#Rollow? Willin? Buckberg??
whookami · 5 years
The pairing I want
Okay, read a post about wanting a Stranger Things crossover with Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. It’s a great idea. I love it. I’d watch it. But then I was like, I wish I could get a crossover between Stranger Things and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It would be amazing, and I was thinking about how characters would get along, and I was just suddenly like
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Is something I want BADLY. Like, so badly.
Just imagine:
They’re both brilliant. They come up with friend-saving plans at the same instant, finishing each other’s sentences, or just forgetting to even say half of them out loud since they’re so on the same wavelength.
Robin learning a bunch of dead languages to help Willow in her magic and to help the Scoobies get the dirt they need on the monster of the week
Willow teaching El meditation techniques to help reduce her recharge time, and teaching Will how to draw out his latent ability to feel the Upsidedown and danger in an active manner
The girls setting Steve and Xander up to be friends, because at first they don’t get along, but Willow and Robin can clearly see how they’re kinda the same person?
The Party learning from Willow how to meld technology with magic to give themselves a huge boost in their ability to combat the Mind Flayer and other monsters.
Robin pestering Giles for information on the Watchers, and mostly their libraries and how she can get access to them. (Robin would love Giles, I know I’m right)
Robin would also set Nancy up with Buffy to learn how to be even more badass. (And I could totally see Nancy as a potential, but i do prefer the ‘one in a generation’ format)
Willow has experience with parenting Dawn, and Robin’s been dragged along by Steve and the kids often enough, so they’re both awesome gay godmothers to a whole troop of children now. Together they give the best advice, Robin a little more practical and dry, Willow a bit more peppy and ‘reach for the stars’ style.
Robin and Willow would just love Max, all her spirit and rough edges and fire, they’d just smother her in positive female attention that Steve tries to give, but she could use some actual women role models she can go to. (Joyce is a great mother figure to Max, but she could use some that are younger as well)
They can double date with Steve and Xander, who aren’t dating, but when not with the ladies they hang out enough that some people have started to assume they’re dating and neither guy realizes it. Robin totally encourages the notion. She wants to see how long these two morons can be oblivious. Willow just wants to see Xander happy, and he seems to be, so she only makes subtle teasing comments.
Willow being able to hold Robin and calm her down when she has nightmares or flashbacks, using subtle magic to help her relax and work through it.
Robin is so rapt when Willow talks, because she knows SO MUCH and Robin could not love that more, it is so incredible to her, and whenever Willow realizes she blushes so deep and has to kiss Robin silly because that much attention is distracting.
Willow is equally attentive of Robin, and loves to hear her speak in other languages, and will just watch fondly when Robin is practicing her playing, because she puts so much work and effort into it, and Willow can’t help but go soft for Robin’s intense concentration face
Oversized fluffy sweaters, custom-made herbals teas, and pouring over eldritch tomes until they fall asleep cuddled together on their couch
This is just the iconic gay (magical) power couple I didn’t know I needed. The two casts would work great together, and these two would be INCREDIBLE. Not to erase Tara, she was great too, but I’d like to see Willow with someone with a bit more of an attitude. (Oz was also super laid back, and I don’t even remember the potential she dated in s7)
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