thesebitchesrgay · 3 months
supergirl tweets part 11: #AskLena edition
unfortunately, im back
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lena was purposefully trying to make jess regret ever letting her loose on twitter
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biblomaniac · 2 months
Supercorp headcanon:
Kara is ready to combust.
Everyday this week has been complete torment, but in a delicious way.
On Sunday, Lena wore an A-line floral dress to a brunch The Foundation hosted to promote its new Girls in STEM program.
On Monday, Lena showed up to CatCo for lunch with Kara in black slacks and a waistcoat, with a deep purple silk blouse underneath. Kara had to restrain herself from running her hand up and down the back of Lena’s blouse during their customary hug of greeting.
On Tuesday, the forest green dress Lena wore hugged her curves so well Kara couldn’t help but stare everytime she caught a glance of it across the room.
On Wednesday, a Hellgrammite started a fire in the business district that required the Superfriends help. J’onn, Lena, and Brainy stayed at the Tower as support for Supergirl, Dreamer, Sentinel, and Guardian. Four hours after the initial emergency alert, Supergirl flew into the tower through the balcony. She couldn’t wait to take a hot shower and maybe order some Chinese for dinner. But first, she had to write a debrief of her final saves from the day.
“Hey, darling. Are you ready to go?”
“Lena, hi! I’m almost—“ Kara starts to answer, but abruptly stops when she looks to the side and is eye level with Lena’s chest. “—done.”
The blue low-cut blouse Lena is sporting has left a considerable amount of cleavage exposed. Kara’s heart thunders, her face flushes, and her hand’s clench tightly to keep from reaching out to Lena. Unfortunately, the table under her grip isn’t prepared for the brunt of Kara’s Kryptonian strength, leaving two holes of twisted metal.
On Thursday, when Kara got to Lena’s penthouse, she found Lena snuggled on the couch in her National City University sweatshirt. The shirt was at least two sizes too large on Lena, giving it an oversized look. Kara’s eyes zeroed in on long, pale legs when Lena stood to greet the blonde with a hug.
After their hug, Lena moved into the Kitchen to gather snacks for their movie night. Without her heels, Lena had to tip toe to reach the Oreos on the second shelf.
“Darling, I can’t reach,” Lena huffed. When Kara turned to help, all the blood rushed to her head when she saw the former CEO’s nearly nonexistent short’s patterned with Supergirls crest.
Kara crossed the room on wobbly legs, reaching over the brunettes head to grab the Oreos, crackers, tea, and anything else from the top shelf Lena may need. If she takes a moment to glance down at her crest running along Lena’s ass and hips, well, she’ll just keep that little secret to herself.
On Friday, Lena wore black leggings and a soft white sweater to game night. Lena looked so soft and docile with her hair down, minimal makeup, and fuzzy socks. Kara couldn’t help but tuck her head into Lena’s neck, breathing in her sweet scent during their hug.
“Are you okay, darling,” Lena quietly asked as she moved one hand to cradle Kara’s head closer, while the other clutched onto strong broad shoulders.
“Fine, I’m fine. I just missed you.” Kara admitted.
“We saw each other last night, Kara.” Lena chuckled, moving to release Kara. The blonde wasn’t ready to let go, but did so anyway. Dropping her arms from Lena’s waist, Kara grabbed her hand and leading Lena to their favorite spot for game night.
On Saturday, it all finally comes to a head. The whole gang is out at Al’s Bar, enjoying the first night they’ve all been able to meet in what feels like years.
Lena looks stunning, dressed down in tight black ripped skinny jeans, a red crop top, brown leather jacket and black pumps. Their table had been crowded, and Lena made the executive decision to sit in Kara’s lap to “save space” for M’gann, who would be joining their group after her shift.
The drinks had been flowing steady all night, leaving everyone at least a bit tipsy. Kara had even indulged herself with an Aldebaran Rum and Coke. She sips slowly, remembering how it felt to be drunk the last time she had this drink. Lena’s proximity plus the alcohol is a heady combination.
By the time Kara is halfway through her drink, her left arm has snaked across Lena’s stomach, open palm holding the brunette close to her chest, while her right hand alternates between Lena’s thigh and her cup. Kara is hardly paying attention to the conversation, focused mainly on how close Lena is, how her hair smells like vanilla and honey, or how her heartbeat sounds strong and steady.
“Corazón, let’s go dancing!” Andrea exclaimed, pulling Lena to the dance floor.
Ugh, Andrea. It’s not that Kara dislikes her former boss, per se. The blonde just prefers that Kara and Lena time is not interrupted.
All week, Andrea has been popping up wherever Lena is. She stuck to Lena’s side during the entire Sunday brunch; called Lena for a meeting in the middle of Monday’s lunch date; was present for every single round Lena walked after Tuesday’s press conference; popped into the tower after Acrata helped with the fire on Wednesday; Thursdays movie night was interrupted when Andrea texted Lena about a “fashion emergency,” regarding a dinner she was going to; Andrea came halfway through game night on Friday, stealing Lena as her game partner and leaving Kara to third-wheel Alex and Kelly for the rest of the night.
Kara watches as Lena and Andrea move through the crowd of bodies to find a spot to dance in.
“You should just ask her out,” Alex leans over the the table to whisper-shout, her fourth beer clutched in her hand.
“Who?” Kara asks, trying hard to seem nonchalant.
“Lena, you dolt. We can all see clear as day how you two feel about each other. Put your big girls pants on and talk to her!”
“I don’t—I can’t, Alex. What if she rejects me? Our friendship just recovered, I can’t risk it asking for something I don’t deserve,” she laments, circling the rim of her glass with her finger.
“What about what Lena deserves? She cares about you, Kara. It’s been years of you two dancing around this thing.” Alex says.
“We aren’t dancing around anything, Al. She won’t want me, she doesn’t—“ the rest of her words die in her mouth as she catches a glance of Lena and Andrea on the dance floor. Lena’s back is pressed to Andrea’s front as the move to the beat of the music. When the song changes, Lena turns in Andrea’s grasp, standing chest to chest.
The glass in Kara’s grip shatters, spraying glass across the table. Thankfully, Kara’s cup was nearly empty.
“Shit, sorry. I’ll clean this up,” Kara said, using multiple napkins to collect the shards of glass.
Alex laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. “Kara, stop being a wimp and talk to her before Andrea asks her out again.”
“Yeah, okay, you’re right. I can do this, I got this.” Kara nods her head determinedly, chugs what remains of Alex’s beer and stands to make her way to Lena. As she navigates her way toward her hearts desire, she see’s Andrea’s hand lowering from its position on Lena’s back to rest on her ass. All conscious thought leaves Kara’s head as she quickens her pace just short of SuperSpeed to reach Lena.
“Corazón, let’s go dancing!” Andrea exclaimed, pulling Lena to the dance floor.
“Drea, what are you doing?” Lena’s asks as she follows Andrea out to the floor.
“I’m helping you, Lena. If we get Kara jealous, she’ll stop acting like such a Girl Scout and finally make a move,” Andrea says, waving off Lena’s concern.
Lena stops walking and starts swaying at Andrea’s insistence, matching her moves seamlessly. It feels just like boarding school, with Andrea leading Lena by the hips. “I don’t know, Drea. You’ve been interfering all week and she hasn’t said so much as a peep. I don’t think she has feelings for me.”
“Joder, las dos son tan despistadas. She will! She has been jealous all week! We just have to step up our game,” Andrea exclaims in exasperation, turning Lena so that the brunettes back rests against her chest.
“Look at her, she’s glaring right at us! When the song changes, I’ll grab your ass and this will all be over,” Andrea laughs.
“Andrea! This is ridiculous. What does Sam think about this whole situation; shouldn’t you be worried about what she’ll say?”
“What’s between Samantha and I is none of your concern, Corazón. But if you must know, she told me, and I quote, “I hope it works so Kara can grow a pair—“
“—I’m sure she won’t be bothered by what means I use to help you both along.”
“You know what? Fine, whatever. When it doesn’t work I don’t ever want to talk about this to either of you ever again.” Lena mutters, thoroughly embarrassed and ready to call a quits to their plan.
“I reserve the right to tease you both when it does,” Andrea replies, turning Lena around at the song change and moving one hand to grasp Lena at the ass.
“Kara’s coming; I told you this would work! Play cool,” Andrea says.
As Kara closes the final distance, she reaches a hand out to Lena, touching her on the shoulder, intent to end whatever this is between her and Andrea.
“Lee, mind if I cut in,” Kara asks sharply. Lena gives Andrea a glance, dismissing her wordlessly as she accepts Kara’s hand.
“I’m gonna step outside to take a call. Lena, call me later if you want to…talk,” Andrea imparts with a sly smile before moving to exit the bar. Kara glares daggers at Andrea’s retreating form.
“Hi, darling. How are you?” Lena asks, watching Kara’s face transform from a scowl to a happy grin.
“Better now that you’re with me,” Kara says pulling Lena closer by the waist. That Aldebaran rum may have given her a bit of confidence, but she won’t do anything Lena doesn’t want. “Is this okay?”
“Of course, darling. Are you okay; you looked a bit frazzled when you came over.” Lena wraps her arms over broad shoulders, admiring Kara’s beauty as they slowly grow closer to one another.
“Yes, yes. I was just a bit nervous, I guess.” Kara ducks her head at the admission, blushing.
Nervous? Odd. Kara may not be as outwardly imposing as Supergirl, but she is hardly nervous since her reveal to the world as being Supergirl. The synergy of Kara Zor-El encompasses both Kara Dancers and Supergirl, but without the necessity to hide behind one mask or the other.
Lena can’t hide the surprise in her voice, “What do you have to be nervous about?”
“I just—I want to be Andrea—“
“You want to be Andrea?!”
It seems the rum has also compromised her ability to articulate clearly.
“No, wait, that’s not what I meant. I want to be in her place with you. I’ve been…jealous. She’s interrupted our time together everyday and just now she was…” Kara bites her lip, turning her head to look away.
Lena bends to the side, trying but failing to catch Kara’s gaze.
“She was what, Kara. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.” Kara is jealous. It almost seems too good to be true. Maybe Andrea’s plan will work after all.
Kara lifts her head, piercing blue eyes gazing into Lena’s own. “She was touching you! Holding you! I don’t want her to do that, Lena. I want, I want to do that.” Kara states with conviction, voice hardening determinately.
Kara thinks she’s overstepped when Lenas arms loosen from around her neck. She prepares to apologize, heart breaking at the thought of Lena turning her down. That is, until Lena reaches for her hands, dragging them from their purchase on her hips to rest just above her ass.
“You want to hold me like this?” Lena whispers, head tilted and pupils dilating. “You can Kara, you can touch me however you want.”
The blonde moves her hands down tentatively, looking for any signs of unease. “When she doesn’t find any, she palms at Lena’s ass, pulling her forward and holding tight. “This okay?”
“Perfect, darling; keep going.” Lena noses at Kara’s neck, interested to see how far this will go.
Kara starts to dance, leading Lena along to the thumping beat. She feels a new kind of thrill, so unlike the one she gets from being Supergirl. There is a hot, pulsating feeling running through her veins.
The superhero tilts her head down to lay a kiss on Lena’s temple. “This okay,” she asks, internally begging for Lena to want more.
“Keep going.”
Kara starts to lay soft kisses down the side of Lena’s face, hands still kneading her supple behind. When she reaches the brunettes jaw, she noses her way along the skin back up to her ear. She lays one more kiss on the shell of her ear before she whispers, “More?”
“More.” Lena says, nearly panting under Kara’s ministration.
The blonde drops her face to the crook of the shorter woman’s neck, placing a kiss on each pulse point before laying a third on the beauty mark at the center of Lena’s throat.
Lena reaches up, one hand tangling in the hair at the base of Kara’s neck, while the other holds firmly to a bulging bicep. “Keep going, darling,” Lena rasps.
Tentatively, Kara laves her tongue against the mark. At the sound of Lena’s quiet moan, Kara sucks at the mark. When she pulls away, there is a blossoming patch of red over the skin.
Kara touches her forehead lightly to Lena’s, gazing into verdant eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” Kara implores, cerulean eyes glassy and wanting.
“Please,” Lena supplicates, leaning forward ever so slightly.
Without further ado, the blonde presses her mouth firmly to the red painted lips in front of her. It isn’t long before the brunettes tongue runs across her lips seeking entrance into her mouth.
“Did it work?”
“Of course it did, Tesoro.” Andrea answers into the phone.
“Fucking finally. I’ll call Lena in the morning and get all the dirty details. Now that that’s taken care of, when are you gonna come see me?” Sam implores.
“I thought you were coming here next weekend?”
“ I am, but Ruby’s at summer camp for the rest of the week. I thought you could come spend some time here in Metropolis before we fly to National City.”
“Well, what’s in it for me,” Andrea flirts, already looking for red eye flights out east.
“You, me, an empty apartment, and all the time in the world to do whatever we please.”
“Promise me we can do that thing I like and I’ll be there in the morning.” Andrea knows she’s pushing her luck, but there’s nothing sweeter than a little pain with pleasure.
“Oh, baby, we can do whatever you want—” Samantha starts, voice sickly sweet, “—if you get here before dawn,” she finishes, voice low and demanding.
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innamorament0 · 4 months
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My fic for Supergirl Mayhem 2024 btw ( cause I forgot to promote it XD)
6 characters. 6 Alternative Universes. They are scattered across the worlds and universes where they are destined to meet each other, fall in love or just understand that there is more to their friendship than they thought.
It's basically a Soulmates AU and Canon-divergent from season 6 featuring Supercorp, Dansen and Rojarias
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Oppenheimer girlfriend // Barbie girlfriend
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Oppenheimer girlfriend // Barbie girlfriend
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Oppenheimer girlfriend // Barbie girlfriend
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luthordamnvers · 3 months
So I did a thing (sadly it doesn't work on the tumblr app, but...) You can find my fics like a fancy library of sorts, here:
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supergirlmayhem · 4 months
Shadows in the Sun
Andrea stared at the coin in her hand, trying to fight back the overwhelming nausea that kept calling for her to throw up a third time that night. Russell was… kind. Sweet. He didn’t deserve to be put at risk just for dating someone like her.
A murderer.
Andrea brushed back her hair, trying to push the thoughts from her mind. She could still hear it, the sharp pop of the governor’s neck as she twisted it. She could feel his last breath as it exited his body. Tom Harper was dead, and his blood was on her hands.
After years of believing that she had left Leviathan behind… they had called upon her. And now she knew that she would never escape. Perhaps they would not summon her often, but she knew she would never know peace again.
Breaking up with Russell was the easy part. Living with herself… was another thing entirely.
A rojarias fic, with background supercorp.
Check out the New Work posted to the 2024 collection by @fazedlight HERE and the accompanying artwork by @chaotic-super HERE
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scribbling-punk · 20 days
Lena shivers in the cold air of the early morning as she carefully and quietly climbs off her bicycle and rests it against a nearby fence. She nervously glances around, watching and listening for any signs of them whilst moving though the eerily quiet streets of National City.
What was once a thriving hub of activity is now almost decimated, the streets littered with abandoned vehicles and dried pools of blood that cause bile to rise upwards to scald the back of Lena’s throat.
Smoke billows somewhere in the distance, yelling and gunshots no doubt drawing them towards the outskirts. A small blessing from above for Lena, perhaps, that some of those who had survived are still armed with reckless stupidity.
Maybe it will give her a chance to reacquaint herself with her beloved city without interruption.
Lord only knows how she’d deal with coming face to face with one of those things.
This is the first time that she has ventured outside since all of this began and, whilst a small part of her is filled with fear and regret, Lena knows that there was no other option unless she wished for she and her mother to starve to death. Lillian had told her it would be suicide to leave the house, but with a rumbling stomach and vision that blurs all too often, Lena had ignored her.
It’s not like Lillian actually seemed to care when Lena left, anyway, not when she still has booze to keep her company as she mourns the apparent loss of her son.
Scotch long finished, the vast wine cellar, despite being raised by her mother all too often, still has a few weeks worth of alcohol tucked away for Lillian to turn to. Lena won’t do that, she won’t give in and accept the death that everyone else seemed to think was inevitable.
At least, not without a fight.
Lionel, her father, hasn’t been seen since the day all of this began. He had left for work as usual in the morning, never to return whilst his daughter had nightmares of what he could so easily have been turned into since then.
A shiver crawls up her spine, unease tickling at the nape of her neck.
Lena never thought the Luthor family could ever be worse than they already are, but now, she accepts that her very worst nightmare could easily come true.
She was only supposed to be back here for a few weeks during the summer break before her senior year at MIT, but it seems Lena will be stuck here until a miracle happens, or maybe she just won’t survive at all as food supplies dwindle and the awful creatures take over the whole world.
Lena attempts to shake that thought from her head.
She has to focus.
She has to be smart, and brave, and quiet, especially as she heads towards the Walmart on the corner.
The virus had spread quickly enough that Lena knows there must be at least something left on the shelves, some non-perishables that hopefully haven’t been raised by the other survivors who haven’t made it out of the city. Anything, really, would be much better than nothing.
Lena swallows hard, convinced that one of those creatures must be able to hear her pounding heart, that one of them will appear from nowhere and attack her when she is least expecting it. She sucks in a deep breath and blows it outwards, grabbing her father’s gun from the back pocket of her worn jeans—the ones Lillian despises the most—and grips it tightly in her clammy palm.
Head, she reminds herself. That’s what always happens on television, right? Aim for the head.
She moves onwards, rolling her neck and begging her nerves to turn into steel, but Lena freezes when she spots a familiar red truck in the parking lot of the grocery store.
Seeing the truck and picturing the owner’s handsome face causes a lump to rise in her throat. Whilst she and her mother were hiding, Lena always prayed that her college friends had made it out of here safely, but the track tells her that one of them—and the most important one of all—most likely hasn’t.
That’s one of the worst parts of all this.
Not knowing who is, and who isn’t, alive and well in this new way of life.
She and Kara hadn’t quite gotten around to becoming an official couple and Lena is devastated to realize that she was wrong last semester; that they didn’t have all the time in the world to get there, after all. Tears scald the corners of her eyes, but Lena doesn’t allow them to fall—refuses to let herself react and believe that Kara is truly gone.
A world without Sunshine Danvers, and her ridiculous old truck, is one that Lena wants no part of.
Lena forces herself to walk onwards until she finds an empty frame where a large window used to be, carefully avoiding shards of broken glass as she steps inside Walmart. It’s eerily quiet inside the large store, but Lena’s pulse thunders in her ears and the hairs on the nape of her neck stand erect, her gut telling her that she isn’t alone.
Her heart batters her ribs as she edges further into the store and further away from the broken window; from Lena’s nearest escape route.
Lena’s hand tightens around the gun, prepared to shoot at a seconds notice as she heads further inside.
It’s as cold inside as it is outside, her breath fogging outwards in front of her face in small clouds, and she wonders if hypothermia will catch up with them all before the creatures do. Sure, their house is intact, but there’s no heating and only so many books and notepads that can be burned in a warm fire. Perhaps that is still much better than being bitten and turned into one of those things, though.
She doubts Lillian, without so much alcohol in her system these days, will even notice that the cold is ready to take her until it is already too late.
Lena has no idea what she will do then.
“Jesus fucking Christ!
She freezes on the spot, the hushed cursing soon followed by the squeaking of a shoe, and hope soars and blooms within Lena’s chest before the sudden fear could even have a chance to take hold.
Lena knows that voice.
Lena has spent three years living with that voice and telling it to shut the hell up at two in the morning whilst her headboard thumped loudly against their shared wall.
She wants to call out, but it'd be far too risky if there are any of those things nearby, so instead, Lena quietly follows the voice towards the canned food section. The shelves are bare, some of them hanging on their hinges, and Lena rolls her eyes when she only catches a glimpse of her friend disappearing around the end of the aisle. Quickly, but carefully, Lena follows after her, but she halts when she turns the corner to find a gun only inches from her forehead.
“Lena,” is all Andrea breathes out before she pulls her into a bone crushing hug. “You scared the crap out of me, I thought you were one of them!”
Andrea pulls back and holds Lena by the shoulders as they study each other.
Lena briefly wonders if she looks as tired as Andrea does, but honestly, she couldn't care less at this point, not now that she has confirmation that one of her loved ones is alive and relatively well.
“I…. I saw Kara’s truck,” Lena whispers, terrified of how Andrea will respond.
“She’s here, she’s okay,” Andrea nods, offering an exhausted smile as the tightness in Lena’s chest loosens, “but, Lena, we… we thought you were dead.”
“Only on the inside,” Lena weakly jokes. “Lillian and I are the only ones left and…”
She trails off when there’s movement behind them, spinning on her heel to meet the pretty blue eyes that she has been seeing every night in her dreams.
“You’ve been with Lillian this whole time?”
Lena watches as Kara’s throat bobs with a thick swallow, the air between them charged and their intense eye contact only briefly breaking when Sam joins them. Lena doesn’t at all miss the way Sam stands impossibly close to Andrea, her hand resting just a little too low on Andrea’s spine for their relationship to still be platonic, but now isn’t the time to question it.
That time will come once they are all no longer out in the open, once they are safe and have a chance to speak without the fear of interruption from the creatures who wish to tear them apart from limb to limb.
“I… yes,” Lena nods, her hands trembling as Kara reaches out to grasp them. “I didn’t know what to do and it’s been so long, I—”
Warm, slightly chapped lips capturing her own cuts Lena off mid sentence, her body automatically sinking into Kara’s embrace as strong arms wrap around her and hold Lena tight. For a moment, one single, glorious moment, the world isn’t falling apart around their ears, relief and fondness flooding through Lena and warming her from the tips of her toes to the very top of her head.
“Um,” Sam awkwardly clears her throat, “I’m not sure that this is the time for—”
“Keep it in your pants for now, huh?” Andrea interrupts with a scowl, “I’m sure you can get reacquainted once we’re not walker-bait and miles from anywhere safe.”
Lena frowns and glances between them all.
“Where have you been staying?”
“We’ve been moving around,” Kara murmurs, “but mostly in the truck. The roads are either blocked or too dangerous to go anywhere else, we couldn’t even get to your place when we tried to.” She glances over her shoulder when there’s a scuffling sound from the far corner of the store, “we should go. We’ve been here too long and they always seem to find us if we don’t keep moving.”
Pretty blue eyes land back on Lena one more, “and you’re coming with us because I’m not letting you out of my sight ever again.”
Lena, despite everything—their dire situation—blushes when a calloused hand wraps around her own.
“Why don’t you come back to the mansion?” Lena shrugs, “Lillian barely knows what planet she’s on these days and there’s more than enough room for you to avoid her if you want to. It’s safe there, at least for now, I promise you.” She smiles weakly, “less populated.”
Kara glances towards Sam and Andrea with a small smile, both she and Lena watching as Sam kisses Andrea’s forehead.
“See, baby? I told you it could only get better.”
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sssammich · 4 months
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when the world is at your feet | andrea x sam | 27k words (rated E)
Then Sam asks, “Would you like to see me again?”
It’s an odd way to put the onus on her. Certainly more than what those who’ve tried in the past have done. Bold, Andrea thinks, even if it has her tilting her head in thought and arching her brow in challenge. “Do I?”
An amused huff escapes out of Sam’s lips, and Andrea is struck with a sudden urge to kiss (but doesn’t because she’s not a teenager). “I mean, I’d like it if you did. But I understand if this is just a one time thing.”
Sam then takes a receipt from her blazer pocket and a pen before scribbling something down.
“Here’s my number then, just in case you reach a verdict.”
Andrea purses her lips. “Oh, no. Not lawyer humor. I’ll have to seriously reconsider.”
andrea and sam fall into a 'no strings attached' situation. and then, you know, strings happened.
special shoutout to @lanimani96 for this beautiful and vibrant art to accompany the fic. please send her all the love for her hard work.
anyway, this is our official @supergirlmayhem entry. thanks to the mods for hosting the event!
thanks for your time x
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colorful-dragon97 · 4 months
Little Rojarias sketch
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chaotic-super · 4 months
Shadows in the Sun
Come check out my collab with @fazedlight for the Supergirl May-hem event!
My art
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The incredible fic
Fic summary:
Andrea stared at the coin in her hand, trying to fight back the overwhelming nausea that kept calling for her to throw up a third time that night. Russell was… kind. Sweet. He didn’t deserve to be put at risk just for dating someone like her.
A murderer.
Andrea brushed back her hair, trying to push the thoughts from her mind. She could still hear it, the sharp pop of the governor’s neck as she twisted it. She could feel his last breath as it exited his body. Tom Harper was dead, and his blood was on her hands.
After years of believing that she had left Leviathan behind… they had called upon her. And now she knew that she would never escape. Perhaps they would not summon her often, but she knew she would never know peace again.
Breaking up with Russell was the easy part. Living with herself… was another thing entirely.
A rojarias fic, with background supercorp.
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mcgrathagron · 2 months
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Follow me for more fanarts x!
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fazedlight · 4 months
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Andrea stared at the coin in her hand, trying to fight back the overwhelming nausea that kept calling for her to throw up a third time that night. Russell was… kind. Sweet. He didn’t deserve to be put at risk just for dating someone like her. A murderer. Andrea brushed back her hair, trying to push the thoughts from her mind. She could still hear it, the sharp pop of the governor’s neck as she twisted it. She could feel his last breath as it exited his body. Tom Harper was dead, and his blood was on her hands. After years of believing that she had left Leviathan behind… they had called upon her. And now she knew that she would never escape. Perhaps they would not summon her often, but she knew she would never know peace again. Breaking up with Russell was the easy part. Living with herself… was another thing entirely.
Shadows in the Sun is a rojarias (with supercorp background) one-shot!
This fic is a @supergirlmayhem fic! Thank you to @chaotic-super for the great art, and thank you to all the mods for running the event! I highly suggest checking out all the fics and art coming out for it!
And a special thanks to @luthordamnvers for inspiring me to write for this ship in the first place!
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innamorament0 · 4 months
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There wasn't much left of that creature—only emptiness, anguish, and excruciating guilt. She was the sole ruler of the dead wasteland. She persisted, and she finally reigned. She reigned over empty, crumbling cities and irradiated fields and ruled over corpses, rats, and crows.
Nevertheless, the Reign won, and the world had fallen.
When she killed Supergirl, the whole world turned against her. Humans sent armies, and when they were defeated, the Government dropped bombs in hopes of annihilating the Worldkiller, but when the US used their first nuke, other countries read it wrong.
This started a short and devastating war that lasted less than two hours, leaving the Earth a barren land and sending it into a nuclear winter that, in a few years, turned into autumn. It was beautiful—green forests turned red, and thick fog covered the dead land in the early mornings. The soil gave birth to new plants, adapted to living in the nuclear wasteland, feeding off the waste that lay thinly on the ground.
But there was no one to admire the view.
Everyone Samantha knew was dead. Everyone she loved was wiped from this world.
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My favorite ships ranked!
There's a huge chance this list will change once every two days at the very least, but let's do it!
Literally my favorite ship ever. They're just perfect for each other in every possible way. Their love languages complement each other perfectly, they can rely on each other, and they work together like the best team in the world. Lena needs love and Kara knows how to offer it without asking for anything in exchange. She will take whatever Lena is willing to give her and be happy about it. But Kara still needs someone that will look at her and see who she really is, no judgment, and someone who she will be comfortable being herself - Kara Zor El - with.
Speaking of fanfic, I think it’s safe to say these fandom has some very talented authors who gave us very well written works. They can also work in every possible scenario, so that's a huge bonus.
Favorite scene: "Supergirl might have saved the city, but, Kara Danvers, you're my hero."
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Shoot is THAT couple that should have ended up together, but didn’t. I don't hold a grudge on it, though, because Root's death made sense to the show's ongoing plot. I can't say they would be perfect like Supercorp because Shaw has some emotional problems and Root is just also in love with a artificial intelligence or whatever, but they would work. Shaw would try - for Root - and Root would love every part that Shaw allows her to see.
Favorite scene: "You can't live with me and I can't live without you."
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Do I even have to say anything? Our most perfect CANON couple. They were perfect from start to finish. The way Nicole absolutely adored Waverly, almost like a worship even, but wasn’t afraid to stand tall on her ideas and opinions. The way Waverly acted like Nicole hung the moon and stars in the sky just for her, and how we know she would be able to do anything to keep Nicole happy. They're that couple that make everyone's teeth rotten with how sweet they are.
Favorite scene: "You guys make The Notebook look bleak."
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One of my favorite gay ships, so it has a special place in my heart. In the early seasons, it's pretty clear, at least for me, that Alex and Olivia could have something going on. I believe they were both shoving it away because none of them was ready to get seriously involved with anyone and they knew that whatever they decided to have would be too special to be treated lightly. Unfortunately, time was cut short for them when Alex got pulled away for WitSec.
I do think they will forever be each other's "almost", or "what if", but they're long past that now. They changed too much and they did it separately. If they were together, they would have changed around each other and, possibly, be able to work those differences to stay together. But now I don't think they would be able to keep a relationship. It's a bit sad, but it's also a very good portrait of reality.
Favorite scene: "You like being back on court, don't you?"
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I'm new to this ship, but I already love it. They remind me a lot of Shoot, actually. We just know that Yelena needs to find someone who would love her with no restrictions and that she deserves to find love. And Kate needs someone able to ground her, but also someone who allows her to be as silly as she wants, someone that will always have her back, doesn't matter how insane her plans might be. They have chemistry too. Also, I can see them getting together with no drama at all, or maybe something they can easily solve, and then being together for the rest of their lives to the point that they can't even remember a time they didn’t know each other. We didn’t get to see them that much, sadly, but I keep my hopes up for more scenes of them in the future.
Favorite scene: "You have one fork?"
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Okay, two intelligent and beautiful women together? Sign me in! I've been in Harry Potter's fandom for many, many, years now and, after giving it too much thought, I can safely say that Fleur would be the perfect match for Hermione. She would challenge Hermione, they would have endless discussions about any and every subject, they would have enough books together to fill up a library, and they would make each other want to be better every day. I also see Fleur being a bit sarcastic and Hermione keeps rolling her eyes at her at least fifteen times a day.
Fleur is constantly curious about the muggle world, always eager to learn anything Hermione is willing to show her. She would have a great relationship with Hermione's parents, mostly because she thinks they're one of the most genius people on the planet because they know how to fix people's teeth. Meanwhile, Gabrielle would loooove to talk with Hermione, especially when they get together to embarrass Fleur.
Favorite scene: You know, the totally canon one when Fleur asked Hermione to the Yule Ball.
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Heist wives? Yes, please.
We don't even need to pretend. These two were totally banging throughout the whole movie. The headcanon is that they used to date, then Debbie made some stupid decisions, met the wrong people, they broke up for a while and then Debbie got locked up. I believe Lou was so angry with her for both being stupid and for ruining what they had because she wanted to get more money than they actually needed, that she didn’t even visit Debbie in prison.
While there, Debbie had enough time to realize how much of an idiot she had been, so it's up to her to win Lou back. Meanwhile, Lou knows that she's screwed the second she sees Debbies smile again. She just can't help but orbit around her.
Also, they're the Moms, no doubt about that.
Favorite scene: "Baby, I don’t have a diamond yet."
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The only reason they’re all the way down here is because I hate CW, but I actually love them more than half of my family. They’re married, they’re moms, they’re in love, they’re perfect. Someone as caring as Kelly needed someone to make her go crazy like Alex, while Alex deserved someone that would understand her no matter what. Honestly, I just love them.
Favorite scene: THE PROPOSAL
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Is there any chance this could happen? No.
Do I still dream about it? Constantly.
It's just one of those couples where things would just work. My biggest headcanon for them is that they would be constantly laughing and having fun. Always joking and playing around with each other. Natasha would crave physical touch and Carol would be happy just to be around her at all. Carol would finally find a reason to stay on Earth without feeling guilty about it and Natasha would one thousand percent make a retirement party for her.
Also, they would protect each other so fiercely that no one would even dare to warm any of them.
Favorite scene: The one where Natasha ends up on top of Carol in the training room. Totally canon, trust me.
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Might sounds crazy, but hear me out.
Barbie is literally Gloria's dream Barbie, and Gloria is the reason Barbie is alive. Once Barbie becomes human, I can totally see Gloria falling for her without even noticing it, while Barbie takes a while to realize what are those things she's feeling. I do believe Sasha would have a strong part in bringing them together. She would be the one to explain to Barbie what a crush is and what being in love should feel like, and then she would have to give her mom a gentle push to acknowledge her own feelings.
After that, fluff all the way. Gloria would be the most patient person in the world while she sees Barbie navigating human life, just happy to have whatever Barbie is comfortable giving her. Meanwhile, Barbie keeps getting surprised by how strong her feelings can be every time she even looks at Gloria.
Favorite scene: Not a scene per se. Instead, I'm bringing that Tumblr post that says "Ken only has a great day when Barbie looks at him. Gloria always has a great day when she looks at Barbie."
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Quite literally, any lesbian ship from Twilight. My favorite one is Rosella, but Bella x Tanya is a close second. Bellice is also a very strong candidate, not to mention Bella x Kate. And, oh, did I hear someone say Bella x Irina or was it Bella x Leah? Honestly, just give me lesbian Bella and I will be happy.
One of the hottest couples that exist.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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luthordamnvers · 5 months
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She's enjoying this one a little bit too much...
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supergirlmayhem · 4 months
when the world arrives at your feet
Then Sam asks, “Would you like to see me again?” I t’s an odd way to put the onus on her. Certainly more than what those who’ve tried in the past have done. Bold, Andrea thinks, even if it has her tilting her head in thought and arching her brow in challenge. “Do I?” An amused huff escapes out of Sam’s lips, and Andrea is struck with a sudden urge to kiss (but doesn’t because she’s not a teenager). “I mean, I’d like it if you did. But I understand if this is just a one time thing.” Sam then takes a receipt from her blazer pocket and a pen before scribbling something down. “Here’s my number then, just in case you reach a verdict.” Andrea purses her lips. “Oh, no. Not lawyer humor. I’ll have to seriously reconsider.” OR andrea and sam fall into a 'no strings attached' situation. and then, you know, strings happened.
Check out this new work posted to the 2024 collection by @sssammich and the accompanying artwork by @lanimani96 HERE.
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