#Romy and Julius spoilers
marvel-is-life13 · 1 year
Looks like this isn't a one off. Today we'll be reviewing the Time Princess story Romy and Julius. ***SPOILER ALERT***
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Romy and Julius is a genderswapped version of Romeo and Juliet. At least, three characters are genderswapped, Romy instead of Romeo, Julius instead of Juliet, and Bellona instead of Benvolio.
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Actually Benvolio and Mercitio are combined into Bellona, sort of like the character of Riff in West Side Story (which is one of my favorite musicals but that's besides the point).
Because of the genderswap, Frier Laurence (albeit aged down significantly) is a companion and a romantic interests for Romy.
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To be perfectly honest I'm not super fond of either of the companions in this story, but the mullet isn't doing him any favors.
The other companion is, of course, Juliet, AKA Julius.
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I liked him a little more than Laurence, I found him a bit more charming (even with whatever that ⬆️ line was) I just think the story was too short to get really attached to any of the characters. There was some pretty art in it though.
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I love the story of Romeo and Juliet, and I really wanted to like this story. Honestly I didn't mind the ganderswap, it opened up some interesting concepts for the story. The main thing I didn't like was the supernatural element they added.
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Having the prince actually be a demon in disguise was a bit weird.
Another confusing element was that the events from the original Romeo and Juliet story were supposed to have taken place 200 years before in the same universe as Romy and Julius, and the feud mostly stems from that.
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But this raises a couple questions, namely why do they all have the same names (Tybalt, Paris, ect.) and what time period is this supposed to take place in? The original Shakespeare version's time period is already ambiguous, though most people place it somewhere around the 14-17th century. If we go by that timeline Romy and Julius should take place somewhere around the 16-19th century. The clothes are sorted as Afternoon Tea in the game's organization system, which is supposed to be clothes from the 19th century. But this ⬇️ doesn't quite seem like 19th century.
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Regardless, these are my two favorite outfits from the story. ⬇️
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This one gives me Loki vibes and I am here for it.
This one ⬇️ is from The Red Rose, a companion story to Romy and Julius. Pretty good as far as companion stories go, even though it doesn't quite line up with the main story.
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I'm not a huge fan of the hair, but the rest is pretty.
Overall this is a fairly easy story choice wise, and I like it, though not as much as some others.
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loraculis · 4 years
Ok but Paris was 100% in love with Julius. He is such a repressed gay. I'm sure he doesn't like Romy because he's jealous. Have you see how much he was in pain after Julius death? He was completely brainwashed by whatever the fuck is that thing. I thought that he was a jerk at first but man, episode 18 is really messing with me
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megaera-of-pigeon · 4 years
Can’t decide how mad I am at Julius for getting close to Romy just for his political marriage scheme... If Laurence wasn’t so annoyingly dismissive of Romy’s capabilities and constantly insisting on withholding important information from her for her “safety” and not explaining shit but expecting her to just obey without questioning I’d probably prefer their relationship but as it stands. Romy sweetie you don’t need these boys.
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Laurence. what are you doing with that mullet and why don’t you like julius he is a literal sweetheart
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silverloreley · 2 years
DUTP characters with Artbreeder (Ancient Dreams)
(Other sets: Swan Lake - Magic Lamp - Gotham Memoirs - Romy & Julius - The Perfect Storm - The Sacred Beast)
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Gu Yunting (elegant and mature as she acts, it’s dreadful how childlish some of her outfits are. Not that it takes anything from her as a character, who I love)
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Huo Shao (at first I didn’t know he was a real historical figure. He’s one of the most frustrating ML we got... and the one I really hoped would get an happy ending)
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Xiaojing (most precious baby, she almost made me both laugh and cry more than once during the story. No spoilers, but, ouch, my heart)
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Huo Lan (needless to say, the hair are not the same. Whatever)
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Pei Jingli (I went crazy trying to get the hair right and I didn’t manage, unless I gave up the glasses. Pity)
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