#Rodimus's exile au
First Aid is definitely going to have consequences we will address later. Because I have two potential plotlines.
But anyway moving onto Rodimus's adventures to return to the Lost Light later after he redeems himself. So Rodimus wakes up in Tyrest's clutches as another Forged mech to test the device on since he already used Pharma as a guinea pig. Repeating the result is key though to prove it is actionable. So cue being experimented on and once it is finished Rodimus being taken to Pharma who patches him up. Star Saber hovers to "keep an eye on him" and because he doesn't trust Pharma who may be happily chirping his praise and gratefulness to Tyrest but who was brought here to experiment on and he considers untrustworthy.
Rodimus was not on Mesaatine so he doesn't clock him immediately but when he leans over Rodimus recognizes the silhouette. He tells Pharma, not thinking and also on pain medication and other things, that he still has his fuel pump. It takes Pharma a moment to click and says, "Hot Rod? You got a reframe." and Rodimus grins and says "Didn't get the memo, Doc? It's Rodimus Prime, now. Matrix decided I needed curves. Left your signature though." Which startle Pharma and makes Star Saber sit up. Pharma signed his fuel pump at Hot Rod's request because he'd been part of a first, the famous four person fuel pump donation which Pharma participated in. Pharma who is checking him up finishes opening him up to check his insides per Tyrest's request and traces where he'd carved his initials, a ridiculous but very Hot Rod think and some of his manic energy settles when Rodimus admits he'd never recovered so quickly out of his care and calls Pharma a "good doc" which makes him get a strange look. Drugged Rodimus is a little loopy and rambles a bit. Pharma very gently closes him up and does a full check up dealing with every minor repair. Rodimus giggles over the "cool new hands" and Pharma's skills which makes him preen again.
Then of course that brings up how upset Pharma was about being left and Ratchet taking his hands, part of him without his consent. Which clearly bothered him and Rodimus's says sorry they'd looked for him. Rodimus rambles and says "wanted to at least smelt you, didn't feel right to leave you in the snow, we cleaned up the bodies". This settles something in Pharma who had been holding onto the fact the Autobots never went for him and left him to die slowly and that he had been Good for four million years. He is still far from stable but this coupled with Rodimus reminding him of one of the highs of being himself and a success that was solely accredited to him not him(and his mentor Ratchet) settles him a bit.
Going to separate the Star Saber bit because I ramble some.
So he's on the back burner for a bit gotcha gotcha
Makes sense Tyrest would experiment on him too, do you think he got the monologue too (I don't think Pharma is an outlier so that's another detail for Tyrest to try and account for)
Interesting, Star Saber, interesting
Oooo on Rodimus recognizing him from the fuel pump transplant!
ohhhohoh so interesting on the detail of Pharma being a "good doc" because considering what we know? Wow has Pharma done some shit, and Rodimus is on some serious painkillers I hope
pharma is having feels over this
many feels
Rodimus you are being such a delight and I'm thinking you're handling the Pharma situation currently relatively well
Pharma is going to go in an interesting direction in this, isn't he?
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camp-mithril-lake · 10 months
Forever thinking about ur rodimus exile au...
Me too, Anon. Me too. I am so excited to write this but I am holding off until a.) I have a solid ending in mind for the main characters to work to and b.) a few of my other fics are further in.
I have other, less involved, ideas I'm going to finish first or ones I've already started. As you can see by my recent commission, I've been doing silent work on A Glitch In The Matrix. I've also got a shorter TFA project I've been working on and a Dratchet Earthspark fic I want to finish fully before posting.
Please feel free to ask about it, though. I love talking about ALL of my ideas.
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earthstellar · 9 months
had a wild Insecticons AU dream
the Lost Light was a eusocial colony that branched off from the main colony (Cybertron)
Rodimus was the Queen but with the introduction of Megatron as another Queen (and alongside general dissatisfaction with Rodimus' initial leadership approach), instead of being co-captains, Rodimus is nearly killed in order to depose him -- as there can be only one clearly defined Queen in a given hive
Drift and Ratchet take pity on him and let him build a sort of empty nest in a spare room/small comb cluster across from them within the hive-ship
but Rodimus is really fucked up by the whole thing and isn't doing well
in the meantime, since Megatron's spark is too weak to support any expansion of the hive population (can't produce new sparks), Rodimus makes a brief attempt to make a challenge for leadership again but Megatron makes the point that with limited space and supplies in the hive-ship, the priority for the colony is not reproduction but rather sustaining their current crew for the time being
Magnus backs this up as being a logical choice that works in favour of the colony's wellbeing, so Rodimus withdraws and is extremely depressed until they come across a hot spot full of new sparks
Rodimus sneaks one on board to sustain it within his little comb cluster in his quarters, but any sparks that aren't either from the current Queen or supported by the rest of the hive flicker out, so Rodimus is caught when he realises this and tries to sneak the spark off the ship again to leave it with the others in the hot spot to give it a chance at survival
naturally this causes a shit storm because not only was this a bad thing to do in the first place (but understandably desperate because of course as a Queen he wants to build a thriving hive and it's seen as an instinctual thing, doesn't negate his poor judgement but it does explain it), but it's also seen as attempting to undermine the current Queen
so Rodimus ends up being the one who is exiled and it ends up being Drift and Ratchet who eventually go try to find him -- the alternative was just killing Rodimus and Drift is the one who convinced Magnus to opt for banishment instead of outright evisceration
banishment for a eusocial species is basically a death sentence anyway, though, and it's the guilt that pushes Drift to convince Ratchet to come with him to look for Rodimus
when they find him he's in such a poor state, hiding out in a cave filled with misshapen hive combs and structures, not enough to store fuel properly etc.
but he's alive and Ratchet helps get him physically well at least; there's no way they can bring Rodimus back because You Cannot Have Two Queens but they help build decent structures etc. in Rodimus' sad little empty nest to make it less sad
Drift can't bear to leave his friend alone with no colony because Rodimus is sure to die at some point on his own, so TL;DR their either find another hot spot to transplant new sparks into some of the hive combs/structures or Drift/Ratchet do the dew with Rodimus so that he'll hopefully produce a decent number of warrior sparks and support class sparks to start building and sustaining a new colony
I woke up around this point in the dream but Good End is that Drift and Ratchet make it back to the Lost Light and either way Rodimus ends up with a new hive so he survives and establishes his own colony with a bunch of new sparks who rightfully see him as their Queen
it's 7 AM I'm having a tea now lol
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a-life-revised · 2 years
Places a shell in front of you. Places another shell in front of you. Another. One more. Upends the bag and spills shells everywhere. (Mer au?)
ok so I'll do something for this in another post as well, but I'm gonna answer this with my mermaid au idea for Megatron
so Megatron is a big, scarred up great white shark that calls this big sunken ship his home, very much the stereotypical sort of sunken ship, wooden, cracked in half, buried in the sand, lots of old sort of human treasures laid about
He has a goliath grouper as a pet that just sorta hangs out and eats whatever fish he doesn't finish
Megatron is sort of exiled/self imposed self exiled, after a failed revolt attempt, and now he just sort of stays in the same area doing a whole lot of nothing
@achievedsomething is a curious little lion fish, prince and next in line to the Primacy, running off from the responsibility of it all because it's a lot of pressure and he is NOT Optimus, when he stumbles across the sunken ship
he goes to have a look see inside, and Megatron basically just sneaks up behind him and asks him if he regularly makes a habit of going into other people's houses without so much as a hello
from there, Rodimus goes back and forth between Iacon and the ship, up until someone uh,, follows him and finds out who he's talking to, and it,, goes from there, I haven't planned that far lmao
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berrehjuice · 4 years
What if TFP AU where, ignoring every other piece of media in the continuity (the books, the games, RiD2015 ect)
Rodimus is chosen as the next Prime. Totally unexpected but wtf guess thats him now. Is on some sort of peace keeping tour of the galaxy as he adjust to his role as religious leader or whatever
ship gets attacked by space pirates or whatever
Rodimus is shoved in an escape pod
escape pod crashlands on some uninhabited moon
only its not actually uninhabited and he comes across the self-exiled mEGATRON....
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crimsbie · 4 years
Real talk, what about Megatron in this ATTLA AU-- like after the war? Did he become a teacher eventually or something worse? 👀
Before and during the war a lot of his supporters also thought he was the avatar, that the previous one was a phony put out by their faulty regime.
Post-war, Optimus assigned Megatron to the quest to help Rodimus learn earthbending, filling in Drift’s role after his exile. Rodimus struggled with this the most and neither Magnus or Megatron could help him much, especially with Megatron there.
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heraldofonyx · 7 years
mtmte humanformers au where rodimus and drift acquire a really a big house somehow and start renting it out to ‘do good’ 
lost light happens bc getaway sends them to dashcon and somehow cancels their tickets home
drift’s ‘exile’ is actually him going to live in a tent in the backyard
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PART 6 of Rodimus's Exile AU
Rodimus definitely got and continues to get monologues with Tyrest whom he snipes at but doesn't get much of a response. Tyrest just hmms at him and treats him like a lab rat, poking at his Outlier ability and fascinated by the after effects the Matrix left in him. Apparently there is lingering energy.
It is unpleasant because Rodimus gives him ideas.
This begins a cycle of experiments, Pharma, and Star Saber giving him the weirdest most intense twenty questions after every visit he has ever experienced which ranges from strangely mundane ones (Where was he born? Which leads to the discussion of Alyon which is obviously famous for being hand shaped and linked to the Guiding Hand which causes another session of intense staring.) to invasive (How did it feel to make the choice to burn his people rather than let them be taken? "Fuck off." And then no answering questions for awhile.) to some strange religious pop quiz (Rodimus feels fairly strange to know all the answers. He'd learned a lot when he was young and in conversations with Drift and others about it so he knows quotes. This is interesting because it is the only part where Star Saber gets lively with him because Rodimus offers interpretations of different passages and stories and it upsets him and sometimes he tries to argue back and leaves. Sometimes he returns with counter arguments and other times, the rarest, he "concedes" Rodimus has a point on some sections. Those are honestly the weirdest for Rodimus because Star Saber gets this weird glow in his eyes.)
Star Saber has taken to scooping Rodimus up and giving him a moment to collect himself when he is left shaky before taking him out to Pharma.
Pharma is much more normal, surprisingly so given what First Aid told him and Drift. He definitely has some moments where he freezes and stares or closes off completely. Rodimus learns Ratchet is a Big No. Tyrest was also one that made him tense up go Fake and talk about how grateful he is the Chief Justice and how much he respects him. That meeting got cut short. First Aid and Ambulon are strangely not forbidden and at times Pharma talks about them unprompted and tells stories and sounds almost fond. Of him.
Then there is one very odd, very weird moment that stands out when Rodimus admits that Ambulon died and it was his fault and how.
Pharma gets a weird distant not quite there expression and his voice sounds drifty when he says that's impossible because Overlord is dead. He told him about it. And he was never not thorough. He'd been in a strangely good mood following it, preening and telling Pharma about all the details. He'd wanted to celebrate. And then Pharma cuts off and Rodimus carefully starts speaking to him softly asking about what different things in the room were, what they were used for and how. Slowly Pharma focuses on it and comes back falling into a very student being quizzed attitude and it calms him. His only further comment is of course Prowl was involved in Rodimus's fall too.
They mostly chat, pretending they aren't captives to a mad judge. While doing so they both realize they are both from Alyon and while Rodimus settled in Nyon, Pharma got sent to Rodion and eventually Iacon and to Ratchet's mentorship. They are Hot Spot and Generation buddies. They talk about lighter things. Music, movies, hobbies, flying vs. racing, Pre-War lives, and, unexpectedly, they both enjoy the same trashy medical drama. Pharma's hobbies always surrounded medicine and he enjoyed and excelled at it. Rodimus enjoyed racing, burn art, and actually enjoyed medicine as well as learning first aid.
Pharma perks up and seems to bloom teaching Rodimus thongs and even injures himself to let Rodimus repair it way too casually for comfort and acts totally calm while Rodimus squawks to his amusement. Star Saber works in on a nervous Rodimus repairing Pharma's arm while Pharma looks down at him amused wings shaking with laughter. Star Saber waits, watching with interest as Pharma walks Rodimus through it.
Yep yep and fuck, it's never a good sign when Tyrest gets ideas
Hmmm no yeah super duper interesting game that Pharma and Star Saber are playing with Rodimus
Star Saber's intriguing me rn because I can't decipher what his angle is.
Now, I understand Pharma moreso and mood so far on the freeze ups
hmm on the detail of Ambulon, considering how in this timeline Overlord kills him, but to me it seems like Pharma vaguely knows ~something~ (or at least thinks he does). hmm.
Awww on the more lighthearted stuff, interesting that they're both from Alyon
okay I know that's a typo and it's supposed to say things but I got the hilarious (among other things) image of Rodimus in a bright pink thong and I am obligated to share that with the class
Pharma that is not a thing completely sane people do
So shit's going down while they're captured, not in a "everything is exploding and everyone is fighting" way but in a sort of unnerving way.
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primus-why · 7 years
I like TFA Optimus the Bounty Hunter
I have seen bounty hunter AUs before, so please bear with me and my not-so-original idea. But I just want even more excuses for megop, soooo *shrugs*
So in this AU after the disappearance of Elita-1 Optimus is expelled from the academy. He's not a Prime. He barely has a credit to his name. And it was only because Ultra Magnus was able to pull a few favors that he got himself a ship. It's not a great one, but it works fine. Of course, it comes at a price.
Basically the Autobots are all "since you don't have the training/programming for civilian occupations (and you most certainly cannot be something other than what you are), you shall take on various tasks of the state and its law enforcement, should you choose."
And they basically explain the terms of the bounty hunting, only it had a twist where if OP doesn't meet his quota, he will be labelled a traitor and get himself put on the list. And they basically say it's either this or an exile situation where you'll die slowly from acid rain exposure. Wow, stellar options.
So now Optimus has this shitty ship, a shitty life, and a shitty-- no, near impossible-- assignment. How is he supposed to make that quota? How is he gonna fight Decepticons? Sentinel threw him under the bus, and is now the right hand mech of the Magnus. Maybe one day Optimus will look back and forgive him of being young and cowardly but today is NOT that day!!
So instead of OP and his team, it's Rodimus Prime and his crew who trails Megatron all the way to Earth. Only Sumdac doesn't find Megatron... Optimus does.
He was following a lead of some super secret Decepticon activity, as well as a large energy reading. 'They've gotta be connected.' He had thought to himself. And he could really use some confiscated fuel.
Just... gimme a barely-functioning Megatron who is trying to talk his way into distracting Optimus, but Optimus is like... just giving him the cold shoulder. Doesn't engage. Stays very observant of his high-profile captive and doesn't let him weasel his way out if this.
After a while, Megatron grows silent, and is mildly impressed by this Autobot. It's a long ride back to the nearest space bridge to Cybertron... so Megatron decides to pick his hunter's processor...
"You have a designation, Autobot?"
"Not important. What did I say about the talking?"
"You could always up the stasis cuff energy, to prevent all of my function."
"Yeah, well I'm not cruel. I know that if I do that, your helm will explode, because you won't be able to contain your insatiable need to pester me."
"Hn. Well, I..."
"I also know that if I do that they're more likely to short-circuit. Nice goad, you reeeeaally had me going there."
"... Hmph. You're a clever one."
"Silenzio. There's something to process: a word I just picked up on Earth. It's got a nice ring to it, maybe you should figure out what it means."
"... I am fairly certain I can infer it's meaning..."
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Also because it delighted me I did make everyone from Alyon in the Au.
So Star Saber, Pharma, and Rodimus were all born in the same generation and Hot Spot and ended up in very different and complicated roles with being one of the last "born" non-MTO generations pre-war.
Oh, BBC image?
Oh the terrible BBC imagine is just a joke on acronyms and how black box consorta is not my first thought when I see it
It's just
A fucking silicon dong floating through space
That's it
That's what I think about first
But also I see the insane symbolism in all three of them being from Alyon in the au, yes
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I promised Star Saber Background for the Rodimus's Exile AU but finally got down to writing it.
Star Saber's Backstory 
Star Saber in this was evacuated during the Exodus from Cybertron and grew up in a small priory in the Alyon that was generally somewhat isolated and spartan but largely peaceful and somewhat separate from the way the rest of Cybertron worked. When tensions rose on Cybertron they started they opened their doors to allow travelers to rest and to help treat the injured and displaced. Star Saber was very young and one of the first new Sparks found when the hot spot near them ignited. The monastery reported it and came into their crosshairs. Sensing danger the Prior had them all back and move.
He explained the reason for the move and the danger they were in to Star Saber in a very religious way talking about greed and power and how those who had it were constantly terrified of losing it and so they hurt others they oppressed. He did a lot of comparisons to the ancient Primes and such. Star Saber who hadn't chosen a designation yet, the Priory had a tradition of allowing their initiates to choose, decides that he would protect them "like Prima had his siblings" and named himself Star Saber which made the older mechs laugh but smile. 
They were a, largely, pacifistic order by attitude but not doctrine, so when he became determined to learn to fight those among them with more colorful pasts before they'd joined up started teaching him. As they'd now become a wandering group they still helped others along the way and Star Saber began to get a bit of a reputation for being someone who couldn't keep his nose out of trouble or turn away help.
When the war happened, they didn't take sides and instead simply continued their wanderings and accepted anyone who came to them. When the exodus with Dai Atlus and Tyrest occurred, they left on their own ship.
During their travels, they were largely happy with Star Saber continuing to get into trouble. 
And then the Civil War left Cybertron. 
Megatron's actions soured the reputation of Cybertronians abroad quickly, and places they'd met generations before and been welcomed were suddenly hostile or gone. 
Star Saber wanted to become more active in helping others instead of passively doing so, but his family was going to settle. They split up, the Prior heading to join Dai Atlus and his Circle and Star Saber becoming a "wandering do gooder" as a ship himself. They left Star Saber with the path they were following in case he wanted to join them.
He received a distress signal from a Cybertronian Colony vessel trying to convince someone not to fire on them because they were a "crèche vessel heading home" and part of a tech-organic alliance in their local system. The group, pirates, continued to fire, and Star Saber interfered and saved the ship, finding very small Cybertronians on board. He'd gone onto the pirate ship and retrieved the protoform pods they'd already stolen but one started to crack so he'd simply grabbed the protoform, blew up the pirate ship, and joined the Prion colonists on their vessel.
The protoform had bonded with him, and so he went with the Prion colonists until he was fully grown. It was the first time he'd spent extended time with those out of the Priory, and he quickly became good friends with them. 
He ended up staying on Prion as his main base and acting as their guardian and the one for the local planets they'd allied with who had been long and good friends to them. He raised his Mentee and built a family of what would have basically been his crew in Victory, patrolling the area.
Times grew worse, though. The Cybertronian Civil War dragged many others into it, wiping them out, the Galactic Council and Black Box Consortium formed, Prion's allies became more distant with subsequent generations as technological races gained a reputation and they faced more and more repercussions for staying a staunch ally. Prion, though, remained peaceful and protected.
Star Saber, meanwhile, was a one man army maintaining peace in the region, and the reason the alliance remained was largely his sterling reputation. He grew a little less actively practicing, though he still followed the tenets of helping others and compassion he was taught. Then the Black Box Consortium started pressing and basically started a personal war against him for making people want to stay in the alliance he protected with his group.
It was making it hard for both the BBC and GC to push their protection racket with him being a shining example of others and Prion's alliance being one of the longest standing.
They decided they needed to take down Star Saber and faked a distress call from a great distance from the Priory. 
Holli, one of Star Sabers closest companions had just taken on a protoform to raise, and Star Saber's oldest, he couldn't resist children and somehow always ended up with another every time he got it in his mind to leave, convinced him to go saying they could handle it. Star Saber agreed and left.
He very pointedly remembers not praying before he left like he used to.
Things quickly escalated. The BBC had been pressuring Prion's allies, and one of them turned on them. The alliance collapsed and didn't answer their distress calls as the BBC attacked having been courted secretly through bribes, blackmail, and threats for ages. Prion held out as long as they could. 
Star Saber returned to find the planet devastated and its corpse being picked clean. He was horrified and sickened and fought in a blind rage. He found no survivors and his children and friends' bodies. He left in a daze to follow the Priory's old path. He found them, buried and murdered as well and a distress signal active. They'd never made it to the Circle.
When he found the Circle of Light wandering around in a semi-suicidal daze and dragged in by Wing, he discovered they had heard the Priory's signal but not approached thinking it a trap. They helped care for him, apologized for his loss, and gave him space to heal. 
He threw himself into religion and found comfort in it but all the loss and rage and unresolved guilt got twisted up into fanaticism and he deeply resented Dai Atlus, who had once helped save them by getting them off planet and who the Prior had respected, for not going out. Drift and the decisions surrounding him only brought that to a head. He loathed Decepticons and blamed them for what they'd done destroying his people twice over.
He left the Circle because he saw them as hypocrites and blamed lack of faith for everything and mostly himself and a lot, Primus. 
Tyrest, who had given the Priory the shuttle they left on and Star Saber remembered as kind, was a last link who found him targeting Decepticons for his crusade who were loudly and proudly anti-religion which also tangled up his views. He happily gave up the Circle and joined him desperate for direction.
Side Note:
Holli, hid his young daughter Nickel, and gave her a Cybertronian distress beacon telling her that when everything cleared to turn it on and someone would come for her and the crèche they'd tried to hide.
It didn't work. The crèche was bombed thanks to their allies betrayal and Prion was slaughtered. Nickel was knocked into stasis without activating her signal and by the time she woke up it was in the ruins of her home being picked apart. She was alone for a very, very long time studying medicine and smelting the dead when she could to prevent their former allies and the BBC from taking them and scavenging their remains like they had the cities. She saw explosions one day but avoided it only to approach later and find a bunch of dead but no explanation and no further visitors.
She didn't see anyone but the dead in home movies, pictures, and remains until the DJD showed up as the planet was abandoned.
So he's absolutely fucking went through it, and he's a specific recipe
And also fuck the black box consorta
I just had a horrible (funny) image in my head and I'm gonna shut up about it because it's related to the black box consorta
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Part 7
Warning for religious themes because Star Saber is going through some stuff.
Rodimus isn't doing the best, though he has been slowly piecing together a layout and planning because Rodimus can plan. He  is clinging to his positive interactions with Pharma and Magnus's letter to keep him stable. But he is also wondering if Magnus knew what he was sending Rodimus to. It hurts to consider, but he doesn't believe Magnus knew (has to believe), and sometimes Tyrest talks about Magnus sending him to him and Magnus himself, and the tone isn't good. Enough that Rodimus gets defensive.
A scathing comment about Magnus and his "fall from grace" is actually a breaking point for Rodimus, who manages to burn through his restraint and punch Tyrest. He feels good for all of three seconds before a gun goes off, and he's down because Lockdown has arrived with Tyrest's latest request. Tyrest is getting up, and the Decepticon is getting ready to fire again, only for Star Saber to break his arm and step between them.
Lockdown bristles and curses and Rodimus is using his own knowledge and Pharma's polishing to stave off bleeding out. Tyrest interferes telling Star Saber good job and Lockdown Rodimus is not to be harmed as he is and here Tyrest pauses to smile a "Prime research subject".
No one laughs.
Tyrest, barely looking at Star Saber, orders him to take Rodimus to "the doctor" and looks over Lockdown, thoughtful, asking for updates. Star Saber stiffly scoops up Rodimus and is careful not to jostle him as he rushes to Pharma. Pharma instantly starts working. Things are tense, and Lockdown comes in whining and rolling his eyes at Pharma, snapping at him to wait. He gives Star Saber  a wary look and waits leering at Rodimus, and then his expression changes, and he goes.
"No way. It's fragging Hot Rod."
Lockdown says no hard feelings, but he can't have him punch the meal ticket.
There is some back and forth mention of things Hot Rod did in the war like single handedly breaking one of his squad out of prison by riding down on a meteor and taking a Decepticon warship with high command and Megatron alone to get the Matrix. Rodimus confirms and mentions taking a fusion cannon to the Spark, which Lockdown whistles at. Pharma finishes, and he and Star Saber have a moment of understanding, and Rodimus is scooped up and hurried off with Lockdown, looking him over and saying he may come visit and flinching when Pharma squeezes something.
Star Saber puts him down as they walk at Rodimus's insistence. They pass the colorful guy like always, and Rodimus notices the hand signals again. They'd finally found a shared hand sign language recently after showing each other different examples and had been going back and forth. Rodimus knows his name is Getaway. And is pretty sure he's a spy.
Status? Concern. Visible blood. 
Clear. Medical attention received. Enemy agent ambush. L-O-C-K-D-O-W-N.
Report next rendezvous. 
Star Saber leads him somewhere else, though. His own rooms for Rodimus to clean himself. Then, he takes Rodimus back to his cell until he is summoned by Tyrest.
Rodimus assumes it will be more of the same, but instead, Tyrest smiles tells Rodimus to sit and offers him food. Rodimus is thrown and disturbed, and it only gets worse when Tyrest explains it was time to explain the reason for everything.
He tells him the plan, and Rodimus gets more and more horrified as Tyrest explains this, like it is something obvious and normal and good. He reacts as he does in Canon, and Star Saber drags him away, clearly irritated and nowhere near as gentle.
He drags the handcuffed Rodimus somewhere private.
Then Star Saber confronts him, saying the Chief Justice has an idea to fix things for their species, and Rodimus should hear him out. 
They argue which Rodimus knows he shouldn't with a captor but they do and Star Saber reveals a bit of his own trauma with blaming lack of faith for the war and society failing and loathes his former leader his cowardice and how it led them to losing too much and acting too late and only for a murderer and not others. They shout because Rodimus is definitely not about killing groups on a large scale. Star Saber shouts that didn't stop the Decepticons and how they treated those who believed anything other than Megatron.
I have specific Victory themed ideas about Star Saber's backstory since we don't actually know a lot about him. Hero decay Star Saber who lost everything until all he had left was the Circle and religion and he despises Dai Atlus and Wing and Drift for opening the city and letting the outside world in but only did it for Drift, a Decepticon and killer but not others. It was too little, too late.
Star Saber says if Rodimus really is a Prime, then what is Primus's answer? What does the wisdom of the Primes share? Why the death and sacrifices of the most innocent first?
Rodimus says that he doesn't know. He doesn't have those kinds of answers. He never heard from Primus directly. He is here because he is a failure as a Prime.
Star Saber says he hardly believes he was ever one to fail as and they'll find out.
So he drags Rodimus by his spoiler out of the building and transforms around him before dropping him from the air to a barren field. Star Saber transforms again and confronts him shouting for Rodimus to use that Gift said to belong to the Primes. If Tyrest is so wrong surely Rodimus can do better? Maybe bring back their dying race like Primes are supposed to; the Matrix is for life too after all. Where is the apparent forgiving God of Life Rodimus believes in when the warrior aspect has been all they've known and proven to be capable of, violence has been everything for four million years. The only thing listened to.
Rodimus shouts back, which doesn't even make sense and is pissed and shouting, and then he sees Star Saber cut off and stare at him, looking like he'd been stabbed. There's a weird glowing, and Rodimus sees light slowly spread as the field of New Sparks ignites around him. 
Rodimus is kind of struck because he isn't focused on retrieving a walking Magnus Mayne Zombie and instead has the capacity to take in the fact that holy shit he ignited a Hot Spot.
Star Saber drops to his knees.
Oh definitely Star Saber is absolutely going through it here
Makes sense considering what I'm seeing of Rodimus, and yeahhhhh. The knowledge that UM sent him here willingly and thinking it would be a good thing is a 💫thing💫, but good that he's hoping Mags didn't know™️
Tyrest that might be a shit idea it is a shit idea, Rodimus is not happy with him. (An understatement)
Mmnn. Fuck, it's Lockdown.
Current Star Saber w
Tyrest it is not the time for puns
No yeah Hot Rod / Rodimus is not to be underestimated!
Oooo on him interacting with Getaway
Tyrest you have shown us at every opportunity in this timeline you are not to be trusted with jack shit
"fix a thing for their species" Star Saber, babygirl, he's talking about genocide of a notoriously discriminated group in IDW
Your Star Saber backstory you're suggesting makes sense, and damn that's some consequences alright
oH and he's asking the heavy questions
Saber: "oh yeah? If you're really a Prime, show me us. Show us the Life that's supposed to come with a Prime, show us. Show us you're not a fraud."
Roddie: *proceeds to impregnate the ground*
I will never resist the opportunity to refer to a Prime igniting a Hot Spot as impregnating the [blank]
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PART 5 Of Rodimus's Exile AU (To be named)
I love Pharma and Getaway (my trash son with Tarn) and they are going very differently this time.
Star Saber meanwhile has been watching this interaction like a hawk and looking over Rodimus carefully. Star Saber is someone Rodimus knows from Drift's stories. When it is time to leave Pharma attempts to sweet talk him into leaving Rodimus in the medbay to recover, safely handcuffed of course, but Star Saber says no and they pick at each other lightly before Pharma, frowning, is forced to admit that Rodimus is not in any danger and he did fully repair him. Star Saber nods and after a moment opts to carry Rodimus which is not comfortable for Rodimus being under very intense silent staring.
Finally as they are approaching the cells and Rodimus is coming to enough to be sore and aware, Star Saber speaks and says, "You have a Nyonite accent."
To which Rodimus responds basically "no shit".
Star Saber is clearly struggling on how to word things and is very intense and weirdly cradling in carrying him. It is a very weird uncomfortable situation.
Basically the main points circle to Nyon was very religious, again duh and that Rodimus is religious and he admits yes even before the whole Matrix thing and it literally bringing him back to life, cue awkward moment of intense staring that triggers Rodimus overshare talk to fill void reflex so he mentions growing up in the shadow of the Acroplex and learning the old stories of the Knights and Primes and Matrix.
Star Saber nods soberly and asks what the Matrix felt like which is a strangely normal question that literally no one asks or touches on with him, if Rodimus knew a friend who got Primed he'd have asked, so Rodimus is honest and tells Star Saber who does more intense staring and suddenly turns leading him down further to different cells.
They go passed another prisoner, a colorful guy Rodimus doesn't recognize, and the housing/prison field he can see out a window to a private refurbished room that Star Saber settles him in and says he will return for meal time before reaching in his own subspace and giving Rodimus a datapad. It contains the Covenant and then he leaves.
Rodimus has absolutely no idea what is going on with that.
Star Saber is meanwhile going through a personal crisis and thinking deeply reading through old religious works.
Your trash sons sound like they're going to be interesting this time around
Extra points because in canon something I noticed is Getaway didn't like Rodimus from pretty early on and Megs was his tipping point, so it'll be so crunchy to see how that detail changes
interesting, Star Saber, interesting. Rodimus has Opinions on him doesn't he
"oh you're confuzed!"
Star Saber, who is very religious, doesn't know what to make of Rodimus the kinda-prime who is literally in his arms
hmm Star Saber. Interesting.
A weirdly colorful guy Rodimus doesn't recognize
We know who that is
I greatly suspect Star Saber is also going down such an interesting path, and in hindsight considering what I know of primes in IDW yeahhhh super religious mecha would drive themselves bonkers after meeting Rodimus
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Yep. Brief overview of the Lost Light before we go to Rodimus's Terrible Journey to Enlightenment.
The choice for Rodimus to leave voluntarily is deeply debated by the crew, who, as we know, in Canon voted to keep him. Ratchet is distraught and angry and terrible with good-byes and just can't think of what to say, so he ghosts Rodimus in person.
Cyclonus is actually one of the most vocal against Rodimus's departure because as he puts it Rodimus gave someone like himself a second chance and did so for many of the bots on board and he deserves better. Sunstreaker has a similar mindset and backstory with Rodimus and gets in a fist fight about it. This does lead to the development of Sunstreaker & Cyclonus friendship that didn’t happen in the original timeline and Drift promoting him to an Officer which makes Sunstreaker choke out a "wtf" and Drift grin while Ultra Magnus groans.
There are more than a few tense debates about it by people. Which also begins to circle around, giving the general makeup of the crew and Chromedome's brief exit of his room and very public breakdown that involved a lot of shouting to "fuck Prowl" as well because he had just as much a hand in it and ple ty of people on the LL of personal beef with him.
Lots of mixed feelings.
Drift is almost as isolated as Rodimus was since the friend group is broken though he is trying more with Ultra Magnus who impressed him and Ratchet reaches out earlier as does Perceptor who he was friends with during his time with Kup. Ultra Magnus meanwhile is butting heads with Drift, but trying more to get along with him without Rodimus there as buffer and they have their own adventures that encourage bonding but the trip has lost some of its levity without Rodimus and the others lost.
Perceptor ironically actually finds out about the Time Travel case because he finds a stressed Brainstorm working on it, and a very stressed Perceptor says that Brainstorm as much of a genius as he always claimed while Brainstorm basically begs him not to tell because they could fix things. The war, Rewind dying, Rodimus being exiled. Perceptor is thoughtful and says that it will require a lot of math and figuring out what to change and pitential dominoes, which makes Brainstorm choke so now they are bonding and hatching secret plots together.
Percy might not be in the best state either as Overlord briefly got ahold of him and he has been rehashing a lot of trauma from Garuss 9 (sp?). He thinks of all that suffering being avoided and other things and throws himself into math and statistics, basically trying to map out the whole war and state of Cybertron pre-War to map out potential consequences.
Brainstorm feels odd about being in cohoots with Perceptor and even more once, he has time to process that Perceptor acknowledged him.
I'm going to say part of the tipping point in this universe is more people got hurt in Overlord’s destruction. Including the death of those like Ambulon which has made First Aid absolutely on the Fuck Rodimus Team, at least at first.
Ultra Magnus is secure in the knowledge he sent Rodimus somewhere trustworthy with someone he genuinely believes will help him find his way, like Tyrest helped Minimus. Something he shares with Drift on a quiet night working together. He'd sent Rodimus to his mentor, but the more they talk the quieter Drift gets because although Ultra Magnus sounds devoted the actual stories about Tyrest making him better or teaching him his place or holding him to standards are concerning. Deift is doing some quick math about UM behaviors to himself and others and comes to the conclusion (correctly) Ultra Magnus has an inferiority complex compounded at least partial by his Mentor's expectations about right and wrong and that UM wasn't enough as is and that UM may be younger than Drift thought.
Drift and Ultra Magnus friendship with Drift gently and sometimes clumsily encouraging UM to follow his own interests.
That tracks for Ratchet yep yep, he proves time and time again to be not good with emotions
Damnnn Cyc, in my opinion you are so right
Oooo???? Cyclonus and Sunstreaker getting along??
oh Domey, "fuck prowl" indeed. Mecha have a lot of reasons to be deeply unhappy with Prowl, especially considering how soon after a devastating event the Overlord Incident this still is
Trouble in command ohhh no Drift oh no
Yepppp, Rodimus meant so much to the crew and only after he's gone is everyone realizing how much (why does this part feel familiar 🤔🤔🤔)
Dammn fuck the briefcase revealed early?? That's gotta have consequences? And Perceptor is helping him?
oh percy
Interesting that the Overlord Incident was worse in this timeline, because that's one of those things that was very well possible considering Overlord, and I can see why Aid is very bitter about it
Mags why am I suspicious
Like Tyrest helped Minimus
Drift's coming to some unhappy conclusions regarding that dynamic, and he's right about Magnus being younger than he seems
(I wonder if, given a timeline, one could track how Tyrest got worse and worse overtime? Tyrest fascinates me)
Seeing Drift and Ultra Magnus build up this interesting dynamic is cool, especially considering the dots Drift is starting to connect
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What do you think would've happened if Rodimus was actually the one who got ousted from being the captain instead of Drift getting blamed for the Overlord Incident?
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
I feel like this means I need to talk more about the Rodimus Exile AU 🤣 because I have been typing notes about the confrontation.
Whatchagot? It's an interesting au with an interesting situation in it
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