boosting her profile, said analyst Luis Estrada, chief executive of political consultancy firm Spin.
'Charismatic, spontaneous'
Born to an Indigenous Otomi father and mixed-race mother, Galvez wears Indigenous clothing, uses colloquial language and is known for traveling around Mexico City by bicycle.
The opposition politician, who formerly headed a foundation to support Indigenous children and women, speaks openly of her family problems.
Her father was an alcoholic and one of her sisters has been in preventive detention in prison for 11 years for allegedly belonging to a gang of kidnappers.
Galvez studied computer engineering at the prestigious National Autonomous University of Mexico.
She specialized in robotics, artificial intelligence and sustainability, and later set up a successful company related to technology in so-called intelligent buildings.
Galvez's first name means "flower" in the Nahuatl Indigenous language, and her background sets her apart from the traditional conservative opposition.
Galvez is "charismatic, fresh and spontaneous," said political analyst Hernan Gomez Bruera.
But, due to the popularity of Lopez Obrador's Morena party, she appears unlikely to beat Sheinbaum, a 61-year-old scientist by training, he added.
In a survey by the Reforma newspaper published on Monday, 46 percent of respondents said they would vote for Sheinbaum in a two-way contest, compared with 31 percent for Galvez.
The Broad Front for Mexico is made up of the PRI -- which ruled the country for more than 70 years until 2000 -- PAN and the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution.
Morena is also carrying out opinion polling to decide its presidential candidate, with the result expected to be announced on September 6.
Sheinbaum's main internal rival is former foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard.
Both are close allies of Lopez Obrador, who enjoys an approval rating of more than 60 percent but is required by the constitution to leave office after a single six-year term.
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stormcrow513 · 1 year
So Transformers movies again,
So the thing is I really love these movies and I think one of the things I like best about them is the things other people hate,
The world their in is so familiar to the one I inhabit that it feels real to me in a way,
Like is there misogyny in here?
and do I like misogyny and being treated as less for my sex?
Nope, sure fucking do not, but thing is it is such a lived part of my experience that to not see it would feel off,
I mean I didn't even have boobs yet when family members started pointing at the 'sluty' girls on TV and telling me 'that's going to be you when you get older'
No I am not kidding true fact,
So when I see all these kick ass women being treated with less respect then the men,
I feel for these ladies it helps me care about these side characters that by design of movies being fast paced, you don't get much from,
And a lot of things that do put misogyny into to 'bring attention to it' and such,
They tend to show out an out creepos, or mustache twirling,
They don't tend to show the more wide spread every day basically every guys done it once things,
The first transformers movie has a great showing of this,
Now Maggie super smart chick, whose just had one of those intuitive leaps that tend to bare out right,
The kind we can't really describe why we came to this conclusion, because it was our brains connecting a bunch of small dots,
What is often called gut intuition,
A thing men are praised for and women are often called names and treated poorly for,
The men scoff at her will barely let her speak,
The main old white guy even starts off going 'this is the analyst that detected the hack?!'
'her team,' a guy adds in, when you see her prod guy in her team to do what he's supposed to be doing
She's really pretty and has a Australian I believe accent,
And she's also blunt, but not exactly overly rude about, she just won't be talked down to, or shut up, when an all out war could break over nothing that any human nation is responsible for,
The same old guy tells her to basically watch her mouth or he'll kick her out,
Again this gal just pulled this great stunt off for them and cause she's not kissing his ass, and just speaking like a normal human being, he's willing to lose her good work over it,
And the way everyone reacts to the Cybertronians is so realistic,
The desert scene where Epps a trained soldier is reporting on the Decepticon attacking his team,
And he's clearly the communications guy, he's always the guy on comms relaying what's happening, Lennox passes him the phone as soon as it connects,
And Epps is shouting things like 'i don't know man, if you'd seen this shit' while this giant metal scorpion is just fucking throwing down, it bursting up from under the fucking San like the god damn tremors movies, it shooting at them,
I mean can you imagine, even trained soldiers would struggle like that, because seriously what the hell,
Imagine for a second you lived in a world where transformers weren't a thing and all big robot shows inspired by it also didn't exist,
And you see these fucking guys,
Holy pants wetting man, ida fucking booked it my friends,
You see something done to the Autobots that we see done over and over in American history, and you watch it play out knowing that the US government is going to treat them this way cause they always treat minorities this way, so your trading racism for xenophobia,
The government turns on them the very second they think they don't need them any more,
And they do it by saying oh we're granting them asylum but no more of them working with the military,
And then the CIA whose given control over taking down Decepticons, being it's gross bad self goes okay, but we're also going to hunt down and murder all the Autobots too,
Anyway this got away from me, Im just writing thoughts down before I lose em
*High Posting*
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doc-avalon · 1 year
All Hail the new Emperor!
So, I asked OpenAI, "Rewrite using the meaning of the tarot cards but replace them with words associated with artificial intelligence. "
This is what I got
The Innovator
The Programmer
The Data Analyst
The Algorithm
The AI
The Automation
The Interconnectivity
The Network
Computational Power
The Machine Learning
The AI Revolution
Artificial Intelligence
The Software Engineering
Machine Intelligence
The Cyber Security
The Cloud Computing
The Big Data
The Neural Network
The Digital Transformation
Predictive Analysis
The Internet of Things
I find it interesting and perhaps just a touch worrying that it placed AI as The Emperor and then again under other names as Justice, The Hermit and Wheel of Fortune!
Cyber Security as the Devil, and what the heck did Cloud Computing ever do to anyone?
Next, keeping with the tarot and AI theme, I used Midjourny's Blend command and combined some cards from the Rider-Waite tarot deck.
I got:
From The Fool & World cards
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I laughed out loud at that one.
From The The Magician and the High Priestess
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This Gre?
From the he Empress and The Emperor
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Te Themors
From The Tower and The Sun
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Tew tourke:
Tew "a state of worried agitation or excitement" Tourke, a company that makes patio umbrellas.
And for the last the four aces together.
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Your guess is as good as anyone's.
Anyone here speak the stroke victim language the AI's use?
Hold on a minute... is that a patio umbrella?!!!
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industrialresearch · 4 months
Inspection Robots Market Registering a CAGR of 30.9% to 2030.
Inspection robots are used to monitor the processes carried out in manufacturing industries such as food quality as well as to detect failure in processes such as leakage in pipes. Inspection robots find application in oil & gas, electronics, food & beverages, and other industries where manufacturing is carried out at a large extent.
The inspection robots market size was valued at $940.0 million in 2020, and is expected to reach $13.9 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 30.9% from 2021 to 2030.
Download Sample PDF @ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/8619
Ability of the inspection robots to reach places that are not visible to human eyes majorly drive the inspection robots market. In addition, use of inspection robots avoid workers to reach out to dangerous places just to inspect the equipment or the manufacturing process. 
Moreover, data collection and storage by inspection robots is faster and accurate than manual recording. These are the factors that lead to growth of the inspection robots market around the world. However, high cost of installation of robots acts as restraint to the market. In addition, abrupt failure of inspection robots with failure in operating system lead dangerous situations as well to losses in these industries, which propels growth of the market. 
Furthermore, the outbreak of COVID-19 has led to halt in logistic and manufacturing activities across the globe, which, in turn, has led to interruption of supply chain, which hinders growth of the market. However, this situation is expected to improve as government has started relaxing norms around the world for resuming business activities.
Request For Customization @ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/8619
Top Players:The major players profiled in the Inspection Robots market include Eddyfi Technologies, Gecko Robotics, Inc., Genesis Systems, Honeybee Robotics, Invert Robotics, JH Robotics, Inc., Montrose Technologies Inc., Shenzhen SROD Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Universal Robots and Waygate Technologies. Major companies in the market have adopted product launch, business expansion and partnership as their key developmental strategy to offer better products and services to customers in the inspection robots market
Key Findings Of The Study
By robot type, the mobile robots segment was the highest revenue contributor in 2020.
By testing type, the non-destructive inspection segment was the highest revenue contributor in 2020.
By end-user industry, the oil & gas segment dominated the market in 2020.
By region, North America generated the highest revenue in 2020.
Speak to Analysts @ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/connect-to-analyst/8619
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research--blog · 10 months
IoT in Manufacturing Market Worth $233.6 Billion by 2029
According to a new market research report titled, ’IoT in Manufacturing Market by Component (Platform, Connectivity), Application (Resource Optimization, Machine Inspection & Maintenance), End User (Automotive, Medical Devices) and Geography—Global Forecast to 2029’, the global IoT in manufacturing market is expected to register a CAGR of 13.7% from 2022–2029 to reach $233.6 billion by 2029. Download Free Report Sample Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5371
The rising demand for industrial automation in manufacturing and growing investments in Industry 4.0 are the major factors driving the growth of this market. However, data security and privacy issues in IoT can restrain market growth to a certain extent. Emerging 5G technology to help IoT adoption is expected to offer significant opportunities for the growth of this market.
Impact of COVID-19 on the IoT in Manufacturing Market
In the first quarter of 2020, the world was severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects of the COVID-19 outbreak can be seen throughout every industry, especially in the manufacturing sector. Business operations across the manufacturing sector have been disrupted due to shortages in raw materials & workforce, supply chain disruption, and restrictions on operating capacities. Despite the disruptive impact of COVID-19, organizations are planning to increase their investments in the Internet of Things (IoT) as a rapid increase in the adoption of industrial internet of things (IoT). Thus, the pandemic influenced the manufacturing industry to reduce its dependency on manual labor and adapt to advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, and IoT.
With the adoption of IoT in manufacturing, manufacturers have observed improved productivity, higher quality, near-zero design error, energy efficiency, leaner process, flexibility in production scale, increased agility, improved predictability, and enhanced monitoring of the processes. Thus, the adoption of IoT technology influenced business operations worldwide to sustain business operations. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic has positively impacted the global IoT in manufacturing market. This adoption trend of IoT technology is anticipated to continue and grow during the forecasted period.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5371
The global IoT in Manufacturing market is segmented by component (hardware, platform (network management, device management, application management, data management), services, and connectivity (satellite network, cellular network, near field communication (NFC), and other connectivity modes), deployment mode (on-premise and cloud-based), organization size (SMEs and large enterprises), application (surveillance & safety, quality management, resource optimization, inventory & warehouse management, machine inspection & maintenance, production planning, energy management, and smart robotics), end user (automotive, electronics & semiconductors, heavy metals & machine manufacturing, energy & utility, aerospace and defense, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and other end users) and geography. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyses the market at the country level.
Based on component, the global IoT in manufacturing market is segmented into hardware, platform, services, and connectivity. In 2022, the hardware segment is expected to account for the largest share of the global IoT in manufacturing market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to factors such as consistent engagement of the manufacturing sector in improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). However, the platform segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The rising adoption of IoT platforms in the manufacturing sector by various end users to improve operational efficiency drives the segment’s growth.
Based on deployment mode, the global IoT in manufacturing market is segmented into on-premise deployment and cloud-based deployment. In 2022, the on-premise deployment segment is expected to account for the larger share of the global IoT in manufacturing market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to a high preference for on-premise deployments among large enterprises and the availability of trained IT professionals & infrastructure. However, the cloud-based deployment segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The growth of this segment is attributed to the increasing adoption of cloud computing in the manufacturing sector.
Quick Buy – IoT in Manufacturing Market- Global Opportunity Analysis And Industry Forecast (2022-2029), Research Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/56276327
Based on organization size, the global IoT in manufacturing market is segmented into small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises. In 2022, the large enterprises segment is expected to account for the larger share of the global IoT in manufacturing market and is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The growth of this segment is attributed to factors such as the strong IT infrastructure of large enterprises and the growing investment in the adoption of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT and blockchain by manufacturers.
Based on application, the global IoT in manufacturing market is segmented into surveillance & safety, quality management, resource optimization, inventory & warehouse management, machine inspection & maintenance, production planning, energy management, and smart robotics. In 2022, the surveillance & safety segment is expected to account for the largest share of the global IoT in manufacturing market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to factors such as the increasing need for monitoring production lines to promote a safer work environment for safe operation during the manufacturing process. However, the inventory & warehouse management segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The rising adoption of IoT platforms for precise visibility into raw materials and components flow, work-in-process, and finished goods by providing real-time updates is driving the segment’s growth.
Based on end user, the global IoT in manufacturing market is segmented into automotive, semiconductors & electronics, heavy metals & machine manufacturing, energy & power, aerospace and defense, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and other end users. In 2022, the automotive segment is expected to account for the largest share of the global IoT in manufacturing market. The automotive industry is extensively adopting automation, IoT, and robotics systems to enhance product quality, reduce work-in-progress time, and improve equipment reliability, promoting the market’s growth. However, the medical devices segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The rapid growth of this segment is attributed to the growing adoption of digital technologies in medical device manufacturing operations.
Based on geography, the global IoT in manufacturing market is broadly segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. In 2022, Asia-Pacific is expected to account for the largest share of the global IoT in manufacturing market. Factors such as favorable government initiatives, technological innovation, the growing number of industrial organizations, and the increasing adoption of IoT devices to optimize operational efficiency drive the market’s growth. The region is also a hotbed of industrial robotics innovation, with China, Japan, and South Korea the three largest global markets. In addition, half of all APAC manufacturers are expected to have smart factories within three years.
The report also includes an extensive assessment of the key strategic developments adopted by the leading market participants in the industry over the past four years (2020–2022).
The key players operating in the global IoT in Manufacturing market are General Electric Company (U.S.), Emerson Electric Co. (U.S.), Intel Corporation (U.S.), Cisco Systems, Inc. (U.S.), SAP SE (Germany), International Business Machines Corporation (U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), PTC Inc. (U.S.), Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany), Atos SE (France), Microsoft Corporation (U.S.), HCL Technologies Limited (India), Zebra Technologies Corporation (U.S.), Schneider Electric (France), Oracle Corporation (U.S.), Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan), and Software AG (Germany).
To gain more insights into the market with a detailed table of content and figures, click here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/iot-in-manufacturing-market-5371
Scope of the Report:
IoT in Manufacturing Market, by Component 
Network Management
Device Management
Application Management
Data Management
Satellite Network
Cellular Network
Near Field Communication (NFC)
Other Connectivity Modes
IoT in Manufacturing Market, by Deployment Mode     
On-premise Deployment Mode
Cloud-based Deployment Mode                      
IoT in Manufacturing Market, by Organization Size     
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Large Enterprises
IoT in Manufacturing Market, by Application 
Surveillance & Safety
Quality Management
Resource Optimization
Inventory & Warehouse Management
Machine Inspection & Maintenance
Production Planning
Energy Management
Smart Robotics                  
IoT in Manufacturing Market, by End User                    
Electronics & Semiconductors
Heavy Metals & Machine Manufacturing
Energy & Utility
Aerospace and Defense
Medical Devices
Other End Users
IoT in Manufacturing Market, by Geography                
North America     
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Latin America      
Middle East & Africa
Download Free Report Sample Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5371 Related Report:
Smart Manufacturing Market - Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast (2022–2029) https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/smart-manufacturing-market-5265
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landofopp · 1 year
Industrial Automation – Business Consulting & Market Research
BDB India is the leading global firm for industrial automation market research.  We have a team of best market researchers, business analysts and business consultants.  We develop time bound strategic roadmaps for our clients.
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Industrial automation has been one of our oldest areas of expertise. Factory automation, process automation, products like linear motion products, robotics, flow control measurement products etc. are extensively studied and analysed.
In the industrial automation market research sector, BDB has had the privilege of working with successful companies to analyse the market demand, perceptions and viability of takeovers.  For many of them, BDB has developed a market entry strategy for new products in India with our world-class business analysts.
BDB Product Research Companies in India conducted an elaborate study for their members companies to evaluate the market opportunities in India.
Apart from strategy consulting assignments, several business houses in India seek BDB’s expertise in analysing their overseas markets.
BDB has developed strategies for them to enter into several overseas markets, including China, ASEAN countries, Australia and countries of the Middle East and Africa.
Most industries are not just expanding but also rapidly updating their technology.  For each assignment, the methodology varies because these are all customized research analyses.
For instance, to identify a new business opportunity, BDB first understands its clients’ strengths, weaknesses and expectations.  The industrial horizons are then scanned so to speak, nationally or globally. Complimentary or synergistic business opportunities shall be identified and short listed.
Thereafter, these short-listed opportunities are investigated to verify whether they are relevant to BDB’s clients and whether they can be dove tailed with the business paradigm of its clients.  For new opportunity areas, each opportunity is thoroughly investigated quantitatively and qualitatively so that BDB’s client has a complete picture as well as flavour of the opportunity – both existing and emerging.
For market entry studies, BDB begins with detailed market research for the identified products, evaluates current and potential demand and then identifies locations for setting up the project.  Based on these inputs, BDB conducts a techno-economic feasibility study.
At conclusion, the output of such market research studies comprehensively results in an incisive, authentic and reliable Growth Strategy Recommendation Document.
BDB has assisted in setting up new projects, in acquisitions, in testing new ideas, in evaluating markets and brand equity, measuring customer satisfaction as well as in conducting pre & post launch studies in India and across the globe.  BDB has also conducted assignments in the expansion of existing businesses.
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freefartexpert · 1 year
MRO Market for the Manufacturing Industry Worth $49.65 Billion by 2030
Meticulous Research®—a leading global market research company, published a research report titled, ‘MRO Market for the Manufacturing Industry by Product (Plant Facilities, Automation Equipment, Robots, CNC Equipment), Sector (Consumer Products, Food & Beverage, Automotive, Electronics & Semiconductors) – Global Forecast to 2030.’
According to this latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the global MRO market for the manufacturing industry market is projected to reach $49.65 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.8 % from 2023 to 2030.The MRO market for the manufacturing industry is driven by the proliferation of digital transformation in the field of MRO, the growing need to reduce maintenance and unplanned downtime, increasing demand for enhanced organizational efficiency across industries, and the development of smart factories. However, the shortage of skilled workforce challenges the market’s growth. In addition, the increasing demand for remote maintenance & repair and the emergence of 5G technology is expected to offer significant growth opportunities for the MRO market for the manufacturing industry.
Download Free Report Sample Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5437
To provide efficient analysis, Meticulous Research® has segmented this market based on product (plant facilities, automation equipment, robots, CNC equipment), sector (pharmaceutical, medical devices, automotive, food & beverages, consumer products, electronics & semiconductors, shipbuilding, aerospace & defense, energy & power, oil & gas, chemicals, metals & mining, other sectors), and geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa). The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes the regional and country-level markets.
Based on product, in 2022, the plant facilities segment accounted for the largest share of the MRO market for the manufacturing industry. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the increased spending in maintenance operations, increasing focus on industry 4.0, leading to more manufacturing facilities, and growing demand for efficiency in the supply chain. However, the automation equipment segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Based on sector, in 2022, the consumer products segment accounted for the largest share of the MRO market for the manufacturing industry. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the increasing demand for cost-effective consumer goods manufacturing maintenance services, growing adoption of predictive maintenance services and increasing investments in maintenance operations. However, the medical devices segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5437
Based on geography, in 2022, Asia-Pacific accounted for the largest share of the MRO market for the manufacturing industry. The growing adoption of industrial robots and automation systems in China, Japan, and South Korea; increasing investment from the semiconductor industry for chip manufacturing and the growing adoption of refurbished gadgets in developing countries is expected to contribute to the high revenue share of this region. However, the Middle East & Africa region is expected to witness rapid growth during the forecast period.
Key Players
The key players operating in the MRO market for the manufacturing industry are Siemens AG (Germany), WESCO International, Inc. (U.S.), ERIKS N.V. (Netherlands), SDI, Inc. (U.S.), ICR Services (U.S.), RS Group PLC (U.K.), Global Electronic Services, Inc. (U.S.), Advanced Technology Services, Inc. (U.S.), NRTC Alabama, Inc. (U.S.), PSI Repair Services, Inc. (U.S.), K+S Services (U.S.), OMRON Corporation (Japan), Yokogawa Electric Corporation (Japan), Hayley Group Limited (U.K.), Electronix Services (Ireland), Sika Interplant Systems Limited (India), AMETEK, INC. (U.S.), ATLAS COPCO AB (Sweden), and SWIFTSHIPS LLC (U.S.).
Quick Buy – https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/62996192
Key questions answered in the report-
Which are the high-growth market segments in terms of product, sector, and geography?
What is the historical MRO market for the manufacturing industry across the globe?
What are the market forecasts and estimates for the period 2023–2030?
What are the major drivers and opportunities in the global MRO market for the manufacturing industry?
Who are the major players in the global MRO market for the manufacturing industry, and what market share do they hold?
How is the competitive landscape?
What are the recent developments in the global MRO market for the manufacturing industry?
What are the different strategies adopted by the major players in the market?
What are the geographic trends and high-growth countries?
Who are the local emerging players in the global MRO market for the manufacturing industry, and how do they compete with the other players?
Author: Mr. Khushal Bombe Meticulous Market Research Inc. 1267 Willis St, Ste 200 Redding, California, 96001, U.S. USA: +1-646-781-8004 Visit Our Website: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/ Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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xtruss · 1 year
China To Formulate 6G Industry Development Plan, Seek Breakthroughs
— Global Times | March 01, 2023
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6G Photo: VCG
China will formulate an industry development plan to promote research and innovation of 6G mobile technologies, Jin Zhuanglong, minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), said on Wednesday, sending a clear message of the nation's determination to lead the trend of the cutting-edge technology.
Amid the US' technology decoupling push, 6G development will keep China at the forefront of the technology's advance in which the telecommunications industry is a core, experts said, adding that China has the competitive advantage in the field in terms of technology capability and potential application scenarios.
Speaking at a regular press briefing of the State Council Information Office on Wednesday, Guo said that the ministry will formulate an action plan to comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology.
"We also encourage local governments to try this first and speed up the layout of future industries," the minister said.
The deployment of other frontier fields such as humanoid robots, the metaverse and quantum technology will also be accelerated.
The construction of China's 5G network is advancing steadily, and the network coverage capability continues to improve.
A statistical bulletin of the communications industry in 2022 issued by the MIIT showed that the number of 5G base stations reached 2.312 million last year, accounting for more than 60 percent of the world.
The solid foundation of 5G applications makes it possible for China to continue to lead in the development of the next-generation technology standards for broadband networks, experts said.
As a national strategy, 6G has been at the core of China's efforts for technological breakthroughs, given its wide industry applications.
6G technology enables the better integration of networks among the Earth, the atmosphere and space to make communication faster and easier, Ma Jihua, a veteran telecommunication industry analyst, told the Global Times on Wednesday.
Satellite navigation, distant oceanic farming and autonomous driving are potential areas where 6G technology can be adopted.
The 6G development push comes amid a growing need for technology advancement amid the US' escalating technology blockage against China, experts said. Despite the external disruption, experts said that there should be no concern about its impact on China's 6G technology development.
China is already taking the lead over the US in 5G in terms of the technology application and industry scale, which provides more possibilities for the development of the next-generation network, Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Beijing-based Information Consumption Alliance, told the Global Times on Wednesday.
Xiang also said that the communication system has little requirement for high-end chips, but operates mostly on the 28-nanometer chips that China has already developed.
"This is the field where we must take and sustain a leadership role," Xiang said.
Driven by the demand for economic growth and industry upgrading, especially amid the rising decoupling by the US, China has ramped up efforts on 6G technology for broadband networks.
A market research and analysis report for 6G released by market analysis firm Market Research Future suggested that nearly half of the world's 6G patent applications came from China, the largest in the world.
The report predicted that by 2040, the global 6G market will reach $340 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of over 58 percent between 2030 and 2040.
The Asia-Pacific region, especially China, where more attention to satellite communications and related technological improvements takes place, will lead the trend.
Xiang said that China will likely develop a clear 6G vision this year and initiative its standardization by 2025.
— Global Times
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ameymeti2001 · 1 year
Industrial Automation Market Worth $306.2 Billion by 2027- Market Size, Share, Forecasts, & Trends
Industrial Automation Market Worth $306.2 Billion by 2027- Market Size, Share, Forecasts, & Trends
According to a new market research report titled, “Industrial Automation Market by Component (Plant-level Controls, Enterprise-level Controls, Plant Instrumentation), Mode of Automation (Semi-automatic, Fully-automatic), and End User and Geography —Global Forecast to 2027,” published by Meticulous Research®, the industrial automation market is expected to register a CAGR of 9.3% from 2020 to 2027 to reach $306.2 billion by 2027.
Download Sample Report Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5172
Industrial automation can be defined as using automation technologies and control devices that automate the operation & control of industrial processes. Industrial automation uses control systems and equipment, such as computer software and robots. It uses control systems, management solutions, and IT solutions & technologies to handle various processes in industries to achieve efficiency and productivity.
The industrial automation market is growing rapidly due to the high adoption of automation solutions in the manufacturing, oil & gas, chemicals & materials, and pharmaceutical sectors. Manufacturing companies are increasingly investing in industrial automation technologies to improve system reliability & efficiency and eliminate production errors caused by human labor. With the implementation of automation components such as sensors, robots, machine vision systems, and enterprise control solutions, companies can significantly reduce operating and labor costs.
However, the limited availability of skilled labor required to operate these systems is a major challenge for the market’s growth in emerging economies.
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Industrial Automation Market
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a widespread economic downturn as several countries imposed strict lockdowns to contain the infection. These lockdowns affected diverse industries, primarily due to the impact on manufacturing operations. There has been a significant impact on supply chains globally. Manufacturing & processing companies faced huge losses during the first and second quarters of 2020 due to disrupted supply chains and delayed production schedules. The rapid spread of the coronavirus in the U.S., Europe, and Asian countries resulted in nationwide lockdowns and a temporary halting of production facilities to prevent further spread.
The automation providers witnessed a decline in revenues in 2020 due to the huge spread of COVID-19 and limited operations of industries in the first two quarters. The application sectors in the industrial automation market have experienced low to high impacts of the pandemic and are expected to recover in the coming years. The severely hit industries include oil & gas, construction machinery, rubber & plastic machinery, and power generation. These industries are expected to recover slowly and face adverse impacts due to changing consumer patterns, low productions, and dependency on end markets.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5172
Some industries that experienced medium impact include mining, robotics, building technology, electronics, paper & pulp, and process industry equipment. These industries are expected to gain a speedy recovery due to their broad range of application markets. The least hit industries included agriculture machinery, food & beverage processing & packaging, and medical & scientific manufacturers as they offer essential goods globally. Additionally, local manufacturing facilities that were temporarily shut down in the first six months of 2020 resumed operations in the third quarter due to the removal of lockdowns and the need for economic growth.
Government initiatives to promote industrial development is one of the major drivers for the growth of this market
According to the International Federation of Robotics, the Chinese government invested USD 577 million to develop intelligent systems. These systems aim to support the development of intelligent robots. In 2019, Japan invested USD 351 million to support the new robot strategy, aiming to become a leading global robotics innovation hub. This strategy includes manufacturing and important service sectors, such as healthcare, agriculture, and infrastructure.
In 2020, South Korea allocated a budget of USD 126 million for its robot-related business (Source: International Federation of Robotics). Under the Intelligent Robot Development and Supply Promotion Act, South Korea published the robot industry in South Korea as its core industry. In June 2020, Germany funded the “PAiCE” program with USD 55 million to develop digital industry platforms. This robotics-oriented program provides a platform for service robotics solutions in various fields to develop a digital industry platform and collaborate with companies using a digital industry platform.
In August 2011, the National Robotics Initiative (NRI) was launched in the U.S. for robotics R&D. In 2019, the budget for NRI was USD 35 million to focus on fundamental science, technologies, and integrated systems for collaborative robots. In August 2020, the U.S. announced to provide more than USD 1 billion to establish 12 new research and development hubs nationwide. Also, AI institutes, along with the University of Oklahoma, University of Texas, University of Colorado, University of Illinois, University of California, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researched how technologies can be used in precision agriculture and weather forecasting, among others.
Poland is a growing manufacturing power in Europe, as there is demand for new and innovative manufacturing technologies. The Polish government provides incentives for advanced manufacturing and industrial transformation. To help the industries in Poland, the government launched its Industry 4.0 Platform in 2019 to spread knowledge related to Industry 4.0 processes and develop competence in the areas such as robotics and automation. The Polish Government also provides grants to support industry research.
To provide efficient analysis, Meticulous Research® has segmented this market based on component (plant-level controls, enterprise-level controls, and plant instrumentation), mode of automation (semi-automatic and fully-automatic), and end user (oil & gas, automotive, food & beverage, and chemicals & materials), and geography (Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa).
Based on component, the industrial automation market is segmented into plant instrumentation, plant-level controls, and enterprise-level controls. The enterprise-level controls segment accounted for the largest market share in 2020. This segment’s large share is attributed to the benefits of implementing PLM, ERP, and MES solutions at the enterprise level. PLM solutions promote cross-team collaboration across departments such as innovation, R&D, regulatory compliance, quality, and packaging. They enable cross-functional management of product development introduction, leveraging portfolio management capabilities to deliver visibility and optimize results across the product development phase. These systems aid companies to maintain and manage records of the organization’s lifecycle, further resulting in huge cost savings. However, the plant-level controls segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the increasing need to improve visibility into operations, make data-driven decisions, improve efficiency, & minimize downtime, and increasing the adoption of plant-level controls in the manufacturing industries.
Based on mode of automation, the industrial automation market is segmented into semi-automatic and fully-automatic modes. The fully-automatic systems segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The segment’s growth is attributed to its various advantages, such as increased production capabilities, enhanced throughput volumes, and minimized human intervention.
Based on end user, the industrial automation market is segmented into oil & gas, chemicals & materials, paper & pulp, pharmaceuticals & biotech, mining & metals, food & beverage, power, consumer goods, automotive, machines & tools, semiconductors & electronics, aerospace & defense, and other end users. The oil & gas segment accounted for the largest share of the industrial automation market in 2020. However, the automotive segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to various factors such as advancement in automation, increasing use of collaborative robots, and embracing 3D printers, among others.
Geographically, the market is segmented into five major regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the advent of Industry 4.0, robust manufacturing sector in the region, and high deployment of robots in major verticals, such as banking, F&B, financial services and insurance (BFSI), manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics.
Quick Buy – Industrial Automation Market Research Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/37883222
In Asia-Pacific, China is expected to account for the largest share. The market growth is due to major benefits of industrial automation in the country, such as reduced production times, increased accuracy & repeatability, less human error, and increased safety. China is one of the largest manufacturers of various products, including automobiles and electronics. According to the World Bank, in 2020, manufacturing added 26.2% of China’s GDP. Also, its manufacturing sector added USD 3.9 trillion in 2019. The easy availability of labor in China is a major factor in its top position in the global manufacturing sector. However, the Chinese industries are now transforming towards automation & robotics.
In recent years, China has been automating across industries at a staggering rate. In 2018, Chinese companies installed 154,000 industrial robots (Source: International Federation of Robotics). The push for automation is part of China’s goal to become a hub of innovation. Due to favorable government policies in robotic manufacturing, China is on track to be a leader in industrial automation. Compared to Japan, South Korea, and Germany, with robot density in the manufacturing industry that varies between 270 and 400 robots per 10,000 employees, China’s robot density is very low, with ~20 robots. This indicates the potential for domestic penetration, which is expected to increase the production of robots.
Due to the lack of labor in the country, China is focusing on the automation of several industries. In 2019, the national birthrate hit a nearly 60-year low of only 14.6 million births (Source: National Bureau of Statistics). According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, China’s labor force will fall to roughly 700 million by 2050, down from 911 million in 2016. Automation could be the key to maintaining productivity as China’s traditional labor force shrinks. Younger workers, meanwhile, are more educated than previous generations and are looking for higher-earning jobs beyond the factory floor. Automation could eventually be the answer to both problems by replacing labor and providing more lucrative jobs.
The top five players that dominated the global industrial automation market were ABB Group (Switzerland), Emerson Electric Co. (U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan), and Schneider Electric SE (France). Other key players operating in the global industrial automation market include Rockwell Automation, Inc. (U.S.), Yaskawa Electric Corporation (Japan), Yokogawa Electric Corporation (Japan), KUKA AG (Germany), FANUC Corporation (Japan), Honeywell International Inc. (U.S.), OMRON Corporation (Japan), Advantech Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), and Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. (Japan) among others.
To gain more insights into the market with a detailed table of content and figures, click here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/industrial-automation-market-5172
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Industrial Automation Market Worth $306.2 Billion by 2027- Market Size, Share, Forecasts, & Trends
According to a new market research report titled, “Industrial Automation Market by Component (Plant-level Controls, Enterprise-level Controls, Plant Instrumentation), Mode of Automation (Semi-automatic, Fully-automatic), and End User and Geography —Global Forecast to 2027,” published by Meticulous Research®, the industrial automation market is expected to register a CAGR of 9.3% from 2020 to 2027 to reach $306.2 billion by 2027.
Download Sample Report Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5172
Industrial automation can be defined as using automation technologies and control devices that automate the operation & control of industrial processes. Industrial automation uses control systems and equipment, such as computer software and robots. It uses control systems, management solutions, and IT solutions & technologies to handle various processes in industries to achieve efficiency and productivity.
The industrial automation market is growing rapidly due to the high adoption of automation solutions in the manufacturing, oil & gas, chemicals & materials, and pharmaceutical sectors. Manufacturing companies are increasingly investing in industrial automation technologies to improve system reliability & efficiency and eliminate production errors caused by human labor. With the implementation of automation components such as sensors, robots, machine vision systems, and enterprise control solutions, companies can significantly reduce operating and labor costs.
However, the limited availability of skilled labor required to operate these systems is a major challenge for the market’s growth in emerging economies.
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Industrial Automation Market
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a widespread economic downturn as several countries imposed strict lockdowns to contain the infection. These lockdowns affected diverse industries, primarily due to the impact on manufacturing operations. There has been a significant impact on supply chains globally. Manufacturing & processing companies faced huge losses during the first and second quarters of 2020 due to disrupted supply chains and delayed production schedules. The rapid spread of the coronavirus in the U.S., Europe, and Asian countries resulted in nationwide lockdowns and a temporary halting of production facilities to prevent further spread.
The automation providers witnessed a decline in revenues in 2020 due to the huge spread of COVID-19 and limited operations of industries in the first two quarters. The application sectors in the industrial automation market have experienced low to high impacts of the pandemic and are expected to recover in the coming years. The severely hit industries include oil & gas, construction machinery, rubber & plastic machinery, and power generation. These industries are expected to recover slowly and face adverse impacts due to changing consumer patterns, low productions, and dependency on end markets.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5172
Some industries that experienced medium impact include mining, robotics, building technology, electronics, paper & pulp, and process industry equipment. These industries are expected to gain a speedy recovery due to their broad range of application markets. The least hit industries included agriculture machinery, food & beverage processing & packaging, and medical & scientific manufacturers as they offer essential goods globally. Additionally, local manufacturing facilities that were temporarily shut down in the first six months of 2020 resumed operations in the third quarter due to the removal of lockdowns and the need for economic growth.
Government initiatives to promote industrial development is one of the major drivers for the growth of this market
According to the International Federation of Robotics, the Chinese government invested USD 577 million to develop intelligent systems. These systems aim to support the development of intelligent robots. In 2019, Japan invested USD 351 million to support the new robot strategy, aiming to become a leading global robotics innovation hub. This strategy includes manufacturing and important service sectors, such as healthcare, agriculture, and infrastructure.
In 2020, South Korea allocated a budget of USD 126 million for its robot-related business (Source: International Federation of Robotics). Under the Intelligent Robot Development and Supply Promotion Act, South Korea published the robot industry in South Korea as its core industry. In June 2020, Germany funded the “PAiCE” program with USD 55 million to develop digital industry platforms. This robotics-oriented program provides a platform for service robotics solutions in various fields to develop a digital industry platform and collaborate with companies using a digital industry platform.
In August 2011, the National Robotics Initiative (NRI) was launched in the U.S. for robotics R&D. In 2019, the budget for NRI was USD 35 million to focus on fundamental science, technologies, and integrated systems for collaborative robots. In August 2020, the U.S. announced to provide more than USD 1 billion to establish 12 new research and development hubs nationwide. Also, AI institutes, along with the University of Oklahoma, University of Texas, University of Colorado, University of Illinois, University of California, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researched how technologies can be used in precision agriculture and weather forecasting, among others.
Poland is a growing manufacturing power in Europe, as there is demand for new and innovative manufacturing technologies. The Polish government provides incentives for advanced manufacturing and industrial transformation. To help the industries in Poland, the government launched its Industry 4.0 Platform in 2019 to spread knowledge related to Industry 4.0 processes and develop competence in the areas such as robotics and automation. The Polish Government also provides grants to support industry research.
To provide efficient analysis, Meticulous Research® has segmented this market based on component (plant-level controls, enterprise-level controls, and plant instrumentation), mode of automation (semi-automatic and fully-automatic), and end user (oil & gas, automotive, food & beverage, and chemicals & materials), and geography (Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa).
Based on component, the industrial automation market is segmented into plant instrumentation, plant-level controls, and enterprise-level controls. The enterprise-level controls segment accounted for the largest market share in 2020. This segment’s large share is attributed to the benefits of implementing PLM, ERP, and MES solutions at the enterprise level. PLM solutions promote cross-team collaboration across departments such as innovation, R&D, regulatory compliance, quality, and packaging. They enable cross-functional management of product development introduction, leveraging portfolio management capabilities to deliver visibility and optimize results across the product development phase. These systems aid companies to maintain and manage records of the organization’s lifecycle, further resulting in huge cost savings. However, the plant-level controls segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the increasing need to improve visibility into operations, make data-driven decisions, improve efficiency, & minimize downtime, and increasing the adoption of plant-level controls in the manufacturing industries.
Based on mode of automation, the industrial automation market is segmented into semi-automatic and fully-automatic modes. The fully-automatic systems segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The segment’s growth is attributed to its various advantages, such as increased production capabilities, enhanced throughput volumes, and minimized human intervention.
Based on end user, the industrial automation market is segmented into oil & gas, chemicals & materials, paper & pulp, pharmaceuticals & biotech, mining & metals, food & beverage, power, consumer goods, automotive, machines & tools, semiconductors & electronics, aerospace & defense, and other end users. The oil & gas segment accounted for the largest share of the industrial automation market in 2020. However, the automotive segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to various factors such as advancement in automation, increasing use of collaborative robots, and embracing 3D printers, among others.
Geographically, the market is segmented into five major regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the advent of Industry 4.0, robust manufacturing sector in the region, and high deployment of robots in major verticals, such as banking, F&B, financial services and insurance (BFSI), manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics.
Quick Buy – Industrial Automation Market Research Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/37883222
In Asia-Pacific, China is expected to account for the largest share. The market growth is due to major benefits of industrial automation in the country, such as reduced production times, increased accuracy & repeatability, less human error, and increased safety. China is one of the largest manufacturers of various products, including automobiles and electronics. According to the World Bank, in 2020, manufacturing added 26.2% of China’s GDP. Also, its manufacturing sector added USD 3.9 trillion in 2019. The easy availability of labor in China is a major factor in its top position in the global manufacturing sector. However, the Chinese industries are now transforming towards automation & robotics.
In recent years, China has been automating across industries at a staggering rate. In 2018, Chinese companies installed 154,000 industrial robots (Source: International Federation of Robotics). The push for automation is part of China’s goal to become a hub of innovation. Due to favorable government policies in robotic manufacturing, China is on track to be a leader in industrial automation. Compared to Japan, South Korea, and Germany, with robot density in the manufacturing industry that varies between 270 and 400 robots per 10,000 employees, China’s robot density is very low, with ~20 robots. This indicates the potential for domestic penetration, which is expected to increase the production of robots.
Due to the lack of labor in the country, China is focusing on the automation of several industries. In 2019, the national birthrate hit a nearly 60-year low of only 14.6 million births (Source: National Bureau of Statistics). According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, China’s labor force will fall to roughly 700 million by 2050, down from 911 million in 2016. Automation could be the key to maintaining productivity as China’s traditional labor force shrinks. Younger workers, meanwhile, are more educated than previous generations and are looking for higher-earning jobs beyond the factory floor. Automation could eventually be the answer to both problems by replacing labor and providing more lucrative jobs.
The top five players that dominated the global industrial automation market were ABB Group (Switzerland), Emerson Electric Co. (U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan), and Schneider Electric SE (France). Other key players operating in the global industrial automation market include Rockwell Automation, Inc. (U.S.), Yaskawa Electric Corporation (Japan), Yokogawa Electric Corporation (Japan), KUKA AG (Germany), FANUC Corporation (Japan), Honeywell International Inc. (U.S.), OMRON Corporation (Japan), Advantech Co., Ltd. (Taiwan), and Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. (Japan) among others.
To gain more insights into the market with a detailed table of content and figures, click here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/industrial-automation-market-5172
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shital1998 · 1 year
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Market- Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast (2021-2028)
Meticulous Research® – a leading global market research company published a research report titled “Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Market by Type (Cleaning Robots, Mopping Robots, Hybrid Robots), Distribution Channel (Online, Offline), Operation (Self-drive) Price Range (Below USD 200, 201- 500) Application (Residential, Commercial) - Global Forecast to 2028".
According to this latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the global robotic vacuum cleaner market is projected to reach a value of $15.4 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 23.2% during the forecast period. The market, in terms of volume, is estimated to reach 60.9 million units by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 19.7% from 2021 to 2028. The robotic vacuum cleaners market is witnessing growth due to high demand among consumers with busy lifestyles and growing automation in homes. The increased efficiency and productivity of vacuum cleaners due to advanced features, such as AI and connectivity, is propelling consumers to purchase robotic vacuum cleaners in Asia-Pacific and North America.
The robotic vacuum cleaners market is gaining high pace due to several strategic developments adopted by industry leaders to develop their product portfolio and meet the changing consumer demands in developed countries. The companies are majorly developing new robot vacuums with enhanced technologies. These new vacuum cleaners allow the users to customize the vacuuming & mopping operations that result in efficient cleaning. Additionally, to meet the demand globally, companies are expanding their sales network in untapped regions with online sales channels.
The global robotic vacuum cleaners market is segmented based on type (cleaning robots, mopping robots, hybrid robots), distribution channel (online, offline), operation (self-drive, remote-controlled), price range (below USD 200, USD 201 to 500, above USD 501), application (residential, commercial [hospitality, offices, healthcare, retail, other end users]) and geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa). The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyses the market at the country level.
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Download Sample Report Here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5181 Scope of the Report
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Market, by Type
·         Cleaning Robots
·         Mopping Robots
·         Hybrid Robots
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Market, by Distribution Channel
·         Online
·         Offline
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Market, by Operation
·         Self-drive
·         Remote-controlled
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Market, by Application
·         Residential
·         Commercial
o    Hospitality
o    Offices
o    Healthcare
o    Retail
o    Other Commercial Applications
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Market, by Geography
·         North America
o    U.S.
o    Canada
·         Europe
o    U.K.
o    Germany
o    France
o    Italy
o    Spain
o    Russia
o    Rest of Europe
·         Asia-Pacific (APAC)
o    China
o    India
o    Japan
o    South Korea
o    Rest of APAC
·         Latin America
o    Brazil
o    Mexico
o    Rest of Latin America
·         Middle East and Africa (MEA)
o    UAE
o    Saudi Arabia
o    South Africa
o    Rest of the Middle East and Africa
Speak with Our Analyst: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5181 Based on type, the robotic vacuum cleaners market is segmented into cleaning robots, mopping robots, and hybrid robots. The cleaning robots segment is estimated to account for the largest share in 2021 due to the inexpensive nature of these cleaners. Additionally, traditional infrastructure transformation to new homes & commercial spaces that support smart appliances drives the market.
Based on distribution channel, the market is segmented into online and offline channels. The online channel segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Based on application, the market is segmented into residential and commercial. In 2021, the residential segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the market due to the product features that perfectly fit the home environment. Rising consumer demand for autonomous robotic technology and human intervention minimization are factors driving the market growth.
Geographic Review
This research report analyzes major geographies and provides a comprehensive analysis of North America (U.S., and Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and Rest of Latin America), the Middle East & Africa (UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Rest of the Middle East & Africa).
In 2021, Asia-Pacific is estimated to command the largest share of the global robotic vacuum cleaners market, followed by North America and Europe. The share is attributed to the robust manufacturing sector in China, Japan, and South Korea and the high deployment of robot vacuums and mops in residential setups.
Access full Report Description, TOC, Table of Figure, Chart, etc: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/robotic-vacuum-cleaner-market-5181
Key Players
The key players operating in the global robotic vacuum cleaners market are iRobot Corporation (U.S.), ECOVACS Robotics Co. Ltd. (China), Beijing Roborock Technology Co. Ltd. (China), Anker Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. (China), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (South Korea), Shenzhen Proscenic Technology Co. Ltd. (China), Neato Robotics, Inc. (U.S.), Cecotec Innovaciones S.L. (Spain), LG Electronics Inc (South Korea), Dyson Limited (U.K.), Panasonic Corporation (Japan), and Sharp Corporation (U.S.).
Key questions answered in the report-
·  Which are the high growth market segments in terms of type, distribution channel, operation, price range, end user, and region/countries?
·  What was the historical market for robotic vacuum cleaners across the globe?
·  What are the market forecasts and estimates for 2021–2028 in terms of revenue and volume?
·  What are the major drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the global robotic vacuum cleaners market?
·  Who are the major players in the robotic vacuum cleaners market?
·  How is the competitive landscape, and who are the market leaders in the global robotic vacuum cleaners market?
·  What are the recent developments in the global robotic vacuum cleaners market?
·  What are the different strategies adopted by the major players in the global robotic vacuum cleaners market?
·  What are the geographical trends and high growth regions/countries?
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