#Robyn kass
crystaldeclear · 2 years
The Mole on Netflix is peak reality television. Sexy people making some of the dumbest decisions possible every episode
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sefarad-haami · 2 months
Miss Pensilvania se retira del concurso por amenazas de muerte
🇪🇸 En junio de 2024, Robyn Kass-Gerji, quien ostentaba el título de Miss Susquehanna Valley 2024, anunció su retiro del certamen estatal Miss Pensilvania debido a amenazas de muerte y acoso. Kass-Gerji, defensora de víctimas y consejera de crisis, mencionó en su Instagram que recibió una orden de protección de dos años tras un juicio en Washington D.C., pero aún así se sentía insegura para asistir al concurso en York, PA. La Fundación de Becas Miss Pennsylvania, al confirmar la existencia de la orden, alegó que Kass-Gerji había violado su contrato al residir en Washington D.C., lo que contribuyó a su retiro. Kass-Gerji había sido amenazada por un compañero concursante, con mensajes perturbadores que incluían amenazas de violencia.
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🇺🇸 In June 2024, Robyn Kass-Gerji, who held the title of Miss Susquehanna Valley 2024, announced her withdrawal from the Miss Pennsylvania pageant due to death threats and harassment. Kass-Gerji, a victim advocate and crisis counselor, shared on Instagram that she had received a two-year protection order from a court in Washington D.C., yet still felt unsafe attending the pageant in York, PA. The Miss Pennsylvania Scholarship Foundation confirmed the protection order but alleged that Kass-Gerji violated her contract by residing in Washington D.C., which contributed to her withdrawal. Kass-Gerji had been threatened by a fellow contestant, with disturbing messages including threats of violence.
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keviolah · 3 years
Glad to see you back in the bb tag for this season 👍
I'm glad to be back! This is the season we needed after all of these years of Robyn Kass bullshit! The new casting director is giving us what we NEED! What we DESERVE! I'm still a little slow to blog, as I'm starting a little late and I'm still in the UK until the end of August (and the show airs during sleepy time), but yea,
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itsafuckingstick · 4 years
Isn’t it funny how they keep inviting women that target other women back on the show, yet somehow keep inviting men that work closely with other men back?
With Allison Grodner as producer, Julie Chen as host, Robyn Kass as casting director, you’d think women (and POC) would have a shot at a fair game. It’s just sad.
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Maybe now we’ll get some damn diversity
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luffyzudo · 4 years
we should really try to get grodner and kass out of this show
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justloatheyoulately · 5 years
Anyways just putting this out there
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This is adorable af.
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junsongs · 3 years
Also Jesse Tannenbaum, the new casting director for bbus was in charge if casting bb:ott, which if i remember correctly had a better cast than normal bbus tended to at the time
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hohslop · 7 years
Concept: Replace Jeff with Ika to do the interviews and replace Robyn Kass with Da'vonne to do the casting.
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rogers-davonne · 4 years
Production hasn’t given a single fuck about the game or the fans since bb16 and it shows. The way that thousands of superfans put in work to apply for the show just to be tossed aside for some halfwit 20-something recruit that doesn’t know how to play the game is so fucked up, and it’s honestly gone on long enough that its barely even the same show anymore. 
And the fact that they use super recent seasons to try to “catch up” these recruits is just a slap in the face to long time fans of the show. And now that created a divide of old bb and new bb that these trash players think they know “good” gameplay and what fans want when they haven’t seen an episode of real big brother in their life. 
Sucks even more now because it’s finally all stars, something everyone has been waiting so long for and it’s all a fucking joke lol (except jaysar and BayDay) And not to mention production’s obvious favoritism of certain houseguests (back further than bb16 tbh) and letting them cheat or not even moderating comps fairly like if there are so many cameras then how the hell can they fuck it up??? (oh yeah because they don’t care lol)
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itsreynaingmen · 4 years
me: he's going after keesha
my dad: who's keesha?
me: the blonde one that was just on screen
my dad: there's a lot of blonde ones...
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cole-medderz · 5 years
As sad as it is because it’s my favorite show, I cannot possibly exert my energy to watch feeds, read updates, see the highly edited shows, or support CBS in any way while blatantly racist people are being rewarded and given a chance to win an exuberant amount of money. Call me when they give them a proper segment highlighting what they’ve said or when someone they’ve been interrogating rightfully clocks them in the jaw.
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ih8bb · 5 years
ok but seriously
what the fuck is wrong with this cast??? with the exception of like 3-5 people they’re all so...como se dice....questionable
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etceteria · 5 years
the issue with a cast like this is the format. like can you IMAGINE this cast on BBUK. they would be EVISCERATED! let alone somebody like RAVEN ! or from last season whose whole personality and character were based on elaborate lies. like the whole cast apart from a few are absolute trash but BBUK’s format would mean it would show them being garbage, their reputations would be ruined forever and they would be evicted to a booing crowd in a public flogging style. these houseguests are perfect for that. but why the fuck would you pick houseguests like this to play BBUS? where there’s actual gameplay and they dont show every little thing and nuanced interactions and mostly keep the episodes to competitions and scripted DRs etc. i just dont get it ?
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knightjackie · 5 years
Well from the updates, Jackson probably was taking 3 or 4 maybe even 5 different kinds of drugs and who knows how many he took a day and he bought them illegally and most likely lied to production about taking any kind of drugs and I think he's showing signs of withdrawals from the eating to the aggressive attitude about everything like yelling at Kat every other day
Oh my god...that's wild.
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