#Rue King
simflowerx · 2 years
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In a few days, Rue will be at Foxbury Institute and Teo will still be in Sulani working on the beach. The couple has a bittersweet meetup at the waterfall. As much as Rue loves Teo, she feels like the long distance will be too much for them to handle.
“I’ll miss you,” Teo says softly. 
Rue smiles. “I’ll miss you too, Teo,” she hums. “I’m sorry it had to be this way.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t be sorry, Rue, I understand completely,” says in a reassuring tone. “I’m just glad we can end things on a happy note.”
“Me too,” she takes his hands into hers. “I love you, Teo Kahale.”
“And I love you, Rue King.” he confesses, moving a stray strand of hair from her face.
“Let’s do this.” 
Teo nods. “What are we waiting for?”
The two of them step into the waterfall and spend their last night together explore each others bodies. It was the most magical night of Rue’s life. 
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simpingforpjo · 1 year
Percy admires, respects but also sometimes fears all the women in his life. His mom, his girlfriend, his friends/somehow weirdly related cousins (cause it's greek mythology). And as he should. Every single one of them can kick his ass, his 3 month old sister included.
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bittermedicine · 2 months
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dude hes Magical. Not kidding.
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lesbianfakir · 3 months
With rue’s possessiveness and mytho’s exhaustion at being expected to love everyone they would have a closed marriage HOWEVER they have a codified rule that it’s not cheating as long as it’s with Duck
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ruetheabyss · 2 years
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As much as i like the idea of Danny becoming king of the ghostzone, what if Jazz was the one to get the crown? Personally i would probably want her to keep her hair color, like have her start out with white but then go back to orange as she develops her core. Would probably call her the Queen of the Rising Sun
Also she should definitely have some sort of ghost fog power, you know, for fun stuff
i couldn't decide on what version i likes the most so i included the other contestants
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euphoriashots · 3 months
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Rue Bennett’s house
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geyadronedihada · 2 years
Potion Permit is really a great game but it's also an incredible example of people who didn't realize which NPCs would want to be romanced.
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jjunipter · 1 year
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Favorite Duo ↳ SOOGYU
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vandaliatraveler · 11 months
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Part 2: Early Summer Wildflower Palooza, Cranberry Glades. During the first week of July, as the orchids are peaking in the bogs and seeps, the first wave of summer wildflowers, including the milkweeds and beebalms, arrives in earnest, bringing a blaze of color to open meadows and bog and forest margins. In the old growth woods of the adjacent Cranberry Wilderness, an array of strange and beautiful fungi sprout from moss-covered logs and the forest floor.
From top: tall meadow rue (Thalictrum pubescens), also known as king of the meadow, a wetlands-loving perennial whose distinctive, cream-colored flowers are composed of thread-like stamens only; meadow phlox (Phlox maculata), also known as wild sweet William and spotted phlox, easily distinguished from other phlox species by its red-spotted stems; mountain wood sorrel (Oxalis montana); a ramp (Allium tricoccum) flower, which emerges in early summer on a leafless stalk, after the foliage has died back; a shiny hemlock varnish shelf (Ganoderma tsugae) assailed by pleasing fungus beetles (Megalodacne), rarely seen because they hide under leaf litter during the day and feed on Ganoderma fungi at night; a lovely colony of crown-tipped corals (Artomyces pyxidatus); the beguiling fringed loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata), an aggressively-colonizing perennial that makes for a shady ground cover in native wildflower gardens; and that blazingly-beautiful mint, scarlet beebalm (Monarda didyma), whose storied history as a medicinal herb stems from its antiseptic and stimulant properties.
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dice-eater · 2 years
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esteemed party guests.
(image description will be in the reblogs because my god it will be a doozy.)
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simflowerx · 2 years
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It’s spirit week at Foxbury and Rue is showing off her school spirit with face paint and juice pong!
As her and Dacre’s college days are coming to an end, she’s making sure she makes the most of the experience. 
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empirearchives · 9 months
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Crying at Napoleon II and Marie Louise in these flowers
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dailyfgsupers · 1 year
Tung Fu Rue's Chou Shounami
(The King of Fighters XI, 2005)
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rennsdeaddoves · 1 year
Rue Abano
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Rue Abano is a second-year political science major at a university 2 hours away from her hometown. She has debts and tons of stress but makes it work through sheer determination.
Rue is the 3rd of five siblings and the second to go to university her eldest sister can never make up her mind and has switched majors three times already forcing her parents to pay, so Rue decided she's pathing her own way with scholarships and loans. she doesn't care if she's still paying debts when she's 40 she will not have her parents suffer because of her and they still have 2 more kids to send to post-secondary.
Rue has been dying her hair since grade 10 and has no plans to stop (shes actually forgotten what her og hair colour is lmao) she is super chill and doesn't see any reason to go out of her way to get dressed up, leggings and a sweater will suffice (sweatpants too if their washed)
of course, all of this changes when she falls into ancient china at tripitaka's prayer for someone like him to join the pilgrimage. In ancient china she doesn't fit in at all, firstly wukong has to steal new clothes for her (because there is no way she gonna be walking around in her modern clothes and not be called a demon or get weird stares). second, there is no wifi or data, or even electricity so her phone is basically useless as well as any other modern device shes got with her at the time. it is a huge chance that Rue takes in stride because she will get home one way or another and if that involves cussing out a few kings and taming a monkey god then she will do it.
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fluffyquill · 2 years
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Doodles! I didn’t finish the second one because I wanna redo it with Grabalba’s official design. I like to think that Lady Boil ate the teacup once she was done.
BTW is it better to have alt text in the body of the post instead of in the reader thingy? Which is most preferred? Is there a way they should be formatted? Thank you to those who have provided alt text descriptions for some of my past posts!
[A collection of “A Court of Fey and Flowers” pencil sketches.
1) Lord Blemish and Lady Boil share tea after Rue’s true form reveal. “I say, Lady Boil. The Mistrex is WASTED on the Court of Wonder.” Lord Blemish is a fluffy goblin with a bat nose, a goatee, large eyebrows and a curly swish of hair. “An owlbear!” he mutters to himself. “Who’da thunk?” Lady Boil, who is similar but taller and has larger fangs, looks sideways at Hob stumbling offscreen. “Hmm. Damn, he’s got it BAD.”
2) Andhera, Oberon and Grabalba from the scene in episode 4. “How’s your mother?” “LOL Breezy!” The characters’ heads are inked, the rest is in pencil.
3) Rough sketches of Lady Boil, Lord Blemish, and Viscountess Grabalba. Small sketch of Hob and Rue nuzzling foreheads.
4) a silly sketch of Mucky sprinting away with Princess Suntar clinging to his back, screaming “ANDHERA YOU BASTAAAARD!” A tiny stick figure of Andhera waves in the background, shouting, “Byeeeee!”
End description]
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euphoriashots · 3 months
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Rue Bennett’s house
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