#Romaro Gen 2
simflowerx · 3 years
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A cute little family portrait of the Romaros! Also a little peak at what their photo wall looks like.
The family is doing well, it’s the first week of summer and Avielle has a final science project due. It’s pretty perfect that her mother is almost level 10 in the science career, it’s a free A!
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simflowerx · 3 years
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The Romaro pool party was a success (maybe not for Milo). Everyone had a great time together and the best part was that Milo and Kiana got to catch up with old friends. Sadly for Ambrose, Corinne wasn’t able to make it. She had Landgraab duties. His night wasn’t completely ruined though, his friends from drama club showed up!
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simflowerx · 2 years
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I almost cried years ago when this happened and now I am close to crying again. The end of the second generation. Milo and Kiana have finally passed on. Two sims who basically started it all. 
Yes, Angelo and Kostas started the legacy, but I never planned on this family being a legacy. I fell in love with Milo and Kiana and decided to keep playing their lives and now here we are, five generations in. 
Rest in peace to the goats. 
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simflowerx · 2 years
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It’s a Family Reunion!
More screenshots!
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simflowerx · 2 years
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It’s a Family Reunion!
Here we have more screenshots of the family!
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simflowerx · 2 years
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It’s a Family Reunion! 
All 30(and some) members of the Romaro family gathered in Oasis Springs to catch up and spend time together! 
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simflowerx · 3 years
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It’s time for a new generation! Milo and Kiana are sad to see their babies go, but it’s time for Aries and Ambrose to start making a name for themselves in the city. 
They’re looking forward to a new journey...
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simflowerx · 3 years
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Time really flies fast! Both Aries and Avielle have aged up! (I don’t have photos of Avi’s aging up process sadly :( )
Aries and Ambrose decided that it was be better for them financially to move in together until their careers start taking off. Aries is still a bit unsure about her future, but due to her love of fitness, she’s looking into the military. 
Avielle is now a teen and big socialite. Like her brother, she’s looking towards the fame aspect of life. Since her parents got her a laptop for her birthday, Avi is looking to start a teen lifestyle blog. 
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simflowerx · 3 years
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I can’t believe it’s that time...Ambrose is aging up into a young adult!
Of course he had to have a bowling night party with all his family and friends! Ambrose is planning to move into San Myshuno and start pursuing his acting career. He and Corinne are hoping to become world famous actors one day...
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simflowerx · 3 years
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Merry Winterfest from the Romaros! 
Avi was the the first to wake up excited to open presents, but Milo and Kiana decide to have the family sit around the table and eat a grand breakfast together before. They want their kids to appreciate family time over the want for gifts. 
After eating everyone opens their gifts and sits around the table discussing what they got.
Avielle is very happy with her new doll house, it’s all she’ll talk about for weeks.
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simflowerx · 3 years
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It’s Winterfest Eve and Milo and Kiana decided to drive Mars and the kids to Willow Creek for some snow fun. The family had such a good time ice skating and playing in the snow. Definitely a day to remember.
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simflowerx · 3 years
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Winterfest is inching closer and closer! The Romaros begin to get as festive as they can with Oasis Springs weather. Maybe a trip to Willow Creek is due?
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simflowerx · 3 years
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Just some appreciation for my girls.
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simflowerx · 3 years
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It’s winter formal time for Ambrose! He and Corinne have been together off and on throughout the school year, but throughout everything they still come back to each other. I guess high school relationships just work like that. 
Ambrose has the time of his life with his drama friends along with his new best friend Sarvani. The two of them have gotten closer and closer throughout the year and have grown to be great friends. 
Ambrose will definitely hold onto these memories forever. 
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simflowerx · 3 years
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It’s Harvestfest in the Romaro household! Milo and Kiana invited friends and family over to celebrate the holidays at their house this year. It was great getting to catch up with everyone!
Also, Mars has grown quite a lot. Out of everyone in the house, she definitely closest to Ambrose.
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simflowerx · 3 years
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This halloween the Romaros decided to plan a family costume and go as vampires! This vampire family got tons of compliments on their looks. The night was a sucess! 
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